This repository contains the software required to instantiate the Trust Monitor application. This application can be used together with a Reference Database and one or more attestation run-times to provide load-time/run-time attestation of compute platforms and SDN network equipment via TPM.
├── connectors
│ ├── dare_connector
│ ├── dashboard_connector
│ ├── database
│ ├── store_connector
│ ├── vimemu_connector
│ └── vnsfo_connector
├── digestsHelper
│ ├── digests.json
│ └──
├── docker-compose.yml
├── logs
├── OAThelper
│ ├──
│ └──
├── reverseProxy
│ ├── conf
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── html
│ └── ssl
├── scheduler
│ ├── docker
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ └── requirements.txt
└── trustMonitor
├── docker
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
├── trust_monitor
├── trust_monitor_django
└── trust_monitor_driver
The directory trustMonitor
includes the application specific
files of the Django app, comprising:
: the base app softwaretrust_monitor_django
: the django execution files of the apptrust_monitor_driver
: the files required to integrate attestation drivers
The director connectors
includes the sources of all the connectors to other
SHIELD components (DARE, Dashboard, VIM, vNSFO, white-list database).
The directory reverseProxy
includes the sources of a Docker image
that instantiates a reverse proxy for the TM app.
The directory OAThelper
includes additional data for the integration of
OAT attestation drivers.
The directory scheduler
includes an optional Docker module to run periodic
The directory digestsHelper
includes an helper script for including additional
digests in the whitelist database.
N.B: The Trust Monitor application requires several other components to work properly, as its attestation workflow is integrated within the SHIELD platform. Moreover, the TM app requires a running instance of Apache Cassandra database hosting the whitelist measurements for code in a specific schema.
The TM can be deployed in a Docker environment as a multi-container application.
- Install Docker engine (see Install using the repository on Docker pages)
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
- Install Docker compose (see Install Compose on Docker pages)
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
In the reverseProxy
application, note that you need to provide a key and
certificate chain under ssl
before executing the Docker Compose script
(e.g. via make-ssl-cert
tool on Ubuntu). The name of the chain and private key
depends on the virtual host configured under
which default to:
In the TrustMonitor
application, edit the trust_monitor_django/
file to your needs. At minimum, you need to configure:
where Apache Cassandra IP address refers to the instance running the white-list
database and the default port is 9160
The environment can be deployed via Docker Compose by issuing the command
# docker-compose up --build
from the root directory of the project. Check the logs at startup to ensure that all containers are started properly. At the end of the process, run the following command from a different shall (still from the root directory):
# docker-compose ps
The output should be similar to the following:
Name Command State Ports
trust-monitor_reverse_proxy_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_dare_connector_1 python Up 5000/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_dashboard_connector_1 python Up 5000/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_database_redis_1 redis ... Up 6379/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_django_app_1 docker/ Up 8000/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_scheduler_1 python ./docker/ Up
trust-monitor_tm_static_serve_1 docker/ Up 8000/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_store_connector_1 python Up 5000/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_vimemu_connector_1 python Up 5000/tcp
trust-monitor_tm_vnsfo_connector_1 python Up 5000/tcp
If you want to create your own attestation driver, you need to create a file
called for example
to insert in the path
file must have a class containing at least three methods inside it:
used to register the node at the attestation framework to which the driver refers;getStatus
used to verify whether the attestation framework is active or not;pollHost
used to start the RA process with the attestation framework.
It is recommended to specify the identifier of the driver in the
It may also be necessary to create within the path
a file called for example
used to parse the measurements coming from the attestation framework, in case
you want to leverage the white-list-based verification for compute nodes.
The various measures must have mandatory information to be treated as objects of the IMARecord class in order to be included in the list of digest that are analyzed during the integrity verification procedure. For example:
pcr = "10" # the pcr register that contain this measure
template_digest = "null" # the information of template
template_name = "ima-ng" # the kind of template used by IMA
template_desc = "ima-ng" # the kind of template used by IMA
event_digest = "data" # the value of measure
event_name = measure['Path'] # the path of measure
id_docker = "host" # the owner of the measure, for example host or container
template_data = ("sha1:" + event_digest + " " + event_name +
" " + id_docker)
# the object that includes parts of the previous information
file_line = (pcr + " " + template_digest + " " +
template_name + " " + template_data)
# the complessive line that is passed to IMARecord class
When the IMARecord class is called the list of Digest that is considered during
the attestation process is expanded.
In the
file you have to properly configure the attestation
callback to query the driver.
In the
file you have to properly configure the registration option
for your new driver.
Each developed docker container contains a file that takes care of capturing all
log message from the application, this file is accessible from the container within the path /logs/
Example below:
- './logs/store_connector:/logs'
In order to interact with OAT, both the Trust Monitor application and the OAT Verifier need to be configured properly.
The OAThelper
folder contains others files used for different operations.
file, contained within this folder is used by the
attestation driver to contact the TM in order to begin the attestation process.
You need to give
the execution permissions.
file is used to set the base URL of the TM (for callback).
