1.5.0 (2024-04-08)
- added auto creation (7468c75)
- added default projection of layer (0cf0822)
- added external draw support for layerswitcher (90d6bd8)
- ArcGIS extent transformation and projection handling (1fc38d9)
- arcgisLoader (fa5adeb)
- check transformation (63dcc66)
- default epsg conversion (36c4ef8)
- loader strategy (392f08b)
- object assignement (65b1b9d)
- package version dev (5ae2e9e)
- remove unused workflows (9f188c9)
- setConfig (a587642)
- small build fix (9bc54ae)
- Sort order is now by UI (4236586)
- URL path in geoPbfLoader function (cee142b)
1.4.0-dev.1 (2024-04-08)
- 2px from bottom (cd4093f)
- add default to annimation (c854ed0)
- add missing import getCenter (20e4f79)
- added .vscode to ignore (601280c)
- added annimates (1fb3466)
- added auto creation (7468c75)
- added await (966e466)
- Added code README (8ddb2c4)
- added default projection of layer (0cf0822)
- Added docsify (30b5731)
- added events breaking event (f916205)
- added external draw support for layerswitcher (90d6bd8)
- added feature varaible (b2f1023)
- added GEOContext (b5ca00c)
- added homepage (923d44b)
- added link to documentation side (56be5c4)
- added loadLayers (13f0769)
- Added projection getFeatures (3efd1f5)
- Added Readme (2ea8e72)
- added save and loadConfig (1910ce9)
- added scaleToBottom feature (75101a6)
- animation (5c8a052)
- animation (b67bb1a)
- ArcGIS extent transformation and projection handling (1fc38d9)
- arcgis-mapserver (b821e27)
- arcgisLoader (fa5adeb)
- Autoheight by default (0c64c8e)
- Autoheight to boolean (62fc85e)
- border margin (32322f9)
- bounds (0177b68)
- broken annimations (f89c1bf)
- build just for testing (9aa21d7)
- build version (602086d)
- buttons north and save (cf01a72)
- buttons redraw (943888a)
- change raw (20a7d95)
- change the gh docs action trigger name and trigger to be from gh ui (8729737)
- check transformation (63dcc66)
- Circle (b8c6483)
- cleanup (cc20ea2)
- cleanup code (a8dc003)
- complete setConfig en getConfig (aac686e)
- conected init to loadend (fccfaa8)
- connected init to rendercompleted (ba8c365)
- crash on empty GEOJson in data (43c0809)
- default epsg conversion (36c4ef8)
- default feature object (cc32a54)
- defaults (b79972b)
- Documentation for Release (8a8bcc9)
- draw (5b24687)
- draw (f846567)
- element ref (569cf30)
- enabled scale (04ce9a3)
- Error handling (443758f)
- Esri Vector Tiles Control options (0414abd)
- experimatent with feature (c96ff83)
- feature exposure (5951e02)
- featurePopup add (29a14a8)
- features (172706a)
- Features UI (9db2fa8)
- format in getFeatues (d8b874d)
- getView (772a88e)
- handle Popup can take extent and getCenter from it (ac5259d)
- height (e6d678f)
- height reset is needed (2d68f31)
- hover feature style glitch (b0a7c4f)
- init delay (e1c1154)
- json format for layer (1a8d675)
- layer source URL in Layers.js (f5f9ed6)
- Layers (e94cd7b)
- loader strategy (392f08b)
- local fix UndoRedo (cbb605e)
- made synchrone (d6b1c62)
- mapServerType i18n (d1b0b0d)
- markdown link (84472b7)
- method feature and event (508e7ed)
- method return state (75a1686)
- method types (d85bdbe)
- move drawLayer to methods (dd710e1)
- move not visible (78ab1f4)
- moved draw to Modify and fixed resize error in previewmode (8327ddf)
- moved getFormat to source (4c9c8e9)
- moved into loop (13806b1)
- Moved parseFilter (f672877)
- object assignement (65b1b9d)
- onInit (075023b)
- Only use JSONValue or JSON (c7f9d4e)
- package nr (4753b58)
- package version dev (5ae2e9e)
- parameter name (ae799c0)
- parse coords (6cd87dd)
- popup projection and getProjection from map view instead of static "EPSG:3857" (4607bb3)
- promise getFeatures (f3375b5)
- publish_dir to ./documentation/build (1ae3b5b)
- raw change (dcd1b54)
- readme (5e30f77)
- README.md (23365d6)
- Reduced the number of redraws (3ee8043)
