diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 72786c8..0e43bd3 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -37,3 +37,5 @@ azuredeploy.parameters.serviceplan.local.json /LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/azuredeploy.parameters.local.de.json /LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/azuredeploy.site.parameters.local.json /LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/azuredeploy.serviceplan.parameters.local.json +/push-core-nuget.cmd +/push-core-myget.cmd diff --git a/LetsEncrypt-SiteExtension.sln b/LetsEncrypt-SiteExtension.sln index 3f1f218..79accc4 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt-SiteExtension.sln +++ b/LetsEncrypt-SiteExtension.sln @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ EndProject Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Tools", "Tools", "{ED36B174-3C73-447F-A76F-5E8D23B8ADB3}" ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject build.cmd = build.cmd + build.core.cmd = build.core.cmd LetsEncrypt.nuspec = LetsEncrypt.nuspec LetsEncrypt64.nuspec = LetsEncrypt64.nuspec EndProjectSection diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup.deployproj b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup.deployproj index 03a06a5..29c532e 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup.deployproj +++ b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup.deployproj @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ False + diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/azuredeploy.slots.json b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/azuredeploy.slots.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eba8eeb --- /dev/null +++ b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/azuredeploy.slots.json @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +{ + "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#", + "contentVersion": "", + "parameters": { + "appServicePlanName": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 1 + }, + "appServicePlanSKU": { + "type": "string", + "allowedValues": [ + "Free", + "Shared", + "Basic", + "Standard" + ], + "defaultValue": "Standard" + }, + "appServicePlanWorkerSize": { + "type": "string", + "allowedValues": [ + "0", + "1", + "2" + ], + "defaultValue": "0" + }, + "storageType": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS", + "allowedValues": [ + "Standard_LRS", + "Standard_ZRS", + "Standard_GRS", + "Standard_RAGRS", + "Premium_LRS" + ] + }, + "webAppName": { + "type": "string", + "metadata": { + "description": "The azure web site name" + } + }, + "tenant": { + "type": "string" + }, + "clientId": { + "type": "string" + }, + "clientSecret": { "type": "string" }, + "hostnames": { "type": "string" }, + "email": { "type": "string" }, + "siteExtensionFeedUrl": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "https://www.siteextensions.net/api/v2/", + "metadata": { + "description": "The nuget feed to download site extensions from" + } + }, + "acmeUrl": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/", + "metadata": { + "description": "The url of the lets encrypt servers. Staging: (https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/)" + } + }, + "principalId": { + "type": "string", + "metadata": { + "description": "The principalid/objectid for service principal registered in Azure AD, can e.g. be found with Get-MsolServicePrincipal |? {$_.AppPrincipalId -eq \"\"}" + } + }, + "authenticationEndpoint": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "", + "metadata": { + "description": "The authenticaion endpoint/azure active directory authority used in the selected azure region, when unset it defaults to https://login.windows.net/" + } + }, + "tokenAudience": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "", + "metadata": { + "description": "The token audience/resourceId used in the selected azure region, when unset it defaults to https://management.core.windows.net/" + } + }, + "managementEndpoint": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "", + "metadata": { + "description": "The Azure ARM management endpoint used in the selected azure region, when unset it defaults to https://management.azure.com" + } + }, + "webSitesDefaultDomainName": { + "type": "string", + "defaultValue": "", + "metadata": { + "description": "The default azure web app domain name used in the selected azure region, when unset it defaults to azurewebsites.net" + } + } + }, + "variables": { + "Owner": "[concat('/subscriptions/', subscription().subscriptionId, '/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/', '8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635')]", + "webAppName": "[parameters('webAppName')]", + "storageName": "[concat('storage', uniqueString(resourceGroup().id))]", + "scope": "[resourceGroup().id]", + "slotName": "vnext" + }, + "resources": [ + { + "name": "[parameters('appServicePlanName')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms", + "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", + "apiVersion": "2014-06-01", + "dependsOn": [], + "tags": { + "displayName": "appServicePlan" + }, + "properties": { + "name": "[parameters('appServicePlanName')]", + "sku": "[parameters('appServicePlanSKU')]", + "workerSize": "[parameters('appServicePlanWorkerSize')]", + "numberOfWorkers": 1 + } + }, + { + "name": "[variables('webAppName')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites", + "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "dependsOn": [ + "[concat('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('appServicePlanName'))]" + ], + "tags": { + "[concat('hidden-related:', resourceGroup().id, '/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('appServicePlanName'))]": "Resource", + "displayName": "webApp" + }, + "properties": { + "name": "[variables('webAppName')]", + "serverFarmId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/', parameters('appServicePlanName'))]", + "siteConfig": { + "AlwaysOn": true + } + }, + "resources": [ + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "name": "appsettings", + "type": "config", + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites', variables('webAppName'))]" + ], + "properties": { + "SCM_SITEEXTENSIONS_FEED_URL": "[parameters('siteExtensionFeedUrl')]", + "letsencrypt:Hostnames": "[parameters('hostnames')]", + "letsencrypt:Email": "[parameters('email')]", + "letsencrypt:AcmeBaseUri": "[parameters('acmeUrl')]", + "letsencrypt:SubscriptionId": "[subscription().subscriptionId]", + "letsencrypt:Tenant": "[parameters('tenant')]", + "letsencrypt:ClientId": "[parameters('clientId')]", + "letsencrypt:ClientSecret": "[parameters('clientSecret')]", + "letsencrypt:ResourceGroupName": "[resourceGroup().name]", + "letsencrypt:UseIPBasedSSL": "false", + "letsencrypt:AzureAuthenticationEndpoint": "[parameters('authenticationEndpoint')]", + "letsencrypt:AzureTokenAudience": "[parameters('tokenAudience')]", + "letsencrypt:AzureManagementEndpoint": "[parameters('managementEndpoint')]", + "letsencrypt:AzureDefaultWebSiteDomainName": "[parameters('webSitesDefaultDomainName')]" + } + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "name": "letsencrypt", + "type": "siteextensions", + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites', variables('webAppName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/config', variables('webAppName'), 'appsettings')]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/config', variables('webAppName'), 'connectionstrings')]" + ], + "properties": { + "test": "key1" + } + }, + + { + "apiVersion": "2014-11-01", + "type": "config", + "name": "connectionstrings", + "dependsOn": [ "[concat('Microsoft.Web/Sites/', variables('webAppName'))]" ], + "properties": { + "AzureWebJobsStorage": { + "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=',variables('storageName'),';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('storageName')), '2015-06-15').key1,';')]", + "type": 3 + }, + "AzureWebJobsDashboard": { + "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=',variables('storageName'),';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('storageName')), '2015-06-15').key1,';')]", + "type": 3 + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "name": "[concat(variables('webAppName'), '/', variables('slotName'))]", + "type": "Microsoft.Web/Sites/Slots", + "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", + "kind": "App", + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites', variables('webAppName'))]" + ], + "properties": {}, + "resources": [ + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "name": "appsettings", + "type": "config", + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/slots', variables('webAppName'),variables('slotName'))]" + ], + "properties": { + "SCM_SITEEXTENSIONS_FEED_URL": "[parameters('siteExtensionFeedUrl')]", + "letsencrypt:Hostnames": "[concat(variables('slotName'), '-', parameters('hostnames'))]", + "letsencrypt:Email": "[parameters('email')]", + "letsencrypt:AcmeBaseUri": "[parameters('acmeUrl')]", + "letsencrypt:SubscriptionId": "[subscription().subscriptionId]", + "letsencrypt:Tenant": "[parameters('tenant')]", + "letsencrypt:ClientId": "[parameters('clientId')]", + "letsencrypt:ClientSecret": "[parameters('clientSecret')]", + "letsencrypt:ResourceGroupName": "[resourceGroup().name]", + "letsencrypt:UseIPBasedSSL": "false", + "letsencrypt:AzureAuthenticationEndpoint": "[parameters('authenticationEndpoint')]", + "letsencrypt:AzureTokenAudience": "[parameters('tokenAudience')]", + "letsencrypt:AzureManagementEndpoint": "[parameters('managementEndpoint')]", + "letsencrypt:AzureDefaultWebSiteDomainName": "[parameters('webSitesDefaultDomainName')]" + } + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "name": "letsencrypt", + "type": "siteextensions", + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/slots', variables('webAppName'),variables('slotName'))]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/slots/config', variables('webAppName'),variables('slotName'), 'appsettings')]", + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/slots/config', variables('webAppName'),variables('slotName'), 'connectionstrings')]" + ], + "properties": { + "test": "key1" + } + }, + + { + "apiVersion": "2014-11-01", + "type": "config", + "name": "connectionstrings", + "dependsOn": [ "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/slots', variables('webAppName'),variables('slotName'))]" ], + "properties": { + "AzureWebJobsStorage": { + "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=',variables('storageName'),';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('storageName')), '2015-06-15').key1,';')]", + "type": 3 + }, + "AzureWebJobsDashboard": { + "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=',variables('storageName'),';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('storageName')), '2015-06-15').key1,';')]", + "type": 3 + } + } + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "[variables('storageName')]", + "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", + "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", + "apiVersion": "2015-06-15", + "dependsOn": [], + "tags": { + "displayName": "storage" + }, + "properties": { + "accountType": "[parameters('storageType')]" + } + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites/hostNameBindings", + "name": "[concat(variables('webAppName'),'/', split(parameters('hostnames'), ',')[copyIndex()])]", + "dependsOn": [ + "[concat('Microsoft.Web/sites/', variables('webAppName'))]" + ], + "tags": { + "displayName": "hostNameBinding" + }, + "properties": { + "domainId": null, + "hostNameType": "Verified", + "siteName": "variables('webAppName')" + }, + "copy": { + "name": "hostnameloop", + "count": "[length(split(parameters('hostnames'),','))]" + } + }, + { + "apiVersion": "2015-08-01", + "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites/hostNameBindings", + "name": "[concat(variables('webAppName'),'-',variables('slotName'),'/', variables('slotName'), '-', parameters('hostnames'))]", + "dependsOn": [ + "[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites/slots', variables('webAppName'), variables('slotName'))]" + ], + "tags": { + "displayName": "hostNameBinding" + }, + "properties": { + "domainId": null, + "hostNameType": "Verified", + "siteName": "[concat(variables('webAppName'),'(',variables('slotName'),')')]" + } + } + ], + "outputs": { + "ConnectionString": { + "type": "string", + "value": "[concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=',variables('storageName'),';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('storageName')), '2015-06-15').key1,';')]" + } + } +} diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-rg.ps1 b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-rg.ps1 index 4da2e81..9a51d2f 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-rg.ps1 +++ b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-rg.ps1 @@ -7,4 +7,3 @@ $loc = "WestEurope" New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $appPlanRgName -Location $loc New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name "Test" -ResourceGroupName $appPlanRgName -TemplateParameterFile .\azuredeploy.parameters.local.json -TemplateFile .\azuredeploy.json - diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-withslots-rg.ps1 b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-withslots-rg.ps1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c930d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LetsEncrypt.ResourceGroup/Templates/deploy-single-withslots-rg.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId 3f09c367-93e0-4b61-bbe5-dcb5c686bf8a ###Pay-As-You-Go + +$appPlanRgName = "LetsEncrypt-SiteExtension2" +$webAppRgName = "sjkp.letsencrypt" +$loc = "WestEurope" + +New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $appPlanRgName -Location $loc + +New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name "Test" -ResourceGroupName $appPlanRgName -TemplateParameterFile .\azuredeploy.parameters.local.json -TemplateFile .\azuredeploy.slots.json + diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/CertificateManager.cs b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/CertificateManager.cs index 0383ee8..7fba4f3 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/CertificateManager.cs +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/CertificateManager.cs @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public async Task> RenewCertificate(bool skipInstallCertificate internal string RequestAndInstallInternal(IAcmeConfig config) { - return RequestAndInstallInternalAsync(config).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); + return RequestAndInstallInternalAsync(config).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } internal async Task RequestAndInstallInternalAsync(IAcmeConfig config) diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.csproj b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.csproj index dac6838..c9225fb 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.csproj +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.csproj @@ -91,34 +91,10 @@ ..\packages\ACMESharp.\lib\net45\ACMESharp.dll True - - ..\packages\AWSSDK.Core.\lib\net45\AWSSDK.Core.dll - True - - - ..\packages\AWSSDK.Route53.\lib\net45\AWSSDK.Route53.dll - True - - - ..\packages\AWSSDK.S3.\lib\net45\AWSSDK.S3.dll - True - - - ..\packages\log4net.2.0.3\lib\net40-full\log4net.dll - True - - - ..\packages\Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.2.2.0-preview\lib\net45\Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.dll - True - ..\packages\Microsoft.Azure.Management.Websites.1.6.0-preview\lib\net45\Microsoft.Azure.Management.Websites.dll True - - ..\packages\Microsoft.Azure.Management.Resources.3.4.0-preview\lib\net45\Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.dll - True - ..\packages\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.2.28.1\lib\net45\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll True @@ -194,8 +170,8 @@ Designer + - diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.nuspec b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.nuspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8142eca --- /dev/null +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.nuspec @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + letsencrypt.azure.core + Azure Let's Encrypt (x86) + 0.6.16-prerelease + SJKP + http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 + https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension/master/icon.png + false + Library for easy installation and renewals of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on Azure Web Apps. PLEASE READ and understand the known limitations listed here: https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension/blob/master/README.md#known-issues + letsencrypt ssl https x86 + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/BaseAuthorizationChannelgeProvider.cs b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/BaseAuthorizationChannelgeProvider.cs index eef591c..39411dd 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/BaseAuthorizationChannelgeProvider.cs +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/BaseAuthorizationChannelgeProvider.cs @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public async Task Authorize(AcmeClient client, List retry++; Console.WriteLine(" Refreshing authorization attempt " + retry); Trace.TraceInformation("Refreshing authorization attempt " + retry); - await Task.Delay(4000); // this has to be here to give ACME server a chance to think + await Task.Delay(2000*retry); // this has to be here to give ACME server a chance to think var newAuthzState = client.RefreshIdentifierAuthorization(authzState); if (newAuthzState.Status != "pending") authzState = newAuthzState; @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public async Task Authorize(AcmeClient client, List Console.WriteLine($" Authorization Result: {authzState.Status}"); Trace.TraceInformation("Auth Result {0}", authzState.Status); - if (authzState.Status == "invalid") + if (authzState.Status == "invalid" || authzState.Status == "pending") { Trace.TraceError("Authorization Failed {0}", authzState.Status); Trace.TraceInformation("Full Error Details {0}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authzState)); diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/CertificateService.cs b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/CertificateService.cs index 18c9ae9..6ca5fe9 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/CertificateService.cs +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/Services/CertificateService.cs @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public void Install(ICertificateInstallModel model) Password = cert.Password, Location = s.Location, ServerFarmId = s.ServerFarmId, + Name = model.Host + "-" + cert.Certificate.Thumbprint }; //BUG https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension/issues/99 @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ public void Install(ICertificateInstallModel model) var body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newCert, JsonHelper.DefaultSerializationSettings); - var t = client.PutAsync($"/subscriptions/{azureEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{azureEnvironment.ServicePlanResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/certificates/{cert.Certificate.Thumbprint}?api-version=2016-03-01", new StringContent(body, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result; + var t = client.PutAsync($"/subscriptions/{azureEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{azureEnvironment.ServicePlanResourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/certificates/{newCert.Name}?api-version=2016-03-01", new StringContent(body, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")).Result; t.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config index 598401b..01f8122 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config @@ -3,14 +3,8 @@ - - - - - - diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config.old b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config.old deleted file mode 100644 index 10f0964..0000000 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core/packages.config.old +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Test/App.config b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Test/App.config index 800f25f..99852ea 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Test/App.config +++ b/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Test/App.config @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - + diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.core.nuspec b/LetsEncrypt.core.nuspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..315d4fd --- /dev/null +++ b/LetsEncrypt.core.nuspec @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + + + letsencrypt.azure.core + Azure Let's Encrypt (x86) + 0.6.14 + SJKP + http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 + https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension + https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension/master/icon.png + false + Library for easy installation and renewals of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on Azure Web Apps. PLEASE READ and understand the known limitations listed here: https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension/blob/master/README.md#known-issues + letsencrypt ssl https x86 + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/LetsEncrypt.nuspec b/LetsEncrypt.nuspec index cb896fb..442885e 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt.nuspec +++ b/LetsEncrypt.nuspec @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ letsencrypt Azure Let's Encrypt (x86) - 0.6.16 + 0.6.17 SJKP http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension diff --git a/LetsEncrypt64.nuspec b/LetsEncrypt64.nuspec index 7cbad6c..05cada4 100644 --- a/LetsEncrypt64.nuspec +++ b/LetsEncrypt64.nuspec @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ letsencrypt64 Azure Let's Encrypt (x64) - 0.6.16 + 0.6.17 SJKP http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0 https://github.com/sjkp/letsencrypt-siteextension diff --git a/artifacts.core/ACMESharp.PKI.Providers.OpenSslLib32.dll b/artifacts.core/ACMESharp.PKI.Providers.OpenSslLib32.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d69af53 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/ACMESharp.PKI.Providers.OpenSslLib32.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/ACMESharp.dll b/artifacts.core/ACMESharp.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d62faba Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/ACMESharp.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.dll b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e58927d Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.pdb b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae2ae09 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.pdb differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.xml b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdce100 --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Core.xml @@ -0,0 +1,7532 @@ + + + + AWSSDK.Core + + + + + Configuration options that apply to the entire SDK. + + These settings can be configured through app.config or web.config. + Below is a full sample configuration that illustrates all the possible options. + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws region="us-west-2"> + <logging logTo="Log4Net, SystemDiagnostics" logResponses="Always" logMetrics="true" /> + <s3 useSignatureVersion4="true" /> + <proxy host="localhost" port="8888" username="1" password="1" /> + + <dynamoDB> + <dynamoDBContext tableNamePrefix="Prod-"> + + <tableAliases> + <alias fromTable="FakeTable" toTable="People" /> + <alias fromTable="Persons" toTable="People" /> + </tableAliases> + + <mappings> + <map type="Sample.Tests.Author, SampleDLL" targetTable="People" /> + <map type="Sample.Tests.Editor, SampleDLL" targetTable="People"> + <property name="FullName" attribute="Name" /> + <property name="EmployeeId" attribute="Id" /> + <property name="ComplexData" converter="Sample.Tests.ComplexDataConverter, SampleDLL" /> + <property name="Version" version="true" /> + <property name="Password" ignore="true" /> + </map> + </mappings> + + </dynamoDBContext> + </dynamoDB> + </aws> + + + + Configuration options that apply to the entire SDK. + + + + + Key for the AWSRegion property. + + + + + + Key for the AWSProfileName property. + + + + + + Key for the AWSProfilesLocation property. + + + + + + Key for the Logging property. + + + + + + Key for the ResponseLogging property. + + + + + + + Key for the LogMetrics property. + + + + + + Key for the EndpointDefinition property. + + + + + + Key for the UseSdkCache property. + + + + + + Add a listener for SDK logging. + + If the listener does not have a name, you will not be able to remove it later. + The source to log for, e.g. "Amazon", or "Amazon.DynamoDB". + The listener to add. + + + + Remove a trace listener from SDK logging. + + The source the listener was added to. + The name of the listener. + + + + Generates a sample XML representation of the SDK condiguration section. + + + The XML returned has an example of every tag in the SDK configuration + section, and sample input for each attribute. This can be included in + an App.config or Web.config and edited to suit. Where a section contains + a collection, multiple of the same tag will be output. + + Sample XML configuration string. + + + + Determines if the SDK should correct for client clock skew + by determining the correct server time and reissuing the + request with the correct time. + Default value of this field is True. + will be updated with the calculated + offset even if this field is set to false, though requests + will not be corrected or retried. + + + + + The calculated clock skew correction, if there is one. + This field will be set if a service call resulted in an exception + and the SDK has determined that there is a difference between local + and server times. + + If is set to true, this + value will be set to the correction, but it will not be used by the + SDK and clock skew errors will not be retried. + + + + + Configures the default AWS region for clients which have not explicitly specified a region. + Changes to this setting will only take effect for newly constructed instances of AWS clients. + + This setting can be configured through the App.config. For example: + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws region="us-west-2" /> + + + + + + Profile name for stored AWS credentials that will be used to make service calls. + Changes to this setting will only take effect in newly-constructed clients. + + To reference the account from an application's App.config or Web.config use the AWSProfileName setting. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="development"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + + + Location of the credentials file shared with other AWS SDKs. + By default, the credentials file is stored in the .aws directory in the current user's home directory. + + Changes to this setting will only take effect in newly-constructed clients. + + To reference the profile from an application's App.config or Web.config use the AWSProfileName setting. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfilesLocation" value="c:\config"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + + + Configures how the SDK should log events, if at all. + Changes to this setting will only take effect in newly-constructed clients. + + The setting can be configured through App.config, for example: + + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSLogging" value="log4net"/> + </appSettings> + + + + + + Configures when the SDK should log service responses. + Changes to this setting will take effect immediately. + + The setting can be configured through App.config, for example: + + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSResponseLogging" value="OnError"/> + </appSettings> + + + + + + Configures if the SDK should log performance metrics. + This setting configures the default LogMetrics property for all clients/configs. + Changes to this setting will only take effect in newly-constructed clients. + + The setting can be configured through App.config, for example: + + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSLogMetrics" value="true"/> + </appSettings> + + + + + + Configures if the SDK should use a custom configuration file that defines the regions and endpoints. + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws endpointDefinition="c:\config\endpoints.xml" /> + + + + + + Configures if the SDK Cache should be used, the default value is true. + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws useSdkCache="true" /> + + + + + + Configuration for the Logging section of AWS configuration. + Changes to some settings may not take effect until a new client is constructed. + + Example section: + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws> + <logging logTo="Log4Net, SystemDiagnostics" logResponses="Always" logMetrics="true" /> + </aws> + + + + + + Configuration for the Proxy section of AWS configuration. + Changes to some settings may not take effect until a new client is constructed. + + Example section: + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws> + <proxy host="localhost" port="8888" username="1" password="1" /> + </aws> + + + + + + Configuration for the region endpoint section of AWS configuration. + Changes may not take effect until a new client is constructed. + + Example section: + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws region="us-west-2" /> + + + + + + The unique application name for the current application. This values is currently used + by high level APIs (Mobile Analytics Manager and Cognito Sync Manager) to create a unique file + path to store local database files. + Changes to this setting will only take effect in newly-constructed objects using this property. + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws applicationName="" /> + + + + + + Logging options. + Can be combined to enable multiple loggers. + + + + + No logging + + + + + Log using log4net + + + + + Log using System.Diagnostics + + + + + Response logging option. + + + + + Never log service response + + + + + Only log service response when there's an error + + + + + Always log service response + + + + + Format for metrics data in the logs + + + + + Emit metrics in human-readable format + + + + + Emit metrics as JSON data + + + + + This class contains the endpoints available to the AWS clients. The static constants representing the + regions can be used while constructing the AWS client instead of looking up the exact endpoint URL. + + + + + The US East (Virginia) endpoint. + + + + + The US West (N. California) endpoint. + + + + + The US West (Oregon) endpoint. + + + + + The EU West (Ireland) endpoint. + + + + + The EU Central (Frankfurt) endpoint. + + + + + The Asia Pacific (Tokyo) endpoint. + + + + + The Asia Pacific (Singapore) endpoint. + + + + + The Asia Pacific (Sydney) endpoint. + + + + + The South America (Sao Paulo) endpoint. + + + + + The US GovCloud West (Oregon) endpoint. + + + + + The China (Beijing) endpoint. + + + + + Gets the endpoint for a service in a region. + + The services system name. + Thrown when the request service does not have a valid endpoint in the region. + + + + + Gets the region based on its system name like "us-west-1" + + The system name of the service like "us-west-1" + + + + + This is a testing method and should not be called by production applications. + + + + + Enumerate through all the regions. + + + + + Gets the system name of a region. + + + + + Gets the display name of a region. + + + + + This class defines an endpoints hostname and which protocols it supports. + + + + + Gets the hostname for the service. + + + + + The authentication region to be used in request signing. + + + + + Overrides the default signing protocol for an + endpoint. Typically used to force Signature V4 + for services that can support multiple signing + protocols. + + + + + An access control policy action identifies a specific action in a service + that can be performed on a resource. For example, sending a message to a + queue. + + ActionIdentifiers allow you to limit what your access control policy statement affects. + For example, you could create a policy statement that enables a certain group + of users to send messages to your queue, but not allow them to perform any + other actions on your queue. + + + The action is B in the statement + "A has permission to do B to C where D applies." + + Free form access control policy actions may include a wildcard (*) to match + multiple actions. + + + Constants for known actions can be found in the Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.ActionIdentifiers namespace. + + + + + + Constructs an Actionidentifer with the given action name. + + The name of the action + + + + Gets and sets the name of this action. For example, 'sqs:SendMessage' is the + name corresponding to the SQS action that enables users to send a message + to an SQS queue. + + + + + AWS access control policy conditions are contained in + objects, and affect when a statement is applied. For example, a statement + that allows access to an Amazon SQS queue could use a condition to only apply + the effect of that statement for requests that are made before a certain + date, or that originate from a range of IP addresses. + + Multiple conditions can be included in a single statement, and all conditions + must evaluate to true in order for the statement to take effect. + + + The set of conditions is D in the statement + "A has permission to do B to C where D applies." + + + A condition is composed of three parts: + + + Condition Key + The condition key declares which value of a + request to pull in and compare against when a policy is evaluated by AWS. For + example, using will cause + AWS to pull in the current request's source IP as the first value to compare + against every time your policy is evaluated. + + + + Comparison Type + This is a static value used as the second value + in the comparison when your policy is evaluated. Depending on the comparison + type, this value can optionally use wildcards. See the documentation for + individual comparison types for more information. + + + + Comparison Value + This is a static value used as the second value + in the comparison when your policy is evaluated. Depending on the comparison + type, this value can optionally use wildcards. See the documentation for + individual comparison types for more information. + + + + + + + + + Gets the type of this condition. + + + + + Gets and Sets the name of the condition key involved in this condition. + Condition keys are predefined values supported by AWS that provide input + to a condition's evaluation, such as the current time, or the IP address + of the incoming request. + + Your policy is evaluated for each incoming request, and condition keys + specify what information to pull out of those incoming requests and plug + into the conditions in your policy. + + + + + + Gets and Sets the values specified for this access control policy condition. + For example, in a condition that compares the incoming IP address of a + request to a specified range of IP addresses, the range of IP addresses + is the single value in the condition. + + Most conditions accept only one value, but multiple values are possible. + + + + + + A factory for creating conditions to be used in the policy. + + + + + Condition key for the current time. + + This condition key should only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for whether or not an incoming request is using a secure + transport to make the request (i.e. HTTPS instead of HTTP). + + This condition key should only be used with the boolean overload of NewCondition. + + + + + + Condition key for the source IP from which a request originates. + + This condition key should only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the user agent included in a request. + + This condition key should only be used with + enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the current time, in epoch seconds. + + This condition key should only be used with enum. + objects. + + + + + + Condition key for the referrer specified by a request. + + This condition key should only be used with + objects. + + + + + + Condition key for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the source specified + in a request. The source ARN indicates which resource is affecting the + resource listed in your policy. For example, an SNS topic is the source + ARN when publishing messages from the topic to an SQS queue. + + This condition key should only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the canned ACL specified by a request. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the location constraint specified by a request. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the prefix specified by a request. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the delimiter specified by a request. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the max keys specified by a request. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the source object specified by a request to copy an + object. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the metadata directive specified by a request to copy + an object. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the version ID of an object version specified by a + request. + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for The URL, e-mail address, or ARN from a Subscribe + request or a previously confirmed subscription. Use with string + conditions to restrict access to specific endpoints (e.g., + *@mycompany.com). + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Condition key for the protocol value from a Subscribe request or a + previously confirmed subscription. Use with string conditions to restrict + publication to specific delivery protocols (e.g., HTTPS). + + This condition key may only be used with enum. + + + + + + Constructs a new access control policy condition that compares ARNs (Amazon Resource Names). + + The access policy condition key specifying where to get the first ARN for the comparison + The type of comparison to perform. + The second ARN to compare against. When using ArnLike or ArnNotLike this may contain the + multi-character wildcard (*) or the single-character wildcard + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that performs a boolean + comparison. + + The access policy condition key specifying where to get the + first boolean value for the comparison (ex: aws:SecureTransport). + The boolean to compare against. + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the current time + (on the AWS servers) to the specified date. + + The type of comparison to perform. For example, + DateComparisonType.DateLessThan will cause this policy + condition to evaluate to true if the current date is less than + the date specified in the second argument. + The date to compare against. + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the source IP + address of the incoming request to an AWS service against the specified + CIDR range. The condition evaluates to true (meaning the policy statement + containing it will be applied) if the incoming source IP address is + within that range. + + To achieve the opposite effect (i.e. cause the condition to evaluate to + true when the incoming source IP is not in the specified CIDR + range) use the alternate constructor form and specify + IpAddressComparisonType.NotIpAddress. + + + The CIDR IP range involved in the policy condition. + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the source IP + address of the incoming request to an AWS service against the specified + CIDR range. When the condition evaluates to true (i.e. when the incoming + source IP address is within the CIDR range or not) depends on the + specified IpAddressComparisonType. + + The type of comparison to to perform. + The CIDR IP range involved in the policy condition. + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares two numbers. + + The type of comparison to perform. + The access policy condition key specifying where to get the + first number for the comparison. + The second number to compare against. + + + + Constructs a new access control policy condition that compares two + strings. + + The type of comparison to perform + The access policy condition key specifying where to get the + first string for the comparison (ex: aws:UserAgent). + + The second string to compare against. When using + StringComparisonType.StringLike or + StringComparisonType.StringNotLike this may contain + the multi-character wildcard (*) or the single-character + wildcard (?). + + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the Amazon + Resource Name (ARN) of the source of an AWS resource that is modifying + another AWS resource with the specified pattern. + + For example, the source ARN could be an Amazon SNS topic ARN that is + sending messages to an Amazon SQS queue. In that case, the SNS topic ARN + would be compared the ARN pattern specified here. + + + The endpoint pattern may optionally contain the multi-character wildcard + * (*) or the single-character wildcard (?). Each of the six colon-delimited + components of the ARN is checked separately and each can include a + wildcard. + + + Policy policy = new Policy("MyQueuePolicy"); + policy.WithStatements(new Statement(Statement.StatementEffect.Allow) + .WithPrincipals(new Principal("*")).WithActionIdentifiers(SQSActionIdentifiers.SendMessage) + .WithResources(new Resource(myQueueArn)) + .WithConditions(ConditionFactory.NewSourceArnCondition(myTopicArn))); + + + The ARN pattern against which the source ARN will be compared. + Each of the six colon-delimited components of the ARN is + checked separately and each can include a wildcard. + A new access control policy condition that compares the ARN of + the source specified in an incoming request with the ARN pattern + specified here. + + + + Constructs a new access control policy condition that tests if the + incoming request was sent over a secure transport (HTTPS). + + A new access control policy condition that tests if the incoming + request was sent over a secure transport (HTTPS). + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares an Amazon S3 + canned ACL with the canned ACL specified by an incoming request. + + You can use this condition to ensure that any objects uploaded to an + Amazon S3 bucket have a specific canned ACL set. + + + The Amazon S3 canned ACL to compare against. + A new access control policy condition that compares the Amazon S3 + canned ACL specified in incoming requests against the value + specified. + + + + Constructs a new access policy condition that compares the requested + endpoint used to subscribe to an Amazon SNS topic with the specified + endpoint pattern. The endpoint pattern may optionally contain the + multi-character wildcard (*) or the single-character wildcard (?). + + For example, this condition can restrict subscriptions to a topic to + email addresses in a certain domain ("*@my-company.com"). + + + Policy policy = new Policy("MyTopicPolicy"); + policy.WithStatements(new Statement(Statement.StatementEffect.Allow) + .WithPrincipals(new Principal("*")).WithActionIdentifiers(SNSActionIdentifiers.Subscribe) + .WithResources(new Resource(myTopicArn)) + .WithConditions(ConditionFactory.NewEndpointCondition("*@my-company.com"))); + + + The endpoint pattern against which to compare the requested + endpoint for an Amazon SNS topic subscription. + A new access control policy condition that compares the endpoint + used in a request to subscribe to an Amazon SNS topic with the + endpoint pattern specified. + + + + Constructs a new AWS access control policy condition that allows an + access control statement to restrict subscriptions to an Amazon SNS topic + based on the protocol being used for the subscription. For example, this + condition can restrict subscriptions to a topic to endpoints using HTTPS + to ensure that messages are securely delivered. + + The protocol against which to compare the requested protocol + for an Amazon SNS topic subscription. + A new access control policy condition that compares the + notification protocol requested in a request to subscribe to an + Amazon SNS topic with the protocol value specified. + + + + Enumeration of the supported ways an ARN comparison can be evaluated. + + + + Exact matching + + + + Loose case-insensitive matching of the ARN. Each of the six + colon-delimited components of the ARN is checked separately and each + can include a multi-character match wildcard (*) or a + single-character match wildcard (?). + + + + Negated form of ArnEquals + + + Negated form of ArnLike + + + + Enumeration of the supported ways a date comparison can be evaluated. + + + + + Enumeration of the supported ways an IP address comparison can be evaluated. + + + + + Matches an IP address against a CIDR IP range, evaluating to true if + the IP address being tested is in the condition's specified CIDR IP + range. + + + + + Negated form of IpAddress + + + + + Enumeration of the supported ways a numeric comparison can be evaluated + + + + + Enumeration of the supported ways a string comparison can be evaluated. + + + + + Case-sensitive exact string matching + + + + + Case-insensitive string matching + + + + + Loose case-insensitive matching. The values can include a + multi-character match wildcard (*) or a single-character match + wildcard (?) anywhere in the string. + + + + + Negated form of StringEquals. + + + + + Negated form of StringEqualsIgnorecase. + + + + + Negated form of StringLike. + + + + + An AWS access control policy is a object that acts as a container for one or + more statements, which specify fine grained rules for allowing or denying + various types of actions from being performed on your AWS resources. + + By default, all requests to use your resource coming from anyone but you are + denied. Access control polices can override that by allowing different types + of access to your resources, or by explicitly denying different types of + access. + + + Each statement in an AWS access control policy takes the form: + "A has permission to do B to C where D applies". + + + A is the prinicpal + The AWS account that is making a request to + access or modify one of your AWS resources. + + + + B is the action + the way in which your AWS resource is being accessed or modified, such + as sending a message to an Amazon SQS queue, or storing an object in an Amazon S3 bucket. + + + + C is the resource + your AWS entity that the principal wants to access, such + as an Amazon SQS queue, or an object stored in Amazon S3. + + + + D is the set of conditions + optional constraints that specify when to allow or deny + access for the principal to access your resource. Many expressive conditions are available, + some specific to each service. For example you can use date conditions to allow access to + your resources only after or before a specific time. + + + + + + Note that an AWS access control policy should not be confused with the + similarly named "POST form policy" concept used in Amazon S3. + + + + + + The default policy version + + + + + Constructs an empty AWS access control policy ready to be populated with + statements. + + + + + Constructs a new AWS access control policy with the specified policy ID. + The policy ID is a user specified string that serves to help developers + keep track of multiple polices. Policy IDs are often used as a human + readable name for a policy. + + The policy ID for the new policy object. Policy IDs serve to + help developers keep track of multiple policies, and are often + used to give the policy a meaningful, human readable name. + + + + Constructs a new AWS access control policy with the specified policy ID + and collection of statements. The policy ID is a user specified string + that serves to help developers keep track of multiple polices. Policy IDs + are often used as a human readable name for a policy. + + The policy ID for the new policy object. Policy IDs serve to + help developers keep track of multiple policies, and are often + used to give the policy a meaningful, human readable name. + The statements to include in the new policy. + + + + Sets the policy ID for this policy and returns the updated policy so that + multiple calls can be chained together. + + Policy IDs serve to help developers keep track of multiple policies, and + are often used as human readable name for a policy. + + + The polich ID for this policy + this instance + + + + Checks to see if the permissions set in the statement are already set by another + statement in the policy. + + The statement to verify + True if the statement's permissions are already allowed by the statement + + + + Sets the collection of statements contained by this policy and returns + this policy object so that additional method calls can be chained + together. + + Individual statements in a policy are what specify the rules that enable + or disable access to your AWS resources. + + + The collection of statements included in this policy. + this instance + + + + Returns a JSON string representation of this AWS access control policy, + suitable to be sent to an AWS service as part of a request to set an + access control policy. + + A JSON string representation of this AWS access control policy. + + + + Returns a JSON string representation of this AWS access control policy, + suitable to be sent to an AWS service as part of a request to set an + access control policy. + + Toggle pretty print for the generated JSON document + A JSON string representation of this AWS access control policy. + + + + Parses a JSON document of a policy and creates a Policy object. + + JSON document of a policy. + + + + + Gets and Sets the policy ID for this policy. Policy IDs serve to help + developers keep track of multiple policies, and are often used as human + readable name for a policy. + + + + + Gets and sets the version of this AWS policy. + + + + + Gets and Sets the collection of statements contained by this policy. Individual + statements in a policy are what specify the rules that enable or disable + access to your AWS resources. + + + + + A principal is an AWS account which is being allowed or denied access to a + resource through an access control policy. The principal is a property of the + Statement object, not directly the object. + + The principal is A in the statement + "A has permission to do B to C where D applies." + + + In an access control policy statement, you can set the principal to all + authenticated AWS users through the member. This + is useful when you don't want to restrict access based on the identity of the + requester, but instead on other identifying characteristics such as the + requester's IP address. + + + + + + The default Principal provider for AWS accounts. + + + + + Principal provider for Canonical User IDs. + + + + + Principal provider for federated users (using a SAML identity provider) + + + + + Principal provider for assume role policies that will be assumed by an AWS service + (e.g. "ec2.amazonaws.com"). + + + + + Dummy principal provider for anonynous. + + + + + Principal instance that includes all authenticated AWS users. + + This is useful when you don't want to restrict access based on the + identity of the requester, but instead on other identifying + characteristics such as the requester's IP address. + + + + + + The anonymous Principal. + + + + + Constructs a new principal with the specified AWS account ID. + + An AWS account ID. + + + + Constructs a new principal with the specified provider and id + + The provider of the principal + The unique ID of the Principal within the provider + + + + Gets and sets the provider for this principal, which indicates in what group of + users this principal resides. + + + + + Gets the unique ID for this principal. + + + + + Represents a resource involved in an AWS access control policy statement. + Resources are the service specific AWS entities owned by your account. Amazon + SQS queues, Amazon S3 buckets and objects, and Amazon SNS topics are all + examples of AWS resources. + + The standard way of specifying an AWS resource is with an Amazon Resource + Name (ARN). + + + The resource is C in the statement + "A has permission to do B to C where D applies." + + + + + + Constructs a new AWS access control policy resource. Resources are + typically specified as Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). + + You specify the resource using the following Amazon Resource Name (ARN) + format: arn:aws:<vendor>:<region>:<namespace>:<relative-id> + + + >vendor identifies the AWS product (e.g., sns) + + + region is the AWS Region the resource resides in (e.g., us-east-1), if any + + + namespace is the AWS account ID with no hyphens (e.g., 123456789012) + + + relative-id is the service specific portion that identifies the specific resource + + + + + For example, an Amazon SQS queue might be addressed with the following + ARN: arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:987654321000:MyQueue + + + Some resources may not use every field in an ARN. For example, resources + in Amazon S3 are global, so they omit the region field: + arn:aws:s3:::bucket/* + + + The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) uniquely identifying the desired AWS resource. + + + + Gets the resource ID, typically an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), + identifying this resource. + + + + + A factory for creating resources to be used in the policy. + + + + + Constructs a new bucket resource that represents the the specified bucket + but not any of the contained objects. + + The name of the bucket represented by this AWS access control + policy resource. + + + + Constructs a new object resource that represents the specified objects. + The keyPattern argument may contain the '*' wildcard to match multiple + objects. For example, an object resource created for bucket 'mybucket' + and key pattern 'foo*' will match any object stored in 'mybucket' with a + key that starts with 'foo'. + + The name of the bucket containing the object or objects + represented by this resource. + The key or key pattern, which can optionally contain the '*' + wildcard to include multiple objects in the resource. + + + + Constructs a new SQS queue resource for an access control policy. A + policy statement using this resource will allow or deny actions on the + specified queue. + + The AWS account ID of the queue owner. + The name of the Amazon SQS queue. + + + + A statement is the formal description of a single permission, and is always + contained within a policy object. + + A statement describes a rule for allowing or denying access to a specific AWS + resource based on how the resource is being accessed, and who is attempting + to access the resource. Statements can also optionally contain a list of + conditions that specify when a statement is to be honored. + + + For example, consider a statement that: + + + A is the prinicpal + The AWS account that is making a request to + access or modify one of your AWS resources. + + + + B is the action + the way in which your AWS resource is being accessed or modified, such + as sending a message to an Amazon SQS queue, or storing an object in an Amazon S3 bucket. + + + + C is the resource + your AWS entity that the principal wants to access, such + as an Amazon SQS queue, or an object stored in Amazon S3. + + + + D is the set of conditions + optional constraints that specify when to allow or deny + access for the principal to access your resource. Many expressive conditions are available, + some specific to each service. For example you can use date conditions to allow access to + your resources only after or before a specific time. + + + + + + There are many resources and conditions available for use in statements, and + you can combine them to form fine grained custom access control polices. + + + + + + Constructs a new access control policy statement with the specified + effect. + + Before a statement is valid and can be sent to AWS, callers must set the + principals, resources, and actions (as well as any optional conditions) + involved in the statement. + + + The effect this statement has (allowing access or denying + access) when all conditions, resources, principals, and + actions are matched. + + + + Sets the ID for this statement and returns the updated statement so + multiple calls can be chained together. + + Statement IDs serve to help keep track of multiple statements, and are + often used to give the statement a meaningful, human readable name. + + + Developers should be careful to not use the same statement ID for + multiple statements in the same policy. Reusing the same statement ID in + different policies is not a problem. + + + The new statement ID for this statement. + this instance + + + + Sets the list of actions to which this policy statement applies and + returns this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can + be chained together. + + Actions limit a policy statement to specific service operations that are + being allowed or denied by the policy statement. For example, you might + want to allow any AWS user to post messages to your SQS queue using the + SendMessage action, but you don't want to allow those users other actions + such as ReceiveMessage or DeleteQueue. + + + The list of actions to which this statement applies. + this instance + + + + Sets the resources associated with this policy statement and returns this + updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be chained + together. + + Resources are what a policy statement is allowing or denying access to, + such as an Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. + + + Note that some services allow only one resource to be specified per + policy statement. + + + The resources associated with this policy statement. + this instance + + + + Sets the conditions associated with this policy statement, and returns + this updated Statement object so that additional method calls can be + chained together. + + Conditions allow policy statements to be conditionally evaluated based on + the many available condition types. + + + For example, a statement that allows access to an Amazon SQS queue could + use a condition to only apply the effect of that statement for requests + that are made before a certain date, or that originate from a range of IP + addresses. + + + Multiple conditions can be included in a single statement, and all + conditions must evaluate to true in order for the statement to take + effect. + + + The conditions associated with this policy statement. + this instance + + + + Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, and returns + this updated Statement object. Principals control which AWS accounts are + affected by this policy statement. + + If you don't want to restrict your policy to specific users, you can use + to apply the policy to any user trying to + access your resource. + + + The list of principals associated with this policy statement. + this instance + + + + Gets and Sets the ID for this statement. Statement IDs serve to help keep track + of multiple statements, and are often used to give the statement a + meaningful, human readable name. + + Developers should be careful to not use the same statement ID for + multiple statements in the same policy. Reusing the same statement ID in + different policies is not a problem. + + + + + + Gets and Sets the result effect of this policy statement when it is evaluated. + A policy statement can either allow access or explicitly + + + + + Gets and Sets the list of actions to which this policy statement applies. + Actions limit a policy statement to specific service operations that are + being allowed or denied by the policy statement. For example, you might + want to allow any AWS user to post messages to your SQS queue using the + SendMessage action, but you don't want to allow those users other actions + such as ReceiveMessage or DeleteQueue. + + + + + Gets and Sets the resources associated with this policy statement. Resources + are what a policy statement is allowing or denying access to, such as an + Amazon SQS queue or an Amazon SNS topic. + + Note that some services allow only one resource to be specified per + policy statement. + + + + + + Gets and Sets the conditions associated with this policy statement. Conditions + allow policy statements to be conditionally evaluated based on the many + available condition types. + + For example, a statement that allows access to an Amazon SQS queue could + use a condition to only apply the effect of that statement for requests + that are made before a certain date, or that originate from a range of IP + addresses. + + + When multiple conditions are included in a single statement, all + conditions must evaluate to true in order for the statement to take + effect. + + + + + + Gets and Sets the principals associated with this policy statement, indicating + which AWS accounts are affected by this policy statement. + + + + + The effect is the result that you want a policy statement to return at + evaluation time. A policy statement can either allow access or explicitly + deny access. + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon AppStream. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Auto Scaling. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Billing. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS CloudFormation. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon CloudFront. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon CloudSearch. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS CloudTrail. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon CloudWatch. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon CloudWatch Logs. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Cognito Identity. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Cognito Sync. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Direct Connect. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon DynamoDB. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon EC2. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS ElastiCache. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Elastic Beanstalk. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Elastic Load Balancing. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Elastic MapReduce. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Elastic Transcoder. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Glacier. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Identity and Access Management. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Import Export. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Kinesis. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Marketplace. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Marketplace Management Portal. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Mobile Analytics. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS OpsWorks. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon RDS. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Redshift. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Route 53. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon S3. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Security Token Service. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon SES. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon SimpleDB. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Simple Workflow Service. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon SNS. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon SQS. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Storage Gateway. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for AWS Whispersync. + + + + + + The available AWS access control policy actions for Amazon Zocalo. + + + + + + Deserializes a JSON string into a AWS policy object. + + + + + Serializes an AWS policy object to a JSON string, suitable for sending to an + AWS service. + + + + Converts the specified AWS policy object to a JSON string, suitable for + passing to an AWS service. + + @param policy + The AWS policy object to convert to a JSON string. + + @return The JSON string representation of the specified policy object. + + @throws IllegalArgumentException + If the specified policy is null or invalid and cannot be + serialized to a JSON string. + + + + Uses the specified generator to write the JSON data for the principals in + the specified policy statement. + + + + + This sorts the conditions by condition type and key with the list of values for that combination. + + The list of conditions to be sorted. + + + + + Exception thrown by the SDK for errors that occur within the SDK. + + + + + Patches the in-flight uri to stop it unescaping the path etc (what Uri did before + Microsoft deprecated the constructor flag). This is particularly important for + Amazon S3 customers who want to use backslash (\) in their key names. + + + Different behavior in the various runtimes has been observed and in addition some + 'documented' ways of doing this between 2.x and 4.x runtimes has also been observed + to not be reliable. + + This patch effectively emulates what adding a schemesettings element to the + app.config file with value 'name="http" genericUriParserOptions="DontUnescapePathDotsAndSlashes"' + does. As we're a dll, that avenue is not open to us. + + + + + + Used to create a copy of the config for a different service than the current instance. + + Target service ClientConfig + The new ClientConfig for the desired service + + + + Occurs before a request is marshalled. + + + + + Occurs before a request is issued against the service. + + + + + Occurs after a response is received from the service. + + + + + Occurs after an exception is encountered. + + + + + A base exception for some Amazon Web Services. + + Most exceptions thrown to client code will be service-specific exceptions, though some services + may throw this exception if there is a problem which is caught in the core client code. + + + + + + Whether the error was attributable to Sender or Reciever. + + + + + The error code returned by the service + + + + + The id of the request which generated the exception. + + + + + The HTTP status code from the service response + + + + + This exception is thrown when there is a parse error on the response back from AWS. + + + + + Last known location in the response that was parsed, if available. + + + + + The entire response body that caused this exception, if available. + + + + + Base class for request used by some of the services. + + + + + This flag specifies if SigV4 will be used for the current request. + + + + + Gets or Sets a value indicating if "Expect: 100-continue" HTTP header will be + sent by the client for this request. The default value is false. + + + + + Overrides the default request timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the Timeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/HttpClient object used + to send requests. + + + Please specify a timeout value only if the operation will not complete within the default intervals + specified for an HttpWebRequest/HttpClient. + + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + Overrides the default read-write timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/WebRequestHandler object used + to send requests. + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + + Abstract class for Response objects, contains only metadata, + and no result information. + + + + + Contains additional information about the request, such as the + Request Id. + + + + + Returns the content length of the HTTP response. + + + + + Returns the status code of the HTTP response. + + + + + Immutable representation of AWS credentials. + + + + + Constructs an ImmutableCredentials object with supplied accessKey, secretKey. + + + + Optional. Can be set to null or empty for non-session credentials. + + + + Returns a copy of the current credentials. + + + + + + Gets the AccessKey property for the current credentials. + + + + + Gets the SecretKey property for the current credentials. + + + + + Gets the Token property for the current credentials. + + + + + Gets the UseToken property for the current credentials. + Specifies if Token property is non-emtpy. + + + + + Abstract class that represents a credentials object for AWS services. + + + + + Returns a copy of ImmutableCredentials + + + + + + Basic set of credentials consisting of an AccessKey and SecretKey + + + + + Constructs a BasicAWSCredentials object for the specified accessKey and secretKey. + + + + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + Session credentials consisting of AccessKey, SecretKey and Token + + + + + Constructs a SessionAWSCredentials object for the specified accessKey, secretKey. + + + + + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + Credentials that are retrieved using the stored profile. The SDK Store is searched which is the credentials store shared with the SDK, PowerShell CLI and Toolkit. + To manage the SDK Store with the SDK use Amazon.Util.ProfileManager. If the profile is not found in the SDK Store then credentials file shared with other AWS SDKs + is searched. The credentials file is stored in the .aws directory in the current user's home directory. + + The profile name can be specified in the App.config using the AWSProfileName setting. + + + The location to search for credentials can be overridden in the App.config using the AWSProfilesLocation setting. + + + + + + Constructs an instance of StoredProfileAWSCredentials. This constructor searches for credentials using the + account name specified in the App.config. If no account is specified then the default credentials are used. + + + + + Constructs an instance of StoredProfileAWSCredentials. Credentials will be searched for using the profileName parameter. + + The profile name to search for credentials for + + + + Constructs an instance of StoredProfileAWSCredentials. Credentials will be searched for using the profileName parameter. + + The profile name to search for credentials for + Overrides the location to search for credentials + + + + Determine the location of the shared credentials file. + + If accountsLocation is null then the shared credentials file stored .aws directory under the home directory. + The file path to the credentials file to be used. + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + Name of the profile being used. + + + + + Location of the profiles, if used. + + + + + Uses aws credentials stored in environment variables to construct the credentials object. + AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are used for the access key id and secret key. If the variable AWS_SESSION_TOKEN exists + then it will be used to create temporary session credentials. + + + + + Constructs an instance of EnvironmentVariablesAWSCredentials. If no credentials are found in the environment variables + then an InvalidOperationException. + + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + Credentials that are retrieved from ConfigurationManager.AppSettings + + + + + Constructs an instance of EnvironmentAWSCredentials and attempts + to load AccessKey and SecretKey from ConfigurationManager.AppSettings + + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + Abstract class for automatically refreshing AWS credentials + + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, generates new credentials and new expiration date. + + Called on first credentials request and when expiration date is in the past. + + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, generates new credentials and new expiration date. + + Called on first credentials request and when expiration date is in the past. + + + + + + Clears currently-stored credentials, forcing the next GetCredentials call to generate new credentials. + + + + + The time before actual expiration to expire the credentials. + Property cannot be set to a negative TimeSpan. + + + + + Refresh state container consisting of credentials + and the date of the their expiration + + + + + Credentials that are retrieved from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance + + + + + Constructs a InstanceProfileAWSCredentials object for specific role + + Role to use + + + + Constructs a InstanceProfileAWSCredentials object for the first found role + + + + + Retrieves a list of all roles available through current InstanceProfile service + + + + + + Role for which the credentials are retrieved + + + + + Anonymous credentials. + Using these credentials, the client does not sign the request. + + + + + Returns an instance of ImmutableCredentials for this instance + + + + + + This class is the base class of all the configurations settings to connect + to a service. + + + This class is the base class of all the configurations settings to connect + to a service. + + + + + Enable or disable the Nagle algorithm on the underlying http + client. + + This method is not intended to be called by consumers of the AWS SDK for .NET + + + + + + Performs validation on this config object. + Throws exception if any of the required values are missing/invalid. + + + + + Returns the request timeout value if its value is set, + else returns client timeout value. + + + + + Gets Service Version + + + + + Gets and sets of the signatureMethod property. + + + + + Gets and sets of the SignatureVersion property. + + + + + Gets and sets of the UserAgent property. + + + + + Gets and sets the RegionEndpoint property. The region constant to use that + determines the endpoint to use. If this is not set + then the client will fallback to the value of ServiceURL. + + + + + The constant used to lookup in the region hash the endpoint. + + + + + Gets and sets of the ServiceURL property. + This is an optional property; change it + only if you want to try a different service + endpoint. + + + + + Gets and sets the UseHttp. + If this property is set to true, the client attempts + to use HTTP protocol, if the target endpoint supports it. + By default, this property is set to false. + + + + + Gets and sets the AuthenticationRegion property. + Used in AWS4 request signing, this is an optional property; + change it only if the region cannot be determined from the + service endpoint. + + + + + Gets and sets the AuthenticationServiceName property. + Used in AWS4 request signing, this is the short-form + name of the service being called. + + + + + Gets and sets of the MaxErrorRetry property. + + + + + Gets and sets the LogResponse. + If this property is set to true, the service response + is read in its entirety and logged. + + + + + Gets and sets the ReadEntireResponse. + If this property is set to true, the service response + is read in its entirety before being processed. + + + + + Gets and Sets the BufferSize property. + The BufferSize controls the buffer used to read in from input streams and write + out to the request. + + + + + + Gets or sets the interval at which progress update events are raised + for upload operations. By default, the progress update events are + raised at every 100KB of data transferred. + + + If the value of this property is set less than ClientConfig.BufferSize, + progress updates events will be raised at the interval specified by ClientConfig.BufferSize. + + + + + + Flag on whether to resign requests on retry or not. + + + + + This flag controls if .NET HTTP infrastructure should follow redirection + responses (e.g. HTTP 307 - temporary redirect). + + + + + Flag on whether to log metrics for service calls. + + This can be set in the application's configs, as below: + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSLogMetrics" value"true"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + + Gets and sets the DisableLogging. If true logging for this client will be disabled. + + + + + Credentials to use with a proxy. + + + + + Overrides the default request timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the Timeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/HttpClient object used + to send requests. + + + Please specify a timeout value only if the operation will not complete within the default intervals + specified for an HttpWebRequest/HttpClient. + + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + Gets and sets of the ProxyHost property. + + + + + Gets and sets of the ProxyPort property. + + + + + Gets and sets the max idle time set on the ServicePoint for the WebRequest. + Default value is 50 seconds (50,000 ms) unless ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime is set, + in which case ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime will be used as the default. + + + + + Gets and sets the connection limit set on the ServicePoint for the WebRequest. + Default value is 50 connections unless ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit is set in + which case ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit will be used as the default. + + + + + Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the Nagle algorithm is used on connections managed by the ServicePoint object used + for requests to AWS. This is defaulted to false for lower latency with responses that return small amount of data. This is the opposite + default than ServicePoint.UseNagleAlgorithm which is optimized for large responses like web pages or images. + + + + + Overrides the default read-write timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/WebRequestHandler object used + to send requests. + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + + This class composes Client Context header for Amazon Web Service client. + It contains information like app title, version code, version name, client id, OS platform etc. + + + This class composes Client Context header for Amazon Web Service client. + It contains information like app title, version code, version name, client id, OS platform etc. + + + + + Adds the custom attributes to the Client Context. + + Key. + Value. + + + + Gets a Json Representation of the Client Context. + + Json Representation of Client Context + + + + Base class for constant class that holds the value that will be sent to AWS for the static constants. + + + + + Attempt to find correct-cased constant value using whatever cased value the user + has provided. This is primarily useful for mapping any-cased values from a CLI + tool to the specific casing required by the service, avoiding the need for the + user to (a) remember the specific case and (b) actually type it correctly. + + The properly cased service constant matching the value + + + + Gets the value that needs to be used when send the value to AWS + + + + + The valid hashing algorithm supported by the sdk for request signing. + + + + + Which end of a request was responsible for a service error response. + + + + + The sender was responsible for the error, i.e. the client + request failed validation or was improperly formatted. + + + + + The error occured within the service. + + + + + An unrecognized error type was returned. + + + + + Metrics collected by the SDK on a per-request basis. + + + Each request made to an AWS service by the SDK can have metrics + collected and logged. This interface represents the collected + metrics for a request. The metrics include properties (i.e. request id + and other metadata), timings for each stage of the request, and counters. + + + + + JSON representation of the current metrics + + JSON string + + + + Collection of properties being tracked + + + + + Timings for metrics being tracked + + + + + Counters being tracked + + + + + Whether metrics are enabled for the request + + + + + Represents how long a phase of an SDK request took. + + + + + Whether the timing has been stopped + + + + + Elapsed ticks from start to stop. + If timing hasn't been stopped yet, returns 0. + + + + + Elapsed time from start to stop. + If timing hasn't been stopped yet, returns TimeSpan.Zero + + + + + User supplied type to perform metrics formatting. + + + + + Produce custom formatting for SDK metrics. + + + If defined, this method will be called for every request made by the SDK. + + An instance of IRequestMetrics produced by the SDK + formatted string representation of the metrics + + + + Predefined request metrics that are collected by the SDK. + + + + + Information about the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the RequestId property. + ID that uniquely identifies a request. Amazon keeps track of request IDs. If you have a question about a request, include the request ID in your correspondence. + + + + + This exception is thrown if there are problems signing the request. + + + + + This exception is thrown if there are problems signing the request. + + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The number of bytes transferred since last event + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + Returns a string representation of this object + + + + + + Gets the percentage of transfer completed + + + + + Gets the number of bytes transferred since last event + + + + + Gets the number of bytes transferred + + + + + Gets the total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + Default implementation of the IRequest interface. + + This class is only intended for internal use inside the AWS client libraries. + Callers shouldn't ever interact directly with objects of this class. + + + + + + Represents a request being sent to an Amazon Web Service, including the + parameters being sent as part of the request, the endpoint to which the + request should be sent, etc. + + This class is only intended for internal use inside the AWS client libraries. + Callers shouldn't ever interact directly with objects of this class. + + + + + + Adds a new null entry to the SubResources collection for the request + + The name of the subresource + + + + Adds a new entry to the SubResources collection for the request + + The name of the subresource + Value of the entry + + + + Computes the SHA 256 hash of the content stream. If the stream is not + seekable, it searches the parent stream hierarchy to find a seekable + stream prior to computation. Once computed, the hash is cached for future + use. + + + + + Checks if the request stream can be rewinded. + + Returns true if the request stream can be rewinded , + else false. + + + + Returns true if the request can contain a request body, else false. + + Returns true if the currect request can contain a request body, else false. + + + + Returns true if the request has a body, else false. + + Returns true if the request has a body, else false. + + + + The name of the request + + + + + Returns a dictionary of the headers included in this request. + + + + + Gets and sets a flag that indicates whether the request is sent as a query string instead of the request body. + + + + + Returns a dictionary of the parameters included in this request. + + + + + Returns the subresources that should be appended to the resource path. + This is used primarily for Amazon S3, where object keys can contain '?' + characters, making string-splitting of a resource path potentially + hazardous. + + + + + Gets and sets the type of http request to make, whether it should be POST,GET or DELETE + + + + + Gets and Sets the endpoint for this request. + + + + + Gets and Sets the resource path added on to the endpoint. + + + + + Gets and Sets the content for this request. + + + + + Flag that signals that Content was and should be set + from the Parameters collection. + + + + + Gets and sets the content stream. + + + + + Gets and sets the original stream position. + If ContentStream is null or does not support seek, this propery + should be equal to -1. + + + + + The name of the service to which this request is being sent. + + + + + Returns the original, user facing request object which this internal + request object is representing. + + + + + Alternate endpoint to use for this request, if any. + + + + + Gets and sets the Suppress404Exceptions property. If true then 404s return back from AWS will not cause an exception and + an empty response object will be returned. + + + + + If using AWS4 signing protocol, contains the resultant parts of the + signature that we may need to make use of if we elect to do a chunked + encoding upload. + + + + + Determine whether to use a chunked encoding upload for the request + (applies to Amazon S3 PutObject and UploadPart requests only). + + + + + + Used for Amazon S3 requests where the bucket name is removed from + the marshalled resource path into the host header. To comply with + AWS2 signature calculation, we need to recover the bucket name + and include it in the resource canonicalization, which we do using + this field. + + + + + This flag specifies if SigV4 is required for the current request. + + + + + The authentication region to use for the request. + Set from Config.AuthenticationRegion. + + + + + Constructs a new DefaultRequest with the specified service name and the + original, user facing request object. + + The orignal request that is being wrapped + The service name + + + + Adds a new null entry to the SubResources collection for the request + + The name of the subresource + + + + Adds a new entry to the SubResources collection for the request + + The name of the subresource + Value of the entry + + + + Computes the SHA 256 hash of the content stream. If the stream is not + seekable, it searches the parent stream hierarchy to find a seekable + stream prior to computation. Once computed, the hash is cached for future + use. If a suitable stream cannot be found to use, null is returned. + + + + + Checks if the request stream can be rewinded. + + Returns true if the request stream can be rewinded , + else false. + + + + Returns true if the request can contain a request body, else false. + + Returns true if the currect request can contain a request body, else false. + + + + Returns true if the request has a body, else false. + + Returns true if the request has a body, else false. + + + + The name of the request + + + + + Gets and sets the type of http request to make, whether it should be POST,GET or DELETE + + + + + Gets and sets a flag that indicates whether the request is sent as a query string instead of the request body. + + + + + Returns the original, user facing request object which this internal + request object is representing. + + + + + Returns a dictionary of the headers included in this request. + + + + + Returns a dictionary of the parameters included in this request. + + + + + Returns the subresources that should be appended to the resource path. + This is used primarily for Amazon S3, where object keys can contain '?' + characters, making string-splitting of a resource path potentially + hazardous. + + + + + Gets and Sets the endpoint for this request. + + + + + Gets and Sets the resource path added on to the endpoint. + + + + + Gets and Sets the content for this request. + + + + + Flag that signals that Content was and should be set + from the Parameters collection. + + + + + Gets and sets the content stream. + + + + + Gets and sets the original stream position. + If ContentStream is null or does not support seek, this propery + should be equal to -1. + + + + + The name of the service to which this request is being sent. + + + + + Alternate endpoint to use for this request, if any. + + + + + Gets and sets the Suppress404Exceptions property. If true then 404s return back from AWS will not cause an exception and + an empty response object will be returned. + + + + + If using AWS4 signing protocol, contains the resultant parts of the + signature that we may need to make use of if we elect to do a chunked + encoding upload. + + + + + Determine whether to use a chunked encoding upload for the request + (applies to Amazon S3 PutObject and UploadPart requests only). + + + + + + Used for Amazon S3 requests where the bucket name is removed from + the marshalled resource path into the host header. To comply with + AWS2 signature calculation, we need to recover the bucket name + and include it in the resource canonicalization, which we do using + this field. + + + + + This flag specifies if SigV4 is required for the current request. + + + + + The authentication region to use for the request. + Set from Config.AuthenticationRegion. + + + + + Computes RFC 2104-compliant HMAC signature. + + + + + Computes RFC 2104-compliant HMAC signature. + + + + + Inspects the supplied evidence to return the signer appropriate for the operation + + Global setting for the service + The request. + Configuration for the client + True if signature v4 request signing should be used + + + + Signs the specified request with the AWS3 signing protocol by using the + AWS account credentials given in the method parameters. + + The AWS public key + The AWS secret key used to sign the request in clear text + Request metrics + The configuration that specifies which hashing algorithm to use + The request to have the signature compute for + If any problems are encountered while signing the request + + + + AWS4 protocol signer for service calls that transmit authorization in the header field "Authorization". + + + + + Calculates and signs the specified request using the AWS4 signing protocol by using the + AWS account credentials given in the method parameters. The resulting signature is added + to the request headers as 'Authorization'. Parameters supplied in the request, either in + the resource path as a query string or in the Parameters collection must not have been + uri encoded. If they have, use the SignRequest method to obtain a signature. + + + The request to compute the signature for. Additional headers mandated by the AWS4 protocol + ('host' and 'x-amz-date') will be added to the request before signing. + + + Client configuration data encompassing the service call (notably authentication + region, endpoint and service name). + + + Metrics for the request + + + The AWS public key for the account making the service call. + + + The AWS secret key for the account making the call, in clear text. + + + If any problems are encountered while signing the request. + + + + + Calculates and signs the specified request using the AWS4 signing protocol by using the + AWS account credentials given in the method parameters. + + + The request to compute the signature for. Additional headers mandated by the AWS4 protocol + ('host' and 'x-amz-date') will be added to the request before signing. + + + Client configuration data encompassing the service call (notably authentication + region, endpoint and service name). + + + Metrics for the request. + + + The AWS public key for the account making the service call. + + + The AWS secret key for the account making the call, in clear text. + + + If any problems are encountered while signing the request. + + + Parameters passed as part of the resource path should be uri-encoded prior to + entry to the signer. Parameters passed in the request.Parameters collection should + be not be encoded; encoding will be done for these parameters as part of the + construction of the canonical request. + + + + + Sets the AWS4 mandated 'host' and 'x-amz-date' headers, returning the date/time that will + be used throughout the signing process in various elements and formats. + + The current set of headers + + Date and time used for x-amz-date, in UTC + + + + Sets the AWS4 mandated 'host' and 'x-amz-date' headers, accepting and returning the date/time that will + be used throughout the signing process in various elements and formats. + + The current set of headers + + + Date and time used for x-amz-date, in UTC + + + + Computes and returns an AWS4 signature for the specified canonicalized request + + + + + + + + + + + + Computes and returns an AWS4 signature for the specified canonicalized request + + + + + + + + + + + + + Computes and returns an AWS4 signature for the specified canonicalized request + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Formats the supplied date and time for use in AWS4 signing, where various formats are used. + + + The required format + The UTC date/time in the requested format + + + + Compute and return the multi-stage signing key for the request. + + The clear-text AWS secret key, if not held in secureKey + The region in which the service request will be processed + Date of the request, in yyyyMMdd format + The name of the service being called by the request + Computed signing key + + + + If the caller has already set the x-amz-content-sha256 header with a pre-computed + content hash, or it is present as ContentStreamHash on the request instance, return + the value to be used in request canonicalization. + If not set as a header or in the request, attempt to compute a hash based on + inspection of the style of the request content. + + + + The computed hash, whether already set in headers or computed here. Null + if we were not able to compute a hash. + + + + + Returns the HMAC256 for an arbitrary blob using the specified key + + + + + + + + Returns the HMAC256 for an arbitrary blob using the specified key + + + + + + + + Compute and return the hash of a data blob using the specified key + + Algorithm to use for hashing + Hash key + Data blob + Hash of the data + + + + Compute and return the hash of a data blob using the specified key + + Algorithm to use for hashing + Hash key + Data blob + Hash of the data + + + + Computes the non-keyed hash of the supplied data + + + + + + + Computes the non-keyed hash of the supplied data + + + + + + + Computes and returns the canonical request + + the path of the resource being operated on + The http method used for the request + The full request headers, sorted into canonical order + The query parameters for the request + + The hash of the binary request body if present. If not supplied, the routine + will look for the hash as a header on the request. + + Canonicalised request as a string + + + + Returns the canonicalized resource path for the service endpoint + + Resource path for the request + + If resourcePath begins or ends with slash, the resulting canonicalized + path will follow suit. + + Canonicalized resource path for the endpoint + + + + Reorders the headers for the request for canonicalization. + + The set of proposed headers for the request + List of headers that must be included in the signature + For AWS4 signing, all headers are considered viable for inclusion + + + + Computes the canonical headers with values for the request. Only headers included in the signature + are included in the canonicalization process. + + All request headers, sorted into canonical order + Canonicalized string of headers, with the header names in lower case. + + + + Returns the set of headers included in the signature as a flattened, ;-delimited string + + The headers included in the signature + Formatted string of header names + + + + Collects the subresource and query string parameters into one collection + ready for canonicalization + + The in-flight request being signed + The fused set of parameters + + + + Computes and returns the canonicalized query string, if query parameters have been supplied. + Parameters with no value will be canonicalized as 'param='. The expectation is that parameters + have not already been url encoded prior to canonicalization. + + The set of parameters being passed on the uri + + Parameters must be uri encoded into the canonical request and by default the signer expects + that the supplied collection contains non-encoded data. Set this to false if the encoding was + done prior to signer entry. + + The uri encoded query string parameters in canonical ordering + + + + Computes and returns the canonicalized query string, if query parameters have been supplied. + Parameters with no value will be canonicalized as 'param='. The expectation is that parameters + have not already been url encoded prior to canonicalization. + + The set of parameters to be encoded in the query string + + Parameters must be uri encoded into the canonical request and by default the signer expects + that the supplied collection contains non-encoded data. Set this to false if the encoding was + done prior to signer entry. + + The uri encoded query string parameters in canonical ordering + + + + Returns the request parameters in the form of a query string. + + The request instance + Request parameters in query string format + + + + AWS4 protocol signer for Amazon S3 presigned urls. + + + + + Calculates and signs the specified request using the AWS4 signing protocol by using the + AWS account credentials given in the method parameters. The resulting signature is added + to the request headers as 'Authorization'. + + + The request to compute the signature for. Additional headers mandated by the AWS4 protocol + ('host' and 'x-amz-date') will be added to the request before signing. + + + Adding supporting data for the service call required by the signer (notably authentication + region, endpoint and service name). + + + Metrics for the request + + + The AWS public key for the account making the service call. + + + The AWS secret key for the account making the call, in clear text + + + If any problems are encountered while signing the request. + + + + + Calculates the AWS4 signature for a presigned url. + + + The request to compute the signature for. Additional headers mandated by the AWS4 protocol + ('host' and 'x-amz-date') will be added to the request before signing. If the Expires parameter + is present, it is renamed to 'X-Amz-Expires' before signing. + + + Adding supporting data for the service call required by the signer (notably authentication + region, endpoint and service name). + + + Metrics for the request + + + The AWS public key for the account making the service call. + + + The AWS secret key for the account making the call, in clear text + + + If any problems are encountered while signing the request. + + + Parameters passed as part of the resource path should be uri-encoded prior to + entry to the signer. Parameters passed in the request.Parameters collection should + be not be encoded; encoding will be done for these parameters as part of the + construction of the canonical request. + + + + + Calculates the AWS4 signature for a presigned url. + + + The request to compute the signature for. Additional headers mandated by the AWS4 protocol + ('host' and 'x-amz-date') will be added to the request before signing. If the Expires parameter + is present, it is renamed to 'X-Amz-Expires' before signing. + + + Adding supporting data for the service call required by the signer (notably authentication + region, endpoint and service name). + + + Metrics for the request + + + The AWS public key for the account making the service call. + + + The AWS secret key for the account making the call, in clear text + + + The service to sign for + + + The region to sign to, if null then the region the client is configured for will be used. + + + If any problems are encountered while signing the request. + + + Parameters passed as part of the resource path should be uri-encoded prior to + entry to the signer. Parameters passed in the request.Parameters collection should + be not be encoded; encoding will be done for these parameters as part of the + construction of the canonical request. + + + + + Encapsulates the various fields and eventual signing value that makes up + an AWS4 signature. This can be used to retrieve the required authorization string + or authorization query parameters for the final request as well as hold ongoing + signature computations for subsequent calls related to the initial signing. + + + + + Constructs a new signing result instance for a computed signature + + The access key that was included in the signature + Date/time (UTC) that the signature was computed + The collection of headers names that were included in the signature + Formatted 'scope' value for signing (YYYYMMDD/region/service/aws4_request) + Returns the key that was used to compute the signature + Computed signature + + + + The access key that was used in signature computation. + + + + + ISO8601 formatted date/time that the signature was computed + + + + + ISO8601 formatted date that the signature was computed + + + + + The ;-delimited collection of header names that were included in the signature computation + + + + + Formatted 'scope' value for signing (YYYYMMDD/region/service/aws4_request) + + + + + Returns a copy of the key that was used to compute the signature + + + + + Returns the hex string representing the signature + + + + + Returns a copy of the byte array containing the signature + + + + + Returns the signature in a form usable as an 'Authorization' header value. + + + + + Returns the signature in a form usable as a set of query string parameters. + + + + + Null Signer which does a no-op. + + + + + Signs the specified request with the AWS2 signing protocol by using the + AWS account credentials given in the method parameters. + + The AWS public key + The AWS secret key used to sign the request in clear text + Request metrics + The configuration that specifies which hashing algorithm to use + The request to have the signature compute for + If any problems are encountered while signing the request + + + + Response Unmarshaller for all Errors + + + + + Interface for unmarshallers which unmarshall objects from response data. + The Unmarshallers are stateless, and only encode the rules for what data + in the XML stream goes into what members of an object. + + The type of object the unmarshaller returns + The type of the XML unmashaller context, which contains the + state during parsing of the XML stream. Usually an instance of + Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform.UnmarshallerContext. + + + + Given the current position in the XML stream, extract a T. + + The XML parsing context + An object of type T populated with data from the XML stream. + + + + Build an ErrorResponse from XML + + The XML parsing context. + Usually an Amazon.Runtime.Internal.UnmarshallerContext. + An ErrorResponse object. + + + + Return an instance of and ErrorResponseUnmarshaller. + + + + + + Interface for unmarshallers which unmarshall service responses. + The Unmarshallers are stateless, and only encode the rules for what data + in the XML stream goes into what members of an object. + + The type of object the unmarshaller returns + The type of the XML unmashaller context, which contains the + state of parsing the XML stream. Uaually an instance of + Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform.UnmarshallerContext. + + + + Extracts an exeption with data from an ErrorResponse. + + The XML parsing context. + An inner exception to be included with the returned exception + The HttpStatusCode from the ErrorResponse + Either an exception based on the ErrorCode from the ErrorResponse, or the + general service exception for the service in question. + + + + Response Unmarshaller for all Errors + + + + + Build an ErrorResponse from json + + The json parsing context. + Usually an Amazon.Runtime.Internal.JsonUnmarshallerContext. + An ErrorResponse object. + + + + Return an instance of JsonErrorResponseUnmarshaller. + + + + + + Wraps a json string for unmarshalling. + + Each Read() operation gets the next token. + TestExpression() is used to match the current key-chain + to an xpath expression. The general pattern looks like this: + + JsonUnmarshallerContext context = new JsonUnmarshallerContext(jsonString); + while (context.Read()) + { + if (context.IsKey) + { + if (context.TestExpresion("path/to/element")) + { + myObject.stringMember = stringUnmarshaller.GetInstance().Unmarshall(context); + continue; + } + } + } + + + + + + Base class for the UnmarshallerContext objects that are used + to unmarshall a web-service response. + + + + + Tests the specified expression against the current position in the XML + document + + The pseudo-XPath expression to test. + + True if the expression matches the current position in the document, + false otherwise. + + + + Tests the specified expression against the current position in the XML + document being parsed, and restricts the expression to matching at the + specified stack depth. + + The pseudo-XPath expression to test. + + The depth in the stack representing where the expression must + start matching in order for this method to return true. + + True if the specified expression matches the current position in + the XML document, starting from the specified depth. + + + + Reads the next token at depth greater than or equal to target depth. + + Tokens are read at depth greater than or equal to target depth. + True if a token was read and current depth is greater than or equal to target depth. + + + + Reads to the next node in the document, and updates the context accordingly. + + + True if a node was read, false if there are no more elements to read. + + + + + Returns the text contents of the current element being parsed. + + + The text contents of the current element being parsed. + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + The current path that is being unmarshalled. + + + + + Returns the element depth of the parser's current position in the + document being parsed. + + + + + True if NodeType is Element. + + + + + True if NodeType is EndElement. + + + + + True if the context is at the start of the document. + + + + + Wrap the jsonstring for unmarshalling. + + Stream that contains the JSON for unmarshalling + If set to true, maintains a copy of the complete response body as the stream is being read. + Response data coming back from the request + + + + Reads to the next token in the json document, and updates the context + accordingly. + + + True if a token was read, false if there are no more tokens to read. + + + + + Peeks at the next token. This peek implementation + reads the next token and makes the subsequent Read() return the same data. + If Peek is called successively, it will return the same data. + Only the first one calls Read(), subsequent calls + will return the same data until a Read() call is made. + + Token to peek. + Returns true if the peeked token matches given token. + + + + Returns the text contents of the current token being parsed. + + + The text contents of the current token being parsed. + + + + + Peeks at the next (non-whitespace) character in the jsonStream. + + The next (non-whitespace) character in the jsonStream, or -1 if at the end. + + + + Peeks at the next character in the stream. + If the data isn't buffered into the StreamReader (Peek() returns -1), + we flush the buffered data and try one more time. + + + + + + Are we at the start of the json document. + + + + + Is the current token the end of an object + + + + + Is the current token the start of an object + + + + + Returns the element depth of the parser's current position in the json + document being parsed. + + + + + The current Json path that is being unmarshalled. + + + + + The type of the current token + + + + + Get the base stream of the jsonStream. + + + + + Abstract class for unmarshalling service responses. + + + + + Class for unmarshalling XML service responses. + + + + + Class for unmarshalling EC2 service responses. + + + + + Class for unmarshalling JSON service responses. + + + + + Unmarshaller for int fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for long fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for float fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for double fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for bool fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for string fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for byte fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for DateTime fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for MemoryStream fields + + + + + Unmarshaller for ResponseMetadata + + + + + Wrap an XmltextReader for simulating an event stream. + + Each Read() operation goes either to the next element or next attribute within + the current element. TestExpression() is used to match the current event + to an xpath expression. The general pattern looks like this: + + UnmarshallerContext context = new UnmarshallerContext(...); + while (context.Read()) + { + if (context.TestExpresion("path/to/element")) + { + myObject.stringMember = stringUnmarshaller.GetInstance().Unmarshall(context); + continue; + } + if (context.TestExpression("path/to/@attribute")) + myObject.MyComplexTypeMember = MyComplexTypeUnmarshaller.GetInstance().Unmarshall(context); + } + + + + + + Wrap an XmlTextReader with state for event-based parsing of an XML stream. + + Stream with the XML from a service response. + If set to true, maintains a copy of the complete response body as the stream is being read. + Response data coming back from the request + + + + Reads to the next node in the XML document, and updates the context accordingly. + + + True if a node was read, false if there are no more elements to read./ + + + + + Returns the text contents of the current element being parsed. + + + The text contents of the current element being parsed. + + + + + The current XML path that is being unmarshalled. + + + + + Returns the element depth of the parser's current position in the XML + document being parsed. + + + + + True if NodeType is Element. + + + + + True if NodeType is EndElement. + + + + + True if the context is at the start of the document. + + + + + True if NodeType is Attribute. + + + + + Wrap an XmlTextReader with state for event-based parsing of an XML stream. + + Stream with the XML from a service response. + If set to true, maintains a copy of the complete response body as the stream is being read. + Response data coming back from the request + + + + Reads to the next node in the XML document, and updates the context accordingly. + If node is RequestId, reads the contents and stores in RequestId property. + + + True if a node was read, false if there are no more elements to read./ + + + + + RequestId value, if found in response + + + + + A stream which caches the contents of the underlying stream as it reads it. + + + + + A wrapper stream. + + + + + Initializes WrapperStream with a base stream. + + + + + + Returns the first base non-WrapperStream. + + First base stream that is non-WrapperStream. + + + + Returns the first base non-WrapperStream. + + First base stream that is non-WrapperStream. + + + + Returns the first base non-WrapperStream. + + Potential WrapperStream + Base non-WrapperStream. + + + + Closes the current stream and releases any resources (such as sockets and + file handles) associated with the current stream. + + + + + Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device. + + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position + within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified + byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced + by the bytes read from the current source. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read + from the current stream. + + + The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. + + + The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the + number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, + or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. + + + + + Sets the position within the current stream. + + A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. + + A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used + to obtain the new position. + The new position within the current stream. + + + + Sets the length of the current stream. + + The desired length of the current stream in bytes. + + + + Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current + position within this stream by the number of bytes written. + + + An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the + current stream. + + The number of bytes to be written to the current stream. + + + + Base stream. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading. + True if the stream supports reading; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + True if the stream supports seeking; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing. + True if the stream supports writing; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the length in bytes of the stream. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + + + + + Gets or sets a value, in miliseconds, that determines how long the stream + will attempt to read before timing out. + + + + + Gets or sets a value, in miliseconds, that determines how long the stream + will attempt to write before timing out. + + + + + Initializes the CachingWrapperStream with a base stream. + + The stream to be wrapped. + Maximum number of bytes to be cached. + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position + within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified + byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced + by the bytes read from the current source. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read + from the current stream. + + + The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. + + + The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the + number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, + or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. + + + + + Sets the position within the current stream. + CachingWrapperStream does not support seeking, attempting to call Seek + will throw NotSupportedException. + + A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. + + A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used + to obtain the new position. + The new position within the current stream. + + + + All the bytes read by the stream. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + CachingWrapperStream does not support seeking, this will always be false. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + CachingWrapperStream does not support seeking, attempting to set Position + will throw NotSupportedException. + + + + + Stream wrapper that double-buffers from a wrapped stream and + returns the buffered content as a series of signed 'chunks' + for the AWS4 ('Signature V4') protocol. + + + + + Reads some or all of the processed chunk to the consumer, constructing + and streaming a new chunk if more input data is available. + + + + + + + + + Computes the derived signature for a chunk of data of given length in the input buffer, + placing a formatted chunk with headers, signature and data into the output buffer + ready for streaming back to the consumer. + + + + + + Computes the total size of the data payload, including the chunk metadata. + Called externally so as to be able to set the correct Content-Length header + value. + + + + + + + Computes the size of the header data for each chunk. + + + + + + + Attempt to read sufficient data for a whole chunk from the wrapped stream, + returning the number of bytes successfully read to be processed into a chunk + + + + + Results of the header-signing portion of the request + + + + + Computed signature of the chunk prior to the one in-flight, in + hex + + + + + Length override to return the true length of the payload plus the metainfo + supplied with each chunk + + + + + A list object that will always be sent to AWS services, + even if it is empty. + The AWS .NET SDK does not send empty collections to services, unless + the collection is of this type. + + + + + + A dictionary object that will always be sent to AWS services, + even if it is empty. + The AWS .NET SDK does not send empty collections to services, unless + the collection is of this type. + + + + + + + Class to perform actions on a background thread. + Uses a single background thread and performs actions + on it in the order the data was sent through the instance. + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + Class to invoke actions on a background thread. + Uses a single background thread and invokes actions + on it in the order they were invoked through the instance. + + + + + Returns true if the Content is set or there are + query parameters. + + This request + True if data is present; false otherwise. + + + + Hashes a set of objects. + + + + + + + Combines a set of hashses. + + + + + + + Combines two hashes. + + + + + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + A wrapper stream that calculates a hash of the base stream as it + is being read. + The calculated hash is only available after the stream is closed or + CalculateHash is called. After calling CalculateHash, any further reads + on the streams will not change the CalculatedHash. + If an ExpectedHash is specified and is not equal to the calculated hash, + Close or CalculateHash methods will throw an AmazonClientException. + If CalculatedHash is calculated for only the portion of the stream that + is read. + + + Exception thrown during Close() or CalculateHash(), if ExpectedHash is set and + is different from CalculateHash that the stream calculates, provided that + CalculatedHash is not a zero-length byte array. + + + + + Initializes an HashStream with a hash algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to calculate hash for. + + Expected hash. Will be compared against calculated hash on stream close. + Pass in null to disable check. + + + Expected length of the stream. If the reading stops before reaching this + position, CalculatedHash will be set to empty array. + + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position + within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified + byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced + by the bytes read from the current source. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read + from the current stream. + + + The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. + + + The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the + number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, + or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. + + + + + Closes the underlying stream and finishes calculating the hash. + If an ExpectedHash is specified and is not equal to the calculated hash, + this method will throw an AmazonClientException. + + + If ExpectedHash is set and is different from CalculateHash that the stream calculates. + + + + + Sets the position within the current stream. + HashStream does not support seeking, attempting to call Seek + will throw NotSupportedException. + + A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. + + A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used + to obtain the new position. + The new position within the current stream. + + + + Calculates the hash for the stream so far and disables any further + hashing. + + + + + Resets the hash stream to starting state. + Use this if the underlying stream has been modified and needs + to be rehashed without reconstructing the hierarchy. + + + + + Validates the underlying stream. + + + + + Compares two hashes (arrays of bytes). + + Expected hash. + Actual hash. + + True if the hashes are identical; otherwise false. + + + + + Algorithm to use to calculate hash. + + + + + True if hashing is finished and no more hashing should be done; + otherwise false. + + + + + Current position in the stream. + + + + + Calculated hash for the stream. + This value is set only after the stream is closed. + + + + + Expected hash value. Compared against CalculatedHash upon Close(). + If the hashes are different, an AmazonClientException is thrown. + + + + + Expected length of stream. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + HashStream does not support seeking, this will always be false. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + HashStream does not support seeking, attempting to set Position + will throw NotSupportedException. + + + + + Gets the overridden length used to construct the HashStream + + + + + A wrapper stream that calculates a hash of the base stream as it + is being read or written. + The calculated hash is only available after the stream is closed or + CalculateHash is called. After calling CalculateHash, any further reads + on the streams will not change the CalculatedHash. + If an ExpectedHash is specified and is not equal to the calculated hash, + Close or CalculateHash methods will throw an AmazonClientException. + If base stream's position is not 0 or HashOnReads is true and the entire stream is + not read, the CalculatedHash will be set to an empty byte array and + comparison to ExpectedHash will not be made. + + + Exception thrown during Close() or CalculateHash(), if ExpectedHash is set and + is different from CalculateHash that the stream calculates, provided that + CalculatedHash is not a zero-length byte array. + + + + + Initializes an HashStream with a hash algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to calculate hash for. + + Expected hash. Will be compared against calculated hash on stream close. + Pass in null to disable check. + + + Expected length of the stream. If the reading stops before reaching this + position, CalculatedHash will be set to empty array. + + + + + A wrapper stream that calculates an MD5 hash of the base stream as it + is being read or written. + The calculated hash is only available after the stream is closed or + CalculateHash is called. After calling CalculateHash, any further reads + on the streams will not change the CalculatedHash. + If an ExpectedHash is specified and is not equal to the calculated hash, + Close or CalculateHash methods will throw an AmazonClientException. + If base stream's position is not 0 or HashOnReads is true and the entire stream is + not read, the CalculatedHash will be set to an empty byte array and + comparison to ExpectedHash will not be made. + + + Exception thrown during Close() or CalculateHash(), if ExpectedHash is set and + is different from CalculateHash that the stream calculates, provided that + CalculatedHash is not a zero-length byte array. + + + + + Initializes an MD5Stream with a base stream. + + Stream to calculate hash for. + + Expected hash. Will be compared against calculated hash on stream close. + Pass in null to disable check. + + + Expected length of the stream. If the reading stops before reaching this + position, CalculatedHash will be set to empty array. + + + + + A single logged message + + + + + This is a dynamic wrapper around log4net so we can avoid log4net being required + to be distributed with the SDK. + + + + + Abstract logger class, base for any custom/specific loggers. + + + + + Flushes the logger contents. + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net Error method. + + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net Debug method. + + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net DebugFormat method. + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net InfoFormat method. + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net IsErrorEnabled property. + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net IsDebugEnabled property. + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net IsInfoEnabled property. + + + + + Logger wrapper for reflected log4net logging methods. + + + + + This should be a one time call to use reflection to find all the types and methods + needed for the logging API. + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net Error method. + + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net Debug method. + + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net DebugFormat method. + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net InfoFormat method. + + + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net IsErrorEnabled property. + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net IsDebugEnabled property. + + + + + Simple wrapper around the log4net IsInfoEnabled property. + + + + + Constructs an empty, disabled metrics object + + + + + Starts timing an event. Logs an exception if an event + of the same type was started but not stopped. + + + + + + + Stops timing an event. Logs an exception if the event wasn't started. + + + + + + + Adds a property for a metric. If there are multiple, the + object is added as a new item in a list. + + + + + + + Sets a counter for a specific metric. + + + + + + + Increments a specific metric counter. + If counter doesn't exist yet, it is set to 1. + + + + + + Returns errors associated with the metric, including + if there are still any timing events in-flight. + + + + + + Returns a string representation of the current metrics. + + + + + + Return a JSON represenation of the current metrics + + + + + + Collection of properties being tracked + + + + + Timings for metrics being tracked + + + + + Counters being tracked + + + + + Whether metrics are enabled for the request + + + + + Timing information for a metric + + + + + Empty, stopped timing object + + + + + Timing object in a started state + + + + + + Stops timing + + + + + + Whether the timing has been stopped + + + + + Elapsed ticks from start to stop. + If timing hasn't been stopped yet, returns 0. + + + + + Elapsed time from start to stop. + If timing hasn't been stopped yet, returns TimeSpan.Zero + + + + + Timing event, stops timing of a metric when disposed + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + The destructor for the client class. + + + + + A wrapper stream which supresses disposal of the underlying stream. + + + + + Constructor for NonDisposingWrapperStream. + + The base stream to wrap. + + + + The Close implementation for this wrapper stream + does not close the underlying stream. + + + + + The Dispose implementation for this wrapper stream + does not close the underlying stream. + + + + + This class is used to wrap a stream for a particular segment of a stream. It + makes that segment look like you are reading from beginning to end of the stream. + + + + + Wrapper stream that only supports reading + + + + + Partial wrapper stream that only supports reading + + + + + Uri wrapper that can parse out information (bucket, key, region, style) from an + S3 URI. + + + + + Constructs a parser for the S3 URI specified as a string. + + The S3 URI to be parsed. + + + + Constructs a parser for the S3 URI specified as a Uri instance. + + The S3 URI to be parsed. + + + + Percent-decodes the given string, with a fast path for strings that are not + percent-encoded. + + The string to decode + The decoded string + + + + Percent-decodes the given string. + + The string to decode + The index of the first '%' in the string + The decoded string + + + + Decodes the percent-encoded character at the given index in the string + and appends the decoded value to the string under construction. + + + The string under construction to which the decoded character will be + appended. + + The string being decoded. + The index of the '%' character in the string. + + + + Converts a hex character (0-9A-Fa-f) into its corresponding quad value. + + The hex character + The quad value + + + + True if the URI contains the bucket in the path, false if it contains the bucket in the authority. + + + + + The bucket name parsed from the URI (or null if no bucket specified). + + + + + The key parsed from the URI (or null if no key specified). + + + + + The region parsed from the URI (or null if no region specified). + + + + + Interface for a non-generic cache. + + + + + Clears the entire cache. + + + + + Maximum time to keep an item around after its last use. + + + + + How often should the cache be cleared of old items. + + + + + The number of items in the cache. + + + + + Interface for a generic cache. + + + + + + + Retrieves a value out of the cache or from the source. + + + + + + + + Retrieves a value out of the cache or from the source. + If the item was in the cache, isStaleItem is set to true; + otherwise, if the item comes from the source, isStaleItem is false. + + + + + + + + + Clears a specific value from the cache if it's there. + + + + + + Executes specified operation, catches exception, clears the cache for + the given key, retries the operation. + + + + + + + + + + + Returns the keys for all items in the cache. + + + + + + SDK-wide cache. + Provides access to caches specific to a particular set of credentials + and target region. + + + + + Clear all caches + + + + + Clear all caches of a particular type + + + + + + Retrieve a cache of a specific type for a client object. + The client object can be null in cases where a cache does + not correspond to a specific AWS account or target region. + + + + + + + + + + + Retrieve a cache of a specific type for a client object. + The client object can be null in cases where a cache does + not correspond to a specific AWS account or target region. + + + + + + + + + + + Utilities for converting objects to strings. Used by the marshaller classes. + + + + + A wrapper stream that decrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an DecryptStream with an decryption algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position + within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified + byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced + by the bytes read from the current source. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read + from the current stream. + + + The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. + + + The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the + number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, + or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. + + + + + Sets the position within the current stream. + DecryptStream does not support seeking, attempting to call Seek + will throw NotSupportedException. + + A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. + + A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used + to obtain the new position. + The new position within the current stream. + + + + Validates the underlying stream. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + DecryptStream does not support seeking, this will always be false. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + DecryptStream does not support seeking, attempting to set Position + will throw NotSupportedException. + + + + + A wrapper stream that decrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an DecryptStream with an decryption algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + Symmetric key to perform decryption + Initialization vector to perform decryption + + + + A wrapper stream that decrypts the base stream using AES algorithm as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an AESDecryptionStream with a base stream. + + Stream to perform decryption on.. + Symmetric key to perform decryption + Initialization vector to perform decryption + + + + A wrapper stream that encrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an EncryptStream with an encryption algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position + within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified + byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced + by the bytes read from the current source. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read + from the current stream. + + + The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. + + + The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the + number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, + or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. + + + + + Sets the position within the current stream. + + A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. + + A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used + to obtain the new position. + The new position within the current stream. + + + + Validates the underlying stream. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + + + + + Returns encrypted content length. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + + + + + A wrapper stream that encrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an EncryptStream with an encryption algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + Symmetric key to perform encryption + Initialization vector to perform encryption + + + + A wrapper stream that encrypts the base stream using AES algorithm as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an AESEncryptionStream with a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + Symmetric key to perform encryption + Initialization vector to perform encryption + + + + A wrapper stream that encrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an EncryptStream for Multipart uploads with an encryption algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position + within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified + byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced + by the bytes read from the current source. + + + The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read + from the current stream. + + + The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream. + + + The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the + number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, + or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached. + + + + + Sets the position within the current stream. + + A byte offset relative to the origin parameter. + + A value of type System.IO.SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used + to obtain the new position. + The new position within the current stream. + + + + Validates the underlying stream. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + + + + + Returns encrypted content length. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + + + + + A wrapper stream that encrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an EncryptStream with an encryption algorithm and a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + Symmetric key to perform encryption + Initialization vector to perform encryption + + + + A wrapper stream that encrypts the base stream as it + is being read. + + + + + Initializes an AESEncryptionStream with a base stream. + + Stream to perform encryption on.. + Symmetric key to perform encryption + Initialization vector to perform encryption + + + + Logger wrapper for System.Diagnostics.TraceSource logger. + + + + + Creates TraceRoute for a given Type or the closest "parent" that has a listener configured. + Example: if type is Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDBClient, listeners can be configured for: + -Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDBClient + -Amazon.DynamoDB + -Amazon + The first matching TraceSource with listeners will be used. + If no listeners are configured for type or one of its "parents", will return null. + + + + + Gets a TraceSource for given Type with SourceLevels.All. + If there are no listeners configured for targetType or one of its "parents", returns null. + + + + + + + Gets a TraceSource for given Type and SourceLevels. + If there are no listeners configured for targetType or one of its "parents", returns null. + + + + + + + + Interface for a handler in a pipeline. + + + + + Contains the processing logic for a synchronous request invocation. + This method should call InnerHandler.InvokeSync to continue processing of the + request by the pipeline, unless it's a terminating handler. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Contains the processing logic for an asynchronous request invocation. + This method should call InnerHandler.InvokeSync to continue processing of the + request by the pipeline, unless it's a terminating handler. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + The logger used to log messages. + + + + + The inner handler which is called after the current + handler completes it's processing. + + + + + The outer handler which encapsulates the current handler. + + + + + An abstract pipeline handler that has implements IPipelineHandler, + and has the default implmentation. This is the base class for most of + the handler implementations. + + + + + Contains the processing logic for a synchronous request invocation. + This method calls InnerHandler.InvokeSync to continue processing of the + request by the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Contains the processing logic for an asynchronous request invocation. + This method calls InnerHandler.InvokeSync to continue processing of the + request by the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Logs the metrics for the current execution context. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + + + + The logger used to log messages. + + + + + The inner handler which is called after the current + handler completes it's processing. + + + + + The outer handler which encapsulates the current handler. + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + A runtime pipeline contains a collection of handlers which represent + different stages of request and response processing. + + + + + Constructor for RuntimePipeline. + + The handler with which the pipeline is initalized. + + + + Constructor for RuntimePipeline. + + List of handlers with which the pipeline is initalized. + + + + Constructor for RuntimePipeline. + + List of handlers with which the pipeline is initalized. + The logger used to log messages. + + + + Constructor for RuntimePipeline. + + The handler with which the pipeline is initalized. + The logger used to log messages. + + + + Invokes the pipeline synchronously. + + Request context + Response context + + + + Invokes the pipeline asynchronously. + + Request context + Response context + + + + Adds a new handler to the top of the pipeline. + + The handler to be added to the pipeline. + + + + Adds a handler after the first instance of handler of type T. + + Type of the handler after which the given handler instance is added. + The handler to be added to the pipeline. + + + + Adds a handler before the first instance of handler of type T. + + Type of the handler before which the given handler instance is added. + The handler to be added to the pipeline. + + + + Removes the first occurance of a handler of type T. + + Type of the handler which will be removed. + + + + Replaces the first occurance of a handler of type T with the given handler. + + Type of the handler which will be replaced. + The handler to be added to the pipeline. + + + + Inserts the given handler after current handler in the pipeline. + + Handler to be inserted in the pipeline. + Handler after which the given handler is inserted. + + + + Gets the innermost handler by traversing the inner handler till + it reaches the last one. + + + + + Retrieves current handlers, in the order of their execution. + + Handlers in the current pipeline. + + + + The top-most handler in the pipeline. + + + + + Retrieves a list of handlers, in the order of their execution. + + Handlers in the current pipeline. + + + + This handler processes exceptions thrown from the HTTP handler and + unmarshalls error responses. + + + + + Default set of exception handlers. + + + + + Constructor for ErrorHandler. + + an ILogger instance. + + + + Handles and processes any exception thrown from underlying handlers. