diff --git a/MasterVessel/doc/spec_JA.md b/MasterVessel/doc/spec_JA.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ccdfe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/MasterVessel/doc/spec_JA.md @@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@ + +[![Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/SmartDataModels_logo.png "Logo")](https://smartdatamodels.org) + エンティティマスターベッセル +============== + + [オープン・ライセンス](https://github.com/smart-data-models//dataModel.MarineTransport/blob/master/MasterVessel/LICENSE.md) + [文書は自動的に生成される](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTs-Ng5dIAwkg91oTTUdt8ua7woBXhPnwavZ0FxgR8BsAI_Ek3C5q97Nd94HS8KhP-r_quD4H0fgyt3/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000#slide=id.gb715ace035_0_60) + + + グローバルな記述:**データモデルは船舶に関する情報を提供することを意図している。各船舶の特性を表すことができる:静的情報と動的情報**。 + バージョン: 0.0.1 + + + + ## プロパティのリスト + + [*] 属性に型がない場合は、複数の型があるか、異なるフォーマット/パターンがある可能性があるためです。 +- `address[object]`: 郵送先住所 . Model: [https://schema.org/address](https://schema.org/address) - `addressCountry[string]`: 国。例えば、スペイン . Model: [https://schema.org/addressCountry](https://schema.org/addressCountry) + - `addressLocality[string]`: 番地がある地域と、その地域に含まれる地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressLocality](https://schema.org/addressLocality) + - `addressRegion[string]`: その地域がある地域、またその国がある地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/addressRegion](https://schema.org/addressRegion) + - `district[string]`: 地区とは行政区画の一種で、国によっては地方自治体によって管理されている。 + - `postOfficeBoxNumber[string]`: 私書箱の住所のための私書箱番号。例:03578 . Model: [https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber](https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber) + - `postalCode[string]`: 郵便番号。例:24004 . Model: [https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode](https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode) + - `streetAddress[string]`: 番地 . Model: [https://schema.org/streetAddress](https://schema.org/streetAddress) + - `streetNr[string]`: 公道上の特定の物件を特定する番号 +- `alternateName[string]`: この項目の別名 - `areaServed[string]`: サービスまたは提供品が提供される地理的地域 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `beam[number]`: 船幅 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `buildDate[date]`: ISO 8601 UTCフォーマットで表される本船の建造日 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `callSign[string]`: 無線で最初に接続する際の船舶の識別信号 [EMSWe: DE-065-05] [EDI: BGM-RFF] [S211: 呼出名/呼出符号] [IMO: IMO0136] 。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `dataProvider[string]`: ハーモナイズされたデータ・エンティティの提供者を識別する一連の文字。 - `dateCreated[date-time]`: エンティティの作成タイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられます。 - `dateModified[date-time]`: エンティティの最終変更のタイムスタンプ。これは通常、ストレージプラットフォームによって割り当てられる。 - `description[string]`: この商品の説明 - `dwt[number]`: 載貨重量トン数(DWT) . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `financialOwner[string]`: 本船の財務上の所有者 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `flagCode[string]`: 国際国旗コード (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2) . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `gt[number]`: 総トン数(GT) . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `id[*]`: エンティティの一意識別子 - `imo[number]`: 国際海事機関番号(グローバルな永久UID) [EMSWe: DE-003-03] [EDIFACT:TDT-8213] [IALA_S211:vesselId] [IMO:IMO0140] 。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `loa[number]`: 全長 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `location[*]`: アイテムへの Geojson 参照。Point、LineString、Polygon、MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon のいずれか。 - `manager[string]`: 通常船舶会社本船支配人 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `maxDraught[number]`: 本船の最大喫水 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `maxLoadVehicle[number]`: 船舶の最大車両輸送能力 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `maxPassenger[number]`: 旅客輸送船の最大定員 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `maxVehicle[number]`: 車両の最大許容寸法 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `minNumOfCrew[number]`: 本船を運航するための最低乗組員数 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `mmsi[number]`: 海上移動サービス識別番号(一時的に割り当てられたUIDで、そのオブジェクトの現在の旗国によって発行される)[EMSWe: DE-068-09] [EDIFACT:TDT-1131] [IALA_S211:vesselId] [IMO:IMO0178] 。 . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `name[string]`: このアイテムの名前 - `owner[array]`: 所有者の固有IDを参照するJSONエンコードされた文字列を含むリスト。 - `photo[uri]`: 船舶写真URL . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `seeAlso[*]`: アイテムに関する追加リソースを指すURIのリスト - `sleeve[number]`: スリーブ . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `source[string]`: エンティティ・データの元のソースを URL として示す一連の文字。ソース・プロバイダの完全修飾ドメイン名、またはソース・オブジェクトの URL を推奨する。 - `technicalManager[string]`: 本船テクニカルマネージャー . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `toBow[number]`: 船首までの寸法 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `toPort[number]`: 港までの寸法 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `toStardboard[number]`: 右舷寸法 . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `toStern[number]`: ディメンション・トゥ・スターン . Model: [http://schema.org/Number](http://schema.org/Number) - `type[string]`: NGSIエンティティタイプ。MasterVesselでなければならない。 - `vesselClass[string]`: 船級を表すコード。BD=ドライバルク、BO=オイルタンカー・ばら積み貨物船、BS=ばら積み貨物船荷揚げ、BY=その他のばら積み貨物船、FC=漁船、FO=移載・輸送船、GA=旅客を伴うRO-RO船、GC=特化しない一般貨物船、GD=一般貨物船、GE=ばら積み貨物船、GN=コンテナ船。RO-RO船(旅客付き); GC=Mrcia General without specialization; GD=Rest general cargo vessel; GE=Buq. transp. combined; GN=Container ship; GO=Ro-ro ship; GP=Passenger ship; GR=Refrigerator vessel; OO=Buq.