The latest untagged master branch can be obtained at
Tagged source code prior to release RX-Y are available via links at
Tagged source code releases from R2-0 onward can be obtained at
Tagged prebuilt binaries from R2-0 onward can be obtained at
The versions of EPICS base, asyn, and other synApps modules used for each release can be obtained from the EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PATHS.local, EXAMPLE_RELEASE_LIBS.local, and EXAMPLE_RELEASE_PRODS.local files respectively, in the configure/ directory of the appropriate release of the top-level areaDetector repository.
- Requires areaDetector and ADCore R3-3-2
- Update to aravis 0.5.13.
- This version of aravis supports USB3 cameras in addition to GigE cameras.
- aravisGigE now supports USB3 cameras as well, so the name is now a bit misleading. However, we don't plan to rename the driver or the repository.
- aravisCamera.cpp
- Fixes so that it only calls the GigE specific functions if it is a GigE camera, not a USB3 camera.
- Changed the logic for looking at differences between the set and readback values of float64 parameters.
- Previously it checked that the fabs(value - rbv) > 0.001. This was failing when the values were large and the relative difference was still small. Now it looks for fabs((value - rbv)/value) > 0.001, i.e. it looks for 0.1% relative difference. It protects against divide by 0.
- Improved documentation in README
- Added NDDriverVersion and ADSDKVersion to driver. ADSDKVersion is the aravis release. Both of these must be manually updated for new releases of the driver or aravis.
- aravisCamera.template
- Made ADDR=0 and TIMEOUT=1 be defaults
- Added info tags for autosave
- save/restore
- Added aravisCamera_settings.req for manual method of auto_settings.req files
- Added iocAravisGigE/auto_settings.req
- Updated edl files for all cameras
- Added src/ to read a GeniCAM XML file and create medm adl feature screens. It creates several reasonably sized screens, unlike the which creates one very large edm screen.
- medm and autoconverted edm, caQtDM, and CSS-Boy screens
- aravisTop.adl
- New top-level screen. It loads aravisCamera.adl passing normal P and R macros but also C macro which is the name of the camera. This allows aravisCamera.adl to load the camera-specific feature screens.
- aravisCamera.adl
- Removed PVs not supported by the aravis driver
- Added new PVs for ADCore 3-3.
- Added related display widgets for camera-specific features screens.
- Added related display widget for aravisMore.adl.
- aravisMore.adl
- New screen to for setup and statistics PVs
- aravisTop.adl
- Added op/Makefile to do autoconversions from adl to edl, opi, ui
- New autoconverted opi files with better medm file and better converters
- aravisGigEApp/src/Makefile
- Simplified; user just sets GLIB_INCLUDE in CONFIG_SITE file; removed GLIBPREFIX code and merged GLIB_INC1 and GLIB_INC2 into GLIB_INCLUDE, because we now use addprefix to add the -I.
- iocs/aravisGigEIOC/aravisGigEApp/src/Makefile
- Add additional libraries from glib when linking so it works with static builds
- Merge Michael Davidsaver's pull request?
- Test with Oryx camera
- First released version on github.
- Changes for compatibility with ADCore R2-2.
- Added support for PhotonFocus DR1
- Update to aravis 0.3.7
- Fix ROI size units to be binned pixels so it is consistent with ROI start