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Handles and processes any exception thrown from underlying handlers. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Disposes the response body. + + The response context. + + + + Processes an exception by invoking a matching exception handler + for the given exception. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + The exception to be processed. + + This method returns a boolean value which indicates if the original exception + should be rethrown. + This method can also throw a new exception that may be thrown by exception + processing by a matching exception handler. + + + + + Default set of exception handlers. + + + + + The abstract base class for exception handlers. + + The exception type. + + + + The interface for an exception handler with a generic parameter for the exception type. + + The exception type. + + + + The interface for an exception handler. + + + + + Handles an exception for the given execution context. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + The exception to handle. + + Returns a boolean value which indicates if the original exception + should be rethrown. + This method can also throw a new exception to replace the original exception. + + + + + Handles an exception for the given execution context. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + The exception to handle. + + Returns a boolean value which indicates if the original exception + should be rethrown. + This method can also throw a new exception to replace the original exception. + + + + + The exception handler for HttpErrorResponseException exception. + + + + + The constructor for HttpErrorResponseExceptionHandler. + + in instance of ILogger. + + + + Handles an exception for the given execution context. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + The exception to handle. + + Returns a boolean value which indicates if the original exception + should be rethrown. + This method can also throw a new exception to replace the original exception. + + + + + Checks if a HTTP 404 status code is returned which needs to be suppressed and + processes it. + If a suppressed 404 is present, it unmarshalls the response and returns true to + indicate that a suppressed 404 was processed, else returns false. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + + + If a suppressed 404 is present, returns true, else returns false. + + + + + The exception handler for HttpErrorResponseException exception. + + + + + A pipeline handler which provides hooks to run + external code in the pre-invoke and post-invoke phases. + + + + + Calls the PreInvoke and PostInvoke methods before and after calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls the PreInvoke and PostInvoke methods before and after calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Executes the OnPreInvoke action as part of pre-invoke. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + + + + Executes the OnPreInvoke action as part of post-invoke. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + + + + Action to execute on the pre invoke phase. + + + + + Action to execute on the post invoke phase. + + + + + This handler retrieved the AWS credentials to be used for the current call. + + + + + The constructor for CredentialsRetriever. + + An AWSCredentials instance. + + + + Retrieves the credentials to be used for the current call before + invoking the next handler. + + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + This handler resolves the endpoint to be used for the current request. + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Resolves the endpoint to be used for the current request + before invoking the next handler. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + + + + Determines the endpoint for the request. + + The request context. + + + + + This handler provides an OnError action that can be used as hook for + external code to handle exceptions in the runtime pipeline. + + + + + Executes the OnError action if an exception occurs during the + execution of any underlying handlers. + + + + + + + Action to execute if an exception occurs during the + execution of any underlying handlers. + + + + + This handler marshalls the request before calling invoking the next handler. + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Marshalls the request before calling invoking the next handler. + + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + + + + This handler manages the metrics used to time the complete call and + logs the final metrics. + + + + + Captures the overall execution time and logs final metrics. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Captures the overall execution time and logs final metrics. + + The response type for the current request. + + The execution context, it contains the request and response context. + + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + This handler processes HTTP redirects and reissues the call to the + redirected location. + + + + + Processes HTTP redirects and reissues the call to the + redirected location. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Processes HTTP redirects and reissues the call to the + redirected location. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Checks if an HTTP 307 (temporary redirect) has occured and changes the + request endpoint to the redirected location. + + + The execution context, it contains the request and response context. + + + A boolean value that indicates if a redirect has occured. + + + + + This handler signs the request. + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Signs the request before invoking the next handler. + + + The execution context, it contains the request and response context. + + + + + Determines if the request should be signed. + + The request context. + A boolean value that indicated if the request should be signed. + + + + Signs the request. + + The request context. + + + + This handler unmarshalls the HTTP response. + + + + + The constructor for Unmarshaller. + + + Boolean value which indicated if the unmarshaller + handler supports response logging. + + + + + Unmarshalls the response returned by the HttpHandler. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Unmarshalls the response returned by the HttpHandler. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Unmarshalls the HTTP response. + + + The execution context, it contains the request and response context. + + + + + The HTTP handler contains common logic for issuing an HTTP request that is + independent of the underlying HTTP infrastructure. + + + + + + The constructor for HttpHandler. + + The request factory used to create HTTP Requests. + The sender parameter used in any events raised by this handler. + + + + Issues an HTTP request for the current request context. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Issues an HTTP request for the current request context. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Determines the content for request body and uses the HTTP request + to write the content to the HTTP request body. + + Content to be written. + The HTTP request. + The request context. + + + + Creates the HttpWebRequest and configures the end point, content, user agent and proxy settings. + + The async request. + The web request that actually makes the call. + + + + Disposes the HTTP handler. + + + + + The sender parameter used in any events raised by this handler. + + + + + The interface for a HTTP request factory. + + The type used by the underlying HTTP API to represent the request body. + + + + Creates an HTTP request for the given URI. + + The request URI. + An HTTP request. + + + + The interface for an HTTP request that is agnostic of the underlying HTTP API. + + The type used by the underlying HTTP API to represent the HTTP request content. + + + + Configures a request as per the request context. + + The request context. + + + + Sets the headers on the request. + + A dictionary of header names and values. + + + + Gets a handle to the request content. + + The request content. + + + + Returns the HTTP response. + + The HTTP response. + + + + Writes a stream to the request body. + + The destination where the content stream is written. + The content stream to be written. + HTTP content headers. + The request context. + + + + Writes a byte array to the request body. + + The destination where the content stream is written. + The content stream to be written. + HTTP content headers. + + + + Aborts the HTTP request. + + + + + Gets a handle to the request content. + + + + + + Returns the HTTP response. + + A cancellation token that can be used to cancel the asynchronous operation. + + + + + The HTTP method or verb. + + + + + The request URI. + + + + + The request factory for System.Net.HttpWebRequest. + + + + + Creates an HTTP request for the given URI. + + The request URI. + An HTTP request. + + + + Disposes the HttpWebRequestFactory. + + + + + HTTP request wrapper for System.Net.HttpWebRequest. + + + + + Constructor for HttpRequest. + + The request URI. + + + + Returns the HTTP response. + + The HTTP response. + + + + Gets a handle to the request content. + + The request content. + + + + Writes a stream to the request body. + + The destination where the content stream is written. + The content stream to be written. + HTTP content headers. + The request context. + + + + Writes a byte array to the request body. + + The destination where the content stream is written. + The content stream to be written. + HTTP content headers. + + + + Aborts the HTTP request. + + + + + Gets a handle to the request content. + + + + + + Returns the HTTP response. + + A cancellation token that can be used to cancel the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Configures a request as per the request context. + + The request context. + + + + Sets the headers on the request. + + A dictionary of header names and values. + + + + Disposes the HttpRequest. + + + + + The underlying HTTP web request. + + + + + The HTTP method or verb. + + + + + The request URI. + + + + + The default implementation of the retry policy. + + + + + A retry policy specifies all aspects of retry behavior. This includes conditions when the request should be retried, + checks of retry limit, preparing the request before retry and introducing delay (backoff) before retries. + + + + + Checks if a retry should be performed with the given execution context and exception. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + The exception throw after issuing the request. + Returns true if the request should be retried, else false. + + + + Returns true if the request is in a state where it can be retried, else false. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + Returns true if the request is in a state where it can be retried, else false. + + + + Return true if the request should be retried for the given exception. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + The exception thrown by the previous request. + Return true if the request should be retried. + + + + Checks if the retry limit is reached. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + Return false if the request can be retried, based on number of retries. + + + + Waits before retrying a request. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Maximum number of retries to be performed. + This does not count the initial request. + + + + + The logger used to log messages. + + + + + Constructor for DefaultRetryPolicy. + + The maximum number of retries before throwing + back a exception. This does not count the initial request. + + + + Returns true if the request is in a state where it can be retried, else false. + + Request context containing the state of the request. + Returns true if the request is in a state where it can be retried, else false. + + + + Return true if the request should be retried. + + Request context containing the state of the request. + The exception thrown by the previous request. + Return true if the request should be retried. + + + + Checks if the retry limit is reached. + + Request context containing the state of the request. + Return false if the request can be retried, based on number of retries. + + + + Waits before retrying a request. The default policy implements a exponential backoff. + + Request context containing the state of the request. + + + + The maximum value of exponential backoff in milliseconds, which will be used to wait + before retrying a request. + + + + + List of AWS specific error codes which are returned as part of the error response. + These error codes will be retried. + + + + + List of WebExceptionStatus for a WebException which will be retried. + + + + + The retry handler has the generic logic for retrying requests. + It uses a retry policy which specifies when + a retry should be performed. + + + + + Constructor which takes in a retry policy. + + Retry Policy + + + + Invokes the inner handler and performs a retry, if required as per the + retry policy. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Invokes the inner handler and performs a retry, if required as per the + retry policy. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Prepares the request for retry. + + Request context containing the state of the request. + + + + The logger used to log messages. + + + + + The retry policy which specifies when + a retry should be performed. + + + + + ICoreAmazonS3 is not meant to use directly. It defines S3 with basic .NET types + and allows other services to be able to use S3 as a runtime dependency. This interface + is implemented by the AmazonS3Client defined in the S3 assembly. + + + + + Generate a presigned URL. + + + + + + + + + + Get all the object keys for the particular bucket and key prefix. + + + + + + + + + Delete the object. + + + + + + + + Deletes the ojects. + + + + + + + + Upload an object from a stream. + + + + + + + + + Upload an object from a file path. + + + + + + + + + Download object to a file path. + + + + + + + + + Get stream for an object. + + + + + + + + + Set the ACL on the object to public readable. + + + + + + + + Check to see if the bucket exists and if it doesn't create the bucket. + + + + + + Check to see if the bucket exists. + + + + + + + Upload an object from a stream. + + + + + + + + + + + Delete an object. + + + + + + + + + + Open a stream to an object in S3. + + + + + + + + + + Upload an object from a file path. + + + + + + + + + + + Download an object in S3 to a file path. + + + + + + + + + + + ICoreAmazonSQS is not meant to use directly. It defines SQS with basic .NET types + and allows other services to be able to use SQS as a runtime dependency. This interface + is implemented by the AmazonSQSClient defined in the SQS assembly. + + + + + Get the attributes for the queue identified by the queue URL. + + The queue URL to get attributes for. + The attributes for the queue. + + + + Set the attributes on the queue identified by the queue URL. + + The queue URL to set the attributues. + The attributes to set. + + + + Root AWS config section + + + + + Gets and sets the proxy settings for the SDK to use. + + + + + Settings for configuring a proxy for the SDK to use. + + + + + ConfigurationElement class which returns false for IsReadOnly + + + + + Gets and sets the host name or IP address of the proxy server. + + + + + Gets and sets the port number of the proxy. + + + + + Gets and sets the username to authenticate with the proxy server. + + + + + Gets and sets the password to authenticate with the proxy server. + + + + + Logging section + + + + + Easy-to-use generic collection + + + + + + Configuration element that serializes properly when used with collections + + + + + Provides information for Client Context header. + Client Context header needs information like App title, version code, version name, package name etc. + + + + + The title of your app. For example, "My App". + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The version for your app. For example, V3.0. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The version code of your app. For example, 3.0. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The name of your app package. For example, com.your_company.your_app. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The operating system of the device. For example, iPhoneOS. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The version of the operating system of the device. For example, 8.1. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The locale of the device. For example, en_US. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The manufacturer of the device. For example, Samsung. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + The model of the device. For example, Nexus. + If this property is not null, the value would be used in Client Context header. + + + + + Settings for configuring a proxy for the SDK to use. + + + Settings for configuring a proxy for the SDK to use. + + + + + The host name or IP address of the proxy server. + + + + + The port number of the proxy. + + + + + The username to authenticate with the proxy server. + + + + + The password to authenticate with the proxy server. + + + + + Settings for logging in the SDK. + + + Settings for logging in the SDK. + + + + + Logging destination. + + + + + When to log responses. + + + + + Gets or sets the size limit in bytes for logged responses. + If logging for response body is enabled, logged response + body is limited to this size. The default limit is 1KB. + + + + + Whether or not to log SDK metrics. + + + + + A custom formatter added through Configuration + + + + + This class can be used to discover the public address ranges for AWS. The + information is retrieved from the publicly accessible + https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json file. + + + The information in this file is generated from our internal system-of-record and + is authoritative. You can expect it to change several times per week and should + poll accordingly. + + + + + Region identifier string for ROUTE53 and CLOUDFRONT ranges + + + + + Filtered collection of public IP ranges for the given service key + + + + + Filtered collection of public IP ranges for the given region (us-east-1 etc) or GLOBAL. + + + + + Downloads the most recent copy of the endpoint address file and + parses it to a collection of address range objects. + + + + + Collection of service keys found in the data file. + + + + + The publication date and time of the file that was downloaded and parsed. + + + + + Collection of all public IP ranges. + + + + + Represents the IP address range for a single region and service key. + + + + + The public IP address range, in CIDR notation. + + + + + The AWS region or GLOBAL for edge locations. Note that the CLOUDFRONT and ROUTE53 + ranges are GLOBAL. + + + + + The subset of IP address ranges. Specify AMAZON to get all IP address ranges + (for example, the ranges in the EC2 subset are also in the AMAZON subset). Note + that some IP address ranges are only in the AMAZON subset. + + + Valid values for the service key include "AMAZON", "EC2", "ROUTE53", + "ROUTE53_HEALTHCHECKS", and "CLOUDFRONT." If you need to know all of + the ranges and don't care about the service, use the "AMAZON" entries. + The other entries are subsets of this one. Also, some of the services, + such as S3, are represented in "AMAZON" and do not have an entry that + is specific to the service. We plan to add additional values over time; + code accordingly! + + + + + This class defines utilities and constants that can be used by + all the client libraries of the SDK. + + + + + The user agent string header + + + + + The Set of accepted and valid Url characters per RFC3986. + Characters outside of this set will be encoded. + + + + + The Set of accepted and valid Url characters per RFC1738. + Characters outside of this set will be encoded. + + + + + The string representing Url Encoded Content in HTTP requests + + + + + The GMT Date Format string. Used when parsing date objects + + + + + The ISO8601Date Format string. Used when parsing date objects + + + + + The ISO8601Date Format string. Used when parsing date objects + + + + + The ISO8601 Basic date/time format string. Used when parsing date objects + + + + + The ISO8601 basic date format. Used during AWS4 signature computation. + + + + + The RFC822Date Format string. Used when parsing date objects + + + + + The set of accepted and valid Url path characters per RFC3986. + + + + + Returns an extension of a path. + This has the same behavior as System.IO.Path.GetExtension, but does not + check the path for invalid characters. + + + + + + Convert Dictionary of paremeters to Url encoded query string + + + + Returns a new string created by joining each of the strings in the + specified list together, with a comma between them. + + The list of strings to join into a single, comma delimited + string list. + A new string created by joining each of the strings in the + specified list together, with a comma between strings. + + + + Attempt to infer the region for a service request based on the endpoint + + Endpoint to the service to be called + + Region parsed from the endpoint; DefaultRegion (or DefaultGovRegion) + if it cannot be determined/is not explicit + + + + + Attempt to infer the service name for a request (in short form, eg 'iam') from the + service endpoint. + + Endpoint to the service to be called + + Short-form name of the service parsed from the endpoint; empty string if it cannot + be determined + + + + + Utility method for converting Unix epoch seconds to DateTime structure. + + The number of seconds since January 1, 1970. + Converted DateTime structure + + + + Helper function to format a byte array into string + + The data blob to process + If true, returns hex digits in lower case form + String version of the data + + + + Calls a specific EventHandler in a background thread + + + + + + + + Parses a query string of a URL and returns the parameters as a string-to-string dictionary. + + + + + + + Utility method for converting a string to a MemoryStream. + + + + + + + Utility method for copy the contents of the source stream to the destination stream. + + + + + + + Utility method for copy the contents of the source stream to the destination stream. + + + + + + + + Gets the ISO8601 formatted timestamp that is minutesFromNow + in the future. + + The number of minutes from the current instant + for which the timestamp is needed. + The ISO8601 formatted future timestamp. + + + + Gets the RFC822 formatted timestamp that is minutesFromNow + in the future. + + The number of minutes from the current instant + for which the timestamp is needed. + The ISO8601 formatted future timestamp. + + + + URL encodes a string per RFC3986. If the path property is specified, + the accepted path characters {/+:} are not encoded. + + The string to encode + Whether the string is a URL path or not + The encoded string + + + + URL encodes a string per the specified RFC. If the path property is specified, + the accepted path characters {/+:} are not encoded. + + RFC number determing safe characters + The string to encode + Whether the string is a URL path or not + The encoded string + + Currently recognised RFC versions are 1738 (Dec '94) and 3986 (Jan '05). + If the specified RFC is not recognised, 3986 is used by default. + + + + + Convert bytes to a hex string + + Bytes to convert. + Hexadecimal string representing the byte array. + + + + Convert a hex string to bytes + + Hexadecimal string + Byte array corresponding to the hex string. + + + + This method is used preserve the stacktrace used from clients that support async calls. This + make sure that exceptions thrown during EndXXX methods has the orignal stacktrace that happen + in the background thread. + + + + + + Formats the current date as a GMT timestamp + + A GMT formatted string representation + of the current date and time + + + + + Formats the current date as ISO 8601 timestamp + + An ISO 8601 formatted string representation + of the current date and time + + + + + Formats the current date as ISO 8601 timestamp + + An ISO 8601 formatted string representation + of the current date and time + + + + + Returns DateTime.UtcNow + ClockOffset when + is true. + This value should be used when constructing requests, as it + will represent accurate time w.r.t. AWS servers. + + + + + Object to track circular references in nested types. + At each level of nesting, make a call to Track to retrieve Tracker, + a tracking object implementing the IDisposable interface. + Dispose of this tracker when leaving the context of the tracked object. + + + + + Adds the current target to a reference list and returns a tracker. + The tracker removes the target from the reference list when the + tracker is disposed. + + + + + + + Tracker. Must be disposed. + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + Root AWS config + + + + + This class allows AWS credentials to be registered with the SDK so that they can later be reference by + a profile name. The AWS credentials will be available for AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio and + AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell. + + The credentials are stored under the current users AppData folder encrypted using Windows Data Protection API. + + + To reference the profile from an application's App.config or Web.config use the AWSProfileName setting. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="development"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + + + Register a profile that can later be referenced by the profileName. + This profile will only be visible for the current user. + + Name given to the AWS credentials. + The AWS access key id + The AWS secret key + + + + Unregistered a profile from the SDK account store. + + The name of the profile to remove. + + + + List the profile names registered with the SDK account store. + + The profile names. + + + + Tries to get the AWS credentials from the SDK account store. + + The profile to get the credentials for. + Outputs the credentials for the profile. + Returns true if the profile exists otherwise false is returned. + + + + Gets the AWS credentials from the SDK account store. + + The profile to get the credentials for. + The AWS credentials for the profile. + Thrown if the profile does not exist + + + + Calculates a 32bit Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC) using the + same polynomial used by Zip. This type is used internally by DotNetZip; it is generally not used directly + by applications wishing to create, read, or manipulate zip archive files. + + + + + Returns the CRC32 for the specified stream. + + The stream over which to calculate the CRC32 + the CRC32 calculation + + + + Returns the CRC32 for the specified stream, and writes the input into the output stream. + + The stream over which to calculate the CRC32 + The stream into which to deflate the input + the CRC32 calculation + + + + Get the CRC32 for the given (word,byte) combo. + This is a computation defined by PKzip. + + The word to start with. + The byte to combine it with. + The CRC-ized result. + + + + Update the value for the running CRC32 using the given block of bytes. + This is useful when using the CRC32() class in a Stream. + + block of bytes to slurp + starting point in the block + how many bytes within the block to slurp + + + + indicates the total number of bytes read on the CRC stream. + This is used when writing the ZipDirEntry when compressing files. + + + + + Indicates the current CRC for all blocks slurped in. + + + + + A Stream that calculates a CRC32 (a checksum) on all bytes read, + or on all bytes written. + + + + + This class can be used to verify the CRC of a ZipEntry when reading from a stream, + or to calculate a CRC when writing to a stream. The stream should be used to either + read, or write, but not both. If you intermix reads and writes, the results are + not defined. + + This class is intended primarily for use internally by the DotNetZip library. + + + + + The constructor. + + The underlying stream + + + + The constructor. + + The underlying stream + The length of the stream to slurp + + + + Read from the stream + + the buffer to read + the offset at which to start + the number of bytes to read + the number of bytes actually read + + + + Write to the stream. + + the buffer from which to write + the offset at which to start writing + the number of bytes to write + + + + Flush the stream. + + + + + Not implemented. + + N/A + N/A + N/A + + + + Not implemented. + + N/A + + + + Gets the total number of bytes run through the CRC32 calculator. + + + + This is either the total number of bytes read, or the total number + of bytes written, depending on the direction of this stream. + + + + + Provides the current CRC for all blocks slurped in. + + + + + Indicates whether the stream supports reading. + + + + + Indicates whether the stream supports seeking. + + + + + Indicates whether the stream supports writing. + + + + + Not implemented. + + + + + Not implemented. + + + + a general purpose ASN.1 decoder - note: this class differs from the + others in that it returns null after it has read the last object in + the stream. If an ASN.1 Null is encountered a Der/BER Null object is + returned. + + + Create an ASN1InputStream where no DER object will be longer than limit. + + @param input stream containing ASN.1 encoded data. + @param limit maximum size of a DER encoded object. + + + Create an ASN1InputStream based on the input byte array. The length of DER objects in + the stream is automatically limited to the length of the input array. + + @param input array containing ASN.1 encoded data. + + + build an object given its tag and the number of bytes to construct it from. + + + Create a base ASN.1 object from a byte array. + The byte array to parse. + The base ASN.1 object represented by the byte array. + If there is a problem parsing the data. + + + Read a base ASN.1 object from a stream. + The stream to parse. + The base ASN.1 object represented by the byte array. + If there is a problem parsing the data. + + + return the object at the sequence position indicated by index. + + @param index the sequence number (starting at zero) of the object + @return the object at the sequence position indicated by index. + + + create an empty sequence + + + create a sequence containing one object + + + create a sequence containing a vector of objects. + + + return a = a + b - b preserved. + + + unsigned comparison on two arrays - note the arrays may + start with leading zeros. + + + returns x = x - y - we assume x is >= y + + + + A + + + + + + A + + + + + + A + + + A + + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.dll b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d145117 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.pdb b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cebc7a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.pdb differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.xml b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8658e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.Route53.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9482 @@ + + + + AWSSDK.Route53 + + + + + Custom pipeline handler + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Custom pipeline handler + + + + + + Remove duplicates in resource path which can happen if the exact return values from the CreateHostedZone + operation are used. + + Execution context. + + + + Custom pipeline handler + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Custom pipeline handler + + + + + + Remove prefixes in resource ids. + + Execution context. + + + + Configuration for accessing Amazon Route53 service + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + The constant used to lookup in the region hash the endpoint. + + + + + Gets the ServiceVersion property. + + + + + Gets the value of UserAgent property. + + + + + Common exception for the Route53 service. + + + + + Construct instance of AmazonRoute53Exception + + + + + + Construct instance of AmazonRoute53Exception + + + + + + + Construct instance of AmazonRoute53Exception + + + + + + Construct instance of AmazonRoute53Exception + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of AmazonRoute53Exception + + + + + + + + + + + Constants used for properties of type ChangeAction. + + + + + Constant CREATE for ChangeAction + + + + + Constant DELETE for ChangeAction + + + + + Constant UPSERT for ChangeAction + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type ChangeStatus. + + + + + Constant INSYNC for ChangeStatus + + + + + Constant PENDING for ChangeStatus + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type HealthCheckType. + + + + + Constant HTTP for HealthCheckType + + + + + Constant HTTP_STR_MATCH for HealthCheckType + + + + + Constant HTTPS for HealthCheckType + + + + + Constant HTTPS_STR_MATCH for HealthCheckType + + + + + Constant TCP for HealthCheckType + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type ResourceRecordSetFailover. + + + + + Constant PRIMARY for ResourceRecordSetFailover + + + + + Constant SECONDARY for ResourceRecordSetFailover + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type ResourceRecordSetRegion. + + + + + Constant ApNortheast1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant ApSoutheast1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant ApSoutheast2 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant CnNorth1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant EuCentral1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant EuWest1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant SaEast1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant UsEast1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant UsWest1 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Constant UsWest2 for ResourceRecordSetRegion + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type RRType. + + + + + Constant A for RRType + + + + + Constant AAAA for RRType + + + + + Constant CNAME for RRType + + + + + Constant MX for RRType + + + + + Constant NS for RRType + + + + + Constant PTR for RRType + + + + + Constant SOA for RRType + + + + + Constant SPF for RRType + + + + + Constant SRV for RRType + + + + + Constant TXT for RRType + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type TagResourceType. + + + + + Constant Healthcheck for TagResourceType + + + + + Constant Hostedzone for TagResourceType + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Constants used for properties of type VPCRegion. + + + + + Constant ApNortheast1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant ApSoutheast1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant ApSoutheast2 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant CnNorth1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant EuCentral1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant EuWest1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant SaEast1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant UsEast1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant UsWest1 for VPCRegion + + + + + Constant UsWest2 for VPCRegion + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The unique value for the constant + The constant for the unique value + + + + Utility method to convert strings to the constant class. + + The string value to convert to the constant class. + + + + + Alias resource record sets only: Information about the domain to which you + are redirecting traffic. + + + + For more information and an example, see Creating + Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide + + . + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates AliasTarget with the parameterized properties + + Alias resource record sets only: The value of the hosted zone ID for the AWS resource. For more information and an example, see Creating Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. + Alias resource record sets only: The external DNS name associated with the AWS Resource. For more information and an example, see Creating Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + Alias resource record sets only: The value of the hosted zone ID for the AWS + resource. + + + + For more information and an example, see Creating + Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide + + . + + + + + Gets and sets the property DNSName. + + Alias resource record sets only: The external DNS name associated with the + AWS Resource. + + + + For more information and an example, see Creating + Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide + + . + + + + + Gets and sets the property EvaluateTargetHealth. + + Alias resource record sets only: A boolean value that indicates whether this + Resource Record Set should respect the health status of any health checks associated + with the ALIAS target record which it is linked to. + + + + For more information and an example, see Creating + Alias Resource Record Sets in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide + + . + + + + + Base class for Route53 operation requests. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone operation. + This action associates a VPC with an hosted zone. + + + + To associate a VPC with an hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID/associatevpc resource. The request body must include an XML document + with a AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest element. The response returns + the AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneResponse element that contains ChangeInfo + for you to track the progress of the AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest + you made. See GetChange operation for how to track the progress of your + change. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + The ID of the hosted zone you want to associate your VPC with. + + + + Note that you cannot associate a VPC with a hosted zone that doesn't have an existing + VPC association. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPC. + + The VPC that you want your hosted zone to be associated with. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Comment. + + Optional: Any comments you want to include about a AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest. + + + + + + A complex type containing the response information for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeInfo. + + A complex type that contains the ID, the status, and the date and time of your AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest. + + + + + + A complex type that contains the information for each change in a change batch request. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates Change with the parameterized properties + + The action to perform. Valid values: CREATE | DELETE | UPSERT + Information about the resource record set to create or delete. + + + + Gets and sets the property Action. + + The action to perform. + + + + Valid values: CREATE | DELETE | UPSERT + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceRecordSet. + + Information about the resource record set to create or delete. + + + + + + A complex type that contains an optional comment and the changes that you want to + make with a change batch request. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates ChangeBatch with the parameterized properties + + A complex type that contains one Change element for each resource record set that you want to create or delete. + + + + Gets and sets the property Comment. + + Optional: Any comments you want to include about a change batch request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Changes. + + A complex type that contains one Change element for each resource record + set that you want to create or delete. + + + + + + A complex type that describes change information about changes made to your hosted + zone. + + + + This element contains an ID that you use when performing a GetChange action + to get detailed information about the change. + + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates ChangeInfo with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the request. Use this ID to track when the change has completed across all Amazon Route 53 DNS servers. + The current state of the request. PENDING indicates that this request has not yet been applied to all Amazon Route 53 DNS servers. Valid Values: PENDING | INSYNC + The date and time the change was submitted, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, as specified in the ISO 8601 standard (for example, 2009-11-19T19:37:58Z). The Z after the time indicates that the time is listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is synonymous with Greenwich Mean Time in this context. + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the request. Use this ID to track when the change has completed across all + Amazon Route 53 DNS servers. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Status. + + The current state of the request. PENDING indicates that this request + has not yet been applied to all Amazon Route 53 DNS servers. + + + + Valid Values: PENDING | INSYNC + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SubmittedAt. + + The date and time the change was submitted, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, + as specified in the ISO 8601 standard (for example, 2009-11-19T19:37:58Z). The Z + after the time indicates that the time is listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), + which is synonymous with Greenwich Mean Time in this context. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Comment. + + A complex type that describes change information about changes made to your hosted + zone. + + + + This element contains an ID that you use when performing a GetChange action + to get detailed information about the change. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation. + Use this action to create or change your authoritative DNS information. To use this + action, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + Zone ID/rrset resource. The request body must include an XML document with + a ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest element. + + + + Changes are a list of change items and are considered transactional. For more information + on transactional changes, also known as change batches, see Creating, + Changing, and Deleting Resource Record Sets Using the Route 53 API in the Amazon + Route 53 Developer Guide. + + Due to the nature of transactional changes, you cannot delete the same + resource record set more than once in a single change batch. If you attempt to delete + the same change batch more than once, Route 53 returns an InvalidChangeBatch + error. + + In response to a ChangeResourceRecordSets request, your DNS data is changed + on all Route 53 DNS servers. Initially, the status of a change is PENDING. + This means the change has not yet propagated to all the authoritative Route 53 DNS + servers. When the change is propagated to all hosts, the change returns a status of + INSYNC. + + + + Note the following limitations on a ChangeResourceRecordSets request: + + + + - A request cannot contain more than 100 Change elements. + + + + - A request cannot contain more than 1000 ResourceRecord elements. + + + + The sum of the number of characters (including spaces) in all Value elements + in a request cannot exceed 32,000 characters. + + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to change. + A complex type that contains an optional comment and the Changes element. + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to + change. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeBatch. + + A complex type that contains an optional comment and the Changes element. + + + + + + A complex type containing the response for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeInfo. + + A complex type that contains information about changes made to your hosted zone. + + + + This element contains an ID that you use when performing a GetChange action + to get detailed information about the change. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ChangeTagsForResource operation. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceType. + + The type of the resource. + + + + - The resource type for health checks is healthcheck. + + + + - The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceId. + + The ID of the resource for which you want to add, change, or delete tags. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property AddTags. + + A complex type that contains a list of Tag elements. Each Tag + element identifies a tag that you want to add or update for the specified resource. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property RemoveTagKeys. + + A list of Tag keys that you want to remove from the specified resource. + + + + + + Empty response for the request. + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new ConflictingDomainExistsException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of ConflictingDomainExistsException + + + + + + + Construct instance of ConflictingDomainExistsException + + + + + + Construct instance of ConflictingDomainExistsException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of ConflictingDomainExistsException + + + + + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the CreateHealthCheck operation. + This action creates a new health check. + + + + To create a new health check, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateHealthCheckRequest + element. The response returns the CreateHealthCheckResponse element that + contains metadata about the health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CallerReference. + + A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed CreateHealthCheck + requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. You must + use a unique CallerReference string every time you create a health check. + CallerReference can be any unique string; you might choose to use a string + that identifies your project. + + + + Valid characters are any Unicode code points that are legal in an XML 1.0 document. + The UTF-8 encoding of the value must be less than 128 bytes. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckConfig. + + A complex type that contains health check configuration. + + + + + + A complex type containing the response information for the new health check. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheck. + + A complex type that contains identifying information about the health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Location. + + The unique URL representing the new health check. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the CreateHostedZone operation. + This action creates a new hosted zone. + + + + To create a new hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateHostedZoneRequest + element. The response returns the CreateHostedZoneResponse element that + contains metadata about the hosted zone. + + + + Route 53 automatically creates a default SOA record and four NS records for the zone. + The NS records in the hosted zone are the name servers you give your registrar to + delegate your domain to. For more information about SOA and NS records, see NS + and SOA Records that Route 53 Creates for a Hosted Zone in the Amazon Route + 53 Developer Guide. + + + + When you create a zone, its initial status is PENDING. This means that + it is not yet available on all DNS servers. The status of the zone changes to INSYNC + when the NS and SOA records are available on all Route 53 DNS servers. + + + + When trying to create a hosted zone using a reusable delegation set, you could specify + an optional DelegationSetId, and Route53 would assign those 4 NS records for the zone, + instead of alloting a new one. + + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates CreateHostedZoneRequest with the parameterized properties + + The name of the domain. This must be a fully-specified domain, for example, www.example.com. The trailing dot is optional; Route 53 assumes that the domain name is fully qualified. This means that Route 53 treats www.example.com (without a trailing dot) and www.example.com. (with a trailing dot) as identical. This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar. You should ask your registrar to change the authoritative name servers for your domain to the set of NameServers elements returned in DelegationSet. + A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed CreateHostedZone requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. You must use a unique CallerReference string every time you create a hosted zone. CallerReference can be any unique string; you might choose to use a string that identifies your project, such as DNSMigration_01. Valid characters are any Unicode code points that are legal in an XML 1.0 document. The UTF-8 encoding of the value must be less than 128 bytes. + + + + Gets and sets the property Name. + + The name of the domain. This must be a fully-specified domain, for example, www.example.com. + The trailing dot is optional; Route 53 assumes that the domain name is fully qualified. + This means that Route 53 treats www.example.com (without a trailing dot) and www.example.com. + (with a trailing dot) as identical. + + + + This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar. You should ask your + registrar to change the authoritative name servers for your domain to the set of NameServers + elements returned in DelegationSet. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPC. + + The VPC that you want your hosted zone to be associated with. By providing this parameter, + your newly created hosted cannot be resolved anywhere other than the given VPC. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CallerReference. + + A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed CreateHostedZone + requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. You must + use a unique CallerReference string every time you create a hosted zone. + CallerReference can be any unique string; you might choose to use a string + that identifies your project, such as DNSMigration_01. + + + + Valid characters are any Unicode code points that are legal in an XML 1.0 document. + The UTF-8 encoding of the value must be less than 128 bytes. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneConfig. + + A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSetId. + + The delegation set id of the reusable delgation set whose NS records you want to assign + to the new hosted zone. + + + + + + A complex type containing the response information for the new hosted zone. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZone. + + A complex type that contains identifying information about the hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeInfo. + + A complex type that contains information about the request to create a hosted zone. + This includes an ID that you use when you call the GetChange action to get + the current status of the change request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSet. + + A complex type that contains name server information. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPC. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Location. + + The unique URL representing the new hosted zone. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the CreateReusableDelegationSet operation. + This action creates a reusable delegationSet. + + + + To create a new reusable delegationSet, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateReusableDelegationSetRequest + element. The response returns the CreateReusableDelegationSetResponse + element that contains metadata about the delegationSet. + + + + If the optional parameter HostedZoneId is specified, it marks the delegationSet associated + with that particular hosted zone as reusable. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CallerReference. + + A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed CreateReusableDelegationSet + requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. You must + use a unique CallerReference string every time you create a reusable + delegation set. CallerReference can be any unique string; you might choose + to use a string that identifies your project, such as DNSMigration_01. + + + + Valid characters are any Unicode code points that are legal in an XML 1.0 document. + The UTF-8 encoding of the value must be less than 128 bytes. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + The ID of the hosted zone whose delegation set you want to mark as reusable. It is + an optional parameter. + + + + + + + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSet. + + A complex type that contains name server information. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Location. + + The unique URL representing the new reusbale delegation set. + + + + + + A complex type that contains name server information. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates DelegationSet with the parameterized properties + + A complex type that contains the authoritative name servers for the hosted zone. Use the method provided by your domain registrar to add an NS record to your domain for each NameServer that is assigned to your hosted zone. + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + + + + Gets and sets the property CallerReference. + + + + + Gets and sets the property NameServers. + + A complex type that contains the authoritative name servers for the hosted zone. Use + the method provided by your domain registrar to add an NS record to your domain for + each NameServer that is assigned to your hosted zone. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new DelegationSetAlreadyCreatedException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyCreatedException + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyCreatedException + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyCreatedException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyCreatedException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new DelegationSetAlreadyReusableException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyReusableException + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyReusableException + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyReusableException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetAlreadyReusableException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new DelegationSetInUseException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetInUseException + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetInUseException + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetInUseException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetInUseException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new DelegationSetNotAvailableException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotAvailableException + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotAvailableException + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotAvailableException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotAvailableException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new DelegationSetNotReusableException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotReusableException + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotReusableException + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotReusableException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of DelegationSetNotReusableException + + + + + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteHealthCheck operation. + This action deletes a health check. To delete a health check, send a DELETE + request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check ID resource. + + You can delete a health check only if there are no resource record sets + associated with this health check. If resource record sets are associated with this + health check, you must disassociate them before you can delete your health check. + If you try to delete a health check that is associated with resource record sets, + Route 53 will deny your request with a HealthCheckInUse error. For information + about disassociating the records from your health check, see ChangeResourceRecordSets. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckId. + + The ID of the health check to delete. + + + + + + Empty response for the request. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteHostedZone operation. + This action deletes a hosted zone. To delete a hosted zone, send a DELETE + request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. + + + + For more information about deleting a hosted zone, see Deleting + a Hosted Zone in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. + + You can delete a hosted zone only if there are no resource record sets + other than the default SOA record and NS resource record sets. If your hosted zone + contains other resource record sets, you must delete them before you can delete your + hosted zone. If you try to delete a hosted zone that contains other resource record + sets, Route 53 will deny your request with a HostedZoneNotEmpty error. + For information about deleting records from your hosted zone, see ChangeResourceRecordSets. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates DeleteHostedZoneRequest with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the hosted zone you want to delete. + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the hosted zone you want to delete. + + + + + + A complex type containing the response information for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeInfo. + + A complex type that contains the ID, the status, and the date and time of your delete + request. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteReusableDelegationSet operation. + This action deletes a reusable delegation set. To delete a reusable delegation set, + send a DELETE request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset/delegation + set ID resource. + + You can delete a reusable delegation set only if there are no associated + hosted zones. If your reusable delegation set contains associated hosted zones, you + must delete them before you can delete your reusable delegation set. If you try to + delete a reusable delegation set that contains associated hosted zones, Route 53 will + deny your request with a DelegationSetInUse error. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the reusable delegation set you want to delete. + + + + + + Empty response for the request. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone operation. + This action disassociates a VPC from an hosted zone. + + + + To disassociate a VPC to a hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID/disassociatevpc resource. The request body must include an XML + document with a DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest element. The response + returns the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneResponse element that contains + ChangeInfo for you to track the progress of the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest + you made. See GetChange operation for how to track the progress of your + change. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + The ID of the hosted zone you want to disassociate your VPC from. + + + + Note that you cannot disassociate the last VPC from a hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPC. + + The VPC that you want your hosted zone to be disassociated from. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Comment. + + Optional: Any comments you want to include about a DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest. + + + + + + A complex type containing the response information for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeInfo. + + A complex type that contains the ID, the status, and the date and time of your DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about a geo location. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ContinentCode. + + The code for a continent geo location. Note: only continent locations have a continent + code. + + + + Valid values: AF | AN | AS | EU + | OC | NA | SA + + + + Constraint: Specifying ContinentCode with either CountryCode + or SubdivisionCode returns an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CountryCode. + + The code for a country geo location. The default location uses '*' for the country + code and will match all locations that are not matched by a geo location. + + + + The default geo location uses a * for the country code. All other country + codes follow the ISO 3166 two-character code. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SubdivisionCode. + + The code for a country's subdivision (e.g., a province of Canada). A subdivision code + is only valid with the appropriate country code. + + + + Constraint: Specifying SubdivisionCode without CountryCode + returns an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about a GeoLocation. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ContinentCode. + + The code for a continent geo location. Note: only continent locations have a continent + code. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ContinentName. + + The name of the continent. This element is only present if ContinentCode + is also present. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CountryCode. + + The code for a country geo location. The default location uses '*' for the country + code and will match all locations that are not matched by a geo location. + + + + The default geo location uses a * for the country code. All other country + codes follow the ISO 3166 two-character code. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CountryName. + + The name of the country. This element is only present if CountryCode + is also present. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SubdivisionCode. + + The code for a country's subdivision (e.g., a province of Canada). A subdivision code + is only valid with the appropriate country code. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SubdivisionName. + + The name of the subdivision. This element is only present if SubdivisionCode + is also present. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetChange operation. + This action returns the current status of a change batch request. The status is one + of the following values: + + + + - PENDING indicates that the changes in this request have not replicated + to all Route 53 DNS servers. This is the initial status of all change batch requests. + + + + - INSYNC indicates that the changes have replicated to all Amazon Route + 53 DNS servers. + + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates GetChangeRequest with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the change batch request. The value that you specify here is the value that ChangeResourceRecordSets returned in the Id element when you submitted the request. + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the change batch request. The value that you specify here is the value + that ChangeResourceRecordSets returned in the Id element when you submitted + the request. + + + + + + A complex type that contains the ChangeInfo element. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ChangeInfo. + + A complex type that contains information about the specified change batch, including + the change batch ID, the status of the change, and the date and time of the request. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetCheckerIpRanges operation. + To retrieve a list of the IP ranges used by Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check + the health of your resources, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/checkeripranges + resource. You can use these IP addresses to configure router and firewall rules to + allow health checkers to check the health of your resources. + + + + + A complex type that contains the CheckerIpRanges element. + + + + + Gets and sets the property CheckerIpRanges. + + A complex type that contains sorted list of IP ranges in CIDR format for Amazon Route + 53 health checkers. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetGeoLocation operation. + To retrieve a single geo location, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/geolocation + resource with one of these options: continentcode | countrycode | countrycode and + subdivisioncode. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ContinentCode. + + The code for a continent geo location. Note: only continent locations have a continent + code. + + + + Valid values: AF | AN | AS | EU + | OC | NA | SA + + + + Constraint: Specifying ContinentCode with either CountryCode + or SubdivisionCode returns an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CountryCode. + + The code for a country geo location. The default location uses '*' for the country + code and will match all locations that are not matched by a geo location. + + + + The default geo location uses a * for the country code. All other country + codes follow the ISO 3166 two-character code. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SubdivisionCode. + + The code for a country's subdivision (e.g., a province of Canada). A subdivision code + is only valid with the appropriate country code. + + + + Constraint: Specifying SubdivisionCode without CountryCode + returns an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + A complex type containing information about the specified geo location. + + + + + Gets and sets the property GeoLocationDetails. + + A complex type that contains the information about the specified geo location. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetHealthCheckCount operation. + To retrieve a count of all your health checks, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/healthcheckcount resource. + + + + + A complex type that contains the count of health checks associated with the current + AWS account. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckCount. + + The number of health checks associated with the current AWS account. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason operation. + If you want to learn why a health check is currently failing or why it failed most + recently (if at all), you can get the failure reason for the most recent failure. + Send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check + ID/lastfailurereason resource. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckId. + + The ID of the health check for which you want to retrieve the reason for the most + recent failure. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about the most recent failure for the specified + health check. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckObservations. + + A list that contains one HealthCheckObservation element for each Route + 53 health checker. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetHealthCheck operation. + To retrieve the health check, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID resource. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckId. + + The ID of the health check to retrieve. + + + + + + A complex type containing information about the specified health check. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheck. + + A complex type that contains the information about the specified health check. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetHealthCheckStatus operation. + To retrieve the health check status, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID/status resource. You can use this call to get a health check's + current status. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckId. + + The ID of the health check for which you want to retrieve the most recent status. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about the status of the specified health + check. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckObservations. + + A list that contains one HealthCheckObservation element for each Route + 53 health checker. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetHostedZoneCount operation. + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + + + + A complex type that contains the count of hosted zones associated with the current + AWS account. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneCount. + + The number of hosted zones associated with the current AWS account. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetHostedZone operation. + To retrieve the delegation set for a hosted zone, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. The delegation + set is the four Route 53 name servers that were assigned to the hosted zone when you + created it. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates GetHostedZoneRequest with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the hosted zone for which you want to get a list of the name servers in the delegation set. + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the hosted zone for which you want to get a list of the name servers in + the delegation set. + + + + + + A complex type containing information about the specified hosted zone. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZone. + + A complex type that contains the information about the specified hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSet. + + A complex type that contains information about the name servers for the specified + hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPCs. + + A complex type that contains information about VPCs associated with the specified + hosted zone. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetReusableDelegationSet operation. + To retrieve the reusable delegation set, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset/delegation + set ID resource. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the reusable delegation set for which you want to get a list of the name + server. + + + + + + A complex type containing information about the specified reusable delegation set. + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSet. + + A complex type that contains the information about the nameservers for the specified + delegation set ID. + + + + + + A complex type that contains identifying information about the health check. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the specified health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CallerReference. + + A unique string that identifies the request to create the health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckConfig. + + A complex type that contains the health check configuration. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckVersion. + + The version of the health check. You can optionally pass this value in a call to UpdateHealthCheck + to prevent overwriting another change to the health check. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new HealthCheckAlreadyExistsException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + + + + + A complex type that contains the health check configuration. + + + + + Gets and sets the property IPAddress. + + IP Address of the instance being checked. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Port. + + Port on which connection will be opened to the instance to health check. For HTTP + and HTTP_STR_MATCH this defaults to 80 if the port is not specified. For HTTPS and + HTTPS_STR_MATCH this defaults to 443 if the port is not specified. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Type. + + The type of health check to be performed. Currently supported types are TCP, HTTP, + HTTPS, HTTP_STR_MATCH, and HTTPS_STR_MATCH. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourcePath. + + Path to ping on the instance to check the health. Required for HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP_STR_MATCH, + and HTTPS_STR_MATCH health checks, HTTP request is issued to the instance on the given + port and path. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property FullyQualifiedDomainName. + + Fully qualified domain name of the instance to be health checked. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SearchString. + + A string to search for in the body of a health check response. Required for HTTP_STR_MATCH + and HTTPS_STR_MATCH health checks. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property RequestInterval. + + The number of seconds between the time that Route 53 gets a response from your endpoint + and the time that it sends the next health-check request. + + + + Each Route 53 health checker makes requests at this interval. Valid values are 10 + and 30. The default value is 30. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property FailureThreshold. + + The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Route + 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice + versa. + + + + Valid values are integers between 1 and 10. For more information, see "How Amazon + Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy" in the Amazon Route 53 Developer + Guide. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new HealthCheckInUseException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckInUseException + + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckInUseException + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckInUseException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckInUseException + + + + + + + + + + A complex type that contains the IP address of a Route 53 health checker and the reason + for the health check status. + + + + + Gets and sets the property IPAddress. + + The IP address of the Route 53 health checker that performed the health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StatusReport. + + A complex type that contains information about the health check status for the current + observation. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new HealthCheckVersionMismatchException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckVersionMismatchException + + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckVersionMismatchException + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckVersionMismatchException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of HealthCheckVersionMismatchException + + + + + + + + + + A complex type that contain information about the specified hosted zone. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates HostedZone with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the specified hosted zone. + The name of the domain. This must be a fully-specified domain, for example, www.example.com. The trailing dot is optional; Route 53 assumes that the domain name is fully qualified. This means that Route 53 treats www.example.com (without a trailing dot) and www.example.com. (with a trailing dot) as identical. This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar. You should ask your registrar to change the authoritative name servers for your domain to the set of NameServers elements returned in DelegationSet. + A unique string that identifies the request to create the hosted zone. + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the specified hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Name. + + The name of the domain. This must be a fully-specified domain, for example, www.example.com. + The trailing dot is optional; Route 53 assumes that the domain name is fully qualified. + This means that Route 53 treats www.example.com (without a trailing dot) and www.example.com. + (with a trailing dot) as identical. + + + + This is the name you have registered with your DNS registrar. You should ask your + registrar to change the authoritative name servers for your domain to the set of NameServers + elements returned in DelegationSet. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CallerReference. + + A unique string that identifies the request to create the hosted zone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Config. + + A complex type that contains the Comment element. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceRecordSetCount. + + Total number of resource record sets in the hosted zone. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new HostedZoneAlreadyExistsException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneAlreadyExistsException + + + + + + + + + + A complex type that contains an optional comment about your hosted zone. If you don't + want to specify a comment, you can omit the HostedZoneConfig and Comment + elements from the XML document. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Gets and sets the property Comment. + + An optional comment about your hosted zone. If you don't want to specify a comment, + you can omit the HostedZoneConfig and Comment elements from + the XML document. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property PrivateZone. + + A value that indicates whether this is a private hosted zone. The value is returned + in the response; do not specify it in the request. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new HostedZoneNotEmptyException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotEmptyException + + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotEmptyException + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotEmptyException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotEmptyException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new HostedZoneNotFoundException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotFoundException + + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotFoundException + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotFoundException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of HostedZoneNotFoundException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new IncompatibleVersionException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of IncompatibleVersionException + + + + + + + Construct instance of IncompatibleVersionException + + + + + + Construct instance of IncompatibleVersionException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of IncompatibleVersionException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new InvalidArgumentException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidArgumentException + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidArgumentException + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidArgumentException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidArgumentException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new InvalidChangeBatchException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidChangeBatchException + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidChangeBatchException + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidChangeBatchException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidChangeBatchException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new InvalidDomainNameException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidDomainNameException + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidDomainNameException + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidDomainNameException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidDomainNameException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new InvalidInputException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidInputException + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidInputException + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidInputException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidInputException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new InvalidVPCIdException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidVPCIdException + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidVPCIdException + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidVPCIdException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of InvalidVPCIdException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new LastVPCAssociationException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of LastVPCAssociationException + + + + + + + Construct instance of LastVPCAssociationException + + + + + + Construct instance of LastVPCAssociationException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of LastVPCAssociationException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new LimitsExceededException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of LimitsExceededException + + + + + + + Construct instance of LimitsExceededException + + + + + + Construct instance of LimitsExceededException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of LimitsExceededException + + + + + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListGeoLocations operation. + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StartContinentCode. + + The first continent code in the lexicographic ordering of geo locations that you want + the ListGeoLocations request to list. For non-continent geo locations, + this should be null. + + + + Valid values: AF | AN | AS | EU + | OC | NA | SA + + + + Constraint: Specifying ContinentCode with either CountryCode + or SubdivisionCode returns an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StartCountryCode. + + The first country code in the lexicographic ordering of geo locations that you want + the ListGeoLocations request to list. + + + + The default geo location uses a * for the country code. All other country + codes follow the ISO 3166 two-character code. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StartSubdivisionCode. + + The first subdivision code in the lexicographic ordering of geo locations that you + want the ListGeoLocations request to list. + + + + Constraint: Specifying SubdivisionCode without CountryCode + returns an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of geo locations you want in the response body. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about the geo locations that are returned + by the request and information about the response. + + + + + Gets and sets the property GeoLocationDetailsList. + + A complex type that contains information about the geo locations that are returned + by the request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IsTruncated. + + A flag that indicates whether there are more geo locations to be listed. If your + results were truncated, you can make a follow-up request for the next page of results + by using the values included in the ListGeoLocationsResponse$NextContinentCode, + ListGeoLocationsResponse$NextCountryCode and ListGeoLocationsResponse$NextSubdivisionCode + elements. + + + + Valid Values: true | false + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextContinentCode. + + If the results were truncated, the continent code of the next geo location in the + list. This element is present only if ListGeoLocationsResponse$IsTruncated + is true and the next geo location to list is a continent location. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextCountryCode. + + If the results were truncated, the country code of the next geo location in the list. + This element is present only if ListGeoLocationsResponse$IsTruncated is true + and the next geo location to list is not a continent location. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextSubdivisionCode. + + If the results were truncated, the subdivision code of the next geo location in the + list. This element is present only if ListGeoLocationsResponse$IsTruncated + is true and the next geo location has a subdivision. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of records you requested. The maximum value of MaxItems + is 100. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListHealthChecks operation. + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Marker. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextMarker from the last response in the marker + parameter to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + Specify the maximum number of health checks to return per page of results. + + + + + + A complex type that contains the response for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthChecks. + + A complex type that contains information about the health checks associated with the + current AWS account. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Marker. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextMarker from the last response in the marker + parameter to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IsTruncated. + + A flag indicating whether there are more health checks to be listed. If your results + were truncated, you can make a follow-up request for the next page of results by using + the Marker element. + + + + Valid Values: true | false + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextMarker. + + Indicates where to continue listing health checks. If ListHealthChecksResponse$IsTruncated + is true, make another request to ListHealthChecks and include + the value of the NextMarker element in the Marker element + to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of health checks to be included in the response body. If the number + of health checks associated with this AWS account exceeds MaxItems, the + value of ListHealthChecksResponse$IsTruncated in the response is true. + Call ListHealthChecks again and specify the value of ListHealthChecksResponse$NextMarker + in the ListHostedZonesRequest$Marker element to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListHostedZonesByName operation. + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones in lexicographic order, send a GET + request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzonesbyname resource. The response to + this request includes a HostedZones element with zero or more HostedZone + child elements lexicographically ordered by DNS name. By default, the list of hosted + zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of the page that is + displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use the DNSName + and HostedZoneId parameters to control the hosted zone that the list + begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + + + Gets and sets the property DNSName. + + The first name in the lexicographic ordering of domain names that you want the ListHostedZonesByNameRequest + request to list. + + + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextDNSName and NextHostedZoneId from + the last response in the DNSName and HostedZoneId parameters + to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextDNSName and NextHostedZoneId from + the last response in the DNSName and HostedZoneId parameters + to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + Specify the maximum number of hosted zones to return per page of results. + + + + + + A complex type that contains the response for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZones. + + A complex type that contains information about the hosted zones associated with the + current AWS account. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property DNSName. + + The DNSName value sent in the request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + The HostedZoneId value sent in the request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IsTruncated. + + A flag indicating whether there are more hosted zones to be listed. If your results + were truncated, you can make a follow-up request for the next page of results by using + the NextDNSName and NextHostedZoneId elements. + + + + Valid Values: true | false + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextDNSName. + + If ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$IsTruncated is true, there are + more hosted zones associated with the current AWS account. To get the next page of + results, make another request to ListHostedZonesByName. Specify the value + of ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$NextDNSName in the ListHostedZonesByNameRequest$DNSName + element and ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$NextHostedZoneId in the ListHostedZonesByNameRequest$HostedZoneId + element. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextHostedZoneId. + + If ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$IsTruncated is true, there are + more hosted zones associated with the current AWS account. To get the next page of + results, make another request to ListHostedZonesByName. Specify the value + of ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$NextDNSName in the ListHostedZonesByNameRequest$DNSName + element and ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$NextHostedZoneId in the ListHostedZonesByNameRequest$HostedZoneId + element. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of hosted zones to be included in the response body. If the number + of hosted zones associated with this AWS account exceeds MaxItems, the + value of ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$IsTruncated in the response is true. + Call ListHostedZonesByName again and specify the value of ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$NextDNSName + and ListHostedZonesByNameResponse$NextHostedZoneId elements respectively to + get the next page of results. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListHostedZones operation. + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Gets and sets the property Marker. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextMarker from the last response in the marker + parameter to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + Specify the maximum number of hosted zones to return per page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSetId. + + + + + A complex type that contains the response for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZones. + + A complex type that contains information about the hosted zones associated with the + current AWS account. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Marker. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextMarker from the last response in the marker + parameter to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IsTruncated. + + A flag indicating whether there are more hosted zones to be listed. If your results + were truncated, you can make a follow-up request for the next page of results by using + the Marker element. + + + + Valid Values: true | false + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextMarker. + + Indicates where to continue listing hosted zones. If ListHostedZonesResponse$IsTruncated + is true, make another request to ListHostedZones and include + the value of the NextMarker element in the Marker element + to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of hosted zones to be included in the response body. If the number + of hosted zones associated with this AWS account exceeds MaxItems, the + value of ListHostedZonesResponse$IsTruncated in the response is true. + Call ListHostedZones again and specify the value of ListHostedZonesResponse$NextMarker + in the ListHostedZonesRequest$Marker element to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListResourceRecordSets operation. + Imagine all the resource record sets in a zone listed out in front of you. Imagine + them sorted lexicographically first by DNS name (with the labels reversed, like "com.amazon.www" + for example), and secondarily, lexicographically by record type. This operation retrieves + at most MaxItems resource record sets from this list, in order, starting at a position + specified by the Name and Type arguments: + +
  • If both Name and Type are omitted, this means start the results at the first + RRSET in the HostedZone.
  • If Name is specified but Type is omitted, this means + start the results at the first RRSET in the list whose name is greater than or equal + to Name.
  • If both Name and Type are specified, this means start the results + at the first RRSET in the list whose name is greater than or equal to Name and whose + type is greater than or equal to Type.
  • It is an error to specify the Type + but not the Name.
+ + Use ListResourceRecordSets to retrieve a single known record set by specifying the + record set's name and type, and setting MaxItems = 1 + + + + To retrieve all the records in a HostedZone, first pause any processes making calls + to ChangeResourceRecordSets. Initially call ListResourceRecordSets without a Name + and Type to get the first page of record sets. For subsequent calls, set Name and + Type to the NextName and NextType values returned by the previous response. + + + + In the presence of concurrent ChangeResourceRecordSets calls, there is no consistency + of results across calls to ListResourceRecordSets. The only way to get a consistent + multi-page snapshot of all RRSETs in a zone is to stop making changes while pagination + is in progress. + + + + However, the results from ListResourceRecordSets are consistent within a page. If + MakeChange calls are taking place concurrently, the result of each one will either + be completely visible in your results or not at all. You will not see partial changes, + or changes that do not ultimately succeed. (This follows from the fact that MakeChange + is atomic) + + + + The results from ListResourceRecordSets are strongly consistent with ChangeResourceRecordSets. + To be precise, if a single process makes a call to ChangeResourceRecordSets and receives + a successful response, the effects of that change will be visible in a subsequent + call to ListResourceRecordSets by that process. + +
+ + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates ListResourceRecordSetsRequest with the parameterized properties + + The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to get. + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZoneId. + + The ID of the hosted zone that contains the resource record sets that you want to + get. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StartRecordName. + + The first name in the lexicographic ordering of domain names that you want the ListResourceRecordSets + request to list. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StartRecordType. + + The DNS type at which to begin the listing of resource record sets. + + + + Valid values: A | AAAA | CNAME | MX + | NS | PTR | SOA | SPF | SRV + | TXT + + + + Values for Weighted Resource Record Sets: A | AAAA | CNAME + | TXT + + + + Values for Regional Resource Record Sets: A | AAAA | CNAME + | TXT + + + + Values for Alias Resource Record Sets: A | AAAA + + + + Constraint: Specifying type without specifying name returns + an InvalidInput error. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property StartRecordIdentifier. + + Weighted resource record sets only: If results were truncated for a given DNS + name and type, specify the value of ListResourceRecordSetsResponse$NextRecordIdentifier + from the previous response to get the next resource record set that has the current + DNS name and type. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of records you want in the response body. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that are returned + by the request and information about the response. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceRecordSets. + + A complex type that contains information about the resource record sets that are returned + by the request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IsTruncated. + + A flag that indicates whether there are more resource record sets to be listed. If + your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up request for the next page of + results by using the ListResourceRecordSetsResponse$NextRecordName element. + + + + Valid Values: true | false + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextRecordName. + + If the results were truncated, the name of the next record in the list. This element + is present only if ListResourceRecordSetsResponse$IsTruncated is true. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextRecordType. + + If the results were truncated, the type of the next record in the list. This element + is present only if ListResourceRecordSetsResponse$IsTruncated is true. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextRecordIdentifier. + + Weighted resource record sets only: If results were truncated for a given DNS + name and type, the value of SetIdentifier for the next resource record + set that has the current DNS name and type. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of records you requested. The maximum value of MaxItems + is 100. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListReusableDelegationSets operation. + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Marker. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextMarker from the last response in the marker + parameter to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + Specify the maximum number of reusable delegation sets to return per page of results. + + + + + + A complex type that contains the response for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the property DelegationSets. + + A complex type that contains information about the reusable delegation sets associated + with the current AWS account. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Marker. + + If the request returned more than one page of results, submit another request and + specify the value of NextMarker from the last response in the marker + parameter to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IsTruncated. + + A flag indicating whether there are more reusable delegation sets to be listed. If + your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up request for the next page of + results by using the Marker element. + + + + Valid Values: true | false + + + + + + Gets and sets the property NextMarker. + + Indicates where to continue listing reusable delegation sets. If ListReusableDelegationSetsResponse$IsTruncated + is true, make another request to ListReusableDelegationSets + and include the value of the NextMarker element in the Marker + element to get the next page of results. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property MaxItems. + + The maximum number of reusable delegation sets to be included in the response body. + If the number of reusable delegation sets associated with this AWS account exceeds + MaxItems, the value of ListReusablDelegationSetsResponse$IsTruncated + in the response is true. Call ListReusableDelegationSets + again and specify the value of ListReusableDelegationSetsResponse$NextMarker + in the ListReusableDelegationSetsRequest$Marker element to get the next page + of results. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResource operation. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceType. + + The type of the resource. + + + + - The resource type for health checks is healthcheck. + + + + - The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceId. + + The ID of the resource for which you want to retrieve tags. + + + + + + A complex type containing tags for the specified resource. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceTagSet. + + A ResourceTagSet containing tags associated with the specified resource. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListTagsForResources operation. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceType. + + The type of the resources. + + + + - The resource type for health checks is healthcheck. + + + + - The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceIds. + + A complex type that contains the ResourceId element for each resource for which you + want to get a list of tags. + + + + + + A complex type containing tags for the specified resources. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceTagSets. + + A list of ResourceTagSets containing tags associated with the specified + resources. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new NoSuchChangeException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchChangeException + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchChangeException + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchChangeException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchChangeException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new NoSuchDelegationSetException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchDelegationSetException + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchDelegationSetException + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchDelegationSetException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchDelegationSetException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new NoSuchGeoLocationException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchGeoLocationException + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchGeoLocationException + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchGeoLocationException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchGeoLocationException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new NoSuchHealthCheckException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHealthCheckException + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHealthCheckException + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHealthCheckException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHealthCheckException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new NoSuchHostedZoneException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHostedZoneException + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHostedZoneException + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHostedZoneException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of NoSuchHostedZoneException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new PriorRequestNotCompleteException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of PriorRequestNotCompleteException + + + + + + + Construct instance of PriorRequestNotCompleteException + + + + + + Construct instance of PriorRequestNotCompleteException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of PriorRequestNotCompleteException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new PublicZoneVPCAssociationException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of PublicZoneVPCAssociationException + + + + + + + Construct instance of PublicZoneVPCAssociationException + + + + + + Construct instance of PublicZoneVPCAssociationException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of PublicZoneVPCAssociationException + + + + + + + + + + A complex type that contains the value of the Value element for the current + resource record set. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates ResourceRecord with the parameterized properties + + The value of the Value element for the current resource record set. + + + + Gets and sets the property Value. + + The value of the Value element for the current resource record set. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about the current resource record set. + + + + + Empty constructor used to set properties independently even when a simple constructor is available + + + + + Instantiates ResourceRecordSet with the parameterized properties + + The domain name of the current resource record set. + The type of the current resource record set. + + + + Gets and sets the property Name. + + The domain name of the current resource record set. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Type. + + The type of the current resource record set. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SetIdentifier. + + Weighted, Latency, Geo, and Failover resource record sets only: An identifier + that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that have the same combination + of DNS name and type. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Weight. + + Weighted resource record sets only: Among resource record sets that have the + same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines what portion of traffic + for the current resource record set is routed to the associated location. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Region. + + Latency-based resource record sets only: Among resource record sets that have + the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that specifies the AWS region for + the current resource record set. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property GeoLocation. + + Geo location resource record sets only: Among resource record sets that have + the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that specifies the geo location + for the current resource record set. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Failover. + + Failover resource record sets only: Among resource record sets that have the + same combination of DNS name and type, a value that indicates whether the current + resource record set is a primary or secondary resource record set. A failover set + may contain at most one resource record set marked as primary and one resource record + set marked as secondary. A resource record set marked as primary will be returned + if any of the following are true: (1) an associated health check is passing, (2) if + the resource record set is an alias with the evaluate target health and at least one + target resource record set is healthy, (3) both the primary and secondary resource + record set are failing health checks or (4) there is no secondary resource record + set. A secondary resource record set will be returned if: (1) the primary is failing + a health check and either the secondary is passing a health check or has no associated + health check, or (2) there is no primary resource record set. + + + + Valid values: PRIMARY | SECONDARY + + + + + + Gets and sets the property TTL. + + The cache time to live for the current resource record set. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceRecords. + + A complex type that contains the resource records for the current resource record + set. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property AliasTarget. + + Alias resource record sets only: Information about the AWS resource to which + you are redirecting traffic. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckId. + + Health Check resource record sets only, not required for alias resource record + sets: An identifier that is used to identify health check associated with the + resource record set. + + + + + + A complex type containing a resource and its associated tags. + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceType. + + The type of the resource. + + + + - The resource type for health checks is healthcheck. + + + + - The resource type for hosted zones is hostedzone. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourceId. + + The ID for the specified resource. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Tags. + + The tags associated with the specified resource. + + + + + + A complex type that contains information about the health check status for the current + observation. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Status. + + The observed health check status. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property CheckedTime. + + The date and time the health check status was observed, in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, + as specified in the ISO 8601 standard (for example, 2009-11-19T19:37:58Z). The Z + after the time indicates that the time is listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), + which is synonymous with Greenwich Mean Time in this context. + + + + + + A single tag containing a key and value. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Key. + + The key for a Tag. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Value. + + The value for a Tag. + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new ThrottlingException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of ThrottlingException + + + + + + + Construct instance of ThrottlingException + + + + + + Construct instance of ThrottlingException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of ThrottlingException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new TooManyHealthChecksException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHealthChecksException + + + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHealthChecksException + + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHealthChecksException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHealthChecksException + + + + + + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new TooManyHostedZonesException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHostedZonesException + + + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHostedZonesException + + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHostedZonesException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of TooManyHostedZonesException + + + + + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the UpdateHealthCheck operation. + This action updates an existing health check. + + + + To update a health check, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with an + UpdateHealthCheckRequest element. The response returns an UpdateHealthCheckResponse + element, which contains metadata about the health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckId. + + The ID of the health check to update. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheckVersion. + + Optional. When you specify a health check version, Route 53 compares this value with + the current value in the health check, which prevents you from updating the health + check when the versions don't match. Using HealthCheckVersion lets you + prevent overwriting another change to the health check. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property IPAddress. + + The IP address of the resource that you want to check. + + + + Specify this value only if you want to change it. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Port. + + The port on which you want Route 53 to open a connection to perform health checks. + + + + Specify this value only if you want to change it. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property ResourcePath. + + The path that you want Amazon Route 53 to request when performing health checks. The + path can be any value for which your endpoint will return an HTTP status code of 2xx + or 3xx when the endpoint is healthy, for example the file /docs/route53-health-check.html. + + + + + Specify this value only if you want to change it. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property FullyQualifiedDomainName. + + Fully qualified domain name of the instance to be health checked. + + + + Specify this value only if you want to change it. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property SearchString. + + If the value of Type is HTTP_STR_MATCH or HTTP_STR_MATCH, + the string that you want Route 53 to search for in the response body from the specified + resource. If the string appears in the response body, Route 53 considers the resource + healthy. + + + + Specify this value only if you want to change it. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property FailureThreshold. + + The number of consecutive health checks that an endpoint must pass or fail for Route + 53 to change the current status of the endpoint from unhealthy to healthy or vice + versa. + + + + Valid values are integers between 1 and 10. For more information, see "How Amazon + Route 53 Determines Whether an Endpoint Is Healthy" in the Amazon Route 53 Developer + Guide. + + + + Specify this value only if you want to change it. + + + + + + + + + + + Gets and sets the property HealthCheck. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the UpdateHostedZoneComment operation. + To update the hosted zone comment, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with a + UpdateHostedZoneCommentRequest element. The response to this request + includes the modified HostedZone element. + + The comment can have a maximum length of 256 characters. + + + + + Gets and sets the property Id. + + The ID of the hosted zone you want to update. + + + + + + Gets and sets the property Comment. + + A comment about your hosted zone. + + + + + + A complex type containing information about the specified hosted zone after the update. + + + + + Gets and sets the property HostedZone. + + + + + + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPCRegion. + + + + + Gets and sets the property VPCId. + + + + + Route53 exception + + + + + Constructs a new VPCAssociationNotFoundException with the specified error + message. + + + Describes the error encountered. + + + + + Construct instance of VPCAssociationNotFoundException + + + + + + + Construct instance of VPCAssociationNotFoundException + + + + + + Construct instance of VPCAssociationNotFoundException + + + + + + + + + + + Construct instance of VPCAssociationNotFoundException + + + + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for AliasTarget Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + AssociateVPCWithHostedZone Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for AssociateVPCWithHostedZone operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ChangeInfo Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ChangeResourceRecordSets Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ChangeResourceRecordSets operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ChangeTagsForResource Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ChangeTagsForResource operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + CreateHealthCheck Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for CreateHealthCheck operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + CreateHostedZone Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for CreateHostedZone operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + CreateReusableDelegationSet Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for CreateReusableDelegationSet operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DelegationSet Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + DeleteHealthCheck Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteHealthCheck operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + DeleteHostedZone Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteHostedZone operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + DeleteReusableDelegationSet Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteReusableDelegationSet operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GeoLocationDetails Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GeoLocation Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetChange Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetChange operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetCheckerIpRanges Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetCheckerIpRanges operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetGeoLocation Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetGeoLocation operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetHealthCheckCount Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetHealthCheckCount operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetHealthCheck Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetHealthCheck operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetHealthCheckStatus Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetHealthCheckStatus operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetHostedZoneCount Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetHostedZoneCount operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetHostedZone Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetHostedZone operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + GetReusableDelegationSet Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetReusableDelegationSet operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for HealthCheckConfig Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for HealthCheckObservation Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for HealthCheck Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for HostedZoneConfig Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for HostedZone Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListGeoLocations Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListGeoLocations operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListHealthChecks Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListHealthChecks operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListHostedZonesByName Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListHostedZonesByName operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListHostedZones Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListHostedZones operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListResourceRecordSets Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListResourceRecordSets operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListReusableDelegationSets Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListReusableDelegationSets operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListTagsForResource Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListTagsForResource operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + ListTagsForResources Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListTagsForResources operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ResourceRecordSet Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ResourceRecord Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ResourceTagSet Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for StatusReport Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for Tag Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + UpdateHealthCheck Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for UpdateHealthCheck operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + UpdateHostedZoneComment Request Marshaller + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Marshaller the request object to the HTTP request. + + + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for UpdateHostedZoneComment operation + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Unmarshaller error response to exception. + + + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for VPC Object + + + + + Unmarshaller the response from the service to the response class. + + + + + + + Gets the singleton. + + + + + Implementation for accessing Route53 + + + + + + + Interface for accessing Route53 + + + + + + + This action associates a VPC with an hosted zone. + + + + To associate a VPC with an hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID/associatevpc resource. The request body must include an XML document + with a AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest element. The response returns + the AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneResponse element that contains ChangeInfo + for you to track the progress of the AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest + you made. See GetChange operation for how to track the progress of your + change. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone service method. + + The response from the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create for your VPC_ID does not belong to you. Route + 53 returns this error when the VPC specified by VPCId does not belong + to you. + + + + + + The hosted zone you are trying to associate VPC with doesn't have any VPC association. + Route 53 currently doesn't support associate a VPC with a public hosted zone. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Use this action to create or change your authoritative DNS information. To use this + action, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + Zone ID/rrset resource. The request body must include an XML document with + a ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest element. + + + + Changes are a list of change items and are considered transactional. For more information + on transactional changes, also known as change batches, see Creating, + Changing, and Deleting Resource Record Sets Using the Route 53 API in the Amazon + Route 53 Developer Guide. + + Due to the nature of transactional changes, you cannot delete the same + resource record set more than once in a single change batch. If you attempt to delete + the same change batch more than once, Route 53 returns an InvalidChangeBatch + error. + + In response to a ChangeResourceRecordSets request, your DNS data is changed + on all Route 53 DNS servers. Initially, the status of a change is PENDING. + This means the change has not yet propagated to all the authoritative Route 53 DNS + servers. When the change is propagated to all hosts, the change returns a status of + INSYNC. + + + + Note the following limitations on a ChangeResourceRecordSets request: + + + + - A request cannot contain more than 100 Change elements. + + + + - A request cannot contain more than 1000 ResourceRecord elements. + + + + The sum of the number of characters (including spaces) in all Value elements + in a request cannot exceed 32,000 characters. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeResourceRecordSets service method. + + The response from the ChangeResourceRecordSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + This error contains a list of one or more error messages. Each error message indicates + one error in the change batch. For more information, see Example + InvalidChangeBatch Errors. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeTagsForResource service method. + + The response from the ChangeTagsForResource service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ChangeTagsForResource operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeTagsForResource operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action creates a new health check. + + + + To create a new health check, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateHealthCheckRequest + element. The response returns the CreateHealthCheckResponse element that + contains metadata about the health check. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the CreateHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + The health check you are trying to create already exists. Route 53 returns this error + when a health check has already been created with the specified CallerReference. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action creates a new hosted zone. + + + + To create a new hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateHostedZoneRequest + element. The response returns the CreateHostedZoneResponse element that + contains metadata about the hosted zone. + + + + Route 53 automatically creates a default SOA record and four NS records for the zone. + The NS records in the hosted zone are the name servers you give your registrar to + delegate your domain to. For more information about SOA and NS records, see NS + and SOA Records that Route 53 Creates for a Hosted Zone in the Amazon Route + 53 Developer Guide. + + + + When you create a zone, its initial status is PENDING. This means that + it is not yet available on all DNS servers. The status of the zone changes to INSYNC + when the NS and SOA records are available on all Route 53 DNS servers. + + + + When trying to create a hosted zone using a reusable delegation set, you could specify + an optional DelegationSetId, and Route53 would assign those 4 NS records for the zone, + instead of alloting a new one. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHostedZone service method. + + The response from the CreateHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + + Route 53 allows some duplicate domain names, but there is a maximum number of duplicate + names. This error indicates that you have reached that maximum. If you want to create + another hosted zone with the same name and Route 53 generates this error, you can + request an increase to the limit on the Contact + Us page. + + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create already exists. Route 53 returns this error + when a hosted zone has already been created with the specified CallerReference. + + + This error indicates that the specified domain name is not valid. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create for your VPC_ID does not belong to you. Route + 53 returns this error when the VPC specified by VPCId does not belong + to you. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + This error indicates that you've reached the maximum number of hosted zones that can + be created for the current AWS account. You can request an increase to the limit on + the Contact Us page. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action creates a reusable delegationSet. + + + + To create a new reusable delegationSet, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateReusableDelegationSetRequest + element. The response returns the CreateReusableDelegationSetResponse + element that contains metadata about the delegationSet. + + + + If the optional parameter HostedZoneId is specified, it marks the delegationSet associated + with that particular hosted zone as reusable. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateReusableDelegationSet service method. + + The response from the CreateReusableDelegationSet service method, as returned by Route53. + + A delegation set with the same owner and caller reference combination has already + been created. + + + The specified delegation set has already been marked as reusable. + + + Route 53 allows some duplicate domain names, but there is a maximum number of duplicate + names. This error indicates that you have reached that maximum. If you want to create + another hosted zone with the same name and Route 53 generates this error, you can + request an increase to the limit on the Contact + Us page. + + + The specified HostedZone cannot be found. + + + At least one of the specified arguments is invalid. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The limits specified for a resource have been exceeded. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateReusableDelegationSet operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateReusableDelegationSet operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action deletes a health check. To delete a health check, send a DELETE + request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check ID resource. + + You can delete a health check only if there are no resource record sets + associated with this health check. If resource record sets are associated with this + health check, you must disassociate them before you can delete your health check. + If you try to delete a health check that is associated with resource record sets, + Route 53 will deny your request with a HealthCheckInUse error. For information + about disassociating the records from your health check, see ChangeResourceRecordSets. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the DeleteHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + There are resource records associated with this health check. Before you can delete + the health check, you must disassociate it from the resource record sets. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action deletes a hosted zone. To delete a hosted zone, send a DELETE + request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. + + + + For more information about deleting a hosted zone, see Deleting + a Hosted Zone in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. + + You can delete a hosted zone only if there are no resource record sets + other than the default SOA record and NS resource record sets. If your hosted zone + contains other resource record sets, you must delete them before you can delete your + hosted zone. If you try to delete a hosted zone that contains other resource record + sets, Route 53 will deny your request with a HostedZoneNotEmpty error. + For information about deleting records from your hosted zone, see ChangeResourceRecordSets. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHostedZone service method. + + The response from the DeleteHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + The hosted zone contains resource record sets in addition to the default NS and SOA + resource record sets. Before you can delete the hosted zone, you must delete the additional + resource record sets. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action deletes a reusable delegation set. To delete a reusable delegation set, + send a DELETE request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset/delegation + set ID resource. + + You can delete a reusable delegation set only if there are no associated + hosted zones. If your reusable delegation set contains associated hosted zones, you + must delete them before you can delete your reusable delegation set. If you try to + delete a reusable delegation set that contains associated hosted zones, Route 53 will + deny your request with a DelegationSetInUse error. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteReusableDelegationSet service method. + + The response from the DeleteReusableDelegationSet service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation contains associated hosted zones which must be deleted before + the reusable delegation set can be deleted. + + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteReusableDelegationSet operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteReusableDelegationSet operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action disassociates a VPC from an hosted zone. + + + + To disassociate a VPC to a hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID/disassociatevpc resource. The request body must include an XML + document with a DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest element. The response + returns the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneResponse element that contains + ChangeInfo for you to track the progress of the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest + you made. See GetChange operation for how to track the progress of your + change. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone service method. + + The response from the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create for your VPC_ID does not belong to you. Route + 53 returns this error when the VPC specified by VPCId does not belong + to you. + + + The VPC you are trying to disassociate from the hosted zone is the last the VPC that + is associated with the hosted zone. Route 53 currently doesn't support disassociate + the last VPC from the hosted zone. + + + + + + The VPC you specified is not currently associated with the hosted zone. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action returns the current status of a change batch request. The status is one + of the following values: + + + + - PENDING indicates that the changes in this request have not replicated + to all Route 53 DNS servers. This is the initial status of all change batch requests. + + + + - INSYNC indicates that the changes have replicated to all Amazon Route + 53 DNS servers. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetChange service method. + + The response from the GetChange service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetChange operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetChange operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of the IP ranges used by Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check + the health of your resources, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/checkeripranges + resource. You can use these IP addresses to configure router and firewall rules to + allow health checkers to check the health of your resources. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCheckerIpRanges service method. + + The response from the GetCheckerIpRanges service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetCheckerIpRanges operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCheckerIpRanges operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a single geo location, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/geolocation + resource with one of these options: continentcode | countrycode | countrycode and + subdivisioncode. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetGeoLocation service method. + + The response from the GetGeoLocation service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The geo location you are trying to get does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetGeoLocation operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetGeoLocation operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the health check, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a count of all your health checks, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/healthcheckcount resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckCount service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheckCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheckCount operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckCount operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + If you want to learn why a health check is currently failing or why it failed most + recently (if at all), you can get the failure reason for the most recent failure. + Send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check + ID/lastfailurereason resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason service method, as returned by Route53. + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the health check status, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID/status resource. You can use this call to get a health check's + current status. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckStatus service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheckStatus service method, as returned by Route53. + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheckStatus operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckStatus operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the delegation set for a hosted zone, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. The delegation + set is the four Route 53 name servers that were assigned to the hosted zone when you + created it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZone service method. + + The response from the GetHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + + The response from the GetHostedZoneCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZoneCount service method. + + The response from the GetHostedZoneCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetHostedZoneCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHostedZoneCount operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZoneCount operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the reusable delegation set, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset/delegation + set ID resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetReusableDelegationSet service method. + + The response from the GetReusableDelegationSet service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetReusableDelegationSet operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetReusableDelegationSet operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + + The response from the ListGeoLocations service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListGeoLocations service method. + + The response from the ListGeoLocations service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListGeoLocations service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListGeoLocations operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListGeoLocations operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + The response from the ListHealthChecks service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHealthChecks service method. + + The response from the ListHealthChecks service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListHealthChecks service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListHealthChecks operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHealthChecks operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + The response from the ListHostedZones service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZones service method. + + The response from the ListHostedZones service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListHostedZones service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListHostedZones operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZones operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones in lexicographic order, send a GET + request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzonesbyname resource. The response to + this request includes a HostedZones element with zero or more HostedZone + child elements lexicographically ordered by DNS name. By default, the list of hosted + zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of the page that is + displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use the DNSName + and HostedZoneId parameters to control the hosted zone that the list + begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZonesByName service method. + + The response from the ListHostedZonesByName service method, as returned by Route53. + + This error indicates that the specified domain name is not valid. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListHostedZonesByName operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZonesByName operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Imagine all the resource record sets in a zone listed out in front of you. Imagine + them sorted lexicographically first by DNS name (with the labels reversed, like "com.amazon.www" + for example), and secondarily, lexicographically by record type. This operation retrieves + at most MaxItems resource record sets from this list, in order, starting at a position + specified by the Name and Type arguments: + +
  • If both Name and Type are omitted, this means start the results at the first + RRSET in the HostedZone.
  • If Name is specified but Type is omitted, this means + start the results at the first RRSET in the list whose name is greater than or equal + to Name.
  • If both Name and Type are specified, this means start the results + at the first RRSET in the list whose name is greater than or equal to Name and whose + type is greater than or equal to Type.
  • It is an error to specify the Type + but not the Name.
