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Lighthouse Kid

Neutral-Good Gnome 
14th Level Sorcerer

** DEAD **


    Armour Class 
    	Total / Touch / Flat Footed
	      20  /  14   /  20

	Hit Points
		Total: 97		
		xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
		xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
		xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
		xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
		xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx

		XXXXX X    




    Saving Throws
 		Fortitude:	+12
		Reflex:		+10
		Will:		+13

		+2 vs. illusion spells and effects 

		Initiative:		+4
		Speed:			5

		BAB:			+7/+2
		CMD:			17
		CMB:			+5 
		Melee tohit:	+7/+2
		Ranged tohit:	+8/+3

	Touch Attack (Ray)
		to hit:       +7
		damage:       as spell
		critical:     20/x2

	Unarmed attack:
		to hit:       +7/+2
		damage:       1d2-1
		critical:     20/x2
		reach:        5ft.

	Domineering Dagger +1
		to hit:       +6/+1
		damage:       1d4
		critical:     19-20/x2
		reach:        5ft

	Special Attacks
		Elemental Ray (Su)
			You can unleash an elemental ray as a standard action, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This ray deals 1d6+9 points of fire damage. You can use this ability 12 times per day. 

		Elemental Blast (Sp)
			You can unleash a blast of elemental power 2/day. This burst deals 
			18d6 points of fire damage. Those caught in the area receive a 
			Reflex save for half damage (DC 28). Creatures that fail their 
			save gain Vulnerability to Fire for 1 round. This power has a 
			range of 60 feet.
			2 times per day

		Magic Missle (2/day)


	Level:		0		1		2		3		4		5		6		7		8		9
	Known:		9		6		6		5		5		4		3		1		-		-
	Per Day:	∞		9		8		8		8		8		6		4		0		0
	DC:			19		20		21		22		23		24		25		26		27		28
	Concentration:	+21

	Level 0:		∞
	Level 1:		9 		..... ....
	Level 2:		8		xx... ...
	Level 3:		8		xxxxx x..
	Level 4:        8       ..... ...
	Level 5:		8		xxx.. ...
	Level 6:		6		..... .
	Level 7:        4       ....

	Dancing Lights:			.
	Ghost Sound:			.
	Prestidigitation:		.
	Speak with Animals:		.

	Elemental Ray			..... ..... ..
	Elemental Blast			..
	Magic Missle			..


	Stat    Score   Mod		Curr	
	STR      8       (-1)	 8		-1
	DEX      8	     (-1)	 10		+0
	CON      14      (+2)	 8		-1
	INT      14      (+2)	 14		+2
	WIS      10      (+0)	 10		+0
	CHA      22      (+6)	 28		+9

	Skill                       Total    Rnk    Stat     Msc
	Acrobatics                   0        0      0        0
	Acrobatics (Jump)            8        0      0        8
	Appraise                     7        2      2        3
	Bluff                        14       2      9        3
	Climb                        -1       0      -1       0
	Craft (Untrained)            2        0      2        0
	Diplomacy                    10       1      9        0
	Disguise                     9        0      9        0
	Escape Artist                0        0      0        0
	Fly                          9        4      0        5
	Heal                         0        0      0        0
	Intimidate                   13       1      9        3
	Knowledge (Arcana)           17       12     2        3
	Knowledge (Dungeoneering)    5        3      2        0
	Knowledge (Engineering)      3        1      2        0
	Knowledge (Local)            3        1      2        0
	Knowledge (Nature)           3        1      2        0
	Knowledge (Planes)			 6        1      2        3
	Perception                   16       14     0        2
	Perform (Untrained)          9        0      9        0
	Ride                         0        0      0        0
	Sense Motive                 1        1      0        0
	Spellcraft                   29       14     2        13
	Stealth                      4        0      0        4
	Survival                     5        1      0        4
	Swim                         -1       0      -1       0
	Use Magic Device             21       6      9        6
	Combat Casting
		You get a +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a 
		spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.
	Craft Magic Arms and Armor
		You can create magic weapons, armor, or shields. Enhancing a weapon, suit 
		of armor, or shield takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in the price of its 
		magical features. To enhance a weapon, suit of armor, or shield, you must 
		use up raw materials costing half of this total price. See the magic item 
		creation rules in Chapter 15 for more information. The weapon, armor, or 
		shield to be enhanced must be a masterwork item that you provide. Its cost 
		is not included in the above cost. You can also mend a broken magic weapon, 
		suit of armor, or shield if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs 
		half the raw materials and half the time it would take to craft that item 
		in the first place.
	Empower Spell
		All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half 
		including bonuses to those dice rolls. Saving throws and opposed rolls are 
		not affected, nor are spells without random variables. An empowered spell 
		uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.

