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Chaotic-Good Male Skulk
Level 15 Cleric


    Initiative:     +3
    Speed:          30
    BAB:            +11/+6/+1
    CMB:            +12/+7/+2
    CMD:            30
    Melee To hit:   +12/+7/+2
    Ranged To hit:  +14/+9/+4
    Armour Class
        Total | Touch | Flat Footed
          25  |  18   |  22
         BASE | Armr | Shld | Stat | Size | Nat | Defl | Dodge | Mor | Ins | Sac | Prof | Misc
          10  |  3   |  4   |  3   |  0   |  3  |  0   |  0    |  0  |  0  |  2  |  0   |  2
    Hit Points
        Total: 108 (138)
        xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
        xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx x....
        ..... ..... ..... .....
        ..... ..... ..... .....
        ..... ...
        ..... ..... ..... .....
        ..... .... 
        Temp:  0
        - channeled shield wall (AC +2)
    Saving Throws
        Fortitude:  +15
        Reflex:     +12
        Will:       +19
    Unarmed attack
        to hit:     +12/+7/+2
        damage:     1d3+1
        critical:   20/x2
        reach:      5
    Sacred Adamantine Starknife +2 (Melee)
        to hit:     +19/+14/+9
        damage:     1d4+3
        critical:   20/x3
        reach:      5
        properties: Ignore hardness less than 20
    Sacred Adamantine Starknife +2 (Ranged)
        to hit:     +21/+16/+11
        damage:     1d4+2
        critical:   20/x3
        reach:      20
        properties: Ignore hardness less than 20
    Special Attacks
        Channel Positive Energy (Su)
            xxxx. ....
        Chains of Justice (Su) 
        Judicious Force (Su) 
            xxxxx xx..
        Sneak Attack (Ex)


    Bit of Luck         xx... ....
    Good Fortune        ..
    Divine Protection   .
	Domain:		Luck
    Level:      0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9
    Known:      -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
    Per Day:    4     6+1   6+1   5+1   5+1   5+1   4+1   2+1   1+1   0 
    DC:         16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25
    Level 0
        . 1: resistance
        . 2: resistance
        . 3: resistance
        . 4: resistance
    Level 1
        . D: true strike
        . 1: barbed chains
        . 2: bless
        . 3: burning disarm
        x 4: ironbeard
        . 5: know the enemy
        . 6: obscuring mist
    Level 2
        . D: aid
        . 1: bear's endurance
        . 2: boiling blood
        . 3: boiling blood
        . 4: bull's strength
        . 5: lesser restoration
        . 6: weapon of awe
    Level 3
        . D: protection from energy 
        x 1: chain of perdition 
        . 2: chain of perdition 
        . 3: dispel magic
        . 4: prayer
        . 5:
    Level 4
        . D: freedom of movement
        . 1: blessing of fervor
        . 2: divine power
        . 3: spiritual ally
        . 4: ward shield
        . 5: Cure Critical Wounds(-)
    Level 5
        . D: break enchantment
        x 1: bone shatter
        . 2: breath of life
        x 3: life bubble
        . 4: life bubble
        . 5: 
    Level 6
        . D: mislead
        x 1: harm
        . 2: plague storm
        x 3: mass bear's endurance
        . 4: 
    Level 7
        . D: spell turning
        . 1: particulate form
        x 2: mass cure moderate wounds (-artificer's curse)
    Level 8
        . D: moment of prescience
        . 1: holy aura


    Stat    Current     Base
            Score  Mod  Score  Mod
    Str      13     +1   13     +1
    Dex      16     +3   14     +2   
    Con      14     +2   14     +2   
    Int      10      0   10      0   
    Wis      23     +6   19     +4   
    Cha      18     +4   14     +2   
    Skill                   Modifier
    Acrobatics              +8
    Bluff                   +5
    Climb                   +1
    Diplomacy               +8
    Disguise                +4
    Escape Artist           +3
    Fly                     +3
    Heal                    +14
    Intimidate              +4
    Knowledge (Arcana)      +6
    Knowledge (Planes)      +10
    Knowledge (Religion)    +15
    Perception              +17
    Perform (Untrained)     +4
    Ride                    +3
    Sense Motive            +10
    Spellcraft              +7
    Stealth                 +11
    Survival                +6
    Swim                    +1
    Channeled Shield Wall 
            You draw upon your channel energy to enhance the protective 
            ability of your shield and those of allies while they are 
            adjacent to you. 