+ + Use ListResourceRecordSets to retrieve a single known record set by specifying the + record set's name and type, and setting MaxItems = 1 + + + + To retrieve all the records in a HostedZone, first pause any processes making calls + to ChangeResourceRecordSets. Initially call ListResourceRecordSets without a Name + and Type to get the first page of record sets. For subsequent calls, set Name and + Type to the NextName and NextType values returned by the previous response. + + + + In the presence of concurrent ChangeResourceRecordSets calls, there is no consistency + of results across calls to ListResourceRecordSets. The only way to get a consistent + multi-page snapshot of all RRSETs in a zone is to stop making changes while pagination + is in progress. + + + + However, the results from ListResourceRecordSets are consistent within a page. If + MakeChange calls are taking place concurrently, the result of each one will either + be completely visible in your results or not at all. You will not see partial changes, + or changes that do not ultimately succeed. (This follows from the fact that MakeChange + is atomic) + + + + The results from ListResourceRecordSets are strongly consistent with ChangeResourceRecordSets. + To be precise, if a single process makes a call to ChangeResourceRecordSets and receives + a successful response, the effects of that change will be visible in a subsequent + call to ListResourceRecordSets by that process. + +
+ Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListResourceRecordSets service method. + + The response from the ListResourceRecordSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + +
+ + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListResourceRecordSets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListResourceRecordSets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + The response from the ListReusableDelegationSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListReusableDelegationSets service method. + + The response from the ListReusableDelegationSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListReusableDelegationSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListReusableDelegationSets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListReusableDelegationSets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResource service method. + + The response from the ListTagsForResource service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTagsForResource operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResource operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResources service method. + + The response from the ListTagsForResources service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTagsForResources operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResources operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action updates an existing health check. + + + + To update a health check, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with an + UpdateHealthCheckRequest element. The response returns an UpdateHealthCheckResponse + element, which contains metadata about the health check. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the UpdateHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To update the hosted zone comment, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with a + UpdateHostedZoneCommentRequest element. The response to this request + includes the modified HostedZone element. + + The comment can have a maximum length of 256 characters. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHostedZoneComment service method. + + The response from the UpdateHostedZoneComment service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateHostedZoneComment operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHostedZoneComment operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with the credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with the credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with the credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + The AmazonRoute53Client Configuration Object + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Credentials + + AWS Credentials + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Credentials + + AWS Credentials + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Credentials and an + AmazonRoute53Client Configuration object. + + AWS Credentials + The AmazonRoute53Client Configuration Object + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an + AmazonRoute53Client Configuration object. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The AmazonRoute53Client Configuration Object + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonRoute53Client with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an + AmazonRoute53Client Configuration object. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + The AmazonRoute53Client Configuration Object + + + + Creates the signer for the service. + + + + + Customize the pipeline + + + + + + Disposes the service client. + + + + + This action associates a VPC with an hosted zone. + + + + To associate a VPC with an hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID/associatevpc resource. The request body must include an XML document + with a AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest element. The response returns + the AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneResponse element that contains ChangeInfo + for you to track the progress of the AssociateVPCWithHostedZoneRequest + you made. See GetChange operation for how to track the progress of your + change. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone service method. + + The response from the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create for your VPC_ID does not belong to you. Route + 53 returns this error when the VPC specified by VPCId does not belong + to you. + + + + + + The hosted zone you are trying to associate VPC with doesn't have any VPC association. + Route 53 currently doesn't support associate a VPC with a public hosted zone. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AssociateVPCWithHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Use this action to create or change your authoritative DNS information. To use this + action, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + Zone ID/rrset resource. The request body must include an XML document with + a ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest element. + + + + Changes are a list of change items and are considered transactional. For more information + on transactional changes, also known as change batches, see Creating, + Changing, and Deleting Resource Record Sets Using the Route 53 API in the Amazon + Route 53 Developer Guide. + + Due to the nature of transactional changes, you cannot delete the same + resource record set more than once in a single change batch. If you attempt to delete + the same change batch more than once, Route 53 returns an InvalidChangeBatch + error. + + In response to a ChangeResourceRecordSets request, your DNS data is changed + on all Route 53 DNS servers. Initially, the status of a change is PENDING. + This means the change has not yet propagated to all the authoritative Route 53 DNS + servers. When the change is propagated to all hosts, the change returns a status of + INSYNC. + + + + Note the following limitations on a ChangeResourceRecordSets request: + + + + - A request cannot contain more than 100 Change elements. + + + + - A request cannot contain more than 1000 ResourceRecord elements. + + + + The sum of the number of characters (including spaces) in all Value elements + in a request cannot exceed 32,000 characters. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeResourceRecordSets service method. + + The response from the ChangeResourceRecordSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + This error contains a list of one or more error messages. Each error message indicates + one error in the change batch. For more information, see Example + InvalidChangeBatch Errors. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeTagsForResource service method. + + The response from the ChangeTagsForResource service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ChangeTagsForResource operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ChangeTagsForResource operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action creates a new health check. + + + + To create a new health check, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateHealthCheckRequest + element. The response returns the CreateHealthCheckResponse element that + contains metadata about the health check. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the CreateHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + The health check you are trying to create already exists. Route 53 returns this error + when a health check has already been created with the specified CallerReference. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action creates a new hosted zone. + + + + To create a new hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateHostedZoneRequest + element. The response returns the CreateHostedZoneResponse element that + contains metadata about the hosted zone. + + + + Route 53 automatically creates a default SOA record and four NS records for the zone. + The NS records in the hosted zone are the name servers you give your registrar to + delegate your domain to. For more information about SOA and NS records, see NS + and SOA Records that Route 53 Creates for a Hosted Zone in the Amazon Route + 53 Developer Guide. + + + + When you create a zone, its initial status is PENDING. This means that + it is not yet available on all DNS servers. The status of the zone changes to INSYNC + when the NS and SOA records are available on all Route 53 DNS servers. + + + + When trying to create a hosted zone using a reusable delegation set, you could specify + an optional DelegationSetId, and Route53 would assign those 4 NS records for the zone, + instead of alloting a new one. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHostedZone service method. + + The response from the CreateHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + + Route 53 allows some duplicate domain names, but there is a maximum number of duplicate + names. This error indicates that you have reached that maximum. If you want to create + another hosted zone with the same name and Route 53 generates this error, you can + request an increase to the limit on the Contact + Us page. + + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create already exists. Route 53 returns this error + when a hosted zone has already been created with the specified CallerReference. + + + This error indicates that the specified domain name is not valid. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create for your VPC_ID does not belong to you. Route + 53 returns this error when the VPC specified by VPCId does not belong + to you. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + This error indicates that you've reached the maximum number of hosted zones that can + be created for the current AWS account. You can request an increase to the limit on + the Contact Us page. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action creates a reusable delegationSet. + + + + To create a new reusable delegationSet, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset + resource. The request body must include an XML document with a CreateReusableDelegationSetRequest + element. The response returns the CreateReusableDelegationSetResponse + element that contains metadata about the delegationSet. + + + + If the optional parameter HostedZoneId is specified, it marks the delegationSet associated + with that particular hosted zone as reusable. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateReusableDelegationSet service method. + + The response from the CreateReusableDelegationSet service method, as returned by Route53. + + A delegation set with the same owner and caller reference combination has already + been created. + + + The specified delegation set has already been marked as reusable. + + + Route 53 allows some duplicate domain names, but there is a maximum number of duplicate + names. This error indicates that you have reached that maximum. If you want to create + another hosted zone with the same name and Route 53 generates this error, you can + request an increase to the limit on the Contact + Us page. + + + The specified HostedZone cannot be found. + + + At least one of the specified arguments is invalid. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The limits specified for a resource have been exceeded. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateReusableDelegationSet operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateReusableDelegationSet operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action deletes a health check. To delete a health check, send a DELETE + request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check ID resource. + + You can delete a health check only if there are no resource record sets + associated with this health check. If resource record sets are associated with this + health check, you must disassociate them before you can delete your health check. + If you try to delete a health check that is associated with resource record sets, + Route 53 will deny your request with a HealthCheckInUse error. For information + about disassociating the records from your health check, see ChangeResourceRecordSets. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the DeleteHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + There are resource records associated with this health check. Before you can delete + the health check, you must disassociate it from the resource record sets. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action deletes a hosted zone. To delete a hosted zone, send a DELETE + request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. + + + + For more information about deleting a hosted zone, see Deleting + a Hosted Zone in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide. + + You can delete a hosted zone only if there are no resource record sets + other than the default SOA record and NS resource record sets. If your hosted zone + contains other resource record sets, you must delete them before you can delete your + hosted zone. If you try to delete a hosted zone that contains other resource record + sets, Route 53 will deny your request with a HostedZoneNotEmpty error. + For information about deleting records from your hosted zone, see ChangeResourceRecordSets. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHostedZone service method. + + The response from the DeleteHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + The hosted zone contains resource record sets in addition to the default NS and SOA + resource record sets. Before you can delete the hosted zone, you must delete the additional + resource record sets. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action deletes a reusable delegation set. To delete a reusable delegation set, + send a DELETE request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset/delegation + set ID resource. + + You can delete a reusable delegation set only if there are no associated + hosted zones. If your reusable delegation set contains associated hosted zones, you + must delete them before you can delete your reusable delegation set. If you try to + delete a reusable delegation set that contains associated hosted zones, Route 53 will + deny your request with a DelegationSetInUse error. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteReusableDelegationSet service method. + + The response from the DeleteReusableDelegationSet service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation contains associated hosted zones which must be deleted before + the reusable delegation set can be deleted. + + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteReusableDelegationSet operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteReusableDelegationSet operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action disassociates a VPC from an hosted zone. + + + + To disassociate a VPC to a hosted zone, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID/disassociatevpc resource. The request body must include an XML + document with a DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest element. The response + returns the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneResponse element that contains + ChangeInfo for you to track the progress of the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZoneRequest + you made. See GetChange operation for how to track the progress of your + change. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone service method. + + The response from the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The hosted zone you are trying to create for your VPC_ID does not belong to you. Route + 53 returns this error when the VPC specified by VPCId does not belong + to you. + + + The VPC you are trying to disassociate from the hosted zone is the last the VPC that + is associated with the hosted zone. Route 53 currently doesn't support disassociate + the last VPC from the hosted zone. + + + + + + The VPC you specified is not currently associated with the hosted zone. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DisassociateVPCFromHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action returns the current status of a change batch request. The status is one + of the following values: + + + + - PENDING indicates that the changes in this request have not replicated + to all Route 53 DNS servers. This is the initial status of all change batch requests. + + + + - INSYNC indicates that the changes have replicated to all Amazon Route + 53 DNS servers. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetChange service method. + + The response from the GetChange service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetChange operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetChange operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of the IP ranges used by Amazon Route 53 health checkers to check + the health of your resources, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/checkeripranges + resource. You can use these IP addresses to configure router and firewall rules to + allow health checkers to check the health of your resources. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCheckerIpRanges service method. + + The response from the GetCheckerIpRanges service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetCheckerIpRanges operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCheckerIpRanges operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a single geo location, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/geolocation + resource with one of these options: continentcode | countrycode | countrycode and + subdivisioncode. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetGeoLocation service method. + + The response from the GetGeoLocation service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The geo location you are trying to get does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetGeoLocation operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetGeoLocation operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the health check, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a count of all your health checks, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/healthcheckcount resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckCount service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheckCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheckCount operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckCount operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + If you want to learn why a health check is currently failing or why it failed most + recently (if at all), you can get the failure reason for the most recent failure. + Send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health check + ID/lastfailurereason resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason service method, as returned by Route53. + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckLastFailureReason operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the health check status, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID/status resource. You can use this call to get a health check's + current status. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckStatus service method. + + The response from the GetHealthCheckStatus service method, as returned by Route53. + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHealthCheckStatus operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHealthCheckStatus operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the delegation set for a hosted zone, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted zone ID resource. The delegation + set is the four Route 53 name servers that were assigned to the hosted zone when you + created it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZone service method. + + The response from the GetHostedZone service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHostedZone operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZone operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + + The response from the GetHostedZoneCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZoneCount service method. + + The response from the GetHostedZoneCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a count of all your hosted zones, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/hostedzonecount resource. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetHostedZoneCount service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetHostedZoneCount operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetHostedZoneCount operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve the reusable delegation set, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/delegationset/delegation + set ID resource. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetReusableDelegationSet service method. + + The response from the GetReusableDelegationSet service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetReusableDelegationSet operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetReusableDelegationSet operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + + The response from the ListGeoLocations service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListGeoLocations service method. + + The response from the ListGeoLocations service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of supported geo locations, send a GET request to + the 2013-04-01/geolocations resource. The response to this request includes + a GeoLocationDetailsList element with zero, one, or multiple GeoLocationDetails + child elements. The list is sorted by country code, and then subdivision code, followed + by continents at the end of the list. + + + + By default, the list of geo locations is displayed on a single page. You can control + the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. + If the list is truncated, IsTruncated will be set to true and + a combination of NextContinentCode, NextCountryCode, NextSubdivisionCode + will be populated. You can pass these as parameters to StartContinentCode, StartCountryCode, + StartSubdivisionCode to control the geo location that the list begins with. + + + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListGeoLocations service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListGeoLocations operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListGeoLocations operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + The response from the ListHealthChecks service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHealthChecks service method. + + The response from the ListHealthChecks service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your health checks, send a GET request to the + 2013-04-01/healthcheck resource. The response to this request includes + a HealthChecks element with zero, one, or multiple HealthCheck + child elements. By default, the list of health checks is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the health check + that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListHealthChecks service method, as returned by Route53. + + The resource you are trying to access is unsupported on this Route 53 endpoint. Please + consider using a newer endpoint or a tool that does so. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListHealthChecks operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHealthChecks operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + The response from the ListHostedZones service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZones service method. + + The response from the ListHostedZones service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones, send a GET request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone + resource. The response to this request includes a HostedZones element + with zero, one, or multiple HostedZone child elements. By default, the + list of hosted zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of + the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use + the Marker parameter to control the hosted zone that the list begins + with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListHostedZones service method, as returned by Route53. + + The specified delegation set has not been marked as reusable. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The specified delegation set does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListHostedZones operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZones operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your hosted zones in lexicographic order, send a GET + request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzonesbyname resource. The response to + this request includes a HostedZones element with zero or more HostedZone + child elements lexicographically ordered by DNS name. By default, the list of hosted + zones is displayed on a single page. You can control the length of the page that is + displayed by using the MaxItems parameter. You can use the DNSName + and HostedZoneId parameters to control the hosted zone that the list + begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZonesByName service method. + + The response from the ListHostedZonesByName service method, as returned by Route53. + + This error indicates that the specified domain name is not valid. + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListHostedZonesByName operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListHostedZonesByName operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Imagine all the resource record sets in a zone listed out in front of you. Imagine + them sorted lexicographically first by DNS name (with the labels reversed, like "com.amazon.www" + for example), and secondarily, lexicographically by record type. This operation retrieves + at most MaxItems resource record sets from this list, in order, starting at a position + specified by the Name and Type arguments: + +
  • If both Name and Type are omitted, this means start the results at the first + RRSET in the HostedZone.
  • If Name is specified but Type is omitted, this means + start the results at the first RRSET in the list whose name is greater than or equal + to Name.
  • If both Name and Type are specified, this means start the results + at the first RRSET in the list whose name is greater than or equal to Name and whose + type is greater than or equal to Type.
  • It is an error to specify the Type + but not the Name.
+ + Use ListResourceRecordSets to retrieve a single known record set by specifying the + record set's name and type, and setting MaxItems = 1 + + + + To retrieve all the records in a HostedZone, first pause any processes making calls + to ChangeResourceRecordSets. Initially call ListResourceRecordSets without a Name + and Type to get the first page of record sets. For subsequent calls, set Name and + Type to the NextName and NextType values returned by the previous response. + + + + In the presence of concurrent ChangeResourceRecordSets calls, there is no consistency + of results across calls to ListResourceRecordSets. The only way to get a consistent + multi-page snapshot of all RRSETs in a zone is to stop making changes while pagination + is in progress. + + + + However, the results from ListResourceRecordSets are consistent within a page. If + MakeChange calls are taking place concurrently, the result of each one will either + be completely visible in your results or not at all. You will not see partial changes, + or changes that do not ultimately succeed. (This follows from the fact that MakeChange + is atomic) + + + + The results from ListResourceRecordSets are strongly consistent with ChangeResourceRecordSets. + To be precise, if a single process makes a call to ChangeResourceRecordSets and receives + a successful response, the effects of that change will be visible in a subsequent + call to ListResourceRecordSets by that process. + +
+ Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListResourceRecordSets service method. + + The response from the ListResourceRecordSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + +
+ + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListResourceRecordSets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListResourceRecordSets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + + The response from the ListReusableDelegationSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListReusableDelegationSets service method. + + The response from the ListReusableDelegationSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + To retrieve a list of your reusable delegation sets, send a GET request + to the 2013-04-01/delegationset resource. The response to this request + includes a DelegationSets element with zero, one, or multiple DelegationSet + child elements. By default, the list of delegation sets is displayed on a single page. + You can control the length of the page that is displayed by using the MaxItems + parameter. You can use the Marker parameter to control the delegation + set that the list begins with. + + Amazon Route 53 returns a maximum of 100 items. If you set MaxItems to a value + greater than 100, Amazon Route 53 returns only the first 100. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListReusableDelegationSets service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListReusableDelegationSets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListReusableDelegationSets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResource service method. + + The response from the ListTagsForResource service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTagsForResource operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResource operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResources service method. + + The response from the ListTagsForResources service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + + The request was rejected because Route 53 was still processing a prior request. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTagsForResources operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTagsForResources operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This action updates an existing health check. + + + + To update a health check, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/healthcheck/health + check ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with an + UpdateHealthCheckRequest element. The response returns an UpdateHealthCheckResponse + element, which contains metadata about the health check. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHealthCheck service method. + + The response from the UpdateHealthCheck service method, as returned by Route53. + + + + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + The health check you are trying to get or delete does not exist. + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateHealthCheck operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHealthCheck operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + To update the hosted zone comment, send a POST request to the 2013-04-01/hostedzone/hosted + zone ID resource. The request body must include an XML document with a + UpdateHostedZoneCommentRequest element. The response to this request + includes the modified HostedZone element. + + The comment can have a maximum length of 256 characters. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHostedZoneComment service method. + + The response from the UpdateHostedZoneComment service method, as returned by Route53. + + Some value specified in the request is invalid or the XML document is malformed. + + + + + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UpdateHostedZoneComment operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UpdateHostedZoneComment operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + +
diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.dll b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08647a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.pdb b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..959f539 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.pdb differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.xml b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..546a880 --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/AWSSDK.S3.xml @@ -0,0 +1,15643 @@ + + + + AWSSDK.S3 + + + + + Implementation for accessing S3 + + + + + + + Interface for accessing S3 + + + + + + + Create a signed URL allowing access to a resource that would + usually require authentication. + + + + When using query string authentication you create a query, + specify an expiration time for the query, sign it with your + signature, place the data in an HTTP request, and distribute + the request to a user or embed the request in a web page. + + + A PreSigned URL can be generated for GET, PUT, DELETE and HEAD + operations on your bucketName, keys, and versions. + + + The GetPreSignedUrlRequest that defines the + parameters of the operation. + A string that is the signed http request. + + + + + + Aborts a multipart upload. + + + + To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged for the part + storage, you should call the List Parts operation and ensure the parts list is empty. + + + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the AbortMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Aborts a multipart upload. + + + + To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged for the part + storage, you should call the List Parts operation and ensure the parts list is empty. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the AbortMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Aborts a multipart upload. + + + + To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged for the part + storage, you should call the List Parts operation and ensure the parts list is empty. + + + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the AbortMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AbortMultipartUpload operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AbortMultipartUpload operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CompleteMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the CompleteMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CompleteMultipartUpload operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CompleteMultipartUpload operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyObject service method. + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CopyObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyPart service method. + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CopyPart operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyPart operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) + in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted. + + A property of DeleteBucketRequest used to execute the DeleteBucket service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) + in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucket service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) + in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted. + + A property of DeleteBucketRequest used to execute the DeleteBucket service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucket operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucket operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketPolicy operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the replication configuration for the given Amazon S3 bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketReplication service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketReplication service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketReplication operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketReplication operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the tags from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the tags from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the tags from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketTagging service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketTagging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketTagging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketWebsite operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + A property of DeleteCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + A property of DeleteCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteCORSConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObject service method. + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single + HTTP request. You may specify up to 1000 keys. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObjects service method. + + The response from the DeleteObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteObjects operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObjects operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Gets the access control policy for the bucket. + + A property of GetACLRequest used to execute the GetACL service method. + + The response from the GetACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Gets the access control policy for the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetACL service method. + + The response from the GetACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Gets the access control policy for the bucket. + + A property of GetACLRequest used to execute the GetACL service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetACL operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetACL operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + A property of GetBucketLocationRequest used to execute the GetBucketLocation service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLocation service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLocation service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLocation service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + A property of GetBucketLocationRequest used to execute the GetBucketLocation service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketLocation service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketLocation operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLocation operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and + modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner. + + A property of GetBucketLoggingRequest used to execute the GetBucketLogging service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and + modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLogging service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and + modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner. + + A property of GetBucketLoggingRequest used to execute the GetBucketLogging service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketLogging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLogging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketNotificationRequest used to execute the GetBucketNotification service method. + + The response from the GetBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketNotification service method. + + The response from the GetBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketNotificationRequest used to execute the GetBucketNotification service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketNotification operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketNotification operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + A property of GetBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the GetBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the GetBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the GetBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + A property of GetBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the GetBucketPolicy service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketPolicy operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketPolicy operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Retrieves the replication configuration for the given Amazon S3 bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketReplication service method. + + The response from the GetBucketReplication service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketReplication operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketReplication operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the GetBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the GetBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketRequestPayment operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the tag set associated with the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the GetBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketTagging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketTagging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketVersioningRequest used to execute the GetBucketVersioning service method. + + The response from the GetBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketVersioning service method. + + The response from the GetBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketVersioningRequest used to execute the GetBucketVersioning service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketVersioning operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketVersioning operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the GetBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the GetBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the GetBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the GetBucketWebsite service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketWebsite operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketWebsite operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + A property of GetCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + A property of GetCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetCORSConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetCORSConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCORSConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + A property of GetLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + A property of GetLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObject service method. + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetObjectMetadata operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectMetadata operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + + The response from the GetObjectTorrent service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + + The response from the GetObjectTorrent service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObjectTorrent service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetObjectTorrent operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectTorrent operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the InitiateMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the InitiateMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the InitiateMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the InitiateMultipartUpload operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + + The response from the ListBuckets service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListBuckets service method. + + The response from the ListBuckets service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListBuckets service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListBuckets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListBuckets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListMultipartUploads operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListMultipartUploads operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListObjects service method. + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListObjects operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListObjects operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. + + The response from the ListParts service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListParts service method. + + The response from the ListParts service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListParts service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListParts operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListParts operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListVersions service method. + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListVersions operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListVersions operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the permissions on a bucket using access control lists (ACL). + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutACL service method. + + The response from the PutACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutACL operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutACL operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a new bucket. + + A property of PutBucketRequest used to execute the PutBucket service method. + + The response from the PutBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a new bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucket service method. + + The response from the PutBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a new bucket. + + A property of PutBucketRequest used to execute the PutBucket service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucket operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucket operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Set the logging parameters for a bucket and to specify permissions for who can view + and modify the logging parameters. To set the logging status of a bucket, you must + be the bucket owner. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketLogging service method. + + The response from the PutBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketLogging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketLogging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketNotification service method. + + The response from the PutBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketNotification operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketNotification operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketPolicy operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketPolicy operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets a replication configuration for the Amazon S3 bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketReplication service method. + + The response from the PutBucketReplication service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketReplication operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketReplication operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner + pays for downloads from the bucket. This configuration parameter enables the bucket + owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for + the download. Documentation on requester pays buckets can be found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html + + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the PutBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner + pays for downloads from the bucket. This configuration parameter enables the bucket + owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for + the download. Documentation on requester pays buckets can be found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the PutBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner + pays for downloads from the bucket. This configuration parameter enables the bucket + owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for + the download. Documentation on requester pays buckets can be found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html + + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketRequestPayment operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the PutBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the PutBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketTagging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketTagging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the versioning state of an existing bucket. To set the versioning state, you + must be the bucket owner. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketVersioning service method. + + The response from the PutBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketVersioning operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketVersioning operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the PutBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the PutBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketWebsite operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketWebsite operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutCORSConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutCORSConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, + it replaces it. + + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, + it replaces it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, + it replaces it. + + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Adds an object to a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutObject service method. + + The response from the PutObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RestoreObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RestoreObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads a part in a multipart upload. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UploadPart service method. + + The response from the UploadPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UploadPart operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UploadPart operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Create a signed URL allowing access to a resource that would + usually require authentication. + + + + When using query string authentication you create a query, + specify an expiration time for the query, sign it with your + signature, place the data in an HTTP request, and distribute + the request to a user or embed the request in a web page. + + + A PreSigned URL can be generated for GET, PUT, DELETE and HEAD + operations on your bucketName, keys, and versions. + + + The GetPreSignedUrlRequest that defines the + parameters of the operation. + A string that is the signed http request. + + + + + + Marshalls the parameters for a presigned url for a preferred signing protocol. + + + + + + True if AWS4 signing will be used; if the expiry period in the request exceeds the + maximum allowed for AWS4 (one week), an ArgumentException is thrown. + + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with the credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with the credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with the credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + The AmazonS3Client Configuration Object + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Credentials + + AWS Credentials + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Credentials + + AWS Credentials + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Credentials and an + AmazonS3Client Configuration object. + + AWS Credentials + The AmazonS3Client Configuration Object + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an + AmazonS3Client Configuration object. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The AmazonS3Client Configuration Object + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + The region to connect. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3Client with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an + AmazonS3Client Configuration object. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + The AmazonS3Client Configuration Object + + + + Creates the signer for the service. + + + + + Customize the pipeline + + + + + + Disposes the service client. + + + + + Aborts a multipart upload. + + + + To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged for the part + storage, you should call the List Parts operation and ensure the parts list is empty. + + + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the AbortMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Aborts a multipart upload. + + + + To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged for the part + storage, you should call the List Parts operation and ensure the parts list is empty. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the AbortMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Aborts a multipart upload. + + + + To verify that all parts have been removed, so you don't get charged for the part + storage, you should call the List Parts operation and ensure the parts list is empty. + + + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + A property of AbortMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the AbortMultipartUpload service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the AbortMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AbortMultipartUpload operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AbortMultipartUpload operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CompleteMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the CompleteMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CompleteMultipartUpload operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CompleteMultipartUpload operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyObject service method. + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + A property of CopyObjectRequest used to execute the CopyObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CopyObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyPart service method. + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + A property of CopyPartRequest used to execute the CopyPart service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being copied. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the CopyPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CopyPart operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CopyPart operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) + in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted. + + A property of DeleteBucketRequest used to execute the DeleteBucket service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) + in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucket service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) + in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be deleted. + + A property of DeleteBucketRequest used to execute the DeleteBucket service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucket operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucket operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketPolicy operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketPolicy operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the replication configuration for the given Amazon S3 bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketReplication service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketReplication service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketReplication operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketReplication operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the tags from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the tags from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the tags from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketTagging service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketTagging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketTagging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the DeleteBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBucketWebsite operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBucketWebsite operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + A property of DeleteCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + A property of DeleteCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteCORSConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteCORSConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the bucket. + + A property of DeleteLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObject service method. + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, + which becomes the latest version of the object. If there isn't a null version, Amazon + S3 does not remove any objects. + + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + A property of DeleteObjectRequest used to execute the DeleteObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the DeleteObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single + HTTP request. You may specify up to 1000 keys. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObjects service method. + + The response from the DeleteObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteObjects operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteObjects operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Gets the access control policy for the bucket. + + A property of GetACLRequest used to execute the GetACL service method. + + The response from the GetACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Gets the access control policy for the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetACL service method. + + The response from the GetACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Gets the access control policy for the bucket. + + A property of GetACLRequest used to execute the GetACL service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetACL operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetACL operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + A property of GetBucketLocationRequest used to execute the GetBucketLocation service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLocation service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLocation service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLocation service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + A property of GetBucketLocationRequest used to execute the GetBucketLocation service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketLocation service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketLocation operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLocation operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and + modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner. + + A property of GetBucketLoggingRequest used to execute the GetBucketLogging service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and + modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLogging service method. + + The response from the GetBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and + modify that status. To use GET, you must be the bucket owner. + + A property of GetBucketLoggingRequest used to execute the GetBucketLogging service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketLogging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketLogging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketNotificationRequest used to execute the GetBucketNotification service method. + + The response from the GetBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketNotification service method. + + The response from the GetBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketNotificationRequest used to execute the GetBucketNotification service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketNotification operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketNotification operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + A property of GetBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the GetBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the GetBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the GetBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + A property of GetBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the GetBucketPolicy service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketPolicy operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketPolicy operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Retrieves the replication configuration for the given Amazon S3 bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketReplication service method. + + The response from the GetBucketReplication service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketReplication operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketReplication operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the GetBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the GetBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketRequestPayment operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketRequestPayment operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the tag set associated with the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the GetBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketTagging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketTagging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketVersioningRequest used to execute the GetBucketVersioning service method. + + The response from the GetBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketVersioning service method. + + The response from the GetBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketVersioningRequest used to execute the GetBucketVersioning service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketVersioning operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketVersioning operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the GetBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the GetBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the GetBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of GetBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the GetBucketWebsite service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetBucketWebsite operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetBucketWebsite operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + A property of GetCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + A property of GetCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetCORSConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetCORSConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetCORSConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + A property of GetLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + A property of GetLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObject service method. + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + A property of GetObjectRequest used to execute the GetObject service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object + itself. This operation is useful if you're only interested in an object's metadata. + To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + A property of GetObjectMetadataRequest used to execute the GetObjectMetadata service method. + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObjectMetadata service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetObjectMetadata operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectMetadata operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + + The response from the GetObjectTorrent service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + + The response from the GetObjectTorrent service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + A property of GetObjectTorrentRequest used to execute the GetObjectTorrent service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the GetObjectTorrent service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetObjectTorrent operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetObjectTorrent operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation is useful to determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to + access it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the HeadBucket service method. + + The response from the HeadBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the HeadBucket operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the HeadBucket operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the InitiateMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + + The response from the InitiateMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + A property of InitiateMultipartUploadRequest used to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the InitiateMultipartUpload service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the InitiateMultipartUpload operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the InitiateMultipartUpload operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + + The response from the ListBuckets service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListBuckets service method. + + The response from the ListBuckets service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + ttd1 + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListBuckets service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListBuckets operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListBuckets operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + A property of ListMultipartUploadsRequest used to execute the ListMultipartUploads service method. + Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListMultipartUploads service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListMultipartUploads operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListMultipartUploads operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListObjects service method. + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request + parameters as selection criteria to return a subset of the objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListObjectsRequest used to execute the ListObjects service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListObjects service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListObjects operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListObjects operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. + + The response from the ListParts service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListParts service method. + + The response from the ListParts service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + A property of ListPartsRequest used to execute the ListParts service method. + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListParts service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListParts operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListParts operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListVersions service method. + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + A property of ListVersionsRequest used to execute the ListVersions service method. + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the ListVersions service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListVersions operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListVersions operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the permissions on a bucket using access control lists (ACL). + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutACL service method. + + The response from the PutACL service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutACL operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutACL operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Creates a new bucket. + + A property of PutBucketRequest used to execute the PutBucket service method. + + The response from the PutBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a new bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucket service method. + + The response from the PutBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Creates a new bucket. + + A property of PutBucketRequest used to execute the PutBucket service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucket service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucket operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucket operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Set the logging parameters for a bucket and to specify permissions for who can view + and modify the logging parameters. To set the logging status of a bucket, you must + be the bucket owner. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketLogging service method. + + The response from the PutBucketLogging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketLogging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketLogging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketNotification service method. + + The response from the PutBucketNotification service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketNotification operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketNotification operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this + request completely replaces it. + + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + A property of PutBucketPolicyRequest used to execute the PutBucketPolicy service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketPolicy service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketPolicy operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketPolicy operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets a replication configuration for the Amazon S3 bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketReplication service method. + + The response from the PutBucketReplication service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketReplication operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketReplication operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner + pays for downloads from the bucket. This configuration parameter enables the bucket + owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for + the download. Documentation on requester pays buckets can be found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html + + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the PutBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner + pays for downloads from the bucket. This configuration parameter enables the bucket + owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for + the download. Documentation on requester pays buckets can be found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + + The response from the PutBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner + pays for downloads from the bucket. This configuration parameter enables the bucket + owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for + the download. Documentation on requester pays buckets can be found at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/RequesterPaysBuckets.html + + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + A property of PutBucketRequestPaymentRequest used to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketRequestPayment service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketRequestPayment operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketRequestPayment operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the PutBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + + The response from the PutBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + A property of PutBucketTaggingRequest used to execute the PutBucketTagging service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketTagging service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketTagging operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketTagging operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the versioning state of an existing bucket. To set the versioning state, you + must be the bucket owner. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketVersioning service method. + + The response from the PutBucketVersioning service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketVersioning operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketVersioning operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the PutBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + + The response from the PutBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + A property of PutBucketWebsiteRequest used to execute the PutBucketWebsite service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutBucketWebsite service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutBucketWebsite operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutBucketWebsite operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + A property of PutCORSConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutCORSConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutCORSConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutCORSConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutCORSConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, + it replaces it. + + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, + it replaces it. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + The response from the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, + it replaces it. + + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + A property of PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest used to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the PutLifecycleConfiguration service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutLifecycleConfiguration operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Adds an object to a bucket. + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutObject service method. + + The response from the PutObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the PutObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the PutObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + A property of RestoreObjectRequest used to execute the RestoreObject service method. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + + The response from the RestoreObject service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RestoreObject operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RestoreObject operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads a part in a multipart upload. + + + + Note: After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you + must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for + storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, + Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UploadPart service method. + + The response from the UploadPart service method, as returned by S3. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UploadPart operation. + + + Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UploadPart operation. + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Configuration for accessing AmazonS3 service + + + Configuration for accessing Amazon S3 service + + + + + This method contains custom initializations for the config object. + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + When true, requests will always use path style addressing. + + + + + The constant used to lookup in the region hash the endpoint. + + + + + Gets the ServiceVersion property. + + + + + Gets the value of UserAgent property. + + + + + Base exception for S3 errors. + + + + + Construct an instance of AmazonS3Exception + + + + + + Construct an instance of AmazonS3Exception + + + + + + + Construct an instance of AmazonS3Exception + + + + + + Construct an instance of AmazonS3Exception + + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance of AmazonS3Exception + + + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance of AmazonS3Exception + + + + + + + + + + + + A special token that helps AWS troubleshoot problems. + + + + + The entire response body for this exception, if available. + + + + + Gets the exception message. + + + + + Configuration for the S3 section of AWS configuration. + Changes to some settings may not take effect until a new client is constructed. + + Example section: + + <configSections> + <section name="aws" type="Amazon.AWSSection, AWSSDK"/> + </configSections> + <aws> + <s3 useSignatureVersion4="true" /> + </aws> + + + + + + Key for the S3UseSignatureVersion4Key property. + + + + + + Configures if the S3 client should use Signature Version 4 signing with requests. + By default, this setting is false, though Signature Version 4 may be used by default + in some cases or with some regions. When the setting is true, Signature Version 4 + will be used for all requests. + + + + + V4-enabling section + + + + + A list of all possible CannedACLs that can be used + for S3 Buckets or S3 Objects. For more information about CannedACLs, refer to + . + + + + + Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. + No one else has access rights (default). + + + + + Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. + No one else has access rights (default). + + + + + Owner gets FULL_CONTROL and the anonymous principal is granted READ access. + If this policy is used on an object, it can be read from a browser with no authentication. + + + + + Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, the anonymous principal is granted READ and WRITE access. + This can be a useful policy to apply to a bucket, but is generally not recommended. + + + + + Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, and any principal authenticated as a registered Amazon + S3 user is granted READ access. + + + + + Object Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, Bucket Owner gets READ + This ACL applies only to objects and is equivalent to private when used with PUT Bucket. + You use this ACL to let someone other than the bucket owner write content (get full control) + in the bucket but still grant the bucket owner read access to the objects. + + + + + Object Owner gets FULL_CONTROL, Bucket Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. + This ACL applies only to objects and is equivalent to private when used with PUT Bucket. + You use this ACL to let someone other than the bucket owner write content (get full control) + in the bucket but still grant the bucket owner full rights over the objects. + + + + + The LogDelivery group gets WRITE and READ_ACP permissions on the bucket. + + + + + Construct instance of S3CannedACL. It is not intended for this constructor to be called. Instead users should call the FindValue. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Converts the string to an S3CannedACL + + + + + + + A list of all possible S3 Bucket region possibilities. For + more information, refer to + . + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use US locality. + This is the default value. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use EU locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use the EU-CENTRAL-1 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use US-WEST-1 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use US-WEST-2 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use the AP-SOUTHEAST-1 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use the AP-SOUTHEAST-2 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use the AP-NORTHEAST-1 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use the SA-EAST-1 locality. + + + + + Specifies that the S3 Bucket should use US-WEST-1 locality. + + + + + Construct instance of S3Region. It is not intended for this constructor to be called. Instead users should call the FindValue. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Converts the string to the S3Region class + + + + + + + A list of all ACL permissions. For more information, refer to + . + + + + + When applied to a bucket, grants permission to list the bucket. + When applied to an object, this grants permission to read the + object data and/or metadata. + + + + + When applied to a bucket, grants permission to create, overwrite, + and delete any object in the bucket. This permission is not + supported for objects. + + + + + Grants permission to read the ACL for the applicable bucket or object. + The owner of a bucket or object always has this permission implicitly. + + + + + Gives permission to overwrite the ACP for the applicable bucket or object. + The owner of a bucket or object always has this permission implicitly. + Granting this permission is equivalent to granting FULL_CONTROL because + the grant recipient can make any changes to the ACP. + + + + + Provides READ, WRITE, READ_ACP, and WRITE_ACP permissions. + It does not convey additional rights and is provided only for convenience. + + + + + Gives permission to restore an object that is currently stored in Amazon Glacier + for archival storage. + + + + + Construct S3Permission. + + + + + + Construct instance of S3Permission. It is not intended for this constructor to be called. Instead users should call the FindValue. + + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Converts the string to an S3Permission + + + + + + + Gets and sets the HeaderName property. + + + + + An enumeration of all Metadata directives that + can be used for the CopyObject operation. + + + + + Specifies that the metadata is copied from the source object. + + + + + Specifies that the metadata is replaced with metadata provided in the request. + All original metadata is replaced by the metadata you specify. + + + + + An enumeration of all protocols that the pre-signed + URL can be created against. + + + + + https protocol will be used in the pre-signed URL. + + + + + http protocol will be used in the pre-signed URL. + + + + + An enumeration of supported HTTP verbs + + + + + The GET HTTP verb. + + + + + The HEAD HTTP verb. + + + + + The PUT HTTP verb. + + + + + The DELETE HTTP verb. + + + + + Specifies the Storage Class of of an S3 object. Possible values + are: + ReducedRedundancy: provides a 99.99% durability guarantee + Standard: provides a 99.999999999% durability guarantee + + + + + + The STANDARD storage class, which is the default + storage class for S3 objects. Provides a 99.999999999% + durability guarantee. + + + + + The REDUCED_REDUNDANCY storage class for S3 objects. This + provides a reduced (99.99%) durability guarantee at a lower + cost as compared to the STANDARD storage class. Use this + storage class for non-mission critical data or for data + that doesn’t require the higher level of durability that S3 + provides with the STANDARD storage class. + + + + + The GLACIER storage is for object that are stored in Amazon Glacier. + This storage class is for objects that are for archival purpose and + get operations are rare. + + + + + Construct an instance of S3StorageClass. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Convert string to S3StorageClass. + + + + + + + The constants for the known event names used by S3 notification. S3 might add new + events before the SDK is updated. In which case the names listed in the S3 documentation + will work as well as these constants. + + + + + An event that says an object has been lost in the reduced redundancy storage. + + + + + A list of all server-side encryption methods for customer provided encryption keys. + + + + + No server side encryption to be used. + + + + + Use AES 256 server side encryption. + + + + + Constructs an instance of ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Converts string to ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod. + + + + + + + A list of all server-side encryption methods. + + + + + No server side encryption to be used. + + + + + Use AES 256 server side encryption. + + + + + Use AWS Key Management Service for server side encryption. + + + + + Construct instance of ServerSideEncryptionMethod. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Convert string to ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod. + + + + + + + A list of all grantee types. + + + + + The predefined group. + + + + + The email address of an AWS account + + + + + The canonical user ID of an AWS account + + + + + Construct an instance of GranteeType. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Convert a string to GranteeType. + + + + + + + A list of all lifecycle statuses. + + + + + The rule is enabled. + + + + + The rule is disabled. + + + + + Constructs an instance LifecycleRuleStatus. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Convert string to LifecycleRuleStatus. + + + + + + + A list of all version statuses. + + + + + The rule is off. + + + + + The rule is suspended. + + + + + The rule is enabled. + + + + + Construct an instance of VersionStatus. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Convert string to VersionStatus. + + + + + + + A list of all encoding types. + + + + + Url encoding. + + + + + Constructs intance of EncodingType + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Converts string to EncodingType + + + + + + + A list of all event types that can configured with the bucket notification configuration. + + + + + The event encapsulates all the object create events + + + + + Event for put operations + + + + + Event for post operations + + + + + Event for copy operations + + + + + Event for completing a multi part upload + + + + + This event encapsulates all the object removed events + + + + + Event for object removed, delete operation. + + + + + Event for object removed, delete marker created operation. + + + + + Event for objects stored in reduced redundancy and S3 detects the object is lost + + + + + Constructs instance of EventType. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + + + + + + Convert string to EventType. + + + + + + + The status of the replication job associated with this source object. + + + + + The object is pending replication. + + + + + The object has been replicated. + + + + + The object was created as a result of replication. + + + + + The object replication has failed due to a customer-attributable reason, and the replication will not be attempted again. + + + + + Construct instance of ReplicationStatus. + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The string representation of the ReplicationStatus. + The ReplicationStatus object for that string. + + + + Convert string to ReplicationStatus. + + + + + + + Whether a replication rule is applied or ignored. + + + + + The rule will be applied. + + + + + The rule will be ignored. + + + + + Construct instance of ReplicationRuleStatus + + + + + + Finds the constant for the unique value. + + The string representation of the ReplicationRuleStatus. + The ReplicationRuleStatus object for that string. + + + + Convert string to ReplicationRuleStatus. + + + + + + + Custom pipeline handler to clean up streams in case of an exception. + + + + + Catch exceptions and clean up any open streams. + + + + + + Catch exceptions and clean up any open streams. + + + + + + + Custom pipeline handler to enable sig V4 for Get requests. + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Custom pipeline handler to enable sig V4 for Get requests. + + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Calls the post invoke logic after calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls the and post invoke logic after calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Constructor for AmazonS3RetryPolicy. + + The maximum number of retries before throwing + back a exception. This does not count the initial request. + + + + Return true if the request should be retried. Implements additional checks + specific to S3 on top of the checks in DefaultRetryPolicy. + + Request context containing the state of the request. + The exception thrown by the previous request. + Return true if the request should be retried. + + + + S3 signer constructor + + + + + The parameters to request an abort of a multipart upload. + + + After a multipart upload is aborted, no additional parts can be uploaded using that upload ID. + The storage consumed by any previously uploaded parts will be freed. However, if any part uploads + are currently in progress, those part uploads might or might not succeed. As a result, it might be + necessary to abort a given multipart upload multiple times in order to completely free all storage + consumed by all parts. + + + + + The name of the bucketName containing the S3 object that was being uploaded in parts. + + + + + The key of the S3 object that was being uploaded. + + + + + The upload id for the in-progress multipart upload that should be aborted. + + + + + Returns information about the AbortMultipartUpload response metadata. + The AbortMultipartUpload operation has a void result type. + + + + + This class represents the byte range for a range GET from S3. + + + + + Constructs a ByteRange and sets the start and end. + + + + + + + The starting byte number of the range + + + + + The ending byte number of the range + + + + + The formatted string representing the byte range to be set for the range header. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the CompleteMultipartUpload operation. + Completes a multipart upload by assembling previously uploaded parts. + + + + + Adds a collection of part numbers and corresponding etags. + + PartETags that will added to this request. + + + + Adds a collection of part numbers and corresponding etags. + + PartETags that will added to this request. + + + + Adds a collection of part numbers and corresponding etags by transforming the UploadPartResponses into PartETags. + + The list of response objects return from UploadParts. + + + + Adds a collection of part numbers and corresponding etags by transforming the UploadPartResponses into PartETags. + + The list of response objects return from UploadParts. + + + + Adds a collection of part numbers and corresponding etags by transforming the CopyPartResponse into PartETags. + + The list of response objects return from CopyParts. + + + + Adds a collection of part numbers and corresponding etags by transforming the CopyPartResponse into PartETags. + + The list of response objects return from CopyParts. + + + + The name of the bucketName containing the S3 object that was being uploaded in parts. + + + + + The key of the S3 object that was being uploaded. + + + + + A collection of part numbers and corresponding etags. + + + + + The upload id for the in-progress multipart upload that should be completed. + + + + + Returns information about the CompleteMultipartUpload response and response metadata. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Gets and sets the URI that identifies the newly created object. + + + + + Gets and sets the name of the bucketName that contains the newly created object. + + + + + Gets and sets the object key of the newly created object. + + + + + Gets and sets Entity tag that identifies the newly created object's data. Objects with different + object data will have different entity tags. The entity tag is an opaque string. + + + + + Gets and sets the Expiration property. + Specifies the expiration date for the object and the + rule governing the expiration. + Is null if expiration is not applicable. + + + + + Gets and sets the ServerSideEncryptionMethod property. + Specifies the encryption used on the server to + store the content. + Default is None. + + + + + Gets and sets the VersionId property. + This is the version-id of the S3 object + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the CopyObject operation. + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + + Container for the parameters to the CopyObject operation. + Creates a copy of an object that is already stored in Amazon S3. + + + + + Base class for put operations that can also put an ACL. + + + + + Gets the access control lists (ACLs) for this request. + Please refer to for information on + S3 Grants. + + + + + Checks if SourceBucket property is set. + + true if SourceBucket property is set. + + + + Checks if SourceKey property is set. + + true if SourceKey property is set. + + + + Checks if SourceVersionId property is set. + + true if SourceVersionId property is set. + + + + Checks if DestinationBucket property is set. + + true if DestinationBucket property is set. + + + + Checks if DestinationKey property is set. + + true if DestinationKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ETagToMatch property is set. + + + Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) is different + than the specified Etag; otherwise returns a 412 (failed condition). + Constraints: This header can be used with IfModifiedSince, but cannot + be used with other conditional copy properties. + + true if ETagToMatch property is set. + + + + Checks if ETagToNotMatch property is set. + + true if ETagToNotMatch property is set. + + + + Checks if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Checks if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket containing the object to copy. + + + + + The key of the object to copy. + + + + + Specifies a particular version of the source object to copy. By default the latest version is copied. + + + + + The name of the bucket to contain the copy of the source object. + + + + + The key to be given to the copy of the source object. + + + + + A canned access control list (CACL) to apply to the object. + Please refer to for + information on S3 Canned ACLs. + + + + + ETag to be matched as a pre-condition for copying the source object + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches + the specified tag; otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed). + Constraints: This property can be used with IfUnmodifiedSince, + but cannot be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + ETag that must not be matched as a pre-condition for copying the source object, + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + + + Copies the object if it has been modified since the specified time, otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if it has been modified since the + specified time; otherwise returns a 412 (failed condition). + Constraints: This property can be used with ETagToNotMatch, + but cannot be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + Copies the object if it has not been modified since the specified time, otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if it hasn't been modified since the + specified time; otherwise returns a 412 (precondition failed). + Constraints: This property can be used with ETagToMatch, + but cannot be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + Specifies whether the metadata is copied from the source object or replaced with metadata provided in the request. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + The type of storage to use for the object. Defaults to 'STANDARD'. + + + + + + If the bucketName is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucketName or to an external URL. + Amazon S3 stores the value of this header in the object metadata. + + + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + This is a convenience property for Headers.ContentType. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to encrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + /// + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The customer provided encryption key for the source object of the copy. + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + Overrides the default request timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the Timeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/HttpClient object used + to send requests. + + + Please specify a timeout value only if the operation will not complete within the default intervals + specified for an HttpWebRequest/HttpClient. + + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + Overrides the default ReadWriteTimeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/WebRequestHandler object used + to send requests. + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + + Returns information about the CopyObject response and response metadata. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Gets and sets the ETag property. + + + + + Gets and sets the LastModified property. + + + + + Gets and sets the Expiration property. + Specifies the expiration date for the object and the + rule governing the expiration. + Is null if expiration is not applicable. + + + + + Gets and sets the SourceVersionId property. + This is the Version Id of the Source Object + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the CopyPart operation. + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + + Container for the parameters to the CopyPart operation. + Uploads a part by copying data from an existing object as data source. + + + + + Checks if SourceBucket property is set. + + true if SourceBucket property is set. + + + + Checks if SourceKey property is set. + + true if SourceKey property is set. + + + + Checks if SourceVersionId property is set. + + true if SourceVersionId property is set. + + + + Checks if DestinationBucket property is set. + + true if DestinationBucket property is set. + + + + Checks if DestinationKey property is set. + + true if DestinationKey property is set. + + + + Checks if UploadId property is set. + + true if UploadId property is set. + + + + Checks if ETagsToMatch property is set. + + true if ETagToMatch property is set. + + + + Checks if ETagToNotMatch property is set. + + true if ETagToNotMatch property is set. + + + + Checks if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Checks if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Checks if PartNumber property is set. + + true if PartNumber property is set. + + + + Checks if FirstByte property is set. + + true if FirstByte property is set. + + + + Checks if LastByte property is set. + + true if LastByte property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionMethod property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionMethod property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket containing the object to copy. + + + + + The key of the object to copy. + + + + + Specifies a particular version of the source object to copy. By default the latest version is copied. + + + + + The name of the bucket to contain the copy of the source object. + + + + + The key to be given to the copy of the source object. + + + + + The ID identifying multipart upload for which we are copying a part. + + + + + Collection of ETags to be matched as a pre-condition for copying the source object + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) matches one of + the specified tags; otherwise return a 412 (precondition failed). + Constraints: This property can be used with IfUnmodifiedSince, + but cannot be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + Collection of ETags that must not be matched as a pre-condition for copying the source object + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if its entity tag (ETag) does not match any of the specified + tags; otherwise returns a 412 (failed condition). + Constraints: This header can be used with IfModifiedSince, but cannot + be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + Copies the object if it has been modified since the specified time, otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if it has been modified since the + specified time; otherwise returns a 412 (failed condition). + Constraints: This property can be used with ETagToNotMatch, + but cannot be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + Copies the object if it has not been modified since the specified time, otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + Copies the object if it hasn't been modified since the + specified time; otherwise returns a 412 (precondition failed). + Constraints: This property can be used with ETagToMatch, + but cannot be used with other conditional copy properties. + + + + + The number of the part to be copied. + + + Valid part numbers are from 1 to 10,000 inclusive and will uniquely identify the part + and determine the relative ordering within the destination object. If a part already + exists with the PartNumber it will be overwritten. + + + + + The location of the first byte in the range if only a portion of the + source object is to be copied as the part. + + + The LastByte property must also be set or this value will be ignored. + + + + + The location of the last byte in the range if only a portion of the + source object is to be copied as the part. + + + The FirstByte property must also be set or this value will be ignored. + + + + + + Specifies the encryption to be used on the server for the new object. + + + Default: None + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to encrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The customer provided encryption key for the source object of the copy. + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the CopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + Overrides the default request timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the Timeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/HttpClient object used + to send requests. + + + Please specify a timeout value only if the operation will not complete within the default intervals + specified for an HttpWebRequest/HttpClient. + + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + Overrides the default ReadWriteTimeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/WebRequestHandler object used + to send requests. + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + + Returns information about the CopyPart response and response metadata. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + The version of the source object that was copied, if you have enabled versioning on the source bucketName. + + + + + + Entity tag of the object. + + + + + + Date and time at which the object was uploaded. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + Gets and sets the PartNumber property. + This is the part number in it's multi-part upload that will uniquely identify the part + and determine the relative ordering within the destination object. + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + A collection of up to 100 cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rules. + + + + + The collection of rules in this configuration. + + + + C O R S Rule + + + + + Checks if Id property is set. + + true if Id property is set. + + + + Checks if AllowedHeaders property is set. + + true if AllowedHeaders property is set. + + + + Identifies HTTP methods that the domain/origin specified in the rule is allowed to execute. + + + + + + One or more origins you want customers to be able to access the bucket from. + + + + + + An optional unique identifier for the rule. + + + The ID value can be up to 255 characters long. The IDs help you find a rule in the configuration. + + + + + One or more headers in the response that you want customers to be able to access from their applications (for example, from a JavaScript + XMLHttpRequest object). + + + + + + The time in seconds that your browser is to cache the preflight response for the specified resource. + + + + + + Specifies which headers are allowed in a pre-flight OPTIONS request through the + Access-Control-Request-Headers header. + + + Each header name specified in the Access-Control-Request-Headers must have a corresponding + entry in the rule. Only the headers that were requested will be sent back. + This element can contain at most one * wildcard character. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteBucketPolicy operation. + Deletes the policy from the bucket. + + + + + The bucket on which the policy is to be deleted. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteBucketPolicy response metadata. + The DeleteBucketPolicy operation has a void result type. + + + + + Request object for the DeleteBucketReplication operation. + + + + + The bucket on which the replication is to be deleted. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteBucketReplication response metadata. + The DeleteBucketReplication operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteBucket operation. + Deletes the bucket. All objects (including all object versions and Delete Markers) in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket + itself can be deleted. + + + + + The name of the bucket to be created. + + + + + The region locality for the bucket. + + + When set, this will determine the region the bucket exists in. + Refer + for a list of possible values. + + + + + If set to true the bucket will be deleted in the same region as the configuration of the AmazonS3 client. + DeleteBucketRequest.BucketRegion takes precedence over this property if both are set. + Default: true. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteBucket response metadata. + The DeleteBucket operation has a void result type. + + + + + The parameters to request deletion of a tag set from a bucket. + + + To use this operation, you must have permission to perform the s3:PutBucketTagging action. + By default, the bucket owner has this permission and can grant this permission to others. + + + + + The name of the bucket on which the tag set is to be removed. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteBucketTagging response metadata. + The DeleteBucketTagging operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteBucketWebsite operation. + This operation removes the website configuration from the bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket on which website configuration is to be removed. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteBucketWebsite response metadata. + The DeleteBucketWebsite operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteCORSConfiguration operation. + Deletes the cors configuration information set for the bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName property. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteCORSConfiguration response metadata. + The DeleteCORSConfiguration operation has a void result type. + + + + + Contains information about a successful delete operation against a specific S3 object. + + + + + Specifies whether the versioned object that was permanently deleted was (true) or was not (false) a + delete marker. In a simple DELETE, this header indicates whether (true) or not (false) a delete + marker was created. + + + + + The version ID of the delete marker created as a result of the DELETE operation. If you delete a + specific object version, the value returned by this header is the version ID of the object version + deleted. + + + + + The key of the deleted S3 object. + + + + + The version of the deleted S3 object. + + + + + Contains information about a failed delete operation against a specific S3 object. + + + + + The key of the S3 object. + + + + + The version of the S3 object. + + + + + The failure code for the delete error. + + + + + The failure message for the delete error. + + + + + The parameters to request deletion of the lifecycle configuration on a bucket. + + + + Amazon S3 removes all the lifecycle configuration rules in the lifecycle subresource associated with the bucket. + Your objects never expire, and Amazon S3 no longer automatically deletes any objects on the basis of rules contained + in the deleted lifecycle configuration. + + + To use this operation, you must have permission to perform the s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration action. By default, the + bucket owner has this permission and the bucket owner can grant this permission to others. + + + There is usually some time lag before lifecycle configuration deletion is fully propagated to all the Amazon S3 systems. + + + + + + The name of the bucket on which the lifecycle configuration is to be deleted. + + + + + Returns information about the DeleteLifecycleConfiguration response metadata. + The DeleteLifecycleConfiguration operation has a void result type. + + + + + The parameters to request deletion of an object in a bucket. + The operation removes the null version (if there is one) of an object and inserts a delete marker, which + becomes the latest version of the object. + + + + To remove a specific version, you must be the bucket owner and you must use the versionId subresource. + Using this subresource permanently deletes the version. + + + If the object you want to delete is in a bucket where the bucket versioning configuration is MFA Delete enabled, + you must include specify the MFA serial number and value in the request. + + + If there isn't a null version, Amazon S3 does not remove any objects. + + + + + + Checks if VersionId property is set. + + true if VersionId property is set. + + + + Checks if the MfaCodes property is set. + + true if the MfaCodes property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket containing the object to delete. + + + + + The key identifying the object to delete. + + + + + The identifier for the specific version of the object to be deleted, if required. + + + + + The MfaCodes Tuple associates the Serial Number and the current Token/Code displayed on the + Multi-Factor Authentication device associated with your AWS Account. + + + This is a required property for this request if:
+ 1. EnableMfaDelete was configured on the bucket + containing this object's version.
+ 2. You are deleting an object's version +
+ + + Returns information about the DeleteObject response and response metadata. + + + + + Specifies whether the versioned object that was permanently deleted was (true) or was not (false) a delete marker. + + + + + + Returns the version ID of the delete marker created as a result of the DELETE operation. + + + + + + AmazonS3 exception. + Thrown when DeleteObjects returns successfully, but some of the objects + were not deleted. + + + + + Constructs an instance of DeleteObjectsException + + + + + + Gets and sets the ErrorResponse property. + The DeleteObjectsErrorResponse associated with this exception. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteObjects operation. + This operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single HTTP request. You may specify up to 1000 + keys. + + + Container for the parameters to the DeleteObjects operation. + This operation enables you to delete multiple objects from a bucket using a single HTTP request. You may specify up to 1000 + keys. + + + + + Checks if the MfaCodes property is set. + + true if the MfaCodes property is set. + + + + Add a key to the set of keys of objects to be deleted. + + Object key + + + + Add a key and a version to be deleted. + + Key of the object to be deleted. + Version of the object to be deleted. + + + + Add a KeyVersion object representing the S3 object to be deleted. + + KeyVersion representation of object to be deleted. + + + + The name of the bucket containing the objects to be deleted. + + + + + List of object keys to delete. + + + + + Toggles between Quiet and Verbose mode for the operation. + If set to true (Quiet mode), the response includes only those keys for objects on which + the delete operation failed. + + + By default this property is false and keys for both successful deletes + and failures are returned in the response. + + + + + The MfaCodes Tuple associates the Serial Number and the current Token/Code displayed on the + Multi-Factor Authentication device associated with your AWS Account. + + + This is a required property for this request if:
+ 1. EnableMfaDelete was configured on the bucket + containing this object's version.
+ 2. You are deleting an object's version +
+ + + Returns information about the DeleteObjects response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the DeletedObjects property. + A list of successful deletes. + Set only when Quiet=false on DeleteObjectsRequest. + + + + + Gets and sets the DeleteErrors property. + A list of errors encountered while deleting objects. + + + + + Defines the expiration policy for a given object. + + + + + Constructs an empty instance of an Expiration object + + + + + The date and time for expiry. + + + + + Id of the configuration rule for this expiry. + + + + Bucket + Represents a set of filter criteria that limits the objects that can trigger event notifications + + + + + Filter criteria that limits the objects that can trigger event notifications based on their S3 Key name. + + + + + Bucket + Represents a Filter Rule for a NotificationConfiguration. + + + + + Constructs an empty FilterRule. + + + + + Constructs a FilterRule with a specific name and value. + + + + + + + The name of the filter rule. + + + + + The value of the filter rule. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetACL operation. + Returns the access control list (ACL) of an object. + + + + + The name of the bucket to be queried or containing the object to be queried. + + + + + The key of the S3 object to be queried. + + + + + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + + + + Returns information about the GetACL response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the AccessControlList property. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketLocation operation. + Returns the region the bucket resides in. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketLocation response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the Location property. + If the the bucket is located in us-east-1 S3Region.US will be return which has a + value of empty string. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketLogging operation. + Returns the logging status of a bucket and the permissions users have to view and modify that status. To use GET, you must be the + bucket owner. + + + + + The name of the bucket to query. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketLogging response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the LoggingConfig property. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketNotification operation. + Return the notification configuration of a bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketNotification response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the TopicConfigurations property. TopicConfigurations are configuration + for Amazon S3 events to be sent to Amazon SNS topics. + + + + + Gets and sets the QueueConfigurations property. QueueConfigurations are configuration + for Amazon S3 events to be sent to Amazon SQS queues. + + + + + Gets and sets the LambdaFunctionConfigurations property. LambdaFunctionConfigurations are configuration + for Amazon S3 events to be sent to an Amazon Lambda cloud function. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketPolicy operation. + Returns the policy of a specified bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Get BucketName Policy Response + + + + + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketReplicationConfiguration operation. + Returns the replication configuration information set on the bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName. + + + + + Returns information about the GetReplicationConfiguration response and response metadata. + + + + + The replication configuration for the buccket specified in the request. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketRequestPayment operation. + Returns the request payment configuration of a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketRequestPayment response and response metadata. + + + + + Specifies who pays for the download and request fees. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketTagging operation. + Returns the tag set associated with the bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket to be queried. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketTagging response and response metadata. + + + + + The collection of tags. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketVersioning operation. + Returns the versioning state of a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket to be queried. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketVersioning response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the Versioning property. + Unless Versioning has been explicitly "Enabled" on a bucket, + Versioning Status is "Off". Once Versioning has been + "Enabled", it can be "Suspended" but cannot be switched "Off". + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketWebsite operation. + Returns the website configuration for a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket to be queried. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketWebsite response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and sets the WebsiteConfiguration property. + + This is where the index document suffix and custom error page are defined. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetBucketCors operation. + Returns the cors configuration for the bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName. + + + + + Returns information about the GetBucketCors response and response metadata. + + + + + The current CORSConfiguration for the bucket. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetLifecycleConfiguration operation. + Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName. + + + + + Returns information about the GetLifecycleConfiguration response and response metadata. + + + + + Gets and Sets the property that governs whether + the response includes successful deletes as well as errors + following the DeleteObjects call against S3. + + By default this property is false and successful deletes + are returned in the response. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the HeadObject operation. + The HEAD operation retrieves metadata from an object without returning the object itself. This operation is useful if you''re only + interested in an object''s metadata. To use HEAD, you must have READ access to the object. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket that contains the object. + + + + + ETag to be matched as a pre-condition for returning the object, + otherwise a PreconditionFailed signal is returned. + + + + + Returns the object only if it has been modified since the specified time, + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + + + ETag that should not be matched as a pre-condition for returning the object, + otherwise a PreconditionFailed signal is returned. + + + + + Returns the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + + + The key of the object. + + + + + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to decrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + Returns information about the HeadObject response and response metadata. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if ReplicationStatus property is set. + + true if ReplicationStatus property is set. + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + Specifies whether the object retrieved was (true) or was not (false) a Delete Marker. If false, this response header does not appear in the + response. + + + + + + Gets and sets the AcceptRanges. + + + + + Gets and sets the Expiration property. + Specifies the expiration date for the object and the + rule governing the expiration. + Is null if expiration is not applicable. + + + + + Gets and sets the RestoreExpiration property. + RestoreExpiration will be set for objects that have been restored from Amazon Glacier. + It indiciates for those objects how long the restored object will exist. + + + + + Gets and sets the RestoreInProgress + Will be true when the object is in the process of being restored from Amazon Glacier. + + + + + Last modified date of the object + + + + + + An ETag is an opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL + + + + + + This is set to the number of metadata entries not returned in x-amz-meta headers. This can happen if you create metadata using an API like + SOAP that supports more flexible metadata than the REST API. For example, using SOAP, you can create metadata whose values are not legal + HTTP headers. + + + + + + Version of the object. + + + + + + The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable. + + + + + + If the bucket is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucket or to an external URL. + Amazon S3 stores the value of this header in the object metadata. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + The status of the replication job associated with this source object. + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetObject operation. + Retrieves objects from Amazon S3. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket containing the object. + + + + + ETag to be matched as a pre-condition for returning the object, + otherwise a PreconditionFailed signal is returned. + + + + + Returns the object only if it has been modified since the specified time, + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + + + ETag that should not be matched as a pre-condition for returning the object, + otherwise a PreconditionFailed signal is returned. + + + + + Returns the object only if it has not been modified since the specified time, + otherwise returns a PreconditionFailed. + + + + + Gets and sets the Key property. This is the user defined key that identifies the object in the bucket. + + + + + Downloads the specified range bytes of an object. + + + + + A set of response headers that should be returned with the object. + + + + + Sets the Expires header of the response. + + + + + + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to decrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + Returns information about the GetObject response and response metadata. + + + + + Base class for responses that return a stream. + + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + An open stream read from to get the data from S3. In order to + use this stream without leaking the underlying resource, please + wrap access to the stream within a using block. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if ReplicationStatus property is set. + + true if ReplicationStatus property is set. + + + + Writes the content of the ResponseStream a file indicated by the filePath argument. + + The location where to write the ResponseStream + + + + Writes the content of the ResponseStream a file indicated by the filePath argument. + + The location where to write the ResponseStream + Whether or not to append to the file if it exists + + + + This method is called by a producer of write object progress + notifications. When called, all the subscribers in the + invocation list will be called sequentially. + + The file being written. + The number of bytes transferred since last event + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + Writes the content of the ResponseStream a file indicated by the filePath argument. + + The location where to write the ResponseStream + Whether or not to append to the file if it exists + Cancellation token which can be used to cancel this operation. + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName property. + + + + + Gets and sets the Key property. + + + + + Specifies whether the object retrieved was (true) or was not (false) a Delete Marker. If false, this response header does not appear in the + response. + + + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the AcceptRanges. + + + + + Gets and sets the Expiration property. + Specifies the expiration date for the object and the + rule governing the expiration. + Is null if expiration is not applicable. + + + + + Gets and sets the RestoreExpiration property. + RestoreExpiration will be set for objects that have been restored from Amazon Glacier. + It indiciates for those objects how long the restored object will exist. + + + + + Gets and sets the RestoreInProgress + Will be true when the object is in the process of being restored from Amazon Glacier. + + + + + Last modified date of the object + + + + + + An ETag is an opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific version of a resource found at a URL + + + + + + This is set to the number of metadata entries not returned in x-amz-meta headers. This can happen if you create metadata using an API like + SOAP that supports more flexible metadata than the REST API. For example, using SOAP, you can create metadata whose values are not legal + HTTP headers. + + + + + + Version of the object. + + + + + + The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable. + + + + + + If the bucket is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucket or to an external URL. + Amazon S3 stores the value of this header in the object metadata. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + The status of the replication job associated with this source object. + + + + + The event for Write Object progress notifications. All + subscribers will be notified when a new progress + event is raised. + + + Subscribe to this event if you want to receive + put object progress notifications. Here is how:
+ 1. Define a method with a signature similar to this one: + + private void displayProgress(object sender, WriteObjectProgressArgs args) + { + Console.WriteLine(args); + } + + 2. Add this method to the Put Object Progress Event delegate's invocation list + + GetObjectResponse response = s3Client.GetObject(request); + response.WriteObjectProgressEvent += displayProgress; + +
+ + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + Encapsulates the information needed to provide + download progress for the Write Object Event. + + + + + Arguments containing event details for an in-flight transfer. + + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The number of bytes transferred since last event + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + Returns a string representation of this object + + + + + + Gets the percentage of transfer completed + + + + + Gets the number of bytes transferred since last event + + + + + Gets the number of bytes transferred + + + + + Gets the total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The bucket name for the S3 object being written. + The object key for the S3 object being written. + The version-id of the S3 object. + The number of bytes transferred since last event + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The bucket name for the S3 object being written. + The object key for the S3 object being written. + The file for the S3 object being written. + The version-id of the S3 object. + The number of bytes transferred since last event + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + Gets the bucket name for the S3 object being written. + + + + + Gets the object key for the S3 object being written. + + + + + Gets the version-id of the S3 object. + + + + + The file for the S3 object being written. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the GetObjectTorrent operation. + Return torrent files from a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket containing the object. + + + + + The key identifying the object. + + + + + Returns information about the GetObjectTorrent response and response metadata. + + + + + The parameters to create a pre-signed URL to a bucket or object. + + + For more information, refer to: . +
Required Parameters: BucketName, Expires +
Optional Parameters: Key, VersionId, Verb: default is GET +
+ + + Checks if BucketName property is set. + + true if BucketName property is set. + + + + Checks if Key property is set. + + true if Key property is set. + + + + Checks if Expires property is set. + + true if Expires property is set. + + + + Checks if VersionId property is set. + + true if VersionId property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket to create a pre-signed url to, or containing the object. + + + + + The key to the object for which a pre-signed url should be created. + + + + + A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data. + + + + The content type for the content being uploaded. This property defaults to "binary/octet-stream". + For more information, refer to: . + + + Note that if content type is specified, it should also be included in the HttpRequest headers + of the eventual upload request, otherwise a signature error may result. + + + + + + The expiry date and time for the pre-signed url. + + + + + The requested protocol (http/https) for the pre-signed url. + + + Defaults to https. + + + + + The verb for the pre-signed url. + + + Accepted verbs are GET, PUT, DELETE and HEAD. + Default is GET. + + + + + Version id for the object that the pre-signed url will reference. If not set, + the url will reference the latest version of the object. + + + This is the VersionId for the S3 Object you want to get + a PreSigned URL for. The VersionId property will be ignored + for PreSigned "PUT" requests and for requests that don't specify + the Key property. + + + + + Specifies the encryption used on the server to store the content. + + + + Default is None. + + + If specifying encryption (not None), the corresponding request must include header + "x-amz-server-side-encryption" with the value of the encryption. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + A set of response headers that should be returned with the pre-signed url creation response. + + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the HeadBucket operation. + This operation is useful to determine if a bucket exists and you have permission to access it. + + + + + Returns information about the HeadBucket response metadata. + The HeadBucket operation has a void result type. + + + + + This class contains the headers for an S3 object. + + + + + Gets and sets headers to set for the object. + + The name of the header + The value for the header + + + + Gets the count of headers. + + + + + Gets the names of the headers set. + + + + + Specifies caching behavior along the request/reply chain. + + + + + + Specifies presentational information for the object. + + + + + + Specifies what content encodings have been applied to the object and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied to obtain the media-type + referenced by the Content-Type header field. + + + + + + The size of the object, in bytes. + + + + + The base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the message (without the headers) according to RFC 1864. This + header can be used as a message integrity check to verify that the data is the same data that was originally sent. + + + + + A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data. + + + + + + The date and time at which the object is no longer cacheable. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the InitiateMultipartUpload operation. + Initiates a multipart upload and returns an upload ID. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Symmetric Envelope Key to Encrypt data + + + + + Initialization Vector for encryption + + + + + A canned access control list (ACL) to apply to the object. + Please refer to for information on S3 Canned ACLs. + + + + + The name of the bucketName where the new object will be created, or existing object updated. + + + + + The key of the object to create or update. + + + + + StorageClass property for the object. + + + Default: S3StorageClass.Standard. Set this property + only if you want reduced redundancy for this object. + Please refer to + for + information on S3 Storage Classes. + + + + + If the bucketName is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucketName or to an external URL. + Amazon S3 stores the value of this header in the object metadata. + + + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + This is a convenience property for Headers.ContentType. + + + + + + Specifies the encryption to be used on the server for the new object. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to encrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + Returns information about the InitiateMultipartUpload response and response metadata. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Name of the bucketName to which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + Object key for which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + Gets and sets the initiated multipart upload id. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + Identifies who initiated the multipart upload. + + + + + Name of the Principal. + + + + + + If the principal is an AWS account, it provides the Canonical User ID. If the principal is an IAM User, it provides a user ARN value. + + + + + + Specifies an object key and optional object version. + + + + + Key name of the object to delete. + + + + + + VersionId for the specific version of the object to delete. + + + + + + This class contains the configuration Amazon S3 uses to figure out what events you want to listen + and send the event to an Amazon Lambda cloud function. + + + + + An abstract class for all the notification configurations associated with an Amazon S3 bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the Events property. These are the events the configuration will listen to. + + + + + Filter criteria for determining which S3 objects trigger event notifications. + + + + + + Gets and set the Id property. The Id will be provided in the event content and can be used + to identify which configuration caused an event to fire. If the Id is not provided for the configuration, one will be generated. + + + + + Gets and sets the FunctionArn property. This is the Amazon Lambda cloud function to which Amazon S3 will invoke with the events. + + + + Lifecycle Configuration + + + + + Gets and sets the Rules property. These rules defined the lifecycle configuration. + + + + Rules Item + + + + + Defines the length of time, in days, before objects expire. + + + + + Unique identifier for the rule. The value cannot be longer than 255 characters. + + + + + Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the rule applies. + + + + + + If 'Enabled', the rule is currently being applied. If 'Disabled', the rule is not currently being applied. + + + + + + The transition rule that describes when objects transition to the Glacier storage class. + + + + + Defines the length of time, in days, before noncurrent versions expire. + + + + + The transition rule that describes when noncurrent versions transition to + the Glacier storage class. + + + + Expiration + + + + + Indicates at what date the object is to be moved or deleted. Should be in GMT ISO 8601 Format. + + + + + + Indicates the lifetime, in days, of the objects that are subject to the rule. The value must be a non-zero positive integer. + + + + + + Noncurrent Version Expiration + + + + + Indicates the lifetime, in days, of the objects that are subject to the rule. The value must be a non-zero positive integer. + + + + + + LifecycleTransition defines when and how objects transition. + + + + + Indicates the lifetime, in days, of the objects that are subject to the rule. The value must be a non-zero positive integer. + + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + LifecycleTransition defines when and how objects transition. + + + + + Indicates at what date the object is to be moved or deleted. Should be in GMT ISO 8601 Format. + + + + + + Indicates the lifetime, in days, of the objects that are subject to the rule. The value must be a non-zero positive integer. + + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListBuckets operation. + Returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. + + + + + Returns information about the ListBuckets response and response metadata. + + + + + List of buckets. + + + + + Owner of the buckets. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListMultipartUploads operation. + This operation lists in-progress multipart uploads. + + + + + The name of the bucketName receiving the multipart upload(s) + + + + + Character you use to group keys. + + + + + + Together with upload-id-marker, this parameter specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin. + + + + + + Sets the maximum number of multipart uploads, from 1 to 1,000, to return in the response body. 1,000 is the maximum number of uploads that + can be returned in a response. + + + + + + Lists in-progress uploads only for those keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Together with key-marker, specifies the multipart upload after which listing should begin. If key-marker is not specified, the + upload-id-marker parameter is ignored. + + + + + + Requests Amazon S3 to encode the object keys in the response and specifies + the encoding method to use. An object key may contain any Unicode character; + however, XML 1.0 parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters + with an ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in + XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3 encode the + keys in the response. + + + + + Returns information about the ListMultipartUploads response and response metadata. + + + + + Name of the bucketName to which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + The key at or after which the listing began. + + + + + + Upload ID after which listing began. + + + + + + When a list is truncated, this element specifies the value that should be used for the key-marker request parameter in a subsequent request. + + + + + + When a list is truncated, this element specifies the value that should be used for the upload-id-marker request parameter in a subsequent + request. + + + + + + Maximum number of multipart uploads that could have been included in the response. + + + + + + Indicates whether the returned list of multipart uploads is truncated. A value of true indicates that the list was truncated. The list can + be truncated if the number of multipart uploads exceeds the limit allowed or specified by max uploads. + + + + + + Gets and sets the MultipartUploads property. + + Container for elements related to a particular multipart upload. A response + can contain zero or more Upload elements. + + + + + + Gets and sets the Prefix property. + + + + + Gets and sets the Delimiter property. + + + + + Gets the CommonPrefixes property. + A response can contain CommonPrefixes only if you specify a delimiter. + When you do, CommonPrefixes contains all (if there are any) keys between + Prefix and the next occurrence of the string specified by delimiter. In effect, + CommonPrefixes lists keys that act like subdirectories in the directory specified + by Prefix. For example, if prefix is notes/ and delimiter is a slash (/), in + notes/summer/july, the common prefix is notes/summer/. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListObjects operation. + Returns some or all (up to 1000) of the objects in a bucket. You can use the request parameters as selection criteria to return a + subset of the objects in a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket containing the objects whose keys are to be listed. + + + + + A delimiter is a character you use to group keys. + + + + + Specifies the key to start with when listing objects in a bucket. + + + + + Sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response. The response might contain fewer keys but will never contain more. + + + + + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + + + + Requests Amazon S3 to encode the object keys in the response and specifies + the encoding method to use. An object key may contain any Unicode character; + however, XML 1.0 parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters + with an ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in + XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3 encode the + keys in the response. + + + + + Returns information about the ListObjects response and response metadata. + + + + + A flag that indicates whether or not Amazon S3 returned all of the results that satisfied + the search criteria. + + + + + Gets and sets the NextMarker property. + NextMarker is set by S3 only if a Delimiter was specified + in the original ListObjects request. If a delimiter was + not specified, the AWS SDK for .NET returns the last Key + of the List of Objects retrieved from S3 as the NextMarker. + + + + + Gets the S3Objects property. This is a list of + objects in the bucket that match your search criteria. + + + + + Gets and sets the Name property which is the name of the bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the Prefix property. + + + + + Gets and sets the MaxKeys property. This is max number of object keys returned by the list operation. + + + + + Gets the CommonPrefixes property. + A response can contain CommonPrefixes only if you specify a delimiter. + When you do, CommonPrefixes contains all (if there are any) keys between + Prefix and the next occurrence of the string specified by delimiter. In effect, + CommonPrefixes lists keys that act like subdirectories in the directory specified + by Prefix. For example, if prefix is notes/ and delimiter is a slash (/), in + notes/summer/july, the common prefix is notes/summer/. + + + + + Gets and sets the Delimiter property. + Causes keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the + first occurrence of the delimiter to be rolled up into a single result + element in the CommonPrefixes collection. + + + These rolled-up keys are not returned elsewhere in the response. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListParts operation. + Lists the parts that have been uploaded for a specific multipart upload. + + + + + The name of the bucketName receiving the multipart upload. + + + + + The object key for which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + Sets the maximum number of parts to return. + + + + + + Specifies the part after which listing should begin. Only parts with higher part numbers will be listed. + + + + + + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. + + + + + + Requests Amazon S3 to encode the object keys in the response and specifies + the encoding method to use. An object key may contain any Unicode character; + however, XML 1.0 parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters + with an ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in + XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3 encode the + keys in the response. + + + + + Returns information about the ListParts response and response metadata. + + + + + Name of the bucketName to which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + Object key for which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose parts are being listed. + + + + + + Part number after which listing begins. + + + + + + When a list is truncated, this element specifies the last part in the list, as well as the value to use for the part-number-marker request + parameter in a subsequent request. + + + + + + Maximum number of parts that were allowed in the response. + + + + + + Indicates whether the returned list of parts is truncated. + + + + + + Gets and sets the Parts property. + + PartDetails is a container for elements related to a particular part. A response can contain + zero or more Part elements. + + + + + + Identifies who initiated the multipart upload. + + + + + + Gets and sets the Owner property. + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + Container for the parameters to the ListVersions operation. + Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket containing the objects. + + + + + A delimiter is a character you use to group keys. + + + + + Specifies the key to start with when listing objects in a bucket. + + + + + Sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response. The response might contain fewer keys but will never contain more. + + + + + Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix. + + + + + Specifies the object version you want to start listing from. + + + + + Requests Amazon S3 to encode the object keys in the response and specifies + the encoding method to use. An object key may contain any Unicode character; + however, XML 1.0 parser cannot parse some characters, such as characters + with an ASCII value from 0 to 10. For characters that are not supported in + XML 1.0, you can add this parameter to request that Amazon S3 encode the + keys in the response. + + + + + Returns information about the ListVersions response and response metadata. + + + + + A flag that indicates whether or not Amazon S3 returned all of the results that satisfied the search criteria. If your results were + truncated, you can make a follow-up paginated request using the NextKeyMarker and NextVersionIdMarker response parameters as a starting + place in another request to return the rest of the results. + + + + + + Marks the last Key returned in a truncated response. + + + + + + Gets and sets the VersionIdMarker property. + Marks the last Version-Id returned in a truncated response. + + + + + Use this value for the key marker request parameter in a subsequent request. + + + + + + Use this value for the next version id marker parameter in a subsequent request. + + + + + + Gets and sets the Versions property. This is a list of + object versions in the bucket that match your search criteria. + + + + + Gets and sets the Name property. + The bucket's name. + + + + + Gets and sets the Prefix property. + Keys that begin with the indicated prefix are listed. + + + + + Gets and sets the MaxKeys property. + This is the maximum number of keys in the S3ObjectVersions collection. + The value is derived from the MaxKeys parameter to ListVersionsRequest. + + + + + Gets the CommonPrefixes property. + A response can contain CommonPrefixes only if you specify a delimiter. + When you do, CommonPrefixes contains all (if there are any) keys between + Prefix and the next occurrence of the string specified by delimiter. + + + + + Gets and sets the Delimiter property. + Causes keys that contain the same string between the prefix and the + first occurrence of the delimiter to be rolled up into a single result + element in the CommonPrefixes collection. + + + These rolled-up keys are not returned elsewhere in the response. + + + + + This class contains the meta data for an S3 object. + + + + + Adds the metadata to the collection, if the name already exists it will be overwritten. + + The name of the metadata element + The value for the metadata + + + + Gets and sets meta data for the object. Meta data names must start with "x-amz-meta-". If the name passeed in as the indexer + doesn't start with "x-amz-meta-" then it will be prepended. + + The name of the meta data. + The value for the meta data + + + + Gets the count of headers. + + + + + Gets the names of the meta data elements. + + + + + This class contains the mfa codes used authentication + + + + + Gets and sets the serial number of the authentication device + + + + + Gets and sets the displated value on the authentication device + + + + + The formatted string of the mfa codes to be passed to S3. + + + + + Container for elements related to a particular multipart upload. + + + + + Date and time at which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + Identifies who initiated the multipart upload. + + + + + + Key of the object for which the multipart upload was initiated. + + + + + + Gets and sets the Owner property. + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + Upload ID that identifies the multipart upload. + + + + + + The owner of an S3 bucket. + + + + + The display name of the owner. + + + + + The unique identifier of the owner. + + + + + A container for elements related to a particular part in a multipart operation. + A response can contain zero or more Part elements. + + + + + A container holding the part number and etag used when completing a multipart upload. + + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + Constructs an instance of PartETag and sets the part number and etag. + + The part number. + the associated ETag for the part number. + + + + Compares the current object with another object of the same type. + + An object to compare with this object. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has the following meanings: + Value + Meaning + Less than zero + This object is less than the parameter. + Zero + This object is equal to . + Greater than zero + This object is greater than . + + + + + The part number identifying the part. + + + + + The entity tag associated with the part. + + + + + The date and time at which the part was uploaded. + + + + + The size of the uploaded part data. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutAcl operation. + uses the acl subresource to set the access control list (ACL) permissions for an object that already exists in a bucket + + + + + Checks if VersionId property is set. + + true if VersionId property is set. + + + + The canned ACL to apply to the bucket. + + + + + + Custom ACLs to be applied to the bucket or object. + + + + + The name of the bucket. + If an object key is not specified, the ACLs are applied to the bucket. + + + + + The key of an S3 object. + If not specified, the ACLs are applied to the bucket. + + + + + If set and an object key has been specified, the ACLs are applied + to the specific version of the object. + This property is ignored if the ACL is to be set on a Bucket. + + + + + Returns information about the PutObjectAcl response metadata. + The PutAcl operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketLoggingRequest operation. + Set the logging parameters for a bucket and to specify permissions for who can view and modify the logging parameters. To set the + logging status of a bucket, you must be the bucket owner. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName property. + + + + + Gets and sets the LoggingConfig property. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketLogging response metadata. + The EnableBucketLogging operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketNotification operation. + Enables notifications of specified events for a bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName property. + + + + + Gets and sets the TopicConfigurations property. TopicConfigurations are configuration for Amazon S3 + events to be sent to Amazon SNS topics. + + + + + Gets and sets the QueueConfigurations property. QueueConfigurations are configuration for Amazon S3 + events to be sent to Amazon SQS queues. + + + + + Gets and sets the LambdaFunctionConfigurations property. LambdaFunctionConfigurations are configuration for + Amazon S3 events to be sent to an Amazon Lambda cloud function. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketNotification response metadata. + The PutBucketNotification operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketPolicy operation. + Replaces a policy on a bucket. If the bucket already has a policy, the one in this request completely replaces it. + + + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the message (without the headers) according to RFC 1864. + + + This header can be used as a message integrity check to verify that the data is the same data that was originally sent. + Although it is optional, we recommend using the Content-MD5 mechanism as an end-to-end integrity check. + + + + + The bucket policy as a JSON document. + + + + + Overriden to turn off sending SHA256 header. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketPolicy response metadata. + The PutBucketPolicy operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketReplication operation. + Sets replication configuration for your bucket. If a replication configuration exists, this replaces it. + + + + + The name of the bucket to have the replication configuration applied. + + + + + The replication configuration to be applied. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketReplicationConfiguration response metadata. + The PutBucketReplicationConfiguration operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucket operation. + Creates a new bucket. + + + + + The canned ACL to apply to the bucket. + + + + + + If set to true the bucket will be created in the same region + as the configuration of the AmazonS3 client. + If PutBucketRequest.BucketRegion or PutBucketRequest.BucketRegionName are set they take precedence over + this property. + Default: true. + + + + + The name of the bucket to be created. + + + + + The region locality for the bucket. + + + When set, this will determine where your data will + reside in S3. Refer + for a list of possible values. + + + + + The bucket region locality expressed using the name of the region. + When set, this will determine where your data will reside in S3. + Valid values: us-east-1, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ap-northeast-1, sa-east-1 + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketRequestPayment operation. + Sets the request payment configuration for a bucket. By default, the bucket owner pays for downloads from the bucket. This + configuration parameter enables the bucket owner (only) to specify that the person requesting the download will be charged for the + download. + + + + + The name of the bucket to set payment config. + + + + + Gets and sets request payment configuration + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketRequestPayment response metadata. + The PutBucketRequestPayment operation has a void result type. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucket response and response metadata. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketTagging operation. + Sets the tags for a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket to apply the tags to. + + + + + The collection of tags. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketTagging response metadata. + The PutBucketTagging operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketVersioning operation. + Sets the versioning state of an existing bucket. To set the versioning state, you must be the bucket owner. + + + + + Checks if the MfaCodes property is set. + + true if the MfaCodes property is set. + + + + The name of the bucket to be updated. + + + + + The MfaCodes Tuple associates the Serial Number and the current Token/Code displayed on the + Multi-Factor Authentication device associated with your AWS Account. + + + This is a required property for this request if:
+ 1. EnableMfaDelete was configured on the bucket + containing this object's version.