化学品; TD=その他の液体バルク; TL=液化ガスの輸送; TO=石油タンカー; XD=浚渫船; XR=調査・探査船; XT=曳船・押船; XX=その他の船舶・ボート; UR=ファストパス; G=一般貨物; T=液体バルク運搬船(タンク); S=固体バルク運搬船; OB=その他の商船; UC=クルーズチケット; OC=公海漁船(冷凍船);' . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `vesselName[string]`: 船舶名[EMSWe: DE-003-07] [EDIFACT:TDT-8212] [IMO:IMO0142]. . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `vesselOwner[string]`: 船舶所有者 . Model: [https://schema.org/Text](https://schema.org/Text) - `vesselSubType[number]`: 列挙:'0=利用不可(デフォルト),1-19=将来の使用のために予約,20=ウィング・イン・グラウンド(WIG)、このタイプの全船,21=ウィング・イン・グラウンド(WIG)、危険カテゴリA,22=ウィング・イン・グラウンド(WIG)、危険カテゴリB,23=ウィングイングラウンド(WIG),危険カテゴリC,24=ウィングイングラウンド(WIG),危険カテゴリD,25-29=ウィングイングラウンド(WIG),将来の使用のために予約,30=釣り,31=曳航,32=曳航:長さが200mを超えるか、幅が25mを超える,33=浚渫または水中作業,34=潜水作業,35=軍事作業,36=帆走,37=プレジャークラフト,38-39=予約,40=高速船(HSC)、この種の全ての船舶,41=高速船(HSC)、危険分類A,42=高速船(HSC)、危険分類B,43=高速船(HSC)、危険分類C、44=高速船(HSC)、危険カテゴリD,45-48=高速船(HSC)、将来の使用のために予約,49=高速船(HSC)、追加情報なし,50=パイロット船,51=捜索救助船,52=タグ,53=港湾用テンダー,54=汚染防止装置,55=法執行,56-57=予備-地方船,58=医療輸送,59=RR決議No.18,60=Passenger, all ships of this type,61=Passenger, Hazardous category A,62=Passenger, Hazardous category B,63=Passenger, Hazardous category C,64=Passenger, Hazardous category D,65-68=Passenger, reserved for future use,69=Passenger, No additional information、70=貨物、この種の全ての船舶,71=貨物、危険なカテゴリーA,72=貨物、危険なカテゴリーB,73=貨物、危険なカテゴリーC,74=貨物、危険なカテゴリーD,75-78=貨物、将来の使用のために予約,79=貨物、追加情報なし,80=タンカー、この型の全船,81=タンカー,危険等級A,82=タンカー,危険等級B,83=タンカー,危険等級C,84=タンカー,危険等級D,85-88=タンカー,今後の使用のため予約,89=タンカー,追加情報なし,90=その他の型、91=その他型、危険分類A,92=その他型、危険分類B,93=その他型、危険分類C,94=その他型、危険分類D,95-98=その他型、今後の使用予約,99=その他型、追加情報なし」。容器サブタイプのコード . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) - `vesselType[number]`: Enum:'1=Reserved,2=Wing In Ground,3=Special Category,4=High-Speed Craft,5=Special Category,6=Passenger,7=Cargo,8=Tanker,9=Other'.船種コード . Model: [https://schema.org/Number](https://schema.org/Number) + + 必須プロパティ +- `id` - `type` + + + + ## プロパティのデータモデル記述 + アルファベット順(クリックで詳細表示) + + +
full yaml details + ```yaml +MasterVessel: + description: 'The data model is intended to provide information about vessels. It allows to represent the properties of each vessel: static and dynamic information' + properties: + address: + description: The mailing address + properties: + addressCountry: + description: 'The country. For example, Spain' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressCountry + type: Property + addressLocality: + description: 'The locality in which the street address is, and which is in the region' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressLocality + type: Property + addressRegion: + description: 'The region in which the locality is, and which is in the country' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/addressRegion + type: Property + district: + description: 'A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government' + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + postOfficeBoxNumber: + description: 'The post office box number for PO box addresses. For example, 03578' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/postOfficeBoxNumber + type: Property + postalCode: + description: 'The postal code. For example, 24004' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/https://schema.org/postalCode + type: Property + streetAddress: + description: The street address + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/streetAddress + type: Property + streetNr: + description: Number identifying a specific property on a public street + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + type: object + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/address + type: Property + alternateName: + description: An alternative name for this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + areaServed: + description: The geographic area where a service or offered item is provided + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + beam: + description: Beam of the Vessel + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + buildDate: + description: Date of building of the vessel represented by an ISO 8601 UTC format + format: date + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + callSign: + description: 'Identification signal of a vessel when initially connecting by radio [EMSWe: DE-065-05] [EDI: BGM-RFF] [S211: Call Name / Call Sign] [IMO: IMO0136] ' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + dataProvider: + description: A sequence of characters identifying the provider of the harmonised data entity + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dateCreated: + description: Entity creation timestamp. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dateModified: + description: Timestamp of the last modification of the entity. This will usually be allocated by the storage platform + format: date-time + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: + description: A description of this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + dwt: + description: Dead weight Tonnage (DWT) + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: tons + financialOwner: + description: Financial Owner of the vessel + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + flagCode: + description: International Flag Code (ISO 3166-1 alfa-2) + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + gt: + description: Gross Tonnage (GT) + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: moorson tons + id: + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Relationship + imo: + description: 'International Maritime Organization