            As a swift action, you can spend a use of your channel energy 
            to grant yourself a +2 deflection bonus while using a shield. 
            This bonus lasts 1 minute per cleric level or effective cleric 
            level. While you benefit from this bonus, allies with shields 
            also gain a +2 deflection bonus while they are adjacent to you.
    Channeling Force 
            You distill your channeled energy into a sheen of force that 
            surrounds your weapon for a limited time.
            A swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to 
            grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to the 
            number of dice of your channel energy. This extra damage is 
            force damage. This lasts for your next three weapon attacks or 
            until the end of combat, whichever comes first.
    Channel Smite 
            You can channel your divine energy through your weapon. 
            Before you make a melee attack roll, you can choose to spend 
            one use of your channel energy ability as a swift action. If 
            you channel positive energy and you hit an undead creature, 
            that creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the 
            damage dealt by your channel positive energy ability. If you 
            channel negative energy and you hit a living creature, that 
            creature takes an amount of additional damage equal to the 
            damage dealt by your channel negative energy ability. Your 
            target can make a Will save, as normal, to halve this 
            additional damage. If your attack misses, the channel energy 
            ability is still expended with no effect. 
    Deflect Arrows (Granted)
            You can know arrows and other projectiles off course, 
            preventing them from hitting you. Provided by Quick Block
            You must have at least one hand free (holding nothing) to use 
            this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit with 
            an attack from a ranged weapon, you may deflect it so that you 
            take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not 
            flat-footed. Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn't 
            count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons (such as 
            boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged attacks generated by 
            natural attacks or spell effects can't be deflected. 
    Divine Protection 
            Your deity protects you against deadly attacks. 
            Once per day as an immediate action before rolling a saving 
            throw, you can add your Charisma modifier on that saving throw. 
            As usual, this does not stack if you already apply your 
            Charisma modifier to that saving throw. If you possess the 
            charmed life class feature, you can instead apply Divine 
            Protection's bonus after rolling the saving throw but before 
            the result is revealed. 
    Extra Channel 
            You can channel divine energy more often. 
            You can channel energy two additional times per day. 
    Guided Hand 
            Your deity blesses any strike you make with that deity's favored 
            With your deity's favored weapon, you can use your Wisdom 
            modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on 
            attack rolls. 
    Improved Channel 
            Your channeled energy is harder to resist. 
            Add 2 to the DC of saving throws made to resist the effects of 
            your channel energy ability. 
    Quick Channel 
            Your divine energies flash with dazzling speed. 
            You may channel energy as a move action by spending 2 daily 
            uses of that ability. 
    Selective Channeling 
            You can choose whom to affect when you channel energy. 
            When you channel energy, you can choose 4 targets in the area. 
            These targets are not affected by your channeled energy. 
Special Attacks
    Chains of Justice (Su) 
        Once per day, you can bind an opponent within 60 feet to you 
        with spectral chains (Will DC 23 negates). When you take 
        damage from an enemy, the bound target takes this damage as 
        well. Whenever the bound target takes damage from you or one 
        of your allies, you take this damage as well. You and the 
        target are not physically bound to each other, and either can 
        end the connection by breaking the line of effect or 
        exceeding the ability's range. You may dismiss the chains as 
        a standard action.
    Channel Positive Energy (Su)
        You can unleash a wave of positive energy. You must choose to 
        deal 8d6 points of positive energy damage to undead creatures 
        or to heal living creatures of 8d6 points of damage. Creatures 
        that take damage from channeled energy receive a DC 23 Will 
        save to halve the damage. You can use this ability 9 times per 
    Judicious Force (Su) 
        If you or an ally within 10 feet makes a critical threat with a 
        melee or ranged attack, as an immediate action you may add +4 
        to the confirmation roll. This does not stack with the Critical 
        Focus feat. You may use this ability 9 times per day.