	Eschew Materials 
		You can cast any spell with a material component costing 1 gp or less without 
		needing that component. The casting of the spell still provokes attacks of 
		opportunity as normal. If the spell requires a material component that costs 
		more than 1 gp, you must have the material component on hand to cast the 
		spell, as normal. 
	Great Fortitude
		You get a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.

	Improved Initiative
		You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.

	Lightning Reflexes
		You get a +2 bonus on all Reflex saving throws.

	Magical Aptitude
		You get a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft checks and Use Magic Device checks. If 
		you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 
		for that skill.
	Minor Spell Expertise
		You may cast Magic Missle twice per day as a spell-like ability. The caster 
		level for this spell-like ability is equal to your caster level in the class 
		from whose spell list the spell is taken. The spell-like ability's save DC is 
		Charisma-based. If the spell has an expensive focus or material component, it 
		may not be chosen for this feat. You cannot apply metamagic feats to this 

	Selective Spell
		When casting a selective spell with an area effect and a duration of 
		instantaneous, you can choose a number of targets in the area equal to the 
		ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells of the same type 
		(Charisma for bards, oracles, paladins, sorcerers, and summoners; Intelligence 
		for witches and wizards; Wisdom for clerics, druids, inquisitors, and rangers). 
		These targets are excluded from the effects of your spell. A selective spell 
		uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level. Spells 
		that do not have an area of effect do not benefit from this feat.
	Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
		You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving Spellcraft. If you have 10 or more 
		ranks in Spellcraft, this bonus increases to +6.
	Dangerously Curious
		You have always been intrigued by magic, possibly because you were the child of 
		a magician or priest. You often snuck into your parent's laboratory or shrine 
		to tinker with spell components and magic devices, and often caused quite a bit 
		of damage and headaches for your parent as a result. You gain a +1 trait bonus 
		on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.

		Your childhood was tough, and your parents had to make every copper piece count. 
		Hunger was your constant companion, and you often had to live off the land or 
		sleep in the wild. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks, and Survival 
		is always a class skill for you.

Special Qualities
	Bloodline Arcana
		Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of 
		damage to fire. This also changes the spell's type to Fire.

		You learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like 
		any other spells, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again.

	Defensive Training (Ex)
		Gnomes get a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant type.

	Elemental Bloodline (Fire)
		The power of the elements resides in you, and at times you can hardly control its 
		fury.	This influence comes from an elemental outsider in your family history or 
		a time when you or your relatives were exposed to a powerful elemental force.

	Gnome Magic (Sp)
		Gnomes add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they 
		cast. Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain spell-like abilities.

	Hatred (Ex)
		Gnomes receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the 
		reptilian and goblinoid subtypes due to special training against these hated 

	Illusion Resistance (Ex)
		Gnomes get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects.

	Keen Senses (Ex)
		Gnomes receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.

	Low-Light Vision (Ex)
		You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters with low-light 
		vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light that they can see twice as far 
		as normal in   light. Low-Light Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with 
		low-light vision can read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is 
		next to her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see 
		outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day.

	Obsessive (Ex)
		Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on a Craft or Profession skill of their choice.

	Resistance to Fire (Ex)
		You may ignore 20 points of Fire damage each time you take fire damage.

	Weapon Familiarity (Ex)
		Gnomes treat any weapon with the word "gnome" in its name as a martial weapon.


