This package contains several functions that can be used for chromatogram visualization and .OSW and .PQP data extraction, and filtering.
The following examples will show examples of filtering OSW, PQP, and SQMASS database files, for a specific list of peptides. This can be useful if you wish to share small example files for a specific few peptides.
WARNING: These filtering methods will overwrite the database! Create a copy of the original database to use as the filtered file.
## Specify list of unmodified peptide sequences you wish to filter for. Data will be retained for these peptide sequences in the database
## Specify absolute osw file location
file <- list.files("/media/justincsing/ExtraDrive1/Documents2/Roest_Lab/Github/DrawAlignR/inst/extdata/Synthetic_Dilution_Phosphoproteomics/osw/", pattern = "*.osw", full.names = T )
## Call filterOSWdb
mstools::filterOSWdb(file, filter_sequences)
## Specify list of unmodified peptide sequences you wish to filter for. Data will be retained for these peptide sequences in the database
## Specify absolute pqp file location
file <- list.files("/media/justincsing/ExtraDrive1/Documents2/Roest_Lab/Github/DrawAlignR/inst/extdata/Synthetic_Dilution_Phosphoproteomics/pqp/", pattern = "*.pqp", full.names = T )
## Call filterPQPdb
mstools::filterPQPdb(file, filter_sequences)
## Specify list of unmodified peptide sequences you wish to filter for. Data will be retained for these peptide sequences in the database
## Specify list of sqMass chromatogram file(s)
files <- list.files("/media/justincsing/ExtraDrive1/Documents2/Roest_Lab/Github/DrawAlignR/inst/extdata/Synthetic_Dilution_Phosphoproteomics/sqmass/", pattern = "*.sqMass", full.names = T )
## Loop over each file to filter for the selected peptides
for ( file in files ){
cat("Working on file:", file, "\n")
## Call filterSQMASSdb
mstools::filterSQMASSdb(file, filter_sequences)
The following examples will show examples of extracting data from OSW and PQP database files, into R data.tables that can be used for visualization or analysis.
## Specify aboslute path to library file
in_pqp <- "/media/justincsing/ExtraDrive1/Documents2/Roest_Lab/Github/mstools/inst/extdata/Synthetic_Dilution_Phosphoproteomics/pqp/psgs_phospho_optimized_decoys.pqp"
## Call getPepLibData_ and store results into pqp_dt.
## Optional: peptide_id parameter can be used to filter for a specific sequence.
pqp_dt <- mstools::getPepLibData_( libfile = in_pqp, peptide_id = "" )
## Specify absolute path to osw file
in_osw <- "/media/justincsing/ExtraDrive1/Documents2/Roest_Lab/Github/mstools/inst/extdata/Synthetic_Dilution_Phosphoproteomics/osw/merged.merged.osw"
## Call getOSWData_ and store results into osw_dt
osw_dt <- mstools::getOSWData_( oswfile = in_osw )
NOTE: getOSWData_ has other parameters to filter for a specififc run, precursor, peptide, peak group rank, mscore filter, ipf filter, use mscore, use ipf score and decoy filter
run_name = "",
precursor_id = "",
peptide_id = "",
mod_peptide_id = "",
mod_residue_position = "",
peak_group_rank_filter = FALSE,
pep_list = "",
mscore_filter = "",
ipf_filter = "",
ipf_score = FALSE,
ms2_score = TRUE,
decoy_filter = TRUE