    Sneak Attack (Ex)
        If you can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend 
        himself effectively from your attack, you can strike a vital 
        spot for extra damage. Your attack deals 1d6 points of extra 
        damage anytime your target would be denied a Dexterity bonus 
        to AC, or when you flank your target. Should you score a 
        critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not 
        multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if 
        the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals 
        nonlethal damage, you can make a sneak attack that deals 
        nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. You cannot use a 
        weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in 
        a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. You must be 
        able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and 
        must be able to reach such a spot. You cannot sneak attack 
        while striking a creature with concealment.
Special Qualities
    Aura (Ex)  
        A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a 
        particularly powerful aura corresponding to the deity's alignment 
        (see the detect evil spell for details). 
    Aura of Chaos (Ex)  
        You project an overwhelming chaotic aura. 
    Aura of Good (Ex)  
        You project an overwhelming good aura. 
    Bit of Luck (Sp)  
        You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a 
        bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, 
        he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use 
        this ability 9 times per day. 
    Camouflaged Step (Ex)  
        Skulks can pass through forest and subterranean settings almost 
        without a trace. Add +10 to the DC to track a skulk in these 
    Chameleon Skin (Ex)  
        A skulk's racial bonus to Stealth comes from his ability to change 
        the color of his skin to match his surroundings, even complex or 
        regular patterns like bricks and mortar. A skulk loses this 
        conditional bonus if he is wearing armor, or if he wears any 
        clothing that covers more than one-quarter of his body, as skulks 
        can only change their own flesh, not things they carry. A skulk 
        normally conceals small items behind his body; by putting his back 
        to a wall and changing his front half, he can hide the item 
        because observers don't have line of sight to the item. 
    Compression (Ex)
        The creature can move through an area as small as one-quarter its 
        space without squeezing or one-eighth its space when squeezing.
    Good Fortune (Ex)  
        As an immediate action, you can reroll any one d20 roll that you 
        have just made before the results of the roll are revealed. You 
        must take the result of the reroll, even if it's worse than the 
        original roll. You can use this ability 2 times per day. 
    Low-Light Vision (Ex)  
        You can see x2 as far as humans in low illumination. Characters 
        with low-light vision have eyes that are so sensitive to light 
        that they can see twice as far as normal in dim light. Low-Light 
        Vision is color vision. A spellcaster with low-light vision can 
        read a scroll as long as even the tiniest candle flame is next to 
        her as a source of light. Characters with low-light vision can see 
        outdoors on a moonlit night as well as they can during the day. 
        You can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells. These 
        spells are cast like any other spells, but they are not expended 
        when used and may be used again. 
    Spontaneous Casting  
        You can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that you 
        did not prepare ahead of time. You can "lose" any prepared spell 
        that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure 
        spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell 
        with "Cure" in its name). 


    Item                                    Location    Quantity     Weight
    Sacred Adamantium Starknife +2           Primary     1              3
    Headband of Mental Prowess (W/C) +4      Headband    1              1
    Amulet of Natural Armor +3               BoH         1              0
    Sihedron Medallion                       Neck        1              0
    Bracers of Armour +3                     Wrist       1
    Ring of Protection +3                    Ring        1              0
    Belt of the Weasel                       Belt        1              1
    Cloak of Resistance +4                   Shoulders   1
    Boots of Elvenkind                       Feet        1              1
    Quick Block Buckler                      Shield      1             15
    Bag of Holding (I)                       Equipped    1             15
    Sacred Adamantium Starknife +2
        Believed to be a gift from the Goddess Desna to her odd subject 
        Malk, this adamantium starknife grants a +2 bonus to hit and damage
        rolls, as well as a +2 sacred bonus to AC. Being adamantium, this
        weapon also ignores up to 20 points of hardness.