+ 2. You are deleting an object's version +
+ + + The versioning configuration to apply to the bucket. + + + Once Versioning has been "Enabled" on a bucket, it can be "Suspended" + but cannot be switched "Off". If EnableMfaDelete is set, + the MfaCodes property needs to contain the Serial of and current Token + displayed on the MFA device. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketVersioning response metadata. + The PutBucketVersioning operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutBucketWebsite operation. + Set the website configuration for a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket to apply the configuration to. + + + + + The website configuration to apply. The configuration defines the index + document suffix and custom error page. + + + + + Returns information about the PutBucketWebsite response metadata. + The PutBucketWebsite operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutCORSConfiguration operation. + Sets the cors configuration for a bucket. + + + + + The name of the bucket to have the CORS configuration applied. + + + + + The CORS configuration to apply. + + + + + Returns information about the PutCORSConfiguration response metadata. + The PutCORSConfiguration operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutLifecycleConfiguration operation. + Sets lifecycle configuration for your bucket. If a lifecycle configuration exists, it replaces it. + + + + + The name of the bucket to have the lifecycle configuration applied. + + + + + The lifecycle configuration to be applied. + + + + + Returns information about the PutLifecycleConfiguration response metadata. + The PutLifecycleConfiguration operation has a void result type. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the PutObject operation. + Adds an object to a bucket. + + + Container for the parameters to the PutObject operation. + Adds an object to a bucket. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if MD5Digest property is set. + + true if MD5Digest property is set. + + + + A canned access control list (CACL) to apply to the object. + Please refer to for + information on S3 Canned ACLs. + + + + + Input stream for the request; content for the request will be read from the stream. + + + + + + The full path and name to a file to be uploaded. + If this is set the request will upload the specified file to S3. + + + For WinRT and Windows Phone this property must be in the form of "ms-appdata:///local/file.txt". + + + + + + Text content to be uploaded. Use this property if you want to upload plaintext to S3. + The content type will be set to 'text/plain'. + + + + + If this value is set to true then the stream used with this request will be closed when all the content + is read from the stream. + Default: true. + + + + + If this value is set to true then the stream will be seeked back to the start before being read for upload. + Default: true. + + + + + The name of the bucket to contain the object. + + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + Gets and sets Key property. This key is used to identify the object in S3. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to encrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + The type of storage to use for the object. Defaults to 'STANDARD'. + + + + + + If the bucket is configured as a website, redirects requests for this object to another object in the same bucket or to an external URL. + Amazon S3 stores the value of this header in the object metadata. + + + + + + Attach a callback that will be called as data is being sent to the AWS Service. + + + + + This is a convenience property for Headers.ContentType. + + + + + An MD5 digest for the content. + + + + The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 digest of the message + (without the headers) according to RFC 1864. This header + can be used as a message integrity check to verify that + the data is the same data that was originally sent. + + + If supplied, after the file has been uploaded to S3, + S3 checks to ensure that the MD5 hash of the uploaded file + matches the hash supplied. + + + Although it is optional, we recommend using the + Content-MD5 mechanism as an end-to-end integrity check. + + + + + + Overriden to turn off sending SHA256 header. + + + + + Overriden to turn on expect 100 continue. + + + + + Overrides the default request timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the Timeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/HttpClient object used + to send requests. + + + Please specify a timeout value only if the operation will not complete within the default intervals + specified for an HttpWebRequest/HttpClient. + + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + Overrides the default ReadWriteTimeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/WebRequestHandler object used + to send requests. + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + + Returns information about the PutObject response and response metadata. + + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Gets and sets the Expiration property. + Specifies the expiration date for the object and the + rule governing the expiration. + Is null if expiration is not applicable. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + Entity tag for the uploaded object. + + + + + + Version of the object. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 uses to encrypt and decrypt the object. + + + + + This class contains the configuration Amazon S3 uses to figure out what events you want to listen + and send the event to an Amazon SQS queue. + + The queue's policy must allow S3 to send messages to it. The utility method + Amazon.SQS.AmazonSQSClient.AuthorizeS3ToSendMessage(string,string) + can be used to help setup the queue policy. + + + + + + Gets and set the Id property. The Id will be provided in the event content and can be used + to identify which configuration caused an event to fire. If the Id is not provided for the configuration, one will be generated. + + + + + Gets and sets the Queue property. Amazon SQS queue to which Amazon S3 will publish a message + to report the specified events for the bucket. + + The queue's policy must allow S3 to send messages to it. The utility method + Amazon.SQS.AmazonSQSClient.AuthorizeS3ToSendMessage(string,string) + can be used to help setup the queue policy. + + + + + + This class defines the configuration for replication. + + + + + Check to see if the Role property is set. + + true if the Role property is set. + + + + Checks to see if the Rules property is set. + + true if the Rules property is set. + + + + Indicates the ARN of the role to assume. + + + + + Replication rules + + + + + Destination configuration for a replication rule. + + + + + Checks to see if BucketArn property is set. + + true if BucketArn property is set. + + + + The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket to which replicas are sent. + + + + + Rule that specifies the replication configuration. + + + + + Checks to see if Id property is set. + + true if Id property is set. + + + + Checks to see if Prefix property is set. + + true if Prefix property is set. + + + + Checks to see if Status property is set. + + true if Status property is set. + + + + Checks to see if Destination property is set. + + true if Destination property is set. + + + + Unique identifier for the rule. The value cannot be longer than 255 characters. + + + + + Prefix for the keys to be replicated. + + + + + Whether the rule is applied or ignored. + + + + + Container for destination information. + + + + + Request Payment Configuration + + + + + Specifies who pays for the download and request fees. + + + + + Container for values of the response headers that will be set on a response from a GetObject request. + These values override any headers that were set when the object was uploaded to S3. + + + + + A standard MIME type describing the format of the object data. + + + The content type for the content being uploaded. This property defaults to "binary/octet-stream". + For more information, refer to: + + + + + ContentLanguage header value. + + + + + Expiry header value. + + + + + CacheControl header value. + + + + + The ContentDisposition header value. + + + + + The ContentEncoding header value. + + + + + Container for the parameters to the RestoreObject operation. + Restores an archived copy of an object back into Amazon S3 + + + + + Gets and sets the BucketName property. + + + + + Gets and sets the Key property. This key indicates the S3 object to restore. + + + + + Lifetime of the active copy in days + + + + + + VersionId used to reference a specific version of the object. + + + + + + Returns information about the RestoreObject response metadata. + The RestoreObject operation has a void result type. + + + + Routing Rule + + + + + A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. For example, 1. If request is for pages in the + /docs folder, redirect to the /documents folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you might + process the error. + + + + + + Container for redirect information. You can redirect requests to another host, to another page, or with another protocol. In the event of an + error, you can can specify a different error code to return. + + + + + + A container for describing a condition that must be met for the specified redirect to apply. For example, 1. If request is for pages + in the /docs folder, redirect to the /documents folder. 2. If request results in HTTP error 4xx, redirect request to another host where you + might process the error. + + + + + The HTTP error code when the redirect is applied. In the event of an error, if the error code equals this value, then the specified redirect + is applied. Required when parent element Condition is specified and sibling KeyPrefixEquals is not specified. If both are specified, then + both must be true for the redirect to be applied. + + + + + + The object key name prefix when the redirect is applied. For example, to redirect requests for ExamplePage.html, the key prefix will be + ExamplePage.html. To redirect request for all pages with the prefix docs/, the key prefix will be /docs, which identifies all objects in the + docs/ folder. Required when the parent element Condition is specified and sibling HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals is not specified. If both + conditions are specified, both must be true for the redirect to be applied. + + + + + + Container for redirect information. You can redirect requests to another host, to another page, or with another protocol. In the event + of an error, you can can specify a different error code to return. + + + + + Name of the host where requests will be redirected. + + + + + + The HTTP redirect code to use on the response. Not required if one of the siblings is present. + + + + + + Protocol to use (http, https) when redirecting requests. The default is the protocol that is used in the original request. + + + + + + The object key prefix to use in the redirect request. For example, to redirect requests for all pages with prefix docs/ (objects in the + docs/ folder) to documents/, you can set a condition block with KeyPrefixEquals set to docs/ and in the Redirect set ReplaceKeyPrefixWith to + /documents. Not required if one of the siblings is present. Can be present only if ReplaceKeyWith is not provided. + + + + + + The specific object key to use in the redirect request. For example, redirect request to error.html. Not required if one of the sibling is + present. Can be present only if ReplaceKeyPrefixWith is not provided. + + + + + + Represents an access control list (ACL) for S3. An AccessControlList is represented by an Owner, + and a List of Grants, where each Grant is a Grantee and a Permission. + + + + Each bucket and object in Amazon S3 has an ACL that defines its access control policy. + When a request is made, Amazon S3 authenticates the request using its standard + authentication procedure and then checks the ACL to verify the sender was granted access + to the bucket or object. If the sender is approved, the request proceeds. + Otherwise, Amazon S3 returns an error. + + + An ACL is a list of grants. A grant consists of one grantee and one permission. + ACLs only grant permissions; they do not deny them. + + + For convenience, some commonly used Access Control Lists are defined in + S3CannedACL. + + + Note: BucketName and object ACLs are completely independent; an object does not inherit the ACL + from its bucket. For example, if you create a bucket and grant write access to another user, + you will not be able to access the user's objects unless the user explicitly grants access. + This also applies if you grant anonymous write access to a bucket. Only the user "anonymous" + will be able to access objects the user created unless permission is explicitly granted to + the bucket owner. + + + Important: We highly recommend that you do not grant the anonymous group write access to your + buckets as you will have no control over the objects others can store and their associated charges. + For more information, see Grantees and Permissions + + + + + Creates a S3Grant and adds it to the list of grants. + + The grantee for the grant. + The permission for the grantee. + + + + Removes a specific permission for the given grantee. + + The grantee + The permission for the grantee to remove + + + + Removes all permissions for the given grantee. + + + + + + Checks if Owner property is set. + + true if Owner property is set. + + + + Checks if Grants property is set. + + true if Grants property is set. + + + + The owner of the bucket or object. + + + + Every bucket and object in Amazon S3 has an owner, the user that + created the bucket or object. The owner of a bucket or object cannot + be changed. However, if the object is overwritten by another user + (deleted and rewritten), the new object will have a new owner. + + + Note: Even the owner is subject to the ACL. For example, if an owner + does not have Permission.READ access to an object, the owner cannot read + that object. However, the owner of an object always has write access to the + access control policy (Permission.WriteAcp) and can change the ACL to + read the object. + + + + + + A collection of grants. + + + + Bucket + Represents an S3 bucket, contains the name of the S3 bucket and the date that the bucket was created. + + + + + Date the bucket was created. + + + + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Logging Enabled + + + + + Creates a S3Grant and adds it to the list of grants. + + The grantee for the grant. + The permission for the grantee. + + + + Removes a specific permission for the given grantee. + + The grantee + The permission for the grantee to remove + + + + Removes all permissions for the given grantee. + + + + + + Specifies the bucket where you want Amazon S3 to store server access logs. You can have your logs delivered to any bucket that you own, + including the same bucket that is being logged. You can also configure multiple buckets to deliver their logs to the same target bucket. In + this case you should choose a different TargetPrefix for each source bucket so that the delivered log files can be distinguished by key. + + + + + A collection of grants. + + + + + This element lets you specify a prefix for the keys that the log files will be stored under. + + + + + An S3 bucket versioning configuration. + + + Contains the bucket's versioning status (Off, Enabled, Suspended) and whether an MFADelete + has been enabled for the bucket. + + + + + Checks if Status property is set + + true if Status property is set + + + + Checks if EnableMfaDelete property is set. + + true if Status property is set + + + + Versioning status for the bucket. + Accepted values: Off, Enabled, Suspended. + + + + + Specifies whether MFA Delete is enabled on this S3 Bucket. + + + If this property is set, please ensure that the + PutBucketVersioningRequest's MfaCodes property is set with + the Serial of and Token on the MFA device. + + + + Grant + + + + + The grantee details. + + + + + Specifies the permission given to the grantee. + + + + + Grantee + + + + + Type of grantee + + + + + + Screen name of the grantee. + + + + + + Email address of the grantee. + + + + + + The canonical user ID of the grantee. + + + + + + URI of the grantee group. + + + + + + Filter criteria that allows for event notification filtering based on an S3 Object's key name. + + + + + Gets and sets the filterRules property. + These are the filter rules for this filter. + + + + + Represents an S3 Object. Contains all attributes that an S3 Object has. + For more information about S3 Objects refer: + + + + + + Any ETag set on the object. + + + + + The key of the object. + + + + + The date and time the object was last modified. + + The date retrieved from S3 is in ISO8601 format. A GMT formatted date is passed back to the user. + + + + + + The owner of the object. + + + + + The size of the object. + + + + + The class of storage used to store the object. + + + + + + Represents a version of an object in an S3 Bucket. An S3 object version is an S3 object + that also has a version identifier, an indication of whether this is the latest version of the object + and whether it's a DeleteMarker or not. + + + + + Specifies whether the object is (true) or is not (false) the latest version of an object. + + + + + Version ID of an object. + + + + + If true, the object is a delete marker for a deleted object. + + + + + The exception that is thrown when the size of a stream does not match it's expected size. + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance of StreamSizeMismatchException. + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets and sets ExpectedSize property. + + + + + Gets and sets ActualSize property. + + + + Tag + + + + + Name of the tag. + + + + + + Value of the tag. + + + + + + This class contains the configuration Amazon S3 uses to figure out what events you want to listen + and send the event to an Amazon SNS topic. + + The topic's policy must allow S3 to publish messages to it. The utility method + Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.AuthorizeS3ToPublish(string,string) + can be used to help setup the topic policy. + + + + + + Gets and set the Id property. The Id will be provided in the event content and can be used + to identify which configuration caused an event to fire. If the Id is not provided for the configuration, one will be generated. + + + + + Bucket event for which to send notifications. + + Topic configurations can now contain multiple events. This property is obsolete in favor of the Events property. + This property will aways get or set the the zeroth element in the Events collection. + + + + + + Gets and sets the Topic property. Amazon SNS topic to which Amazon S3 will publish a message to report the + specified events for the bucket. + + The topic's policy must allow S3 to publish messages to it. The utility method + Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.AuthorizeS3ToPublish(string,string) + can be used to help setup the topic policy. + + + + + + The parameters to request upload of a part in a multipart upload operation. + + + + If PartSize is not specified then the rest of the content from the file + or stream will be sent to Amazon S3. + + + You must set either the FilePath or InputStream. If FilePath is set then the FilePosition + property must be set. + + + + The parameters to request upload of a part in a multipart upload operation. + + + + If PartSize is not specified then the rest of the content from the file + or stream will be sent to Amazon S3. + + + You must set either the FilePath or InputStream. If FilePath is set then the FilePosition + property must be set. + + + + + + Checks if PartSize property is set. + + true if PartSize property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKeyMD5 property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property is set. + + + + Checks if the FilePath property is set. + + true if FilePath property is set. + + + + Checks if the FilePosition property is set. + + true if FilePosition property is set. + + + + Checks if the MD5Digest property is set. + + true if Md5Digest property is set. + + + + Caller needs to set this to true when uploading the last part. This property only needs to be set + when using the AmazonS3EncryptionClient. + + + + + Input stream for the request; content for the request will be read from the stream. + + + + + The name of the bucket containing the object to receive the part. + + + + + The key of the object. + + + + + Part number of part being uploaded. + + + + + + The size of the part to be uploaded. + + + + + Upload ID identifying the multipart upload whose part is being uploaded. + + + + + + An MD5 digest for the part. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to encrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + + Full path and name of a file from which the content for the part is retrieved. + + + For WinRT and Windows Phone this property must be in the form of "ms-appdata:///local/file.txt". + + + + + + Position in the file specified by FilePath from which to retrieve the content of the part. + This field is required when a file path is specified. It is ignored when using the InputStream property. + + + + + Attach a callback that will be called as data is being sent to the AWS Service. + + + + + Overriden to turn off sending SHA256 header. + + + + + Overriden to turn on Expect 100 continue. + + + + + Overrides the default request timeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the Timeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/HttpClient object used + to send requests. + + + Please specify a timeout value only if the operation will not complete within the default intervals + specified for an HttpWebRequest/HttpClient. + + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + Overrides the default ReadWriteTimeout value. + + + + If the value is set, the value is assigned to the ReadWriteTimeout property of the HTTPWebRequest/WebRequestHandler object used + to send requests. + + The timeout specified is null. + The timeout specified is less than or equal to zero and is not Infinite. + + + + + + + Returns information about the UploadPart response and response metadata. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + + + + + + Entity tag for the uploaded object. + + + + + + Gets and sets the part number specified for the part upload. This is needed when + completing the multipart upload. + + + + Website Configuration + + + + + The ErrorDocument value, an object key name to use when a 4XX class error occurs. + + + + + + This value is a suffix that is appended to a request that is for a "directory" + on the website endpoint (e.g. if the suffix is index.html and + you make a request to samplebucket/images/ the data that + is returned will be for the object with the key name + images/index.html) + + + The suffix must not be empty and must not include a slash + character. + + + + + + Container for redirect information where all requests will be redirect + to. You can redirect requests to another host, to another page, or with + another protocol. In the event of an error, you can can specify a + different error code to return. . + + + + + The list of routing rules that can be used for configuring redirects if certain conditions are meet. + + + + + Abort Multipart Upload Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for AbortMultipartUpload operation + + + + + Class for unmarshalling S3 service responses + + + + + Bucket Unmarshaller + + + + + CommonPrefixesItem Unmarshaller + + + + + Complete Multipart Upload Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for CompleteMultipartUpload operation + + + + + ContentsItem Unmarshaller + + + + + Copy Object Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for CopyObject operation + + + + + Upload Part Copy Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for CopyPart operation + + + + + CORSRule Unmarshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteCORSConfiguration operation + + + + + Delete Bucket Policy Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteBucketPolicy operation + + + + + Delete Bucket Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteBucket operation + + + + + Delete Bucket Tagging Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteBucketTagging operation + + + + + Delete Bucket Website Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteBucketWebsite operation + + + + + Delete Bucket Cors Request Marshaller + + + + + DeletedObject Unmarshaller + + + + + Delete Bucket Lifecycle Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteBucketLifecycle operation + + + + + Delete Object Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteObject operation + + + + + Delete Objects Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for DeleteObjects operation + + + + + ErrorsItem Unmarshaller + + + + + Expiration Unmarshaller + + + + + FilterRule Unmarshaller + + + + + Filter Unmarshaller + + + + + Get Object Acl Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetACL operation + + + + + Get Bucket Location Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketLocation operation + + + + + Get Bucket Logging Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketLogging operation + + + + + Get Bucket Notification Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketNotification operation + + + + + Get BucketName Policy Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketPolicy operation + + + + + Get Bucket Request Payment Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketRequestPayment operation + + + + + Get Bucket Tagging Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketTagging operation + + + + + Get Bucket Versioning Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketVersioning operation + + + + + Get Bucket Website Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetBucketWebsite operation + + + + + Get Bucket Cors Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetCORSConfiguration operation + + + + + Get Bucket Lifecycle Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetLifecycleConfiguration operation + + + + + GetObjectMetadata Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetObjectMetadata operation + + + + + Get Object Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetObject operation + + + + + Get Object Torrent Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for GetObjectTorrent operation + + + + + Grantee Unmarshaller + + + + + Grant Unmarshaller + + + + + Head Bucket Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for HeadBucket operation + + + + + Create Multipart Upload Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for InitiateMultipartUpload operation + + + + + Initiator Unmarshaller + + + + + LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionExpiration Unmarshaller + + + + + LifecycleRuleNoncurrentVersionTransition Unmarshaller + + + + + List Buckets Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListBuckets operation + + + + + List Multipart Uploads Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListMultipartUploads operation + + + + + List Objects Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListObjects operation + + + + + List Parts Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListParts operation + + + + + List Object Versions Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for ListVersions operation + + + + + LoggingEnabled Unmarshaller + + + + + UploadsItem Unmarshaller + + + + + Owner Unmarshaller + + + + + PartsItem Unmarshaller + + + + + Put Object Acl Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutObjectAcl operation + + + + + Enable Bucket Logging Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketLogging operation + + + + + Put Bucket Notification Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketNotification operation + + + + + Put Bucket Policy Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketPolicy operation + + + + + Put Buckeyt Replication Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketReplication operation. + + + + + Put Bucket Request Marshaller + + + + + Put Bucket Request Payment Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketRequestPayment operation + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucket operation + + + + + Put Bucket Tagging Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketTagging operation + + + + + Put Bucket Versioning Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketVersioning operation + + + + + Put Bucket Website Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutBucketWebsite operation + + + + + Put Bucket Cors Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutCORSConfiguration operation + + + + + Put Bucket Lifecycle Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutLifecycleConfiguration operation + + + + + Put Object Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for PutObject operation + + + + + Restore Object Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for RestoreObject operation + + + + + Condition Unmarshaller + + + + + Redirect Unmarshaller + + + + + RoutingRule Unmarshaller + + + + + RulesItem Unmarshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for all Errors + + + + + Build an S3ErrorResponse from XML + + The XML parsing context. + Usually an Amazon.Runtime.Internal.UnmarshallerContext. + An S3ErrorResponse object. + + + + Grant Unmarshaller + + + + + Specialized S3 unmarshaller context. + + + + + Wrap an XmlTextReader with state for event-based parsing of an XML stream. + + Stream with the XML from a service response. + If set to true, maintains a copy of the complete response body as the stream is being read. + Response data coming back from the request + + + + Reads to the next node in the XML document, and updates the context accordingly. + If node is RequestId, reads the contents and stores in RequestId property. + + + True if a node was read, false if there are no more elements to read./ + + + + + Tag Unmarshaller + + + + + TopicConfiguration Unmarshaller + + + + + Transition Unmarshaller + + + + + Upload Part Request Marshaller + + + + + Response Unmarshaller for UploadPart operation + + + + + VersionsItem Unmarshaller + + + + + The base class for requests that return Amazon S3 objects. + + + + + Gets whether or not the bucket name is set. + + + A value of true if the bucket name is set. + Returns false if otherwise. + + + + + Gets whether or not the key property is set. + + + A value of true if key property is set. + Returns false if otherwise. + + + + + Checks if VersionId property is set. + + true if VersionId property is set. + + + + Checks if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Checks if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Gets or sets the name of the bucket. + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Gets or sets the key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + + + Gets or sets the version ID of the Amazon S3 object. + + + The version ID of the Amazon S3 object. + + + + + Gets or sets the ModifiedSinceDate property. + + + The ModifiedSinceDate property. + + + + + Gets or sets the UnmodifiedSinceDate property. + + + The UnmodifiedSinceDate property. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to decrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + The base class TransferUtility request classes. + + + + + + Provides a high level utility for managing transfers to and from Amazon S3. + + + TransferUtility provides a simple API for + uploading content to and downloading content + from Amazon S3. It makes extensive use of Amazon S3 multipart uploads to + achieve enhanced throughput, performance, and reliability. + + + When uploading large files by specifying file paths instead of a stream, + TransferUtility uses multiple threads to upload + multiple parts of a single upload at once. When dealing with large content + sizes and high bandwidth, this can increase throughput significantly. + + + + + Transfers are stored in memory. If the application is restarted, + previous transfers are no longer accessible. In this situation, if necessary, + you should clean up any multipart uploads that are incomplete. + + + + + Provides a high level utility for managing transfers to and from Amazon S3. + + + TransferUtility provides a simple API for + uploading content to and downloading content + from Amazon S3. It makes extensive use of Amazon S3 multipart uploads to + achieve enhanced throughput, performance, and reliability. + + + When uploading large files by specifying file paths instead of a stream, + TransferUtility uses multiple threads to upload + multiple parts of a single upload at once. When dealing with large content + sizes and high bandwidth, this can increase throughput significantly. + + + + + Transfers are stored in memory. If the application is restarted, + previous transfers are no longer accessible. In this situation, if necessary, + you should clean up any multipart uploads that are incomplete. + + + + + Provides a high level utility for managing transfers to and from Amazon S3. + + + TransferUtility provides a simple API for + uploading content to and downloading content + from Amazon S3. It makes extensive use of Amazon S3 multipart uploads to + achieve enhanced throughput, performance, and reliability. + + + When uploading large files by specifying file paths instead of a stream, + TransferUtility uses multiple threads to upload + multiple parts of a single upload at once. When dealing with large content + sizes and high bandwidth, this can increase throughput significantly. + + + + + Transfers are stored in memory. If the application is restarted, + previous transfers are no longer accessible. In this situation, if necessary, + you should clean up any multipart uploads that are incomplete. + + + + + Provides a high level utility for managing transfers to and from Amazon S3. + + + TransferUtility provides a simple API for + uploading content to and downloading content + from Amazon S3. It makes extensive use of Amazon S3 multipart uploads to + achieve enhanced throughput, performance, and reliability. + + + When uploading large files by specifying file paths instead of a stream, + TransferUtility uses multiple threads to upload + multiple parts of a single upload at once. When dealing with large content + sizes and high bandwidth, this can increase throughput significantly. + + + + + Transfers are stored in memory. If the application is restarted, + previous transfers are no longer accessible. In this situation, if necessary, + you should clean up any multipart uploads that are incomplete. + + + + + + Constructs a new class. + + + The AWS Access Key ID. + + + The AWS Secret Access Key. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Constructs a new class. + + + The AWS Access Key ID. + + + The AWS Secret Access Key. + + + The region to configure the transfer utility for. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Constructs a new instance of the class. + + + The AWS Access Key ID. + + + The AWS Secret Access Key. + + + Specifies advanced settings. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Constructs a new instance of the class. + + + The AWS Access Key ID. + + + The AWS Secret Access Key. + + + The region to configure the transfer utility for. + + + Specifies advanced settings. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Constructs a new instance of the class. + + + The Amazon S3 client. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The Amazon S3 client. + + + Specifies advanced configuration settings for . + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Implements the Dispose pattern + + Whether this object is being disposed via a call to Dispose + or garbage collected. + + + + Disposes of all managed and unmanaged resources. + + + + + Uploads the specified file. + The object key is derived from the file's name. + Multiple threads are used to read the file and perform multiple uploads in parallel. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploadsAsync() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The file path of the file to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the file to. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads the specified file. + Multiple threads are used to read the file and perform multiple uploads in parallel. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploadsAsync() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The file path of the file to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the file to. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads the contents of the specified stream. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploadsAsync() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The stream to read to obtain the content to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the stream to. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads the file or stream specified by the request. + To track the progress of the upload, + add an event listener to the request's UploadProgressEvent. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploadsAsync() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + Contains all the parameters required to upload to Amazon S3. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Aborts the multipart uploads that were initiated before the specified date. + + + The name of the bucket containing multipart uploads. + + + The date before which the multipart uploads were initiated. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Downloads the content from Amazon S3 and writes it to the specified file. + If the key is not specified in the request parameter, + the file name will used as the key name. + + + Contains all the parameters required to download an Amazon S3 object. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns a stream from which the caller can read the content from the specified + Amazon S3 bucket and key. + The caller of this method is responsible for closing the stream. + + + The name of the bucket. + + + The object key. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Returns a stream to read the contents from Amazon S3 as + specified by the TransferUtilityOpenStreamRequest. + The caller of this method is responsible for closing the stream. + + + Contains all the parameters required for the OpenStream operation. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Constructs a new class. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Constructs a new class. + + + The region to configure the transfer utility for. + + + + If a Timeout needs to be specified, use the constructor which takes an as a paramater. + Use an instance of constructed with an object with the Timeout specified. + + + + + + Constructs a new class. + + + Specifies advanced configuration settings for . + + + + + + + Uploads files from a specified directory. + The object key is derived from the file names + inside the directory. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The source directory, that is, the directory containing the files to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the files to. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads files from a specified directory. + The object key is derived from the file names + inside the directory. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The source directory, that is, the directory containing the files to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the files to. + + + A pattern used to identify the files from the source directory to upload. + + + A search option that specifies whether to recursively search for files to upload + in subdirectories. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads files from a specified directory. + The object key is derived from the file names + inside the directory. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The request that contains all the parameters required to upload a directory. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Downloads the objects in Amazon S3 that have a key that starts with the value + specified by s3Directory. + + + The name of the bucket containing the Amazon S3 objects to download. + + + The directory in Amazon S3 to download. + + + The local directory to download the objects to. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Downloads the objects in Amazon S3 that have a key that starts with the value + specified by the S3Directory + property of the passed in TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest object. + + + Contains all the parameters required to download objects from Amazon S3 + into a local directory. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Downloads the content from Amazon S3 and writes it to the specified file. + + + The file path where the content from Amazon S3 will be written to. + + + The name of the bucket containing the Amazon S3 object to download. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. + + The task object representing the asynchronous operation. + + + + Uploads files from a specified directory. + The object key is derived from the file names + inside the directory. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The source directory, that is, the directory containing the files to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the files to. + + + + + Uploads files from a specified directory. + The object key is derived from the file names + inside the directory. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The source directory, that is, the directory containing the files to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the files to. + + + A pattern used to identify the files from the source directory to upload. + + + A search option that specifies whether to recursively search for files to upload + in subdirectories. + + + + + Uploads files from a specified directory. + The object key is derived from the file names + inside the directory. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The request that contains all the parameters required to upload a directory. + + + + + Uploads the specified file. + The object key is derived from the file's name. + Multiple threads are used to read the file and perform multiple uploads in parallel. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The file path of the file to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the file to. + + + + + Uploads the specified file. + Multiple threads are used to read the file and perform multiple uploads in parallel. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The file path of the file to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the file to. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + + + Uploads the contents of the specified stream. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + The stream to read to obtain the content to upload. + + + The target Amazon S3 bucket, that is, the name of the bucket to upload the stream to. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + + + Uploads the file or stream specified by the request. + To track the progress of the upload, + add an event listener to the request's UploadProgressEvent. + For large uploads, the file will be divided and uploaded in parts using + Amazon S3's multipart API. The parts will be reassembled as one object in + Amazon S3. + + + + If you are uploading large files, TransferUtility will use multipart upload to fulfill the request. + If a multipart upload is interrupted, TransferUtility will attempt to abort the multipart upload. + Under certain circumstances (network outage, power failure, etc.), TransferUtility will not be able + to abort the multipart upload. In this case, in order to stop getting charged for the storage of uploaded parts, + you should manually invoke TransferUtility.AbortMultipartUploads() to abort the incomplete multipart uploads. + + + + Contains all the parameters required to upload to Amazon S3. + + + + + Returns a stream from which the caller can read the content from the specified + Amazon S3 bucket and key. + The caller of this method is responsible for closing the stream. + + + The name of the bucket. + + + The object key. + + + A stream of the contents from the specified Amazon S3 and key. + + + + + Returns a stream to read the contents from Amazon S3 as + specified by the TransferUtilityOpenStreamRequest. + The caller of this method is responsible for closing the stream. + + + Contains all the parameters required to open a stream to an S3 object. + + + A stream of the contents from Amazon S3. + + + + + Downloads the content from Amazon S3 and writes it to the specified file. + + + The file path where the content from Amazon S3 will be written to. + + + The name of the bucket containing the Amazon S3 object to download. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is stored. + + + + + Downloads the content from Amazon S3 and writes it to the specified file. + If the key is not specified in the request parameter, + the file name will used as the key name. + + + Contains all the parameters required to download an Amazon S3 object. + + + + + Downloads the objects in Amazon S3 that have a key that starts with the value + specified by s3Directory. + + + The name of the bucket containing the Amazon S3 objects to download. + + + The directory in Amazon S3 to download. + + + The local directory to download the objects to. + + + + + Downloads the objects in Amazon S3 that have a key that starts with the value + specified by the S3Directory + property of the passed in TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest object. + + + Contains all the parameters required to download objects from Amazon S3 + into a local directory. + + + + + Aborts the multipart uploads that were initiated before the specified date. + + + The name of the bucket containing multipart uploads. + + + The date before which the multipart uploads were initiated. + + + + + Gets the Amazon S3 client used for making calls into Amazon S3. + + + The Amazon S3 client used for making calls into Amazon S3. + + + + + + Provides configuration options for how processes requests. + + + The best configuration settings depend on network + configuration, latency and bandwidth. + The default configuration settings are suitable + for most applications, but this class enables developers to experiment with + different configurations and tune transfer manager performance. + + + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum part size for upload parts in bytes. The default is 16 MB. + Decreasing the minimum part size causes + multipart uploads to be split into a larger number + of smaller parts. Setting this value too low has a negative effect + on transfer speeds, causing extra latency and network + communication for each part. + + + + + This property determines how many active threads + or the number of concurrent asynchronous web requests + will be used to upload/download the file . + The default value is 10. + + + A value less than or equal to 0 will be silently ignored. + + + + + Gets or sets the number of executing threads. + This property determines how many active threads will be used to upload + the file. The default value is 10 threads. + + + A value less than or equal to 0 will be silently ignored. + + + + + Contains all the parameters + that can be set when making a this request with the + TransferUtility method. + + + + + Checks if FilePath property is set. + + True if FilePath property is set. + + + + Causes the WriteObjectProgressEvent event to be fired. + + Progress data for the stream being written to file. + + + + Get or sets the file path location of where the + downloaded Amazon S3 object will be written to. + + + The file path location of where the downloaded Amazon S3 object will be written to. + + + + + The event for WriteObjectProgressEvent notifications. All + subscribers will be notified when a new progress + event is raised. + + The WriteObjectProgressEvent is fired as data + is downloaded from S3. The delegates attached to the event + will be passed information detailing how much data + has been downloaded as well as how much will be downloaded. + + + + Subscribe to this event if you want to receive + WriteObjectProgressEvent notifications. Here is how:
+ 1. Define a method with a signature similar to this one: + + private void displayProgress(object sender, WriteObjectProgressArgs args) + { + Console.WriteLine(args); + } + + 2. Add this method to the WriteObjectProgressEvent delegate's invocation list + + TransferUtilityDownloadRequest request = new TransferUtilityDownloadRequest(); + request.WriteObjectProgressEvent += displayProgress; + +
+ + + Contains all the parameters + that can be set when making a this request with the + TransferUtility method. + + + + + Contains all the parameters + that can be set when making a this request with the + TransferUtility method. + + + + + Checks if BucketName property is set. + + true if BucketName property is set. + + + + Checks if Key property is set. + + true if Key property is set. + + + + Checks if the CannedACL property is set. + + true if there is the CannedACL property is set. + + + + Removes the cannned access control list (ACL) + for the uploaded object. + + + + + Checks if ContentType property is set. + + true if ContentType property is set. + + + + Checks if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + true if ServerSideEncryptionKeyManagementServiceKeyId property is set. + + + + Checks if FilePath property is set. + + true if FilePath property is set. + + + + Checks if PartSize property is set. + + true if PartSize property is set. + + + + Causes the UploadProgressEvent event to be fired. + + Progress data for the file being uploaded. + + + + Sets whether or not the stream used with this request is + automatically closed when all of the content is read from the stream + and returns this object instance, + enabling additional method calls to be chained together. + + + A value of true if the if the stream is + automatically closed when all of the content is read from the stream. + A value of false if otherwise. + + + This object instance, enabling additional method calls to be chained together. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the bucket. + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Gets or sets the key under which the Amazon S3 object is to be stored. + + + The key under which the Amazon S3 object is to be stored. + + + + + Gets or sets the canned access control list (ACL) + for the uploaded object. + Please refer to + for + information on Amazon S3 canned ACLs. + + + The canned access control list (ACL) + for the uploaded object. + + + + + Gets or sets the content type of the uploaded Amazon S3 object. + + + The content type of the uploaded Amazon S3 object. + + + + + Gets or sets the storage class for the uploaded Amazon S3 object. + Please refer to + for + information on S3 Storage Classes. + + + The storage class for the uploaded Amazon S3 object. + + + + + Gets and sets the ServerSideEncryptionMethod property. + Specifies the encryption used on the server to + store the content. + + + + + The Server-side encryption algorithm to be used with the customer provided key. + + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + The base64-encoded encryption key for Amazon S3 to use to encrypt the object + + Using the encryption key you provide as part of your request Amazon S3 manages both the encryption, as it writes + to disks, and decryption, when you access your objects. Therefore, you don't need to maintain any data encryption code. The only + thing you do is manage the encryption keys you provide. + + + When you retrieve an object, you must provide the same encryption key as part of your request. Amazon S3 first verifies + the encryption key you provided matches, and then decrypts the object before returning the object data to you. + + + Important: Amazon S3 does not store the encryption key you provide. + + + + + + The MD5 of the customer encryption key specified in the ServerSideEncryptionCustomerProvidedKey property. The MD5 is + base 64 encoded. This field is optional, the SDK will calculate the MD5 if this is not set. + + + + + Input stream for the request; content for the request will be read from the stream. + + + + + + Gets or sets the file path + where the Amazon S3 object will be uploaded from. + + + For WinRT and Windows Phone this property must be in the form of "ms-appdata:///local/file.txt". + + + + The file path where the Amazon S3 object will be uploaded from. + + + + + Gets or sets the part size of the upload in bytes. + The uploaded file will be divided into + parts the size specified and + uploaded to Amazon S3 individually. + + + The part size of the upload. + + + + + The collection of headers for the request. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + The event for UploadProgressEvent notifications. All + subscribers will be notified when a new progress + event is raised. + + The UploadProgressEvent is fired as data + is uploaded to S3. The delegates attached to the event + will be passed information detailing how much data + has been uploaded as well as how much will be uploaded. + + + + Subscribe to this event if you want to receive + UploadProgressEvent notifications. Here is how:
+ 1. Define a method with a signature similar to this one: + + private void displayProgress(object sender, UploadProgressArgs args) + { + Console.WriteLine(args); + } + + 2. Add this method to the UploadProgressEvent delegate's invocation list + + TransferUtilityUploadRequest request = new TransferUtilityUploadRequest(); + request.UploadProgressEvent += displayProgress; + +
+ + + Gets the length of the content by either checking the FileInfo.Length property or the Stream.Length property. + + The length of the content. + + + + Gets or sets whether or not the stream used with this request is + automatically closed when all of the content is read from the stream. + + + A value of true if the if the stream is + automatically closed when all of the content is read from the stream. + A value of false if otherwise. + + + + + If this value is set to true then the stream's position will be reset to the start before being read for upload. + Default: true. + + + + + Encapsulates the information needed to provide + transfer progress to subscribers of the Put Object + Event. + + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The how many bytes were transferred since last event. + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The how many bytes were transferred since last event. + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + The file being uploaded + + + + The constructor takes the number of + currently transferred bytes and the + total number of bytes to be transferred + + The how many bytes were transferred since last event. + The number of bytes transferred + The total number of bytes to be transferred + A compensation for any upstream aggregators if this event to correct theit totalTransferred count, + in case the underlying request is retried. + The file being uploaded + + + + Gets the FilePath. + + + + + Waits for all of the tasks to complete or till any task fails. + + + + + Waits for all of the tasks to complete or till any task fails. + + + + + Returns the amount of bytes remaining that need to be pulled down from S3. + + The fully qualified path of the file. + + + + + The command to manage an upload using the S3 multipart API. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The s3 client. + The config object that has the number of threads to use. + The file transporter request. + + + + This command is for doing regular PutObject requests. + + + + + This command files all the files that meets the criteria specified in the TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest request + and uploads them. + + + + + Request object for downloading a directory with the TransferUtility. + + + + + Gets whether or not the bucket name is set. + + + A value of true if the bucket name is set. + Otherwise, returns false. + + + + + Gets whether or not the LocalDirectory property is set. + + + A value of true if LocalDirectory property is set. + Otherwise, returns false. + + + + + Gets whether or not the S3Directory property is set. + + + A value of true if S3Directory property is set. + Otherwise, returns false. + + + + + Checks if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + + A value of true if ModifiedSinceDate property is set. + Otherwise, returns false. + + + + Checks if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + true if UnmodifiedSinceDate property is set. + + + + Gets or sets the name of the bucket. + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Gets or sets the local directory where objects from Amazon S3 will be downloaded. + If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created. + + + The local directory where objects from Amazon S3 will be downloaded. + + + + + Gets or sets the Amazon S3 directory to download from. + This is translated to a key prefix; keys that have this prefix will be + downloaded. + + + + + Gets or sets the ModifiedSinceDate property. + Only objects that have been modified since this date will be + downloaded. + + + The ModifiedSinceDate property. + + + + + Gets or sets the UnmodifiedSinceDate property. + Only objects that have not been modified since this date will be downloaded. + + + The UnmodifiedSinceDate property. + + + + + Gets or sets the DownloadFilesConcurrently property. + Specifies if multiple files will be downloaded concurrently. + The number of concurrent web requests used is controlled + by the TransferUtilityConfig.ConcurrencyLevel property. + + + + + The event for DownloadedDirectoryProgressEvent notifications. All + subscribers will be notified when a new progress + event is raised. + + The DownloadedDirectoryProgressEvent is fired as data + is downloaded from Amazon S3. The delegates attached to the event + will be passed information detailing how much data + has been downloaded as well as how much will be downloaded. + + + + Subscribe to this event if you want to receive + DownloadedDirectoryProgressEvent notifications. Here is how:
+ 1. Define a method with a signature similar to this one: + + private void displayProgress(object sender, DownloadDirectoryProgressArgs args) + { + Console.WriteLine(args); + } + + 2. Add this method to the DownloadedDirectoryProgressEvent delegate's invocation list + + TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest request = new TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest(); + request.DownloadedDirectoryProgressEvent += displayProgress; + +
+ + + Encapsulates the information needed to provide + transfer progress to subscribers of the DownloadDirectory + event. + + + + + Constructs a new instance of DownloadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + + The number of files downloaded. + + + The total number of files to download. + + + The current file being downloaded + + + The number of transferred bytes for the current file. + + + The size of the current file in bytes. + + + + + Constructs a new instance of DownloadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + + The number of files downloaded. + + + The total number of files to download. + + + The bytes transferred across all files being downloaded. + + + The total number of bytes across all files being downloaded. + + + The current file being downloaded. + + + The number of transferred bytes for the current file. + + + The size of the current file in bytes. + + + + + The string representation of this instance of DownloadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + The string representation of this instance of DownloadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of files. + + The total number of files. + + + + Gets or sets the number of files downloaded so far. + + The number of files downloaded. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes across all files being downloaded. + + The total number of bytes across all files being downloaded. + + + + Gets or sets the bytes transferred across all files being downloaded. + + The bytes transferred across all files being downloaded. + + + + Gets or sets the current file being downloaded. + + + This property is only valid if DownloadDirectory is used without enabling concurrent file downloads (by default concurrent download is disabled). + If concurrent file downloads are enabled by setting TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest.DownloadFilesConcurrently to true, this property + will return null. + + The current file being downloaded. + + + + Gets or sets the transferred bytes for the current file. + + + This property is only valid if DownloadDirectory is used without enabling concurrent file downloads (by default concurrent download is disabled). + If concurrent file downloads are enabled by setting TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest.DownloadFilesConcurrently to true, this property + will return 0. + + The transferred bytes for the current file. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes for the current file. + + + This property is only valid if DownloadDirectory is used without enabling concurrent file downloads (by default concurrent download is disabled). + If concurrent file downloads are enabled by setting TransferUtilityDownloadDirectoryRequest.DownloadFilesConcurrently to true, this property + will return 0. + + The total number of bytes for the current file. + + + + Contains all the parameters + that can be set when making a this request with the + TransferUtility method. + + + + + Checks if Directory property is set. + + true if Directory property is set. + + + + Checks if KeyPrefix property is set. + + true if KeyPrefix property is set. + + + + Checks if SearchPattern property is set. + + true if SearchPattern property is set. + + + + Checks if BucketName property is set. + + true if BucketName property is set. + + + + Checks if the CannedACL property is set. + + true if there is the CannedACL property is set. + + + + Causes the UploadDirectoryProgressEvent event to be fired. + + Progress data for files currently being uploaded. + + + + Gets or sets the directory where files are uploaded from. + + + The directory where files are uploaded from. + + + + + Gets or sets the KeyPrefix property. As object keys are generated for the + files being uploaded this value will prefix the key. This is useful when a directory + needs to be uploaded into sub directory in the S3 Bucket. + + + The directory where files are uploaded from. + + + + + Gets and sets the search pattern used to determine which + files in the directory are uploaded. + + + The search pattern used to deterimine which + files in the directory are uploaded. + The default value is "*", specifying that all files + in the directory will be uploaded. + + + + + Gets or sets the recursive options for the directory upload. + + + The recursive options for the directory upload. + Set by default to TopDirectoryOnly, + specifying that files will be uploaded from the root directory only. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the bucket. + + + The name of the bucket. + + + + + Gets or sets the canned access control list (ACL) + for the uploaded objects. + Please refer to + for + information on Amazon S3 canned ACLs. + + + The canned access control list (ACL) + for the uploaded objects. + + + + + Gets or sets the storage class for the uploaded Amazon S3 objects. + Please refer to + for + information on S3 Storage Classes. + + + The storage class for the uploaded Amazon S3 objects. + + + + + The collection of meta data for the request. + + + + + Gets or sets the ServerSideEncryptionMethod property. + Specifies the encryption used on the server to + store the content. + + + + + The id of the AWS Key Management Service key that Amazon S3 should use to encrypt and decrypt the object. + If a key id is not specified, the default key will be used for encryption and decryption. + + + + + Gets or sets the UploadFilesConcurrently property. + Specifies if multiple files will be uploaded concurrently. + The number of concurrent web requests used is controlled + by the TransferUtilityConfig.ConcurrencyLevel property. + + + + + The event for UploadDirectoryProgressEvent notifications. All + subscribers will be notified when a new progress + event is raised. + + The UploadDirectoryProgressEvent is fired as data + is uploaded to S3. The delegates attached to the event + will be passed information detailing how much data + has been uploaded as well as how much will be uploaded. + + + + Subscribe to this event if you want to receive + UploadDirectoryProgressEvent notifications. Here is how:
+ 1. Define a method with a signature similar to this one: + + private void displayProgress(object sender, UploadDirectoryProgressArgs args) + { + Console.WriteLine(args); + } + + 2. Add this method to the UploadDirectoryProgressEvent delegate's invocation list + + TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest request = new TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest(); + request.UploadDirectoryProgressEvent += displayProgress; + +
+ + + The event for modifying individual TransferUtilityUploadRequest for each file + being uploaded. + + + + + Encapsulates the information needed to provide + transfer progress to subscribers of the UploadDirectory + event. + + + + + Constructs a new instance of UploadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + + The number of files uploaded. + + + The total number of files to upload. + + + The current file + + + The number of transferred bytes for current file. + + + The size of the current file in bytes. + + + + + Constructs a new instance of UploadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + + The number of files uploaded. + + + The total number of files to upload. + + + The bytes transferred across all files being uploaded. + + + The total number of bytes across all files being uploaded. + + + The current file being uploaded. + + + The number of transferred bytes for current file. + + + The size of the current file in bytes. + + + + + The string representation of this instance of UploadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + The string representation of this instance of UploadDirectoryProgressArgs. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of files. + + The total number of files. + + + + Gets or sets the number of files uploaded. + + The number of files uploaded. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes across all files being uploaded. + + The total number of bytes across all files being uploaded. + + + + Gets or sets the bytes transferred across all files being uploaded. + + The bytes transferred across all files being uploaded. + + + + Gets or sets the current file. + + + This property is only valid if UploadDirectory is used without enabling concurrent file uploads (by default concurrent upload is disabled). + If concurrent file uploads are enabled by setting TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest.UploadFilesConcurrently to true, this property + will return null. + + The current file. + + + + Gets or sets the transferred bytes for current file. + + + This property is only valid if UploadDirectory is used without enabling concurrent file uploads (by default concurrent upload is disabled). + If concurrent file uploads are enabled by setting TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest.UploadFilesConcurrently to true, this property + will return 0. + + The transferred bytes for current file. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes for current file. + + + This property is only valid if UploadDirectory is used without enabling concurrent file uploads (by default concurrent upload is disabled). + If concurrent file uploads are enabled by setting TransferUtilityUploadDirectoryRequest.UploadFilesConcurrently to true, this property + will return 0. + + The total number of bytes for current file. + + + + Contains a single TransferUtilityUploadRequest corresponding + to a single file about to be uploaded, allowing changes to + the request before it is executed. + + + + + Constructs a new UploadDirectoryFileRequestArgs instance. + + Request being processed. + + + + Gets and sets the UploadRequest property. + + + + + Uri wrapper that can parse out information (bucket, key, region, style) from an + S3 URI. + + + + + Constructs a parser for the S3 URI specified as a string. + + The S3 URI to be parsed. + + + + Constructs a parser for the S3 URI specified as a Uri instance. + + The S3 URI to be parsed. + + + + Checks whether the given URI is a Amazon S3 URI. + + The S3 URI to be checked. + true if the URI is a Amazon S3 URI, false; otherwise. + + + + Checks whether the given URI is a Amazon S3 URI. + + The S3 URI to be checked. + true if the URI is a Amazon S3 URI, false; otherwise. + + + + Percent-decodes the given string, with a fast path for strings that are not + percent-encoded. + + The string to decode + The decoded string + + + + Percent-decodes the given string. + + The string to decode + The index of the first '%' in the string + The decoded string + + + + Decodes the percent-encoded character at the given index in the string + and appends the decoded value to the string under construction. + + + The string under construction to which the decoded character will be + appended. + + The string being decoded. + The index of the '%' character in the string. + + + + Converts a hex character (0-9A-Fa-f) into its corresponding quad value. + + The hex character + The quad value + + + + True if the URI contains the bucket in the path, false if it contains the bucket in the authority. + + + + + The bucket name parsed from the URI (or null if no bucket specified). + + + + + The key parsed from the URI (or null if no key specified). + + + + + The region parsed from the URI (or null if no region specified). + + + + + Provides utilities used by the Amazon S3 client implementation. + These utilities might be useful to consumers of the Amazon S3 + library. + + + Provides utilities used by the Amazon S3 client implementation. + These utilities might be useful to consumers of the Amazon S3 + library. + + + + + Determines MIME type from a file extension + + The extension of the file + The MIME type for the extension, or text/plain + + + + URL encodes a string. If the path property is specified, + the accepted path characters {/+:} are not encoded. + + The string to encode + Whether the string is a URL path or not + + + + + Converts a non-seekable stream into a System.IO.MemoryStream. + A MemoryStream's position can be moved arbitrarily + + The stream to be converted + A seekable MemoryStream + MemoryStreams use byte arrays as their backing store. + Please use this judicially as it is likely that a very large + stream will cause system resources to be used up. + + + + + Generates an MD5 Digest for the string-based content + + The content for which the MD5 Digest needs + to be computed. + + Whether the returned checksum should be + base64 encoded. + + A string representation of the hash with or w/o base64 encoding + + + + + Version2 S3 buckets adhere to RFC 1035: + + Less than 255 characters, with each label less than 63 characters. + Label must start with a letter + Label must end with a letter or digit + Label can have a string of letter, digits and hyphens in the middle. + Although names can be case-sensitive, no significance is attached to the case. + RFC 1123: Allow label to start with letter or digit (e.g. 3ware.com works) + RFC 2181: No restrictions apart from the length restrictions. + + S3 V2 will start with RFCs 1035 and 1123 and impose the following additional restrictions: + + Length between 3 and 63 characters (to allow headroom for upper-level domains, + as well as to avoid separate length restrictions for bucket-name and its labels + Only lower-case to avoid user confusion. + No dotted-decimal IPv4-like strings + + + The BucketName to validate if V2 addressing should be used + True if the BucketName should use V2 bucket addressing, false otherwise + + S3 v2 Bucket restrictions + + + + Determines whether an S3 bucket exists or not. + This is done by: + 1. Creating a PreSigned Url for the bucket. To work with Signature V4 only regions, as + well as Signature V4-optional regions, we keep the expiry to within the maximum for V4 + (which is one week). + 2. Making a HEAD request to the Url + + The name of the bucket to check. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + + Sets the storage class for the S3 Object to the value + specified. + + The name of the bucket in which the key is stored + The key of the S3 Object whose storage class needs changing + The new Storage Class for the object + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + + Sets the storage class for the S3 Object's Version to the value + specified. + + The name of the bucket in which the key is stored + The key of the S3 Object whose storage class needs changing + The version of the S3 Object whose storage class needs changing + The new Storage Class for the object + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + + Sets the server side encryption method for the S3 Object to the value + specified. + + The name of the bucket in which the key is stored + The key of the S3 Object + The server side encryption method + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + Sets the server side encryption method for the S3 Object's Version to the value + specified. + + The name of the bucket in which the key is stored + The key of the S3 Object + The version of the S3 Object + The server side encryption method + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + Sets the redirect location for the S3 Object's when being accessed through the S3 website endpoint. + + The name of the bucket in which the key is stored + The key of the S3 Object + The redirect location + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + Sets up the request needed to make an exact copy of the object leaving the parent method + the ability to change just the attribute being requested to change. + + + + + + + + + + + Deletes an S3 bucket which contains objects. + An S3 bucket which contains objects cannot be deleted until all the objects + in it are deleted. This method deletes all the objects in the specified + bucket and then deletes the bucket itself. + + The bucket to be deleted. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + Deletes an S3 bucket which contains objects. + An S3 bucket which contains objects cannot be deleted until all the objects + in it are deleted. This method deletes all the objects in the specified + bucket and then deletes the bucket itself. + + The bucket to be deleted. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + Options to control the behavior of the delete operation. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + DeleteS3BucketWithObjects deletes an S3 bucket which contains objects. + An S3 bucket which contains objects cannot be deleted until all the objects + in it are deleted. This method deletes all the objects in the specified + bucket and then deletes the bucket itself. + + The bucket to be deleted. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes. + A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback procedure using the AsyncState property. + An IAsyncCancelableResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; + this value is also needed when invoking EndDeleteS3BucketWithObjects. IAsyncCancelableResult can also + be used to cancel the operation while it's in progress. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + DeleteS3BucketWithObjects deletes an S3 bucket which contains objects. + An S3 bucket which contains objects cannot be deleted until all the objects + in it are deleted. This method deletes all the objects in the specified + bucket and then deletes the bucket itself. + + The bucket to be deleted. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + Options to control the behavior of the delete operation. + An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes. + A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback procedure using the AsyncState property. + An IAsyncCancelableResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; + this value is also needed when invoking EndDeleteS3BucketWithObjects. IAsyncCancelableResult can also + be used to cancel the operation while it's in progress. + + + + Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + DeleteS3BucketWithObjects deletes an S3 bucket which contains objects. + An S3 bucket which contains objects cannot be deleted until all the objects + in it are deleted. This method deletes all the objects in the specified + bucket and then deletes the bucket itself. + + The bucket to be deleted. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + >Options to control the behavior of the delete operation. + An callback that is invoked to send updates while delete operation is in progress. + An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes. + A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback procedure using the AsyncState property. + An IAsyncCancelableResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; + this value is also needed when invoking EndDeleteS3BucketWithObjects. IAsyncCancelableResult can also + be used to cancel the operation while it's in progress. + + + + Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + + The IAsyncCancelableResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteS3BucketWithObjects. + + + + Invokes the DeleteS3BucketWithObjectsInternal method. + + The Request object that has all the data to complete the operation. + + + + Deletes an S3 bucket which contains objects. + An S3 bucket which contains objects cannot be deleted until all the objects + in it are deleted. The function deletes all the objects in the specified + bucket and then deletes the bucket itself. + + The bucket to be deleted. + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + Options to control the behavior of the delete operation. + The callback which is used to send updates about the delete operation. + An IAsyncCancelableResult that can be used to poll or wait for results, or both; + this value is also needed when invoking EndDeleteS3BucketWithObjects. IAsyncCancelableResult can also + be used to cancel the operation while it's in progress. + + + + Invokes the callback which provides updated about the delete operation. + + The callback to be invoked. + The data being passed to the callback. + + + + Converts the string representing a storage class that would come back from a ListObjects request + to the S3StorageClass enumeration. + + Amazon S3 string values for storage class + The converted S3StorageClass enumeration + + + + Upload data to Amazon S3 using HTTP POST. + + + For more information, + + Request object which describes the data to POST + Thrown if the service returns an error + + + + Formats the current date as a GMT timestamp + + A GMT formatted string representation + of the current date and time + + + + + A helper class that represents a strongly typed S3 EventNotification item sent to SQS + + + + + Parse the JSON string into a S3EventNotification object. + + The function will try its best to parse input JSON string as best as it can. + It will not fail even if the JSON string contains unknown properties. + + For any parsing errors + + + + + Gets and sets the records for the S3 event notification + + + + + The class holds the user identity properties. + + + + + Gets and sets the PrincipalId property. + + + + + This class contains the identity information for an S3 bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the name of the bucket. + + + + + Gets and sets the bucket owner id. + + + + + Gets and sets the S3 bucket arn. + + + + + This class contains the information for an object in S3. + + + + + Gets and sets the key for the object stored in S3. + + + + + Gets and sets the size of the object in S3. + + + + + Gets and sets the etag of the object. This can be used to determine if the object has changed. + + + + + Gets and sets the version id of the object in S3. + + + + + Gets and sets the meta information describing S3. + + + + + Gets and sets the ConfigurationId. This ID can be found in the bucket notification configuration. + + + + + Gets and sets the Bucket property. + + + + + Gets and sets the Object property. + + + + + Gets and sets the S3SchemaVersion property. + + + + + The class holds the request parameters + + + + + Gets and sets the SourceIPAddress. This is the ip address where the request came from. + + + + + This class holds the response elements. + + + + + Gets and sets the XAmzId2 Property. This is the Amazon S3 host that processed the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the XAmzRequestId. This is the Amazon S3 generated request ID. + + + + + The class holds the event notification. + + + + + Gets and sets the AwsRegion property. + + + + + Gets and sets the EventName property. This identities what type of event occurred. + For example for an object just put in S3 this will be set to EventType.ObjectCreatedPut. + + + + + Gets and sets the EventSource property. + + + + + Gets and sets the EventType property. The time when S3 finished processing the request. + + + + + Gets and sets the EventVersion property. + + + + + Gets and sets the RequestParameters property. + + + + + Gets and sets the ResponseElements property. + + + + + Gets and sets the S3 property. + + + + + Gets and sets the UserIdentity property. + + + + + Represents the status of an asynchronous operation. + It adds support for Cancelation of the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Represents the status of an asynchronous operation. This interface extends + IAsyncResult and adds support for Cancelation of the asynchronous operation. + + + + + Cancels the asynchronous operation if it's in progress. + + + + + Gets a value that indicated whether the asynchronous operation has been canceled. + + + + + Constructor for AsyncCancelableResult. + + The callback to be invoked when the asynchronous operation is completed. + Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an + asynchronous operation. + + + + + Cancels the asynchronous operation if it's in progress. + + + + + Signals that the operaton is canceled and invokes the callback. + + + + + Signals that the operation is completed and invoked the callback. + + + + + Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or + resetting unmanaged resources. + + + + + Disposes any managed and unmanaged resources. + + Should pass true if called by Dispose(), pass false if + called during finalization. + + + + Gets a value that indicated whether the asynchronous operation has been canceled. + + + + + Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an + asynchronous operation. + + + + + Gets a System.Threading.WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous + operation to complete. + + + + + Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation completed + synchronously. + + + + + Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation has completed. + + + + + Gets a value that indicates whether a cancel is requested. + + + + + The last exception that when the asynchronous operation was executed. + This is used to capture the exception and re-throw it when EndOperation is called. + + + + + The callback to be invoked when the asynchronous operation is completed. + + + + + Options which control the behaviour of the DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + + + + + Gets or sets a value which indicates whether the + operation should be aborted if an error is encountered during execution. + + + + + Gets or sets a value which indicated whether verbose results shoule be returned to the + callback. + If quiet mode is true the callback will receive only keys where the delete operation encountered an error. + If quiet mode is false the callback will receive keys for both successful and unsuccessful delete operations. + + + + + Internal class used to pass the parameters for DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + + + + + Name of the bucket to be deleted. + + + + + The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations. + + + + + Options to control the behavior of the delete operation. + + + + + Represents the status of an asynchronous operation. + + + + + The callback which is used to send updates about the delete operation. + + + + + Contains updates from DeleteS3BucketWithObjects operation. + + + + + The list of objects which were successfully deleted. + + + + + The list of objects for which the delete operation failed. + + + + + An exception detailing a failed HTTP POST upload atempt to Amazon S3. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of S3PostUploadException with a specified error message + + The error message + + + + Initializes a new instance of S3PostUploadException with a specified error code and error message + + The error code + The error message + + + + Parse an S3 Error response and create an S3PostUploadException + + The response from S3 + An S3PostUploadException with the information from the response + + + + The error code returned by S3 + + + + + The S3 request id + + + + + The S3 host id + + + + + The HTTP error status code returned by S3 + + + + + Additional information about the error + + + Some errors are accompanied by more specific information, which vary from error to error + + + + + Class for unmarshalling response XML + + + + + Gets and sets the ErrorCode property. + + + + + Gets and sets the ErrorMessage property. + + + + + Gets and sets the RequestId property. + + + + + Gets and sets the HostId property. + + + + + Gets and sets the elements property. + + + + + Parameters for uploading to Amazon S3 a file using HTTP POS + + + + If a S3PostUploadSignedPolicy is assigned, then values set (other than InputStream or Path) on this object must adhere to the policy. + This includes metadata. If metadata is specified in the policy, then it must be included in the request. Adding metadata not in the + policy will cause the POST to fail. + + For more information, + + + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + Write the multipart/form-data for this request for all fields except the file data to a stream + + + + + S3 Bucket to upload the object to + + + + + The name of the uploaded key. + + + + + Stream to read the upload data for + + + If you use InputStream, then you also need to set ContentLength + + + + + File path to read the upload data from + + + + + Content type for the uploaded data + + + If this is not set, an attempt will be made to infer it from the extension on Key or Path (in that order), + otherwise 'application/octet-stream' will be assumed. + + + + + Specifies an Amazon S3 access control list + + + + + Signed policy from bucket owner. + + + + + Where to redirect browsers on a successful upload + + + + + The status code returned to the client upon successful upload if success_action_redirect is not specified + + + + Accepts the values OK (200) , Created (201), or NoContent (204, default). + + If the value is set to OK or NoContent, Amazon S3 returns an empty document with a 200 or 204 status code. + + If the value is set to Created, Amazon S3 returns an XML document with a 201 status code. + + If the value is not set or if it is set to an invalid value, Amazon S3 returns an empty document with a 204 status code. + + + + + + Storage class to use for storing the object + + + Default: STANDARD + + + + + The AWS region where the bucket is located. + + + Depending upon the bucket name, POST uploads will be + successfully redirected, but for buckets with non-DNS-compliant + characters, redirects will fail. Setting this to the appropriate + region will avoid the redirect. + + + + + Metadata to set on the uploaded object + + + If keys do not begin with 'x-amz-meta-' it will be added at POST time. + + + + + Class holds Response data for a post upload. + + + + + Gets and sets the StatusCode property. + + + + + Gets and sets the RequestId property. + + + + + Gets and sets the HostId property. + + + + + Utility class for managing and exchanging HTTP POST uploads of objects to Amazon S3. + + + + This object supports creating, marshalling, and unmarshalling of the information needed to build + an authenticated HTTP POST request to S3 for uploading objects according to a policy. + + For more information, + + + + + Given a policy and AWS credentials, produce a S3PostUploadSignedPolicy. + + JSON string representing the policy to sign + Credentials to sign the policy with + A signed policy object for use with an S3PostUploadRequest. + + + + Get the policy document as a human readable string. + + Human readable policy document. + + + + JSON representation of this object + + JSON string + + + + XML Representation of this object + + XML String + + + + Create an instance of this class from a JSON string. + + JSON string + Instance of S3PostUploadSignedPolicy + + + + Create an instance of this class from an XML string. + + XML string generated by ToXml() + Instance of S3PostUploadSignedPolicy + + + + The policy document which governs what uploads can be done. + + + + + The signature for the policy. + + + + + The AWS Access Key Id for the credential pair that produced the signature. + + + + + The security token from session or instance credentials. + + + + + This class extends the AmazonS3Client and provides client side encryption when reading or writing S3 objects. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with the Encryption materials and credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with the Encryption materials and credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + The region to connect. + + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with the Encryption materials, + AmazonS3 CryptoConfiguration object and credentials loaded from the application's + default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. + + Example App.config with credentials set. + + <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> + <configuration> + <appSettings> + <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> + </appSettings> + </configuration> + + + + + The AmazonS3EncryptionClient CryptoConfiguration Object + + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Credentials and Encryption materials. + + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + AWS Credentials + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Credentials, Region and Encryption materials + + AWS Credentials + The region to connect. + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Credentials, AmazonS3CryptoConfiguration Configuration object + and Encryption materials + + AWS Credentials + The AmazonS3EncryptionClient CryptoConfiguration Object + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Access Key ID, + AWS Secret Key and Encryption materials + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Access Key ID, + AWS Secret Key, Region and Encryption materials + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The region to connect. + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Access Key ID, Secret Key, + AmazonS3 CryptoConfiguration object and Encryption materials. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + The AmazonS3EncryptionClient CryptoConfiguration Object + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Access Key ID, Secret Key, + SessionToken and Encryption materials. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Access Key ID, Secret Key, + SessionToken, Region and Encryption materials. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + The region to connect. + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + Constructs AmazonS3EncryptionClient with AWS Access Key ID, Secret Key, SessionToken + AmazonS3EncryptionClient CryptoConfiguration object and Encryption materials. + + AWS Access Key ID + AWS Secret Access Key + AWS Session Token + The AmazonS3EncryptionClient CryptoConfiguration Object + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt envelope key. + + + + + Customize the pipeline to allow encryption. + + + + + + Turn off response logging because it will interfere with decrypt of the data coming back from S3. + + + + + AmazonS3CryptoConfiguration allows customers + to set storage mode for encryption credentials + + + + + Default Constructor. + + + + + Gets and sets the StorageMode property. This determines if the crypto metadata is stored as metadata on the object or as a separate object in S3. + The default is ObjectMetadata. + + + + + Mode for string the encryption information for an object. + + + + + Store the information in a separate S3 Object. + + + + + Store the information as metadata on the encrypted object. + + + + + Encryption Instructions store the encryption credentials + + + + + Construct an instance EncryptionInstructions. + + + + + + + + + Construct an instance EncryptionInstructions. + + + + + + + + The "key encrypting key" materials used in encrypt/decryption. These + materials may be either an asymmetric key or a symmetric key but not + both. + + + + + Constructs a new EncryptionMaterials object, storing an asymmetric key. + + + + + + Constructs a new EncryptionMaterials object, storing a symmetric key. + + + + + + The EncryptionUtils class encrypts and decrypts data stored in S3. + It can be used to prepare requests for encryption before they are stored in S3 + and to decrypt objects that are retrieved from S3. + + + + + Encrypts a Envelope key using the provided encryption materials + and returns it in raw byte array form. + + + + + Decrypts an encrypted Envelope key using the provided encryption materials + and returns it in raw byte array form. + + Encrypted envelope key + Encryption materials needed to decrypt the encrypted envlelope key + + + + + Returns an updated stream where the stream contains the encrypted object contents. + The specified instruction will be used to encrypt data. + + + The stream whose contents are to be encrypted. + + + The instruction that will be used to encrypt the object data. + + + Encrypted stream, i.e input stream wrapped into encrypted stream + + + + + Returns an updated input stream where the input stream contains the encrypted object contents. + The specified instruction will be used to encrypt data. + + + The stream whose contents are to be encrypted. + + + The instruction that will be used to encrypt the object data. + + + Encrypted stream, i.e input stream wrapped into encrypted stream + + + + + Updates object where the object + input stream contains the decrypted contents. + + + The getObject response whose contents are to be decrypted. + + + The instruction that will be used to encrypt the object data. + + + + + Generates an instruction that will be used to encrypt an object. + + + The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data. + + + The instruction that will be used to encrypt an object. + + + + + Builds an instruction object from the object metadata. + + + A non-null object response that contains encryption information in its metadata. + + + The non-null encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt Envelope key. + + + + + + + Builds an instruction object from the instruction file. + + Instruction file GetObject response + + The non-null encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt Envelope key. + + + A non-null instruction object containing encryption information. + + + + + Update the request's ObjectMetadata with the necessary information for decrypting the object. + + + AmazonWebServiceRequest encrypted using the given instruction + + + Non-null instruction used to encrypt the data in this AmazonWebServiceRequest . + + + + + Adds UnEncrypted content length to object metadata + + + + + + checks if encryption credentials are in object metadata + + Response of the object + + + + + checks if encryption credentials are in the instructionfile + + Instruction file response that contains encryption information + + + + + Custom the pipeline handler to decrypt objects. + + + + + Construct instance of SetupDecryptionHandler. + + + + + + Calls the post invoke logic after calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls the and post invoke logic after calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Decrypt the object being downloaded. + + + + + + Updates object where the object input stream contains the decrypted contents. + + + The getObject response of InstructionFile. + + + The getObject response whose contents are to be decrypted. + + + + + Updates object where the object input stream contains the decrypted contents. + + + The getObject response whose contents are to be decrypted. + + + + + Gets the EncryptionClient property which is the AmazonS3EncryptionClient that is decrypting the object. + + + + + Custom pipeline handler to encrypt the data as it is being uploaded to S3. + + + + + Construct an instance SetupEncryptionHandler. + + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Encrypts the S3 object being uploaded. + + + + + + Updates the request where the metadata contains encryption information + and the input stream contains the encrypted object contents. + + + The request whose contents are to be encrypted. + + + + + Updates the request where the instruction file contains encryption information + and the input stream contains the encrypted object contents. + + + + + + Updates the request where the input stream contains the encrypted object contents. + + + + + + Gets the EncryptionClient property which is the AmazonS3EncryptionClient that is encrypting the object. + + + + + Adds the crypto token to the user agent + + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The execution context which contains both the + requests and response context. + + + + Calls pre invoke logic before calling the next handler + in the pipeline. + + The response type for the current request. + The execution context, it contains the + request and response context. + A task that represents the asynchronous operation. + + + + Customize the user agent. + + + + + + Mimics the System.IO.DirectoryInfo for a virtual directory in S3. It exposes properties and methods for enumerating directories and files as well as + methods manipulate directories. + + + It is important to keep in mind that S3 is not a filesystem. It is possible for S3 object keys to contain + characters which are not not legal file path characters, and so some pre-existing objects in a bucket that were created with + other software may not be compatible with this class. + + + + + Common interface for both S3FileInfo and S3DirectoryInfo. + + + + + Deletes this item from S3. + + + + + Returns true if the item exists in S3. + + + + + Returns the extension of the item. + + + + + Returns the fully qualified path to the item. + + + + + Returns the last modified time for this item from S3 in local timezone. + + + + + Returns the last modified time for this item from S3 in UTC timezone. + + + + + Returns the name of the item without parent information. + + + + + Indicates what type of item this object represents. + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the S3DirectoryInfo class for the specified S3 bucket. + + S3 client which is used to access the S3 resources. + Name of the S3 bucket. + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the S3DirectoryInfo class for the specified S3 bucket and S3 object key. + + S3 client which is used to access the S3 resources. + Name of the S3 bucket. + The S3 object key. + + + + + Creates the directory in S3. If no object key was specified when creating the S3DirectoryInfo then the bucket will be created. + + + + + + + Creates a sub directory inside the instance of S3DirectoryInfo. + + + + + + + + + Deletes all the files in this directory as well as this directory. + + + + + + + + Deletes all the files in this directory as well as this directory. If recursive is set to true then all sub directories will be + deleted as well. + + + + + If true then sub directories will be deleted as well. + + + + Enumerate the sub directories of this directory. + + + + An enumerable collection of directories. + + + + Enumerate the sub directories of this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all directories. + + + An enumerable collection of directories that matches searchPattern. + + + + Enumerate the sub directories of this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all directories. + One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should include only the current directory or all subdirectories. The default value is TopDirectoryOnly. + + + An enumerable collection of directories that matches searchPattern and searchOption. + + + + Enumerate the files of this directory. + + + + An enumerable collection of files. + + + + Enumerate the sub directories of this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + + + An enumerable collection of files that matches searchPattern. + + + + Enumerate the files of this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should include only the current directory or all subdirectories. The default value is TopDirectoryOnly. + + + An enumerable collection of files that matches searchPattern and searchOption. + + + + Enumerate the files of this directory. + + + + An enumerable collection of files. + + + + Enumerate the files of this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + + + An enumerable collection of files that matches searchPattern. + + + + Enumerate the files of this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should include only the current directory or all subdirectories. The default value is TopDirectoryOnly. + + + An enumerable collection of files that matches searchPattern and searchOption. + + + + Returns the S3DirectoryInfo for the specified sub directory. + + Directory to get the S3DirectroyInfo for. + The S3DirectoryInfo for the specified sub directory. + + + + Returns an array of S3DirectoryInfos for the directories in this directory. + + + + An array of directories. + + + + Returns an array of S3DirectoryInfos for the directories in this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + An array of files that matches searchPattern. + + + + Returns an array of S3DirectoryInfos for the directories in this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all directories. + One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should include only the current directory or all subdirectories. The default value is TopDirectoryOnly. + + + An array of directories that matches searchPattern and searchOption. + + + + Returns the S3FileInfo for the specified file. + + File to get the S3FileInfo for. + The S3FileInfo for the specified file. + + + + Returns an array of S3FileInfos for the files in this directory. + + + + An array of files. + + + + Returns an array of S3FileInfos for the files in this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + + + An array of files that matches searchPattern. + + + + Returns an array of S3FileInfos for the files in this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should include only the current directory or all subdirectories. The default value is TopDirectoryOnly. + + + An array of files that matches searchPattern and searchOption. + + + + Returns an array of IS3FileSystemInfos for the files in this directory. + + + + An array of files. + + + + Returns an array of IS3FileSystemInfos for the files in this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + + + An array of files that matches searchPattern. + + + + Returns an array of IS3FileSystemInfos for the files in this directory. + + The search string. The default pattern is "*", which returns all files. + One of the enumeration values that specifies whether the search operation should include only the current directory or all subdirectories. The default value is TopDirectoryOnly. + + + An array of files that matches searchPattern and searchOption. + + + + Copies the files from this directory to the target directory specified by the bucket and object key. + + The target bucket to copy to. + The target object key which represents a directory in S3. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo for the target location. + + + + Copies the files from this directory to the target directory specified by the bucket and object key. Only + files that have changed since the changeSince date will be copied. + + The target bucket to copy to. + The target object key which represents a directory in S3. + Date which files must have changed since in ordered to be copied. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo for the target location. + + + + Copies the files from this directory to the target directory. + + The target directory to copy to. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo for the target location. + + + + Copies the files from this directory to the target directory. Only + files that have changed since the changeSince date will be copied. + + The target directory to copy to. + Date which files must have changed since in ordered to be copied. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo for the target location. + + + + Copies the files from the S3 directory to the local file system in the location indicated by the path parameter. + + The location on the local file system to copy the files to. + + + DirectoryInfo for the local directory where files are copied to. + + + + Copies the files from the S3 directory to the local file system in the location indicated by the path parameter. + Only files that have been modified since the changesSince property will be copied. + + The location on the local file system to copy the files to. + Date which files must have changed since in ordered to be copied. + + + + DirectoryInfo for the local directory where files are copied to. + + + + Copies files from the local file system to S3 in this directory. Sub directories are copied as well. + + The local file system path where the files are to be copied. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo where the files are copied to. + + + + Copies files from the local file system to S3 in this directory. Sub directories are copied as well. + Only files that have been modified since the changesSince property will be copied. + + The local file system path where the files are to copy. + Date which files must have changed since in ordered to be copied. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo where the files are copied to. + + + + Moves the directory to the target directory specified by the bucket and object key. + + The target bucket to move to. + The target object key which represents a directory in S3. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo for the target location. + + + + Moves the directory to the target S3 directory. + + The target directory to copy to. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo for the target location. + + + + Moves the files from the S3 directory to the local file system in the location indicated by the path parameter. + + The location on the local file system to move the files to. + + + + DirectoryInfo for the local directory where files are moved to. + + + + Moves files from the local file system to S3 in this directory. Sub directories are moved as well. + + The local file system path where the files are to be moved. + + + + S3DirectoryInfo where the files are moved to. + + + + Implement the ToString method. + + + + + + Creating and deleting buckets can sometimes take a little bit of time. To make sure + users of this API do not experience the side effects of the eventual consistency + we block until the state change has happened. + + + + + + The S3DirectoryInfo for the root of the S3 bucket. + + + + + Checks with S3 to see if the directory exists and if so returns true. + + Due to Amazon S3's eventual consistency model this property can return false for newly created buckets. + + + + + + + Returns empty string for directories. + + + + + The full path of the directory including bucket name. + + + + + Returns the last write time of the the latest file written to the directory. + + + + + + + UTC converted version of LastWriteTime. + + + + + + + Returns the name of the folder. + + + + + Return the S3DirectoryInfo of the parent directory. + + + + + Returns the S3DirectroyInfo for the S3 account. + + + + + Returns the type of file system element. + + + + + Mimics the System.IO.FileInfo for a file in S3. It exposes properties and methods manipulating files in S3. + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the S3FileInfo class for the specified S3 bucket and S3 object key. + + S3 client which is used to access the S3 resources. + Name of the S3 bucket. + The S3 object key. + + + + + Copies this file's content to the file indicated by the S3 bucket and object key. + If the file already exists in S3 than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + S3 bucket to copy the file to. + S3 object key to copy the file to. + + + + S3FileInfo of the newly copied file. + + + + Copies this file's content to the file indicated by the S3 bucket and object key. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + S3 bucket to copy the file to. + S3 object key to copy the file to. + Determines whether the file can be overwritten. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false. + + + + S3FileInfo of the newly copied file. + + + + Copies this file to the target directory. + If the file already exists in S3 than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + Target directory where to copy the file to. + If the directory does not exist. + If the file already exists in S3. + + + S3FileInfo of the newly copied file. + + + + Copies this file to the target directory. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + Target directory where to copy the file to. + Determines whether the file can be overwritten. + If the directory does not exist. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false. + + + S3FileInfo of the newly copied file. + + + + Copies this file to the location indicated by the passed in S3FileInfo. + If the file already exists in S3 than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + The target location to copy this file to. + If the file already exists in S3. + + + S3FileInfo of the newly copied file. + + + + Copies this file to the location indicated by the passed in S3FileInfo. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + The target location to copy this file to. + Determines whether the file can be overwritten. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false. + + + S3FileInfo of the newly copied file. + + + + Copies from S3 to the local file system. + If the file already exists on the local file system than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + The path where to copy the file to. + If the file already exists locally. + + + FileInfo for the local file where file is copied to. + + + + Copies from S3 to the local file system. + If the file already exists on the local file system and overwrite is set to false than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + The path where to copy the file to. + Determines whether the file can be overwritten. + If the file already exists locally and overwrite is set to false. + + + FileInfo for the local file where file is copied to. + + + + Copies the file from the local file system to S3. + If the file already exists in S3 than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + Location of the file on the local file system to copy. + If the file already exists in S3. + + + S3FileInfo where the file is copied to. + + + + Copies the file from the local file system to S3. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + Location of the file on the local file system to copy. + Determines whether the file can be overwritten. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false. + + + S3FileInfo where the file is copied to. + + + + Returns a Stream that can be used to write data to S3. + + + The content will not be written to S3 until the Stream is closed. + + + + Stream to write content to. + + + + Returns a StreamWriter that can be used to write data to S3. + + + The content will not be written to S3 until the Stream is closed. + + + + Stream to write content to. + + + + Deletes the from S3. + + + + + + + Moves the file to a a new location in S3. + + Bucket to move the file to. + Object key to move the file to. + If the file already exists in S3. + + + + S3FileInfo for the target location. + + + + Moves the file to a a new location in S3. + + The target directory to copy to. + If the file already exists in S3. + + + + S3FileInfo for the target location. + + + + Moves the file to a a new location in S3. + + The target file to copy to. + If the file already exists in S3. + + + + S3FileInfo for the target location. + + + + Moves the file from S3 to the local file system in the location indicated by the path parameter. + + The location on the local file system to move the file to. + If the file already exists locally. + + + + FileInfo for the local file where file is moved to. + + + + Moves the file from the local file system to S3 in this directory. + If the file already exists in S3 than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + The local file system path where the files are to be moved. + If the file already exists locally. + + + + S3FileInfo where the file is moved to. + + + + Moves the file from the local file system to S3 in this directory. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false than an ArgumentException is thrown. + + The local file system path where the files are to be moved. + Determines whether the file can be overwritten. + If the file already exists in S3 and overwrite is set to false. + + + + S3FileInfo where the file is moved to. + + + + Returns a Stream for reading the contents of the file. + + The file is already open. + + + Stream to read from. + + + + Returns a StreamReader for reading the contents of the file. + + The file is already open. + + + StreamReader to read from. + + + + Returns a Stream for writing to S3. If the file already exists it will be overwritten. + + + The content will not be written to S3 until the Stream is closed. + + The file is already open. + + + Stream to write from. + + + + Replaces the destination file with the content of this file and then deletes the orignial file. If a backup location is specifed then the content of destination file is + backup to it. + + Destination bucket of this file will be copy to. + Destination object key of this file will be copy to. + Backup bucket to store the contents of the destination file. + Backup object key to store the contents of the destination file. + + + + + S3FileInfo of the destination file. + + + + Replaces the destination file with the content of this file and then deletes the orignial file. If a backupDir is specifed then the content of destination file is + backup to it. + + Where the contents of this file will be copy to. + If specified the destFile is backup to it. + + + + + S3FileInfo of the destination file. + + + + Replaces the destination file with the content of this file and then deletes the orignial file. If a backupFile is specifed then the content of destination file is + backup to it. + + Where the contents of this file will be copy to. + If specified the destFile is backup to it. + + + + + S3FileInfo of the destination file. + + + + Replaces the content of the destination file on the local file system with the content from this file from S3. + If a backup file is specified then the content of the destination file is backup to it. + + + + + + + + + + + + Implement the ToString method. + + + + + + Returns the parent S3DirectoryInfo. + + + + + The full name of parent directory. + + + + + Checks S3 if the file exists in S3 and return true if it does. + + + + + + + Gets the file's extension. + + + + + Returns the full path including the bucket. + + + + + Returns the last time the file was modified. + + + + + + + Returns the last time the fule was modified in UTC. + + + + + + + Returns the content length of the file. + + + + + + + Returns the file name without its directory name. + + + + + Returns the type of file system element. + + + + + Enumeration indicated whether a file system element is a file or directory. + + + + + Type is a directory. + + + + + Type is a file. + + +
diff --git a/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.dll b/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a52b3d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.dll.config b/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.dll.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a3c8b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.dll.config @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.pdb b/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0289e0c Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.pdb differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/ManagedOpenSsl.dll b/artifacts.core/ManagedOpenSsl.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9771658 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/ManagedOpenSsl.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/ManagedOpenSsl.xml b/artifacts.core/ManagedOpenSsl.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59ca26c --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/ManagedOpenSsl.xml @@ -0,0 +1,5736 @@ + + + + ManagedOpenSsl + + + + + Wraps ASN1_STRING_* + + + + + Calls ASN1_STRING_type_new() + + + + + Wrap existing native pointer + + + + + + + Calls ASN1_STRING_set() + + + + + + Returns ASN1_STRING_length() + + + + + Returns ASN1_STRING_data() + + + + + Calls ASN1_STRING_free() + + + + + Returns ASN1_STRING_cmp() + + + + + + + Base class for all openssl wrapped objects. + Contains the raw unmanaged pointer and has a Handle property to get access to it. + Also overloads the ToString() method with a BIO print. + + + + + Constructor which takes the raw unmanaged pointer. + This is the only way to construct this object and all derived types. + + + + + + + This finalizer just calls Dispose(). + + + + + This method is used by the ToString() implementation. A great number of + openssl objects support printing, so this is a convenience method. + Derived types should override this method and not ToString(). + + The BIO stream object to print into + + + + Override of ToString() which uses Print() into a BIO memory buffer. + + + + + + This method must be implemented in derived classes. + + + + + Do nothing in the base class. + + + + + + Implementation of the IDisposable interface. + If the native pointer is not null, we haven't been disposed, and we are the owner, + then call the virtual OnDispose() method. + + + + + gets/sets whether the object owns the Native pointer + + + + + Access to the raw unmanaged pointer. + + + + + Raw unmanaged pointer + + + + + If this object is the owner, then call the appropriate native free function. + + + + + This is to prevent double-deletion issues. + + + + + Helper type that handles the AddRef() method. + + + + + Derived classes must implement the LockType and RawReferenceType properties + + + + + Prints the current underlying reference count + + + + + Gets the reference count. + + The reference count. + + + + Helper base class that handles the AddRef() method by using a _dup() method. + + + + + Derived classes must use a _dup() method to make a copy of the underlying native data structure. + + + + + + Encapsulates the BIO_* functions. + + + + + Calls BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()) and then BIO_write() the buf + + + + + + Calls BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()) and then BIO_write() the str + + + + + + Calls BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()) + + + + + + + Factory method that calls BIO_new() with BIO_s_mem() + + + + + + Factory method that calls BIO_new_file() + + + + + + + + Factory method that calls BIO_new() with BIO_f_md() + + + + + + + Returns BIO_number_read() + + + + + Returns BIO_number_written() + + + + + Returns number of bytes buffered in the BIO - calls BIO_ctrl_pending + + + + + BIO Close Options + + + + + Don't close on free + + + + + Close on free + + + + + Calls BIO_set_close() + + + + + + Calls BIO_push() + + + + + + Calls BIO_write() + + + + + + Calls BIO_write() + + + + + + + Calls BIO_write() + + + + + + Calls BIO_write() + + + + + + Calls BIO_write() + + + + + + Calls BIO_puts() + + + + + + Calls BIO_read() + + + + + + + Calls BIO_gets() + + + + + + Returns the MessageDigestContext if this BIO's type if BIO_f_md() + + + + + + Calls BIO_free() + + + + + V_CRYPTO_MDEBUG_* + + + + + V_CRYPTO_MDEBUG_TIME + + + + + V_CRYPTO_MDEBUG_THREAD + + + + + V_CRYPTO_MDEBUG_ALL + + + + + CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_* + + + + + CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_OFF + for applications + + + + + CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ON + for applications + + + + + CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_ENABLE + for library-internal use + + + + + CRYPTO_MEM_CHECK_DISABLE + for library-internal use + + + + + Exposes the CRYPTO_* functions + + + + + Returns MD2_options() + + + + + Returns RC4_options() + + + + + Returns DES_options() + + + + + Returns idea_options() + + + + + Returns BF_options() + + + + + Calls CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data() + + + + + Calls ERR_clear_error() + + + + + Calls ERR_print_errors_cb() + + The errors. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Useful for tracking down memory leaks + + + + + Initialize memory routines + + + + + Begins memory tracking + + + + + Stops memory tracking and reports any leaks found since Start() was called. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + This is the low-level C-style interface to the crypto API. + Use this interface with caution. + + + + + This is the name of the DLL that P/Invoke loads and tries to bind all of + these native functions to. + + + + + #define OPENSSL_malloc(num) CRYPTO_malloc((int)num,__FILE__,__LINE__) + + + + + + + #define OPENSSL_free(addr) CRYPTO_free(addr) + + + + + To handle binary (in)compatibility + + + callback-specific data + + + + #define SSL_CTX_ctrl in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl() + + + + + + + + #define SSL_CTX_get_mode in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl + + + + + + + #define SSL_CTX_set_options in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl + + + + + + + + #define SSL_CTX_get_options in ssl.h - calls SSL_CTX_ctrl + + + Int32 representation of options set in the context + + + + This is a struct that contains a uint for the native openssl error code. + It provides helper methods to convert this error code into strings. + + + + + Constructs an OpenSslError object. + + The native error code + + + + Returns the native error code + + + + + Returns the result of ERR_lib_error_string() + + + + + Returns the results of ERR_reason_error_string() + + + + + Returns the results of ERR_func_error_string() + + + + + Returns the results of ERR_error_string_n() + + + + + Exception class to provide OpenSSL specific information when errors occur. + + + + + When this class is instantiated, GetErrorMessage() is called automatically. + This will call ERR_get_error() on the native openssl interface, once for every + error that is in the current context. The exception message is the concatenation + of each of these errors turned into strings using ERR_error_string_n(). + + + + + Returns the list of errors associated with this exception. + + + + + Callback prototype. Must return the password or prompt for one. + + + + + + + + Simple password callback that returns the contained password. + + + + + Constructs a PasswordCallback + + + + + + Suitable callback to be used as a PasswordHandler + + + + + + + + Exposes the RAND_* functions. + + + + + Calls RAND_seed() + + + + + + Calls RAND_seed() + + + + + + Calls RAND_pseudo_bytes() + + + + + + + Calls RAND_cleanup() + + + + + Calls RAND_bytes() + + + + + + + Calls RAND_add() + + + + + + + Calls RAND_load_file() + + + + + + + Calls RAND_write_file() + + + + + + Calls RAND_file_name() + + + + + + Returns RAND_status() + + + + + Calls RAND_query_egd_bytes() + + + + + + + + Calls RAND_egd() + + + + + + Calls RAND_egd_bytes() + + + + + + + Calls RAND_poll() + + + + + Calls BN_rand() + + + + + + + + + Function types + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Stack class can only contain objects marked with this interface. + + + + + Encapsulates the sk_* functions + + + + + + Calls sk_new_null() + + + + + Calls sk_shift() + + + + + + Calls sk_free() + + + + + Calls sk_dup() + + + + + + Returns sk_find() + + + + + + + Calls sk_insert() + + + + + + + Calls sk_delete() + + + + + + Indexer that returns sk_value() or calls sk_insert() + + + + + + + Calls sk_push() + + + + + + Clear all items from the stack + + + + + Returns true if the specified item exists in this stack. + + + + + + + Not implemented + + + + + + + Returns sk_num() + + + + + Returns false. + + + + + Calls sk_delete_ptr() + + + + + + + Returns an enumerator for this stack + + + + + + Contains the set of elements that make up a Version. + + + + + The kinds of status that + + + + + The status nibble has the value 0 + + + + + The status nibble is 1 to 14 (0x0e) + + + + + The status nibble is 0x0f + + + + + Returns the current version of the native library. + + + + + Returns the version that this wrapper is built for. + + + + + Create a Version from a raw uint value + + + + + + Major portion of the Version. + + + + + Minor portion of the Version. + + + + + Fix portion of the Version. + + + + + Patch portion of the Version. These should start at 'a' and continue to 'z'. + + + + + Status portion of the Version. + + + + + The raw uint value. + + + + + Returns the raw status portion of a Version. + + + + + Conversion to a string. + + + + + + SSLEAY_* constants used for with GetVersion() + + + + + SSLEAY_VERSION + + + + + SSLEAY_CFLAGS + + + + + SSLEAY_BUILT_ON + + + + + SSLEAY_PLATFORM + + + + + SSLEAY_DIR + + + + + Calls SSLeay_version() + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + + + + + 406 + + + + + 409 + + + + + 410 + + + + + 411 + + + + + 412 + + + + + 413 + + + + + 414 + + + + + 415 + + + + + 688 + + + + + 694 + + + + + 713 + + + + + 715 + + + + + 716 + + + + + 721 + + + + + 723 + + + + + 726 + + + + + 727 + + + + + 729 + + + + + 730 + + + + + 731 + + + + + 732 + + + + + 733 + + + + + 734 + + + + + 750 + + + + + + + + + + prime192v1 + + + + + Asn1 object. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Nid. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Sn. + + + + Gets the NID. + + The NID. + + + + Gets the short name. + + The short name. + + + + Gets the long name. + + The long name. + + + + Froms the short name. + + The short name. + Sn. + + + + Froms the long name. + + The long name. + Sn. + + + + Determines whether the specified is equal to the current . + + The to compare with the current . + true if the specified is equal to the current + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Serves as a hash function for a object. + + A hash code for this instance that is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as a hash table. + + + + Wraps the BN_* set of functions. + + + + + Creates a BigNumber object by calling BN_value_one() + + + + + Calls BN_options() + + + + + Calls BN_new() + + + + + Calls BN_dup() on the BigNumber passed in. + + + + + + Creates a BigNumber by calling BN_set_word() + + + + + + Calls BN_dec2bn() + + + + + + + Calls BN_hex2bn() + + + + + + + Calls BN_bin2bn() + + + + + + + Calls BN_bn2dec() + + + + + + Calls BN_bn2hex() + + + + + + Calls BN_get_word() + + + + + + + Creates a new BigNumber object from a uint. + + + + + + + Calls BN_bn2bin() + + + + + + + Calls BN_bn2bin() + + + + + + Returns BN_num_bits() + + + + + Converts the result of Bits into the number of bytes. + + + + + Calls BN_clear() + + + + + Calls BN_rand_range() + + + + + + + Calls BN_pseudo_rand() + + + + + + + + + Calls BN_pseudo_rand_range() + + + + + + + Calls BN_add() + + + + + + + + Calls BN_sub() + + + + + + + + Determines if lhs is by-value equal to rhs + + + + + + + + Determines if lhs is by-value different than rhs + + + + + + + + Calls BN_cmp() + + + + + + + Creates a hash code by converting this object to a decimal string and + returns the hash code of that string. + + + + + + Calls BN_print() + + + + + + Calls BN_free() + + + + + Calls BN_cmp() + + + + + + + Generator callback. Used mostly for status indications for long- + running generator functions. + + + + + + + + + Wraps BN_CTX + + + + + Calls BN_CTX_new() + + + + + Returns BN_CTX_get() + + + + + Calls BN_CTX_start() + + + + + Calls BN_CTX_end() + + + + + Calls BN_CTX_free() + + + + + Threading. + + + + + Initialize this instance. + + + + + Cleanup this instance. + + + + + Wraps the EVP_CIPHER object. + + + + + Prints the LongName of this cipher. + + + + + + Not implemented, these objects should never be disposed + + + + + Returns EVP_get_cipherbyname() + + + + + + + Calls OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted(OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH) + + + + + Calls OBJ_NAME_do_all(OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH) + + + + + EVP_enc_null() + + + + + EVP_des_ecb() + + + + + EVP_des_ede() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3() + + + + + EVP_des_ede_ecb() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3_ecb() + + + + + EVP_des_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_des_cfb1() + + + + + EVP_des_cfb8() + + + + + EVP_des_ede_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3_cfb1() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3_cfb8() + + + + + EVP_des_ofb() + + + + + EVP_ded_ede_ofb() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3_ofb() + + + + + EVP_des_cbc() + + + + + EVP_des_ede_cbc() + + + + + EVP_des_ede3_cbc() + + + + + EVP_desx_cbc() + + + + + EVP_rc4() + + + + + EVP_rc4_40() + + + + + EVP_idea_ecb() + + + + + EVP_idea_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_idea_ofb() + + + + + EVP_idea_cbc() + + + + + EVP_rc2_ecb() + + + + + EVP_rc2_cbc() + + + + + EVP_rc2_40_cbc() + + + + + EVP_rc2_64_cbc() + + + + + EVP_rc2_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_rc2_ofb() + + + + + EVP_bf_ecb() + + + + + EVP_bf_cbc() + + + + + EVP_bf_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_bf_ofb() + + + + + EVP_cast5_ecb() + + + + + EVP_cast5_cbc() + + + + + EVP_cast5_cfb64() + + + + + EVP_cast5_ofb() + + + + + EVP_aes_128_ecb() + + + + + EVP_aes_128_cbc() + + + + + EVP_aes_128_cfb1() + + + + + EVP_aes_128_cfb8() + + + + + EVP_aes_128_cfb128() + + + + + EVP_aes_128_ofb() + + + + + EVP_aes_192_ecb() + + + + + EVP_aes_192_cbc() + + + + + EVP_aes_192_cfb1() + + + + + EVP_aes_192_cfb8() + + + + + EVP_aes_192_cfb128() + + + + + EVP_aes_192_ofb() + + + + + EVP_aes_256_ecb() + + + + + EVP_aes_256_cbc() + + + + + EVP_aes_256_cfb1() + + + + + EVP_aes_256_cfb8() + + + + + EVP_aes_256_cfb128() + + + + + EVP_aes_256_ofb() + + + + + Returns the key_len field + + + + + Returns the iv_len field + + + + + Returns the block_size field + + + + + Returns the flags field + + + + + Returns the long name for the nid field using OBJ_nid2ln() + + + + + Returns the name for the nid field using OBJ_nid2sn() + + + + + Returns EVP_CIPHER_type() + + + + + Returns the long name for the type using OBJ_nid2ln() + + + + + Simple struct to encapsulate common parameters for crypto functions + + + + + The key for a crypto operation + + + + + The IV (Initialization Vector) + + + + + The payload (contains plaintext or ciphertext) + + + + + Wraps the EVP_CIPHER_CTX object. + + + + + Calls OPENSSL_malloc() and initializes the buffer using EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init() + + + + + + Returns the cipher's LongName + + + + + + Calls EVP_OpenInit() and EVP_OpenFinal() + + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_SealInit() and EVP_SealFinal() + + + + + + + + Encrypts or decrypts the specified payload. + + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_CipherInit_ex(), EVP_CipherUpdate(), and EVP_CipherFinal_ex() + + + + + + + + + + + Encrypts the specified plaintext + + + + + + + + + Decrypts the specified ciphertext + + + + + + + + + Encrypts the specified plaintext + + + + + + + + + + Decrypts the specified ciphertext + + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_BytesToKey + + + + + + + + + + + Returns the EVP_CIPHER for this context. + + + + + Returns if EVP_CIPH_STREAM_CIPHER is set in flags + + + + + Calls EVP_CIPHER_CTX_clean() and then OPENSSL_free() + + + + + Wraps the native OpenSSL EVP_PKEY object + + + + + Set of types that this CryptoKey can be. + + + + + EVP_PKEY_RSA + + + + + EVP_PKEY_DSA + + + + + EVP_PKEY_DH + + + + + EVP_PKEY_EC + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_new() + + + + + Returns a copy of this object. + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA() + + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_set1_RSA() + + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_set1_EC() + + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_set1_DH() + + + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_type() + + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_bits() + + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_size() + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_assign() + + Key. + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_assign() + + Key. + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_assign() + + Key. + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_assign() + + Key. + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA() + + + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_get1_DH() + + + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA() + + + + + + Returns EVP_PKEY_get1_EC() + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_PKEY_free() + + + + + Returns CompareTo(obj) + + + + + + + + + + + + + Calls appropriate Print() based on the type. + + + + + + Encapsulates the native openssl Diffie-Hellman functions (DH_*) + + + + + Constant generator value of 2. + + + + + Constant generator value of 5. + + + + + Flags for the return value of DH_check(). + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Calls DH_generate_parameters() + + + + + + + Calls DH_generate_parameters_ex() + + + + + + + + + Calls DH_new(). + + + + + Calls DH_new(). + + + + + + + Calls DH_new(). + + + + + + + + + Factory method that calls FromParametersPEM() to deserialize + a DH object from a PEM-formatted string. + + + + + + + Factory method that calls PEM_read_bio_DHparams() to deserialize + a DH object from a PEM-formatted string using the BIO interface. + + + + + + + Factory method that calls XXX() to deserialize + a DH object from a DER-formatted buffer using the BIO interface. + + + + + + + Calls DH_generate_key(). + + + + + Calls DH_compute_key(). + + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_DHparams(). + + + + + + Calls ASN1_i2d_bio() with the i2d = i2d_DHparams(). + + + + + + Calls DHparams_print(). + + + + + + Calls DH_check(). + + + + + + Accessor for the p value. + + + + + Accessor for the g value. + + + + + Accessor for the pub_key value. + + + + + Accessor for the priv_key value. + + + + + Creates a BIO.MemoryBuffer(), calls WriteParametersPEM() into this buffer, + then returns the buffer as a string. + + + + + Creates a BIO.MemoryBuffer(), calls WriteParametersDER() into this buffer, + then returns the buffer. + + + + + Sets or clears the FlagNoExpConstTime bit in the flags field. + + + + + Calls DH_free(). + + + + + Wraps the DSA_* functions + + + + + Calls DSA_new() then DSA_generate_parameters_ex() + + + + + Calls DSA_new() then DSA_generate_parameters_ex() + + + + + + + + Calls DSA_new() then DSA_generate_parameters_ex() + + + + + + + + + + Returns PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + Returns PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + Returns PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey() + + + + + + + Returns PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey() + + + + + + + Returns the p field + + + + + Returns the q field + + + + + Returns the g field + + + + + Returns DSA_size() + + + + + Returns the pub_key field + + + + + Returns the priv_key field + + + + + Returns the pub_key field as a PEM string + + + + + Returns the priv_key field as a PEM string + + + + + Returns the counter + + + + + Returns the h value + + + + + Accessor for the FlagNoExpConstTime flag + + + + + Calls DSA_generate_key() + + + + + Returns DSA_sign() + + + + + + + Returns DSA_verify() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_DSA_PUBKEY() + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey() + + + + + + + + + Calls DSA_print() + + + + + + Calls DSA_free() + + + + + If both objects have a private key, those are compared. + Otherwise just the params and public keys are compared. + + + + + + + Xor of the params, public key, and optionally the private key + + + + + + Wraps HMAC + + + + + Calls OPENSSL_malloc() and then HMAC_CTX_init() + + + + + Calls HMAC() + + + + + + + + + Calls HMAC_Init_ex() + + + + + + + Calls HMAC_Update() + + + + + + Calls HMAC_Update() + + + + + + + + Calls HMAC_Final() + + + + + + Calls HMAC_CTX_cleanup() and then OPENSSL_free() + + + + + Wraps the EVP_MD object + + + + + Creates a EVP_MD struct + + + + + + + Prints MessageDigest + + + + + + Not implemented, these objects should never be disposed. + + + + + Calls EVP_get_digestbyname() + + + + + + + Calls OBJ_NAME_do_all_sorted(OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH) + + + + + Calls OBJ_NAME_do_all(OBJ_NAME_TYPE_CIPHER_METH) + + + + + EVP_md_null() + + + + + EVP_md4() + + + + + EVP_md5() + + + + + EVP_sha() + + + + + EVP_sha1() + + + + + EVP_sha224() + + + + + EVP_sha256() + + + + + EVP_sha384() + + + + + EVP_sha512() + + + + + EVP_dss() + + + + + EVP_dss1() + + + + + EVP_ripemd160() + + + + + EVP_ecdsa() + + + + + Returns the block_size field + + + + + Returns the md_size field + + + + + Returns the type field using OBJ_nid2ln() + + + + + Returns the type field using OBJ_nid2sn() + + + + + Wraps the EVP_MD_CTX object + + + + + Calls BIO_get_md_ctx() then BIO_get_md() + + + + + + Calls EVP_MD_CTX_create() then EVP_MD_CTX_init() + + + + + + Prints the long name + + + + + + Calls EVP_DigestInit_ex(), EVP_DigestUpdate(), and EVP_DigestFinal_ex() + + + + + + + Calls EVP_DigestInit_ex() + + + + + Calls EVP_DigestUpdate() + + + + + + Calls EVP_DigestFinal_ex() + + + + + + Calls EVP_SignFinal() + + + + + + + Calls EVP_VerifyFinal() + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_DigestInit_ex(), EVP_DigestUpdate(), and EVP_SignFinal() + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_SignFinal() + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_DigestInit_ex(), EVP_DigestUpdate(), and EVP_VerifyFinal() + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_VerifyFinal() + + + + + + + + + + Calls EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup() and EVP_MD_CTX_destroy() + + + + + Wraps the RSA_* functions + + + + + RSA padding scheme + + + + + RSA_PKCS1_PADDING + + + + + RSA_SSLV23_PADDING + + + + + RSA_NO_PADDING + + + + + RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING + Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding + + + + + RSA_X931_PADDING + + + + + Calls RSA_new() + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey() + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY() + + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey() + + + + + + + + + Returns RSA_size() + + + + + Not finished + + + + + Accessor for the e field + + + + + Accessor for the n field + + + + + Accessor for the d field + + + + + Accessor for the p field + + + + + Accessor for the q field + + + + + Accessor for the dmp1 field. + d mod (p-1) + + + + + Accessor for the dmq1 field. + d mod (q-1) + + + + + Accessor for the iqmp field. + q^-1 mod p + + + + + Returns the public key field as a PEM string + + + + + Returns the private key field as a PEM string + + + + + Calls RSA_generate_key_ex() + + + + + + + + + Calls RSA_public_encrypt() + + + + + + + + Calls RSA_private_encrypt() + + + + + + + + Calls RSA_public_decrypt() + + + + + + + + Calls RSA_private_decrypt() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_RSA_PUBKEY() + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_RSAPrivateKey() + + + + + + + + + Returns RSA_check_key() + + + + + + Calls RSA_print() + + + + + + Calls RSA_free() + + + + + Wraps EC_KEY + + + + + Compute key handler. + + + + + Calls EC_KEY_new() + + + + + Calls EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name() + + The curve name. + Object. + + + + Calls ECDSA_size() + + The size. + + + + EC_KEY_get0_group()/Calls EC_KEY_set_group() + + The group. + + + + Calls EC_KEY_get0_public_key() + + The public key. + + + + Calls EC_KEY_get0_private_key() + + The private key. + + + + Calls EC_KEY_generate_key() + + + + + Calls EC_KEY_check_key() + + true, if key was checked, false otherwise. + + + + Calls ECDSA_do_sign() + + Digest. + + + + Calls ECDSA_sign() + + Type. + Digest. + Sig. + + + + Calls ECDSA_do_verify() + + Digest. + Sig. + + + + Calls ECDSA_verify() + + Type. + Digest. + Sig. + + + + Calls ECDH_compute_key() + + The key. + The blue component. + Buffer. + Kdf. + + + + This method must be implemented in derived classes. + + + + + + + + + + Calls EC_GROUP_new() + + + + + + Calls EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name() + + + + + + + Calls EC_GROUP_get_degree() + + + + + Calls EC_GROUP_method_of() + + + + + Calls EC_GROUP_free() + + + + + Wraps EC_builtin_curve + + + + + Returns obj + + + + + Returns comment + + + + + Calls EC_get_builtin_curves() + + + + + + + + + + + Returns EC_GFp_simple_method() + + + + + Returns EC_GFp_mont_method() + + + + + Returns EC_GFp_nist_method() + + + + + Returns EC_GF2m_simple_method() + + + + + Returns EC_METHOD_get_field_type() + + + + + + + + + + Wraps ECDSA_SIG_st + + + + + Calls ECDSA_SIG_new() + + + + + Returns R + + + + + Returns S + + + + + Calls ECDSA_SIG_free() + + + + + Wraps EC_POINT + + + + + Calls EC_POINT_new() + + + + + + Calls EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GF2m() + + + + + + + + Calls EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp() + + + + + + + + Calls EC_POINT_free() + + + + + Wraps X509V3_CTX + + + + + Calls OPENSSL_malloc() + + + + + Calls X509V3_set_ctx() + + + + + + + + X509V3_set_ctx_nodb - sets the db pointer to NULL + + + + + Calls X509V3_set_nconf() + + + + + + Calls OPENSSL_free() + + + + + Wraps the NCONF_* functions + + + + + Calls NCONF_new() + + + + + Calls NCONF_load() + + + + + + Calls NCONF_load() + + + + + + Creates a X509v3Context(), calls X509V3_set_ctx() on it, then calls + X509V3_EXT_add_nconf() + + + + + + + + + Calls NCONF_free() + + + + + Simple encapsulation of a local identity. + This includes the private key and the X509Certificate. + + + + + Construct an Identity with a private key + + + + + + Returns the embedded public key of the X509Certificate + + + + + Returns the private key + + + + + Returns the X509Certificate + + + + + Create a X509Request for this identity, using the specified name. + + + + + + + Create a X509Request for this identity, using the specified name and digest. + + + + + + + + Verify that the specified chain can be trusted. + + + + + + + + Wraps PCKS12_* + + + + + Password-Based Encryption (from PKCS #5) + + + + + + + + + + NID_pbeWithMD2AndDES_CBC + + + + + NID_pbeWithMD5AndDES_CBC + + + + + NID_pbeWithMD2AndRC2_CBC + + + + + NID_pbeWithMD5AndRC2_CBC + + + + + NID_pbeWithSHA1AndDES_CBC + + + + + NID_pbeWithSHA1AndRC2_CBC + + + + + NID_pbe_WithSHA1And128BitRC4 + + + + + NID_pbe_WithSHA1And40BitRC4 + + + + + NID_pbe_WithSHA1And3_Key_TripleDES_CBC + + + + + NID_pbe_WithSHA1And2_Key_TripleDES_CBC + + + + + NID_pbe_WithSHA1And128BitRC2_CBC + + + + + NID_pbe_WithSHA1And40BitRC2_CBC + + + + + This is a non standard extension that is only currently interpreted by MSIE + + + + + omit the flag from the private key + + + + + the key can be used for signing only + + + + + the key can be used for signing and encryption + + + + + Calls PKCS12_create() + + + + + + + + + Calls PKCS12_create() with more options + + + friendly name + + + + How to encrypt the key + How to encrypt the certificate + # of iterations during encryption + + + + + Calls d2i_PKCS12_bio() and then PKCS12_parse() + + + + + + + Calls i2d_PKCS12_bio() + + + + + + Returns the Certificate, with the PrivateKey attached if there is one. + + + + + Returns a stack of CA Certificates + + + + + Calls PKCS12_free() + + + + + Wraps PKCS7 + + + + + Calls d2i_PKCS7_bio() + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_PKCS7() + + + + + + + Extracts the X509Chain of certificates from the internal PKCS7 structure + + + + + Calls PKCS7_free() + + + + + Wraps the X509 object + + + + + Calls X509_new() + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_X509() + + + + + + Factory method that returns a X509 using d2i_X509_bio() + + + + + + + Factory method to create a X509Certificate from a PKCS7 encoded in PEM + + + + + + + Factory method to create a X509Certificate from a PKCS7 encoded in DER + + + + + + + Factory method to create a X509Certificate from a PKCS12 + + + + + + + + Creates a new X509 certificate + + + + + + + + + + + Uses X509_get_subject_name() and X509_set_issuer_name() + + + + + Uses X509_get_issuer_name() and X509_set_issuer_name() + + + + + Uses X509_get_serialNumber() and X509_set_serialNumber() + + + + + Uses the notBefore field and X509_set_notBefore() + + + + + Uses the notAfter field and X509_set_notAfter() + + + + + Uses the version field and X509_set_version() + + + + + Uses X509_get_pubkey() and X509_set_pubkey() + + + + + Returns whether or not a Private Key is attached to this Certificate + + + + + Gets and Sets the Private Key for this Certificate. + The Private Key MUST match the Public Key. + + + + + Returns the PEM formatted string of this object + + + + + Returns the DER formatted byte array for this object + + + + + Returns a copy of this object. + + + + + + Calls X509_sign() + + + + + + + Returns X509_check_private_key() + + + + + + + Returns X509_check_trust() + + + + + + + + Returns X509_verify() + + + + + + + Returns X509_digest() + + + + + + + + Returns X509_pubkey_digest() + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_X509() + + + + + + Calls i2d_X509_bio() + + + + + + Calls X509_print() + + + + + + Converts a X509 into a request using X509_to_X509_REQ() + + + + + + + + Calls X509_add_ext() + + + + + + Calls X509_add1_ext_i2d() + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Calls X509_free() + + + + + Compares X509Certificate + + + + + + + Returns the hash code of the issuer's oneline xor'd with the serial number + + + + + + Returns X509_cmp() + + + + + + + Used for generating sequence numbers by the CertificateAuthority + + + + + Returns the next available sequence number + + + + + + Implements the ISequenceNumber interface. + The sequence number is read from a file, incremented, + then written back to the file + + + + + Constructs a FileSerialNumber. The path specifies where + the serial number should be read and written to. + + + + + + Implements the Next() method of the ISequenceNumber interface. + The sequence number is read from a file, incremented, + then written back to the file + + + + + + Simple implementation of the ISequenceNumber interface. + + + + + Construct a SimpleSerialNumber with the initial sequence number set to 0. + + + + + Construct a SimpleSerialNumber with the initial sequence number + set to the value specified by the seed parameter. + + + + + + Returns the next available sequence number. + This implementation simply increments the current + sequence number and returns it. + + + + + + High-level interface which does the job of a CA (Certificate Authority) + Duties include processing incoming X509 requests and responding + with signed X509 certificates, signed by this CA's private key. + + + + + Factory method which creates a X509CertifiateAuthority where + the internal certificate is self-signed + + + + + + + + + + + Factory method that creates a X509CertificateAuthority instance with + an internal self signed certificate + + + + + + + + + + + + + Factory method that creates a X509CertificateAuthority instance with + an internal self signed certificate. This method allows creation without + the need for the Configuration file, X509V3Extensions may be added + with the X509V3ExtensionList parameter + + + + + + + + + + + + + Constructs a X509CertifcateAuthority with the specified parameters. + + + + + + + + Accessor to the CA's X509 Certificate + + + + + Accessor to the CA's key used for signing. + + + + + Process an X509Request. This includes creating a new X509Certificate + and signing this certificate with this CA's private key. + + + + + + + + + + + Process an X509Request. This includes creating a new X509Certificate + and signing this certificate with this CA's private key. + + + + + + + + + + + + Dispose the key, certificate, and the configuration + + + + + Contains a chain X509_INFO objects. + + + + + Default null constructor + + + + + Creates a chain from a BIO. Expects the stream to contain + a collection of X509_INFO objects in PEM format by calling + PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio() + + + + + + Creates a new chain from the specified PEM-formatted string + + + + + + Returns X509_find_by_issuer_and_serial() + + + + + + + + Returns X509_find_by_subject() + + + + + + + A List for X509Certificate types. + + + + + Creates an empty X509List + + + + + Calls PEM_x509_INFO_read_bio() + + + + + + Populates this list from a PEM-formatted string + + + + + + Populates this list from a DER buffer. + + + + + + Wraps the X509_EXTENSION object + + + + + Calls X509_EXTENSION_new() + + + + + Calls X509V3_EXT_conf_nid() + + + + + + + + + + Calls X509V3_EXT_conf_nid() + + + + + + + + + Uses X509_EXTENSION_get_object() and OBJ_nid2ln() + + + + + Uses X509_EXTENSION_get_object() and OBJ_obj2nid() + + + + + returns X509_EXTENSION_get_critical() + + + + + Returns X509_EXTENSION_get_data() + + + + + Calls X509_EXTENSION_free() + + + + + Calls X509V3_EXT_print() + + + + + + Calls X509_EXTENSION_dup() + + + + + + X509 Extension entry + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Encapsulates the X509_NAME_* functions + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_new() + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_dup() + + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_new() + + + + + + Parses the string and returns an X509Name based on value. + + + + + + + Returns X509_NAME_oneline() + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'CN' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'C' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'L' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'ST' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'O' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'OU' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'G' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'S' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'I' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'UID' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'SN' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'T' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'D' + + + + + Accessor to the name entry for 'X509' + + + + + Returns X509_NAME_entry_count() + + + + + Indexer to a name entry by name + + + + + + + Indexer to a name entry by index + + + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID after converting the + name to a NID using OBJ_txt2nid() + + + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID() + + + + + + + Returns X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID() + + + + + + + Returns X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID() after converting the name + into a NID using OBJ_txt2nid() + + + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID() + + + + + + + + Returns the index of a name entry using GetIndexByNid() + + + + + + + + Returns the index of a name entry using GetIndexByNid() + + + + + + + Returns true if the name entry with the specified name exists. + + + + + + + Returns X509_NAME_digest() + + + + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_print_ex() + + + + + + Calls X509_NAME_free() + + + + + Returns CompareTo(rhs) == 0 + + + + + Returns ToString().GetHashCode() + + + + + Returns X509_NAME_cmp() + + + + + + + Wraps the X509_OBJECT: a glorified union + + + + + Returns a Certificate if the type is X509_LU_X509 + + + + + Returns the PrivateKey if the type is X509_LU_PKEY + + + + + Calls X509_OBJECT_up_ref_count() + + + + + Calls X509_OBJECT_free_contents() + + + + + Wraps a X509_REQ object. + + + + + Calls X509_REQ_new() + + + + + Calls X509_REQ_new() and then initializes version, subject, and key. + + + + + + + + Calls PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ() + + + + + + Creates a X509_REQ from a PEM formatted string. + + + + + + Accessor to the version field. The settor calls X509_REQ_set_version(). + + + + + Accessor to the pubkey field. Uses X509_REQ_get_pubkey() and X509_REQ_set_pubkey() + + + + + Accessor to the subject field. Setter calls X509_REQ_set_subject_name(). + + + + + Returns the PEM formatted string for this object. + + + + + Sign this X509Request using the supplied key and digest. + + + + + + + Verify this X509Request against the supplied key. + + + + + + + Digest the specified type and digest. + + Type. + Digest. + + + + Calls X509_REQ_print() + + + + + + Calls PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ() + + + + + + Calls i2d_X509_REQ_bio() + + + + + + Converts this request into a certificate using X509_REQ_to_X509(). + + + + + + + + Add the extensions to the request using X509_REQ_add_extensions(). + + + + + + Calls X509_REQ_free() + + + + + Wraps the X509_STORE object + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_new() + + + + + Initializes the X509Store object with a pre-existing native X509_STORE pointer + + + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_new() and then adds the specified chain as trusted. + + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_new() and then adds the specified chain as trusted. + + + + + + + Wraps the objs member on the raw X509_STORE structure + + + + + Accessor to the untrusted list + + + + + Returns the trusted state of the specified certificate + + + + + + + + Adds a chain to the trusted list. + + + + + + Adds a certificate to the trusted list, calls X509_STORE_add_cert() + + + + + + Add an untrusted certificate + + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_free() + + + + + Wraps the X509_STORE_CTX object + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_CTX_new() + + + + + Returns X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert() + + + + + Returns X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth() + + + + + Getter returns X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(), setter calls X509_STORE_CTX_set_error() + + + + + Returns an X509Store based on this context + + + + + Returns X509_verify_cert_error_string() + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_CTX_init() + + + + + + + + Returns X509_verify_cert() + + + + + + Calls X509_STORE_CTX_free() + + + + + X509_V_* + + + + + X509_V_OK + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CERT_SIGNATURE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECRYPT_CRL_SIGNATURE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DECODE_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_SIGNATURE_FAILURE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CRL_SIGNATURE_FAILURE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CRL_NOT_YET_VALID + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CRL_HAS_EXPIRED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_BEFORE_FIELD + + + + + X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CERT_NOT_AFTER_FIELD + + + + + X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_LAST_UPDATE_FIELD + + + + + X509_V_ERR_ERROR_IN_CRL_NEXT_UPDATE_FIELD + + + + + X509_V_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM + + + + + X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT + + + + + X509_V_ERR_SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_CHAIN_TOO_LONG + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_REVOKED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_INVALID_CA + + + + + X509_V_ERR_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_INVALID_PURPOSE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_UNTRUSTED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_CERT_REJECTED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_SUBJECT_ISSUER_MISMATCH + + + + + X509_V_ERR_AKID_SKID_MISMATCH + + + + + X509_V_ERR_AKID_ISSUER_SERIAL_MISMATCH + + + + + X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CERTSIGN + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_CRL_ISSUER + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNHANDLED_CRITICAL_EXTENSION + + + + + X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_CRL_SIGN + + + + + X509_V_ERR_UNHANDLED_CRITICAL_CRL_EXTENSION + + + + + X509_V_ERR_INVALID_NON_CA + + + + + X509_V_ERR_PROXY_PATH_LENGTH_EXCEEDED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_KEYUSAGE_NO_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE + + + + + X509_V_ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATES_NOT_ALLOWED + + + + + X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Implements an AuthenticatedStream and is the main interface to the SSL library. + + + + + Create an SslStream based on an existing stream. + + + + + + Create an SslStream based on an existing stream. + + + + + + + Create an SslStream based on an existing stream. + + + + + + + + Create an SslStream based on an existing stream. + + + + + + + + + Returns whether authentication was successful. + + + + + Indicates whether data sent using this SslStream is encrypted. + + + + + Indicates whether both server and client have been authenticated. + + + + + Indicates whether the local side of the connection was authenticated as the server. + + + + + Indicates whether the data sent using this stream is signed. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing. + + + + + Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device. + + + + + Gets the length in bytes of the stream. + + + + + Gets or sets the position within the current stream. + + + + + Gets or sets a value, in milliseconds, that determines how long the stream will attempt to read before timing out. + + + + + Gets or sets a value, in milliseconds, that determines how long the stream will attempt to write before timing out. + + + + + Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read. + + + + + + + + + Begins an asynchronous read operation. + + + + + + + + + + + Waits for the pending asynchronous read to complete. + + + + + + + Not supported + + + + + + + + Sets the length of the current stream. + + + + + + Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written. + + + + + + + + Begins an asynchronous write operation. + + + + + + + + + + + Ends an asynchronous write operation. + + + + + + Closes the current stream and releases any resources + (such as sockets and file handles) associated with the current stream. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets the ssl. + + The ssl. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Override to implement client/server specific handshake processing + + + + + + Renegotiate session keys - calls SSL_renegotiate + + + + + Ssl. + + + + + Calls SSL_new() + + + + + + Gets the current cipher. + + The current cipher. + + + + Gets the alpn selected protocol. + + The alpn selected protocol. + + + + Calls SSL_free() + + + + + Wraps a SSL_CIPHER + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Ptr. + If set to true owner. + + + + see https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html + for details about OpenSSL cipher string + + The string. + SSL protocols. + SSL strength. + + + + Returns SSL_CIPHER_get_name() + + + + + Returns SSL_CIPHER_description() + + + + + Returns SSL_CIPHER_get_version() + + The version. + + + + Returns SSL_CIPHER_get_bits() + + + + + This method must be implemented in derived classes. + + + + + Wraps the SST_CTX structure and methods + + + + + Calls SSL_CTX_new() + + + + + + + + Calls SSL_CTX_set_options + + + + + Sets the certificate store for the context - calls SSL_CTX_set_cert_store + The X509Store object and contents will be freed when the context is disposed. + Ensure that the store object and it's contents have IsOwner set to false + before assigning them into the context. + + + + + + Sets the certificate verification mode and callback - calls SSL_CTX_set_verify + + + + + + + Sets the certificate verification depth - calls SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth + + + + + + Calls SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list/SSL_CTX_get_client_CA_list + The Stack and the X509Name objects contined within them + are freed when the context is disposed. Make sure that + the Stack and X509Name objects have set IsOwner to false + before assigning them to the context. + + + + + base override - calls SSL_CTX_free() + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SSL_FILETYPE_* + + + + + SSL_FILETYPE_PEM + + + + + SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1 + + + + + Options enumeration for Options property + + + + + no effect since 0.9.7h and 0.9.8b + + + + + The next flag deliberately changes the ciphertest, this is a check + for the PKCS#1 attack + + + + + Allow SSL_write(..., n) to return r with 0 < r < n (i.e. report success + when just a single record has been written): + + + + + Make it possible to retry SSL_write() with changed buffer location + (buffer contents must stay the same!); this is not the default to avoid + the misconception that non-blocking SSL_write() behaves like + non-blocking write(): + + + + + Never bother the application with retries if the transport + is blocking: + + + + + Don't attempt to automatically build certificate chain + + + + + Wraps the SSL_METHOD structure and methods + + + + + Throws NotImplementedException() + + + + + SSLv3_method() + + + + + SSLv3_server_method() + + + + + SSLv3_client_method() + + + + + SSLv23_method() + + + + + SSLv23_server_method() + + + + + SSLv23_client_method() + + + + + TLSv1_method() + + + + + TLSv1_server_method() + + + + + TLSv1_client_method() + + + + + TLSv11_method() + + + + + TLSv11_server_method() + + + + + TLSv11_client_method() + + + + + TLSv12_method() + + + + + TLSv12_server_method() + + + + + TLSv12_client_method() + + + + + DTLSv1_method() + + + + + DTLSv1_server_method() + + + + + DTLSv1_client_method() + + + + + Alpn exception. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Message. + + + + Sni callback. + + + + + see 12 -> 3.1. HTTP/2 Version Identification + + + + + The http2. + + + + + The http2 no tls. + + + + + The http1. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Enum extensions. + + + + + Determines if has flag the specified value flag. + + true if has flag the specified value flag; otherwise, false. + Value. + Flag. + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc55382 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.xml b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7d4a8a --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC.xml @@ -0,0 +1,2582 @@ + + + + Microsoft.Azure.Graph.RBAC + + + + + ApplicationOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the GraphRbacManagementClient + + + + + Create a new application. + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete an application. + + + Application object id + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get an application by object Id. + + + Application object id + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Update existing application. + + + Application object id + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a new application. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + + + Create a new application. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete an application. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Application object id + + + + + Delete an application. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Application object id + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get an application by object Id. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Application object id + + + + + Get an application by object Id. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Application object id + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Update existing application. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Application object id + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + + + Update existing application. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Application object id + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure + subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service + call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the tenant Id. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. + Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and + included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GraphRbacManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes client properties. + + + + + GroupOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the GraphRbacManagementClient + + + + + Remove a memeber from a group + + + Group object id + + + Member Object id + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Add a memeber to a group. + + + Group object id + + + Member Object Url as + https://graph.windows.net/contoso.onmicrosoft.com/directoryObjects/f260bbc4-c254-447b-94cf-293b5ec434dd + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a group in the directory. + + + Object id + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a group in the directory. + + + Parameters to create a group + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + Group object Id who's members should be retrieved. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets group information from the directory. + + + User objectId to get group information. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of which the + group is a member. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Remove a memeber from a group + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group object id + + + Member Object id + + + + + Remove a memeber from a group + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group object id + + + Member Object id + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Add a memeber to a group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group object id + + + Member Object Url as + https://graph.windows.net/contoso.onmicrosoft.com/directoryObjects/f260bbc4-c254-447b-94cf-293b5ec434dd + + + + + Add a memeber to a group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group object id + + + Member Object Url as + https://graph.windows.net/contoso.onmicrosoft.com/directoryObjects/f260bbc4-c254-447b-94cf-293b5ec434dd + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a group in the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Object id + + + + + Delete a group in the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Object id + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a group in the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create a group + + + + + Create a group in the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create a group + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group object Id who's members should be retrieved. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group object Id who's members should be retrieved. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets group information from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + User objectId to get group information. + + + + + Gets group information from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + User objectId to get group information. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of which the + group is a member. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of which the + group is a member. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ApplicationOperations operations. + + + + + Create a new application. + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete an application. + + + Application object id + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get an application by object Id. + + + Application object id + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Update existing application. + + + Application object id + + + Parameters to create an application. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft + Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for + every service call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the tenant Id. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running + Operations. Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is + generated and included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + GroupOperations operations. + + + + + Remove a memeber from a group + + + Group object id + + + Member Object id + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Add a memeber to a group. + + + Group object id + + + Member Object Url as + https://graph.windows.net/contoso.onmicrosoft.com/directoryObjects/f260bbc4-c254-447b-94cf-293b5ec434dd + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a group in the directory. + + + Object id + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a group in the directory. + + + Parameters to create a group + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + Group object Id who's members should be retrieved. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets group information from the directory. + + + User objectId to get group information. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of + which the group is a member. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + Group filtering parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of groups for the current tenant. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the members of a group. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ObjectsOperations operations. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + Objects filtering parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ServicePrincipalOperations operations. + + + + + Creates a service principal in the directory. + + + Parameters to create a service principal. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes service principal from the directory. + + + Object id to delete service principal information. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets service principal information from the directory. + + + Object id to get service principal information. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + UserOperations operations. + + + + + Delete a user. + + + user object id or user principal name + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a new user. + + + Parameters to create a user. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets user information from the directory. + + + User object Id or user principal name to get user information. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of + which the user is a member. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ObjectsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ObjectsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the GraphRbacManagementClient + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + Objects filtering parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + Next link for list operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Objects filtering parameters. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Objects filtering parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + + + Gets AD group membership by provided AD object Ids + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ServicePrincipalOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ServicePrincipalOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the GraphRbacManagementClient + + + + + Creates a service principal in the directory. + + + Parameters to create a service principal. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes service principal from the directory. + + + Object id to delete service principal information. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets service principal information from the directory. + + + Object id to get service principal information. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Creates a service principal in the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create a service principal. + + + + + Creates a service principal in the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create a service principal. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes service principal from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Object id to delete service principal information. + + + + + Deletes service principal from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Object id to delete service principal information. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets service principal information from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Object id to get service principal information. + + + + + Gets service principal information from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Object id to get service principal information. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + + + Gets list of service principals from the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + UserOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the UserOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the GraphRbacManagementClient + + + + + Delete a user. + + + user object id or user principal name + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a new user. + + + Parameters to create a user. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets user information from the directory. + + + User object Id or user principal name to get user information. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of which the + user is a member. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a user. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + user object id or user principal name + + + + + Delete a user. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + user object id or user principal name + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a new user. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create a user. + + + + + Create a new user. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Parameters to create a user. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets user information from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + User object Id or user principal name to get user information. + + + + + Gets user information from the directory. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + User object Id or user principal name to get user information. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of which the + user is a member. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + + + Gets a collection that contains the Object IDs of the groups of which the + user is a member. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + User filtering parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + + + Gets list of users for the current tenant. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Next link for list operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Active Directory object information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AADObject class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AADObject class. + + + + + Gets or sets object Id + + + + + Gets or sets object type + + + + + Gets or sets object display name + + + + + Gets or sets principal name + + + + + Gets or sets mail + + + + + Gets or sets MailEnabled field + + + + + Gets or sets SecurityEnabled field + + + + + Gets or sets signIn name + + + + + Gets or sets the list of service principal names. + + + + + Active Directory group information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ADGroup class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ADGroup class. + + + + + Gets or sets object Id + + + + + Gets or sets object type + + + + + Gets or sets group display name + + + + + Gets or sets security enabled field + + + + + Gets or sets mail field + + + + + Active Directory user information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Application class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Application class. + + + + + Gets or sets object Id + + + + + Gets or sets object type + + + + + Gets or sets application Id + + + + + Gets or sets application permissions + + + + + Indicates if the application will be available to other tenants + + + + + Request parameters for create a new application + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationCreateParameters + class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationCreateParameters + class. + + + + + Indicates if the application will be available to other tenants + + + + + Application display name + + + + + Application homepage + + + + + Application Uris + + + + + Application reply Urls + + + + + Gets or sets the list of KeyCredential objects + + + + + Gets or sets the list of PasswordCredential objects + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Request parameters for GetObjectsByObjectIds API call + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GetObjectsParameters class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GetObjectsParameters class. + + + + + Requested object Ids + + + + + Requested object types + + + + + If true, also searches for object ids in the partner tenant + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Request parameters for adding members to a groups + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupAddMemberParameters class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupAddMemberParameters class. + + + + + Group display name + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Request parameters for create a new group + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupCreateParameters class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupCreateParameters class. + + + + + Group display name + + + + + Mail + + + + + Mail nick name + + + + + Is security enabled + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Request parameters for GetMemberGroups API call + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupGetMemberGroupsParameters + class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GroupGetMemberGroupsParameters + class. + + + + + If true only membership in security enabled groups should be + checked. Otherwise membership in all groups should be checked + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Active Directory service principal Key Credential information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the KeyCredential class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the KeyCredential class. + + + + + Gets or sets start date + + + + + Gets or sets end date + + + + + Gets or sets value + + + + + Gets or sets key Id + + + + + Gets or sets usage + + + + + Gets or sets type + + + + + Defines a page in Azure responses. + + Type of the page content items + + + + Gets the link to the next page. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + A an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + A an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + Defines a page in Azure responses. + + Type of the page content items + + + + Gets the link to the next page. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + A an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + A an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + Active Directory service principal Password Credential information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PasswordCredential class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PasswordCredential class. + + + + + Gets or sets start date + + + + + Gets or sets end date + + + + + Gets or sets key Id + + + + + Gets or sets value + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Resource class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Resource class. + + + + + Resource Id + + + + + Resource name + + + + + Resource type + + + + + Resource location + + + + + Resource tags + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Active Directory service principal information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ServicePrincipal class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ServicePrincipal class. + + + + + Gets or sets object Id + + + + + Gets or sets object type + + + + + Gets or sets service principal display name + + + + + Gets or sets app id + + + + + Gets or sets the list of names. + + + + + Request parameters for create a new service principal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ServicePrincipalCreateParameters + class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ServicePrincipalCreateParameters + class. + + + + + Gets or sets application Id + + + + + Specifies if the account is enabled + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubResource class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubResource class. + + + + + Resource Id + + + + + Active Directory user information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the User class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the User class. + + + + + Gets or sets object Id + + + + + Gets or sets object type + + + + + Gets or sets user principal name + + + + + Gets or sets user display name + + + + + Gets or sets user signIn name + + + + + Gets or sets user mail + + + + + Request parameters for create a new user + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the UserCreateParameters class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the UserCreateParameters class. + + + + + User Principal Name + + + + + Enable the account + + + + + User display name + + + + + Mail nick name + + + + + Password Profile + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + UserCreateParametersPasswordProfile class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + UserCreateParametersPasswordProfile class. + + + + + Password + + + + + Force change password on next login + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Request parameters for GetMemberGroups API call + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the UserGetMemberGroupsParameters + class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the UserGetMemberGroupsParameters + class. + + + + + If true only membership in security enabled groups should be + checked. Otherwise membership in all groups should be checked + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Management.Websites.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Management.Websites.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8dcbc8 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.Management.Websites.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46b36ca Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.xml b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c76ed3 --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8226 @@ + + + + Microsoft.Azure.ResourceManager + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure + subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service + call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. + Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and + included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AuthorizationClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes client properties. + + + + + DeploymentOperationsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentOperationsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Get a list of deployments operations. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Operation Id. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Query parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments operations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Operation Id. + + + + + Get a list of deployments operations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Operation Id. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Query parameters. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Query parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + DeploymentsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether deployment exists. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a deployment. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Cancel a currently running template deployment. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Validate a deployment template. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Deployment to validate. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The name of the resource group to filter by. The name is case insensitive. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether deployment exists. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + + + Checks whether deployment exists. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a deployment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + + + Get a deployment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Cancel a currently running template deployment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + + + Cancel a currently running template deployment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Validate a deployment template. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Deployment to validate. + + + + + Validate a deployment template. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Deployment to validate. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to filter by. The name is case insensitive. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to filter by. The name is case insensitive. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure + subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service + call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. + Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and + included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes client properties. + + + + + FeaturesOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeaturesOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the FeatureClient + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the current + subscription. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The namespace of the resource provider. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all features under the subscription. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Registers for a previewed feature of a resource provider. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the current + subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the current + subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the current + subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The namespace of the resource provider. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The namespace of the resource provider. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all features under the subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + + + Get all features under the subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Registers for a previewed feature of a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + + + Registers for a previewed feature of a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the current + subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the current + subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft + Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for + every service call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running + Operations. Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is + generated and included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + DeploymentOperationsOperations operations. + + + + + Get a list of deployments operations. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Operation Id. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Query parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of deployments operations. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + DeploymentsOperations operations. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call + GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting deployment.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call + GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment to be deleted. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether deployment exists. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case + insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a named template deployment using a template. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Additional parameters supplied to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a deployment. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case + insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Cancel a currently running template deployment. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Validate a deployment template. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + The name of the deployment. + + + Deployment to validate. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The name of the resource group to filter by. The name is case + insensitive. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of deployments. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft + Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for + every service call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running + Operations. Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is + generated and included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + FeaturesOperations operations. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the + current subscription. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The namespace of the resource provider. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all features under the subscription. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Registers for a previewed feature of a resource provider. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Previewed feature name in the resource provider. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features for all the providers in the + current subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of previewed features of a resource provider. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ManagementLocksOperations operations. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource group level. + + + The resource group name. + + + The lock name. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource level or any + level below resource. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + Create or update management lock parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource or any level below + resource. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the subscription level. + + + The name of lock. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a subscription. + + + The name of lock. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the management lock of a scope. + + + Name of the management lock. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource group. + + + The resource group names. + + + The name of lock. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + Resource group name. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below + resource. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below + resource. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + PolicyAssignmentsOperations operations. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + The name of the resource provider. + + + The parent resource path. + + + The resource type. + + + The resource name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + Resource group name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create policy assignment. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + Policy assignment. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create policy assignment by Id. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + Policy assignment. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + Scope. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + PolicyDefinitionsOperations operations. + + + + + Create or update policy definition. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The policy definition properties + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy definition. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes policy definition. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ProvidersOperations operations. + + + + + Unregisters provider from a subscription. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Registers provider to be used with a subscription. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all deployments. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a resource provider. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ResourceGroupsOperations operations. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all resource groups. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether resource group exists. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case + insensitive. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a resource group. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. + + + Parameters supplied to the create or update resource group service + operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation + has finished processing the request, call + GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case + insensitive. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation + has finished processing the request, call + GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case + insensitive. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a resource group. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case + insensitive. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Resource groups can be updated through a simple PATCH operation to + a group address. The format of the request is the same as that + for creating a resource groups, though if a field is unspecified + current value will be carried over. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. The name + is case insensitive. + + + Parameters supplied to the update state resource group service + operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft + Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for + every service call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running + Operations. Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is + generated and included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + ResourceProviderOperationDetailsOperations operations. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ResourcesOperations operations. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call + GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call + GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether resource exists. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete resource and all of its resources. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a resource. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Create or update resource parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Returns a resource belonging to a resource group. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft + Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for + every service call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running + Operations. Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is + generated and included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + SubscriptionsOperations operations. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + Id of the subscription + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets details about particular subscription. + + + Id of the subscription. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + TagsOperations operations. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag value. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag value. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + TenantsOperations operations. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ManagementLocksOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ManagementLocksOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the AuthorizationClient + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource group level. + + + The resource group name. + + + The lock name. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource level or any level + below resource. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + Create or update management lock parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the subscription level. + + + The name of lock. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a subscription. + + + The name of lock. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the management lock of a scope. + + + Name of the management lock. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource group. + + + The resource group names. + + + The name of lock. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + Resource group name. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource group level. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The resource group name. + + + The lock name. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource group level. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The resource group name. + + + The lock name. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource level or any level + below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + Create or update management lock parameters. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the resource level or any level + below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + Create or update management lock parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + The name of lock. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the subscription level. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of lock. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + + + Create or update a management lock at the subscription level. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of lock. + + + The management lock parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of lock. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of lock. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets the management lock of a scope. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Name of the management lock. + + + + + Gets the management lock of a scope. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Name of the management lock. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The resource group names. + + + The name of lock. + + + + + Deletes the management lock of a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The resource group names. + + + The name of lock. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Resource group name. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Resource group name. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a resource or any level below resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Get a list of management locks at resource level or below. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets all the management locks of a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + PolicyAssignmentsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyAssignmentsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + The name of the resource provider. + + + The parent resource path. + + + The resource type. + + + The resource name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + Resource group name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create policy assignment. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + Policy assignment. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create policy assignment by Id. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + Policy assignment. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + Scope. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + The name of the resource provider. + + + The parent resource path. + + + The resource type. + + + The resource name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. + + + The name of the resource provider. + + + The parent resource path. + + + The resource type. + + + The resource name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Resource group name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Resource group name. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + Policy assignment. + + + + + Create policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + Policy assignment. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + Policy assignment name. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + + + Delete policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create policy assignment by Id. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + Policy assignment. + + + + + Create policy assignment by Id. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + Policy assignment. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + + + Get single policy assignment. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Policy assignment Id + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Scope. + + + The filter to apply on the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets policy assignments of the scope. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + PolicyDefinitionsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyDefinitionsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Create or update policy definition. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The policy definition properties + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy definition. + + + The policy definition name. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes policy definition. + + + The policy definition name. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create or update policy definition. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The policy definition properties + + + + + Create or update policy definition. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The policy definition properties + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets policy definition. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The policy definition name. + + + + + Gets policy definition. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deletes policy definition. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The policy definition name. + + + + + Deletes policy definition. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The policy definition name. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ProvidersOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ProvidersOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Unregisters provider from a subscription. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Registers provider to be used with a subscription. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all deployments. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a resource provider. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Unregisters provider from a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + + + Unregisters provider from a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Registers provider to be used with a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + + + Registers provider to be used with a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all deployments. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all deployments. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + + + Gets a resource provider. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Namespace of the resource provider. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ResourceGroupsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroupsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all resource groups. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether resource group exists. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case insensitive. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a resource group. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. + + + Parameters supplied to the create or update resource group service + operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case insensitive. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case insensitive. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a resource group. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case insensitive. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Resource groups can be updated through a simple PATCH operation to a group + address. The format of the request is the same as that for creating a + resource groups, though if a field is unspecified current value will be + carried over. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. The name is case + insensitive. + + + Parameters supplied to the update state resource group service operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all resource groups. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Query parameters. If null is passed returns all resource groups. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether resource group exists. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case insensitive. + + + + + Checks whether resource group exists. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to check. The name is case insensitive. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. + + + Parameters supplied to the create or update resource group service + operation. + + + + + Create a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. + + + Parameters supplied to the create or update resource group service + operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case insensitive. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case insensitive. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case insensitive. + + + + + Begin deleting resource group.To determine whether the operation has + finished processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be deleted. The name is case insensitive. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case insensitive. + + + + + Get a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to get. The name is case insensitive. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Resource groups can be updated through a simple PATCH operation to a group + address. The format of the request is the same as that for creating a + resource groups, though if a field is unspecified current value will be + carried over. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. The name is case + insensitive. + + + Parameters supplied to the update state resource group service operation. + + + + + Resource groups can be updated through a simple PATCH operation to a group + address. The format of the request is the same as that for creating a + resource groups, though if a field is unspecified current value will be + carried over. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group to be created or updated. The name is case + insensitive. + + + Parameters supplied to the update state resource group service operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a collection of resource groups. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure + subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service + call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. + Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and + included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes client properties. + + + + + ResourceProviderOperationDetailsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceProviderOperationDetailsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of resource providers. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + ResourcesOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourcesOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + The headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether resource exists. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete resource and all of its resources. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a resource. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Create or update resource parameters. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Returns a resource belonging to a resource group. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + + + Begin moving resources.To determine whether the operation has finished + processing the request, call GetLongRunningOperationStatus. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Source resource group name. + + + move resources' parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + OData parameters to apply to the operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Checks whether resource exists. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + + + Checks whether resource exists. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete resource and all of its resources. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + + + Delete resource and all of its resources. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Create or update resource parameters. + + + + + Create a resource. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + Create or update resource parameters. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Returns a resource belonging to a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + + + Returns a resource belonging to a resource group. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + Resource identity. + + + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Get all of the resources under a subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + + + + + The base URI of the service. + + + + + Gets or sets json serialization settings. + + + + + Gets or sets json deserialization settings. + + + + + Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + + + Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify Microsoft Azure + subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI for every service + call. + + + + + Client Api Version. + + + + + Gets or sets the preferred language for the response. + + + + + Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. + Default value is 30. + + + + + When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value is generated and + included in each request. Default is true. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionClient class. + + + Optional. The base URI of the service. + + + Required. Gets Azure subscription credentials. + + + Optional. The http client handler used to handle http transport. + + + Optional. The delegating handlers to add to the http client pipeline. + + + + + Initializes client properties. + + + + + SubscriptionsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubscriptionsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the SubscriptionClient + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + Id of the subscription + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets details about particular subscription. + + + Id of the subscription. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Id of the subscription + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Id of the subscription + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets details about particular subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Id of the subscription. + + + + + Gets details about particular subscription. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + Id of the subscription. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscription locations. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of the subscriptionIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + TagsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the ResourceManagementClient + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag value. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag value. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag. + + + The name of the tag. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag. + + + The name of the tag. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag value. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag value. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag value. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag value. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The value of the tag. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + + + Create a subscription resource tag. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + + + Delete a subscription resource tag. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The name of the tag. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Get a list of subscription resource tags. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + TenantsOperations operations. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TenantsOperations class. + + + Reference to the service client. + + + + + Gets a reference to the SubscriptionClient + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + Headers that will be added to request. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + + + Gets a list of the tenantIds. + + + The operations group for this extension method. + + + The NextLink from the previous successful call to List operation. + + + The cancellation token. + + + + + Deployment dependency information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the BasicDependency class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the BasicDependency class. + + + + + Gets or sets the ID of the dependency. + + + + + Gets or sets the dependency resource type. + + + + + Gets or sets the dependency resource name. + + + + + Deployment dependency information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Dependency class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Dependency class. + + + + + Gets the list of dependencies. + + + + + Gets or sets the ID of the dependency. + + + + + Gets or sets the dependency resource type. + + + + + Gets or sets the dependency resource name. + + + + + Deployment operation parameters. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Deployment class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Deployment class. + + + + + Gets or sets the deployment properties. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Deployment information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentExtended class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentExtended class. + + + + + Gets or sets the ID of the deployment. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the deployment. + + + + + Gets or sets deployment properties. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Deployment filter. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentExtendedFilter class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentExtendedFilter class. + + + + + Gets or sets the provisioning state. + + + + + Defines values for DeploymentMode. + + + + + Deployment operation information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentOperation class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentOperation class. + + + + + Gets or sets full deployment operation id. + + + + + Gets or sets deployment operation id. + + + + + Gets or sets deployment properties. + + + + + Deployment operation properties. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentOperationProperties + class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentOperationProperties + class. + + + + + Gets or sets the state of the provisioning. + + + + + Gets or sets the date and time of the operation. + + + + + Gets or sets operation status code. + + + + + Gets or sets operation status message. + + + + + Gets or sets the target resource. + + + + + Deployment properties. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentProperties class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentProperties class. + + + + + Gets or sets the template content. Use only one of Template or + TemplateLink. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI referencing the template. Use only one of + Template or TemplateLink. + + + + + Deployment parameters. Use only one of Parameters or + ParametersLink. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI referencing the parameters. Use only one of + Parameters or ParametersLink. + + + + + Gets or sets the deployment mode. Possible values for this + property include: 'Incremental', 'Complete'. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Deployment properties with additional details. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentPropertiesExtended + class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentPropertiesExtended + class. + + + + + Gets or sets the state of the provisioning. + + + + + Gets or sets the correlation ID of the deployment. + + + + + Gets or sets the timestamp of the template deployment. + + + + + Gets or sets key/value pairs that represent deploymentoutput. + + + + + Gets the list of resource providers needed for the deployment. + + + + + Gets the list of deployment dependencies. + + + + + Gets or sets the template content. Use only one of Template or + TemplateLink. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI referencing the template. Use only one of + Template or TemplateLink. + + + + + Deployment parameters. Use only one of Parameters or + ParametersLink. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI referencing the parameters. Use only one of + Parameters or ParametersLink. + + + + + Gets or sets the deployment mode. Possible values for this + property include: 'Incremental', 'Complete'. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Information from validate template deployment response. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentValidateResult class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the DeploymentValidateResult class. + + + + + Gets or sets validation error. + + + + + Gets or sets the template deployment properties. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Previewed feature information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureProperties class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureProperties class. + + + + + Gets or sets the state of the previewed feature. + + + + + Previewed feature information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureResult class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the FeatureResult class. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the feature. + + + + + Gets or sets the properties of the previewed feature. + + + + + Gets or sets the Id of the feature. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the feature. + + + + + Resource information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GenericResource class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GenericResource class. + + + + + Gets or sets the plan of the resource. + + + + + Gets or sets the resource properties. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Resource filter. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GenericResourceFilter class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the GenericResourceFilter class. + + + + + Gets or sets the resource type. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag name. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag value. + + + + + Location information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Location class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Location class. + + + + + Gets or sets the ID of the resource + (/subscriptions/SubscriptionId). + + + + + Gets or sets the subscription Id. + + + + + Gets or sets the location name + + + + + Gets or sets the display name of the location + + + + + Gets or sets the latitude of the location + + + + + Gets or sets the longitude of the location + + + + + Defines values for LockLevel. + + + + + Management lock information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ManagementLockObject class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ManagementLockObject class. + + + + + Gets or sets the Id of the lock. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the lock. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the lock. + + + + + Gets or sets the lock level of the management lock. Possible + values for this property include: 'NotSpecified', 'CanNotDelete', + 'ReadOnly'. + + + + + Gets or sets the notes of the management lock. + + + + + Defines a page in Azure responses. + + Type of the page content items + + + + Gets the link to the next page. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + A an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + A an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + Entity representing the reference to the deployment paramaters. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ParametersLink class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ParametersLink class. + + + + + URI referencing the template. + + + + + If included it must match the ContentVersion in the template. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Plan for the resource. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Plan class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Plan class. + + + + + Gets or sets the plan ID. + + + + + Gets or sets the publisher ID. + + + + + Gets or sets the offer ID. + + + + + Gets or sets the promotion code. + + + + + Policy assignment. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyAssignment class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyAssignment class. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy assignment properties. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy assignment name. + + + + + Policy Assignment properties. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyAssignmentProperties class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyAssignmentProperties class. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy assignment scope. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy assignment display name. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy definition Id. + + + + + Policy definition. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyDefinition class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyDefinition class. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy definition properties. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy definition name. + + + + + Policy definition properties. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyDefinitionProperties class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PolicyDefinitionProperties class. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy definition description. + + + + + Gets or sets the policy definition display name. + + + + + The policy rule json. + + + + + Resource provider information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Provider class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Provider class. + + + + + Gets or sets the provider id. + + + + + Gets or sets the namespace of the provider. + + + + + Gets or sets the registration state of the provider. + + + + + Gets or sets the collection of provider resource types. + + + + + Resource type managed by the resource provider. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ProviderResourceType class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ProviderResourceType class. + + + + + Gets or sets the resource type. + + + + + Gets or sets the collection of locations where this resource type + can be created in. + + + + + Gets or sets the api version. + + + + + Gets or sets the properties. + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Resource class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Resource class. + + + + + Resource Id + + + + + Resource name + + + + + Resource type + + + + + Resource location + + + + + Resource tags + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Resource group information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroup class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroup class. + + + + + Gets the ID of the resource group. + + + + + Gets or sets the Name of the resource group. + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the location of the resource group. It cannot be + changed after the resource group has been created. Has to be one + of the supported Azure Locations, such as West US, East US, West + Europe, East Asia, etc. + + + + + Gets or sets the tags attached to the resource group. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Resource group filter. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroupFilter class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroupFilter class. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag name. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag value. + + + + + The resource group properties. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroupProperties class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceGroupProperties class. + + + + + Gets resource group provisioning state. + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementError class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourceManagementError class. + + + + + Gets or sets the error code returned from the server. + + + + + Gets or sets the error message returned from the server. + + + + + Gets or sets the target of the error. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + ResourceManagementErrorWithDetails class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + ResourceManagementErrorWithDetails class. + + + + + Gets or sets validation error. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Resource provider operation information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + ResourceProviderOperationDefinition class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + ResourceProviderOperationDefinition class. + + + + + Gets or sets the provider operation name. + + + + + Gets or sets the display property of the provider operation. + + + + + Resource provider operation's display properties. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + ResourceProviderOperationDisplayProperties class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + ResourceProviderOperationDisplayProperties class. + + + + + Gets or sets operation description. + + + + + Gets or sets operation provider. + + + + + Gets or sets operation resource. + + + + + Gets or sets operation. + + + + + Gets or sets operation description. + + + + + Parameters of move resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourcesMoveInfo class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the ResourcesMoveInfo class. + + + + + Gets or sets the ids of the resources. + + + + + The target resource group. + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubResource class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the SubResource class. + + + + + Resource Id + + + + + Subscription information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Subscription class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Subscription class. + + + + + Gets or sets the ID of the resource + (/subscriptions/SubscriptionId). + + + + + Gets or sets the subscription Id. + + + + + Gets or sets the subscription display name + + + + + Gets or sets the subscription state + + + + + Tag count. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagCount class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagCount class. + + + + + Type of count. + + + + + Value of count. + + + + + Tag details. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagDetails class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagDetails class. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag ID. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag name. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag count. + + + + + Gets or sets the list of tag values. + + + + + Tag information. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagValue class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TagValue class. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag ID. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag value. + + + + + Gets or sets the tag value count. + + + + + Target resource. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TargetResource class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TargetResource class. + + + + + Gets or sets the ID of the resource. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the resource. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the resource. + + + + + Entity representing the reference to the template. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TemplateLink class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TemplateLink class. + + + + + URI referencing the template. + + + + + If included it must match the ContentVersion in the template. + + + + + Validate the object. Throws ValidationException if validation fails. + + + + + Tenant Id information + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TenantIdDescription class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the TenantIdDescription class. + + + + + Gets or sets Id + + + + + Gets or sets tenantId + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfa03d3 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.WindowsForms.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c323bf1 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.xml b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c65b87e --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.xml @@ -0,0 +1,1836 @@ + + + + Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory + + + + + This class adds additional query parameters or headers to the requests sent to STS. This can help us in + collecting statistics and potentially on diagnostics. + + + This class adds additional query parameters or headers to the requests sent to STS. This can help us in + collecting statistics and potentially on diagnostics. + + + + + The exception type thrown when an error occurs during token acquisition. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code. + + The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code and error message. + + The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of + this exception. + + The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner exception is specified. It may especially contain the actual error message returned by the service. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of + this exception. + + The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner exception is specified. It may especially contain the actual error message returned by the service. + + + + Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception. + + A string representation of the current exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with serialized data. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Sets the System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with information about the exception. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Gets the protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + + + + + ADAL Flavor: .NET or WinRT + + + + + ADAL assembly version + + + + + CPU platform with x86, x64 or ARM as value + + + + + Version of the operating system. This will not be sent on WinRT + + + + + Device model. This will not be sent on .NET + + + + + The exception type thrown when user returned by service does not match user in the request. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code and error message. + + The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of + this exception. + + The error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner exception is specified. It may especially contain the actual error message returned by the service. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with a specified + error code, error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of + this exception. + + The protocol error code returned by the service or generated by client. This is the code you can rely on for exception handling. + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The specific error codes that may be returned by the service. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference if no inner exception is specified. It may especially contain the actual error message returned by the service. + + + + Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception. + + A string representation of the current exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with serialized data. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Sets the System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with information about the exception. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Gets the status code returned from http layer. This status code is either the HttpStatusCode in the inner WebException response or + NavigateError Event Status Code in browser based flow (See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb268233(v=vs.85).aspx). + You can use this code for purposes such as implementing retry logic or error investigation. + + + + + Gets the specific error codes that may be returned by the service. + + + + + The exception type thrown when a token cannot be acquired silently. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class. + + inner exception + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with serialized data. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Sets the System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with information about the exception. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + The exception type thrown when user returned by service does not match user in the request. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class. + + + + + Creates and returns a string representation of the current exception. + + A string representation of the current exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the exception class with serialized data. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Sets the System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo with information about the exception. + + The System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + + Gets the user requested from service. + + + + + Gets the user returned by service. + + + + + The AuthenticationContext class retrieves authentication tokens from Azure Active Directory and ADFS services. + + + The main class representing the authority issuing tokens for resources. + + + + + Constructor to create the context with the address of the authority. + Using this constructor will turn ON validation of the authority URL by default if validation is supported for the authority address. + + Address of the authority to issue token. + + + + Constructor to create the context with the address of the authority and flag to turn address validation off. + Using this constructor, address validation can be turned off. Make sure you are aware of the security implication of not validating the address. + + Address of the authority to issue token. + Flag to turn address validation ON or OFF. + + + + Constructor to create the context with the address of the authority. + Using this constructor will turn ON validation of the authority URL by default if validation is supported for the authority address. + + Address of the authority to issue token. + Token cache used to lookup cached tokens on calls to AcquireToken + + + + Constructor to create the context with the address of the authority and flag to turn address validation off. + Using this constructor, address validation can be turned off. Make sure you are aware of the security implication of not validating the address. + + Address of the authority to issue token. + Flag to turn address validation ON or OFF. + Token cache used to lookup cached tokens on calls to AcquireToken + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + This feature is supported only for Azure Active Directory and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) on Windows 10. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + The user credential to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + The assertion to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client credential to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + The credential to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + The credential to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. It can be null if provided earlier to acquire authorizationCode. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. It can be null if provided earlier to acquire authorizationCode. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. It can be null if provided earlier to acquire authorizationCode. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + Name or ID of the client requesting the token. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + Name or ID of the client requesting the token. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client credential used for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client credential used for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client assertion used for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client assertion used for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client certificate used for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client certificate used for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires an access token from the authority on behalf of a user. It requires using a user token previously received. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client credential to use for token acquisition. + The user assertion (token) to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires an access token from the authority on behalf of a user. It requires using a user token previously received. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + The user assertion (token) to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires an access token from the authority on behalf of a user. It requires using a user token previously received. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + The user assertion (token) to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client credential to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + This feature is supported only for Azure Active Directory and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) on Windows 10. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + The credential to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + The assertion to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client credential to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. Refresh Token property will be null for this overload. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + If , asks service to show user the authentication page which gives them chance to authenticate as a different user. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + If , asks service to show user the authentication page which gives them chance to authenticate as a different user. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. If created from DisplayableId, this parameter will be used to pre-populate the username field in the authentication form. Please note that the end user can still edit the username field and authenticate as a different user. + If you want to be notified of such change with an exception, create UserIdentifier with type RequiredDisplayableId. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. If created from DisplayableId, this parameter will be used to pre-populate the username field in the authentication form. Please note that the end user can still edit the username field and authenticate as a different user. + If you want to be notified of such change with an exception, create UserIdentifier with type RequiredDisplayableId. This parameter can be .Any. + If , asks service to show user the authentication page which gives them chance to authenticate as a different user. + This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + The credential to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + The credential to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. It can be null if provided earlier to acquire authorizationCode. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. It can be null if provided earlier to acquire authorizationCode. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token from the authority using an authorization code previously received. + This method does not lookup token cache, but stores the result in it, so it can be looked up using other methods such as . + + The authorization code received from service authorization endpoint. + The redirect address used for obtaining authorization code. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. It can be null if provided earlier to acquire authorizationCode. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + Name or ID of the client requesting the token. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + Name or ID of the client requesting the token. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client credential used for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client credential used for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client assertion used for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client assertion used for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client certificate used for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token previously received. + + Refresh Token to use in the refresh flow. + The client certificate used for token acquisition. + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. If null, token is requested for the same resource refresh token was originally issued for. + If passed, resource should match the original resource used to acquire refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for multiple resources. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires an access token from the authority on behalf of a user. It requires using a user token previously received. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client credential to use for token acquisition. + The user assertion (token) to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires an access token from the authority on behalf of a user. It requires using a user token previously received. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + The user assertion (token) to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires an access token from the authority on behalf of a user. It requires using a user token previously received. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + The user assertion (token) to use for token acquisition. + It contains Access Token and the Access Token's expiration time. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client credential to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client certificate to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Acquires security token without asking for user credential. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + The client assertion to use for token acquisition. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + It contains Access Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time. If acquiring token without user credential is not possible, the method throws AdalException. + + + + Gets URL of the authorize endpoint including the query parameters. + + Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Address to return to upon receiving a response from the authority. + Identifier of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be .Any. + This parameter will be appended as is to the query string in the HTTP authentication request to the authority. The parameter can be null. + URL of the authorize endpoint including the query parameters. + + + + Gets address of the authority to issue token. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether address validation is ON or OFF. + + + + + Gets the TokenCache + + + By default, TokenCache is an in-memory collection of key/value pairs. + Library will automatically save tokens in the cache when AcquireToken is called. + The default token cache is static so all tokens will available to all instances of AuthenticationContext. To use a custom TokenCache pass one to the .constructor. + To turn OFF token caching, use the constructor and set TokenCache to null. + + + + + Gets or sets correlation Id which would be sent to the service with the next request. + Correlation Id is to be used for diagnostics purposes. + + + + + Gets or sets the owner of the browser dialog which pops up for receiving user credentials. It can be null. + + + + + Contains authentication parameters based on unauthorized response from resource server. + + + Contains authentication parameters based on unauthorized response from resource server. + + + + + Creates authentication parameters from the WWW-Authenticate header in response received from resource. This method expects the header to contain authentication parameters. + + Content of header WWW-Authenticate header + AuthenticationParameters object containing authentication parameters + + + + Creates authentication parameters from address of the resource. This method expects the resource server to return unauthorized response + with WWW-Authenticate header containing authentication parameters. + + Address of the resource + AuthenticationParameters object containing authentication parameters + + + + Creates authentication parameters from the response received from the response received from the resource. This method expects the response to have unauthorized status and + WWW-Authenticate header containing authentication parameters. + Response received from the resource. + AuthenticationParameters object containing authentication parameters + + + + Gets or sets the address of the authority to issue token. + + + + + Gets or sets the identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the requested token. + + + + + Contains the results of one token acquisition operation. + + + Contains the results of one token acquisition operation. + + + + + Creates result returned from AcquireToken. Except in advanced scenarios related to token caching, you do not need to create any instance of AuthenticationResult. + + Type of the Access Token returned + The Access Token requested + The Refresh Token associated with the requested Access Token + The point in time in which the Access Token returned in the AccessToken property ceases to be valid + + + + Serializes the object to a JSON string + + Deserialized authentication result + + + + Creates authorization header from authentication result. + + Created authorization header + + + + Serializes the object to a JSON string + + Serialized authentication result + + + + Gets the type of the Access Token returned. + + + + + Gets the Access Token requested. + + + + + Gets the Refresh Token associated with the requested Access Token. Note: not all operations will return a Refresh Token. + + + + + Gets the point in time in which the Access Token returned in the AccessToken property ceases to be valid. + This value is calculated based on current UTC time measured locally and the value expiresIn received from the service. + + + + + Gets an identifier for the tenant the token was acquired from. This property will be null if tenant information is not returned by the service. + + + + + Gets user information including user Id. Some elements in UserInfo might be null if not returned by the service. + + + + + Gets the entire Id Token if returned by the service or null if no Id Token is returned. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the refresh token can be used for requesting access token for other resources. + + + + + Error code returned as a property in AdalException + + + + + Unknown error. + + + + + Invalid argument. + + + + + Authentication failed. + + + + + non https redirect failed. + + + + + Authentication canceled. + + + + + Unauthorized response expected from resource server. + + + + + 'authority' is not in the list of valid addresses. + + + + + Authority validation failed. + + + + + Loading required assembly failed. + + + + + Loading required assembly failed. + + + + + MultipleTokensMatched were matched. + + + + + Invalid authority type. + + + + + Invalid credential type. + + + + + Invalid service URL. + + + + + failed_to_acquire_token_silently. + + + + + Certificate key size too small. + + + + + Identity protocol login URL Null. + + + + + Identity protocol mismatch. + + + + + Email address suffix mismatch. + + + + + Identity provider request failed. + + + + + STS token request failed. + + + + + Encoded token too long. + + + + + Service unavailable. + + + + + Service returned error. + + + + + Federated service returned error. + + + + + STS metadata request failed. + + + + + No data from STS. + + + + + User Mismatch. + + + + + Unknown User Type. + + + + + Unknown User. + + + + + User Realm Discovery Failed. + + + + + Accessing WS Metadata Exchange Failed. + + + + + Parsing WS Metadata Exchange Failed. + + + + + WS-Trust Endpoint Not Found in Metadata Document. + + + + + Parsing WS-Trust Response Failed. + + + + + The request could not be preformed because the network is down. + + + + + The request could not be preformed because of an unknown failure in the UI flow. + + + + + One of two conditions was encountered. + 1. The PromptBehavior.Never flag was passed and but the constraint could not be honored + because user interaction was required. + 2. An error occurred during a silent web authentication that prevented the authentication + flow from completing in a short enough time frame. + + + + + Password is required for managed user. + + + + + Failed to get user name. + + + + + Federation Metadata Url is missing for federated user. + + + + + Failed to refresh token. + + + + + Integrated authentication failed. You may try an alternative authentication method. + + + + + Duplicate query parameter in extraQueryParameters + + + + + The active directory authentication error message. + + + + + The encoding helper. + + + The encoding helper. + + + + + Indicates whether AcquireToken should automatically prompt only if necessary or whether + it should prompt regardless of whether there is a cached token. + + + + + Acquire token will prompt the user for credentials only when necessary. If a token + that meets the requirements is already cached then the user will not be prompted. + + + + + The user will be prompted for credentials even if there is a token that meets the requirements + already in the cache. + + + + + The user will not be prompted for credentials. If prompting is necessary then the AcquireToken request + will fail. + + + + + Re-authorizes (through displaying webview) the resource usage, making sure that the resulting access + token contains updated claims. If user logon cookies are available, the user will not be asked for + credentials again and the logon dialog will dismiss automatically. + + + + + Notification for certain token cache interactions during token acquisition. + + + + + + Token cache class used by to store access and refresh tokens. + + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + Constructor receiving state of the cache + + + + + Serializes current state of the cache as a blob. Caller application can persist the blob and update the state of the cache later by + passing that blob back in constructor or by calling method Deserialize. + + Current state of the cache as a blob + + + + Deserializes state of the cache. The state should be the blob received earlier by calling the method Serialize. + + State of the cache as a blob + + + + Reads a copy of the list of all items in the cache. + + The items in the cache + + + + Deletes an item from the cache. + + The item to delete from the cache + + + + Clears the cache by deleting all the items. Note that if the cache is the default shared cache, clearing it would + impact all the instances of which share that cache. + + + + + Queries all values in the cache that meet the passed in values, plus the + authority value that this AuthorizationContext was created with. In every case passing + null results in a wildcard evaluation. + + + + + Static token cache shared by all instances of AuthenticationContext which do not explicitly pass a cache instance during construction. + + + + + Notification method called before any library method accesses the cache. + + + + + Notification method called before any library method writes to the cache. This notification can be used to reload + the cache state from a row in database and lock that row. That database row can then be unlocked in notification. + + + + + Notification method called after any library method accesses the cache. + + + + + Gets or sets the flag indicating whether cache state has changed. ADAL methods set this flag after any change. Caller application should reset + the flag after serializing and persisting the state of the cache. + + + + + Gets the nunmber of items in the cache. + + + + + Token cache item + + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + Gets the Authority. + + + + + Gets the ClientId. + + + + + Gets the Expiration. + + + + + Gets the FamilyName. + + + + + Gets the GivenName. + + + + + Gets the IdentityProviderName. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the RefreshToken applies to multiple resources. + + + + + Gets the Resource. + + + + + Gets the TenantId. + + + + + Gets the user's unique Id. + + + + + Gets the user's displayable Id. + + + + + Gets the Access Token requested. + + + + + Gets the Refresh Token associated with the requested Access Token. Note: not all operations will return a Refresh Token. + + + + + Gets the entire Id Token if returned by the service or null if no Id Token is returned. + + + + + Determines what type of subject the token was issued for. + + + + + User + + + + + Client + + + + + UserPlusClient: This is for confidential clients used in middle tier. + + + + + can be used with Linq to access items from the TokenCache dictionary. + + + + + Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. + + + true if the specified object is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + The object to compare with the current object. 2 + + + + Determines whether the specified TokenCacheKey is equal to the current object. + + + true if the specified TokenCacheKey is equal to the current object; otherwise, false. + + The TokenCacheKey to compare with the current object. 2 + + + + Returns the hash code for this TokenCacheKey. + + + A 32-bit signed integer hash code. + + + + + Contains parameters used by the ADAL call accessing the cache. + + + + + Gets the TokenCache + + + + + Gets the ClientId. + + + + + Gets the Resource. + + + + + Gets the user's unique Id. + + + + + Gets the user's displayable Id. + + + + + Credential type containing an assertion representing user credential. + + + + + Constructor to create the object with an assertion. This constructor can be used for On Behalf Of flow which assumes the + assertion is a JWT token. For other flows, the other construction with assertionType must be used. + + Assertion representing the user. + + + + Constructor to create credential with assertion and assertionType + + Assertion representing the user. + Type of the assertion representing the user. + + + + Constructor to create credential with assertion, assertionType and userId + + Assertion representing the user. + Type of the assertion representing the user. + Identity of the user token is requested for. This parameter can be null. + + + + Gets the assertion. + + + + + Gets the assertion type. + + + + + Gets name of the user. + + + + + Credential used for integrated authentication on domain-joined machines. + + + + + Constructor to create user credential. Using this constructor would imply integrated authentication with logged in user + and it can only be used in domain joined scenarios. + + + + + Constructor to create user credential. Using this constructor would imply integrated authentication with logged in user + and it can only be used in domain joined scenarios. + + Identifier of the user application requests token on behalf. + + + + Constructor to create credential with username and password + + Identifier of the user application requests token on behalf. + User password. + + + + Constructor to create credential with username and password + + Identifier of the user application requests token on behalf. + User password. + + + + Gets identifier of the user. + + + + + Indicates the type of + + + + + When a of this type is passed in a token acquisition operation, + the operation is guaranteed to return a token issued for the user with corresponding or fail. + + + + + When a of this type is passed in a token acquisition operation, + the operation restricts cache matches to the value provided and injects it as a hint in the authentication experience. However the end user could overwrite that value, resulting in a token issued to a different account than the one specified in the in input. + + + + + When a of this type is passed in a token acquisition operation, + the operation is guaranteed to return a token issued for the user with corresponding (UPN or email) or fail + + + + + Contains identifier for a user. + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets type of the . + + + + + Gets Id of the . + + + + + Gets an static instance of to represent any user. + + + + + Contains information of a single user. This information is used for token cache lookup. Also if created with userId, userId is sent to the service when login_hint is accepted. + + + + + Gets identifier of the user authenticated during token acquisition. + + + + + Gets a displayable value in UserPrincipalName (UPN) format. The value can be null. + + + + + Gets given name of the user if provided by the service. If not, the value is null. + + + + + Gets family name of the user if provided by the service. If not, the value is null. + + + + + Gets the time when the password expires. Default value is 0. + + + + + Gets the url where the user can change the expiring password. The value can be null. + + + + + Gets identity provider if returned by the service. If not, the value is null. + + + + + This class manages tracing in ADAL. + + + + + Sets/gets the TraceSource that ADAL writes events to which has the name Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory. + + + + + Enables/disables basic tracing using class System.Diagnostics.Trace. + + + + + Credential type containing an assertion of type "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt". + + + + + Constructor to create credential with a jwt token encoded as a base64 url encoded string. + + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + The jwt used as credential. + + + + Gets the identifier of the client requesting the token. + + + + + Gets the assertion. + + + + + Gets the assertion type. + + + + + Containing certificate used to create client assertion. + + + + + Constructor to create credential with client Id and certificate. + + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + The certificate used as credential. + + + + Gets minimum X509 certificate key size in bits + + + + + Gets the identifier of the client requesting the token. + + + + + Gets the certificate used as credential. + + + + + Credential including client id and secret. + + + + + Constructor to create credential with client id and secret + + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Secret of the client requesting the token. + + + + Constructor to create credential with client id and secret. This constructor accepts client secret as SecureString. + + Identifier of the client requesting the token. + Secret of the client requesting the token in form of SecureString. + + + + Gets the identifier of the client requesting the token. + + + + Provides a scheduler that uses STA threads. + + + Stores the queued tasks to be executed by our pool of STA threads. + + + The STA threads used by the scheduler. + + + Initializes a new instance of the StaTaskScheduler class with the specified concurrency level. + The number of threads that should be created and used by this scheduler. + + + Queues a Task to be executed by this scheduler. + The task to be executed. + + + Provides a list of the scheduled tasks for the debugger to consume. + An enumerable of all tasks currently scheduled. + + + Determines whether a Task may be inlined. + The task to be executed. + Whether the task was previously queued. + true if the task was successfully inlined; otherwise, false. + + + + Cleans up the scheduler by indicating that no more tasks will be queued. + This method blocks until all threads successfully shutdown. + + + + Gets the maximum concurrency level supported by this scheduler. + + + + Interface for Authentication Dialog + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + This class loads the assembly containing the authentication dialog classes and creates a new instance of an IWebUI. + This class is necessary since there is a loose coupling between this assembly and the assembly containing Windows Forms + dependencies. + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aed9385 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.Authentication.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..292b6ce Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.Azure.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.dll b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8da3d19 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Newtonsoft.Json.dll b/artifacts.core/Newtonsoft.Json.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4c9037 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/Newtonsoft.Json.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/Newtonsoft.Json.xml b/artifacts.core/Newtonsoft.Json.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..246ae3b --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/Newtonsoft.Json.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8889 @@ + + + + Newtonsoft.Json + + + + + Represents a BSON Oid (object id). + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The Oid value. + + + + Gets or sets the value of the Oid. + + The value of the Oid. + + + + Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data. + + + + + Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream. + + true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a []. + + A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Skips the children of the current token. + + + + + Sets the current token. + + The new token. + + + + Sets the current token and value. + + The new token. + The value. + + + + Sets the state based on current token type. + + + + + Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. + + + + + Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources + + true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. + + + + Changes the to Closed. + + + + + Gets the current reader state. + + The current reader state. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or + should be closed when the reader is closed. + + + true to close the underlying stream or when + the reader is closed; otherwise false. The default is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple pieces of JSON content can + be read from a continuous stream without erroring. + + + true to support reading multiple pieces of JSON content; otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + + Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string. + + + + + Get or set how time zones are handling when reading JSON. + + + + + Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON. + + + + + Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how custom date formatted strings are parsed when reading JSON. + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a . + + + + + Gets the type of the current JSON token. + + + + + Gets the text value of the current JSON token. + + + + + Gets The Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current JSON token. + + + + + Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document. + + The depth of the current token in the JSON document. + + + + Gets the path of the current JSON token. + + + + + Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to . + + + + + Specifies the state of the reader. + + + + + The Read method has not been called. + + + + + The end of the file has been reached successfully. + + + + + Reader is at a property. + + + + + Reader is at the start of an object. + + + + + Reader is in an object. + + + + + Reader is at the start of an array. + + + + + Reader is in an array. + + + + + The Close method has been called. + + + + + Reader has just read a value. + + + + + Reader is at the start of a constructor. + + + + + Reader in a constructor. + + + + + An error occurred that prevents the read operation from continuing. + + + + + The end of the file has been reached successfully. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The stream. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The reader. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The stream. + if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array. + The used when reading values from BSON. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The reader. + if set to true the root object will be read as a JSON array. + The used when reading values from BSON. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a []. + + + A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream. + + + true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read. + + + + + Changes the to Closed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether binary data reading should compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary. + + + true if binary data reading will be compatible with incorrect Json.NET 3.5 written binary; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the root object will be read as a JSON array. + + + true if the root object will be read as a JSON array; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets the used when reading values from BSON. + + The used when reading values from BSON. + + + + Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data. + + + + + Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data. + + + + + Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class. + + + + + Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream. + + + + + Closes this stream and the underlying stream. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON object. + + + + + Writes the end of a JSON object. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON array. + + + + + Writes the end of an array. + + + + + Writes the start of a constructor with the given name. + + The name of the constructor. + + + + Writes the end constructor. + + + + + Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. + + The name of the property. + + + + Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. + + The name of the property. + A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name. + + + + Writes the end of the current JSON object or array. + + + + + Writes the current token and its children. + + The to read the token from. + + + + Writes the current token. + + The to read the token from. + A flag indicating whether the current token's children should be written. + + + + Writes the token and its value. + + The to write. + + The value to write. + A value is only required for tokens that have an associated value, e.g. the property name for . + A null value can be passed to the method for token's that don't have a value, e.g. . + + + + Writes the token. + + The to write. + + + + Writes the specified end token. + + The end token to write. + + + + Writes indent characters. + + + + + Writes the JSON value delimiter. + + + + + Writes an indent space. + + + + + Writes a null value. + + + + + Writes an undefined value. + + + + + Writes raw JSON without changing the writer's state. + + The raw JSON to write. + + + + Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state. + + The raw JSON to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a [] value. + + The [] value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes out a comment /*...*/ containing the specified text. + + Text to place inside the comment. + + + + Writes out the given white space. + + The string of white space characters. + + + + Sets the state of the JsonWriter, + + The JsonToken being written. + The value being written. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the underlying stream or + should be closed when the writer is closed. + + + true to close the underlying stream or when + the writer is closed; otherwise false. The default is true. + + + + + Gets the top. + + The top. + + + + Gets the state of the writer. + + + + + Gets the path of the writer. + + + + + Indicates how JSON text output is formatted. + + + + + Get or set how dates are written to JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how time zones are handling when writing JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. , + and , + are written to JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how and values are formatting when writing JSON text. + + + + + Gets or sets the culture used when writing JSON. Defaults to . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The stream. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The writer. + + + + Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream. + + + + + Writes the end. + + The token. + + + + Writes out a comment /*...*/ containing the specified text. + + Text to place inside the comment. + + + + Writes the start of a constructor with the given name. + + The name of the constructor. + + + + Writes raw JSON. + + The raw JSON to write. + + + + Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state. + + The raw JSON to write. + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON array. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON object. + + + + + Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. + + The name of the property. + + + + Closes this stream and the underlying stream. + + + + + Writes a value. + An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a null value. + + + + + Writes an undefined value. + + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a [] value. + + The [] value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a [] value that represents a BSON object id. + + The Object ID value to write. + + + + Writes a BSON regex. + + The regex pattern. + The regex options. + + + + Gets or sets the used when writing values to BSON. + When set to no conversion will occur. + + The used when writing values to BSON. + + + + Specifies how constructors are used when initializing objects during deserialization by the . + + + + + First attempt to use the public default constructor, then fall back to single paramatized constructor, then the non-public default constructor. + + + + + Json.NET will use a non-public default constructor before falling back to a paramatized constructor. + + + + + Converts a binary value to and from a base 64 string value. + + + + + Converts an object to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + + Gets the of the JSON produced by the JsonConverter. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + The of the JSON produced by the JsonConverter. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this can read JSON. + + true if this can read JSON; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON. + + true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false. + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts a to and from JSON and BSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Create a custom object + + The object type to convert. + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Creates an object which will then be populated by the serializer. + + Type of the object. + The created object. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON. + + + true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts a to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type. + + Type of the value. + + true if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts a to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type. + + Type of the value. + + true if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Provides a base class for converting a to and from JSON. + + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts a F# discriminated union type to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts an Entity Framework EntityKey to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts an ExpandoObject to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this can write JSON. + + + true if this can write JSON; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts a to and from the ISO 8601 date format (e.g. 2008-04-12T12:53Z). + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Gets or sets the date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON. + + The date time styles used when converting a date to and from JSON. + + + + Gets or sets the date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON. + + The date time format used when converting a date to and from JSON. + + + + Gets or sets the culture used when converting a date to and from JSON. + + The culture used when converting a date to and from JSON. + + + + Converts a to and from a JavaScript date constructor (e.g. new Date(52231943)). + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Converts a to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts a to and from JSON and BSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts an to and from its name string value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the written enum text should be camel case. + + true if the written enum text will be camel case; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether integer values are allowed. + + true if integers are allowed; otherwise, false. + + + + Converts a to and from a string (e.g. ""). + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The value. + The calling serializer. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing property value of the JSON that is being converted. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified object type. + + Type of the object. + + true if this instance can convert the specified object type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Converts XML to and from JSON. + + + + + Writes the JSON representation of the object. + + The to write to. + The calling serializer. + The value. + + + + Reads the JSON representation of the object. + + The to read from. + Type of the object. + The existing value of object being read. + The calling serializer. + The object value. + + + + Checks if the attributeName is a namespace attribute. + + Attribute name to test. + The attribute name prefix if it has one, otherwise an empty string. + True if attribute name is for a namespace attribute, otherwise false. + + + + Determines whether this instance can convert the specified value type. + + Type of the value. + + true if this instance can convert the specified value type; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the root element to insert when deserializing to XML if the JSON structure has produces multiple root elements. + + The name of the deserialize root element. + + + + Gets or sets a flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute. + This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON. + + true if the array attibute is written to the XML; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to write the root JSON object. + + true if the JSON root object is omitted; otherwise, false. + + + + Specifies how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. + + + + + Floating point numbers are parsed to . + + + + + Floating point numbers are parsed to . + + + + + Specifies how dates are formatted when writing JSON text. + + + + + Dates are written in the ISO 8601 format, e.g. "2012-03-21T05:40Z". + + + + + Dates are written in the Microsoft JSON format, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/". + + + + + Specifies how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON text. + + + + + Date formatted strings are not parsed to a date type and are read as strings. + + + + + Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to . + + + + + Date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed to . + + + + + Specifies how to treat the time value when converting between string and . + + + + + Treat as local time. If the object represents a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), it is converted to the local time. + + + + + Treat as a UTC. If the object represents a local time, it is converted to a UTC. + + + + + Treat as a local time if a is being converted to a string. + If a string is being converted to , convert to a local time if a time zone is specified. + + + + + Time zone information should be preserved when converting. + + + + + Specifies default value handling options for the . + + + + + + + + + Include members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects. + Included members are written to JSON. Has no effect when deserializing. + + + + + Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects + so that is is not written to JSON. + This option will ignore all default values (e.g. null for objects and nullable types; 0 for integers, + decimals and floating point numbers; and false for booleans). The default value ignored can be changed by + placing the on the property. + + + + + Members with a default value but no JSON will be set to their default value when deserializing. + + + + + Ignore members where the member value is the same as the member's default value when serializing objects + and sets members to their default value when deserializing. + + + + + Specifies float format handling options when writing special floating point numbers, e.g. , + and with . + + + + + Write special floating point values as strings in JSON, e.g. "NaN", "Infinity", "-Infinity". + + + + + Write special floating point values as symbols in JSON, e.g. NaN, Infinity, -Infinity. + Note that this will produce non-valid JSON. + + + + + Write special floating point values as the property's default value in JSON, e.g. 0.0 for a property, null for a property. + + + + + Specifies formatting options for the . + + + + + No special formatting is applied. This is the default. + + + + + Causes child objects to be indented according to the and settings. + + + + + Provides an interface to enable a class to return line and position information. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information. + + + true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the current line number. + + The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false). + + + + Gets the current line position. + + The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false). + + + + Instructs the how to serialize the collection. + + + + + Instructs the how to serialize the object. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id. + + The container Id. + + + + Gets or sets the id. + + The id. + + + + Gets or sets the title. + + The title. + + + + Gets or sets the description. + + The description. + + + + Gets the collection's items converter. + + The collection's items converter. + + + + The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType. + If null, the default constructor is used. + When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number, + order, and type of these parameters. + + + [JsonContainer(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })] + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve object references. + + + true to keep object reference; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve collection's items references. + + + true to keep collection's items object references; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + + Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing the collection's items. + + The reference loop handling. + + + + Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing the collection's items. + + The type name handling. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with a flag indicating whether the array can contain null items + + A flag indicating whether the array can contain null items. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id. + + The container Id. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether null items are allowed in the collection. + + true if null items are allowed in the collection; otherwise, false. + + + + Instructs the to use the specified constructor when deserializing that object. + + + + + Provides methods for converting between common language runtime types and JSON types. + + + + + + + + Represents JavaScript's boolean value true as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Represents JavaScript's boolean value false as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Represents JavaScript's null as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Represents JavaScript's undefined as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Represents JavaScript's positive infinity as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Represents JavaScript's negative infinity as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Represents JavaScript's NaN as a string. This field is read-only. + + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified. + + The value to convert. + The format the date will be converted to. + The time zone handling when the date is converted to a string. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation using the specified. + + The value to convert. + The format the date will be converted to. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + The string delimiter character. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + The string delimiter character. + The string escape handling. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Converts the to its JSON string representation. + + The value to convert. + A JSON string representation of the . + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string. + + The object to serialize. + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting. + + The object to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a collection of . + + The object to serialize. + A collection converters used while serializing. + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of . + + The object to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + A collection converters used while serializing. + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using . + + The object to serialize. + The used to serialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and . + + The object to serialize. + The used to serialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + The type of the value being serialized. + This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match. + Specifing the type is optional. + + + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and . + + The object to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + The used to serialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Serializes the specified object to a JSON string using a type, formatting and . + + The object to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + The used to serialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + The type of the value being serialized. + This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match. + Specifing the type is optional. + + + A JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Asynchronously serializes the specified object to a JSON string. + Serialization will happen on a new thread. + + The object to serialize. + + A task that represents the asynchronous serialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains a JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Asynchronously serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting. + Serialization will happen on a new thread. + + The object to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + + A task that represents the asynchronous serialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains a JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Asynchronously serializes the specified object to a JSON string using formatting and a collection of . + Serialization will happen on a new thread. + + The object to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + The used to serialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + A task that represents the asynchronous serialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains a JSON string representation of the object. + + + + + Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object. + + The JSON to deserialize. + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to a .NET object using . + + The JSON to deserialize. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type. + + The JSON to deserialize. + The of object being deserialized. + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type. + + The type of the object to deserialize to. + The JSON to deserialize. + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type. + + + The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified + traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed + as a parameter. + + The JSON to deserialize. + The anonymous type object. + The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the given anonymous type using . + + + The anonymous type to deserialize to. This can't be specified + traditionally and must be infered from the anonymous type passed + as a parameter. + + The JSON to deserialize. + The anonymous type object. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + The deserialized anonymous type from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of . + + The type of the object to deserialize to. + The JSON to deserialize. + Converters to use while deserializing. + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using . + + The type of the object to deserialize to. + The object to deserialize. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using a collection of . + + The JSON to deserialize. + The type of the object to deserialize. + Converters to use while deserializing. + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using . + + The JSON to deserialize. + The type of the object to deserialize to. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + The deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type. + Deserialization will happen on a new thread. + + The type of the object to deserialize to. + The JSON to deserialize. + + A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + + Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using . + Deserialization will happen on a new thread. + + The type of the object to deserialize to. + The JSON to deserialize. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + + Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type. + Deserialization will happen on a new thread. + + The JSON to deserialize. + + A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + + Asynchronously deserializes the JSON to the specified .NET type using . + Deserialization will happen on a new thread. + + The JSON to deserialize. + The type of the object to deserialize to. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous deserialize operation. The value of the TResult parameter contains the deserialized object from the JSON string. + + + + + Populates the object with values from the JSON string. + + The JSON to populate values from. + The target object to populate values onto. + + + + Populates the object with values from the JSON string using . + + The JSON to populate values from. + The target object to populate values onto. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + + + + Asynchronously populates the object with values from the JSON string using . + + The JSON to populate values from. + The target object to populate values onto. + + The used to deserialize the object. + If this is null, default serialization settings will be used. + + + A task that represents the asynchronous populate operation. + + + + + Serializes the XML node to a JSON string. + + The node to serialize. + A JSON string of the XmlNode. + + + + Serializes the XML node to a JSON string using formatting. + + The node to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + A JSON string of the XmlNode. + + + + Serializes the XML node to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true. + + The node to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + Omits writing the root object. + A JSON string of the XmlNode. + + + + Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string. + + The JSON string. + The deserialized XmlNode + + + + Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by . + + The JSON string. + The name of the root element to append when deserializing. + The deserialized XmlNode + + + + Deserializes the XmlNode from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by + and writes a .NET array attribute for collections. + + The JSON string. + The name of the root element to append when deserializing. + + A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute. + This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON. + + The deserialized XmlNode + + + + Serializes the to a JSON string. + + The node to convert to JSON. + A JSON string of the XNode. + + + + Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting. + + The node to convert to JSON. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + A JSON string of the XNode. + + + + Serializes the to a JSON string using formatting and omits the root object if is true. + + The node to serialize. + Indicates how the output is formatted. + Omits writing the root object. + A JSON string of the XNode. + + + + Deserializes the from a JSON string. + + The JSON string. + The deserialized XNode + + + + Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by . + + The JSON string. + The name of the root element to append when deserializing. + The deserialized XNode + + + + Deserializes the from a JSON string nested in a root elment specified by + and writes a .NET array attribute for collections. + + The JSON string. + The name of the root element to append when deserializing. + + A flag to indicate whether to write the Json.NET array attribute. + This attribute helps preserve arrays when converting the written XML back to JSON. + + The deserialized XNode + + + + Gets or sets a function that creates default . + Default settings are automatically used by serialization methods on , + and and on . + To serialize without using any default settings create a with + . + + + + + Instructs the to use the specified when serializing the member or class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Type of the converter. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + Type of the converter. + Parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter. Can be null. + + + + Gets the of the converter. + + The of the converter. + + + + The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ConverterType. + If null, the default constructor is used. + + + + + Represents a collection of . + + + + + Instructs the how to serialize the collection. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id. + + The container Id. + + + + The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + The parameter is null. + The class name is null or is zero (0). + + + + Instructs the to deserialize properties with no matching class member into the specified collection + and write values during serialization. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to write extension data when serializing the object. + + + true to write extension data when serializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to read extension data when deserializing the object. + + + true to read extension data when deserializing the object; otherwise, false. The default is true. + + + + + Instructs the not to serialize the public field or public read/write property value. + + + + + Instructs the how to serialize the object. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified member serialization. + + The member serialization. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified container Id. + + The container Id. + + + + Gets or sets the member serialization. + + The member serialization. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required. + + + A value indicating whether the object's properties are required. + + + + + Instructs the to always serialize the member with the specified name. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name. + + Name of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items. + + The collection's items converter. + + + + The parameter list to use when constructing the JsonConverter described by ItemConverterType. + If null, the default constructor is used. + When non-null, there must be a constructor defined in the JsonConverter that exactly matches the number, + order, and type of these parameters. + + + [JsonProperty(ItemConverterType = typeof(MyContainerConverter), ItemConverterParameters = new object[] { 123, "Four" })] + + + + + Gets or sets the null value handling used when serializing this property. + + The null value handling. + + + + Gets or sets the default value handling used when serializing this property. + + The default value handling. + + + + Gets or sets the reference loop handling used when serializing this property. + + The reference loop handling. + + + + Gets or sets the object creation handling used when deserializing this property. + + The object creation handling. + + + + Gets or sets the type name handling used when serializing this property. + + The type name handling. + + + + Gets or sets whether this property's value is serialized as a reference. + + Whether this property's value is serialized as a reference. + + + + Gets or sets the order of serialization and deserialization of a member. + + The numeric order of serialization or deserialization. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property is required. + + + A value indicating whether this property is required. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the property. + + The name of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items. + + The collection's items reference loop handling. + + + + Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items. + + The collection's items type name handling. + + + + Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference. + + Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference. + + + + The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + The parameter is null. + The class name is null or is zero (0). + + + + Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred. + + The line number indicating where the error occurred. + + + + Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred. + + The line position indicating where the error occurred. + + + + Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred. + + The path to the JSON where the error occurred. + + + + Instructs the to always serialize the member, and require the member has a value. + + + + + The exception thrown when an error occurs during JSON serialization or deserialization. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + The parameter is null. + The class name is null or is zero (0). + + + + Serializes and deserializes objects into and from the JSON format. + The enables you to control how objects are encoded into JSON. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Creates a new instance. + The will not use default settings. + + + A new instance. + The will not use default settings. + + + + + Creates a new instance using the specified . + The will not use default settings. + + The settings to be applied to the . + + A new instance using the specified . + The will not use default settings. + + + + + Creates a new instance. + The will use default settings. + + + A new instance. + The will use default settings. + + + + + Creates a new instance using the specified . + The will use default settings. + + The settings to be applied to the . + + A new instance using the specified . + The will use default settings. + + + + + Populates the JSON values onto the target object. + + The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from. + The target object to populate values onto. + + + + Populates the JSON values onto the target object. + + The that contains the JSON structure to reader values from. + The target object to populate values onto. + + + + Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified . + + The that contains the JSON structure to deserialize. + The being deserialized. + + + + Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified + into an instance of the specified type. + + The containing the object. + The of object being deserialized. + The instance of being deserialized. + + + + Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified + into an instance of the specified type. + + The containing the object. + The type of the object to deserialize. + The instance of being deserialized. + + + + Deserializes the JSON structure contained by the specified + into an instance of the specified type. + + The containing the object. + The of object being deserialized. + The instance of being deserialized. + + + + Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure + to a Stream using the specified . + + The used to write the JSON structure. + The to serialize. + + + + Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure + to a Stream using the specified . + + The used to write the JSON structure. + The to serialize. + + The type of the value being serialized. + This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match. + Specifing the type is optional. + + + + + Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure + to a Stream using the specified . + + The used to write the JSON structure. + The to serialize. + + The type of the value being serialized. + This parameter is used when is Auto to write out the type name if the type of the value does not match. + Specifing the type is optional. + + + + + Serializes the specified and writes the JSON structure + to a Stream using the specified . + + The used to write the JSON structure. + The to serialize. + + + + Occurs when the errors during serialization and deserialization. + + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references. + + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names. + + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages. + + The trace writer. + + + + Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references. + + The equality comparer. + + + + Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer. + + + + + Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer. + + The type name assembly format. + + + + Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer. + + + + + Get or set how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled. + + + + + Get or set how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization. + + + + + Get or set how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization. + + + + + Get or set how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization. + + + + + Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization. + + The object creation handling. + + + + Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization. + + The constructor handling. + + + + Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization. + + The metadata properties handling. + + + + Gets a collection that will be used during serialization. + + Collection that will be used during serialization. + + + + Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when + serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa. + + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods. + + The context. + + + + Indicates how JSON text output is formatted. + + + + + Get or set how dates are written to JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization. + + + + + Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON. + + + + + Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. , + and , + are written as JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text. + + + + + Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to . + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object. + + + true if there will be a check for additional JSON content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false. + + + + + Specifies the settings on a object. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Gets or sets how reference loops (e.g. a class referencing itself) is handled. + + Reference loop handling. + + + + Gets or sets how missing members (e.g. JSON contains a property that isn't a member on the object) are handled during deserialization. + + Missing member handling. + + + + Gets or sets how objects are created during deserialization. + + The object creation handling. + + + + Gets or sets how null values are handled during serialization and deserialization. + + Null value handling. + + + + Gets or sets how null default are handled during serialization and deserialization. + + The default value handling. + + + + Gets or sets a collection that will be used during serialization. + + The converters. + + + + Gets or sets how object references are preserved by the serializer. + + The preserve references handling. + + + + Gets or sets how type name writing and reading is handled by the serializer. + + The type name handling. + + + + Gets or sets how metadata properties are used during deserialization. + + The metadata properties handling. + + + + Gets or sets how a type name assembly is written and resolved by the serializer. + + The type name assembly format. + + + + Gets or sets how constructors are used during deserialization. + + The constructor handling. + + + + Gets or sets the contract resolver used by the serializer when + serializing .NET objects to JSON and vice versa. + + The contract resolver. + + + + Gets or sets the equality comparer used by the serializer when comparing references. + + The equality comparer. + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving references. + + The reference resolver. + + + + Gets or sets a function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references. + + A function that creates the used by the serializer when resolving references. + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when writing trace messages. + + The trace writer. + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when resolving type names. + + The binder. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler called during serialization and deserialization. + + The error handler called during serialization and deserialization. + + + + Gets or sets the used by the serializer when invoking serialization callback methods. + + The context. + + + + Get or set how and values are formatted when writing JSON text, and the expected date format when reading JSON text. + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum depth allowed when reading JSON. Reading past this depth will throw a . + + + + + Indicates how JSON text output is formatted. + + + + + Get or set how dates are written to JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how time zones are handling during serialization and deserialization. + + + + + Get or set how date formatted strings, e.g. "\/Date(1198908717056)\/" and "2012-03-21T05:40Z", are parsed when reading JSON. + + + + + Get or set how special floating point numbers, e.g. , + and , + are written as JSON. + + + + + Get or set how floating point numbers, e.g. 1.0 and 9.9, are parsed when reading JSON text. + + + + + Get or set how strings are escaped when writing JSON text. + + + + + Gets or sets the culture used when reading JSON. Defaults to . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object. + + + true if there will be a check for additional content after deserializing an object; otherwise, false. + + + + + Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to JSON text data. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified . + + The TextReader containing the XML data to read. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream. + + + true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read. + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a []. + + + A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Changes the state to closed. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the class can return line information. + + + true if LineNumber and LinePosition can be provided; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the current line number. + + + The current line number or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false). + + + + + Gets the current line position. + + + The current line position or 0 if no line information is available (for example, HasLineInfo returns false). + + + + + Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data. + + + + + Creates an instance of the JsonWriter class using the specified . + + The TextWriter to write to. + + + + Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream. + + + + + Closes this stream and the underlying stream. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON object. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON array. + + + + + Writes the start of a constructor with the given name. + + The name of the constructor. + + + + Writes the specified end token. + + The end token to write. + + + + Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. + + The name of the property. + + + + Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. + + The name of the property. + A flag to indicate whether the text should be escaped when it is written as a JSON property name. + + + + Writes indent characters. + + + + + Writes the JSON value delimiter. + + + + + Writes an indent space. + + + + + Writes a value. + An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a null value. + + + + + Writes an undefined value. + + + + + Writes raw JSON. + + The raw JSON to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a [] value. + + The [] value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes out a comment /*...*/ containing the specified text. + + Text to place inside the comment. + + + + Writes out the given white space. + + The string of white space characters. + + + + Gets or sets how many IndentChars to write for each level in the hierarchy when is set to Formatting.Indented. + + + + + Gets or sets which character to use to quote attribute values. + + + + + Gets or sets which character to use for indenting when is set to Formatting.Indented. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether object names will be surrounded with quotes. + + + + + Specifies the type of JSON token. + + + + + This is returned by the if a method has not been called. + + + + + An object start token. + + + + + An array start token. + + + + + A constructor start token. + + + + + An object property name. + + + + + A comment. + + + + + Raw JSON. + + + + + An integer. + + + + + A float. + + + + + A string. + + + + + A boolean. + + + + + A null token. + + + + + An undefined token. + + + + + An object end token. + + + + + An array end token. + + + + + A constructor end token. + + + + + A Date. + + + + + Byte data. + + + + + + Represents a reader that provides validation. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class that + validates the content returned from the given . + + The to read from while validating. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a []. + + + A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream. + + + true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read. + + + + + Sets an event handler for receiving schema validation errors. + + + + + Gets the text value of the current JSON token. + + + + + + Gets the depth of the current token in the JSON document. + + The depth of the current token in the JSON document. + + + + Gets the path of the current JSON token. + + + + + Gets the quotation mark character used to enclose the value of a string. + + + + + + Gets the type of the current JSON token. + + + + + + Gets the Common Language Runtime (CLR) type for the current JSON token. + + + + + + Gets or sets the schema. + + The schema. + + + + Gets the used to construct this . + + The specified in the constructor. + + + + The exception thrown when an error occurs while reading JSON text. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + The parameter is null. + The class name is null or is zero (0). + + + + Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred. + + The path to the JSON where the error occurred. + + + + Contains the LINQ to JSON extension methods. + + + + + Returns a collection of tokens that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection. + + The type of the objects in source, constrained to . + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains the ancestors of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the ancestors of every token in the source collection. + + The type of the objects in source, constrained to . + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains every token in the source collection, the ancestors of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of tokens that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection. + + The type of the objects in source, constrained to . + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains the descendants of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of tokens that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection. + + The type of the objects in source, constrained to . + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains every token in the source collection, and the descendants of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of child properties of every object in the source collection. + + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains the properties of every object in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection with the given key. + + An of that contains the source collection. + The token key. + An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection with the given key. + + + + Returns a collection of child values of every object in the source collection. + + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection with the given key. + + The type to convert the values to. + An of that contains the source collection. + The token key. + An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection with the given key. + + + + Returns a collection of converted child values of every object in the source collection. + + The type to convert the values to. + An of that contains the source collection. + An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection. + + + + Converts the value. + + The type to convert the value to. + A cast as a of . + A converted value. + + + + Converts the value. + + The source collection type. + The type to convert the value to. + A cast as a of . + A converted value. + + + + Returns a collection of child tokens of every array in the source collection. + + The source collection type. + An of that contains the source collection. + An of that contains the values of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns a collection of converted child tokens of every array in the source collection. + + An of that contains the source collection. + The type to convert the values to. + The source collection type. + An that contains the converted values of every token in the source collection. + + + + Returns the input typed as . + + An of that contains the source collection. + The input typed as . + + + + Returns the input typed as . + + The source collection type. + An of that contains the source collection. + The input typed as . + + + + Represents a collection of objects. + + The type of token + + + + Gets the with the specified key. + + + + + + Represents a JSON array. + + + + + + + + Represents a token that can contain other tokens. + + + + + Represents an abstract JSON token. + + + + + Compares the values of two tokens, including the values of all descendant tokens. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + true if the tokens are equal; otherwise false. + + + + Adds the specified content immediately after this token. + + A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added after this token. + + + + Adds the specified content immediately before this token. + + A content object that contains simple content or a collection of content objects to be added before this token. + + + + Returns a collection of the ancestor tokens of this token. + + A collection of the ancestor tokens of this token. + + + + Returns a collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token. + + A collection of tokens that contain this token, and the ancestors of this token. + + + + Returns a collection of the sibling tokens after this token, in document order. + + A collection of the sibling tokens after this tokens, in document order. + + + + Returns a collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order. + + A collection of the sibling tokens before this token, in document order. + + + + Gets the with the specified key converted to the specified type. + + The type to convert the token to. + The token key. + The converted token value. + + + + Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order. + + An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order. + + + + Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order, filtered by the specified type. + + The type to filter the child tokens on. + A containing the child tokens of this , in document order. + + + + Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order. + + The type to convert the values to. + A containing the child values of this , in document order. + + + + Removes this token from its parent. + + + + + Replaces this token with the specified token. + + The value. + + + + Writes this token to a . + + A into which this method will write. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + + + + Returns the indented JSON for this token. + + + The indented JSON for this token. + + + + + Returns the JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters. + + Indicates how the output is formatted. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + The JSON for this token using the given formatting and converters. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to []. + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an explicit conversion from to . + + The value. + The result of the conversion. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from [] to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Performs an implicit conversion from to . + + The value to create a from. + The initialized with the specified value. + + + + Creates an for this token. + + An that can be used to read this token and its descendants. + + + + Creates a from an object. + + The object that will be used to create . + A with the value of the specified object + + + + Creates a from an object using the specified . + + The object that will be used to create . + The that will be used when reading the object. + A with the value of the specified object + + + + Creates the specified .NET type from the . + + The object type that the token will be deserialized to. + The new object created from the JSON value. + + + + Creates the specified .NET type from the . + + The object type that the token will be deserialized to. + The new object created from the JSON value. + + + + Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified . + + The object type that the token will be deserialized to. + The that will be used when creating the object. + The new object created from the JSON value. + + + + Creates the specified .NET type from the using the specified . + + The object type that the token will be deserialized to. + The that will be used when creating the object. + The new object created from the JSON value. + + + + Creates a from a . + + An positioned at the token to read into this . + + An that contains the token and its descendant tokens + that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined + by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader. + + + + + Load a from a string that contains JSON. + + A that contains JSON. + A populated from the string that contains JSON. + + + + Creates a from a . + + An positioned at the token to read into this . + + An that contains the token and its descendant tokens + that were read from the reader. The runtime type of the token is determined + by the token type of the first token encountered in the reader. + + + + + Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path. + + + A that contains a JPath expression. + + A , or null. + + + + Selects a using a JPath expression. Selects the token that matches the object path. + + + A that contains a JPath expression. + + A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression. + A . + + + + Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression. + + + A that contains a JPath expression. + + An that contains the selected elements. + + + + Selects a collection of elements using a JPath expression. + + + A that contains a JPath expression. + + A flag to indicate whether an error should be thrown if no tokens are found when evaluating part of the expression. + An that contains the selected elements. + + + + Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object. + + The expression tree representation of the runtime value. + + The to bind this object. + + + + + Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object. + + The expression tree representation of the runtime value. + + The to bind this object. + + + + + Creates a new instance of the . All child tokens are recursively cloned. + + A new instance of the . + + + + Adds an object to the annotation list of this . + + The annotation to add. + + + + Get the first annotation object of the specified type from this . + + The type of the annotation to retrieve. + The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type. + + + + Gets the first annotation object of the specified type from this . + + The of the annotation to retrieve. + The first annotation object that matches the specified type, or null if no annotation is of the specified type. + + + + Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this . + + The type of the annotations to retrieve. + An that contains the annotations for this . + + + + Gets a collection of annotations of the specified type for this . + + The of the annotations to retrieve. + An of that contains the annotations that match the specified type for this . + + + + Removes the annotations of the specified type from this . + + The type of annotations to remove. + + + + Removes the annotations of the specified type from this . + + The of annotations to remove. + + + + Gets a comparer that can compare two tokens for value equality. + + A that can compare two nodes for value equality. + + + + Gets or sets the parent. + + The parent. + + + + Gets the root of this . + + The root of this . + + + + Gets the node type for this . + + The type. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens. + + + true if this token has child values; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the next sibling token of this node. + + The that contains the next sibling token. + + + + Gets the previous sibling token of this node. + + The that contains the previous sibling token. + + + + Gets the path of the JSON token. + + + + + Gets the with the specified key. + + The with the specified key. + + + + Get the first child token of this token. + + A containing the first child token of the . + + + + Get the last child token of this token. + + A containing the last child token of the . + + + + Raises the event. + + The instance containing the event data. + + + + Raises the event. + + The instance containing the event data. + + + + Raises the event. + + The instance containing the event data. + + + + Returns a collection of the child tokens of this token, in document order. + + + An of containing the child tokens of this , in document order. + + + + + Returns a collection of the child values of this token, in document order. + + The type to convert the values to. + + A containing the child values of this , in document order. + + + + + Returns a collection of the descendant tokens for this token in document order. + + An containing the descendant tokens of the . + + + + Returns a collection of the tokens that contain this token, and all descendant tokens of this token, in document order. + + An containing this token, and all the descendant tokens of the . + + + + Adds the specified content as children of this . + + The content to be added. + + + + Adds the specified content as the first children of this . + + The content to be added. + + + + Creates an that can be used to add tokens to the . + + An that is ready to have content written to it. + + + + Replaces the children nodes of this token with the specified content. + + The content. + + + + Removes the child nodes from this token. + + + + + Merge the specified content into this . + + The content to be merged. + + + + Merge the specified content into this using . + + The content to be merged. + The used to merge the content. + + + + Occurs when the list changes or an item in the list changes. + + + + + Occurs before an item is added to the collection. + + + + + Occurs when the items list of the collection has changed, or the collection is reset. + + + + + Gets the container's children tokens. + + The container's children tokens. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens. + + + true if this token has child values; otherwise, false. + + + + + Get the first child token of this token. + + + A containing the first child token of the . + + + + + Get the last child token of this token. + + + A containing the last child token of the . + + + + + Gets the count of child JSON tokens. + + The count of child JSON tokens + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class from another object. + + A object to copy from. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content. + + The contents of the array. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content. + + The contents of the array. + + + + Loads an from a . + + A that will be read for the content of the . + A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified . + + + + Load a from a string that contains JSON. + + A that contains JSON. + A populated from the string that contains JSON. + + + + + + + Creates a from an object. + + The object that will be used to create . + A with the values of the specified object + + + + Creates a from an object. + + The object that will be used to create . + The that will be used to read the object. + A with the values of the specified object + + + + Writes this token to a . + + A into which this method will write. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + + + + Determines the index of a specific item in the . + + The object to locate in the . + + The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an item to the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The object to insert into the . + + is not a valid index in the . + The is read-only. + + + + Removes the item at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the item to remove. + + is not a valid index in the . + The is read-only. + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + + A that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + + Adds an item to the . + + The object to add to the . + The is read-only. + + + + Removes all items from the . + + The is read-only. + + + + Determines whether the contains a specific value. + + The object to locate in the . + + true if is found in the ; otherwise, false. + + + + + Copies to. + + The array. + Index of the array. + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . + + The object to remove from the . + + true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original . + + The is read-only. + + + + Gets the container's children tokens. + + The container's children tokens. + + + + Gets the node type for this . + + The type. + + + + Gets the with the specified key. + + The with the specified key. + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. + + + + Represents a JSON constructor. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class from another object. + + A object to copy from. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content. + + The constructor name. + The contents of the constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name and content. + + The constructor name. + The contents of the constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified name. + + The constructor name. + + + + Writes this token to a . + + A into which this method will write. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + + + + Loads an from a . + + A that will be read for the content of the . + A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified . + + + + Gets the container's children tokens. + + The container's children tokens. + + + + Gets or sets the name of this constructor. + + The constructor name. + + + + Gets the node type for this . + + The type. + + + + Gets the with the specified key. + + The with the specified key. + + + + Represents a collection of objects. + + The type of token + + + + An empty collection of objects. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the struct. + + The enumerable. + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + + A that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. + + + An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + + Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. + + The to compare with this instance. + + true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. + + The to compare with this instance. + + true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. + + + + + Returns a hash code for this instance. + + + A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. + + + + + Gets the with the specified key. + + + + + + Represents a JSON object. + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class from another object. + + A object to copy from. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content. + + The contents of the object. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified content. + + The contents of the object. + + + + Gets an of this object's properties. + + An of this object's properties. + + + + Gets a the specified name. + + The property name. + A with the specified name or null. + + + + Gets an of this object's property values. + + An of this object's property values. + + + + Loads an from a . + + A that will be read for the content of the . + A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified . + + + + Load a from a string that contains JSON. + + A that contains JSON. + A populated from the string that contains JSON. + + + + + + + Creates a from an object. + + The object that will be used to create . + A with the values of the specified object + + + + Creates a from an object. + + The object that will be used to create . + The that will be used to read the object. + A with the values of the specified object + + + + Writes this token to a . + + A into which this method will write. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + + + + Gets the with the specified property name. + + Name of the property. + The with the specified property name. + + + + Gets the with the specified property name. + The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then + the will be used to match a property. + + Name of the property. + One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. + The with the specified property name. + + + + Tries to get the with the specified property name. + The exact property name will be searched for first and if no matching property is found then + the will be used to match a property. + + Name of the property. + The value. + One of the enumeration values that specifies how the strings will be compared. + true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false. + + + + Adds the specified property name. + + Name of the property. + The value. + + + + Removes the property with the specified name. + + Name of the property. + true if item was successfully removed; otherwise, false. + + + + Tries the get value. + + Name of the property. + The value. + true if a value was successfully retrieved; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. + + + A that can be used to iterate through the collection. + + + + + Raises the event with the provided arguments. + + Name of the property. + + + + Raises the event with the provided arguments. + + Name of the property. + + + + Returns the properties for this instance of a component. + + + A that represents the properties for this component instance. + + + + + Returns the properties for this instance of a component using the attribute array as a filter. + + An array of type that is used as a filter. + + A that represents the filtered properties for this component instance. + + + + + Returns a collection of custom attributes for this instance of a component. + + + An containing the attributes for this object. + + + + + Returns the class name of this instance of a component. + + + The class name of the object, or null if the class does not have a name. + + + + + Returns the name of this instance of a component. + + + The name of the object, or null if the object does not have a name. + + + + + Returns a type converter for this instance of a component. + + + A that is the converter for this object, or null if there is no for this object. + + + + + Returns the default event for this instance of a component. + + + An that represents the default event for this object, or null if this object does not have events. + + + + + Returns the default property for this instance of a component. + + + A that represents the default property for this object, or null if this object does not have properties. + + + + + Returns an editor of the specified type for this instance of a component. + + A that represents the editor for this object. + + An of the specified type that is the editor for this object, or null if the editor cannot be found. + + + + + Returns the events for this instance of a component using the specified attribute array as a filter. + + An array of type that is used as a filter. + + An that represents the filtered events for this component instance. + + + + + Returns the events for this instance of a component. + + + An that represents the events for this component instance. + + + + + Returns an object that contains the property described by the specified property descriptor. + + A that represents the property whose owner is to be found. + + An that represents the owner of the specified property. + + + + + Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object. + + The expression tree representation of the runtime value. + + The to bind this object. + + + + + Gets the container's children tokens. + + The container's children tokens. + + + + Occurs when a property value changes. + + + + + Occurs when a property value is changing. + + + + + Gets the node type for this . + + The type. + + + + Gets the with the specified key. + + The with the specified key. + + + + Gets or sets the with the specified property name. + + + + + + Specifies the settings used when merging JSON. + + + + + Gets or sets the method used when merging JSON arrays. + + The method used when merging JSON arrays. + + + + Represents a JSON property. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class from another object. + + A object to copy from. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The property name. + The property content. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The property name. + The property content. + + + + Writes this token to a . + + A into which this method will write. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + + + + Loads an from a . + + A that will be read for the content of the . + A that contains the JSON that was read from the specified . + + + + Gets the container's children tokens. + + The container's children tokens. + + + + Gets the property name. + + The property name. + + + + Gets or sets the property value. + + The property value. + + + + Gets the node type for this . + + The type. + + + + Represents a view of a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The name. + + + + When overridden in a derived class, returns whether resetting an object changes its value. + + + true if resetting the component changes its value; otherwise, false. + + The component to test for reset capability. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component. + + + The value of a property for a given component. + + The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. + + The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value. + + The component with the property value that is to be set. + The new value. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. + + + true if the property should be persisted; otherwise, false. + + The component with the property to be examined for persistence. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the component this property is bound to. + + + A that represents the type of component this property is bound to. When the or methods are invoked, the object specified might be an instance of this type. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. + + + true if the property is read-only; otherwise, false. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the property. + + + A that represents the type of the property. + + + + + Gets the hash code for the name of the member. + + + + The hash code for the name of the member. + + + + + Represents a raw JSON string. + + + + + Represents a value in JSON (string, integer, date, etc). + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class from another object. + + A object to copy from. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with the given value. + + The value. + + + + Creates a comment with the given value. + + The value. + A comment with the given value. + + + + Creates a string with the given value. + + The value. + A string with the given value. + + + + Creates a null value. + + A null value. + + + + Creates a null value. + + A null value. + + + + Writes this token to a . + + A into which this method will write. + A collection of which will be used when writing the token. + + + + Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. + + + true if the current object is equal to the parameter; otherwise, false. + + An object to compare with this object. + + + + Determines whether the specified is equal to the current . + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + The parameter is null. + + + + + Serves as a hash function for a particular type. + + + A hash code for the current . + + + + + Returns a that represents this instance. + + + A that represents this instance. + + + + + Returns a that represents this instance. + + The format. + + A that represents this instance. + + + + + Returns a that represents this instance. + + The format provider. + + A that represents this instance. + + + + + Returns a that represents this instance. + + The format. + The format provider. + + A that represents this instance. + + + + + Returns the responsible for binding operations performed on this object. + + The expression tree representation of the runtime value. + + The to bind this object. + + + + + Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object. + + An object to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: + Value + Meaning + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + Zero + This instance is equal to . + Greater than zero + This instance is greater than . + + + is not the same type as this instance. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this token has child tokens. + + + true if this token has child values; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the node type for this . + + The type. + + + + Gets or sets the underlying token value. + + The underlying token value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class from another object. + + A object to copy from. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The raw json. + + + + Creates an instance of with the content of the reader's current token. + + The reader. + An instance of with the content of the reader's current token. + + + + Compares tokens to determine whether they are equal. + + + + + Determines whether the specified objects are equal. + + The first object of type to compare. + The second object of type to compare. + + true if the specified objects are equal; otherwise, false. + + + + + Returns a hash code for the specified object. + + The for which a hash code is to be returned. + A hash code for the specified object. + The type of is a reference type and is null. + + + + Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized JSON data. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The token to read from. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a []. + + + A [] or a null reference if the next JSON token is null. This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream as a . + + A . This method will return null at the end of an array. + + + + Reads the next JSON token from the stream. + + + true if the next token was read successfully; false if there are no more tokens to read. + + + + + Gets the at the reader's current position. + + + + + Gets the path of the current JSON token. + + + + + Specifies the type of token. + + + + + No token type has been set. + + + + + A JSON object. + + + + + A JSON array. + + + + + A JSON constructor. + + + + + A JSON object property. + + + + + A comment. + + + + + An integer value. + + + + + A float value. + + + + + A string value. + + + + + A boolean value. + + + + + A null value. + + + + + An undefined value. + + + + + A date value. + + + + + A raw JSON value. + + + + + A collection of bytes value. + + + + + A Guid value. + + + + + A Uri value. + + + + + A TimeSpan value. + + + + + Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class writing to the given . + + The container being written to. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream. + + + + + Closes this stream and the underlying stream. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON object. + + + + + Writes the beginning of a JSON array. + + + + + Writes the start of a constructor with the given name. + + The name of the constructor. + + + + Writes the end. + + The token. + + + + Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object. + + The name of the property. + + + + Writes a value. + An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a null value. + + + + + Writes an undefined value. + + + + + Writes raw JSON. + + The raw JSON to write. + + + + Writes out a comment /*...*/ containing the specified text. + + Text to place inside the comment. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a [] value. + + The [] value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Writes a value. + + The value to write. + + + + Gets the at the writer's current position. + + + + + Gets the token being writen. + + The token being writen. + + + + Specifies how JSON arrays are merged together. + + + + Concatenate arrays. + + + Union arrays, skipping items that already exist. + + + Replace all array items. + + + Merge array items together, matched by index. + + + + Specifies the member serialization options for the . + + + + + All public members are serialized by default. Members can be excluded using or . + This is the default member serialization mode. + + + + + Only members must be marked with or are serialized. + This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with . + + + + + All public and private fields are serialized. Members can be excluded using or . + This member serialization mode can also be set by marking the class with + and setting IgnoreSerializableAttribute on to false. + + + + + Specifies metadata property handling options for the . + + + + + Read metadata properties located at the start of a JSON object. + + + + + Read metadata properties located anywhere in a JSON object. Note that this setting will impact performance. + + + + + Do not try to read metadata properties. + + + + + Specifies missing member handling options for the . + + + + + Ignore a missing member and do not attempt to deserialize it. + + + + + Throw a when a missing member is encountered during deserialization. + + + + + Specifies null value handling options for the . + + + + + + + + + Include null values when serializing and deserializing objects. + + + + + Ignore null values when serializing and deserializing objects. + + + + + Specifies how object creation is handled by the . + + + + + Reuse existing objects, create new objects when needed. + + + + + Only reuse existing objects. + + + + + Always create new objects. + + + + + Specifies reference handling options for the . + Note that references cannot be preserved when a value is set via a non-default constructor such as types that implement ISerializable. + + + + + + + + Do not preserve references when serializing types. + + + + + Preserve references when serializing into a JSON object structure. + + + + + Preserve references when serializing into a JSON array structure. + + + + + Preserve references when serializing. + + + + + Specifies reference loop handling options for the . + + + + + Throw a when a loop is encountered. + + + + + Ignore loop references and do not serialize. + + + + + Serialize loop references. + + + + + Indicating whether a property is required. + + + + + The property is not required. The default state. + + + + + The property must be defined in JSON but can be a null value. + + + + + The property must be defined in JSON and cannot be a null value. + + + + + + Contains the JSON schema extension methods. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + + Determines whether the is valid. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + The source to test. + The schema to test with. + + true if the specified is valid; otherwise, false. + + + + + + Determines whether the is valid. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + The source to test. + The schema to test with. + When this method returns, contains any error messages generated while validating. + + true if the specified is valid; otherwise, false. + + + + + + Validates the specified . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + The source to test. + The schema to test with. + + + + + Validates the specified . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + The source to test. + The schema to test with. + The validation event handler. + + + + + An in-memory representation of a JSON Schema. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Reads a from the specified . + + The containing the JSON Schema to read. + The object representing the JSON Schema. + + + + Reads a from the specified . + + The containing the JSON Schema to read. + The to use when resolving schema references. + The object representing the JSON Schema. + + + + Load a from a string that contains schema JSON. + + A that contains JSON. + A populated from the string that contains JSON. + + + + Parses the specified json. + + The json. + The resolver. + A populated from the string that contains JSON. + + + + Writes this schema to a . + + A into which this method will write. + + + + Writes this schema to a using the specified . + + A into which this method will write. + The resolver used. + + + + Returns a that represents the current . + + + A that represents the current . + + + + + Gets or sets the id. + + + + + Gets or sets the title. + + + + + Gets or sets whether the object is required. + + + + + Gets or sets whether the object is read only. + + + + + Gets or sets whether the object is visible to users. + + + + + Gets or sets whether the object is transient. + + + + + Gets or sets the description of the object. + + + + + Gets or sets the types of values allowed by the object. + + The type. + + + + Gets or sets the pattern. + + The pattern. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum length. + + The minimum length. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum length. + + The maximum length. + + + + Gets or sets a number that the value should be divisble by. + + A number that the value should be divisble by. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum. + + The minimum. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum. + + The maximum. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the "minimum" attribute. + + A flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the "minimum" attribute. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the "maximum" attribute. + + A flag indicating whether the value can not equal the number defined by the "maximum" attribute. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum number of items. + + The minimum number of items. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of items. + + The maximum number of items. + + + + Gets or sets the of items. + + The of items. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether items in an array are validated using the instance at their array position from . + + + true if items are validated using their array position; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets the of additional items. + + The of additional items. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether additional items are allowed. + + + true if additional items are allowed; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets whether the array items must be unique. + + + + + Gets or sets the of properties. + + The of properties. + + + + Gets or sets the of additional properties. + + The of additional properties. + + + + Gets or sets the pattern properties. + + The pattern properties. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether additional properties are allowed. + + + true if additional properties are allowed; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets the required property if this property is present. + + The required property if this property is present. + + + + Gets or sets the a collection of valid enum values allowed. + + A collection of valid enum values allowed. + + + + Gets or sets disallowed types. + + The disallow types. + + + + Gets or sets the default value. + + The default value. + + + + Gets or sets the collection of that this schema extends. + + The collection of that this schema extends. + + + + Gets or sets the format. + + The format. + + + + + Returns detailed information about the schema exception. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. + + The error message that explains the reason for the exception. + The exception that is the cause of the current exception, or a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if no inner exception is specified. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + The parameter is null. + The class name is null or is zero (0). + + + + Gets the line number indicating where the error occurred. + + The line number indicating where the error occurred. + + + + Gets the line position indicating where the error occurred. + + The line position indicating where the error occurred. + + + + Gets the path to the JSON where the error occurred. + + The path to the JSON where the error occurred. + + + + + Generates a from a specified . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Generate a from the specified type. + + The type to generate a from. + A generated from the specified type. + + + + Generate a from the specified type. + + The type to generate a from. + The used to resolve schema references. + A generated from the specified type. + + + + Generate a from the specified type. + + The type to generate a from. + Specify whether the generated root will be nullable. + A generated from the specified type. + + + + Generate a from the specified type. + + The type to generate a from. + The used to resolve schema references. + Specify whether the generated root will be nullable. + A generated from the specified type. + + + + Gets or sets how undefined schemas are handled by the serializer. + + + + + Gets or sets the contract resolver. + + The contract resolver. + + + + + Resolves from an id. + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Gets a for the specified reference. + + The id. + A for the specified reference. + + + + Gets or sets the loaded schemas. + + The loaded schemas. + + + + + The value types allowed by the . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + No type specified. + + + + + String type. + + + + + Float type. + + + + + Integer type. + + + + + Boolean type. + + + + + Object type. + + + + + Array type. + + + + + Null type. + + + + + Any type. + + + + + + Specifies undefined schema Id handling options for the . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Do not infer a schema Id. + + + + + Use the .NET type name as the schema Id. + + + + + Use the assembly qualified .NET type name as the schema Id. + + + + + + Returns detailed information related to the . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Gets the associated with the validation error. + + The JsonSchemaException associated with the validation error. + + + + Gets the path of the JSON location where the validation error occurred. + + The path of the JSON location where the validation error occurred. + + + + Gets the text description corresponding to the validation error. + + The text description. + + + + + Represents the callback method that will handle JSON schema validation events and the . + + + JSON Schema validation has been moved to its own package. See http://www.newtonsoft.com/jsonschema for more details. + + + + + + Resolves member mappings for a type, camel casing property names. + + + + + Used by to resolves a for a given . + + + + + Used by to resolves a for a given . + + + + + + + + + Resolves the contract for a given type. + + The type to resolve a contract for. + The contract for a given type. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + If set to true the will use a cached shared with other resolvers of the same type. + Sharing the cache will significantly improve performance with multiple resolver instances because expensive reflection will only + happen once. This setting can cause unexpected behavior if different instances of the resolver are suppose to produce different + results. When set to false it is highly recommended to reuse instances with the . + + + + + Resolves the contract for a given type. + + The type to resolve a contract for. + The contract for a given type. + + + + Gets the serializable members for the type. + + The type to get serializable members for. + The serializable members for the type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates the constructor parameters. + + The constructor to create properties for. + The type's member properties. + Properties for the given . + + + + Creates a for the given . + + The matching member property. + The constructor parameter. + A created for the given . + + + + Resolves the default for the contract. + + Type of the object. + The contract's default . + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates a for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Determines which contract type is created for the given type. + + Type of the object. + A for the given type. + + + + Creates properties for the given . + + The type to create properties for. + /// The member serialization mode for the type. + Properties for the given . + + + + Creates the used by the serializer to get and set values from a member. + + The member. + The used by the serializer to get and set values from a member. + + + + Creates a for the given . + + The member's parent . + The member to create a for. + A created for the given . + + + + Resolves the name of the property. + + Name of the property. + Resolved name of the property. + + + + Resolves the key of the dictionary. By default is used to resolve dictionary keys. + + Key of the dictionary. + Resolved key of the dictionary. + + + + Gets the resolved name of the property. + + Name of the property. + Name of the property. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether members are being get and set using dynamic code generation. + This value is determined by the runtime permissions available. + + + true if using dynamic code generation; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets the default members search flags. + + The default members search flags. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether compiler generated members should be serialized. + + + true if serialized compiler generated members; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the interface when serializing and deserializing types. + + + true if the interface will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to ignore the attribute when serializing and deserializing types. + + + true if the attribute will be ignored when serializing and deserializing types; otherwise, false. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Resolves the name of the property. + + Name of the property. + The property name camel cased. + + + + Used to resolve references when serializing and deserializing JSON by the . + + + + + Resolves a reference to its object. + + The serialization context. + The reference to resolve. + The object that + + + + Gets the reference for the sepecified object. + + The serialization context. + The object to get a reference for. + The reference to the object. + + + + Determines whether the specified object is referenced. + + The serialization context. + The object to test for a reference. + + true if the specified object is referenced; otherwise, false. + + + + + Adds a reference to the specified object. + + The serialization context. + The reference. + The object to reference. + + + + The default serialization binder used when resolving and loading classes from type names. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type. + + Specifies the name of the serialized object. + Specifies the name of the serialized object. + + The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of. + + + + + When overridden in a derived class, controls the binding of a serialized object to a type. + + The type of the object the formatter creates a new instance of. + Specifies the name of the serialized object. + Specifies the name of the serialized object. + + + + Represents a trace writer that writes to the application's instances. + + + + + Represents a trace writer. + + + + + Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception. + + The at which to write this trace. + The trace message. + The trace exception. This parameter is optional. + + + + Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer. + For example a filter level of Info will exclude Verbose messages and include Info, + Warning and Error messages. + + The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer. + + + + Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception. + + The at which to write this trace. + The trace message. + The trace exception. This parameter is optional. + + + + Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer. + For example a filter level of Info will exclude Verbose messages and include Info, + Warning and Error messages. + + + The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer. + + + + + Get and set values for a using dynamic methods. + + + + + Provides methods to get and set values. + + + + + Sets the value. + + The target to set the value on. + The value to set on the target. + + + + Gets the value. + + The target to get the value from. + The value. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The member info. + + + + Sets the value. + + The target to set the value on. + The value to set on the target. + + + + Gets the value. + + The target to get the value from. + The value. + + + + Provides information surrounding an error. + + + + + Gets the error. + + The error. + + + + Gets the original object that caused the error. + + The original object that caused the error. + + + + Gets the member that caused the error. + + The member that caused the error. + + + + Gets the path of the JSON location where the error occurred. + + The path of the JSON location where the error occurred. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is handled. + + true if handled; otherwise, false. + + + + Provides data for the Error event. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The current object. + The error context. + + + + Gets the current object the error event is being raised against. + + The current object the error event is being raised against. + + + + Gets the error context. + + The error context. + + + + Get and set values for a using dynamic methods. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The member info. + + + + Sets the value. + + The target to set the value on. + The value to set on the target. + + + + Gets the value. + + The target to get the value from. + The value. + + + + Provides methods to get attributes. + + + + + Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes. + + When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. + A collection of s, or an empty collection. + + + + Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes. + + The type of the attributes. + When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. + A collection of s, or an empty collection. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Gets the underlying type for the contract. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets or sets the type created during deserialization. + + The type created during deserialization. + + + + Gets or sets whether this type contract is serialized as a reference. + + Whether this type contract is serialized as a reference. + + + + Gets or sets the default for this contract. + + The converter. + + + + Gets or sets all methods called immediately after deserialization of the object. + + The methods called immediately after deserialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets all methods called during deserialization of the object. + + The methods called during deserialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets all methods called after serialization of the object graph. + + The methods called after serialization of the object graph. + + + + Gets or sets all methods called before serialization of the object. + + The methods called before serialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets all method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object. + + The methods called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets the method called immediately after deserialization of the object. + + The method called immediately after deserialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets the method called during deserialization of the object. + + The method called during deserialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets the method called after serialization of the object graph. + + The method called after serialization of the object graph. + + + + Gets or sets the method called before serialization of the object. + + The method called before serialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets the method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object. + + The method called when an error is thrown during the serialization of the object. + + + + Gets or sets the default creator method used to create the object. + + The default creator method used to create the object. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the default creator is non public. + + true if the default object creator is non-public; otherwise, false. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets or sets the default collection items . + + The converter. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection items preserve object references. + + true if collection items preserve object references; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets the collection item reference loop handling. + + The reference loop handling. + + + + Gets or sets the collection item type name handling. + + The type name handling. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets the of the collection items. + + The of the collection items. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection type is a multidimensional array. + + true if the collection type is a multidimensional array; otherwise, false. + + + + Handles serialization callback events. + + The object that raised the callback event. + The streaming context. + + + + Handles serialization error callback events. + + The object that raised the callback event. + The streaming context. + The error context. + + + + Sets extension data for an object during deserialization. + + The object to set extension data on. + The extension data key. + The extension data value. + + + + Gets extension data for an object during serialization. + + The object to set extension data on. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets or sets the property name resolver. + + The property name resolver. + + + + Gets or sets the dictionary key resolver. + + The dictionary key resolver. + + + + Gets the of the dictionary keys. + + The of the dictionary keys. + + + + Gets the of the dictionary values. + + The of the dictionary values. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets the object's properties. + + The object's properties. + + + + Gets or sets the property name resolver. + + The property name resolver. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets or sets the ISerializable object constructor. + + The ISerializable object constructor. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Gets or sets the object member serialization. + + The member object serialization. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the object's properties are required. + + + A value indicating whether the object's properties are required. + + + + + Gets the object's properties. + + The object's properties. + + + + Gets the constructor parameters required for any non-default constructor + + + + + Gets a collection of instances that define the parameters used with . + + + + + Gets or sets the override constructor used to create the object. + This is set when a constructor is marked up using the + JsonConstructor attribute. + + The override constructor. + + + + Gets or sets the parametrized constructor used to create the object. + + The parametrized constructor. + + + + Gets or sets the function used to create the object. When set this function will override . + This function is called with a collection of arguments which are defined by the collection. + + The function used to create the object. + + + + Gets or sets the extension data setter. + + + + + Gets or sets the extension data getter. + + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Maps a JSON property to a .NET member or constructor parameter. + + + + + Returns a that represents this instance. + + + A that represents this instance. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the property. + + The name of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the type that declared this property. + + The type that declared this property. + + + + Gets or sets the order of serialization and deserialization of a member. + + The numeric order of serialization or deserialization. + + + + Gets or sets the name of the underlying member or parameter. + + The name of the underlying member or parameter. + + + + Gets the that will get and set the during serialization. + + The that will get and set the during serialization. + + + + Gets or sets the for this property. + + The for this property. + + + + Gets or sets the type of the property. + + The type of the property. + + + + Gets or sets the for the property. + If set this converter takes presidence over the contract converter for the property type. + + The converter. + + + + Gets or sets the member converter. + + The member converter. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is ignored. + + true if ignored; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is readable. + + true if readable; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is writable. + + true if writable; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this has a member attribute. + + true if has a member attribute; otherwise, false. + + + + Gets the default value. + + The default value. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is required. + + A value indicating whether this is required. + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether this property preserves object references. + + + true if this instance is reference; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets or sets the property null value handling. + + The null value handling. + + + + Gets or sets the property default value handling. + + The default value handling. + + + + Gets or sets the property reference loop handling. + + The reference loop handling. + + + + Gets or sets the property object creation handling. + + The object creation handling. + + + + Gets or sets or sets the type name handling. + + The type name handling. + + + + Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize. + + A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialize. + + + + Gets or sets a predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized. + + A predicate used to determine whether the property should be serialized. + + + + Gets or sets an action used to set whether the property has been deserialized. + + An action used to set whether the property has been deserialized. + + + + Gets or sets the converter used when serializing the property's collection items. + + The collection's items converter. + + + + Gets or sets whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference. + + Whether this property's collection items are serialized as a reference. + + + + Gets or sets the the type name handling used when serializing the property's collection items. + + The collection's items type name handling. + + + + Gets or sets the the reference loop handling used when serializing the property's collection items. + + The collection's items reference loop handling. + + + + A collection of objects. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The type. + + + + When implemented in a derived class, extracts the key from the specified element. + + The element from which to extract the key. + The key for the specified element. + + + + Adds a object. + + The property to add to the collection. + + + + Gets the closest matching object. + First attempts to get an exact case match of propertyName and then + a case insensitive match. + + Name of the property. + A matching property if found. + + + + Gets a property by property name. + + The name of the property to get. + Type property name string comparison. + A matching property if found. + + + + Contract details for a used by the . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The underlying type for the contract. + + + + Lookup and create an instance of the JsonConverter type described by the argument. + + The JsonConverter type to create. + Optional arguments to pass to an initializing constructor of the JsonConverter. + If null, the default constructor is used. + + + + Create a factory function that can be used to create instances of a JsonConverter described by the + argument type. The returned function can then be used to either invoke the converter's default ctor, or any + parameterized constructors by way of an object array. + + + + + Represents a trace writer that writes to memory. When the trace message limit is + reached then old trace messages will be removed as new messages are added. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Writes the specified trace level, message and optional exception. + + The at which to write this trace. + The trace message. + The trace exception. This parameter is optional. + + + + Returns an enumeration of the most recent trace messages. + + An enumeration of the most recent trace messages. + + + + Returns a of the most recent trace messages. + + + A of the most recent trace messages. + + + + + Gets the that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer. + For example a filter level of Info will exclude Verbose messages and include Info, + Warning and Error messages. + + + The that will be used to filter the trace messages passed to the writer. + + + + + Represents a method that constructs an object. + + The object type to create. + + + + When applied to a method, specifies that the method is called when an error occurs serializing an object. + + + + + Provides methods to get attributes from a , , or . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The instance to get attributes for. This parameter should be a , , or . + + + + Returns a collection of all of the attributes, or an empty collection if there are no attributes. + + When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. + A collection of s, or an empty collection. + + + + Returns a collection of attributes, identified by type, or an empty collection if there are no attributes. + + The type of the attributes. + When true, look up the hierarchy chain for the inherited custom attribute. + A collection of s, or an empty collection. + + + + Get and set values for a using reflection. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + The member info. + + + + Sets the value. + + The target to set the value on. + The value to set on the target. + + + + Gets the value. + + The target to get the value from. + The value. + + + + Specifies how strings are escaped when writing JSON text. + + + + + Only control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped. + + + + + All non-ASCII and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped. + + + + + HTML (<, >, &, ', ") and control characters (e.g. newline) are escaped. + + + + + Specifies type name handling options for the . + + + + + Do not include the .NET type name when serializing types. + + + + + Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON object structure. + + + + + Include the .NET type name when serializing into a JSON array structure. + + + + + Always include the .NET type name when serializing. + + + + + Include the .NET type name when the type of the object being serialized is not the same as its declared type. + + + + + Determines whether the collection is null or empty. + + The collection. + + true if the collection is null or empty; otherwise, false. + + + + + Adds the elements of the specified collection to the specified generic IList. + + The list to add to. + The collection of elements to add. + + + + Returns the index of the first occurrence in a sequence by using a specified IEqualityComparer{TSource}. + + The type of the elements of source. + A sequence in which to locate a value. + The object to locate in the sequence + An equality comparer to compare values. + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of value within the entire sequence, if found; otherwise, –1. + + + + Converts the value to the specified type. If the value is unable to be converted, the + value is checked whether it assignable to the specified type. + + The value to convert. + The culture to use when converting. + The type to convert or cast the value to. + + The converted type. If conversion was unsuccessful, the initial value + is returned if assignable to the target type. + + + + + Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls a + specific method on Dynamic that returns a result + + + + + Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls a + specific method on Dynamic, but uses one of the arguments for + the result. + + + + + Helper method for generating a MetaObject which calls a + specific method on Dynamic, but uses one of the arguments for + the result. + + + + + Returns a Restrictions object which includes our current restrictions merged + with a restriction limiting our type + + + + + Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type. + + + + + + Gets a dictionary of the names and values of an Enum type. + + The enum type to get names and values for. + + + + + Gets the type of the typed collection's items. + + The type. + The type of the typed collection's items. + + + + Gets the member's underlying type. + + The member. + The underlying type of the member. + + + + Determines whether the member is an indexed property. + + The member. + + true if the member is an indexed property; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the property is an indexed property. + + The property. + + true if the property is an indexed property; otherwise, false. + + + + + Gets the member's value on the object. + + The member. + The target object. + The member's value on the object. + + + + Sets the member's value on the target object. + + The member. + The target. + The value. + + + + Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be read. + + The MemberInfo to determine whether can be read. + /// if set to true then allow the member to be gotten non-publicly. + + true if the specified MemberInfo can be read; otherwise, false. + + + + + Determines whether the specified MemberInfo can be set. + + The MemberInfo to determine whether can be set. + if set to true then allow the member to be set non-publicly. + if set to true then allow the member to be set if read-only. + + true if the specified MemberInfo can be set; otherwise, false. + + + + + Builds a string. Unlike StringBuilder this class lets you reuse it's internal buffer. + + + + + Determines whether the string is all white space. Empty string will return false. + + The string to test whether it is all white space. + + true if the string is all white space; otherwise, false. + + + + + Nulls an empty string. + + The string. + Null if the string was null, otherwise the string unchanged. + + + + Specifies the state of the . + + + + + An exception has been thrown, which has left the in an invalid state. + You may call the method to put the in the Closed state. + Any other method calls results in an being thrown. + + + + + The method has been called. + + + + + An object is being written. + + + + + A array is being written. + + + + + A constructor is being written. + + + + + A property is being written. + + + + + A write method has not been called. + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/log4net.dll b/artifacts.core/log4net.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47cd9ad Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/log4net.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/log4net.xml b/artifacts.core/log4net.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55a19f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/artifacts.core/log4net.xml @@ -0,0 +1,31814 @@ + + + + log4net + + + + + Appender that logs to a database. + + + + appends logging events to a table within a + database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection + string by setting the property. + The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the + property. For more information on database connection strings for + your specific database see http://www.connectionstrings.com/. + + + Records are written into the database either using a prepared + statement or a stored procedure. The property + is set to (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify a prepared statement + or to (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify a stored + procedure. + + + The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure + must be set in the property. + + + The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number + of parameters. Parameters are added using the + method. This adds a single to the + ordered list of parameters. The + type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific + functionality. The specifies + the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should + be generated using a . + + + + An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to: + + CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( + [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , + [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL , + [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , + [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , + [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL + ) ON [PRIMARY] + + + + An example configuration to log to the above table: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Lance Nehring + + + + Abstract base class implementation of that + buffers events in a fixed size buffer. + + + + This base class should be used by appenders that need to buffer a + number of events before logging them. For example the + buffers events and then submits the entire contents of the buffer to + the underlying database in one go. + + + Subclasses should override the + method to deliver the buffered events. + + The BufferingAppenderSkeleton maintains a fixed size cyclic + buffer of events. The size of the buffer is set using + the property. + + A is used to inspect + each event as it arrives in the appender. If the + triggers, then the current buffer is sent immediately + (see ). Otherwise the event + is stored in the buffer. For example, an evaluator can be used to + deliver the events immediately when an ERROR event arrives. + + + The buffering appender can be configured in a mode. + By default the appender is NOT lossy. When the buffer is full all + the buffered events are sent with . + If the property is set to true then the + buffer will not be sent when it is full, and new events arriving + in the appender will overwrite the oldest event in the buffer. + In lossy mode the buffer will only be sent when the + triggers. This can be useful behavior when you need to know about + ERROR events but not about events with a lower level, configure an + evaluator that will trigger when an ERROR event arrives, the whole + buffer will be sent which gives a history of events leading up to + the ERROR event. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Abstract base class implementation of . + + + + This class provides the code for common functionality, such + as support for threshold filtering and support for general filters. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface for your own strategies for printing log statements. + + + + Implementors should consider extending the + class which provides a default implementation of this interface. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Log the logging event in Appender specific way. + + The event to log + + + This method is called to log a message into this appender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + Interface for appenders that support bulk logging. + + + + This interface extends the interface to + support bulk logging of objects. Appenders + should only implement this interface if they can bulk log efficiently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Log the array of logging events in Appender specific way. + + The events to log + + + This method is called to log an array of events into this appender. + + + + + + Interface used to delay activate a configured object. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then the method + must be called by the container after its all the configured properties have been set + and before the component can be used. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Activate the options that were previously set with calls to properties. + + + + This allows an object to defer activation of its options until all + options have been set. This is required for components which have + related options that remain ambiguous until all are set. + + + If a component implements this interface then this method must be called + after its properties have been set before the component can be used. + + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Default constructor + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + Finalizes this appender by calling the implementation's + method. + + + + If this appender has not been closed then the Finalize method + will call . + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Closes the appender and release resources. + + + + Release any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + This method cannot be overridden by subclasses. This method + delegates the closing of the appender to the + method which must be overridden in the subclass. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The event to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the abstract method. + + + + + + Performs threshold checks and invokes filters before + delegating actual logging to the subclasses specific + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method cannot be overridden by derived classes. A + derived class should override the method + which is called by this method. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + Calls and checks that + it returns true. + + + + + If all of the above steps succeed then the + will be passed to the method. + + + + + + Test if the logging event should we output by this appender + + the event to test + true if the event should be output, false if the event should be ignored + + + This method checks the logging event against the threshold level set + on this appender and also against the filters specified on this + appender. + + + The implementation of this method is as follows: + + + + + + Checks that the severity of the + is greater than or equal to the of this + appender. + + + + Checks that the chain accepts the + . + + + + + + + + + Adds a filter to the end of the filter chain. + + the filter to add to this appender + + + The Filters are organized in a linked list. + + + Setting this property causes the new filter to be pushed onto the + back of the filter chain. + + + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + Clears the filter list for this appender. + + + + + + Checks if the message level is below this appender's threshold. + + to test against. + + + If there is no threshold set, then the return value is always true. + + + + true if the meets the + requirements of this appender. + + + + + Is called when the appender is closed. Derived classes should override + this method if resources need to be released. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Subclasses of should implement this method + to perform actual logging. + + The event to append. + + + A subclass must implement this method to perform + logging of the . + + This method will be called by + if all the conditions listed for that method are met. + + + To restrict the logging of events in the appender + override the method. + + + + + + Append a bulk array of logging events. + + the array of logging events + + + This base class implementation calls the + method for each element in the bulk array. + + + A sub class that can better process a bulk array of events should + override this method in addition to . + + + + + + Called before as a precondition. + + + + This method is called by + before the call to the abstract method. + + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to extend the checks + made before the event is passed to the method. + + + A subclass should ensure that they delegate this call to + this base class if it is overridden. + + + true if the call to should proceed. + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The event rendered as a string. + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Where possible use the alternative version of this method + . + That method streams the rendering onto an existing Writer + which can give better performance if the caller already has + a open and ready for writing. + + + + + + Renders the to a string. + + The event to render. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Helper method to render a to + a string. This appender must have a + set to render the to + a string. + + If there is exception data in the logging event and + the layout does not process the exception, this method + will append the exception text to the rendered string. + + + Use this method in preference to + where possible. If, however, the caller needs to render the event + to a string then does + provide an efficient mechanism for doing so. + + + + + + The layout of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The name of this appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The level threshold of this appender. + + + + There is no level threshold filtering by default. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + + It is assumed and enforced that errorHandler is never null. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The first filter in the filter chain. + + + + Set to null initially. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The last filter in the filter chain. + + + See for more information. + + + + + Flag indicating if this appender is closed. + + + See for more information. + + + + + The guard prevents an appender from repeatedly calling its own DoAppend method + + + + + StringWriter used to render events + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderSkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the threshold of this appender. + + + The threshold of the appender. + + + + All log events with lower level than the threshold level are ignored + by the appender. + + + In configuration files this option is specified by setting the + value of the option to a level + string, such as "DEBUG", "INFO" and so on. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The of the appender + + + The provides a default + implementation for the property. + + + + + + The filter chain. + + The head of the filter chain filter chain. + + + Returns the head Filter. The Filters are organized in a linked list + and so all Filters on this Appender are available through the result. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this appender. + + The layout of the appender. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this appender. + + The name of the appender. + + + The name uniquely identifies the appender. + + + + + + Tests if this appender requires a to be set. + + + + In the rather exceptional case, where the appender + implementation admits a layout but can also work without it, + then the appender should return true. + + + This default implementation always returns false. + + + + true if the appender requires a layout object, otherwise false. + + + + + The default buffer size. + + + The default size of the cyclic buffer used to store events. + This is set to 512 by default. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + the events passed through this appender must be + fixed by the time that they arrive in the derived class' SendBuffer method. + + + Protected constructor to allow subclassing. + + + The should be set if the subclass + expects the events delivered to be fixed even if the + is set to zero, i.e. when no buffering occurs. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + + + Flushes any events that have been buffered. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will NOT be flushed to the appender. + + + + + + Flush the currently buffered events + + set to true to flush the buffer of lossy events + + + Flushes events that have been buffered. If is + false then events will only be flushed if this buffer is non-lossy mode. + + + If the appender is buffering in mode then the contents + of the buffer will only be flushed if is true. + In this case the contents of the buffer will be tested against the + and if triggering will be output. All other buffered + events will be discarded. + + + If is true then the buffer will always + be emptied by calling this method. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. + + + + Close this appender instance. If this appender is marked + as not then the remaining events in + the buffer must be sent when the appender is closed. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + + Stores the in the cyclic buffer. + + + The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the + method) if one of the following conditions is met: + + + + The cyclic buffer is full and this appender is + marked as not lossy (see ) + + + An is set and + it is triggered for the + specified. + + + + Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed + (see ) to ensure that + any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer + is processed. + + + + + + Sends the contents of the buffer. + + The first logging event. + The buffer containing the events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override . + + + + + + Sends the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + The subclass must override this method to process the buffered events. + + + + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + Set to by default. + + + + + The cyclic buffer used to store the logging events. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator that causes the buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event causes the entire + buffer to be sent immediately. This field can be null, which + indicates that event triggering is not to be done. The evaluator + can be set using the property. If this appender + has the ( property) set to + true then an must be set. + + + + + Indicates if the appender should overwrite events in the cyclic buffer + when it becomes full, or if the buffer should be flushed when the + buffer is full. + + + If this field is set to true then an must + be set. + + + + + The triggering event evaluator filters discarded events. + + + The object that is used to determine if an event that is discarded should + really be discarded or if it should be sent to the appenders. + This field can be null, which indicates that all discarded events will + be discarded. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + The events delivered to the subclass must be fixed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender is lossy. + + + true if the appender is lossy, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + This appender uses a buffer to store logging events before + delivering them. A triggering event causes the whole buffer + to be send to the remote sink. If the buffer overruns before + a triggering event then logging events could be lost. Set + to false to prevent logging events + from being lost. + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the + logging events. + + + The size of the cyclic buffer used to hold the logging events. + + + + The option takes a positive integer + representing the maximum number of logging events to collect in + a cyclic buffer. When the is reached, + oldest events are deleted as new events are added to the + buffer. By default the size of the cyclic buffer is 512 events. + + + If the is set to a value less than + or equal to 1 then no buffering will occur. The logging event + will be delivered synchronously (depending on the + and properties). Otherwise the event will + be buffered. + + + + + + Gets or sets the that causes the + buffer to be sent immediately. + + + The that causes the buffer to be + sent immediately. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is appended to this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will + immediately be sent (see ). + + If is set to true then an + must be specified. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the to use. + + + The value of the to use. + + + + The evaluator will be called for each event that is discarded from this + appender. If the evaluator triggers then the current buffer will immediately + be sent (see ). + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if only part of the logging event data + should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the + event data to be fixed and serialized. This will improve performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets a the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + The event fields that will be fixed before the event is buffered + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of this class. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Override the parent method to close the database + + + + Closes the database command and database connection. + + + + + + Inserts the events into the database. + + The events to insert into the database. + + + Insert all the events specified in the + array into the database. + + + + + + Adds a parameter to the command. + + The parameter to add to the command. + + + Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters. + + + + + + Writes the events to the database using the transaction specified. + + The transaction that the events will be executed under. + The array of events to insert into the database. + + + The transaction argument can be null if the appender has been + configured not to use transactions. See + property for more information. + + + + + + Formats the log message into database statement text. + + The event being logged. + + This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide + more control over the format of the database statement. + + + Text that can be passed to a . + + + + + Creates an instance used to connect to the database. + + + This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary). + + The of the object. + The connectionString output from the ResolveConnectionString method. + An instance with a valid connection string. + + + + Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey + property. + + + ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and higher. + + Additional information describing the connection string. + A connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider. + + + + Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to the + database. This method resolves the type specified in the + property. + + + Subclasses can override this method to return a different type + if necessary. + + + The of the ADO.NET provider + + + + Prepares the database command and initialize the parameters. + + + + + Connects to the database. + + + + + Cleanup the existing command. + + + If true, a message will be written using LogLog.Warn if an exception is encountered when calling Dispose. + + + + + Cleanup the existing connection. + + + Calls the IDbConnection's method. + + + + + Flag to indicate if we are using a command object + + + + Set to true when the appender is to use a prepared + statement or stored procedure to insert into the database. + + + + + + The list of objects. + + + + The list of objects. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The that will be used + to insert logging events into a database. + + + + + The database command. + + + + + Database connection string. + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + String type name of the type name. + + + + + The text of the command. + + + + + The command type. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the database. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to connect to + the database. + + + The database connection string used to connect to the database. + + + + The connections string is specific to the connection type. + See for more information. + + + Connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "DSN=MS Access Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb" + + Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC: + "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;UID=;PWD=;" + + Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB: + "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;" + + + + + The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + + + The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the connection string. + + + This property requires at least .NET 2.0. + + + + + Gets or sets the type name of the connection + that should be created. + + + The type name of the connection. + + + + The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use. + + + The default is to use the OLE DB provider. + + + Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value. + System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the MS SQL Server Provider. + System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + + Use the ODBC Provider. + Microsoft.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection,Microsoft.Data.Odbc,version=1.0.3300.0,publicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089,culture=neutral + This is an optional package that you can download from + http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads + search for ODBC .NET Data Provider. + + Use the Oracle Provider. + System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 + This is an optional package that you can download from + http://msdn.microsoft.com/downloads + search for .NET Managed Provider for Oracle. + + + + + Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert logging events + into the database. + + + The command text used to insert logging events into the database. + + + + Either the text of the prepared statement or the + name of the stored procedure to execute to write into + the database. + + + The property determines if + this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure. + + + + + + Gets or sets the command type to execute. + + + The command type to execute. + + + + This value may be either (System.Data.CommandType.Text) to specify + that the is a prepared statement to execute, + or (System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure) to specify that the + property is the name of a stored procedure + to execute. + + + The default value is (System.Data.CommandType.Text). + + + + + + Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the database. + + + true if transactions should be used to insert logging events in + the database, otherwise false. The default value is true. + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions should be used + to insert logging events in the database. + + + When set a single transaction will be used to insert the buffered events + into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted without using + an explicit transaction. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on error. + + + true if the appender should try to reconnect to the database after an + error has occurred, otherwise false. The default value is false, + i.e. not to try to reconnect. + + + + The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to reconnect to the + database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are discarded. + + + To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the database set this + property to true. + + + When the appender attempts to connect to the database there may be a + delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the connection string. + This delay will block the calling application's thread. + Until the connection can be reestablished this potential delay may occur multiple times. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to insert + logging events into a database. Classes deriving from + can use this property to get or set this . Use the + underlying returned from if + you require access beyond that which provides. + + + + + Parameter type used by the . + + + + This class provides the basic database parameter properties + as defined by the interface. + + This type can be subclassed to provide database specific + functionality. The two methods that are called externally are + and . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class. + + + + + Prepare the specified database command object. + + The command to prepare. + + + Prepares the database command object by adding + this parameter to its collection of parameters. + + + + + + Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in the command. + + The command containing the parameter. + The event to be rendered. + + + Renders the logging event using this parameters layout + object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command object. + + + + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + + Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType + + + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + + The to use to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of this parameter. + + + The name of this parameter. + + + + The name of this parameter. The parameter name + must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored procedure + or prepared statement. + + + + + + Gets or sets the database type for this parameter. + + + The database type for this parameter. + + + + The database type for this parameter. This property should + be set to the database type from the + enumeration. See . + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the type from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the precision for this parameter. + + + The precision for this parameter. + + + + The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the precision from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the scale for this parameter. + + + The scale for this parameter. + + + + The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the scale from the value. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the size for this parameter. + + + The size for this parameter. + + + + The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column. + + + This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET provider + will attempt to infer the size from the value. + + + For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case. + + + + + + + Gets or sets the to use to + render the logging event into an object for this + parameter. + + + The used to render the + logging event into an object for this parameter. + + + + The that renders the value for this + parameter. + + + The can be used to adapt + any into a + for use in the property. + + + + + + Appends logging events to the terminal using ANSI color escape sequences. + + + + AnsiColorTerminalAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific level of message to be set. + + + This appender expects the terminal to understand the VT100 control set + in order to interpret the color codes. If the terminal or console does not + understand the control codes the behavior is not defined. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + When configuring the ANSI colored terminal appender, a mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + + These color values cannot be combined together to make new colors. + + + The attributes can be any combination of the following: + + Brightforeground is brighter + Dimforeground is dimmer + Underscoremessage is underlined + Blinkforeground is blinking (does not work on all terminals) + Reverseforeground and background are reversed + Hiddenoutput is hidden + Strikethroughmessage has a line through it + + While any of these attributes may be combined together not all combinations + work well together, for example setting both Bright and Dim attributes makes + no sense. + + + Patrick Wagstrom + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Ansi code to reset terminal + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colours + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible display attributes + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the ANSI color attributes. + + + + + + + text is bright + + + + + text is dim + + + + + text is underlined + + + + + text is blinking + + + Not all terminals support this attribute + + + + + text and background colors are reversed + + + + + text is hidden + + + + + text is displayed with a strikethrough + + + + + text color is light + + + + + The enum of possible foreground or background color values for + use with the color mapping method + + + + The output can be in one for the following ANSI colors. + + + + + + + color is black + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is magenta + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is white + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + An entry in the + + + + This is an abstract base class for types that are stored in the + object. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + Default protected constructor + + + + + + Initialize any options defined on this entry + + + + Should be overridden by any classes that need to initialise based on their options + + + + + + The level that is the key for this mapping + + + The that is the key for this mapping + + + + Get or set the that is the key for this + mapping subclass. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together + and append the attributes. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + + + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The color attributes for the specified level + + + + + + The combined , and + suitable for setting the ansi terminal color. + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a AppenderCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + An AppenderCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + An empty readonly static AppenderCollection + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new AppenderCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the AppenderCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire AppenderCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the AppenderCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the AppenderCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the AppenderCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the AppenderCollection. + + The to locate in the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire AppenderCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the AppenderCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the AppenderCollection. + + The to remove from the AppenderCollection. + + The specified was not found in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the AppenderCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the AppenderCollection. + + An for the entire AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another AppenderCollection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The AppenderCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current AppenderCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current AppenderCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the AppenderCollection. + The new of the AppenderCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + Return the collection elements as an array + + the array + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the AppenderCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the AppenderCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + + Appends log events to the ASP.NET system. + + + + + Diagnostic information and tracing messages that you specify are appended to the output + of the page that is sent to the requesting browser. Optionally, you can view this information + from a separate trace viewer (Trace.axd) that displays trace information for every page in a + given application. + + + Trace statements are processed and displayed only when tracing is enabled. You can control + whether tracing is displayed to a page, to the trace viewer, or both. + + + The logging event is passed to the or + method depending on the level of the logging event. + The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter of the Write/Warn method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the ASP.NET trace + HttpContext.Current.Trace + (). + + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + Buffers events and then forwards them to attached appenders. + + + + The events are buffered in this appender until conditions are + met to allow the appender to deliver the events to the attached + appenders. See for the + conditions that cause the buffer to be sent. + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different + thresholds and filters for the same appender at different locations + within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface for attaching appenders to objects. + + + + Interface for attaching, removing and retrieving appenders. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + Add the specified appender. The implementation may + choose to allow or deny duplicate appenders. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Returns an attached appender with the specified. + If no appender with the specified name is found null will be + returned. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders. + + + + Gets a collection of attached appenders. + If there are no attached appenders the + implementation should return an empty + collection rather than null. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Send the events. + + The events that need to be send. + + + Forwards the events to the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this buffering appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes directly to the application's attached console + not to the System.Console.Out or System.Console.Error TextWriter. + The System.Console.Out and System.Console.Error streams can be + programmatically redirected (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). + This appender will ignore these redirections because it needs to use Win32 + API calls to colorize the output. To respect these redirections the + must be used. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mapping should be + specified to map a logging level to a color. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and ForeColor and BackColor can be any + combination of the following values: + + Blue + Green + Red + White + Yellow + Purple + Cyan + HighIntensity + + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + The console output stream writer to write to + + + + This writer is not thread safe. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + The enum of possible color values for use with the color mapping method + + + + The following flags can be combined together to + form the colors. + + + + + + + color is blue + + + + + color is green + + + + + color is red + + + + + color is white + + + + + color is yellow + + + + + color is purple + + + + + color is cyan + + + + + color is intensified + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + Initialize the options for the object + + + + Combine the and together. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + The combined and suitable for + setting the console color. + + + + + Appends logging events to the console. + + + + ConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + NOTE: This appender writes each message to the System.Console.Out or + System.Console.Error that is set at the time the event is appended. + Therefore it is possible to programmatically redirect the output of this appender + (for example NUnit does this to capture program output). While this is the desired + behavior of this appender it may have security implications in your application. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified layout. + + the layout to use for this appender + flag set to true to write to the console error stream + + When is set to true, output is written to + the standard error output stream. Otherwise, output is written to the standard + output stream. + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + debug system. + + + Events are written using the + method. The event's logger name is passed as the value for the category name to the Write method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + If is true then the + is called. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Writes events to the system event log. + + + + The appender will fail if you try to write using an event source that doesn't exist unless it is running with local administrator privileges. + See also http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/faq.html#trouble-EventLog + + + The EventID of the event log entry can be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + + + The Category of the event log entry can be + set using the Category property () + on the . + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + When configuring the EventLogAppender a mapping can be + specified to map a logging level to an event log entry type. For example: + + + <mapping> + <level value="ERROR" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Error" /> + </mapping> + <mapping> + <level value="DEBUG" /> + <eventLogEntryType value="Information" /> + </mapping> + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level and eventLogEntryType can be any value + from the enum, i.e.: + + Erroran error event + Warninga warning event + Informationan informational event + + + + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Thomas Voss + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + The to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Add a mapping of level to - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the event log entry type for a level. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create an event log source + + + Uses different API calls under NET_2_0 + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + the event to log + + Writes the event to the system event log using the + . + + If the event has an EventID property (see ) + set then this integer will be used as the event log event id. + + + There is a limit of 32K characters for an event log message + + + + + + Get the equivalent for a + + the Level to convert to an EventLogEntryType + The equivalent for a + + Because there are fewer applicable + values to use in logging levels than there are in the + this is a one way mapping. There is + a loss of information during the conversion. + + + + + The log name is the section in the event logs where the messages + are stored. + + + + + Name of the application to use when logging. This appears in the + application column of the event log named by . + + + + + The name of the machine which holds the event log. This is + currently only allowed to be '.' i.e. the current machine. + + + + + Mapping from level object to EventLogEntryType + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The event ID to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The event category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EventLogAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The maximum size supported by default. + + + http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xzwc042w(v=vs.100).aspx + The 32766 documented max size is two bytes shy of 32K (I'm assuming 32766 + may leave space for a two byte null terminator of #0#0). The 32766 max + length is what the .NET 4.0 source code checks for, but this is WRONG! + Strings with a length > 31839 on Windows Vista or higher can CORRUPT + the event log! See: System.Diagnostics.EventLogInternal.InternalWriteEvent() + for the use of the 32766 max size. + + + + + The maximum size supported by a windows operating system that is vista + or newer. + + + See ReportEvent API: + http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363679(VS.85).aspx + ReportEvent's lpStrings parameter: + "A pointer to a buffer containing an array of + null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer + displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer + (or NULL), even if wNumStrings is zero. Each string is limited to 31,839 characters." + + Going beyond the size of 31839 will (at some point) corrupt the event log on Windows + Vista or higher! It may succeed for a while...but you will eventually run into the + error: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception : A device attached to the system is + not functioning", and the event log will then be corrupt (I was able to corrupt + an event log using a length of 31877 on Windows 7). + + The max size for Windows Vista or higher is documented here: + http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xzwc042w(v=vs.100).aspx. + Going over this size may succeed a few times but the buffer will overrun and + eventually corrupt the log (based on testing). + + The maxEventMsgSize size is based on the max buffer size of the lpStrings parameter of the ReportEvent API. + The documented max size for EventLog.WriteEntry for Windows Vista and higher is 31839, but I'm leaving room for a + terminator of #0#0, as we cannot see the source of ReportEvent (though we could use an API monitor to examine the + buffer, given enough time). + + + + + The maximum size that the operating system supports for + a event log message. + + + Used to determine the maximum string length that can be written + to the operating system event log and eventually truncate a string + that exceeds the limits. + + + + + This method determines the maximum event log message size allowed for + the current environment. + + + + + + The name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + The string name of the log where messages will be stored. + + + This is the name of the log as it appears in the Event Viewer + tree. The default value is to log into the Application + log, this is where most applications write their events. However + if you need a separate log for your application (or applications) + then you should set the appropriately. + This should not be used to distinguish your event log messages + from those of other applications, the + property should be used to distinguish events. This property should be + used to group together events into a single log. + + + + + + Property used to set the Application name. This appears in the + event logs when logging. + + + The string used to distinguish events from different sources. + + + Sets the event log source property. + + + + + This property is used to return the name of the computer to use + when accessing the event logs. Currently, this is the current + computer, denoted by a dot "." + + + The string name of the machine holding the event log that + will be logged into. + + + This property cannot be changed. It is currently set to '.' + i.e. the local machine. This may be changed in future. + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the EventLog. + + + The used to write to the EventLog. + + + + The system security context used to write to the EventLog. + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the EventId to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The EventID of the event log entry will normally be + set using the EventID property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Category to use unless one is explicitly specified via the LoggingEvent's properties. + + + + The Category of the event log entry will normally be + set using the Category property () + on the . + This property provides the fallback value which defaults to 0. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and its event log entry type. + + + + + + The for this entry + + + + Required property. + The for this entry + + + + + + Appends logging events to a file. + + + + Logging events are sent to the file specified by + the property. + + + The file can be opened in either append or overwrite mode + by specifying the property. + If the file path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. The file encoding can be + specified by setting the property. + + + The layout's and + values will be written each time the file is opened and closed + respectively. If the property is + then the file may contain multiple copies of the header and footer. + + + This appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + The supports pluggable file locking models via + the property. + The default behavior, implemented by + is to obtain an exclusive write lock on the file until this appender is closed. + The alternative models only hold a + write lock while the appender is writing a logging event () + or synchronize by using a named system wide Mutex (). + + + All locking strategies have issues and you should seriously consider using a different strategy that + avoids having multiple processes logging to the same file. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Rodrigo B. de Oliveira + Douglas de la Torre + Niall Daley + + + + Sends logging events to a . + + + + An Appender that writes to a . + + + This appender may be used stand alone if initialized with an appropriate + writer, however it is typically used as a base class for an appender that + can open a to write to. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and + sets the output destination to a new initialized + with the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender. + The to output to. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class and sets + the output destination to the specified . + + The layout to use with this appender + The to output to + + The must have been previously opened. + + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + This method determines if there is a sense in attempting to append. + + + + This method checks if an output target has been set and if a + layout has been set. + + + false if any of the preconditions fail. + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + This method writes all the bulk logged events to the output writer + before flushing the stream. + + + + + + Close this appender instance. The underlying stream or writer is also closed. + + + Closed appenders cannot be reused. + + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + Writes the footer and closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Clears internal references to the underlying + and other variables. + + + + Subclasses can override this method for an alternate closing behavior. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Called to allow a subclass to lazily initialize the writer + + + + This method is called when an event is logged and the or + have not been set. This allows a subclass to + attempt to initialize the writer multiple times. + + + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying + or output stream will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logging events are not actually persisted if and when the application + crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TextWriterAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or set whether the appender will flush at the end + of each append operation. + + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + append operation. + + + If this option is set to false, then the underlying + stream can defer persisting the logging event to a later + time. + + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results in + a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + Sets the where the log output will go. + + + + The specified must be open and writable. + + + The will be closed when the appender + instance is closed. + + + Note: Logging to an unopened will fail. + + + + + + Gets or set the and the underlying + , if any, for this appender. + + + The for this appender. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Gets or sets the where logging events + will be written to. + + + The where logging events are written. + + + + This is the where logging events + will be written to. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout, file and append mode. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + flag to indicate if the file should be appended to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Construct a new appender using the layout and file specified. + The file will be appended to. + + the layout to use with this appender + the full path to the file to write to + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Activate the options on the file appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This will cause the file to be opened. + + + + + + Closes any previously opened file and calls the parent's . + + + + Resets the filename and the file stream. + + + + + + Called to initialize the file writer + + + + Will be called for each logged message until the file is + successfully opened. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes a log statement to the output stream if the output stream exists + and is writable. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + This method is called by the + method. + + The array of events to log. + + + Acquires the output file locks once before writing all the events to + the stream. + + + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a footer as produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + Writes a header produced by the embedded layout's property. + + + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + Closes the underlying . + + + + + + Closes the previously opened file. + + + + Writes the to the file and then + closes the file. + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + Calls but guarantees not to throw an exception. + Errors are passed to the . + + + + + + Sets and opens the file where the log output will go. The specified file must be writable. + + The path to the log file. Must be a fully qualified path. + If true will append to fileName. Otherwise will truncate fileName + + + If there was already an opened file, then the previous file + is closed first. + + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer used for file output + + the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This implementation of creates a + over the and passes it to the + method. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to wrap the + in some way, for example to encrypt the output + data using a System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream. + + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + the writer over the file stream that has been opened for writing + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes that want to + wrap the in some way. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if we should append to the file + or overwrite the file. The default is to append. + + + + + The name of the log file. + + + + + The encoding to use for the file stream. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + The stream to log to. Has added locking semantics + + + + + The locking model to use + + + + + The fully qualified type of the FileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + The path to the file that logging will be written to. + + + + If the path is relative it is taken as relative from + the application base directory. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag that indicates whether the file should be + appended to or overwritten. + + + Indicates whether the file should be appended to or overwritten. + + + + If the value is set to false then the file will be overwritten, if + it is set to true then the file will be appended to. + + The default value is true. + + + + + Gets or sets used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + The default encoding set is + which is the encoding for the system's current ANSI code page. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the file. + + + The used to write to the file. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + The used to lock the file. + + + + Gets or sets the used to handle locking of the file. + + + There are three built in locking models, , and . + The first locks the file from the start of logging to the end, the + second locks only for the minimal amount of time when logging each message + and the last synchronizes processes using a named system wide Mutex. + + + The default locking model is the . + + + + + + Write only that uses the + to manage access to an underlying resource. + + + + + True asynchronous writes are not supported, the implementation forces a synchronous write. + + + + + Exception base type for log4net. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Locking model base class + + + + Base class for the locking models available to the derived loggers. + + + + + + Open the output file + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Helper method that creates a FileStream under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + + Typically called during OpenFile or AcquireLock. + + + If the directory portion of the does not exist, it is created + via Directory.CreateDirecctory. + + + + + + + + + + Helper method to close under CurrentAppender's SecurityContext. + + + Does not set to null. + + + + + + Gets or sets the for this LockingModel + + + The for this LockingModel + + + + The file appender this locking model is attached to and working on + behalf of. + + + The file appender is used to locate the security context and the error handler to use. + + + The value of this property will be set before is + called. + + + + + + Hold an exclusive lock on the output file + + + + Open the file once for writing and hold it open until is called. + Maintains an exclusive lock on the file during this time. + + + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Does nothing. The lock will be released when the file is closed. + + + + + + Acquires the file lock for each write + + + + Opens the file once for each / cycle, + thus holding the lock for the minimal amount of time. This method of locking + is considerably slower than but allows + other processes to move/delete the log file whilst logging continues. + + + + + + Prepares to open the file when the first message is logged. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Acquire the lock on the file in preparation for writing to it. + Return a stream pointing to the file. + must be called to release the lock on the output file. + + + + + + Release the lock on the file + + + + Release the lock on the file. No further writes will be made to the + stream until is called again. + + + + + + Provides cross-process file locking. + + Ron Grabowski + Steve Wranovsky + + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + + The filename to use + Whether to append to the file, or overwrite + The encoding to use + + + Open the file specified and prepare for logging. + No writes will be made until is called. + Must be called before any calls to , + - and . + + + + + + Close the file + + + + Close the file. No further writes will be made. + + + + + + Acquire the lock on the file + + A stream that is ready to be written to. + + + Does nothing. The lock is already taken + + + + + + + + + + + This appender forwards logging events to attached appenders. + + + + The forwarding appender can be used to specify different thresholds + and filters for the same appender at different locations within the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Closes the appender and releases resources. + + + + Releases any resources allocated within the appender such as file handles, + network connections, etc. + + + It is a programming error to append to a closed appender. + + + + + + Forward the logging event to the attached appenders + + The event to log. + + + Delivers the logging event to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Forward the logging events to the attached appenders + + The array of events to log. + + + Delivers the logging events to all the attached appenders. + + + + + + Adds an to the list of appenders of this + instance. + + The to add to this appender. + + + If the specified is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Looks for the appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to lookup. + + The appender with the specified name, or null. + + + + Get the named appender attached to this appender. + + + + + + Removes all previously added appenders from this appender. + + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + Implementation of the interface + + + + + Gets the appenders contained in this appender as an + . + + + If no appenders can be found, then an + is returned. + + + A collection of the appenders in this appender. + + + + + Logs events to a local syslog service. + + + + This appender uses the POSIX libc library functions openlog, syslog, and closelog. + If these functions are not available on the local system then this appender will not work! + + + The functions openlog, syslog, and closelog are specified in SUSv2 and + POSIX 1003.1-2001 standards. These are used to log messages to the local syslog service. + + + This appender talks to a local syslog service. If you need to log to a remote syslog + daemon and you cannot configure your local syslog service to do this you may be + able to use the to log via UDP. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a local syslog service. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Adds a to this appender. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + Close the syslog when the appender is closed + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Marshaled handle to the identity string. We have to hold on to the + string as the openlog and syslog APIs just hold the + pointer to the ident and dereference it for each log message. + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Open connection to system logger. + + + + + Generate a log message. + + + + The libc syslog method takes a format string and a variable argument list similar + to the classic printf function. As this type of vararg list is not supported + by C# we need to specify the arguments explicitly. Here we have specified the + format string with a single message argument. The caller must set the format + string to "%s". + + + + + + Close descriptor used to write to system logger. + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The log4net Level maps to a syslog severity using the + method and the + class. The severity is set on . + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facility defines which subsystem the logging comes from. + This is set on the property. + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Appends colorful logging events to the console, using the .NET 2 + built-in capabilities. + + + + ManagedColoredConsoleAppender appends log events to the standard output stream + or the error output stream using a layout specified by the + user. It also allows the color of a specific type of message to be set. + + + By default, all output is written to the console's standard output stream. + The property can be set to direct the output to the + error stream. + + + When configuring the colored console appender, mappings should be + specified to map logging levels to colors. For example: + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + The Level is the standard log4net logging level while + ForeColor and BackColor are the values of + enumeration. + + + Based on the ColoredConsoleAppender + + + Rick Hobbs + Nicko Cadell + Pavlos Touboulidis + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard output stream. + + + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + The to use when writing to the Console + standard error output stream. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The instance of the class is set up to write + to the standard output stream. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to color - done by the config file + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + Each mapping defines the foreground and background colors + for a level. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to the console. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to color mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Flag to write output to the error stream rather than the standard output stream + + + + + Mapping from level object to color value + + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + Target is the value of the console output stream. + This is either "Console.Out" or "Console.Error". + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the color it should be displayed as. + + + + Defines the mapping between a level and the color it should be displayed in. + + + + + + The mapped foreground color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped foreground color for the specified level. + + + + + + The mapped background color for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped background color for the specified level. + + + + + + Stores logging events in an array. + + + + The memory appender stores all the logging events + that are appended in an in-memory array. + + + Use the method to get + the current list of events that have been appended. + + + Use the method to clear the + current list of events. + + + Julian Biddle + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + The events that have been logged + + + Gets the events that have been logged. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + the event to log + + Stores the in the events list. + + + + + Clear the list of events + + + Clear the list of events + + + + + The list of events that have been appended. + + + + + Value indicating which fields in the event should be fixed + + + By default all fields are fixed + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether only part of the logging event + data should be fixed. + + + true if the appender should only fix part of the logging event + data, otherwise false. The default is false. + + + + Setting this property to true will cause only part of the event + data to be fixed and stored in the appender, hereby improving performance. + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Gets or sets the fields that will be fixed in the event + + + + The logging event needs to have certain thread specific values + captured before it can be buffered. See + for details. + + + + + + Logs entries by sending network messages using the + native function. + + + + You can send messages only to names that are active + on the network. If you send the message to a user name, + that user must be logged on and running the Messenger + service to receive the message. + + + The receiver will get a top most window displaying the + messages one at a time, therefore this appender should + not be used to deliver a high volume of messages. + + + The following table lists some possible uses for this appender : + + + + + Action + Property Value(s) + + + Send a message to a user account on the local machine + + + = <name of the local machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a user account on a remote machine + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to a domain user account + + + = <name of a domain controller | uninitialized> + + + = <user name> + + + + + Send a message to all the names in a workgroup or domain + + + = <workgroup name | domain name>* + + + + + Send a message from the local machine to a remote machine + + + = <name of the local machine | uninitialized> + + + = <name of the remote machine> + + + + + + + Note : security restrictions apply for sending + network messages, see + for more information. + + + + + An example configuration section to log information + using this appender from the local machine, named + LOCAL_PC, to machine OPERATOR_PC : + + + + + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + + + + + The sender of the network message. + + + + + The message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Initializes the appender. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using a network message. + + + + + + Sends a buffer of information to a registered message alias. + + The DNS or NetBIOS name of the server on which the function is to execute. + The message alias to which the message buffer should be sent + The originator of the message. + The message text. + The length, in bytes, of the message text. + + + The following restrictions apply for sending network messages: + + + + + Platform + Requirements + + + Windows NT + + + No special group membership is required to send a network message. + + + Admin, Accounts, Print, or Server Operator group membership is required to + successfully send a network message on a remote server. + + + + + Windows 2000 or later + + + If you send a message on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, + access is allowed or denied based on the access control list (ACL) for the securable + object. The default ACL permits only Domain Admins and Account Operators to send a network message. + + + On a member server or workstation, only Administrators and Server Operators can send a network message. + + + + + + + For more information see Security Requirements for the Network Management Functions. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is zero. + + + + + + Gets or sets the sender of the message. + + + The sender of the message. + + + If this property is not specified, the message is sent from the local computer. + + + + + Gets or sets the message alias to which the message should be sent. + + + The recipient of the message. + + + This property should always be specified in order to send a message. + + + + + Gets or sets the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. + + + + For Windows NT 4.0 and earlier, the string should begin with \\. + + + If this property is not specified, the local computer is used. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to call the NetSend method. + + + The used to call the NetSend method. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appends log events to the OutputDebugString system. + + + + OutputDebugStringAppender appends log events to the + OutputDebugString system. + + + The string is passed to the native OutputDebugString + function. