Populate userslist
- Create a tableview and populate data from steps 2 and 3 inside tableviewcell using the below API. API - https://reqres.in/api/users?
- For an odd indexpath, display avatar in an imageview. For an even indexpath, concatenate 1st letter each of first name and last name, show these concatenated capital letters instead of avatar in a rounded view.
- Take 2 labels in a tableviewcell beside the avatar imageview. Concatenate first name and last name, display it in a 1st label. Display email id in a 2nd label just below 1st label.
- Ability to delete cells from tableview.
- On selecting any cell, push to the detail screen and display all the details from steps 2 and 3 in the center of the screen. Allow to edit first name and last name in the detail screen.
- Add a save button at the bottom of the detail screen. On clicking the save button, pop back to the 1st screen and reload the tableview with edited details using closure.