	Item									Location	Quantity 	Weight
	fine looking scarf						 WEARING	 1			 0	
	ruby inlaid red dragon scale cloak clasp WEARING	 1			 0

	Headband of Alluring Charisma +6		 EQUIPPED	 1
 	Pearl of Power                           EQUIPPED    1
	Pale lavender ellipsoid Ioun Stone		 EQUIPPED	 1
	Fogcutting Lenses						 CARRIED	 1

	Robes of Arcane Heritage				 EQUIPPED    1
	Cloak of Resistance +4					 EQUIPPED	 1
	Snakeskin Tunic							 EQUIPPED    1
	Scabbard of Stanching					 EQUIPPED    1

	Amulet of Natural Armor +1				 EQUIPPED	 1
 	Necklace of Fireballs (Type I)			 STORED		 1

	Domineering Dagger +1					 IN BELT	 1

	Bracers of Armour +5                     WEARING     1

	Sihedron Ring							 EQUIPPED	 1
	Ring of Spell Storing					 EQUIPPED	 1

	Wand of Magic Missile L3 (43)			 STORED		 1
	Wand of Scorching Ray L3 (22)			 STORED		 1
	Wand of Enervation L7 (8)				 STORED		 1
	Wand of Acid Arrow L3 (13)				 STORED		 1
	Wand of Produce Flame (32)				 STORED		 1

	flasks of holy water					 STORED		 5
	Potion of Cure Light Wounds				 STORED		 5
	potion of barkskin +3 					 STORED		 1
	potion of heroism 						 STORED		 1

	scroll of Lesser Restoration			 STORED		 3
	scroll of Contact Other Plane			 STORED		 1

	Periapt of Health                        CARRIED     1         0

	Monkey Head door ringer					 HOME
	book on Varisan history					 HOME
	silver goblet with inlaid opals			 HOME
	Konnel's urn of ashes					 HOME
	Silver Idol								 HOME
	Carved Mammoth							 HOME

	Spell Storing Ring (max 5 lvls)
		- empty

	PP: 203
	GP: 5


Vision:     Low-Light
Speed:      Walk 5 ft. (due to injury)
Languages:  Common, Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan
Levels:		Sorcerer (11)
XP:			220000 / 220000

Height:			3' 5"		Weight:	37 lbs.				Gender: Male	
Eyes:			Blue		Hair:	Blue,Shaggy			Skin: Orange
Dominant Hand:	Right		
Speech style:
Full Description

	Lighthouse is a gnomish sorcerer, about 29 years old. He doesn't remember much before his 21st year, though. His first real memory is of a half-Orc woman hauling him away from the ruins of the old lighthouse, and pain in his shattered hips.

	He spent the majority of the next year healing, hiding in the same ruins and surviving on the berries and hunted meat that the half-Orc brought him from the surrounding forest. he eventually gained some mobility back, and was able to hobble slowly around town leaning heavily on a walking stick. His magical abilities manifested early, starting with the ability to set small fires to keep him and the half-Orc warm in the winter.

	The half-Orc became his constant companion. Carting him on her back, she was not only his best means of transportation, but his protector. When with him, the half-Orc was generally pacifist, unless the gnome was threatened. Then the spiked gauntlet that she wore would rarely miss.

	Together, they became known as "that Lighthouse Kid and his Thug". Since he couldn't remember his name, and she couldn't communicate beyond a handful of grunts and half-words, the names stuck.

	Lately, Lighthouse has been bitten by a bug to adventure. He's talked with other sorcerers passing through, when they would give him the time of day, and has given himself a runic tattoo. With the little bit of coin that they've managed to scrape together, they've purchased some basic adventuring gear, and they're ready to make a name for themselves.  He joined a group, the Company of Unfortunate Allies, as they were drafted into service to discover the source of power of the Runelords.

	Lighthouse currently has been buying up property in towns around the countryside.  He currently owns a small house in Sandpoint, just by the old lighthouse, and a townhouse, appropriated from Judge Ironside, in Magnamar.  

	Currently, a lawyer in Magnamar has a 1,000 gp retainer to pay a footman to maintain the houses, and pay for any repairs.

	Lighthouse was killed while exploring the Runeforge, his soul judged by Pharasma to be worthy of Nirvana. His soul was restless, however, and still ready for adventure. While there, he fought with Saranrae's generals to repel an attack by Eiseth and her army. This did not slake his wanderlust, though, and when he felt the pull of a resurrection from his compatriates from the Company, he returned to his body eagerly.  


Want a Headband of Mental Prowess / Superiority