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + the event to log + + + Write the logging event to the output debug string API + + + + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + the string to output + + + Stub for OutputDebugString native method + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Logs events to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + The BSD syslog protocol is used to remotely log to + a syslog daemon. The syslogd listens for for messages + on UDP port 514. + + + The syslog UDP protocol is not authenticated. Most syslog daemons + do not accept remote log messages because of the security implications. + You may be able to use the LocalSyslogAppender to talk to a local + syslog service. + + + There is an RFC 3164 that claims to document the BSD Syslog Protocol. + This RFC can be seen here: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3164.html. + This appender generates what the RFC calls an "Original Device Message", + i.e. does not include the TIMESTAMP or HOSTNAME fields. By observation + this format of message will be accepted by all current syslog daemon + implementations. The daemon will attach the current time and the source + hostname or IP address to any messages received. + + + Syslog messages must have a facility and and a severity. The severity + is derived from the Level of the logging event. + The facility must be chosen from the set of defined syslog + values. The facilities list is predefined + and cannot be extended. + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + Rob Lyon + Nicko Cadell + + + + Sends logging events as connectionless UDP datagrams to a remote host or a + multicast group using an . + + + + UDP guarantees neither that messages arrive, nor that they arrive in the correct order. + + + To view the logging results, a custom application can be developed that listens for logging + events. + + + When decoding events send via this appender remember to use the same encoding + to decode the events as was used to send the events. See the + property to specify the encoding to use. + + + + This example shows how to log receive logging events that are sent + on IP address and port 8080 to the console. The event is + encoded in the packet as a unicode string and it is decoded as such. + + IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); + UdpClient udpClient; + byte[] buffer; + string loggingEvent; + + try + { + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080); + + while(true) + { + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint); + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer); + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent); + } + } + catch(Exception e) + { + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); + } + + + Dim remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint + Dim udpClient as UdpClient + Dim buffer as Byte() + Dim loggingEvent as String + + Try + remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0) + udpClient = new UdpClient(8080) + + While True + buffer = udpClient.Receive(ByRef remoteEndPoint) + loggingEvent = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer) + Console.WriteLine(loggingEvent) + Wend + Catch e As Exception + Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()) + End Try + + + An example configuration section to log information using this appender to the + IP on port 8080: + + + + + + + + + + Gert Driesen + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The appender will be ignored if no was specified or + an invalid remote or local TCP port number was specified. + + + The required property was not specified. + The TCP port number assigned to or is less than or greater than . + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Sends the event using an UDP datagram. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + Closes the UDP connection and releases all resources associated with + this instance. + + + + Disables the underlying and releases all managed + and unmanaged resources associated with the . + + + + + + Initializes the underlying connection. + + + + The underlying is initialized and binds to the + port number from which you intend to communicate. + + + Exceptions are passed to the . + + + + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to + which the logging event will be sent. + + + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + + + The TCP port number from which the will communicate. + + + + + The instance that will be used for sending the + logging events. + + + + + The encoding to use for the packet. + + + + + Gets or sets the IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + The IP address of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + + Multicast addresses are identified by IP class D addresses (in the range to + Multicast packets can pass across different networks through routers, so + it is possible to use multicasts in an Internet scenario as long as your network provider + supports multicasting. + + + Hosts that want to receive particular multicast messages must register their interest by joining + the multicast group. Multicast messages are not sent to networks where no host has joined + the multicast group. Class D IP addresses are used for multicast groups, to differentiate + them from normal host addresses, allowing nodes to easily detect if a message is of interest. + + + Static multicast addresses that are needed globally are assigned by IANA. A few examples are listed in the table below: + + + + + IP Address + Description + + + + + + Sends a message to all system on the subnet. + + + + + + + + Sends a message to all routers on the subnet. + + + + + + + + The DHCP server answers messages on the IP address, but only on a subnet. + + + + + + + A complete list of actually reserved multicast addresses and their owners in the ranges + defined by RFC 3171 can be found at the IANA web site. + + + The address range to is reserved for administrative scope-relative + addresses. These addresses can be reused with other local groups. Routers are typically + configured with filters to prevent multicast traffic in this range from flowing outside + of the local network. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which + the underlying should sent the logging event. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number of the remote host or multicast group to which the logging event + will be sent. + + + The underlying will send messages to this TCP port number + on the remote host or multicast group. + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number from which the underlying will communicate. + + + + The underlying will bind to this port for sending messages. + + + Setting the value to 0 (the default) will cause the udp client not to bind to + a local port. + + + The value specified is less than or greater than . + + + + Gets or sets used to write the packets. + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + The used to write the packets. + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + creates a to send logging events + over a network. Classes deriving from can use this + property to get or set this . Use the underlying + returned from if you require access beyond that which + provides. + + + + + Gets or sets the cached remote endpoint to which the logging events should be sent. + + + The cached remote endpoint to which the logging events will be sent. + + + The method will initialize the remote endpoint + with the values of the and + properties. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Syslog port 514 + + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + This instance of the class is set up to write + to a remote syslog daemon. + + + + + Add a mapping of level to severity + + The mapping to add + + + Add a mapping to this appender. + + + + + + This method is called by the method. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the event to a remote syslog daemon. + + + The format of the output will depend on the appender's layout. + + + + + + Initialize the options for this appender + + + + Initialize the level to syslog severity mappings set on this appender. + + + + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + A log4net level. + A syslog severity. + + + Translates a log4net level to a syslog severity. + + + + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + The syslog facility. + The syslog severity. + A syslog priority. + + + Generate a syslog priority. + + + + + + The facility. The default facility is . + + + + + The message identity + + + + + Mapping from level object to syslog severity + + + + + Message identity + + + + An identifier is specified with each log message. This can be specified + by setting the property. The identity (also know + as the tag) must not contain white space. The default value for the + identity is the application name (from ). + + + + + + Syslog facility + + + Set to one of the values. The list of + facilities is predefined and cannot be extended. The default value + is . + + + + + syslog severities + + + + The syslog severities. + + + + + + system is unusable + + + + + action must be taken immediately + + + + + critical conditions + + + + + error conditions + + + + + warning conditions + + + + + normal but significant condition + + + + + informational + + + + + debug-level messages + + + + + syslog facilities + + + + The syslog facilities + + + + + + kernel messages + + + + + random user-level messages + + + + + mail system + + + + + system daemons + + + + + security/authorization messages + + + + + messages generated internally by syslogd + + + + + line printer subsystem + + + + + network news subsystem + + + + + UUCP subsystem + + + + + clock (cron/at) daemon + + + + + security/authorization messages (private) + + + + + ftp daemon + + + + + NTP subsystem + + + + + log audit + + + + + log alert + + + + + clock daemon + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + reserved for local use + + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + A class to act as a mapping between the level that a logging call is made at and + the syslog severity that is should be logged at. + + + + + + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + Required property. + The mapped syslog severity for the specified level + + + + + + Delivers logging events to a remote logging sink. + + + + This Appender is designed to deliver events to a remote sink. + That is any object that implements the + interface. It delivers the events using .NET remoting. The + object to deliver events to is specified by setting the + appenders property. + + The RemotingAppender buffers events before sending them. This allows it to + make more efficient use of the remoting infrastructure. + + Once the buffer is full the events are still not sent immediately. + They are scheduled to be sent using a pool thread. The effect is that + the send occurs asynchronously. This is very important for a + number of non obvious reasons. The remoting infrastructure will + flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + Because the events are sent asynchronously using pool threads it is possible to close + this appender before all the queued events have been sent. + When closing the appender attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but + this will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If this appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. If the runtime terminates the threads before + the queued events have been sent then they will be lost. To ensure that all events + are sent the appender must be closed before the application exits. See + for details on how to shutdown + log4net programmatically. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + The events are not sent immediately. They are scheduled to be sent + using a pool thread. The effect is that the send occurs asynchronously. + This is very important for a number of non obvious reasons. The remoting + infrastructure will flow thread local variables (stored in the ), + if they are marked as , across the + remoting boundary. If the server is not contactable then + the remoting infrastructure will clear the + objects from the . To prevent a logging failure from + having side effects on the calling application the remoting call must be made + from a separate thread to the one used by the application. A + thread is used for this. If no thread is available then + the events will block in the thread pool manager until a thread is available. + + The events to send. + + + + Override base class close. + + + + This method waits while there are queued work items. The events are + sent asynchronously using work items. These items + will be sent once a thread pool thread is available to send them, therefore + it is possible to close the appender before all the queued events have been + sent. + + This method attempts to wait until all the queued events have been sent, but this + method will timeout after 30 seconds regardless. + + If the appender is being closed because the + event has fired it may not be possible to send all the queued events. During process + exit the runtime limits the time that a + event handler is allowed to run for. + + + + + A work item is being queued into the thread pool + + + + + A work item from the thread pool has completed + + + + + Send the contents of the buffer to the remote sink. + + + This method is designed to be used with the . + This method expects to be passed an array of + objects in the state param. + + the logging events to send + + + + The URL of the remote sink. + + + + + The local proxy (.NET remoting) for the remote logging sink. + + + + + The number of queued callbacks currently waiting or executing + + + + + Event used to signal when there are no queued work items + + + This event is set when there are no queued work items. In this + state it is safe to close the appender. + + + + + Gets or sets the URL of the well-known object that will accept + the logging events. + + + The well-known URL of the remote sink. + + + + The URL of the remoting sink that will accept logging events. + The sink must implement the + interface. + + + + + + Interface used to deliver objects to a remote sink. + + + This interface must be implemented by a remoting sink + if the is to be used + to deliver logging events to the sink. + + + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + Array of events to log. + + + Delivers logging events to the remote sink + + + + + + Appender that rolls log files based on size or date or both. + + + + RollingFileAppender can roll log files based on size or date or both + depending on the setting of the property. + When set to the log file will be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled + once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed. + When set to the log file will be + rolled once the date boundary specified in the property + is crossed, but within a date boundary the file will also be rolled + once its size exceeds the . + When set to the log file will be rolled when + the appender is configured. This effectively means that the log file can be + rolled once per program execution. + + + A of few additional optional features have been added: + + Attach date pattern for current log file + Backup number increments for newer files + Infinite number of backups by file size + + + + + + For large or infinite numbers of backup files a + greater than zero is highly recommended, otherwise all the backup files need + to be renamed each time a new backup is created. + + + When Date/Time based rolling is used setting + to will reduce the number of file renamings to few or none. + + + + + + Changing or without clearing + the log file directory of backup files will cause unexpected and unwanted side effects. + + + + + If Date/Time based rolling is enabled this appender will attempt to roll existing files + in the directory without a Date/Time tag based on the last write date of the base log file. + The appender only rolls the log file when a message is logged. If Date/Time based rolling + is enabled then the appender will not roll the log file at the Date/Time boundary but + at the point when the next message is logged after the boundary has been crossed. + + + + The extends the and + has the same behavior when opening the log file. + The appender will first try to open the file for writing when + is called. This will typically be during configuration. + If the file cannot be opened for writing the appender will attempt + to open the file again each time a message is logged to the appender. + If the file cannot be opened for writing when a message is logged then + the message will be discarded by this appender. + + + When rolling a backup file necessitates deleting an older backup file the + file to be deleted is moved to a temporary name before being deleted. + + + + + A maximum number of backup files when rolling on date/time boundaries is not supported. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + Edward Smit + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RollingFileAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Sets the quiet writer being used. + + + This method can be overridden by sub classes. + + the writer to set + + + + Write out a logging event. + + the event to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Write out an array of logging events. + + the events to write to file. + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Performs any required rolling before outputting the next event + + + + Handles append time behavior for RollingFileAppender. This checks + if a roll over either by date (checked first) or time (checked second) + is need and then appends to the file last. + + + + + + Creates and opens the file for logging. If + is false then the fully qualified name is determined and used. + + the name of the file to open + true to append to existing file + + This method will ensure that the directory structure + for the specified exists. + + + + + Get the current output file name + + the base file name + the output file name + + The output file name is based on the base fileName specified. + If is set then the output + file name is the same as the base file passed in. Otherwise + the output file depends on the date pattern, on the count + direction or both. + + + + + Determines curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + + + + + Generates a wildcard pattern that can be used to find all files + that are similar to the base file name. + + + + + + + Builds a list of filenames for all files matching the base filename plus a file + pattern. + + + + + + + Initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + + + + Initializes based on existing conditions at time of . + The following is done + + determine curSizeRollBackups (only within the current roll point) + initiates a roll over if needed for crossing a date boundary since the last run. + + + + + + + Does the work of bumping the 'current' file counter higher + to the highest count when an incremental file name is seen. + The highest count is either the first file (when count direction + is greater than 0) or the last file (when count direction less than 0). + In either case, we want to know the highest count that is present. + + + + + + + Attempts to extract a number from the end of the file name that indicates + the number of the times the file has been rolled over. + + + Certain date pattern extensions like yyyyMMdd will be parsed as valid backup indexes. + + + + + + + Takes a list of files and a base file name, and looks for + 'incremented' versions of the base file. Bumps the max + count up to the highest count seen. + + + + + + + Calculates the RollPoint for the datePattern supplied. + + the date pattern to calculate the check period for + The RollPoint that is most accurate for the date pattern supplied + + Essentially the date pattern is examined to determine what the + most suitable roll point is. The roll point chosen is the roll point + with the smallest period that can be detected using the date pattern + supplied. i.e. if the date pattern only outputs the year, month, day + and hour then the smallest roll point that can be detected would be + and hourly roll point as minutes could not be detected. + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Sets initial conditions including date/time roll over information, first check, + scheduledFilename, and calls to initialize + the current number of backups. + + + + + + + + + .1, .2, .3, etc. + + + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + + set to true if the file to be rolled is currently open + + + Rollover the file(s) to date/time tagged file(s). + Resets curSizeRollBackups. + If fileIsOpen is set then the new file is opened (through SafeOpenFile). + + + + + + Renames file to file . + + Name of existing file to roll. + New name for file. + + + Renames file to file . It + also checks for existence of target file and deletes if it does. + + + + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + the path to the file + true if the file exists + + + Test if a file exists at a specified path + + + + + + Deletes the specified file if it exists. + + The file to delete. + + + Delete a file if is exists. + The file is first moved to a new filename then deleted. + This allows the file to be removed even when it cannot + be deleted, but it still can be moved. + + + + + + Implements file roll base on file size. + + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is + renamed File.1 and closed. + + + A new file is created to receive further log output. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + + + + Implements file roll. + + the base name to rename + + + If the maximum number of size based backups is reached + (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest + file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. + If countDirection < 0, then files + {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} + are renamed to {File.2, ..., + File.curSizeRollBackups}. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the + File is truncated with no backup files created. + + + If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is + renamed if needed and no files are deleted. + + + This is called by to rename the files. + + + + + + Get the start time of the next window for the current rollpoint + + the current date + the type of roll point we are working with + the start time for the next roll point an interval after the currentDateTime date + + + Returns the date of the next roll point after the currentDateTime date passed to the method. + + + The basic strategy is to subtract the time parts that are less significant + than the rollpoint from the current time. This should roll the time back to + the start of the time window for the current rollpoint. Then we add 1 window + worth of time and get the start time of the next window for the rollpoint. + + + + + + This object supplies the current date/time. Allows test code to plug in + a method to control this class when testing date/time based rolling. The default + implementation uses the underlying value of DateTime.Now. + + + + + The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to ".yyyy-MM-dd" + meaning daily rollover. + + + + + The actual formatted filename that is currently being written to + or will be the file transferred to on roll over + (based on staticLogFileName). + + + + + The timestamp when we shall next recompute the filename. + + + + + Holds date of last roll over + + + + + The type of rolling done + + + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB + + + + + There is zero backup files by default + + + + + How many sized based backups have been made so far + + + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + + The rolling mode used in this appender. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by date. + + + + + Cache flag set if we are rolling by size. + + + + + Value indicating whether to always log to the same file. + + + + + Value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + + + FileName provided in configuration. Used for rolling properly + + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Gets or sets the strategy for determining the current date and time. The default + implementation is to use LocalDateTime which internally calls through to DateTime.Now. + DateTime.UtcNow may be used on frameworks newer than .NET 1.0 by specifying + . + + + An implementation of the interface which returns the current date and time. + + + + Gets or sets the used to return the current date and time. + + + There are two built strategies for determining the current date and time, + + and . + + + The default strategy is . + + + + + + Gets or sets the date pattern to be used for generating file names + when rolling over on date. + + + The date pattern to be used for generating file names when rolling + over on date. + + + + Takes a string in the same format as expected by + . + + + This property determines the rollover schedule when rolling over + on date. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum number of backup files that are kept before + the oldest is erased. + + + The maximum number of backup files that are kept before the oldest is + erased. + + + + If set to zero, then there will be no backup files and the log file + will be truncated when it reaches . + + + If a negative number is supplied then no deletions will be made. Note + that this could result in very slow performance as a large number of + files are rolled over unless is used. + + + The maximum applies to each time based group of files and + not the total. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size in bytes that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property is equivalent to except + that it is required for differentiating the setter taking a + argument from the setter taking a + argument. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB (10*1024*1024). + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach + before being rolled over to backup files. + + + The maximum size that the output file is allowed to reach before being + rolled over to backup files. + + + + This property allows you to specify the maximum size with the + suffixes "KB", "MB" or "GB" so that the size is interpreted being + expressed respectively in kilobytes, megabytes or gigabytes. + + + For example, the value "10KB" will be interpreted as 10240 bytes. + + + The default maximum file size is 10MB. + + + If you have the option to set the maximum file size programmatically + consider using the property instead as this + allows you to set the size in bytes as a . + + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling file count direction. + + + The rolling file count direction. + + + + Indicates if the current file is the lowest numbered file or the + highest numbered file. + + + By default newer files have lower numbers ( < 0), + i.e. log.1 is most recent, log.5 is the 5th backup, etc... + + + >= 0 does the opposite i.e. + log.1 is the first backup made, log.5 is the 5th backup made, etc. + For infinite backups use >= 0 to reduce + rollover costs. + + The default file count direction is -1. + + + + + Gets or sets the rolling style. + + The rolling style. + + + The default rolling style is . + + + When set to this appender's + property is set to false, otherwise + the appender would append to a single file rather than rolling + the file each time it is opened. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to preserve the file name extension when rolling. + + + true if the file name extension should be preserved. + + + + By default file.log is rolled to file.log.yyyy-MM-dd or file.log.curSizeRollBackup. + However, under Windows the new file name will loose any program associations as the + extension is changed. Optionally file.log can be renamed to file.yyyy-MM-dd.log or + file.curSizeRollBackup.log to maintain any program associations. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always log to + the same file. + + + true if always should be logged to the same file, otherwise false. + + + + By default file.log is always the current file. Optionally + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd for current formatted datePattern can by the currently + logging file (or file.log.curSizeRollBackup or even + file.log.yyyy-mm-dd.curSizeRollBackup). + + + This will make time based rollovers with a large number of backups + much faster as the appender it won't have to rename all the backups! + + + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + Style of rolling to use + + + + + + Roll files once per program execution + + + + Roll files once per program execution. + Well really once each time this appender is + configured. + + + Setting this option also sets AppendToFile to + false on the RollingFileAppender, otherwise + this appender would just be a normal file appender. + + + + + + Roll files based only on the size of the file + + + + + Roll files based only on the date + + + + + Roll files based on both the size and date of the file + + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + The code assumes that the following 'time' constants are in a increasing sequence. + + + + + + Roll the log not based on the date + + + + + Roll the log for each minute + + + + + Roll the log for each hour + + + + + Roll the log twice a day (midday and midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each day (midnight) + + + + + Roll the log each week + + + + + Roll the log each month + + + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + + + This interface is used to supply Date/Time information to the . + Used primarily to allow test classes to plug themselves in so they can + supply test date/times. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Default implementation of that returns the current time. + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Implementation of that returns the current time as the coordinated universal time (UTC). + + + + + Gets the current time. + + The current time. + + + Gets the current time. + + + + + + Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. + + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Authentication and setting the server Port are only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + For these features to be enabled you need to ensure that you are using a version of + the log4net assembly that is built against the MS .NET 1.1 framework and that you are + running the your application on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. On all other platforms only sending + unauthenticated messages to a server listening on port 25 (the default) is supported. + + + Authentication is supported by setting the property to + either or . + If using authentication then the + and properties must also be set. + + + To set the SMTP server port use the property. The default port is 25. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + + Send the email message + + the body text to include in the mail + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a comma- or semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be carbon copied (use semicolon on .NET 1.1 and comma for later versions). + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + For .NET 1.1 (System.Web.Mail): A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + For .NET 2.0 (System.Net.Mail): A comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses + that will be blind carbon copied. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the SMTP relay mail server to use to send + the e-mail messages. + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + The name of the e-mail relay server. If SmtpServer is not set, the + name of the local SMTP server is used. + + + + + + Obsolete + + + Use the BufferingAppenderSkeleton Fix methods instead + + + + Obsolete property. + + + + + + The mode to use to authentication with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + Valid Authentication mode values are: , + , and . + The default value is . When using + you must specify the + and to use to authenticate. + When using the Windows credentials for the current + thread, if impersonating, or the process will be used to authenticate. + + + + + + The username to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the username will be ignored. + + + + + + The password to use to authenticate with the SMTP server + + + Authentication is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + A and must be specified when + is set to , + otherwise the password will be ignored. + + + + + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening + + + Server Port is only available on the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + The port on which the SMTP server is listening. The default + port is 25. The Port can only be changed when running on + the MS .NET 1.1 runtime. + + + + + + Gets or sets the priority of the e-mail message + + + One of the values. + + + + Sets the priority of the e-mails generated by this + appender. The default priority is . + + + If you are using this appender to report errors then + you may want to set the priority to . + + + + + + Enable or disable use of SSL when sending e-mail message + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the reply-to e-mail address. + + + This is available on MS .NET 2.0 runtime and higher + + + + + Gets or sets the subject encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + Gets or sets the body encoding to be used. + + + The default encoding is the operating system's current ANSI codepage. + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Values for the property. + + + + SMTP authentication modes. + + + + + + No authentication + + + + + Basic authentication. + + + Requires a username and password to be supplied + + + + + Integrated authentication + + + Uses the Windows credentials from the current thread or process to authenticate. + + + + + Send an email when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors + or fatal errors. Rather than sending via smtp it writes a file into the + directory specified by . This allows services such + as the IIS SMTP agent to manage sending the messages. + + + + The configuration for this appender is identical to that of the SMTPAppender, + except that instead of specifying the SMTPAppender.SMTPHost you specify + . + + + The number of logging events delivered in this e-mail depend on + the value of option. The + keeps only the last + logging events in its + cyclic buffer. This keeps memory requirements at a reasonable level while + still delivering useful application context. + + + Niall Daley + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + The logging events to send. + + + Sends the contents of the cyclic buffer as an e-mail message. + + + + + + Activate the options on this appender. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + + + + The security context to use for privileged calls + + + + + Gets or sets a semicolon-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses. + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + A semicolon-delimited list of e-mail addresses. + + + + + + Gets or sets the e-mail address of the sender. + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + The e-mail address of the sender. + + + + + + Gets or sets the subject line of the e-mail message. + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + The subject line of the e-mail message. + + + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. + + + + Gets or sets the path to write the messages to. This should be the same + as that used by the agent sending the messages. + + + + + + Gets or sets the used to write to the pickup directory. + + + The used to write to the pickup directory. + + + + Unless a specified here for this appender + the is queried for the + security context to use. The default behavior is to use the security context + of the current thread. + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Appender that allows clients to connect via Telnet to receive log messages + + + + The TelnetAppender accepts socket connections and streams logging messages + back to the client. + The output is provided in a telnet-friendly way so that a log can be monitored + over a TCP/IP socket. + This allows simple remote monitoring of application logging. + + + The default is 23 (the telnet port). + + + Keith Long + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the TelnetAppender class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Overrides the parent method to close the socket handler + + + + Closes all the outstanding connections. + + + + + + Initialize the appender based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Create the socket handler and wait for connections + + + + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to each connected client. + + + + + + Gets or sets the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + An integer value in the range to + indicating the TCP port number on which this will listen for connections. + + + + The default value is 23 (the telnet port). + + + The value specified is less than + or greater than . + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Helper class to manage connected clients + + + + The SocketHandler class is used to accept connections from + clients. It is threaded so that clients can connect/disconnect + asynchronously. + + + + + + Opens a new server port on + + the local port to listen on for connections + + + Creates a socket handler on the specified local server port. + + + + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + the text to send + + + Sends a string message to each of the connected clients + + + + + + Add a client to the internal clients list + + client to add + + + + Remove a client from the internal clients list + + client to remove + + + + Callback used to accept a connection on the server socket + + The result of the asynchronous operation + + + On connection adds to the list of connections + if there are two many open connections you will be disconnected + + + + + + Close all network connections + + + + Make sure we close all network connections + + + + + + Test if this handler has active connections + + + true if this handler has active connections + + + + This property will be true while this handler has + active connections, that is at least one connection that + the handler will attempt to send a message to. + + + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + Class that represents a client connected to this handler + + + + + + Create this for the specified + + the client's socket + + + Opens a stream writer on the socket. + + + + + + Write a string to the client + + string to send + + + Write a string to the client + + + + + + Cleanup the clients connection + + + + Close the socket connection. + + + + + + Appends log events to the system. + + + + The application configuration file can be used to control what listeners + are actually used. See the MSDN documentation for the + class for details on configuring the + trace system. + + + Events are written using the System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(string,string) + method. The event's logger name is the default value for the category parameter + of the Write method. + + + Compact Framework
+ The Compact Framework does not support the + class for any operation except Assert. When using the Compact Framework this + appender will write to the system rather than + the Trace system. This appender will therefore behave like the . +
+ Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski +
+ + + Initializes a new instance of the . + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + with a specified layout. + + The layout to use with this appender. + + + Obsolete constructor. + + + + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + The event to log. + + + Writes the logging event to the system. + + + + + + Immediate flush means that the underlying writer or output stream + will be flushed at the end of each append operation. + + + + Immediate flush is slower but ensures that each append request is + actually written. If is set to + false, then there is a good chance that the last few + logs events are not actually written to persistent media if and + when the application crashes. + + + The default value is true. + + + + + Defaults to %logger + + + + + Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the appender will + flush at the end of each write. + + + The default behavior is to flush at the end of each + write. If the option is set tofalse, then the underlying + stream can defer writing to physical medium to a later time. + + + Avoiding the flush operation at the end of each append results + in a performance gain of 10 to 20 percent. However, there is safety + trade-off involved in skipping flushing. Indeed, when flushing is + skipped, then it is likely that the last few log events will not + be recorded on disk when the application exits. This is a high + price to pay even for a 20% performance gain. + + + + + + The category parameter sent to the Trace method. + + + + Defaults to %logger which will use the logger name of the current + as the category parameter. + + + + + + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + true + + + This appender requires a to be set. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's domain to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required domains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + An assembly's logger repository is defined by its , + however this can be overridden by an assembly loaded before the target assembly. + + + An assembly can alias another assembly's repository to its repository by + specifying this attribute with the name of the target repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may be used + as many times as necessary to alias all the required repositories. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified repository to alias to this assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + The repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + The name of the repository to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified domain to alias to this assembly's repository. + + The domain to alias to this assemby's repository. + + + Obsolete. Use instead of . + + + + + + Use this class to quickly configure a . + + + + Allows very simple programmatic configuration of log4net. + + + Only one appender can be configured using this configurator. + The appender is set at the root of the hierarchy and all logging + events will be delivered to that appender. + + + Appenders can also implement the interface. Therefore + they would require that the method + be called after the appenders properties have been configured. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The fully qualified type of the BasicConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system with a default configuration. + + + + Initializes the log4net logging system using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the log4net system using the specified appenders. + + + + + + Initializes the with a default configuration. + + The repository to configure. + + + Initializes the specified repository using a + that will write to Console.Out. The log messages are + formatted using the layout object + with the + layout style. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + The repository to configure. + The appender to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Initializes the using the specified appenders. + + The repository to configure. + The appenders to use to log all logging events. + + + Initializes the using the specified appender. + + + + + + Base class for all log4net configuration attributes. + + + This is an abstract class that must be extended by + specific configurators. This attribute allows the + configurator to be parameterized by an assembly level + attribute. + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor used by subclasses. + + the ordering priority for this configurator + + + The is used to order the configurator + attributes before they are invoked. Higher priority configurators are executed + before lower priority ones. + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Abstract method implemented by a subclass. When this method is called + the subclass should configure the . + + + + + + Compare this instance to another ConfiguratorAttribute + + the object to compare to + see + + + Compares the priorities of the two instances. + Sorts by priority in descending order. Objects with the same priority are + randomly ordered. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging domain for the assembly. + + + + DomainAttribute is obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging domains. Each domain has its own + logging repository. This attribute specified on the assembly controls + the configuration of the domain. The property specifies the name + of the domain that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the repository objects to create for the domain. If + this attribute is not specified and a is not specified + then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging domain. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies the logging repository for the assembly. + + + + Assemblies are mapped to logging repository. This attribute specified + on the assembly controls + the configuration of the repository. The property specifies the name + of the repository that this assembly is a part of. The + specifies the type of the object + to create for the assembly. If this attribute is not specified or a + is not specified then the assembly will be part of the default shared logging repository. + + + This attribute can only be specified on the assembly and may only be used + once per assembly. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the repository. + + The name of the repository. + + + Initialize the attribute with the name for the assembly's repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the logging repository. + + + The string name to use as the name of the repository associated with this + assembly. + + + + This value does not have to be unique. Several assemblies can share the + same repository. They will share the logging configuration of the repository. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + The type of repository to create for this assembly. + + + + The type of the repository to create for the assembly. + The type must implement the + interface. + + + This will be the type of repository created when + the repository is created. If multiple assemblies reference the + same repository then the repository is only created once using the + of the first assembly to call into the + repository. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Initialize a new instance of the class + with the name of the domain. + + The name of the domain. + + + Obsolete. Use RepositoryAttribute instead of DomainAttribute. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + DOMConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + DOMConfigurator is obsolete. Use XmlConfigurator instead of DOMConfigurator. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + AliasDomainAttribute is obsolete. Use AliasRepositoryAttribute instead of AliasDomainAttribute. + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + If neither of the or + properties are set the configuration is loaded from the application's .config file. + If set the property takes priority over the + property. The property + specifies a path to a file to load the config from. The path is relative to the + application's base directory; . + The property is used as a postfix to the assembly file name. + The config file must be located in the application's base directory; . + For example in a console application setting the to + config has the same effect as not specifying the or + properties. + + + The property can be set to cause the + to watch the configuration file for changes. + + + + Log4net will only look for assembly level configuration attributes once. + When using the log4net assembly level attributes to control the configuration + of log4net you must ensure that the first call to any of the + methods is made from the assembly with the configuration + attributes. + + + If you cannot guarantee the order in which log4net calls will be made from + different assemblies you must use programmatic configuration instead, i.e. + call the method directly. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Configures the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Configure the repository using the . + The specified must extend the + class otherwise the will not be able to + configure it. + + + The does not extend . + + + + Attempt to load configuration from the local file system + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + Configure the specified repository using a + + The repository to configure. + the FileInfo pointing to the config file + + + + Attempt to load configuration from a URI + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfiguratorAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the filename of the configuration file. + + + The filename of the configuration file. + + + + If specified, this is the name of the configuration file to use with + the . This file path is relative to the + application base directory (). + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets the extension of the configuration file. + + + The extension of the configuration file. + + + + If specified this is the extension for the configuration file. + The path to the config file is built by using the application + base directory (), + the assembly file name and the config file extension. + + + If the is set to MyExt then + possible config file names would be: MyConsoleApp.exe.MyExt or + MyClassLibrary.dll.MyExt. + + + The takes priority over the . + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether to watch the configuration file. + + + true if the configuration should be watched, false otherwise. + + + + If this flag is specified and set to true then the framework + will watch the configuration file and will reload the config each time + the file is modified. + + + The config file can only be watched if it is loaded from local disk. + In a No-Touch (Smart Client) deployment where the application is downloaded + from a web server the config file may not reside on the local disk + and therefore it may not be able to watch it. + + + Watching configuration is not supported on the SSCLI. + + + + + + Class to register for the log4net section of the configuration file + + + The log4net section of the configuration file needs to have a section + handler registered. This is the section handler used. It simply returns + the XML element that is the root of the section. + + + Example of registering the log4net section handler : + + + +
+ + + log4net configuration XML goes here + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Parses the configuration section. + + The configuration settings in a corresponding parent configuration section. + The configuration context when called from the ASP.NET configuration system. Otherwise, this parameter is reserved and is a null reference. + The for the log4net section. + The for the log4net section. + + + Returns the containing the configuration data, + + + + + + Assembly level attribute that specifies a plugin to attach to + the repository. + + + + Specifies the type of a plugin to create and attach to the + assembly's repository. The plugin type must implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface used to create plugins. + + + + Interface used to create a plugin. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates the plugin object. + + the new plugin instance + + + Create and return a new plugin instance. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type name of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + Where possible use the constructor that takes a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified type. + + The type of plugin to create. + + + Create the attribute with the plugin type specified. + + + + + + Creates the plugin object defined by this attribute. + + + + Creates the instance of the object as + specified by this attribute. + + + The plugin object. + + + + Returns a representation of the properties of this object. + + + + Overrides base class method to + return a representation of the properties of this object. + + + A representation of the properties of this object + + + + Gets or sets the type for the plugin. + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + The type for the plugin. + + + + + + Gets or sets the type name for the plugin. + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + + The type name for the plugin. + + + Where possible use the property instead. + + + + + + Assembly level attribute to configure the . + + + + This attribute may only be used at the assembly scope and can only + be used once per assembly. + + + Use this attribute to configure the + without calling one of the + methods. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Construct provider attribute with type specified + + the type of the provider to use + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Configures the SecurityContextProvider + + The assembly that this attribute was defined on. + The repository to configure. + + + Creates a provider instance from the specified. + Sets this as the default security context provider . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SecurityContextProviderAttribute class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the provider to use. + + + the type of the provider to use. + + + + The provider specified must subclass the + class. + + + + + + Use this class to initialize the log4net environment using an Xml tree. + + + + Configures a using an Xml tree. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + + + Automatically configures the log4net system based on the + application's configuration settings. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + + + + + Automatically configures the using settings + stored in the application's configuration file. + + + + Each application has a configuration file. This has the + same name as the application with '.config' appended. + This file is XML and calling this function prompts the + configurator to look in that file for a section called + log4net that contains the configuration data. + + + To use this method to configure log4net you must specify + the section + handler for the log4net configuration section. See the + for an example. + + + The repository to configure. + + + + Configures log4net using a log4net element + + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + The element to parse. + + + + Configures the using the specified XML + element. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + The repository to configure. + The element to parse. + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration file. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
+ + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration URI. + + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the specified configuration data stream. + + A stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the log4net configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The log4net configuration file can possible be specified in the application's + configuration file (either MyAppName.exe.config for a + normal application on Web.config for an ASP.NET application). + + + The first element matching <configuration> will be read as the + configuration. If this file is also a .NET .config file then you must specify + a configuration section for the log4net element otherwise .NET will + complain. Set the type for the section handler to , for example: + + +
+ + + + + The following example configures log4net using a configuration file, of which the + location is stored in the application's configuration file : + + + using log4net.Config; + using System.IO; + using System.Configuration; + + ... + + XmlConfigurator.Configure(new FileInfo(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["log4net-config-file"])); + + + In the .config file, the path to the log4net can be specified like this : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + URI. + + The repository to configure. + A URI to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The must support the URI scheme specified. + + + + + + Configures the using the specified configuration + file. + + The repository to configure. + The stream to load the XML configuration from. + + + The configuration data must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + Note that this method will NOT close the stream parameter. + + + + + + Configures log4net using the file specified, monitors the file for changes + and reloads the configuration if a change is detected. + + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the using the file specified, + monitors the file for changes and reloads the configuration if a change + is detected. + + The repository to configure. + The XML file to load the configuration from. + + + The configuration file must be valid XML. It must contain + at least one element called log4net that holds + the configuration data. + + + The configuration file will be monitored using a + and depends on the behavior of that class. + + + For more information on how to configure log4net using + a separate configuration file, see . + + + + + + + Configures the specified repository using a log4net element. + + The hierarchy to configure. + The element to parse. + + + Loads the log4net configuration from the XML element + supplied as . + + + This method is ultimately called by one of the Configure methods + to load the configuration from an . + + + + + + Maps repository names to ConfigAndWatchHandler instances to allow a particular + ConfigAndWatchHandler to dispose of its FileSystemWatcher when a repository is + reconfigured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Class used to watch config files. + + + + Uses the to monitor + changes to a specified file. Because multiple change notifications + may be raised when the file is modified, a timer is used to + compress the notifications into a single event. The timer + waits for time before delivering + the event notification. If any further + change notifications arrive while the timer is waiting it + is reset and waits again for to + elapse. + + + + + + The default amount of time to wait after receiving notification + before reloading the config file. + + + + + Holds the FileInfo used to configure the XmlConfigurator + + + + + Holds the repository being configured. + + + + + The timer used to compress the notification events. + + + + + Watches file for changes. This object should be disposed when no longer + needed to free system handles on the watched resources. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class to + watch a specified config file used to configure a repository. + + The repository to configure. + The configuration file to watch. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Event handler used by . + + The firing the event. + The argument indicates the file that caused the event to be fired. + + + This handler reloads the configuration from the file when the event is fired. + + + + + + Called by the timer when the configuration has been updated. + + null + + + + Release the handles held by the watcher and timer. + + + + + The implementation of the interface suitable + for use with the compact framework + + + + This implementation is a simple + mapping between repository name and + object. + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not support retrieving assembly + level attributes therefore unlike the DefaultRepositorySelector + this selector does not examine the calling assembly for attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Interface used by the to select the . + + + + The uses a + to specify the policy for selecting the correct + to return to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to use to lookup to the + The for the assembly. + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. The results of this method must be repeatable, i.e. + when called again with the same arguments the result must be the + save value. + + + + + + Gets the named . + + The name to use to lookup to the . + The named + + Lookup a named . This is the repository created by + calling . + + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + The assembly to use to create the domain to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the domain + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + How the association between and + is made is not defined. The implementation may choose any method for + this association. + + + + + + Creates a new repository with the name specified. + + The name to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the name + specified such that a call to with the + same name will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + An array of the instances created by + this . + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Create a new repository selector + + the type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new compact repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + throw if is null + throw if does not implement + + + + Get the for the specified assembly + + not used + The default + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Get the named + + the name of the repository to lookup + The named + + + Get the named . The default + repository is log4net-default-repository. Other repositories + must be created using the . + If the named repository does not exist an exception is thrown. + + + throw if is null + throw if the does not exist + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + not used + the type of repository to create, must implement + the repository created + + + The argument is not used. This selector does not create a + separate repository for each assembly. + + + If the is null then the + default repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + As a named repository is not specified the default repository is + returned. The default repository is named log4net-default-repository. + + + + + + Create a new repository for the repository specified + + the repository to associate with the + the type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is null then the default repository type is used. + the repository created + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + If the named repository already exists an exception will be thrown. + + + If is null then the default + repository type specified to the constructor is used. + + + throw if is null + throw if the already exists + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the CompactRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has been created + + The repository that has been created + + + Raises the LoggerRepositoryCreatedEvent + event. + + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + The default implementation of the interface. + + + + Uses attributes defined on the calling assembly to determine how to + configure the hierarchy for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Creates a new repository selector. + + The type of the repositories to create, must implement + + + Create an new repository selector. + The default type for repositories must be specified, + an appropriate value would be . + + + is . + does not implement . + + + + Gets the for the specified assembly. + + The assembly use to lookup the . + + + The type of the created and the repository + to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the . + + + The default values are to use the + implementation of the interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically configured using + any attributes defined on + the . + + + The for the assembly + is . + + + + Gets the for the specified repository. + + The repository to use to lookup the . + The for the specified repository. + + + Returns the named repository. If is null + a is thrown. If the repository + does not exist a is thrown. + + + Use to create a repository. + + + is . + does not exist. + + + + Create a new repository for the assembly specified + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the assembly specified. + + the assembly to use to create the repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + The name to assign to the created repository + Set to true to read and apply the assembly attributes + The repository created. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The type of the created and + the repository to create can be overridden by specifying the + attribute on the + . The default values are to use the + implementation of the + interface and to use the + as the name of the repository. + + + The created will be automatically + configured using any + attributes defined on the . + + + If a repository for the already exists + that repository will be returned. An error will not be raised and that + repository may be of a different type to that specified in . + Also the attribute on the + assembly may be used to override the repository type specified in + . + + + is . + + + + Creates a new repository for the specified repository. + + The repository to associate with the . + The type of repository to create, must implement . + If this param is then the default repository type is used. + The new repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same repository specified will return the same repository instance. + + + is . + already exists. + + + + Test if a named repository exists + + the named repository to check + true if the repository exists + + + Test if a named repository exists. Use + to create a new repository and to retrieve + a repository. + + + + + + Gets a list of objects + + an array of all known objects + + + Gets an array of all of the repositories created by this selector. + + + + + + Aliases a repository to an existing repository. + + The repository to alias. + The repository that the repository is aliased to. + + + The repository specified will be aliased to the repository when created. + The repository must not already exist. + + + When the repository is created it must utilize the same repository type as + the repository it is aliased to, otherwise the aliasing will fail. + + + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Notifies the registered listeners that the repository has been created. + + The repository that has been created. + + + Raises the event. + + + + + + Gets the repository name and repository type for the specified assembly. + + The assembly that has a . + in/out param to hold the repository name to use for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + in/out param to hold the type of the repository to create for the assembly, caller should set this to the default value before calling. + is . + + + + Configures the repository using information from the assembly. + + The assembly containing + attributes which define the configuration for the repository. + The repository to configure. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined plugins on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to add the plugins to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + Loads the attribute defined aliases on the assembly. + + The assembly that contains the attributes. + The repository to alias to. + + is . + -or- + is . + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DefaultRepositorySelector class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + Event to notify that a logger repository has been created. + + + + Event raised when a new repository is created. + The event source will be this selector. The event args will + be a which + holds the newly created . + + + + + + Defined error codes that can be passed to the method. + + + + Values passed to the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + A general error + + + + + Error while writing output + + + + + Failed to flush file + + + + + Failed to close file + + + + + Unable to open output file + + + + + No layout specified + + + + + Failed to parse address + + + + + An evaluator that triggers on an Exception type + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the type of the Exception + passed to + is equal to a Type in . /// + + + Drew Schaeffer + + + + Test if an triggers an action + + + + Implementations of this interface allow certain appenders to decide + when to perform an appender specific action. + + + The action or behavior triggered is defined by the implementation. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Test if this event triggers the action + + The event to check + true if this event triggers the action, otherwise false + + + Return true if this event triggers the action + + + + + + The type that causes the trigger to fire. + + + + + Causes subclasses of to cause the trigger to fire. + + + + + Default ctor to allow dynamic creation through a configurator. + + + + + Constructs an evaluator and initializes to trigger on + + the type that triggers this evaluator. + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the logging event Exception + Type is . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the Exception Type of the event + passed to + is . + + + + + + The type that triggers this evaluator. + + + + + If true, this evaluator will trigger on subclasses of . + + + + + Appenders may delegate their error handling to an . + + + + Error handling is a particularly tedious to get right because by + definition errors are hard to predict and to reproduce. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + The error code associated with the error. + + + Handles the error and information about the error condition is passed as + a parameter. + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + The that was thrown when the error occurred. + + + See . + + + + + + Prints the error message passed as a parameter. + + The message associated with the error. + + + See . + + + + + + Interface for objects that require fixing. + + + + Interface that indicates that the object requires fixing before it + can be taken outside the context of the appender's + method. + + + When objects that implement this interface are stored + in the context properties maps + and + are fixed + (see ) the + method will be called. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a portable instance object that represents the current + state of this object. The portable object can be stored + and logged from any thread with identical results. + + + + + + Interface that all loggers implement + + + + This interface supports logging events and testing if a level + is enabled for logging. + + + These methods will not throw exceptions. Note to implementor, ensure + that the implementation of these methods cannot allow an exception + to be thrown to the caller. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + the exception to log, including its stack trace. Pass null to not log an exception. + + + Generates a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Base interface for all wrappers + + + + Base interface for all wrappers. + + + All wrappers must implement this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Get the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that in implementing this object. + + + + The object that in implementing this + object. The Logger object may not + be the same object as this object because of logger decorators. + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications + + The which created the repository. + The event args + that holds the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A + event is raised every time a is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Construct instance using specified + + the that has been created + + + Construct instance using specified + + + + + + The that has been created + + + The that has been created + + + + The that has been created + + + + + + Defines the default set of levels recognized by the system. + + + + Each has an associated . + + + Levels have a numeric that defines the relative + ordering between levels. Two Levels with the same + are deemed to be equivalent. + + + The levels that are recognized by log4net are set for each + and each repository can have different levels defined. The levels are stored + in the on the repository. Levels are + looked up by name from the . + + + When logging at level INFO the actual level used is not but + the value of LoggerRepository.LevelMap["INFO"]. The default value for this is + , but this can be changed by reconfiguring the level map. + + + Each level has a in addition to its . The + is the string that is written into the output log. By default + the display name is the same as the level name, but this can be used to alias levels + or to localize the log output. + + + Some of the predefined levels recognized by the system are: + + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + . + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + The display name for this level. This may be localized or otherwise different from the name + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Constructor + + Integer value for this level, higher values represent more severe levels. + The string name of this level. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified level name and value. + + + + + + Returns the representation of the current + . + + + A representation of the current . + + + + Returns the level . + + + + + + Compares levels. + + The object to compare against. + true if the objects are equal. + + + Compares the levels of instances, and + defers to base class if the target object is not a + instance. + + + + + + Returns a hash code + + A hash code for the current . + + + Returns a hash code suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data + structures like a hash table. + + + Returns the hash code of the level . + + + + + + Compares this instance to a specified object and returns an + indication of their relative values. + + A instance or to compare with this instance. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + This instance is less than . + + + Zero + This instance is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + + This instance is greater than . + -or- + is . + + + + + + + must be an instance of + or ; otherwise, an exception is thrown. + + + is not a . + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is greater than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is greater than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether a specified + is less than or equal to another specified . + + A + A + + true if is less than or equal to + ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have the same value. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is the same as the + value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Returns a value indicating whether two specified + objects have different values. + + A or . + A or . + + true if the value of is different from + the value of ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + Compares two specified instances. + + The first to compare. + The second to compare. + + A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the + two values compared. The return value has these meanings: + + + Value + Meaning + + + Less than zero + is less than . + + + Zero + is equal to . + + + Greater than zero + is greater than . + + + + + + Compares two levels. + + + + + + The level designates a higher level than all the rest. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + System unusable, emergencies. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events + that will presumably lead the application to abort. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Take immediate action, alerts. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + Critical condition, critical. + + + + + The level designates very severe error events. + + + + + The level designates error events that might + still allow the application to continue running. + + + + + The level designates potentially harmful + situations. + + + + + The level designates informational messages + that highlight the progress of the application at the highest level. + + + + + The level designates informational messages that + highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates fine-grained informational + events that are most useful to debug an application. + + + + + The level designates the lowest level possible. + + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + The name of this level. + + + + Gets the name of this level. + + + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + The value of this level. + + + + Gets the value of this level. + + + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + The display name of this level. + + + + Gets the display name of this level. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a LevelCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A LevelCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new LevelCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the LevelCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire LevelCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the LevelCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the LevelCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the LevelCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the LevelCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the LevelCollection. + + The to locate in the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire LevelCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the LevelCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the LevelCollection. + + The to remove from the LevelCollection. + + The specified was not found in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the LevelCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the LevelCollection. + + An for the entire LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another LevelCollection to the current LevelCollection. + + The LevelCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current LevelCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current LevelCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the LevelCollection. + The new of the LevelCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the LevelCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the LevelCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + An evaluator that triggers at a threshold level + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The threshold for triggering + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + the threshold to trigger at + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified threshold. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the event level + is equal or higher than the . + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + the threshold to trigger at + + + The that will cause this evaluator to trigger + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the level of the event + passed to + is equal to or greater than the + level. + + + + + + Mapping between string name and Level object + + + + Mapping between string name and object. + This mapping is held separately for each . + The level name is case insensitive. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Mapping from level name to Level object. The + level name is case insensitive + + + + + Construct the level map + + + + Construct the level map. + + + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + Clear the internal maps of all levels + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + the string to display for the Level + the level value to give to the Level + the display name to give to the Level + + + Create a new Level and add it to the map + + + + + + Add a Level to the map + + the Level to add + + + Add a Level to the map + + + + + + Lookup a named level from the map + + the name of the level to lookup is taken from this level. + If the level is not set on the map then this level is added + the level in the map with the name specified + + + Lookup a named level from the map. The name of the level to lookup is taken + from the property of the + argument. + + + If no level with the specified name is found then the + argument is added to the level map + and returned. + + + + + + Lookup a by name + + The name of the Level to lookup + a Level from the map with the name specified + + + Returns the from the + map with the name specified. If the no level is + found then null is returned. + + + + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + all possible levels as a list of Level objects + + + Return all possible levels as a list of Level objects. + + + + + + The internal representation of caller location information. + + + + This class uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + Constructor + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class based on the current thread. + + + + + + Constructor + + The fully qualified class name. + The method name. + The file name. + The line number of the method within the file. + + + Initializes a new instance of the + class with the specified data. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LocationInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + Gets the stack frames from the stack trace of the caller making the log request + + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + + Static manager that controls the creation of repositories + + + This class is used by the wrapper managers (e.g. ) + to provide access to the objects. + + + This manager also holds the that is used to + lookup and create repositories. The selector can be set either programmatically using + the property, or by setting the log4net.RepositorySelector + AppSetting in the applications config file to the fully qualified type name of the + selector to use. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. Only static methods should be used. + + + + + + Hook the shutdown event + + + + On the full .NET runtime, the static constructor hooks up the + AppDomain.ProcessExit and AppDomain.DomainUnload> events. + These are used to shutdown the log4net system as the application exits. + + + + + + Register for ProcessExit and DomainUnload events on the AppDomain + + + + This needs to be in a separate method because the events make + a LinkDemand for the ControlAppDomain SecurityPermission. Because + this is a LinkDemand it is demanded at JIT time. Therefore we cannot + catch the exception in the method itself, we have to catch it in the + caller. + + + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + + Return the default instance. + + the repository to lookup in + Return the default instance + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The default instance. + + + Returns the default instance. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the named logger does not exist in the + specified assembly's repository. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified assembly's repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + All the defined loggers. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + The repository to lookup in. + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shorthand for . + + the assembly to use to lookup the repository + The of which the fullname will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The repository to shutdown. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository for the repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An Exception will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + An array of all the known objects. + + + Gets an array of all currently defined repositories. + + + + + + Internal method to get pertinent version info. + + A string of version info. + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + Called when the event fires + + the that is exiting + null + + + Called when the event fires. + + + When the event is triggered the log4net system is . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerManager class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Initialize the default repository selector + + + + + Gets or sets the repository selector used by the . + + + The repository selector used by the . + + + + The repository selector () is used by + the to create and select repositories + (). + + + The caller to supplies either a string name + or an assembly (if not supplied the assembly is inferred using + ). + + + This context is used by the selector to lookup a specific repository. + + + For the full .NET Framework, the default repository is DefaultRepositorySelector; + for the .NET Compact Framework CompactRepositorySelector is the default + repository. + + + + + + Implementation of the interface. + + + + This class should be used as the base for all wrapper implementations. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Constructs a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + The logger that this object is wrapping + + + + + Gets the implementation behind this wrapper object. + + + The object that this object is implementing. + + + + The Logger object may not be the same object as this object + because of logger decorators. + + + This gets the actual underlying objects that is used to process + the log events. + + + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + + Portable data structure used by + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The logger name. + + + + The logger name. + + + + + + Level of logging event. + + + + Level of logging event. Level cannot be Serializable + because it is a flyweight. Due to its special serialization it + cannot be declared final either. + + + + + + The application supplied message. + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + + The name of thread + + + + The name of thread in which this logging event was generated + + + + + + The time the event was logged + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + Location information for the caller. + + + + + + String representation of the user + + + + String representation of the user's windows name, + like DOMAIN\username + + + + + + String representation of the identity. + + + + String representation of the current thread's principal identity. + + + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + The string representation of the exception + + + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + String representation of the AppDomain. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + + Flags passed to the property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Fix the MDC + + + + + Fix the NDC + + + + + Fix the rendered message + + + + + Fix the thread name + + + + + Fix the callers location information + + + CAUTION: Very slow to generate + + + + + Fix the callers windows user name + + + CAUTION: Slow to generate + + + + + Fix the domain friendly name + + + + + Fix the callers principal name + + + CAUTION: May be slow to generate + + + + + Fix the exception text + + + + + Fix the event properties. Active properties must implement in order to be eligible for fixing. + + + + + No fields fixed + + + + + All fields fixed + + + + + Partial fields fixed + + + + This set of partial fields gives good performance. The following fields are fixed: + + + + + + + + + + + + + The internal representation of logging events. + + + + When an affirmative decision is made to log then a + instance is created. This instance + is passed around to the different log4net components. + + + This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4net. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + The key into the Properties map for the host name value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the thread identity value. + + + + + The key into the Properties map for the user name value. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + from the supplied parameters. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + The name of the logger of this event. + The level of this event. + The message of this event. + The exception for this event. + + + Except , and , + all fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed. Call + to cache all data locally + to prevent inconsistencies. + + This method is called by the log4net framework + to create a logging event. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + The fields in the struct that have already been fixed. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + The parameter should be used to specify which fields in the + struct have been preset. Fields not specified in the + will be captured from the environment if requested or fixed. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The repository this event is logged in. + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + using specific data. + + Data used to initialize the logging event. + + + This constructor is provided to allow a + to be created independently of the log4net framework. This can + be useful if you require a custom serialization scheme. + + + Use the method to obtain an + instance of the class. + + + This constructor sets this objects flags to , + this assumes that all the data relating to this event is passed in via the + parameter and no other data should be captured from the environment. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Ensure that the repository is set. + + the value for the repository + + + + Write the rendered message to a TextWriter + + the writer to write the message to + + + Unlike the property this method + does store the message data in the internal cache. Therefore + if called only once this method should be faster than the + property, however if the message is + to be accessed multiple times then the property will be more efficient. + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + The data in this event must be fixed before it can be serialized. + + + The method must be called during the + method call if this event + is to be used outside that method. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + Does a fix of the data + in the logging event before returning the event data. + + + + + + Gets the portable data for this . + + The set of data to ensure is fixed in the LoggingEventData + The for this event. + + + A new can be constructed using a + instance. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Obsolete. Use instead. + + + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + This event's exception's rendered using the . + + + + Returns this event's exception's rendered using the + . + + + + + + Fix instance fields that hold volatile data. + + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + Calling is equivalent to + calling passing the parameter + false. + + + See for more + information. + + + + + + Fixes instance fields that hold volatile data. + + Set to true to not fix data that takes a long time to fix. + + + Some of the values in instances of + are considered volatile, that is the values are correct at the + time the event is delivered to appenders, but will not be consistent + at any time afterwards. If an event is to be stored and then processed + at a later time these volatile values must be fixed by calling + . There is a performance penalty + for incurred by calling but it + is essential to maintaining data consistency. + + + The param controls the data that + is fixed. Some of the data that can be fixed takes a long time to + generate, therefore if you do not require those settings to be fixed + they can be ignored by setting the param + to true. This setting will ignore the + and settings. + + + Set to false to ensure that all + settings are fixed. + + + + + + Fix the fields specified by the parameter + + the fields to fix + + + Only fields specified in the will be fixed. + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Lookup a composite property in this event + + the key for the property to lookup + the value for the property + + + This event has composite properties that combine together properties from + several different contexts in the following order: + + + this events properties + + This event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + + Get all the composite properties in this event + + the containing all the properties + + + See for details of the composite properties + stored by the event. + + + This method returns a single containing all the + properties defined for this event. + + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The internal logging event data. + + + + + The fully qualified Type of the calling + logger class in the stack frame (i.e. the declaring type of the method). + + + + + The application supplied message of logging event. + + + + + The exception that was thrown. + + + This is not serialized. The string representation + is serialized instead. + + + + + The repository that generated the logging event + + + This is not serialized. + + + + + The fix state for this event + + + These flags indicate which fields have been fixed. + Not serialized. + + + + + Indicated that the internal cache is updateable (ie not fixed) + + + This is a seperate flag to m_fixFlags as it allows incrementel fixing and simpler + changes in the caching strategy. + + + + + Gets the time when the current process started. + + + This is the time when this process started. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + Tries to get the start time for the current process. + Failing that it returns the time of the first call to + this property. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating and therefore + without the process start time being reset. + + + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + The of the logging event. + + + + Gets the of the logging event. + + + + + + Gets the time of the logging event. + + + The time of the logging event. + + + + The TimeStamp is stored in the local time zone for this computer. + + + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + The name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + Gets the name of the logger that logged the event. + + + + + + Gets the location information for this logging event. + + + The location information for this logging event. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + See the class for more information on + supported frameworks and the different behavior in Debug and + Release builds. + + + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + + + The message object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the message object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid message object. + If the event is serialized the message object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the message the + property must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined message object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + + + The exception object used to initialize this event. + + + + Gets the exception object used to initialize this event. + Note that this event may not have a valid exception object. + If the event is serialized the exception object will not + be transferred. To get the text of the exception the + method must be used + not this property. + + + If there is no defined exception object for this event then + null will be returned. + + + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + The that this event was created in. + + + + + + Gets the message, rendered through the . + + + The message rendered through the . + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current thread. + + + The name of the current thread, or the thread ID when + the name is not available. + + + + The collected information is cached for future use. + + + + + + Gets the name of the current user. + + + The name of the current user, or NOT AVAILABLE when the + underlying runtime has no support for retrieving the name of the + current user. + + + + Calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name to get the name of + the current windows user. + + + To improve performance, we could cache the string representation of + the name, and reuse that as long as the identity stayed constant. + Once the identity changed, we would need to re-assign and re-render + the string. + + + However, the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() call seems to + return different objects every time, so the current implementation + doesn't do this type of caching. + + + Timing for these operations: + + + + Method + Results + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() + 10000 loops, 00:00:00.2031250 seconds + + + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + 10000 loops, 00:00:08.0468750 seconds + + + + This means we could speed things up almost 40 times by caching the + value of the WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name property, since + this takes (8.04-0.20) = 7.84375 seconds. + + + + + + Gets the identity of the current thread principal. + + + The string name of the identity of the current thread principal. + + + + Calls System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name to get + the name of the current thread principal. + + + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + The AppDomain friendly name. + + + + Gets the AppDomain friendly name. + + + + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + Additional event specific properties. + + + + A logger or an appender may attach additional + properties to specific events. These properties + have a string key and an object value. + + + This property is for events that have been added directly to + this event. The aggregate properties (which include these + event properties) can be retrieved using + and . + + + Once the properties have been fixed this property + returns the combined cached properties. This ensures that updates to + this property are always reflected in the underlying storage. When + returning the combined properties there may be more keys in the + Dictionary than expected. + + + + + + The fixed fields in this event + + + The set of fields that are fixed in this event + + + + Fields will not be fixed if they have previously been fixed. + It is not possible to 'unfix' a field. + + + + + + Implementation of wrapper interface. + + + + This implementation of the interface + forwards to the held by the base class. + + + This logger has methods to allow the caller to log at the following + levels: + + + + DEBUG + + The and methods log messages + at the DEBUG level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + INFO + + The and methods log messages + at the INFO level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + WARN + + The and methods log messages + at the WARN level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + ERROR + + The and methods log messages + at the ERROR level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + FATAL + + The and methods log messages + at the FATAL level. That is the level with that name defined in the + repositories . The default value + for this level is . The + property tests if this level is enabled for logging. + + + + + The values for these levels and their semantic meanings can be changed by + configuring the for the repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The ILog interface is use by application to log messages into + the log4net framework. + + + + Use the to obtain logger instances + that implement this interface. The + static method is used to get logger instances. + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and also + has properties for determining if those logging levels are + enabled in the current configuration. + + + This interface can be implemented in different ways. This documentation + specifies reasonable behavior that a caller can expect from the actual + implementation, however different implementations reserve the right to + do things differently. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Logs a message object with the level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + Log a message object with the level. + + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + The message object to log. + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a formatted message string with the level. + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + For some ILog interface log, when you write: + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, string construction and concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed (who isn't), then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in and once in + the . This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. This is the preferred style of logging. + + Alternatively if your logger is available statically then the is debug + enabled state can be stored in a static variable like this: + + + private static readonly bool isDebugEnabled = log.IsDebugEnabled; + + + Then when you come to log you can write: + + + if (isDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way the debug enabled state is only queried once + when the class is loaded. Using a private static readonly + variable is the most efficient because it is a run time constant + and can be heavily optimized by the JIT compiler. + + + Of course if you use a static readonly variable to + hold the enabled state of the logger then you cannot + change the enabled state at runtime to vary the logging + that is produced. You have to decide if you need absolute + speed or runtime flexibility. + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for events, false otherwise. + + + For more information see . + + + + + + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap. + + + Construct a new wrapper for the specified logger. + + + + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + the repository holding the levels + + + Virtual method called when the configuration of the repository changes + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is DEBUG + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + DEBUG level. If this logger is + DEBUG enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the DEBUG level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the DEBUG level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + INFO level. If this logger is + INFO enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level. + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the INFO level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the INFO level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level. + + the message object to log + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + WARN level. If this logger is + WARN enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the WARN level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the WARN level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + ERROR level. If this logger is + ERROR enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the ERROR level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the ERROR level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level. + + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by comparing the level of this logger with the + FATAL level. If this logger is + FATAL enabled, then it converts the message object + (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger and + also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of the + additivity flag. + + + WARNING Note that passing an to this + method will print the name of the but no + stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level + + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Logs a message object with the FATAL level including + the stack trace of the + passed as a parameter. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + The string is formatted using the + format provider. To specify a localized provider use the + method. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the FATAL level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the method. See + String.Format for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + Event handler for the event + + the repository + Empty + + + + The fully qualified name of this declaring type not the type of any subclass. + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the DEBUG + level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for DEBUG events, + false otherwise. + + + + This function is intended to lessen the computational cost of + disabled log debug statements. + + + For some log Logger object, when you write: + + + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + + + You incur the cost constructing the message, concatenation in + this case, regardless of whether the message is logged or not. + + + If you are worried about speed, then you should write: + + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled()) + { + log.Debug("This is entry number: " + i ); + } + + + This way you will not incur the cost of parameter + construction if debugging is disabled for log. On + the other hand, if the log is debug enabled, you + will incur the cost of evaluating whether the logger is debug + enabled twice. Once in IsDebugEnabled and once in + the Debug. This is an insignificant overhead + since evaluating a logger takes about 1% of the time it + takes to actually log. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the INFO level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for INFO events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the WARN level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for WARN events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples + of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the ERROR level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for ERROR events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for the FATAL level. + + + true if this logger is enabled for FATAL events, + false otherwise. + + + + See for more information and examples of using this method. + + + + + + + provides method information without actually referencing a System.Reflection.MethodBase + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + constructs a method item for an unknown method. + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method. + + + + + + constructs a method item from the name of the method and its parameters. + + + + + + + constructs a method item from a method base by determining the method name and its parameters. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + The method parameters of the caller making + the logging request + + + + Gets the method parameters of the caller making + the logging request. + + + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + + + + A SecurityContext used by log4net when interacting with protected resources + for example with operating system services. This can be used to impersonate + a principal that has been granted privileges on the system resources. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + An instance that will + revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext, or null + + + Impersonate this security context. Further calls on the current + thread should now be made in the security context provided + by this object. When the result + method is called the security + context of the thread should be reverted to the state it was in + before was called. + + + + + + The providers default instances. + + + + A configured component that interacts with potentially protected system + resources uses a to provide the elevated + privileges required. If the object has + been not been explicitly provided to the component then the component + will request one from this . + + + By default the is + an instance of which returns only + objects. This is a reasonable default + where the privileges required are not know by the system. + + + This default behavior can be overridden by subclassing the + and overriding the method to return + the desired objects. The default provider + can be replaced by programmatically setting the value of the + property. + + + An alternative is to use the log4net.Config.SecurityContextProviderAttribute + This attribute can be applied to an assembly in the same way as the + log4net.Config.XmlConfiguratorAttribute". The attribute takes + the type to use as the as an argument. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The default provider + + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + Protected default constructor to allow subclassing + + + + + + Create a SecurityContext for a consumer + + The consumer requesting the SecurityContext + An impersonation context + + + The default implementation is to return a . + + + Subclasses should override this method to provide their own + behavior. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default SecurityContextProvider + + + The default SecurityContextProvider + + + + The default provider is used by configured components that + require a and have not had one + given to them. + + + By default this is an instance of + that returns objects. + + + The default provider can be set programmatically by setting + the value of this property to a sub class of + that has the desired behavior. + + + + + + provides stack frame information without actually referencing a System.Diagnostics.StackFrame + as that would require that the containing assembly is loaded. + + + + + + When location information is not available the constant + NA is returned. Current value of this string + constant is ?. + + + + + returns a stack frame item from a stack frame. This + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackFrameItem class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + The fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + Gets the fully qualified class name of the caller making the logging + request. + + + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + The file name of the caller. + + + + Gets the file name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + The line number of the caller. + + + + Gets the line number of the caller. + + + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + The method name of the caller. + + + + Gets the method name of the caller. + + + + + + Gets all available caller information + + + All available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + Gets all available caller information, in the format + fully.qualified.classname.of.caller.methodName(Filename:line) + + + + + + An evaluator that triggers after specified number of seconds. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + Robert Sevcik + + + + The default time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time threshold for triggering in seconds. Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + + The time of last check. This gets updated when the object is created and when the evaluator triggers. + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + Create a new evaluator using the specified time threshold in seconds. + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Is this the triggering event? + + The event to check + This method returns true, if the specified time period + has passed since last check.. + Otherwise it returns false + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after + + + The time threshold in seconds to trigger after. + Zero means it won't trigger at all. + + + + This evaluator will trigger if the specified time period + has passed since last check. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + + + Delegate used to handle creation of new wrappers. This delegate + is called from the + method to construct the wrapper for the specified logger. + + + The delegate to use is supplied to the + constructor. + + + + + + Maps between logger objects and wrapper objects. + + + + This class maintains a mapping between objects and + objects. Use the method to + lookup the for the specified . + + + New wrapper instances are created by the + method. The default behavior is for this method to delegate construction + of the wrapper to the delegate supplied + to the constructor. This allows specialization of the behavior without + requiring subclassing of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the + + The handler to use to create the wrapper objects. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified handler to create the wrapper objects. + + + + + + Gets the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The wrapper object for the specified logger + + + If the logger is null then the corresponding wrapper is null. + + + Looks up the wrapper it it has previously been requested and + returns it. If the wrapper has never been requested before then + the virtual method is + called. + + + + + + Creates the wrapper object for the specified logger. + + The logger to wrap in a wrapper. + The wrapper object for the logger. + + + This implementation uses the + passed to the constructor to create the wrapper. This method + can be overridden in a subclass. + + + + + + Called when a monitored repository shutdown event is received. + + The that is shutting down + + + This method is called when a that this + is holding loggers for has signaled its shutdown + event . The default + behavior of this method is to release the references to the loggers + and their wrappers generated for this repository. + + + + + + Event handler for repository shutdown event. + + The sender of the event. + The event args. + + + + Map of logger repositories to hashtables of ILogger to ILoggerWrapper mappings + + + + + The handler to use to create the extension wrapper objects. + + + + + Internal reference to the delegate used to register for repository shutdown events. + + + + + Gets the map of logger repositories. + + + Map of logger repositories. + + + + Gets the hashtable that is keyed on . The + values are hashtables keyed on with the + value being the corresponding . + + + + + + Formats a as "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats a in the format "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render a as a string. + + + + Interface to abstract the rendering of a + instance into a string. + + + The method is used to render the + date to a text writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats the specified date as a string. + + The date to format. + The writer to write to. + + + Format the as a string and write it + to the provided. + + + + + + String constant used to specify AbsoluteTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is ABSOLUTE. + + + + + String constant used to specify DateTimeDateFormat in layouts. Current value is DATE. + + + + + String constant used to specify ISO8601DateFormat in layouts. Current value is ISO8601. + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss". + + The date to render into a string. + The string builder to write to. + + + Subclasses should override this method to render the date + into a string using a precision up to the second. This method + will be called at most once per second and the result will be + reused if it is needed again during the same second. + + + + + + Renders the date into a string. Format is "HH:mm:ss,fff". + + The date to render into a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the method to generate the + time string up to the seconds and then appends the current + milliseconds. The results from are + cached and is called at most once + per second. + + + Sub classes should override + rather than . + + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Last stored time with precision up to the second, formatted + as a string. + + + + + Formats a as "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" + + + + Formats a in the format + "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, + "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Angelika Schnagl + + + + Default constructor. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats a DateTime in the format "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" + for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + The format info for the invariant culture. + + + + + Formats the as "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + + Formats the specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff". + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Formats the date without the milliseconds part + + The date to format. + The string builder to write to. + + + Formats the date specified as a string: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". + + + The base class will append the ",fff" milliseconds section. + This method will only be called at most once per second. + + + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + + Formats the using the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The format string. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified format string. + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + Formats the date using . + + The date to convert to a string. + The writer to write to. + + + Uses the date format string supplied to the constructor to call + the method to format the date. + + + + + + The format string used to format the . + + + + The format string must be compatible with the options + that can be supplied to . + + + + + + This filter drops all . + + + + You can add this filter to the end of a filter chain to + switch from the default "accept all unless instructed otherwise" + filtering behavior to a "deny all unless instructed otherwise" + behavior. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Subclass this type to implement customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should extend this class to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface to provide customized logging event filtering + + + + Users should implement this interface to implement customized logging + event filtering. Note that and + , the parent class of all standard + appenders, have built-in filtering rules. It is suggested that you + first use and understand the built-in rules before rushing to write + your own custom filters. + + + This abstract class assumes and also imposes that filters be + organized in a linear chain. The + method of each filter is called sequentially, in the order of their + addition to the chain. + + + The method must return one + of the integer constants , + or . + + + If the value is returned, then the log event is dropped + immediately without consulting with the remaining filters. + + + If the value is returned, then the next filter + in the chain is consulted. If there are no more filters in the + chain, then the log event is logged. Thus, in the presence of no + filters, the default behavior is to log all logging events. + + + If the value is returned, then the log + event is logged without consulting the remaining filters. + + + The philosophy of log4net filters is largely inspired from the + Linux ipchains. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Decide if the logging event should be logged through an appender. + + The LoggingEvent to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Points to the next filter in the filter chain. + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Initialize the filter with the options set + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Typically filter's options become active immediately on set, + however this method must still be called. + + + + + + Decide if the should be logged through an appender. + + The to decide upon + The decision of the filter + + + If the decision is , then the event will be + dropped. If the decision is , then the next + filter, if any, will be invoked. If the decision is then + the event will be logged without consulting with other filters in + the chain. + + + This method is marked abstract and must be implemented + in a subclass. + + + + + + Property to get and set the next filter + + + The next filter in the chain + + + + Filters are typically composed into chains. This property allows the next filter in + the chain to be accessed. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Always returns the integer constant + + the LoggingEvent to filter + Always returns + + + Ignores the event being logged and just returns + . This can be used to change the default filter + chain behavior from to . This filter + should only be used as the last filter in the chain + as any further filters will be ignored! + + + + + + The return result from + + + + The return result from + + + + + + The log event must be dropped immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This filter is neutral with respect to the log event. + The remaining filters, if any, should be consulted for a final decision. + + + + + The log event must be logged immediately without + consulting with the remaining filters, if any, in the chain. + + + + + This is a very simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits two options and + . If there is an exact match between the value + of the option and the of the + , then the method returns in + case the option value is set + to true, if it is false then + is returned. If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + flag to indicate if the filter should on a match + + + + + the to match against + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Tests if the of the logging event matches that of the filter + + the event to filter + see remarks + + + If the of the event matches the level of the + filter then the result of the function depends on the + value of . If it is true then + the function will return , it it is false then it + will return . If the does not match then + the result will be . + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + The level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + This is a simple filter based on matching. + + + + The filter admits three options and + that determine the range of priorities that are matched, and + . If there is a match between the range + of priorities and the of the , then the + method returns in case the + option value is set to true, if it is false + then is returned. If there is no match, is returned. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when matching a + + + + + the minimum value to match + + + + + the maximum value to match + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if the event should be logged. + + the logging event to check + see remarks + + + If the of the logging event is outside the range + matched by this filter then + is returned. If the is matched then the value of + is checked. If it is true then + is returned, otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching and + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Set the minimum matched + + + + The minimum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Sets the maximum matched + + + + The maximum level that this filter will attempt to match against the + level. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the event's logger name. + + + + The works very similar to the . It admits two + options and . If the + of the starts + with the value of the option, then the + method returns in + case the option value is set to true, + if it is false then is returned. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The logger name string to substring match against the event + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the equals the beginning of + the incoming () + then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + The that the filter will match + + + + This filter will attempt to match this value against logger name in + the following way. The match will be done against the beginning of the + logger name (using ). The match is + case sensitive. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a keyed string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with layered properties the + should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Simple filter to match a string an event property + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the value for a + specific event property + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the rendered message + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Flag to indicate the behavior when we have a match + + + + + The string to substring match against the message + + + + + A string regex to match + + + + + A regex object to match (generated from m_stringRegexToMatch) + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Initialize and precompile the Regex if required + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The rendered message is matched against the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the message then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + when matching or + + + + The property is a flag that determines + the behavior when a matching is found. If the + flag is set to true then the filter will the + logging event, otherwise it will the event. + + + The default is true i.e. to the event. + + + + + + Sets the static string to match + + + + The string that will be substring matched against + the rendered message. If the message contains this + string then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + Sets the regular expression to match + + + + The regular expression pattern that will be matched against + the rendered message. If the message matches this + pattern then the filter will match. If a match is found then + the result depends on the value of . + + + One of or + must be specified. + + + + + + The key to use to lookup the string from the event properties + + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Check if this filter should allow the event to be logged + + the event being logged + see remarks + + + The event property for the is matched against + the . + If the occurs as a substring within + the property value then a match will have occurred. If no match occurs + this function will return + allowing other filters to check the event. If a match occurs then + the value of is checked. If it is + true then is returned otherwise + is returned. + + + + + + The key to lookup in the event properties and then match against. + + + + The key name to use to lookup in the properties map of the + . The match will be performed against + the value of this property if it exists. + + + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + + Simple filter to match a string in the + + + As the MDC has been replaced with named stacks stored in the + properties collections the should + be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Sets the to "NDC". + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Abstract class that provides the formatting functionality that + derived classes need. + + + + Conversion specifiers in a conversion patterns are parsed to + individual PatternConverters. Each of which is responsible for + converting a logging event in a converter specific manner. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initial buffer size + + + + + Maximum buffer size before it is recycled + + + + + Protected constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Evaluate this pattern converter and write the output to a writer. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the appropriate way. + + + + + + Set the next pattern converter in the chains + + the pattern converter that should follow this converter in the chain + the next converter + + + The PatternConverter can merge with its neighbor during this method (or a sub class). + Therefore the return value may or may not be the value of the argument passed in. + + + + + + Write the pattern converter to the writer with appropriate formatting + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + This method calls to allow the subclass to perform + appropriate conversion of the pattern converter. If formatting options have + been specified via the then this method will + apply those formattings before writing the output. + + + + + + Fast space padding method. + + to which the spaces will be appended. + The number of spaces to be padded. + + + Fast space padding method. + + + + + + The option string to the converter + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an dictionary to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the to a writer in the form: + + + {key1=value1, key2=value2, key3=value3} + + + If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the key and value to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Write an object to a + + the writer to write to + a to use for object conversion + the value to write to the writer + + + Writes the Object to a writer. If the specified + is not null then it is used to render the object to text, otherwise + the object's ToString method is called. + + + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + Get the next pattern converter in the chain + + + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + The formatting info for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the formatting info for this converter + + + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + The option for this converter + + + + Gets or sets the option value for this converter + + + + + + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The state object on which the pattern converter should be executed. + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles exceptions + + + false if this converter handles exceptions + + + + + Flag indicating if this converter handles the logging event exception + + false if this converter handles the logging event exception + + + If this converter handles the exception object contained within + , then this property should be set to + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the property should be set to true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this converter does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Write the event appdomain name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Abstract class that provides access to the current HttpContext () that + derived classes need. + + + This class handles the case when HttpContext.Current is null by writing + to the writer. + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Derived pattern converters must override this method in order to + convert conversion specifiers in the correct way. + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Cache will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Converter for items in the . + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net HttpContext item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + + + + Converter for items in the ASP.Net Cache. + + + + Outputs an item from the . + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write the ASP.Net Cache item to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + The on which the pattern converter should be executed. + The under which the ASP.Net request is running. + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. If no property has been set, all key value pairs from the Session will + be written to the output. + + + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + + Render the to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,yyyy" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter pattern based on the property. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Convert the pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + + Write the exception text to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + + + If there is no exception or the exception property specified + by the Option value does not exist then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + Recognized values for the Option parameter are: + + + + Message + + + Source + + + StackTrace + + + TargetSite + + + HelpLink + + + + + + + Writes the caller location file name to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location file name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location info to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + + + Writes the value of the to + the output writer. + + + Daniel Cazzulino + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event identity to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the + to + the output . + + + + + + Write the event level to the output + + + + Writes the display name of the event + to the writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event level to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the of the + to the . + + + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + + + Writes the value of the for + the event to the output writer. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the caller location line number to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the value of the for + the to the output . + + + + + + Converter for logger name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Converter to output and truncate '.' separated strings + + + + This abstract class supports truncating a '.' separated string + to show a specified number of elements from the right hand side. + This is used to truncate class names that are fully qualified. + + + Subclasses should override the method to + return the fully qualified string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Get the fully qualified string data + + the event being logged + the fully qualified name + + + Overridden by subclasses to get the fully qualified name before the + precision is applied to it. + + + Return the fully qualified '.' (dot/period) separated string. + + + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + Render the to the precision + specified by the property. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the NamedPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the logger + + the event being logged + The fully qualified logger name + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Writes the event message to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Uses the method + to write out the event message. + + + + + + Write the method name to the output + + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the method name to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the caller location to + the output. + + + + + + Converter to include event NDC + + + + Outputs the value of the event property named NDC. + + + The should be used instead. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the event NDC to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + As the thread context stacks are now stored in named event properties + this converter simply looks up the value of the NDC property. + + + The should be used instead. + + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + Converter to output the relative time of the event + + + + Converter to output the time of the event relative to the start of the program. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the relative time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes out the relative time of the event in milliseconds. + That is the number of milliseconds between the event + and the . + + + + + + Helper method to get the time difference between two DateTime objects + + start time (in the current local time zone) + end time (in the current local time zone) + the time difference in milliseconds + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + Adam Davies + + + + Write the caller stack frames to the output + + + + Writes the to the output writer, using format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + Michael Cromwell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the strack frames to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the output writer. + + + + + + Returns the Name of the method + + + This method was created, so this class could be used as a base class for StackTraceDetailPatternConverter + string + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTracePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the StackTraceDetailPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Converter to include event thread name + + + + Writes the to the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the ThreadName to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Writes the to the . + + + + + + Pattern converter for the class name + + + + Outputs the of the event. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the class + + the event being logged + The fully qualified type name for the caller location + + + Returns the of the . + + + + + + Converter to include event user name + + Douglas de la Torre + Nicko Cadell + + + + Convert the pattern to the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the date of a . + + + Uses a to format the + in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the TimeStamp to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + the event being logged + + + Pass the to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The passed is in the local time zone, this is converted + to Universal time before it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string that re-evaluates on each call. + + + This class is built on and provides all the + features and capabilities of PatternLayout. PatternLayout is a 'static' class + in that its layout is done once at configuration time. This class will recreate + the layout on each reference. + One important difference between PatternLayout and DynamicPatternLayout is the + treatment of the Header and Footer parameters in the configuration. The Header and Footer + parameters for DynamicPatternLayout must be syntactically in the form of a PatternString, + but should not be marked as type log4net.Util.PatternString. Doing so causes the + pattern to be statically converted at configuration time and causes DynamicPatternLayout + to perform the same as PatternLayout. + Please see for complete documentation. + + <layout type="log4net.Layout.DynamicPatternLayout"> + <param name="Header" value="%newline**** Trace Opened Local: %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} UTC: %utcdate{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + <param name="Footer" value="**** Trace Closed %date{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} ****%newline" /> + </layout> + + + + + + A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. + + + + The goal of this class is to a + as a string. The results + depend on the conversion pattern. + + + The conversion pattern is closely related to the conversion + pattern of the printf function in C. A conversion pattern is + composed of literal text and format control expressions called + conversion specifiers. + + + You are free to insert any literal text within the conversion + pattern. + + + Each conversion specifier starts with a percent sign (%) and is + followed by optional format modifiers and a conversion + pattern name. The conversion pattern name specifies the type of + data, e.g. logger, level, date, thread name. The format + modifiers control such things as field width, padding, left and + right justification. The following is a simple example. + + + Let the conversion pattern be "%-5level [%thread]: %message%newline" and assume + that the log4net environment was set to use a PatternLayout. Then the + statements + + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TestApp)); + log.Debug("Message 1"); + log.Warn("Message 2"); + + would yield the output + + DEBUG [main]: Message 1 + WARN [main]: Message 2 + + + Note that there is no explicit separator between text and + conversion specifiers. The pattern parser knows when it has reached + the end of a conversion specifier when it reads a conversion + character. In the example above the conversion specifier + %-5level means the level of the logging event should be left + justified to a width of five characters. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + a + Equivalent to appdomain + + + appdomain + + Used to output the friendly name of the AppDomain where the + logging event was generated. + + + + aspnet-cache + + + Used to output all cache items in the case of %aspnet-cache or just one named item if used as %aspnet-cache{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-context + + + Used to output all context items in the case of %aspnet-context or just one named item if used as %aspnet-context{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-request + + + Used to output all request parameters in the case of %aspnet-request or just one named param if used as %aspnet-request{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + aspnet-session + + + Used to output all session items in the case of %aspnet-session or just one named item if used as %aspnet-session{key} + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework or Client Profile assemblies. + + + + + c + Equivalent to logger + + + C + Equivalent to type + + + class + Equivalent to type + + + d + Equivalent to date + + + date + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + exception + + + Used to output the exception passed in with the log message. + + + If an exception object is stored in the logging event + it will be rendered into the pattern output with a + trailing newline. + If there is no exception then nothing will be output + and no trailing newline will be appended. + It is typical to put a newline before the exception + and to have the exception as the last data in the pattern. + + + + + F + Equivalent to file + + + file + + + Used to output the file name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + WARNING Generating caller information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + l + Equivalent to location + + + L + Equivalent to line + + + location + + + Used to output location information of the caller which generated + the logging event. + + + The location information depends on the CLI implementation but + usually consists of the fully qualified name of the calling + method followed by the callers source the file name and line + number between parentheses. + + + The location information can be very useful. However, its + generation is extremely slow. Its use should be avoided + unless execution speed is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + level + + + Used to output the level of the logging event. + + + + + line + + + Used to output the line number from where the logging request + was issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + logger + + + Used to output the logger of the logging event. The + logger conversion specifier can be optionally followed by + precision specifier, that is a decimal constant in + brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the logger name will be + printed. By default the logger name is printed in full. + + + For example, for the logger name "a.b.c" the pattern + %logger{2} will output "b.c". + + + + + m + Equivalent to message + + + M + Equivalent to method + + + message + + + Used to output the application supplied message associated with + the logging event. + + + + + mdc + + + The MDC (old name for the ThreadContext.Properties) is now part of the + combined event properties. This pattern is supported for compatibility + but is equivalent to property. + + + + + method + + + Used to output the method name where the logging request was + issued. + + + WARNING Generating caller location information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + n + Equivalent to newline + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + ndc + + + Used to output the NDC (nested diagnostic context) associated + with the thread that generated the logging event. + + + + + p + Equivalent to level + + + P + Equivalent to property + + + properties + Equivalent to property + + + property + + + Used to output the an event specific property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are added to events by loggers or appenders. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the event properties + + The event has that can be set. These + properties are specific to this event only. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + + r + Equivalent to timestamp + + + stacktrace + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktrace{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3 > type2.MethodCall2 > type1.MethodCall1 + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + stacktracedetail + + + Used to output the stack trace of the logging event + The stack trace level specifier may be enclosed + between braces. For example, %stacktracedetail{level}. + If no stack trace level specifier is given then 1 is assumed + + + Output uses the format: + type3.MethodCall3(type param,...) > type2.MethodCall2(type param,...) > type1.MethodCall1(type param,...) + + + This pattern is not available for Compact Framework assemblies. + + + + + t + Equivalent to thread + + + timestamp + + + Used to output the number of milliseconds elapsed since the start + of the application until the creation of the logging event. + + + + + thread + + + Used to output the name of the thread that generated the + logging event. Uses the thread number if no name is available. + + + + + type + + + Used to output the fully qualified type name of the caller + issuing the logging request. This conversion specifier + can be optionally followed by precision specifier, that + is a decimal constant in brackets. + + + If a precision specifier is given, then only the corresponding + number of right most components of the class name will be + printed. By default the class name is output in fully qualified form. + + + For example, for the class name "log4net.Layout.PatternLayout", the + pattern %type{1} will output "PatternLayout". + + + WARNING Generating the caller class information is + slow. Thus, its use should be avoided unless execution speed is + not an issue. + + + See the note below on the availability of caller location information. + + + + + u + Equivalent to identity + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + WARNING Generating caller WindowsIdentity information is + extremely slow. Its use should be avoided unless execution speed + is not an issue. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + w + Equivalent to username + + + x + Equivalent to ndc + + + X + Equivalent to mdc + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + The single letter patterns are deprecated in favor of the + longer more descriptive pattern names. + + + By default the relevant information is output as is. However, + with the aid of format modifiers it is possible to change the + minimum field width, the maximum field width and justification. + + + The optional format modifier is placed between the percent sign + and the conversion pattern name. + + + The first optional format modifier is the left justification + flag which is just the minus (-) character. Then comes the + optional minimum field width modifier. This is a decimal + constant that represents the minimum number of characters to + output. If the data item requires fewer characters, it is padded on + either the left or the right until the minimum width is + reached. The default is to pad on the left (right justify) but you + can specify right padding with the left justification flag. The + padding character is space. If the data item is larger than the + minimum field width, the field is expanded to accommodate the + data. The value is never truncated. + + + This behavior can be changed using the maximum field + width modifier which is designated by a period followed by a + decimal constant. If the data item is longer than the maximum + field, then the extra characters are removed from the + beginning of the data item and not from the end. For + example, it the maximum field width is eight and the data item is + ten characters long, then the first two characters of the data item + are dropped. This behavior deviates from the printf function in C + where truncation is done from the end. + + + Below are various format modifier examples for the logger + conversion specifier. + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Format modifierleft justifyminimum widthmaximum widthcomment
%20loggerfalse20none + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is less than 20 + characters long. + +
%-20loggertrue20none + + Right pad with spaces if the logger + name is less than 20 characters long. + +
%.30loggerNAnone30 + + Truncate from the beginning if the logger + name is longer than 30 characters. + +
%20.30loggerfalse2030 + + Left pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
%-20.30loggertrue2030 + + Right pad with spaces if the logger name is shorter than 20 + characters. However, if logger name is longer than 30 characters, + then truncate from the beginning. + +
+ + Note about caller location information.
