In this project, I developed an ansible playbook which preparing OpenShit Nodes and master for installation
The inventory file that used for the OpenShift installation is the same inventory here
This playbook have to run from the master node.
Few parameters have to be provided when running this playbook:
- Subscription credentials
- Node's ssh credentials (always using root, all the nodes MUST have the same password for root)
ansible-playbook pre-ocp-install.yaml \
-i inventory.txt \
--extra-vars "ssh_password=change_me" \
--extra-vars "[email protected]" \
--extra-vars "subscription_password=super_secret_password" \
--extra-vars "pool_id=<your_pool_id>"
Since RHEL system requires subscription configuration, before installing ansible and git I wrote additional script who doing all the dirty work.
To use the RHEL preparation script just execute the following command in your master node
curl -o
and start it by executing:
sh -u <subscription_user> -p <subscription_password> -P <pool_id>
This script take care the following tasks:
- Configure subscription on the master node
- Installing Git and ansible on the master node
- Clone this repo to the master node
Most of the output of the script is redirected into RHEL_prepare.log, which exist in the same folder executed from