    Headband of Mental Prowess (Wis/Cha) +4
        This simple copper headband has a small yellow gem set so that 
        when it rests upon the forehead of the wearer, the yellow gem 
        sits perched on the wearer's brow as if it were a third eye in 
        the middle of his forehead. Often, the headband contains 
        additional designs to further accentuate the appearance of a 
        third, crystal eye.
        The headband grants the wearer an enhancement bonus to two mental 
        ability scores (Wisdom and Charisma) of +4. Treat this as 
        a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the headband is 
        worn. These bonuses are chosen when the headband is created and 
        cannot be changed. If the headband grants a bonus to Intelligence, 
        it also grants skill ranks as a headband of vast intelligence.
    Amulet of Natural Armor +3
        This amulet, usually containing some type of magically preserved
        monster hide or other natural armor - such as bone, horn, carapace,
        or beast scales - toughens the wearer's body and flesh, giving him 
        an enhancement bonus to his natural armor of +3.
    Bracers of Armor
        These items appear to be wrist or arm guards, sometimes etched 
        with symbols of protection or depictions of vigilant-looking 
        Bracers of armor surround the wearer with an invisible but 
        tangible field of force, granting him an armor bonus of +3, just 
        as though he were wearing armor. Both bracers must be worn for 
        the magic to be effective.
    Ring of Protection +3
        This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a 
        deflection bonus of +3 to AC.
    Belt of the Weasel
        This surprisingly soft belt has an absurdly large buckle, made 
        even more absurd by the fact that it's crafted in the shape of a 
        smiling weasel's face.
        It grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, and the 
        ability to move at half normal speed while prone. Treat the 
        enhancement bonus to Dexterity as a temporary ability bonus for 
        the first 24 hours the belt is worn. The wearer does not take a 
        penalty on melee attack rolls or to AC against melee attacks while 
        prone. Additionally, the wearer gains the compression ability.
    Cloak of Resistance +4
        Flecks of silver or steel are often sown amid the fabric of these 
        magical cloaks. This garment offers magic protection in the form 
        of a +4 resistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, 
        and Will).
    Boots of Elvenkind
        These soft boots are partially made out of living leaves and other 
        natural materials.
        They enable the wearer to move nimbly about in virtually any 
        surroundings, granting a +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks.
    Quick Block Buckler
        Once per round as an immediate action, this +3 arrow deflection 
        Buckler can be used to block an incoming melee attack. When used 
        in this way, the Buckler's enhancement bonus increases by +2 
        against that attack. The Buckler's user must decide to use this 
        ability before the attack roll is made. When the shield's user 
        blocks a melee attack in this way, it cannot use its arrow 
        deflection special ability for 1 round.
    Bag of Holding 
        This appears to be a common cloth sack about 2 feet by 4 feet in 
        size. The bag of holding opens into a nondimensional space: its 
        inside is larger than its outside dimensions.
        Regardless of what is put into the bag, it weighs a fixed amount. 
        This particular bag weighs 15 lbs., can hold 250 lbs. or 30 cubic 
        ft. of material.
Misc (not abilities)
    Aid Another
        In melee combat, you can help a friend attack or defend by distracting or interfering with an opponent. If you’re in position to make a melee attack on an opponent that is engaging a friend in melee combat, you can attempt to aid your friend as a standard action. You make an attack roll against AC 10. If you succeed, your friend gains either a +2 bonus on his next attack roll against that opponent or a +2 bonus to AC against that opponent’s next attack (your choice), as long as that attack comes before the beginning of your next turn. Multiple characters can aid the same friend, and similar bonuses stack.
        You can also use this standard action to help a friend in other ways, such as when he is affected by a spell, or to assist another character’s skill check.


Name:           Malk
Race:           Skulk
Classes:        Cleric 15
Alignment:      Chaotic-Good
Vision:         Low-light
Speed:          30 ft.
Languages:      Common, Undercommon
Gender:         Male        Skin Tone:      Gray
Height:         5'10"       Weight:         137            
Eyes            Black       Hair:           Hairless
Dominant Hand:  Left
Quirks:         Easily excitable. Loves to tell the stories of how he found all his gear.
Speech Style:   Speaks quickly and excitedly. 