(while (re-search-forward "/home/ii/org/" nil t) (replace-match "./"))
- of the land
- Tangata Whenua
- of the plan
- City Council
- of the cloud
- iiiii
- upgraded digital
- systems, security, performance
- local talent
- less money leaving Tauranga
- international ecosystem
- free software blueprints
- 30 years ago
- distributed Free Software
- Provided value
- as a student
- Open Blueprints
- encouraged to share and change
- Paid to Learn
- while contributing value
- Cloud Native Compute Foundation
- Catalyst provides Certified Kubernetes
- LF Public Health
- NZ COVID App uses GAEN
- Free Software Foundation
- Public Money? Public Code!
- No artificial limits
- Meet our own needs
- Invest in local talent
- Less out-of-town contractors
- Tauranga Teens
- speaking overseas on cloud infrastructure
- Cloud Native
- from an early age
- Beyond Us Impact
- servant leaders of tomorrow
- Curriculm and Training
- to get our youth solving local problems
- Certifications
- to showcase their knowledge
- Conference Passes
- KubeCon and many others
- Paid Internship Programs
- (Google Summer of code and others)
What Software does Council currently use?
Can Open Source be an explicit part of the conversation?
Can I be invited to those conversations?
Other councils likely have similar needs!- Tauranga Teens
- speaking overseas on cloud infrastructure
- Cloud Native
- from an early age
- Beyond Us Impact
- servant leaders of tomorrow
- aroha nui
- big love
- tena koe
- i see you
- te rourou
- let’s take our baskets
- maunga teitei
- let’s climb the highest mountian
- mea nui
- for the most important thing
- Maori Proverbs
- connection and community
- Now for the Future
- call to action
- Open Source
- public blueprints for innovation
scp README_client.html [email protected]:/home/ii/public_html/index.html
scp README.html [email protected]:/home/ii/public_html/presenter.html
# scp nz.css [email protected]:/home/ii/public_html/nz.css
rsync -a images/ [email protected]:/home/ii/public_html/images/
# rsync -a videos/ [email protected]:/home/ii/public_html/videos/
Just after showNotes and before multiplex:
// Parallax background image parallaxBackgroundImage: ”, // e.g. “https://s3.amazonaws.com/hakim-static/reveal-js/reveal-parallax-1.jpg”
// Parallax background size parallaxBackgroundSize: ”, // CSS syntax, e.g. “2100px 900px” - currently only pixels are supported (don’t use % or auto)
// Number of pixels to move the parallax background per slide // - Calculated automatically unless specified // - Set to 0 to disable movement along an axis parallaxBackgroundHorizontal: 200, parallaxBackgroundVertical: 50
Just after multiplex and before dependencies
Just after optional dependencies, https://revealjs.com/config/, at the end
autoSlide: // Controls automatic progression to the next slide // - 0: Auto-sliding only happens if the data-autoslide HTML attribute // is present on the current slide or fragment // - 1+: All slides will progress automatically at the given interval // - false: No auto-sliding, even if data-autoslide is present
A bit of a hack to get data-autoslide into the title slide
Can be overridden per slide as a property
Sets up a _presenter.html to drive _client.html
PREAMBLE is top of body
POSTAMBLE is after last <div>, before scripts and Reveal.initialize()
EXTRA_SCRIPTS is another way to sideload javascript (can also be files)
mv README_client.html $HOME/public_html/index.html
mv README.html $HOME/public_html/presenter.html
curl -s https://multiplex.ii.nz/token | jq .
Having trouble configuring org-ai output folder
mkdir -p ~/org && ln -s $(pwd)/org-ai-images ~/org
(intertactive "p")
(while (re-search-forward "/home/ii/org/" nil t)
(replace-match "./"))
(defun fixorgai ()
"Fix org-ai export issue"
(interactive "p")
(while (re-search-forward "/home/ii/org/" nil t)
(replace-match "./"))
(setq org-ai-image-directory "/home/ii/sharing.io/org-ai-images")