If a parameter schema file exist, it must be named "parameter_schema.json" inside the "cmd" directory of your SIAPP.
Language files have to be named "specific.po" in different directories like cmd/i18n/en or cmd/i18n/de.
Example for the language file:
msgid "Parameter 1"
msgstr "Parameter 1 deutsch"
Example for a schema file:
"apptype": "siapp",
"definition": [
"group": "MyGroup1",
"parameters": [
"description": "Short description of this parameter",
"key": "KEY_1",
"displayName": "Parameter 1",
"string": {
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 9,
"regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+$",
"hint": "Only 1-9 characters ranging from 0-9, a-z, A-Z, underscore, dash, and blank are allowed.",
"default": "default"
"key": "KEY_2",
"displayName": "Parameter 2",
"default": "1",
"list": [
"displayName": "On",
"value": "1"
"displayName": "Off",
"value": "0"
"key": "KEY_3",
"displayName": "Parameter 3",
"integer": {
"min": 1,
"max": 255,
"hint": "Allowed Range is 1-255 ",
"default": 255
"key": "KEY_4",
"displayName": "Parameter 4",
"real": {
"default": 2.45,
"precision": 2,
"min": 0,
"max": 123.5,
"hint": "Allowed Range is 0 - 123.5 with 2 digits precision"
"group": "MyGroup2",
"parameters": [
"key": "KEY_5",
"displayName": "Parameter 5",
"string": {
"minLength": 1,
"maxLength": 9,
"regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+$",
"hint": "Only 1-9 characters ranging from 0-9, a-z, A-Z, underscore, dash, and blank are allowed.",
"default": "default"
"key": "KEY_BLOB",
"displayName": "Parameter 6",
"blob": {
"maxLength": 512,
"fileFilter" : ["txt", "bin"]
- apptype (optional)
Describes the application type
Default = „siapp“
If the apptype is used, only “siapp” is currently possible.
- group (optional)
Allows the user to group his parameter on the gui
Maximum length: 50
- parameters (mandatory)
A list of parameter
Allowed entries:
• string
• choice
• integer
• real
• blob
- key (mandatory)
Identifies the parameter on the device and must be unique
Maximum length: 50
Allowed characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _
- displayName (mandatory)
Corresponds to the name displayed on the device manager and must be unique
Maximum length: 50
- description (optional)
Description of the parameter
- string (optional)
The value of the key
Optional attributes:
• default: default value
• minLength: minimum length of the string
• maxLength: maximum length of the string
• regex: regular expression
• hint: help text in the device manager, maximum length: 1024
- choice (optional)
A list for the selection of values
Mandatory attributes:
• default: default value, must match a value in the list
• list: list of values
• displayName: corresponds to the name displayed on the device manager
• value: value of the choice
- integer (optional)
The value of the key
Optional attributes:
• min: minimum value
• max: maximum value
• hint: help text in the device manager, maximum length: 1024
• default: default value
- real (optional)
Value of the key (decimal point)
Optional attributes:
• min: minimum value
• max: maximum value
• precision: accuracy
• hint: help text in the device manager, maximum length: 1024
• default: default value
- blob (optional)
Value of the key
Optional attributes:
• maxLength: maximum file size for import (limited by 10240 bytes base64 coded)
• fileFilter: shown files for import, file extension
For example: [“txt”] or [“bin”, “png”] or [“*”], …