In the following example, we shift traffic between 2 applications using the canary annotations of the Nginx ingress controller.
- version 1 is serving traffic
- deploy version 2
- create a new "canary" ingress with traffic splitting enabled
- wait enought time to confirm that version 2 is stable and not throwing unexpected errors
- delete the canary ingress
- point the main application ingress to send traffic to version 2
- shutdown version 1
# Deploy the ingress-nginx controller in Docker desktop
$ kubectl apply -f
# Wait for nginx to be running
$ kubectl rollout status deploy nginx-ingress-controller -n ingress-nginx -w
deployment "nginx-ingress-controller" successfully rolled out
# Create namespace
$ kubectl create namespace canary-demo-nginx
# Deploy version 1 and expose the service via an ingress
$ kubectl apply -f ./app-v1.yaml -f ./ingress-v1.yaml
# Deploy version 2
$ kubectl apply -f ./app-v2.yaml
# In a different terminal you can check that requests are responding with version 1
$ nginx_service=$(kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx | grep LoadBalancer | awk '{print $4}')
$ while sleep 1; do curl "$nginx_service" -H "Host:"; done
# Create a canary ingress in order to split traffic: 90% to v1, 10% to v2
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-v2-canary.yaml
# Now you should see that the traffic is being splitted
# When you are happy, delete the canary ingress
$ kubectl delete -f ./ingress-v2-canary.yaml
# Then finish the rollout, set 100% traffic to version 2
$ kubectl apply -f ./ingress-v2.yaml
$ kubectl delete all -l app=my-app -n canary-demo-nginx