These files must be added to the host where OAT is running in a proper directory,
hereby named OAT_TM_DIR
It is essential to add the certificate that identifies the OAT Verifier within
the directory trustMonitor/docker/ssl/certs
. To do so, you can either download
the certificate from the web application via browser or run the following command:
# openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $OAT_VERIFIER_IP:8443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > trustMonitor/docker/ssl/certs/ra-oat-verifier.pem
which will save the X.509 certificate in PEM format in the ra-oat-verifier.pem
Then, you have to update the docker-compose.yml
file by adding the following
image: ra/trust_monitor/tm_django_app
build: ./trustMonitor
- tm_static_serve
Moreover, you need to update the OAT_LOCATION
variable in the
file by adding the IP address
of the OAT Verifier and the remote path of the OAT Verifier callback as follows:
You need to configure the following variables in the
file by adding the IP address of the CIT Attestation Server and the credentials
to access its REST API.
# IP address of the CIT attestation server
# Username for authenticating to the REST API of the CIT attestation server
CIT_API_LOGIN = 'admin'
# Password for the user allowed to contact the REST API of the CIT attestation server
In order to register an Open CIT host, you need to retrieve the uuid_host
parameter from the Open CIT Attestation Server. In order to do so, access the
Attestation Server database by issuing:
# psql mw_as
Then, run the following command to retrieve the uuid_host
mw_as=# select uuid_hex from mw_hosts;
The uuid_host
parameter must be set as hostName
of the CIT host when
registering it.
The HPE switch verifier must be not run behind a NAT, as it leverages SNMP. Because of this, the preferred way of running the HPE attestation driver is via a direct SSH connection to the switch verifier host.
In order to run it, the following parameters must be added in the
file, as follows:
SWITCH_VERIFIER_PATH = '/remote/path/to/<final name of switchVerifier binary>'
SWITCH_VER_CONFIG_PATH = '/remote/path/to/<name of configuration file (default config.json)>'
SWITCH_PCR_PUB_KEY_PATH = '/remote/path/to/<name of pub key for PCR sig. verification>'
SWITCH_REF_CONFIG_PATH = '/remote/path/to/<name of switch reference configuration>'
SWITCHVER_HOSTNAME = "<hostname of switch verifier host>"
SWITCHVER_SSH_PORT = "<port of switch verifier host>"
SWITCHVER_SSH_USER = "<username of switch verifier host>"
SWITCHVER_SSH_PWD = "<password of switch verifier host>"
This section briefly states how to interact with the Trust Monitor APIs.
The Trust Monitor Django application allows for a graphical testing of its APIs. In order to retrieve status information on the application, just navigate to the following URL in a browser:
This page should display in human readable form the status of different services related to the TM and the attestation frameworks as well.
In order to perform registration of a node, just access the following page:
From the page, click the GET
button to retrieve the list of currently registered
nodes (the TM app uses a volume for SQLite database, so it should persist among
restarts of the Docker environment).
In order to register an host, add the following content in the POST
{"distribution": "<distro (e.g. CentOS7/HPE)>", "hostName": "<host name>",
"driver":"OAT/OpenCIT/HPESwitch", "address": ""}
In order to delete a registered node, you can access the same API with a DELETE
request (e.g. via curl
curl -k -X "DELETE" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"hostName": "<node-to-unregister>"}' https://<TRUST_MONITOR_BASE_URL_OR_IP>/register_node/
In order to perform attestation of a node, just access the following page:
In order to attest a previously registered node, add the following content in
the POST
{"node_list" : [{"node" : "<host name>"}]}
Other attestation APIs (with GET
request only) are:
While the first allows to attest a single node of the NFVI, given its name, the second returns the trust status of the whole infrastructure. The second API requires a working vNSFO connector to retrieve the list of running nodes.
The Trust Monitor includes an additional whitelist for known digests, in
addition to the whitelist database for a specific distribution. In order to show
the list of added digests, access the following GET
In order to add a new digest, add the following content in the POST
{'pathFile': '/usr/bin/test', 'digest': 'sha1(/usr/bin/test)'}
In order to remove a digest, use the following content in the DELETE
{'digest': 'sha1(/usr/bin/test)'}
The scheduler
folder includes a Docker-based module that runs periodically
the call to attest the whole NFVI infrastructure, which in turns triggers
notifications to the other components (i.e. the DARE and dashboard). In order to
enable periodic attestation, you just need to edit the
file as follows:
PA_SEC_INTERVAL = ... # set an integer greater than 0 to enable periodic
# attestation
PA_URL = "https://reverse_proxy/nfvi_attestation_info" # should not be changed
PA_SEC_TIMEOUT = 30 # can be modified to set a maximum timeout for each
# attestation request
The Trust Monitor embeds an audit logic which allows to store and retrieve
past attestations for a specific node. Data is stored on HDFS for availability
and resiliency, with configuration available under connectors/dare_connector/
The audit API is accessible as follows;
In order to retrieve the last audit log for a node, just run a POST
with the following JSON body:
In case you want to retrieve all the logs in a specific time-frame, just access the same API with the following POST body:
{"node_id":"<registered_node_name>", "from_date": "<date in YYYY-MM-DD format>", "to_date": "<date in YYYY-MM-DD format>"}
For example, in case you want to retrieve all the logs for a particular day
you may specify the date of such day as both from_date
and to_date
Multiple audit logs are retrieved ordered from the newest to the oldest.