Review and then paste the following code into Script Editor and save it, select "Application" in File Format dropdown.
variable if necessary. Point it to a directory with emacs
and emacsclient
on prepend_path(cmd)
set EMACS_PATH to "/usr/local/bin"
return "PATH=\"" & EMACS_PATH & ":$PATH\" " & cmd
end prepend_path
on run
open {}
end run
on open input
set cmd to "emacsclient --create-frame --alternate-editor='' --no-wait"
if input's length is not 0 then
set inputString to item 1 of input
set filePath to POSIX path of inputString
set cmd to cmd & " \"" & filePath & "\""
end if
do shell script prepend_path(cmd)
end open
on open location input
set cmd to "emacsclient --create-frame --alternate-editor='' --frame-parameters='((name . \"org-capture\"))' \"" & input & "\" &>/dev/null &"
do shell script prepend_path(cmd)
end open location
on focus_frame()
set cmd to "emacsclient --eval '(other-frame 0)'"
do shell script prepend_path(cmd)
end focus_frame
To register the application as org-protocol
handler you need to place it in /Applications
and add the code below to /Applications/