- remove default srid (e05f282)
- remove init event from layer (4c33944)
- remove jsdoc (946d007)
- remove JSDOC full (3696a4f)
- remove setTimeout (437f8a5)
- removed debug (0d367ac)
- removed documentation (9cab07c)
- removed modify from delete (f050508)
- Removed symbolic (aa88b27)
- removed test (064ea68)
- Rename of useScreenSize (e8aa94e)
- renamed loadConfig to setConfig (d69969d)
- resize (486da7e)
- resize (3a20c9d)
- Resize (805732e)
- Restored menu (9c9d3d1)
- return promise (7f8e18b)
- scroll to bottom (4a1e656)
- select correct current (5615591)
- selectable layer assigned and cursor Style (e442566)
- setConfig (a587642)
- setConfig (bf6e023)
- setFeature (8df627e)
- setFeatures (9f635eb)
- setFeatures (93f6e2d)
- Sort order is now by UI (4236586)
- Sorting (80d9954)
- splitscreen buttons (e9dc8fb)
- splitscreen support (8e06570)
- src README (11ad861)
- stript padding (4654c87)
- testing properties (d081c26)
- timeline (e985b83)
- timeline (753b4c5)
- timeline (10c3036)
- timeline (9618b2a)
- timeline selection (dbc9be6)
- type change to JSON (c1f3fa2)
- typo error of GEOContext (c92567d)
- update Readme (5063f27)
- upgraded node-modules (82afb23)
- URL path in geoPbfLoader function (cee142b)
- Use BoolPureControl (e25bc57)
- values (998d609)
- wms JSON.stringify params (3b1993f)
- Work inprogress (7969319)
- Add support for ArcGIS Feature Service (924a2e7)
- added extent support on map (f73fd97)
- ArcGIS Vector Tiles PBF Layer Support (fa7e2f9)
- arcgis-mapserver-tile and arcgis-mapserver-image (503f76e)
- docs with docusaurus (6af8082)
- Map Projection in Advanced Options "needs enhancement" (751f71b)
- method getLayer (b230423)
- PMTiles layer type (05b8be5)
- Add left mouse event -> allow to popup
- Use Translate
- Add properties viewers for layers, buttons, features
- Implement kind of layers and do loading of baselayers first
- highlight the flyto feature
- add more data/layer sources likes mapbox stylegl and esri json
- how can we make layer styling more flexible and dynamic with or without legend in the map or outside the map component
- ability to select layer>feature from outside the component
- ability to filter the layer>data from outside the component
- fixed center point (mobile friendly) for a data collection (eg. https://pbdemo.mapseed.org/)
- Add support for more addFeature types WKT (Well-Known Text) WKB (Well-Known Binary) GeoJSON GML (Geography Markup Language) KML (Keyhole Markup Language) GPX (GPS Exchange Format) Shapefile
- Use lowcoder styling template where possible, or add it to styles
- Simplify the styling of the layer popup
- Add location point on home, not just a bounce circle
- Hide timeline layers from layer menu, and group the in on layergroup
- Check if is workable on mobile
- Animation for timeline
- Add the option to add custom buttons to the menubar locations and connect event
- UI components behavior should also be connected to the properties, ex: Date Hide when timeline in active
- Make a dynamic load layer, also for invisible layer or with a min zoom size set or linked to bbox
- Add control over the default behaviors
- Make timeline example with https://service.pdok.nl/hwh/luchtfotocir/wms/v1_0?request=GetCapabilities&service=wms
- implement cluster: https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/clusters-dynamic.html
- add the custom projections to the ui as property editor
- add option to control elements without the use of buttons
- add bookmark options https://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/examples/control/map.control.geobookmark.html
- add legend https://viglino.github.io/ol-ext/examples/legend/map.control.legends.html
In Layers stylegl, fails when style is set, needs object creation
ol-ext/interactions/UndoRedo throws to much console info local work around implemented