Thank you for considering contributing to Skill Issues Killer! We welcome contributions of all kinds, whether you're adding a new project, improving existing features, or fixing bugs. Below are the guidelines to help you get started.
To contribute a new project, please ensure your addition includes the following:
Project Specification
- Create a detailed specification of the project in a markdown file.
- The specification should include examples and clearly explain the requirements and objectives of the project.
Comprehensive Test Suite
- Provide a comprehensive test suite to validate the project.
- The test suite should be programming language agnostic (tests at the API level).
- Include a Dockerfile to run the test suite.
Docker Compose File
- Provide a docker-compose file.
- This file should instrument the user's API implementation with the test suite, ensuring that the tests are executed correctly.
If you want to contribute by adding new features, fixing issues, or making other improvements, please follow these steps:
Fork the Repository
- Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
Make Your Changes
- Make the necessary changes in your forked repository.
Submit a Pull Request (PR)
- Create a PR to suggest your changes.
- Ensure your PR is well-documented, explaining the changes and why they are necessary.