+ The following patterns %type %file %line %method %location %class %C %F %L %l %M + all generate caller location information. + Location information uses the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class to generate + a call stack. The caller's information is then extracted from this stack. +
+ + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class is not supported on the + .NET Compact Framework 1.0 therefore caller location information is not + available on that framework. + + + + + The System.Diagnostics.StackTrace class has this to say about Release builds: + + + "StackTrace information will be most informative with Debug build configurations. + By default, Debug builds include debug symbols, while Release builds do not. The + debug symbols contain most of the file, method name, line number, and column + information used in constructing StackFrame and StackTrace objects. StackTrace + might not report as many method calls as expected, due to code transformations + that occur during optimization." + + + This means that in a Release build the caller information may be incomplete or may + not exist at all! Therefore caller location information cannot be relied upon in a Release build. + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using the method. + +
+ + This is a more detailed pattern. + %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline + + + A similar pattern except that the relative time is + right padded if less than 6 digits, thread name is right padded if + less than 15 characters and truncated if longer and the logger + name is left padded if shorter than 30 characters and truncated if + longer. + %-6timestamp [%15.15thread] %-5level %30.30logger %ndc - %message%newline + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Douglas de la Torre + Daniel Cazzulino +
+ + + Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. + + + + This is the base implementation of the + interface. Most layout objects should extend this class. + + + + + + Subclasses must implement the + method. + + + Subclasses should set the in their default + constructor. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by layout objects + + + + An object is used to format a + as text. The method is called by an + appender to transform the into a string. + + + The layout can also supply and + text that is appender before any events and after all the events respectively. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text and output to a writer. + + + If the caller does not have a and prefers the + event to be formatted as a then the following + code can be used to format the event into a . + + + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + Layout.Format(writer, loggingEvent); + string formattedEvent = writer.ToString(); + + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This is a MIME type e.g. "text/plain". + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handle exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + + + + The header text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + The footer text + + + + See for more information. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + Empty default constructor + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + This method must be implemented by the subclass. + + + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + The event to format + + + This method is called by an appender to format + the as text. + + + + + + Convenience method for easily formatting the logging event into a string variable. + + + + Creates a new StringWriter instance to store the formatted logging event. + + + + + The content type output by this layout. + + The content type is "text/plain" + + + The content type output by this layout. + + + This base class uses the value "text/plain". + To change this value a subclass must override this + property. + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + + + + + Flag indicating if this layout handles exceptions + + false if this layout handles exceptions + + + If this layout handles the exception object contained within + , then the layout should return + false. Otherwise, if the layout ignores the exception + object, then the layout should return true. + + + Set this value to override a this default setting. The default + value is true, this layout does not handle the exception. + + + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + + + + Default pattern string for log output. + Currently set to the string "%message%newline" + which just prints the application supplied message. + + + + + + A detailed conversion pattern + + + + A conversion pattern which includes Time, Thread, Logger, and Nested Context. + Current value is %timestamp [%thread] %level %logger %ndc - %message%newline. + + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + This static map is overridden by the m_converterRegistry instance map + + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternLayout only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + Defines the builtin global rules. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + As per the contract the + method must be called after the properties on this object have been + configured. + + + + + + Constructs a PatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + Note to Inheritors: This constructor calls the virtual method + . If you override this method be + aware that it will be called before your is called constructor. + + + When using this constructor the method + need not be called. This may not be the case when using a subclass. + + + + + + Create the pattern parser instance + + the pattern to parse + The that will format the event + + + Creates the used to parse the conversion string. Sets the + global and instance rules on the . + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Parse the using the patter format + specified in the property. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternLayout + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a named pattern converter to this instance. This + converter will be used in the formatting of the event. + This method must be called before . + + + The specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + The header PatternString + + + + + The footer PatternString + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the DefaultConversionPattern + + + + The default pattern just produces the application supplied message. + + + + + + Constructs a DynamicPatternLayout using the supplied conversion pattern + + the pattern to use + + + + + + The header for the layout format. + + the layout header + + + The Header text will be appended before any logging events + are formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + The footer for the layout format. + + the layout footer + + + The Footer text will be appended after all the logging events + have been formatted and appended. + + The pattern will be formatted on each get operation. + + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event + + + + A Layout that renders only the Exception text from the logging event. + + + This Layout should only be used with appenders that utilize multiple + layouts (e.g. ). + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Constructs a ExceptionLayout + + + + + + Activate component options + + + + Part of the component activation + framework. + + + This method does nothing as options become effective immediately. + + + + + + Gets the exception text from the logging event + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + the event being logged + + + Write the exception string to the . + The exception string is retrieved from . + + + + + + Interface for raw layout objects + + + + Interface used to format a + to an object. + + + This interface should not be confused with the + interface. This interface is used in + only certain specialized situations where a raw object is + required rather than a formatted string. The + is not generally useful than this interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Implement this method to create your own layout format. + + + + + + Adapts any to a + + + + Where an is required this adapter + allows a to be specified. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The layout to adapt + + + + + Construct a new adapter + + the layout to adapt + + + Create the adapter for the specified . + + + + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + The event to format + returns the formatted event + + + Format the logging event as an object. + + + Uses the object supplied to + the constructor to perform the formatting. + + + + + + Type converter for the interface + + + + Used to convert objects to the interface. + Supports converting from the interface to + the interface using the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from arbitrary types + to a single target type. See . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the can be converted to the + type supported by this converter. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Converts the to the type supported + by this converter. + + + + + + Can the sourceType be converted to an + + the source to be to be converted + true if the source type can be converted to + + + Test if the can be converted to a + . Only is supported + as the . + + + + + + Convert the value to a object + + the value to convert + the object + + + Convert the object to a + object. If the object + is a then the + is used to adapt between the two interfaces, otherwise an + exception is thrown. + + + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + + Extract the value of a property from the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructs a RawPropertyLayout + + + + + Lookup the property for + + The event to format + returns property value + + + Looks up and returns the object value of the property + named . If there is no property defined + with than name then null will be returned. + + + + + + The name of the value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection. + + + Value to lookup in the LoggingEvent Properties collection + + + + String name of the property to lookup in the . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in local time. To format the time stamp + in universal time use . + + + + + + Extract the date from the + + + + Extract the date from the + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a RawUtcTimeStampLayout + + + + + Gets the as a . + + The event to format + returns the time stamp + + + Gets the as a . + + + The time stamp is in universal time. To format the time stamp + in local time use . + + + + + + A very simple layout + + + + SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. For example, + + DEBUG - Hello world + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructs a SimpleLayout + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a simple formatted output. + + the event being logged + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Formats the event as the level of the even, + followed by " - " and then the log message itself. The + output is terminated by a newline. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + The output of the consists of a series of + log4net:event elements. It does not output a complete well-formed XML + file. The output is designed to be included as an external entity + in a separate file to form a correct XML file. + + + For example, if abc is the name of the file where + the output goes, then a well-formed XML file would + be: + + + <?xml version="1.0" ?> + + <!DOCTYPE log4net:events SYSTEM "log4net-events.dtd" [<!ENTITY data SYSTEM "abc">]> + + <log4net:events version="1.2" xmlns:log4net="http://logging.apache.org/log4net/schemas/log4net-events-1.2> + &data; + </log4net:events> + + + This approach enforces the independence of the + and the appender where it is embedded. + + + The version attribute helps components to correctly + interpret output generated by . The value of + this attribute should be "1.2" for release 1.2 and later. + + + Alternatively the Header and Footer properties can be + configured to output the correct XML header, open tag and close tag. + When setting the Header and Footer properties it is essential + that the underlying data store not be appendable otherwise the data + will become invalid XML. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements. + + + + This is an abstract class that must be subclassed by an implementation + to conform to a specific schema. + + + Deriving classes must implement the method. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with no location info. + + + + + + Protected constructor to support subclasses + + + + The parameter determines whether + location information will be output by the layout. If + is set to true, then the + file name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string. + + The event being logged. + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the and write it to the . + + + This method creates an that writes to the + . The is passed + to the method. Subclasses should override the + method rather than this method. + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Subclasses should override this method to format + the as XML. + + + + + + Flag to indicate if location information should be included in + the XML events. + + + + + The string to replace invalid chars with + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether to include location information in + the XML events. + + + true if location information should be included in the XML + events; otherwise, false. + + + + If is set to true, then the file + name and line number of the statement at the origin of the log + statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + The string to replace characters that can not be expressed in XML with. + + + Not all characters may be expressed in XML. This property contains the + string to replace those that can not with. This defaults to a ?. Set it + to the empty string to simply remove offending characters. For more + details on the allowed character ranges see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets + Character replacement will occur in the log message, the property names + and the property values. + + + + + + + Gets the content type output by this layout. + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + As this is the XML layout, the value is always "text/xml". + + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout + + + + + Constructs an XmlLayout. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SmtpAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Initialize layout options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + Builds a cache of the element names + + + + + + Does the actual writing of the XML. + + The writer to use to output the event to. + The event to write. + + + Override the base class method + to write the to the . + + + + + + The prefix to use for all generated element names + + + + + The prefix to use for all element names + + + + The default prefix is log4net. Set this property + to change the prefix. If the prefix is set to an empty string + then no prefix will be written. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the message. + + + + By default the log message will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when the message contains binary + data. By setting this to true the contents of the message will be + base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the log message. + + + + + + Set whether or not to base64 encode the property values. + + + + By default the properties will be written as text to the xml + output. This can cause problems when one or more properties contain + binary data. By setting this to true the values of the properties + will be base64 encoded. If this is set then invalid character replacement + (see ) will not be performed + on the property values. + + + + + + Layout that formats the log events as XML elements compatible with the log4j schema + + + + Formats the log events according to the http://logging.apache.org/log4j schema. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The 1st of January 1970 in UTC + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j + + + + + Constructs an XMLLayoutSchemaLog4j. + + + + The LocationInfo option takes a boolean value. By + default, it is set to false which means there will be no location + information output by this layout. If the the option is set to + true, then the file name and line number of the statement + at the origin of the log statement will be output. + + + If you are embedding this layout within an SMTPAppender + then make sure to set the LocationInfo option of that + appender as well. + + + + + + Actually do the writing of the xml + + the writer to use + the event to write + + + Generate XML that is compatible with the log4j schema. + + + + + + The version of the log4j schema to use. + + + + Only version 1.2 of the log4j schema is supported. + + + + + + The default object Renderer. + + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects and collections to strings. + + + See the method for details of the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Implement this interface in order to render objects as strings + + + + Certain types require special case conversion to + string form. This conversion is done by an object renderer. + Object renderers implement the + interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a + string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Render the object to a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + The object to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the object to a string. + + + The parameter is + provided to lookup and render other objects. This is + very useful where contains + nested objects of unknown type. The + method can be used to render these objects. + + + The default renderer supports rendering objects to strings as follows: + + + + Value + Rendered String + + + null + + "(null)" + + + + + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + , & + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. + + + For example: {a, b, c}. + + + All collection classes that implement its subclasses, + or generic equivalents all implement the interface. + + + + + + + + Rendered as the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). + + + For example: key=value. + + + + + other + + Object.ToString() + + + + + + + + Render the array argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the array to render + The writer to render to + + + For a one dimensional array this is the + array type name, an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + int[] {1, 2, 3}. + + + If the array is not one dimensional the + Array.ToString() is returned. + + + + + + Render the enumerator argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the enumerator to render + The writer to render to + + + Rendered as an open brace, followed by a comma + separated list of the elements (using the appropriate + renderer), followed by a close brace. For example: + {a, b, c}. + + + + + + Render the DictionaryEntry argument into a string + + The map used to lookup renderers + the DictionaryEntry to render + The writer to render to + + + Render the key, an equals sign ('='), and the value (using the appropriate + renderer). For example: key=value. + + + + + + Map class objects to an . + + + + Maintains a mapping between types that require special + rendering and the that + is used to render them. + + + The method is used to render an + object using the appropriate renderers defined in this map. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Default constructor. + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + the object rendered as a string + + + This is a convenience method used to render an object to a string. + The alternative method + should be used when streaming output to a . + + + + + + Render using the appropriate renderer. + + the object to render to a string + The writer to render to + + + Find the appropriate renderer for the type of the + parameter. This is accomplished by calling the + method. Once a renderer is found, it is + applied on the object and the result is returned + as a . + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type + + the object to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for + + + Gets the renderer for the specified object type. + + + Syntactic sugar method that calls + with the type of the object parameter. + + + + + + Gets the renderer for the specified type + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + Returns the renderer for the specified type. + If no specific renderer has been defined the + will be returned. + + + + + + Internal function to recursively search interfaces + + the type to lookup the renderer for + the renderer for the specified type + + + + Clear the map of renderers + + + + Clear the custom renderers defined by using + . The + cannot be removed. + + + + + + Register an for . + + the type that will be rendered by + the renderer for + + + Register an object renderer for a specific source type. + This renderer will be returned from a call to + specifying the same as an argument. + + + + + + Get the default renderer instance + + the default renderer + + + Get the default renderer + + + + + + Interface implemented by logger repository plugins. + + + + Plugins define additional behavior that can be associated + with a . + The held by the + property is used to store the plugins for a repository. + + + The log4net.Config.PluginAttribute can be used to + attach plugins to repositories created using configuration + attributes. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Attaches the plugin to the specified . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + Gets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + + + + A strongly-typed collection of objects. + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Creates a read-only wrapper for a PluginCollection instance. + + list to create a readonly wrapper arround + + A PluginCollection wrapper that is read-only. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that is empty and has the default initial capacity. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that has the specified initial capacity. + + + The number of elements that the new PluginCollection is initially capable of storing. + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements are copied to the new collection. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified array. + + The array whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Initializes a new instance of the PluginCollection class + that contains elements copied from the specified collection. + + The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. + + + + Allow subclasses to avoid our default constructors + + + + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + + + + Copies the entire PluginCollection to a one-dimensional + array, starting at the specified index of the target array. + + The one-dimensional array to copy to. + The zero-based index in at which copying begins. + + + + Adds a to the end of the PluginCollection. + + The to be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The index at which the value has been added. + + + + Removes all elements from the PluginCollection. + + + + + Creates a shallow copy of the . + + A new with a shallow copy of the collection data. + + + + Determines whether a given is in the PluginCollection. + + The to check for. + true if is found in the PluginCollection; otherwise, false. + + + + Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a + in the PluginCollection. + + The to locate in the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the first occurrence of + in the entire PluginCollection, if found; otherwise, -1. + + + + + Inserts an element into the PluginCollection at the specified index. + + The zero-based index at which should be inserted. + The to insert. + + is less than zero + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Removes the first occurrence of a specific from the PluginCollection. + + The to remove from the PluginCollection. + + The specified was not found in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Removes the element at the specified index of the PluginCollection. + + The zero-based index of the element to remove. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the PluginCollection. + + An for the entire PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of another PluginCollection to the current PluginCollection. + + The PluginCollection whose elements should be added to the end of the current PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a array to the current PluginCollection. + + The array whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Adds the elements of a collection to the current PluginCollection. + + The collection whose elements should be added to the end of the PluginCollection. + The new of the PluginCollection. + + + + Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements. + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets the number of elements actually contained in the PluginCollection. + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). + + true if access to the ICollection is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the collection. + + + + + Gets or sets the at the specified index. + + + The at the specified index. + + The zero-based index of the element to get or set. + + is less than zero. + -or- + is equal to or greater than . + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the collection has a fixed size. + + true if the collection has a fixed size; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the IList is read-only. + + true if the collection is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false. + + + + Gets or sets the number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + The number of elements the PluginCollection can contain. + + + + + Supports type-safe iteration over a . + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + + + Type visible only to our subclasses + Used to access protected constructor + + + + + + A value + + + + + Supports simple iteration over a . + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the Enumerator class. + + + + + + Advances the enumerator to the next element in the collection. + + + true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; + false if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection. + + + The collection was modified after the enumerator was created. + + + + + Sets the enumerator to its initial position, before the first element in the collection. + + + + + Gets the current element in the collection. + + + The current element in the collection. + + + + + + + + Map of repository plugins. + + + + This class is a name keyed map of the plugins that are + attached to a repository. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + Initialize a new instance of the class with a + repository that the plugins should be attached to. + + + + + + Adds a to the map. + + The to add to the map. + + + The will be attached to the repository when added. + + + If there already exists a plugin with the same name + attached to the repository then the old plugin will + be and replaced with + the new plugin. + + + + + + Removes a from the map. + + The to remove from the map. + + + Remove a specific plugin from this map. + + + + + + Gets a by name. + + The name of the to lookup. + + The from the map with the name specified, or + null if no plugin is found. + + + + Lookup a plugin by name. If the plugin is not found null + will be returned. + + + + + + Gets all possible plugins as a list of objects. + + All possible plugins as a list of objects. + + + Get a collection of all the plugins defined in this map. + + + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the + interface. This base class can be used by implementors + of the interface. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + the name of the plugin + + Initializes a new Plugin with the specified name. + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + This method is called to notify the plugin that + it should stop operating and should detach from + the repository. + + + + + + The name of this plugin. + + + + + The repository this plugin is attached to. + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the plugin. + + + The name of the plugin. + + + + Plugins are stored in the + keyed by name. Each plugin instance attached to a + repository must be a unique name. + + + The name of the plugin must not change one the + plugin has been attached to a repository. + + + + + + The repository for this plugin + + + The that this plugin is attached to. + + + + Gets or sets the that this plugin is + attached to. + + + + + + Plugin that listens for events from the + + + + This plugin publishes an instance of + on a specified . This listens for logging events delivered from + a remote . + + + When an event is received it is relogged within the attached repository + as if it had been raised locally. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + The property must be set. + + + + + + Construct with sink Uri. + + The name to publish the sink under in the remoting infrastructure. + See for more details. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with specified name. + + + + + + Attaches this plugin to a . + + The that this plugin should be attached to. + + + A plugin may only be attached to a single repository. + + + This method is called when the plugin is attached to the repository. + + + + + + Is called when the plugin is to shutdown. + + + + When the plugin is shutdown the remote logging + sink is disconnected. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RemoteLoggingServerPlugin class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the URI of this sink. + + + The URI of this sink. + + + + This is the name under which the object is marshaled. + + + + + + + Delivers objects to a remote sink. + + + + Internal class used to listen for logging events + and deliver them to the local repository. + + + + + + Constructor + + The repository to log to. + + + Initializes a new instance of the for the + specified . + + + + + + Logs the events to the repository. + + The events to log. + + + The events passed are logged to the + + + + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. + + null to indicate that this instance should live forever. + + + Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime + policy for this instance. This object should live forever + therefore this implementation returns null. + + + + + + The underlying that events should + be logged to. + + + + + Default implementation of + + + + This default implementation of the + interface is used to create the default subclass + of the object. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface abstracts creation of instances + + + + This interface is used by the to + create new objects. + + + The method is called + to create a named . + + + Implement this interface to create new subclasses of . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Create a new instance + + The that will own the . + The name of the . + The instance for the specified name. + + + Create a new instance with the + specified name. + + + Called by the to create + new named instances. + + + If the is null then the root logger + must be returned. + + + + + + Default internal subclass of + + + + This subclass has no additional behavior over the + class but does allow instances + to be created. + + + + + + Implementation of used by + + + + Internal class used to provide implementation of + interface. Applications should use to get + logger instances. + + + This is one of the central classes in the log4net implementation. One of the + distinctive features of log4net are hierarchical loggers and their + evaluation. The organizes the + instances into a rooted tree hierarchy. + + + The class is abstract. Only concrete subclasses of + can be created. The + is used to create instances of this type for the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Aspi Havewala + Douglas de la Torre + + + + This constructor created a new instance and + sets its name. + + The name of the . + + + This constructor is protected and designed to be used by + a subclass that is not abstract. + + + Loggers are constructed by + objects. See for the default + logger creator. + + + + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + An appender to add to this logger + + + Add to the list of appenders of this + Logger instance. + + + If is already in the list of + appenders, then it won't be added again. + + + + + + Look for the appender named as name + + The name of the appender to lookup + The appender with the name specified, or null. + + + Returns the named appender, or null if the appender is not found. + + + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + + Remove all previously added appenders from this Logger instance. + + + This is useful when re-reading configuration information. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Remove the appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove + The appender removed from the list + + + Remove the named appender passed as parameter form the list of appenders. + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the and . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method that is intended to be used + by wrappers. + + The event being logged. + + + Logs the specified logging event through this logger. + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Checks if this logger is enabled for a given passed as parameter. + + The level to check. + + true if this logger is enabled for level, otherwise false. + + + + Test if this logger is going to log events of the specified . + + + This method must not throw any exception to the caller. + + + + + + Deliver the to the attached appenders. + + The event to log. + + + Call the appenders in the hierarchy starting at + this. If no appenders could be found, emit a + warning. + + + This method calls all the appenders inherited from the + hierarchy circumventing any evaluation of whether to log or not + to log the particular log request. + + + + + + Closes all attached appenders implementing the interface. + + + + Used to ensure that the appenders are correctly shutdown. + + + + + + This is the most generic printing method. This generic form is intended to be used by wrappers + + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generate a logging event for the specified using + the . + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The declaring type of the method that is + the stack boundary into the logging system for this call. + The level of the message to be logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + Generates a logging event and delivers it to the attached + appenders. + + + + + + Creates a new logging event and logs the event without further checks. + + The event being logged. + + + Delivers the logging event to the attached appenders. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + The name of this logger. + + + + + The assigned level of this logger. + + + + The level variable need not be + assigned a value in which case it is inherited + form the hierarchy. + + + + + + The parent of this logger. + + + + The parent of this logger. + All loggers have at least one ancestor which is the root logger. + + + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + + + + Loggers need to know what Hierarchy they are in. + The hierarchy that this logger is a member of is stored + here. + + + + + + Helper implementation of the interface + + + + + Flag indicating if child loggers inherit their parents appenders + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Lock to protect AppenderAttachedImpl variable m_appenderAttachedImpl + + + + + Gets or sets the parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + The parent logger in the hierarchy. + + + + Part of the Composite pattern that makes the hierarchy. + The hierarchy is parent linked rather than child linked. + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + true if child loggers inherit their parent's appenders. + + + + Additivity is set to true by default, that is children inherit + the appenders of their ancestors by default. If this variable is + set to false then the appenders found in the + ancestors of this logger are not used. However, the children + of this logger will inherit its appenders, unless the children + have their additivity flag set to false too. See + the user manual for more details. + + + + + + Gets the effective level for this logger. + + The nearest level in the logger hierarchy. + + + Starting from this logger, searches the logger hierarchy for a + non-null level and returns it. Otherwise, returns the level of the + root logger. + + The Logger class is designed so that this method executes as + quickly as possible. + + + + + Gets or sets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + The hierarchy that this logger belongs to. + + + This logger must be attached to a single . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned , if any, for this Logger. + + + The of this logger. + + + + The assigned can be null. + + + + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . + + A collection of the appenders in this logger + + + Get the appenders contained in this logger as an + . If no appenders + can be found, then a is returned. + + + + + + Gets the logger name. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + The name of this logger + + + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + The that this logger belongs to. + + + + Gets the where this + Logger instance is attached to. + + + + + + Construct a new Logger + + the name of the logger + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + The in which the has been created. + The event args that hold the instance that has been created. + + + Delegate used to handle logger creation event notifications. + + + + + + Provides data for the event. + + + + A event is raised every time a + is created. + + + + + + The created + + + + + Constructor + + The that has been created. + + + Initializes a new instance of the event argument + class,with the specified . + + + + + + Gets the that has been created. + + + The that has been created. + + + + The that has been created. + + + + + + Hierarchical organization of loggers + + + + The casual user should not have to deal with this class + directly. + + + This class is specialized in retrieving loggers by name and + also maintaining the logger hierarchy. Implements the + interface. + + + The structure of the logger hierarchy is maintained by the + method. The hierarchy is such that children + link to their parent but parents do not have any references to their + children. Moreover, loggers can be instantiated in any order, in + particular descendant before ancestor. + + + In case a descendant is created before a particular ancestor, + then it creates a provision node for the ancestor and adds itself + to the provision node. Other descendants of the same ancestor add + themselves to the previously created provision node. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Base implementation of + + + + Default abstract implementation of the interface. + + + Skeleton implementation of the interface. + All types can extend this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Interface implemented by logger repositories. + + + + This interface is implemented by logger repositories. e.g. + . + + + This interface is used by the + to obtain interfaces. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + If the names logger exists it is returned, otherwise + null is returned. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers as an Array. + + + + + + Returns a named logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Returns a named logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + Shutting down a repository will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The name of the repository + + + + The name of the repository. + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Collection of internal messages captured during the most + recent configuration process. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis. + + + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes the repository with default (empty) properties. + + + + + + Construct the repository using specific properties + + the properties to set for this repository + + + Initializes the repository with specified properties. + + + + + + Test if logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the repository. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the repository as an Array. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + Return a new logger instance. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Shutdown the repository + + + + Shutdown the repository. Can be overridden in a subclass. + This base class implementation notifies the + listeners and all attached plugins of the shutdown event. + + + + + + Reset the repositories configuration to a default state + + + + Reset all values contained in this instance to their + default state. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this repository. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + All the Appenders + + + Returns all the Appenders that are configured as an Array. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LoggerRepositorySkeleton class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + The type that will be rendered by the renderer supplied. + The object renderer used to render the object. + + + Adds an object renderer for a specific class. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository is shutting down + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository is shutting down. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration reset + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has been reset. + + + + + + Notify the registered listeners that the repository has had its configuration changed + + Empty EventArgs + + + Notify any listeners that this repository's configuration has changed. + + + + + + Raise a configuration changed event on this repository + + EventArgs.Empty + + + Applications that programmatically change the configuration of the repository should + raise this event notification to notify listeners. + + + + + + The name of the repository + + + The string name of the repository + + + + The name of this repository. The name is + used to store and lookup the repositories + stored by the . + + + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + The threshold for all events in this repository + + + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + + RendererMap accesses the object renderer map for this repository. + + + The RendererMap holds a mapping between types and + objects. + + + + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + The plugin map for this repository. + + + + The plugin map holds the instances + that have been attached to this repository. + + + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + + Get the level map for the Repository. + + + The level map defines the mappings between + level names and objects in + this repository. + + + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + Flag indicates if this repository has been configured. + + + + + + Contains a list of internal messages captures during the + last configuration. + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + Event to notify that the repository has been shutdown. + + + + Event raised when the repository has been shutdown. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration reset. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been + reset to default. + + + + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + Event to notify that the repository has had its configuration changed. + + + + Event raised when the repository's configuration has been changed. + + + + + + Repository specific properties + + + Repository specific properties + + + These properties can be specified on a repository specific basis + + + + + Basic Configurator interface for repositories + + + + Interface used by basic configurator to configure a + with a default . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appender. + + + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + Configure the repository to route all logging events to the + specified appenders. + + + + + + Configure repository using XML + + + + Interface used by Xml configurator to configure a . + + + A should implement this interface to support + configuration by the . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initialize the repository using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + The schema for the XML configuration data is defined by + the implementation. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with properties + + The properties to pass to this repository. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Construct with a logger factory + + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Construct with properties and a logger factory + + The properties to pass to this repository. + The factory to use to create new logger instances. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified . + + + + + + Test if a logger exists + + The name of the logger to lookup + The Logger object with the name specified + + + Check if the named logger exists in the hierarchy. If so return + its reference, otherwise returns null. + + + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array + + All the defined loggers + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the hierarchy as an Array. + The root logger is not included in the returned + enumeration. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + the default factory. + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated and + then linked with its existing ancestors as well as children. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The logger object with the name specified + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + + Shutting down a hierarchy will safely close and remove + all appenders in all loggers including the root logger. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the + application exists. Otherwise, pending logging events might be + lost. + + + The Shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their default. + + + + Reset all values contained in this hierarchy instance to their + default. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set its default "off" value. + + + Existing loggers are not removed. They are just reset. + + + This method should be used sparingly and with care as it will + block all logging until it is completed. + + + + + + Log the logEvent through this hierarchy. + + the event to log + + + This method should not normally be used to log. + The interface should be used + for routine logging. This interface can be obtained + using the method. + + + The logEvent is delivered to the appropriate logger and + that logger is then responsible for logging the event. + + + + + + Returns all the Appenders that are currently configured + + An array containing all the currently configured appenders + + + Returns all the instances that are currently configured. + All the loggers are searched for appenders. The appenders may also be containers + for appenders and these are also searched for additional loggers. + + + The list returned is unordered but does not contain duplicates. + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an . + The appender may also be a container. + + + + + + + Collect the appenders from an container + + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appender + + the appender to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified appenders + + the appenders to use to log all logging events + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + + Initialize the log4net system using the specified config + + the element containing the root of the config + + + This method provides the same functionality as the + method implemented + on this object, but it is protected and therefore can be called by subclasses. + + + + + + Test if this hierarchy is disabled for the specified . + + The level to check against. + + true if the repository is disabled for the level argument, false otherwise. + + + + If this hierarchy has not been configured then this method will + always return true. + + + This method will return true if this repository is + disabled for level object passed as parameter and + false otherwise. + + + See also the property. + + + + + + Clear all logger definitions from the internal hashtable + + + + This call will clear all logger definitions from the internal + hashtable. Invoking this method will irrevocably mess up the + logger hierarchy. + + + You should really know what you are doing before + invoking this method. + + + + + + Return a new logger instance named as the first parameter using + . + + The name of the logger to retrieve + The factory that will make the new logger instance + The logger object with the name specified + + + If a logger of that name already exists, then it will be + returned. Otherwise, a new logger will be instantiated by the + parameter and linked with its existing + ancestors as well as children. + + + + + + Sends a logger creation event to all registered listeners + + The newly created logger + + Raises the logger creation event. + + + + + Updates all the parents of the specified logger + + The logger to update the parents for + + + This method loops through all the potential parents of + . There 3 possible cases: + + + + No entry for the potential parent of exists + + We create a ProvisionNode for this potential + parent and insert in that provision node. + + + + The entry is of type Logger for the potential parent. + + The entry is 's nearest existing parent. We + update 's parent field with this entry. We also break from + he loop because updating our parent's parent is our parent's + responsibility. + + + + The entry is of type ProvisionNode for this potential parent. + + We add to the list of children for this + potential parent. + + + + + + + + Replace a with a in the hierarchy. + + + + + + We update the links for all the children that placed themselves + in the provision node 'pn'. The second argument 'log' is a + reference for the newly created Logger, parent of all the + children in 'pn'. + + + We loop on all the children 'c' in 'pn'. + + + If the child 'c' has been already linked to a child of + 'log' then there is no need to update 'c'. + + + Otherwise, we set log's parent field to c's parent and set + c's parent field to log. + + + + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + the level values + + + Define or redefine a Level using the values in the argument + + + Supports setting levels via the configuration file. + + + + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument + + the property value + + + Set a Property using the values in the argument. + + + Supports setting property values via the configuration file. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Hierarchy class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Event used to notify that a logger has been created. + + + + Event raised when a logger is created. + + + + + + Has no appender warning been emitted + + + + Flag to indicate if we have already issued a warning + about not having an appender warning. + + + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy + + + + Get the root of this hierarchy. + + + + + + Gets or sets the default instance. + + The default + + + The logger factory is used to create logger instances. + + + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + A class to hold the value, name and display name for a level + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Value of the level + + + + If the value is not set (defaults to -1) the value will be looked + up for the current level with the same name. + + + + + + Name of the level + + + The name of the level + + + + The name of the level. + + + + + + Display name for the level + + + The display name of the level + + + + The display name of the level. + + + + + + Used internally to accelerate hash table searches. + + + + Internal class used to improve performance of + string keyed hashtables. + + + The hashcode of the string is cached for reuse. + The string is stored as an interned value. + When comparing two objects for equality + the reference equality of the interned strings is compared. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct key with string name + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified name. + + + Stores the hashcode of the string and interns + the string key to optimize comparisons. + + + The Compact Framework 1.0 the + method does not work. On the Compact Framework + the string keys are not interned nor are they + compared by reference. + + + The name of the logger. + + + + Returns a hash code for the current instance. + + A hash code for the current instance. + + + Returns the cached hashcode. + + + + + + Determines whether two instances + are equal. + + The to compare with the current . + + true if the specified is equal to the current ; otherwise, false. + + + + Compares the references of the interned strings. + + + + + + Provision nodes are used where no logger instance has been specified + + + + instances are used in the + when there is no specified + for that node. + + + A provision node holds a list of child loggers on behalf of + a logger that does not exist. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create a new provision node with child node + + A child logger to add to this node. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified child logger. + + + + + + The sits at the root of the logger hierarchy tree. + + + + The is a regular except + that it provides several guarantees. + + + First, it cannot be assigned a null + level. Second, since the root logger cannot have a parent, the + property always returns the value of the + level field without walking the hierarchy. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct a + + The level to assign to the root logger. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified logging level. + + + The root logger names itself as "root". However, the root + logger cannot be retrieved by name. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RootLogger class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + The assigned level value without walking the logger hierarchy. + + + Because the root logger cannot have a parent and its level + must not be null this property just returns the + value of . + + + + + + Gets or sets the assigned for the root logger. + + + The of the root logger. + + + + Setting the level of the root logger to a null reference + may have catastrophic results. We prevent this here. + + + + + + Initializes the log4net environment using an XML DOM. + + + + Configures a using an XML DOM. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Construct the configurator for a hierarchy + + The hierarchy to build. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified . + + + + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + The root element to parse. + + + Configure the hierarchy by parsing a DOM tree of XML elements. + + + + + + Parse appenders by IDREF. + + The appender ref element. + The instance of the appender that the ref refers to. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender. + + + + + + Parses an appender element. + + The appender element. + The appender instance or null when parsing failed. + + + Parse an XML element that represents an appender and return + the appender instance. + + + + + + Parses a logger element. + + The logger element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a logger. + + + + + + Parses the root logger element. + + The root element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents the root logger. + + + + + + Parses the children of a logger element. + + The category element. + The logger instance. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse the child elements of a <logger> element. + + + + + + Parses an object renderer. + + The renderer element. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a renderer. + + + + + + Parses a level element. + + The level element. + The logger object to set the level on. + Flag to indicate if the logger is the root logger. + + + Parse an XML element that represents a level. + + + + + + Sets a parameter on an object. + + The parameter element. + The object to set the parameter on. + + The parameter name must correspond to a writable property + on the object. The value of the parameter is a string, + therefore this function will attempt to set a string + property first. If unable to set a string property it + will inspect the property and its argument type. It will + attempt to call a static method called Parse on the + type of the property. This method will take a single + string argument and return a value that can be used to + set the property. + + + + + Test if an element has no attributes or child elements + + the element to inspect + true if the element has any attributes or child elements, false otherwise + + + + Test if a is constructible with Activator.CreateInstance. + + the type to inspect + true if the type is creatable using a default constructor, false otherwise + + + + Look for a method on the that matches the supplied + + the type that has the method + the name of the method + the method info found + + + The method must be a public instance method on the . + The method must be named or "Add" followed by . + The method must take a single parameter. + + + + + + Converts a string value to a target type. + + The type of object to convert the string to. + The string value to use as the value of the object. + + + An object of type with value or + null when the conversion could not be performed. + + + + + + Creates an object as specified in XML. + + The XML element that contains the definition of the object. + The object type to use if not explicitly specified. + The type that the returned object must be or must inherit from. + The object or null + + + Parse an XML element and create an object instance based on the configuration + data. + + + The type of the instance may be specified in the XML. If not + specified then the is used + as the type. However the type is specified it must support the + type. + + + + + + key: appenderName, value: appender. + + + + + The Hierarchy being configured. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the XmlHierarchyConfigurator class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications + + The that is shutting down. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository shutdown event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications + + The that has had its configuration reset. + Empty event args + + + Delegate used to handle logger repository configuration reset event notifications. + + + + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + The that has had its configuration changed. + Empty event arguments. + + + Delegate used to handle event notifications for logger repository configuration changes. + + + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the name of the current AppDomain to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes name of the current AppDomain to the output . + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time to the writer as a string. + + + The value of the determines + the formatting of the date. The following values are allowed: + + + Option value + Output + + + ISO8601 + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff" pattern. + + + + DATE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "06 Nov 1994 15:49:37,459". + + + + ABSOLUTE + + Uses the formatter. + Formats using the "HH:mm:ss,fff" for example, "15:49:37,459". + + + + other + + Any other pattern string uses the formatter. + This formatter passes the pattern string to the + method. + For details on valid patterns see + DateTimeFormatInfo Class. + + + + + + The date and time is in the local time zone and is rendered in that zone. + To output the time in Universal time see . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + The used to render the date to a string + + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current date to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date and time passed is in the local time zone. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the DatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an folder path to the output + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + should be a value in the enumeration. + + + Ron Grabowski + + + + Write an special path environment folder path to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the special path environment folder path to the output . + The name of the special path environment folder path to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentFolderPathPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + + + Write an environment variable to the output writer. + The value of the determines + the name of the variable to output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write an environment variable to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the environment variable to the output . + The name of the environment variable to output must be set + using the + property. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the EnvironmentPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current thread identity to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Writes the current thread identity to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the IdentityPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Pattern converter for literal string instances in the pattern + + + + Writes the literal string value specified in the + property to + the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Set the next converter in the chain + + The next pattern converter in the chain + The next pattern converter + + + Special case the building of the pattern converter chain + for instances. Two adjacent + literals in the pattern can be represented by a single combined + pattern converter. This implementation detects when a + is added to the chain + after this converter and combines its value with this converter's + literal value. + + + + + + Write the literal to the output + + the writer to write to + null, not set + + + Override the formatting behavior to ignore the FormattingInfo + because we have a literal instead. + + + Writes the value of + to the output . + + + + + + Convert this pattern into the rendered message + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, not set + + + This method is not used. + + + + + + Writes a newline to the output + + + + Writes the system dependent line terminator to the output. + This behavior can be overridden by setting the : + + + + Option Value + Output + + + DOS + DOS or Windows line terminator "\r\n" + + + UNIX + UNIX line terminator "\n" + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialize the converter + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + + + Write the current process ID to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current process ID to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current process ID to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ProcessIdPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Property pattern converter + + + + This pattern converter reads the thread and global properties. + The thread properties take priority over global properties. + See for details of the + thread properties. See for + details of the global properties. + + + If the is specified then that will be used to + lookup a single property. If no is specified + then all properties will be dumped as a list of key value pairs. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the property value to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Writes out the value of a named property. The property name + should be set in the + property. + + + If the is set to null + then all the properties are written as key value pairs. + + + + + + A Pattern converter that generates a string of random characters + + + + The converter generates a string of random characters. By default + the string is length 4. This can be changed by setting the + to the string value of the length required. + + + The random characters in the string are limited to uppercase letters + and numbers only. + + + The random number generator used by this class is not cryptographically secure. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Shared random number generator + + + + + Length of random string to generate. Default length 4. + + + + + Initialize the converter options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Write a randoim string to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write a randoim string to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the RandomStringPatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + + + Write the current threads username to the output writer + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current threads username to the output + + the writer to write to + null, state is not set + + + Write the current threads username to the output . + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UserNamePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Write the UTC date time to the output + + + + Date pattern converter, uses a to format + the current date and time in Universal time. + + + See the for details on the date pattern syntax. + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Write the current date and time to the output + + that will receive the formatted result. + null, state is not set + + + Pass the current date and time to the + for it to render it to the writer. + + + The date is in Universal time when it is rendered. + + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the UtcDatePatternConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Type converter for Boolean. + + + + Supports conversion from string to bool type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Convert the source object to the type supported by this object + + the object to convert + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Exception base type for conversion errors. + + + + This type extends . It + does not add any new functionality but does differentiate the + type of exception being thrown. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message. + + + + + + Constructor + + A message to include with the exception. + A nested exception to include. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and inner exception. + + + + + + Serialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + The conversion destination type. + The value to convert. + A nested exception to include. + An instance of the . + + + Creates a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Register of type converters for specific types. + + + + Maintains a registry of type converters used to convert between + types. + + + Use the and + methods to register new converters. + The and methods + lookup appropriate converters to use. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Private constructor + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + Static constructor. + + + + This constructor defines the intrinsic type converters. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter instance for a specific type. + + + + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + The type being converted to. + The type of the type converter to use to convert to the destination type. + + + Adds a converter for a specific type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted from. + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + Gets the type converter to use to convert values to the destination type. + + + + + + Lookups the type converter to use as specified by the attributes on the + destination type. + + The type being converted to. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + + Creates the instance of the type converter. + + The type of the type converter. + + The type converter instance to use for type conversions or null + if no type converter is found. + + + + The type specified for the type converter must implement + the or interfaces + and must have a public default (no argument) constructor. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ConverterRegistry class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Mapping from to type converter. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an encoding + the encoding + + + Uses the method to + convert the argument to an . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Interface supported by type converters + + + + This interface supports conversion from a single type to arbitrary types. + See . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Returns whether this converter can convert the object to the specified type + + A Type that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Test if the type supported by this converter can be converted to the + . + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Converts the (which must be of the type supported + by this converter) to the specified.. + + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to an IPAddress + the IPAddress + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to an . + If that fails then the string is resolved as a DNS hostname. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Valid characters in an IPv4 or IPv6 address string. (Does not support subnets) + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternLayout + the PatternLayout + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Convert between string and + + + + Supports conversion from string to type, + and from a type to a string. + + + The string is used as the + of the . + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the target type be converted to the type supported by this object + + A that represents the type you want to convert to + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + assignable from a type. + + + + + + Converts the given value object to the specified type, using the arguments + + the object to convert + The Type to convert the value parameter to + the converted object + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + . To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a PatternString + the PatternString + + + Creates and returns a new using + the as the + . + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + Supports conversion from string to type. + + + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Can the source type be converted to the type supported by this object + + the type to convert + true if the conversion is possible + + + Returns true if the is + the type. + + + + + + Overrides the ConvertFrom method of IConvertFrom. + + the object to convert to a Type + the Type + + + Uses the method to convert the + argument to a . + Additional effort is made to locate partially specified types + by searching the loaded assemblies. + + + + The object cannot be converted to the + target type. To check for this condition use the + method. + + + + + Attribute used to associate a type converter + + + + Class and Interface level attribute that specifies a type converter + to use with the associated type. + + + To associate a type converter with a target type apply a + TypeConverterAttribute to the target type. Specify the + type of the type converter on the attribute. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type name + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + Create a new type converter attribute for the specified type + + The type of the type converter + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + The string type name of the type converter + + + + The type specified must implement the + or the interfaces. + + + + + + A straightforward implementation of the interface. + + + + This is the default implementation of the + interface. Implementors of the interface + should aggregate an instance of this type. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The event being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Append on on all attached appenders. + + The array of events being logged. + The number of appenders called. + + + Calls the method on all + attached appenders. + + + + + + Calls the DoAppende method on the with + the objects supplied. + + The appender + The events + + + If the supports the + interface then the will be passed + through using that interface. Otherwise the + objects in the array will be passed one at a time. + + + + + + Attaches an appender. + + The appender to add. + + + If the appender is already in the list it won't be added again. + + + + + + Gets an attached appender with the specified name. + + The name of the appender to get. + + The appender with the name specified, or null if no appender with the + specified name is found. + + + + Lookup an attached appender by name. + + + + + + Removes all attached appenders. + + + + Removes and closes all attached appenders + + + + + + Removes the specified appender from the list of attached appenders. + + The appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + Removes the appender with the specified name from the list of appenders. + + The name of the appender to remove. + The appender removed from the list + + + The appender removed is not closed. + If you are discarding the appender you must call + on the appender removed. + + + + + + List of appenders + + + + + Array of appenders, used to cache the m_appenderList + + + + + The fully qualified type of the AppenderAttachedImpl class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets all attached appenders. + + + A collection of attached appenders, or null if there + are no attached appenders. + + + + The read only collection of all currently attached appenders. + + + + + + This class aggregates several PropertiesDictionary collections together. + + + + Provides a dictionary style lookup over an ordered list of + collections. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Add a Properties Dictionary to this composite collection + + the properties to add + + + Properties dictionaries added first take precedence over dictionaries added + later. + + + + + + Flatten this composite collection into a single properties dictionary + + the flattened dictionary + + + Reduces the collection of ordered dictionaries to a single dictionary + containing the resultant values for the keys. + + + + + + Gets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Looks up the value for the specified. + The collections are searched + in the order in which they were added to this collection. The value + returned is the value held by the first collection that contains + the specified key. + + + If none of the collections contain the specified key then + null is returned. + + + + + + Base class for Context Properties implementations + + + + This class defines a basic property get set accessor + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Wrapper class used to map converter names to converter types + + + + Pattern converter info class used during configuration by custom + PatternString and PatternLayer converters. + + + + + + default constructor + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets the name of the conversion pattern + + + + The name of the pattern in the format string + + + + + + Gets or sets the type of the converter + + + + The value specified must extend the + type. + + + + + + + + + + + Subclass of that maintains a count of + the number of bytes written. + + + + This writer counts the number of bytes written. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + that does not leak exceptions + + + + does not throw exceptions when things go wrong. + Instead, it delegates error handling to its . + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + + Adapter that extends and forwards all + messages to an instance of . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The writer to forward messages to + + + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + The to forward to + + + Create an instance of that forwards all + messages to a . + + + + + + Closes the writer and releases any system resources associated with the writer + + + + + + + + + Dispose this writer + + flag indicating if we are being disposed + + + Dispose this writer + + + + + + Flushes any buffered output + + + + Clears all buffers for the writer and causes any buffered data to be written + to the underlying device + + + + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a character to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + the data buffer + the start index + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a character buffer to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + the value to write to the TextWriter + + + Writes a string to the wrapped TextWriter + + + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + The underlying . + + + + Gets or sets the underlying . + + + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + The + + + + The Encoding in which the output is written + + + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + The format provider + + + + Gets an object that controls formatting + + + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + The line terminator to use + + + + Gets or sets the line terminator string used by the TextWriter + + + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + the error handler to report error to + + + Create a new QuietTextWriter using a writer and error handler + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + the char to write + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer + + + + + + Writes a string to the output. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Writes a string to the output. + + + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + Closes the underlying output writer. + + + + + + The error handler instance to pass all errors to + + + + + Flag to indicate if this writer is closed + + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + The error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + Gets or sets the error handler that all errors are passed to. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + true if this writer is closed, otherwise false. + + + + Gets a value indicating whether this writer is closed. + + + + + + Constructor + + The to actually write to. + The to report errors to. + + + Creates a new instance of the class + with the specified and . + + + + + + Writes a character to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the char to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a buffer to the underlying writer and counts the number of bytes written. + + the buffer to write + the start index to write from + the number of characters to write + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Writes a string to the output and counts the number of bytes written. + + The string data to write to the output. + + + Overrides implementation of . Counts + the number of bytes written. + + + + + + Total number of bytes written. + + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + The total number of bytes written. + + + + Gets or sets the total number of bytes written. + + + + + + A fixed size rolling buffer of logging events. + + + + An array backed fixed size leaky bucket. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The maximum number of logging events in the buffer. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified maximum number of buffered logging events. + + + The argument is not a positive integer. + + + + Appends a to the buffer. + + The event to append to the buffer. + The event discarded from the buffer, if the buffer is full, otherwise null. + + + Append an event to the buffer. If the buffer still contains free space then + null is returned. If the buffer is full then an event will be dropped + to make space for the new event, the event dropped is returned. + + + + + + Get and remove the oldest event in the buffer. + + The oldest logging event in the buffer + + + Gets the oldest (first) logging event in the buffer and removes it + from the buffer. + + + + + + Pops all the logging events from the buffer into an array. + + An array of all the logging events in the buffer. + + + Get all the events in the buffer and clear the buffer. + + + + + + Clear the buffer + + + + Clear the buffer of all events. The events in the buffer are lost. + + + + + + Gets the th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + The th oldest event currently in the buffer. + + + If is outside the range 0 to the number of events + currently in the buffer, then null is returned. + + + + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer. + + The maximum size of the buffer. + + + Gets the maximum size of the buffer + + + + + + Gets the number of logging events in the buffer. + + The number of logging events in the buffer. + + + This number is guaranteed to be in the range 0 to + (inclusive). + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + The singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + Gets the singleton instance of the empty collection. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the . + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the + interface that always represents an empty collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Copies the elements of the to an + , starting at a particular Array index. + + The one-dimensional + that is the destination of the elements copied from + . The Array must have zero-based + indexing. + The zero-based index in array at which + copying begins. + + + As the collection is empty no values are copied into the array. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Adds an element with the provided key and value to the + . + + The to use as the key of the element to add. + The to use as the value of the element to add. + + + As the collection is empty no new values can be added. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Removes all elements from the . + + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Determines whether the contains an element + with the specified key. + + The key to locate in the . + false + + + As the collection is empty the method always returns false. + + + + + + Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection. + + + An that can be used to + iterate through the collection. + + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Removes the element with the specified key from the . + + The key of the element to remove. + + + As the collection is empty no values can be removed. A + is thrown if this method is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + The singleton instance of the empty dictionary. + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets a value indicating if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe). + + + true if access to the is synchronized (thread-safe); otherwise, false. + + + + For the this property is always true. + + + + + + Gets the number of elements contained in the + + + The number of elements contained in the . + + + + As the collection is empty the is always 0. + + + + + + Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + An object that can be used to synchronize access to the . + + + + As the collection is empty and thread safe and synchronized this instance is also + the object. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the has a fixed size. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. + + true + + + As the collection is empty always returns true. + + + + + + Gets an containing the keys of the . + + An containing the keys of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets an containing the values of the . + + An containing the values of the . + + + As the collection is empty a is returned. + + + + + + Gets or sets the element with the specified key. + + The key of the element to get or set. + null + + + As the collection is empty no values can be looked up or stored. + If the index getter is called then null is returned. + A is thrown if the setter is called. + + + This dictionary is always empty and cannot be modified. + + + + Contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers + in conversion modifiers. + + + + Holds the formatting information extracted from the format string by + the . This is used by the + objects when rendering the output. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Defaut Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified parameters. + + + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + The minimum value. + + + + Gets or sets the minimum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + The maximum value. + + + + Gets or sets the maximum value. + + + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled + or not. + + + A flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + Gets or sets a flag indicating whether left align is enabled or not. + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + This class implements a properties collection that is thread safe and supports both + storing properties and capturing a read only copy of the current propertied. + + + This class is optimized to the scenario where the properties are read frequently + and are modified infrequently. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The read only copy of the properties. + + + + This variable is declared volatile to prevent the compiler and JIT from + reordering reads and writes of this thread performed on different threads. + + + + + + Lock object used to synchronize updates within this instance + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property from the global context + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Removing an entry from the global context properties is relatively expensive compared + with reading a value. + + + + + + Clear the global context properties + + + + + Get a readonly immutable copy of the properties + + the current global context properties + + + This implementation is fast because the GlobalContextProperties class + stores a readonly copy of the properties. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Reading the value for a key is faster than setting the value. + When the value is written a new read only copy of + the properties is created. + + + + + + The static class ILogExtensions contains a set of widely used + methods that ease the interaction with the ILog interface implementations. + + + + This class contains methods for logging at different levels and checks the + properties for determining if those logging levels are enabled in the current + configuration. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + using log4net.Util; + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.InfoExt("Application Start"); + log.DebugExt("This is a debug message"); + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the Logger class. + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is INFO + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is INFO enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is WARN + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is WARN enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is ERROR + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is ERROR enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (retrieved by invocation of the provided callback) to a + string by invoking the appropriate . + It then proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The lambda expression that gets the object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level. //TODO + + Log a message object with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + + + This method first checks if this logger is FATAL + enabled by reading the value property. + This check happens always and does not depend on the + implementation. If this logger is FATAL enabled, then it converts + the message object (passed as parameter) to a string by invoking the appropriate + . It then + proceeds to call all the registered appenders in this logger + and also higher in the hierarchy depending on the value of + the additivity flag. + + WARNING Note that passing an + to this method will print the name of the + but no stack trace. To print a stack trace use the + form instead. + + + + + + + + Log a message object with the level including + the stack trace of the passed + as a parameter. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + The message object to log. + The exception to log, including its stack trace. + + + See the form for more detailed information. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object array containing zero or more objects to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Logs a formatted message string with the level. + + The logger on which the message is logged. + A String containing zero or more format items + An Object to format + An Object to format + An Object to format + + + The message is formatted using the String.Format method. See + for details of the syntax of the format string and the behavior + of the formatting. + + + This method does not take an object to include in the + log event. To pass an use one of the + methods instead. + + + + + + + + Manages a mapping from levels to + + + + Manages an ordered mapping from instances + to subclasses. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialise a new instance of . + + + + + + Add a to this mapping + + the entry to add + + + If a has previously been added + for the same then that entry will be + overwritten. + + + + + + Lookup the mapping for the specified level + + the level to lookup + the for the level or null if no mapping found + + + Lookup the value for the specified level. Finds the nearest + mapping value for the level that is equal to or less than the + specified. + + + If no mapping could be found then null is returned. + + + + + + Initialize options + + + + Caches the sorted list of in an array + + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + This class stores its properties in a slot on the named + log4net.Util.LogicalThreadContextProperties. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Flag used to disable this context if we don't have permission to access the CallContext. + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the value for the specified from the context. + + + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + Clear all the context properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary stored in the LocalDataStoreSlot for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if is does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doings so. + + + + + + Gets the call context get data. + + The peroperties dictionary stored in the call context + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + Sets the call context data. + + The properties. + + The method has a + security link demand, therfore we must put the method call in a seperate method + that we can wrap in an exception handler. + + + + + The fully qualified type of the LogicalThreadContextProperties class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Get or set the property value for the specified. + + + + + + + + + + + + + Outputs log statements from within the log4net assembly. + + + + Log4net components cannot make log4net logging calls. However, it is + sometimes useful for the user to learn about what log4net is + doing. + + + All log4net internal debug calls go to the standard output stream + whereas internal error messages are sent to the standard error output + stream. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Formats Prefix, Source, and Message in the same format as the value + sent to Console.Out and Trace.Write. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + + + + Static constructor that initializes logging by reading + settings from the application configuration file. + + + + The log4net.Internal.Debug application setting + controls internal debugging. This setting should be set + to true to enable debugging. + + + The log4net.Internal.Quiet application setting + suppresses all internal logging including error messages. + This setting should be set to true to enable message + suppression. + + + + + + Raises the LogReceived event when an internal messages is received. + + + + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + + The message to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal debug messages to the + standard output stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net: ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal warning messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal warning messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:WARN ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + + + All internal error messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes log4net internal error messages to the + standard error stream. + + The Type that generated this message. + The message to log. + An exception to log. + + + All internal debug messages are prepended with + the string "log4net:ERROR ". + + + + + + Writes output to the standard output stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Out and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Writes output to the standard error stream. + + The message to log. + + + Writes to both Console.Error and System.Diagnostics.Trace. + Note that the System.Diagnostics.Trace is not supported + on the Compact Framework. + + + If the AppDomain is not configured with a config file then + the call to System.Diagnostics.Trace may fail. This is only + an issue if you are programmatically creating your own AppDomains. + + + + + + Default debug level + + + + + In quietMode not even errors generate any output. + + + + + The event raised when an internal message has been received. + + + + + The Type that generated the internal message. + + + + + The DateTime stamp of when the internal message was received. + + + + + A string indicating the severity of the internal message. + + + "log4net: ", + "log4net:ERROR ", + "log4net:WARN " + + + + + The internal log message. + + + + + The Exception related to the message. + + + Optional. Will be null if no Exception was passed. + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net internal logging + is enabled or disabled. + + + true if log4net internal logging is enabled, otherwise + false. + + + + When set to true, internal debug level logging will be + displayed. + + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Debug in the application configuration + file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. debugging is + disabled. + + + + + The following example enables internal debugging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + Gets or sets a value indicating whether log4net should generate no output + from internal logging, not even for errors. + + + true if log4net should generate no output at all from internal + logging, otherwise false. + + + + When set to true will cause internal logging at all levels to be + suppressed. This means that no warning or error reports will be logged. + This option overrides the setting and + disables all debug also. + + This value can be set by setting the application setting + log4net.Internal.Quiet in the application configuration file. + + + The default value is false, i.e. internal logging is not + disabled. + + + + The following example disables internal logging using the + application configuration file : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + true if Debug is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Debug is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + true if Warn is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Warn is enabled for output. + + + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + true if Error is enabled + + + + Test if LogLog.Error is enabled for output. + + + + + + Subscribes to the LogLog.LogReceived event and stores messages + to the supplied IList instance. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Represents a native error code and message. + + + + Represents a Win32 platform native error. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + The number of the native error. + The message of the native error. + + + Create an instance of the class with the specified + error number and message. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class for the last Windows error. + + + An instance of the class for the last windows error. + + + + The message for the error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Create a new instance of the class. + + the error number for the native error + + An instance of the class for the specified + error number. + + + + The message for the specified error number is lookup up using the + native Win32 FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Retrieves the message corresponding with a Win32 message identifier. + + Message identifier for the requested message. + + The message corresponding with the specified message identifier. + + + + The message will be searched for in system message-table resource(s) + using the native FormatMessage function. + + + + + + Return error information string + + error information string + + + Return error information string + + + + + + Formats a message string. + + Formatting options, and how to interpret the parameter. + Location of the message definition. + Message identifier for the requested message. + Language identifier for the requested message. + If includes FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, the function allocates a buffer using the LocalAlloc function, and places the pointer to the buffer at the address specified in . + If the FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER flag is not set, this parameter specifies the maximum number of TCHARs that can be stored in the output buffer. If FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER is set, this parameter specifies the minimum number of TCHARs to allocate for an output buffer. + Pointer to an array of values that are used as insert values in the formatted message. + + + The function requires a message definition as input. The message definition can come from a + buffer passed into the function. It can come from a message table resource in an + already-loaded module. Or the caller can ask the function to search the system's message + table resource(s) for the message definition. The function finds the message definition + in a message table resource based on a message identifier and a language identifier. + The function copies the formatted message text to an output buffer, processing any embedded + insert sequences if requested. + + + To prevent the usage of unsafe code, this stub does not support inserting values in the formatted message. + + + + + If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of TCHARs stored in the output + buffer, excluding the terminating null character. + + + If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, + call . + + + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + The number of the native error. + + + + Gets the number of the native error. + + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + The message of the native error. + + + + + Gets the message of the native error. + + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance. + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current key from the enumerator. + + + Throws an exception because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current value from the enumerator. + + The current value from the enumerator. + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + Gets the current entry from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current entry. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + An always empty . + + + + A singleton implementation of the over a collection + that is empty and not modifiable. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to enforce the singleton pattern. + + + + + + Test if the enumerator can advance, if so advance + + false as the cannot advance. + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will always return false. + + + + + + Resets the enumerator back to the start. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection does nothing. + + + + + + The singleton instance of the . + + + + + Get the singleton instance of the . + + The singleton instance of the . + + + Gets the singleton instance of the . + + + + + + Gets the current object from the enumerator. + + + Throws an because the + never has a current value. + + + + As the enumerator is over an empty collection its + value cannot be moved over a valid position, therefore + will throw an . + + + The collection is empty and + cannot be positioned over a valid location. + + + + A SecurityContext used when a SecurityContext is not required + + + + The is a no-op implementation of the + base class. It is used where a + is required but one has not been provided. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + Singleton instance of + + + + + + Private constructor + + + + Private constructor for singleton pattern. + + + + + + Impersonate this SecurityContext + + State supplied by the caller + null + + + No impersonation is done and null is always returned. + + + + + + Implements log4net's default error handling policy which consists + of emitting a message for the first error in an appender and + ignoring all subsequent errors. + + + + The error message is processed using the LogLog sub-system by default. + + + This policy aims at protecting an otherwise working application + from being flooded with error messages when logging fails. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Ron Grabowski + + + + Default Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + The prefix to use for each message. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified prefix. + + + + + + Reset the error handler back to its initial disabled state. + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log the very first error + + The error message. + The exception. + The internal error code. + + + Sends the error information to 's Error method. + + + + + + Log an Error + + The error message. + The exception. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + Log an error + + The error message. + + + Invokes if and only if this is the first error or the first error after has been called. + + + + + + The date the error was recorded. + + + + + Flag to indicate if it is the first error + + + + + The message recorded during the first error. + + + + + The exception recorded during the first error. + + + + + The error code recorded during the first error. + + + + + String to prefix each message with + + + + + The fully qualified type of the OnlyOnceErrorHandler class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Is error logging enabled + + + + Is error logging enabled. Logging is only enabled for the + first error delivered to the . + + + + + + The date the first error that trigged this error handler occured. + + + + + The message from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + + + The exception from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + May be . + + + + + The error code from the first error that trigged this error handler. + + + Defaults to + + + + + A convenience class to convert property values to specific types. + + + + Utility functions for converting types and parsing values. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Converts a string to a value. + + String to convert. + The default value. + The value of . + + + If is "true", then true is returned. + If is "false", then false is returned. + Otherwise, is returned. + + + + + + Parses a file size into a number. + + String to parse. + The default value. + The value of . + + + Parses a file size of the form: number[KB|MB|GB] into a + long value. It is scaled with the appropriate multiplier. + + + is returned when + cannot be converted to a value. + + + + + + Converts a string to an object. + + The target type to convert to. + The string to convert to an object. + + The object converted from a string or null when the + conversion failed. + + + + Converts a string to an object. Uses the converter registry to try + to convert the string value into the specified target type. + + + + + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + The type to convert from. + The type to convert to. + true if there is a conversion from the source type to the target type. + + Checks if there is an appropriate type conversion from the source type to the target type. + + + + + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + The object to convert to the target type. + The type to convert to. + The converted object. + + + Converts an object to the target type. + + + + + + Instantiates an object given a class name. + + The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. + The class to which the new object should belong. + The object to return in case of non-fulfillment. + + An instance of the or + if the object could not be instantiated. + + + + Checks that the is a subclass of + . If that test fails or the object could + not be instantiated, then is returned. + + + + + + Performs variable substitution in string from the + values of keys found in . + + The string on which variable substitution is performed. + The dictionary to use to lookup variables. + The result of the substitutions. + + + The variable substitution delimiters are ${ and }. + + + For example, if props contains key=value, then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of key is ${key}."); + + + + will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.". + + + If no value could be found for the specified key, then substitution + defaults to an empty string. + + + For example, if system properties contains no value for the key + "nonExistentKey", then the call + + + + string s = OptionConverter.SubstituteVariables("Value of nonExistentKey is [${nonExistentKey}]"); + + + + will set s to "Value of nonExistentKey is []". + + + An Exception is thrown if contains a start + delimiter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimiter "}". + + + + + + Converts the string representation of the name or numeric value of one or + more enumerated constants to an equivalent enumerated object. + + The type to convert to. + The enum string value. + If true, ignore case; otherwise, regard case. + An object of type whose value is represented by . + + + + The fully qualified type of the OptionConverter class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Most of the work of the class + is delegated to the PatternParser class. + + + + The PatternParser processes a pattern string and + returns a chain of objects. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Constructor + + The pattern to parse. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified pattern string. + + + + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + The head of a chain of pattern converters. + + + Parses the pattern into a chain of pattern converters. + + + + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + the list of all the converter names + + + Build the unified cache of converters from the static and instance maps + + + + + + Internal method to parse the specified pattern to find specified matches + + the pattern to parse + the converter names to match in the pattern + + + The matches param must be sorted such that longer strings come before shorter ones. + + + + + + Process a parsed literal + + the literal text + + + + Process a parsed converter pattern + + the name of the converter + the optional option for the converter + the formatting info for the converter + + + + Resets the internal state of the parser and adds the specified pattern converter + to the chain. + + The pattern converter to add. + + + + The first pattern converter in the chain + + + + + the last pattern converter in the chain + + + + + The pattern + + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types + + + + This map overrides the static s_globalRulesRegistry map. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the PatternParser class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + The converter registry used by this parser + + + + Get the converter registry used by this parser + + + + + + Sort strings by length + + + + that orders strings by string length. + The longest strings are placed first + + + + + + This class implements a patterned string. + + + + This string has embedded patterns that are resolved and expanded + when the string is formatted. + + + This class functions similarly to the + in that it accepts a pattern and renders it to a string. Unlike the + however the PatternString + does not render the properties of a specific but + of the process in general. + + + The recognized conversion pattern names are: + + + + Conversion Pattern Name + Effect + + + appdomain + + + Used to output the friendly name of the current AppDomain. + + + + + date + + + Used to output the current date and time in the local time zone. + To output the date in universal time use the %utcdate pattern. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %date{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %date{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %date{ISO8601} or %date{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + env + + + Used to output the a specific environment variable. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %env{COMPUTERNAME} would include the value + of the COMPUTERNAME environment variable. + + + The env pattern is not supported on the .NET Compact Framework. + + + + + identity + + + Used to output the user name for the currently active user + (Principal.Identity.Name). + + + + + newline + + + Outputs the platform dependent line separator character or + characters. + + + This conversion pattern name offers the same performance as using + non-portable line separator strings such as "\n", or "\r\n". + Thus, it is the preferred way of specifying a line separator. + + + + + processid + + + Used to output the system process ID for the current process. + + + + + property + + + Used to output a specific context property. The key to + lookup must be specified within braces and directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %property{user} would include the value + from the property that is keyed by the string 'user'. Each property value + that is to be included in the log must be specified separately. + Properties are stored in logging contexts. By default + the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of machine on + which the event was originally logged. + + + If no key is specified, e.g. %property then all the keys and their + values are printed in a comma separated list. + + + The properties of an event are combined from a number of different + contexts. These are listed below in the order in which they are searched. + + + + the thread properties + + The that are set on the current + thread. These properties are shared by all events logged on this thread. + + + + the global properties + + The that are set globally. These + properties are shared by all the threads in the AppDomain. + + + + + + + random + + + Used to output a random string of characters. The string is made up of + uppercase letters and numbers. By default the string is 4 characters long. + The length of the string can be specified within braces directly following the + pattern specifier, e.g. %random{8} would output an 8 character string. + + + + + username + + + Used to output the WindowsIdentity for the currently + active user. + + + + + utcdate + + + Used to output the date of the logging event in universal time. + The date conversion + specifier may be followed by a date format specifier enclosed + between braces. For example, %utcdate{HH:mm:ss,fff} or + %utcdate{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,fff}. If no date format specifier is + given then ISO8601 format is + assumed (). + + + The date format specifier admits the same syntax as the + time pattern string of the . + + + For better results it is recommended to use the log4net date + formatters. These can be specified using one of the strings + "ABSOLUTE", "DATE" and "ISO8601" for specifying + , + and respectively + . For example, + %utcdate{ISO8601} or %utcdate{ABSOLUTE}. + + + These dedicated date formatters perform significantly + better than . + + + + + % + + + The sequence %% outputs a single percent sign. + + + + + + Additional pattern converters may be registered with a specific + instance using or + . + + + See the for details on the + format modifiers supported by the patterns. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal map of converter identifiers to converter types. + + + + + the pattern + + + + + the head of the pattern converter chain + + + + + patterns defined on this PatternString only + + + + + Initialize the global registry + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Initialize a new instance of + + + + + + Constructs a PatternString + + The pattern to use with this PatternString + + + Initialize a new instance of with the pattern specified. + + + + + + Initialize object options + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + + + + Create the used to parse the pattern + + the pattern to parse + The + + + Returns PatternParser used to parse the conversion string. Subclasses + may override this to return a subclass of PatternParser which recognize + custom conversion pattern name. + + + + + + Produces a formatted string as specified by the conversion pattern. + + The TextWriter to write the formatted event to + + + Format the pattern to the . + + + + + + Format the pattern as a string + + the pattern formatted as a string + + + Format the pattern to a string. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the converter info + + + This version of the method is used by the configurator. + Programmatic users should use the alternative method. + + + + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + the name of the conversion pattern for this converter + the type of the converter + + + Add a converter to this PatternString + + + + + + Gets or sets the pattern formatting string + + + The pattern formatting string + + + + The ConversionPattern option. This is the string which + controls formatting and consists of a mix of literal content and + conversion specifiers. + + + + + + String keyed object map. + + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + String keyed object map that is read only. + + + + This collection is readonly and cannot be modified. + + + While this collection is serializable only member + objects that are serializable will + be serialized along with this collection. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + The Hashtable used to store the properties data + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Copy Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Deserialization constructor + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + + + + + Gets the key names. + + An array of all the keys. + + + Gets the key names. + + + + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + the key to look for + true if the dictionary contains the specified key + + + Test if the dictionary contains a specified key + + + + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + The to populate with data. + The destination for this serialization. + + + Serializes this object into the provided. + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + + See + + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + The internal collection used to store the properties + + + + The hashtable used to store the properties + + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + The number of properties in this collection + + + + + See + + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Constructor + + properties to copy + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with serialized data. + + The that holds the serialized object data. + The that contains contextual information about the source or destination. + + + Because this class is sealed the serialization constructor is private. + + + + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + an enumerator + + + Returns a over the contest of this collection. + + + + + + See + + the key to remove + + + Remove the entry with the specified key from this dictionary + + + + + + See + + the key to lookup in the collection + true if the collection contains the specified key + + + Test if this collection contains a specified key. + + + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + Remove all properties from the properties collection + + + + + + See + + the key + the value to store for the key + + + Store a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + + + See + + + + + Gets or sets the value of the property with the specified key. + + + The value of the property with the specified key. + + The key of the property to get or set. + + + The property value will only be serialized if it is serializable. + If it cannot be serialized it will be silently ignored if + a serialization operation is performed. + + + + + + See + + + false + + + + This collection is modifiable. This property always + returns false. + + + + + + See + + + The value for the key specified. + + + + Get or set a value for the specified . + + + Thrown if the is not a string + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + See + + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + A class to hold the key and data for a property set in the config file + + + + + + Override Object.ToString to return sensible debug info + + string info about this object + + + + Property Key + + + Property Key + + + + Property Key. + + + + + + Property Value + + + Property Value + + + + Property Value. + + + + + + A that ignores the message + + + + This writer is used in special cases where it is necessary + to protect a writer from being closed by a client. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + the writer to actually write to + + + Create a new ProtectCloseTextWriter using a writer + + + + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + the writer to attach to + + + Attach this instance to a different underlying + + + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + + + + Does not close the underlying output writer. + This method does nothing. + + + + + + Defines a lock that supports single writers and multiple readers + + + + ReaderWriterLock is used to synchronize access to a resource. + At any given time, it allows either concurrent read access for + multiple threads, or write access for a single thread. In a + situation where a resource is changed infrequently, a + ReaderWriterLock provides better throughput than a simple + one-at-a-time lock, such as . + + + If a platform does not support a System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock + implementation then all readers and writers are serialized. Therefore + the caller must not rely on multiple simultaneous readers. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Acquires a reader lock + + + + blocks if a different thread has the writer + lock, or if at least one thread is waiting for the writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count + + + + decrements the lock count. When the count + reaches zero, the lock is released. + + + + + + Acquires the writer lock + + + + This method blocks if another thread has a reader lock or writer lock. + + + + + + Decrements the lock count on the writer lock + + + + ReleaseWriterLock decrements the writer lock count. + When the count reaches zero, the writer lock is released. + + + + + + A that can be and reused + + + + A that can be and reused. + This uses a single buffer for string operations. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Create an instance of + + the format provider to use + + + Create an instance of + + + + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + flag + + + Override Dispose to prevent closing of writer + + + + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + + the maximum buffer capacity before it is trimmed + the default size to make the buffer + + + Reset this string writer so that it can be reused. + The internal buffers are cleared and reset. + + + + + + Utility class for system specific information. + + + + Utility class of static methods for system specific information. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + Alexey Solofnenko + + + + Private constructor to prevent instances. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Initialize default values for private static fields. + + + + Only static methods are exposed from this type. + + + + + + Gets the assembly location path for the specified assembly. + + The assembly to get the location for. + The location of the assembly. + + + This method does not guarantee to return the correct path + to the assembly. If only tries to give an indication as to + where the assembly was loaded from. + + + + + + Gets the fully qualified name of the , including + the name of the assembly from which the was + loaded. + + The to get the fully qualified name for. + The fully qualified name for the . + + + This is equivalent to the Type.AssemblyQualifiedName property, + but this method works on the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 as well as + the full .NET runtime. + + + + + + Gets the short name of the . + + The to get the name for. + The short name of the . + + + The short name of the assembly is the + without the version, culture, or public key. i.e. it is just the + assembly's file name without the extension. + + + Use this rather than Assembly.GetName().Name because that + is not available on the Compact Framework. + + + Because of a FileIOPermission security demand we cannot do + the obvious Assembly.GetName().Name. We are allowed to get + the of the assembly so we + start from there and strip out just the assembly name. + + + + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + The to get the file name for. + The file name of the assembly. + + + Gets the file name portion of the , including the extension. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + A sibling type to use to load the type. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified, it will be loaded from the assembly + containing the specified relative type. If the type is not found in the assembly + then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the + assembly that is directly calling this method. If the type is not found + in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Loads the type specified in the type string. + + An assembly to load the type from. + The name of the type to load. + Flag set to true to throw an exception if the type cannot be loaded. + true to ignore the case of the type name; otherwise, false + The type loaded or null if it could not be loaded. + + + If the type name is fully qualified, i.e. if contains an assembly name in + the type name, the type will be loaded from the system using + . + + + If the type name is not fully qualified it will be loaded from the specified + assembly. If the type is not found in the assembly then all the loaded assemblies + will be searched for the type. + + + + + + Generate a new guid + + A new Guid + + + Generate a new guid + + + + + + Create an + + The name of the parameter that caused the exception + The value of the argument that causes this exception + The message that describes the error + the ArgumentOutOfRangeException object + + + Create a new instance of the class + with a specified error message, the parameter name, and the value + of the argument. + + + The Compact Framework does not support the 3 parameter constructor for the + type. This method provides an + implementation that works for all platforms. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Parse a string into an value + + the string to parse + out param where the parsed value is placed + true if the string was able to be parsed into an integer + + + Attempts to parse the string into an integer. If the string cannot + be parsed then this method returns false. The method does not throw an exception. + + + + + + Lookup an application setting + + the application settings key to lookup + the value for the key, or null + + + Configuration APIs are not supported under the Compact Framework + + + + + + Convert a path into a fully qualified local file path. + + The path to convert. + The fully qualified path. + + + Converts the path specified to a fully + qualified path. If the path is relative it is + taken as relative from the application base + directory. + + + The path specified must be a local file path, a URI is not supported. + + + + + + Creates a new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity. + + A new case-insensitive instance of the class with the default initial capacity + + + The new Hashtable instance uses the default load factor, the CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider, and the CaseInsensitiveComparer. + + + + + + Gets an empty array of types. + + + + The Type.EmptyTypes field is not available on + the .NET Compact Framework 1.0. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemInfo class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Cache the host name for the current machine + + + + + Cache the application friendly name + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + + Start time for the current process. + + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + The system dependent line terminator. + + + + Gets the system dependent line terminator. + + + + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + The base directory path for the current . + + + Gets the base directory for this . + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the configuration file for the current . + + The path to the configuration file for the current . + + + The .NET Compact Framework 1.0 does not have a concept of a configuration + file. For this runtime, we use the entry assembly location as the root for + the configuration file name. + + + The value returned may be either a local file path or a URI. + + + + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + The path to the entry assembly. + + + Gets the path to the file that first executed in the current . + + + + + + Gets the ID of the current thread. + + The ID of the current thread. + + + On the .NET framework, the AppDomain.GetCurrentThreadId method + is used to obtain the thread ID for the current thread. This is the + operating system ID for the thread. + + + On the .NET Compact Framework 1.0 it is not possible to get the + operating system thread ID for the current thread. The native method + GetCurrentThreadId is implemented inline in a header file + and cannot be called. + + + On the .NET Framework 2.0 the Thread.ManagedThreadId is used as this + gives a stable id unrelated to the operating system thread ID which may + change if the runtime is using fibers. + + + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The hostname or machine name + + + + Get the host name or machine name for the current machine + + + The host name () or + the machine name (Environment.MachineName) for + the current machine, or if neither of these are available + then NOT AVAILABLE is returned. + + + + + + Get this application's friendly name + + + The friendly name of this application as a string + + + + If available the name of the application is retrieved from + the AppDomain using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName. + + + Otherwise the file name of the entry assembly is used. + + + + + + Get the start time for the current process. + + + + This is the time at which the log4net library was loaded into the + AppDomain. Due to reports of a hang in the call to System.Diagnostics.Process.StartTime + this is not the start time for the current process. + + + The log4net library should be loaded by an application early during its + startup, therefore this start time should be a good approximation for + the actual start time. + + + Note that AppDomains may be loaded and unloaded within the + same process without the process terminating, however this start time + will be set per AppDomain. + + + + + + Text to output when a null is encountered. + + + + Use this value to indicate a null has been encountered while + outputting a string representation of an item. + + + The default value is (null). This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NullText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Text to output when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + + Use this value when an unsupported feature is requested. + + + The default value is NOT AVAILABLE. This value can be overridden by specifying + a value for the log4net.NotAvailableText appSetting in the application's + .config file. + + + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + + Utility class that represents a format string. + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Initialise the + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + + + Format the string and arguments + + the formatted string + + + + Replaces the format item in a specified with the text equivalent + of the value of a corresponding instance in a specified array. + A specified parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. + + An that supplies culture-specific formatting information. + A containing zero or more format items. + An array containing zero or more objects to format. + + A copy of format in which the format items have been replaced by the + equivalent of the corresponding instances of in args. + + + + This method does not throw exceptions. If an exception thrown while formatting the result the + exception and arguments are returned in the result string. + + + + + + Process an error during StringFormat + + + + + Dump the contents of an array into a string builder + + + + + Dump an object to a string + + + + + The fully qualified type of the SystemStringFormat class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Implementation of Properties collection for the + + + + Class implements a collection of properties that is specific to each thread. + The class is not synchronized as each thread has its own . + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Each thread will automatically have its instance. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Remove a property + + the key for the entry to remove + + + Remove a property + + + + + + Get the keys stored in the properties. + + + Gets the keys stored in the properties. + + a set of the defined keys + + + + Clear all properties + + + + Clear all properties + + + + + + Get the PropertiesDictionary for this thread. + + create the dictionary if it does not exist, otherwise return null if does not exist + the properties for this thread + + + The collection returned is only to be used on the calling thread. If the + caller needs to share the collection between different threads then the + caller must clone the collection before doing so. + + + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + The value for the property with the specified key + + + + Gets or sets the value of a property + + + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + + Implementation of Stack for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + The stack store. + + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + + + + Clears all the contextual information held in this stack. + Only call this if you think that this tread is being reused after + a previous call execution which may not have completed correctly. + You do not need to use this method if you always guarantee to call + the method of the + returned from even in exceptional circumstances, + for example by using the using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + syntax. + + + + + + Removes the top context from this stack. + + The message in the context that was removed from the top of this stack. + + + Remove the top context from this stack, and return + it to the caller. If this stack is empty then an + empty string (not ) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message into this stack. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up the context stack. + + + + Pushes a new context onto this stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up this stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("Stack_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an ThreadContext Stack message"); + } + + + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + The current context information. + + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + Gets the current context information + + + Gets the current context information for this stack. + + + + + + Get a portable version of this object + + the portable instance of this object + + + Get a cross thread portable version of this object + + + + + + The number of messages in the stack + + + The current number of messages in the stack + + + + The current number of messages in the stack. That is + the number of times has been called + minus the number of times has been called. + + + + + + Gets and sets the internal stack used by this + + The internal storage stack + + + This property is provided only to support backward compatability + of the . Tytpically the internal stack should not + be modified. + + + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + Inner class used to represent a single context frame in the stack. + + + + + + Constructor + + The message for this context. + The parent context in the chain. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class + with the specified message and parent context. + + + + + + Get the message. + + The message. + + + Get the message. + + + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + The full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + Gets the full text of the context down to the root level. + + + + + + Struct returned from the method. + + + + This struct implements the and is designed to be used + with the pattern to remove the stack frame at the end of the scope. + + + + + + The ThreadContextStack internal stack + + + + + The depth to trim the stack to when this instance is disposed + + + + + Constructor + + The internal stack used by the ThreadContextStack. + The depth to return the stack to when this object is disposed. + + + Initializes a new instance of the class with + the specified stack and return depth. + + + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + Returns the stack to the correct depth. + + + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + + Implementation of Stacks collection for the + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Internal constructor + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + + + The fully qualified type of the ThreadContextStacks class. + + + Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the + log message. + + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + The named stack + + + + Gets the named thread context stack + + + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + + Utility class for transforming strings. + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + Write a string to an + + the writer to write to + the string to write + The string to replace non XML compliant chars with + + + The test is escaped either using XML escape entities + or using CDATA sections. + + + + + + Replace invalid XML characters in text string + + the XML text input string + the string to use in place of invalid characters + A string that does not contain invalid XML characters. + + + Certain Unicode code points are not allowed in the XML InfoSet, for + details see: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets. + + + This method replaces any illegal characters in the input string + with the mask string specified. + + + + + + Count the number of times that the substring occurs in the text + + the text to search + the substring to find + the number of times the substring occurs in the text + + + The substring is assumed to be non repeating within itself. + + + + + + Characters illegal in XML 1.0 + + + + + Impersonate a Windows Account + + + + This impersonates a Windows account. + + + How the impersonation is done depends on the value of . + This allows the context to either impersonate a set of user credentials specified + using username, domain name and password or to revert to the process credentials. + + + + + + Default constructor + + + + Default constructor + + + + + + Initialize the SecurityContext based on the options set. + + + + This is part of the delayed object + activation scheme. The method must + be called on this object after the configuration properties have + been set. Until is called this + object is in an undefined state and must not be used. + + + If any of the configuration properties are modified then + must be called again. + + + The security context will try to Logon the specified user account and + capture a primary token for impersonation. + + + The required , + or properties were not specified. + + + + Impersonate the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + caller provided state + + An instance that will revoke the impersonation of this SecurityContext + + + + Depending on the property either + impersonate a user using credentials supplied or revert + to the process credentials. + + + + + + Create a given the userName, domainName and password. + + the user name + the domain name + the password + the for the account specified + + + Uses the Windows API call LogonUser to get a principal token for the account. This + token is used to initialize the WindowsIdentity. + + + + + + Gets or sets the impersonation mode for this security context + + + The impersonation mode for this security context + + + + Impersonate either a user with user credentials or + revert this thread to the credentials of the process. + The value is one of the + enum. + + + The default value is + + + When the mode is set to + the user's credentials are established using the + , and + values. + + + When the mode is set to + no other properties need to be set. If the calling thread is + impersonating then it will be reverted back to the process credentials. + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows username for this security context + + + The Windows username for this security context + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Gets or sets the Windows domain name for this security context + + + The Windows domain name for this security context + + + + The default value for is the local machine name + taken from the property. + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + Sets the password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + The password for the Windows account specified by the and properties. + + + + This property must be set if + is set to (the default setting). + + + + + + The impersonation modes for the + + + + See the property for + details. + + + + + + Impersonate a user using the credentials supplied + + + + + Revert this the thread to the credentials of the process + + + + + Adds to + + + + Helper class to expose the + through the interface. + + + + + + Constructor + + the impersonation context being wrapped + + + Constructor + + + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + Revert the impersonation + + + + + + The log4net Global Context. + + + + The GlobalContext provides a location for global debugging + information to be stored. + + + The global context has a properties map and these properties can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputing these properties. + + + By default the log4net:HostName property is set to the name of + the current machine. + + + + + GlobalContext.Properties["hostname"] = Environment.MachineName; + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + The global context properties instance + + + + + The global properties map. + + + The global properties map. + + + + The global properties map. + + + + + + Provides information about the environment the assembly has + been built for. + + + + Version of the assembly + + + Version of the framework targeted + + + Type of framework targeted + + + Does it target a client profile? + + + + Identifies the version and target for this assembly. + + + + + The log4net Logical Thread Context. + + + + The LogicalThreadContext provides a location for specific debugging + information to be stored. + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any or + properties with the same name. + + + The Logical Thread Context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Logical Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current call context. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Logical Thread Context is managed on a per basis. + + + The requires a link time + for the + . + If the calling code does not have this permission then this context will be disabled. + It will not store any property values set on it. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + LogicalThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(LogicalThreadContext.Stacks["LDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a LogicalThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The LogicalThreadContext properties override any + or properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The logical thread stacks. + + + + + + This class is used by client applications to request logger instances. + + + + This class has static methods that are used by a client to request + a logger instance. The method is + used to retrieve a logger. + + + See the interface for more details. + + + Simple example of logging messages + + ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("application-log"); + + log.Info("Application Start"); + log.Debug("This is a debug message"); + + if (log.IsDebugEnabled) + { + log.Debug("This is another debug message"); + } + + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the default repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns null. + + + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + The logger found, or null if no logger could be found. + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the specified repository) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger found, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + repository. + + + + + Returns the named logger if it exists. + + + + If the named logger exists (in the repository for the specified assembly) then it + returns a reference to the logger, otherwise it returns + null. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The fully qualified logger name to look for. + + The logger, or null if the logger doesn't exist in the specified + assembly's repository. + + + + Get the currently defined loggers. + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the default repository. + + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified repository. + + The repository to lookup in. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + + Returns all the currently defined loggers in the specified assembly's repository. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + The root logger is not included in the returned array. + + All the defined loggers. + + + Get or create a logger. + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieves a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The repository to lookup in. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Retrieves or creates a named logger. + + + + Retrieve a logger named as the + parameter. If the named logger already exists, then the + existing instance will be returned. Otherwise, a new instance is + created. + + + By default, loggers do not have a set level but inherit + it from the hierarchy. This is one of the central features of + log4net. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Get the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The repository to lookup in. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shorthand for . + + + Gets the logger for the fully qualified name of the type specified. + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + The full name of will be used as the name of the logger to retrieve. + The logger with the name specified. + + + + Shuts down the log4net system. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in all the + default repositories. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + Shutdown a logger repository. + + Shuts down the default repository. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + default repository. + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + + + + Shuts down the repository for the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The repository to shutdown. + + + + Shuts down the repository specified. + + + + Calling this method will safely close and remove all + appenders in all the loggers including root contained in the + repository. The repository is looked up using + the specified. + + + Some appenders need to be closed before the application exists. + Otherwise, pending logging events might be lost. + + + The shutdown method is careful to close nested + appenders before closing regular appenders. This is allows + configurations where a regular appender is attached to a logger + and again to a nested appender. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Reset the configuration of a repository + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Resets all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The repository to reset. + + + + Resets all values contained in this repository instance to their defaults. + + + + Reset all values contained in the repository instance to their + defaults. This removes all appenders from all loggers, sets + the level of all non-root loggers to null, + sets their additivity flag to true and sets the level + of the root logger to . Moreover, + message disabling is set to its default "off" value. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository to reset. + + + Get the logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Get a logger repository. + + Returns the default instance. + + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the callers assembly (). + + + The instance for the default repository. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The repository to lookup in. + + + + Returns the default instance. + + The default instance. + + + Gets the for the repository specified + by the argument. + + + The assembly to use to lookup the repository. + + + Create a domain + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + Create a logger repository. + + Creates a repository with the specified repository type. + + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to will return + the same repository instance. + + + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name. + + + + Creates the default type of which is a + object. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique amongst repositories. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository with the specified name and repository type. + + + + The name must be unique. Repositories cannot be redefined. + An will be thrown if the repository already exists. + + + The name of the repository, this must be unique to the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + The specified repository already exists. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + CreateDomain is obsolete. Use CreateRepository instead of CreateDomain. + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Creates a repository for the specified assembly and repository type. + + + + The created will be associated with the repository + specified such that a call to with the + same assembly specified will return the same repository instance. + + + The assembly to use to get the name of the repository. + A that implements + and has a no arg constructor. An instance of this type will be created to act + as the for the repository specified. + The created for the repository. + + + + Gets the list of currently defined repositories. + + + + Get an array of all the objects that have been created. + + + An array of all the known objects. + + + + Looks up the wrapper object for the logger specified. + + The logger to get the wrapper for. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + Looks up the wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + The loggers to get the wrappers for. + The wrapper objects for the loggers specified. + + + + Create the objects used by + this manager. + + The logger to wrap. + The wrapper for the logger specified. + + + + The wrapper map to use to hold the objects. + + + + + Implementation of Mapped Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + The MDC class is similar to the class except that it is + based on a map instead of a stack. It provides mapped + diagnostic contexts. A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or + MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The MDC is managed on a per thread basis. + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Gets the context value identified by the parameter. + + The key to lookup in the MDC. + The string value held for the key, or a null reference if no corresponding value is found. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + If the parameter does not look up to a + previously defined context then null will be returned. + + + + + + Add an entry to the MDC + + The key to store the value under. + The value to store. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Puts a context value (the parameter) as identified + with the parameter into the current thread's + context map. + + + If a value is already defined for the + specified then the value will be replaced. If the + is specified as null then the key value mapping will be removed. + + + + + + Removes the key value mapping for the key specified. + + The key to remove. + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove the specified entry from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Clear all entries in the MDC + + + + + The MDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current MDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Properties. + + + + Remove all the entries from this thread's MDC + + + + + + Implementation of Nested Diagnostic Contexts. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is an instrument + to distinguish interleaved log output from different sources. Log + output is typically interleaved when a server handles multiple + clients near-simultaneously. + + + Interleaved log output can still be meaningful if each log entry + from different contexts had a distinctive stamp. This is where NDCs + come into play. + + + Note that NDCs are managed on a per thread basis. The NDC class + is made up of static methods that operate on the context of the + calling thread. + + + How to push a message into the context + + using(NDC.Push("my context message")) + { + ... all log calls will have 'my context message' included ... + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically removed + + + + Nicko Cadell + Gert Driesen + + + + Initializes a new instance of the class. + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + Clears all the contextual information held on the current thread. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Clears the stack of NDC data held on the current thread. + + + + + + Creates a clone of the stack of context information. + + A clone of the context info for this thread. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The results of this method can be passed to the + method to allow child threads to inherit the context of their + parent thread. + + + + + + Inherits the contextual information from another thread. + + The context stack to inherit. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This thread will use the context information from the stack + supplied. This can be used to initialize child threads with + the same contextual information as their parent threads. These + contexts will NOT be shared. Any further contexts that + are pushed onto the stack will not be visible to the other. + Call to obtain a stack to pass to + this method. + + + + + + Removes the top context from the stack. + + + The message in the context that was removed from the top + of the stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Remove the top context from the stack, and return + it to the caller. If the stack is empty then an + empty string (not null) is returned. + + + + + + Pushes a new context message. + + The new context message. + + An that can be used to clean up + the context stack. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Pushes a new context onto the context stack. An + is returned that can be used to clean up the context stack. This + can be easily combined with the using keyword to scope the + context. + + + Simple example of using the Push method with the using keyword. + + using(log4net.NDC.Push("NDC_Message")) + { + log.Warn("This should have an NDC message"); + } + + + + + + Removes the context information for this thread. It is + not required to call this method. + + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + This method is not implemented. + + + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + + The maximum depth of the stack + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + Forces the stack depth to be at most . + This may truncate the head of the stack. This only affects the + stack in the current thread. Also it does not prevent it from + growing, it only sets the maximum depth at the time of the + call. This can be used to return to a known context depth. + + + + + + Gets the current context depth. + + The current context depth. + + + + The NDC is deprecated and has been replaced by the . + The current NDC implementation forwards to the ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"]. + + + + The number of context values pushed onto the context stack. + + + Used to record the current depth of the context. This can then + be restored using the method. + + + + + + + The log4net Thread Context. + + + + The ThreadContext provides a location for thread specific debugging + information to be stored. + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + The thread context has a properties map and a stack. + The properties and stack can + be included in the output of log messages. The + supports selecting and outputting these properties. + + + The Thread Context provides a diagnostic context for the current thread. + This is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log + output from different sources. Log output is typically interleaved + when a server handles multiple clients near-simultaneously. + + + The Thread Context is managed on a per thread basis. + + + Example of using the thread context properties to store a username. + + ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = userName; + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Property called 'user'"); + + + Example of how to push a message into the context stack + + using(ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push("my context message")) + { + log.Info("This log message has a ThreadContext Stack message that includes 'my context message'"); + + } // at the end of the using block the message is automatically popped + + + + Nicko Cadell + + + + Private Constructor. + + + + Uses a private access modifier to prevent instantiation of this class. + + + + + + The thread context properties instance + + + + + The thread context stacks instance + + + + + The thread properties map + + + The thread properties map + + + + The ThreadContext properties override any + properties with the same name. + + + + + + The thread stacks + + + stack map + + + + The thread local stacks. + + + + + diff --git a/artifacts.core/x86/libeay32.dll b/artifacts.core/x86/libeay32.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6359cc5 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/x86/libeay32.dll differ diff --git a/artifacts.core/x86/ssleay32.dll b/artifacts.core/x86/ssleay32.dll new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8b8611 Binary files /dev/null and b/artifacts.core/x86/ssleay32.dll differ diff --git a/build.core.cmd b/build.core.cmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..097a6d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/build.core.cmd @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +nuget restore + +nuget pack LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core\LetsEncrypt.SiteExtension.Core.csproj -Build \ No newline at end of file