ms_fvstrip.ado - Stata utility for factor variables. Takes an expanded varlist with possible FVs and strips out b/n/o notation, and returns results in r(varlist). Optionally also omits omittable FVs. If varlist needs expansion, use the expand option.
Options: expand calls fvexpand on full varlist onebyone + expand calls fvexpand on elements of varlist dropomit omits omitted variables from stripped r(varlist) noisily displays the stripped r(varlist)
fvexpand i.foreign => r(varlist) : "0b.foreign 1.foreign"
ms_fvstrip i.foreign, expand => r(varlist) : "0.foreign 1.foreign"
ms_fvstrip i.foreign, expand dropomit => r(varlist) : "1.foreign"