The SCANOSS webhook is a multiplatform webhook that performs source code scans against the SCANOSS API. Supports integration with GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket APIs.
SCANOSS provides a source code scanner that can be used to detect Open Source dependencies in your code.
The purpose of this code is to offer a reference implementation that can be expanded to suit the needs of individuals and organisations.
For building and intallation see the guide How to build and deploy.
In your github account, Go to your user Settings > Developer Settings. Select Personal access Tokens, select Generate new token button.
Select the following scopes:
Click on Generate token and save the token generated.
To configure the SCANOSS Webhook in a repository, go to the repository Settings > Webhooks. The click on Add a Webhook.
Fill in the Add webhook form:
- Add the webhook URL (or the public ip and port of your server) as the Payload URL
- Select Content Type
- Add a secret
- The webhook needs to receive
events. - Make sure that Active is checked.
Next you can see the scanoss-hook.yaml configuration file adjusted for github:
api-base: # Or your local GitHub Enterprise API endpoint
api-user: your-api-user
api-key: your-personal-access-token
secret-token: your-secret-token
url: # scanner api, by default
token: my-scanoss-token # token for the scanning API.
comment_always: 1 # post a comment for each scan, whatever you have a match or not
sbom_filename: SBOM.json # name of the sbom file sended as assets to the scanning API.
Remember: you need to restart the webhook after change the configuration file. If you are running the service you have to do:
service scanoss-hook stop
service scanoss-hook start