Number (a global forever UID) [EMSWe: DE-003-03] [EDIFACT:TDT-8213] [IALA_S211:vesselId] [IMO:IMO0140] ' + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + loa: + description: Length Over All of Vessel + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + location: + description: 'Geojson reference to the item. It can be Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString or MultiPolygon' + oneOf: + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Point + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: + enum: + - Point + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON Point + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. LineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: + enum: + - LineString + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON LineString + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. Polygon + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 4 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - Polygon + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON Polygon + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiPoint + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiPoint + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiPoint + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 2 + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiLineString + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiLineString + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + - description: Geojson reference to the item. MultiLineString + properties: + bbox: + items: + type: number + minItems: 4 + type: array + coordinates: + items: + items: + items: + items: + type: number + minItems: 2 + type: array + minItems: 4 + type: array + type: array + type: array + type: + enum: + - MultiPolygon + type: string + required: + - type + - coordinates + title: GeoJSON MultiPolygon + type: object + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + x-ngsi: + type: GeoProperty + manager: + description: 'Manager of the Vessel, usually Ship Company' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + maxDraught: + description: Maximum Draught of the vessel + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + maxLoadVehicle: + description: Max capacity of vessel to transport vehicles + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + maxPassenger: + description: Max capacity of vessel to transport passengers + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + maxVehicle: + description: Max dimensions of vehicle permitted + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + minNumOfCrew: + description: Minimum number of crew to operate the vessel + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + mmsi: + description: 'Marine Mobile Service Identity Number (a temporarily assigned UID, issued by that object''s current flag state)[EMSWe: DE-068-09] [EDIFACT:TDT-1131] [IALA_S211:vesselId] [IMO:IMO0178]' + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + name: + description: The name of this item + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + owner: + description: A List containing a JSON encoded sequence of characters referencing the unique Ids of the owner(s) + items: + anyOf: + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + maxLength: 256 + minLength: 1 + pattern: ^[\w\-\.\{\}\$\+\*\[\]`|~^@!,:\\]+$ + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + - description: Identifier format of any NGSI entity + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + description: Unique identifier of the entity + x-ngsi: + type: Relationship + type: array + x-ngsi: + type: Property + photo: + description: Vessel Photo URL + format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + seeAlso: + description: list of uri pointing to additional resources about the item + oneOf: + - items: + format: uri + type: string + minItems: 1 + type: array + - format: uri + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + sleeve: + description: Sleeve of Vessel + minimum: 0 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + source: + description: 'A sequence of characters giving the original source of the entity data as a URL. Recommended to be the fully qualified domain name of the source provider, or the URL to the source object' + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + technicalManager: + description: Technical Manager of the vessel + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + toBow: + description: Dimension to Bow + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + toPort: + description: Dimension to Port + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + toStardboard: + description: Dimension to Starboard + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + toStern: + description: Dimension to Stern + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: http://schema.org/Number + type: Property + units: meters + type: + description: NGSI Entity type. It has to be MasterVessel + enum: + - MasterVessel + type: string + x-ngsi: + type: Property + vesselClass: + description: 'Code for vessel class. Enum:''BD=Dry bulk; BO=Oil tanker / bulk carrier; BS=Bulk carrier unloading; BY=Other types of bulk carriers; FC=Fishing vessel; FO=Vessel. transfer and/or transp.; GA=Vessel. RO-RO with passengers; GC=Mrcia general without specialization; GD=Rest general cargo vessels; GE=Buq. transp. combined; GN=Container ship; GO=Ro-ro vessel; GP=Passenger ship; GR=Refrigerator vessel; OO=Buq. or artefact. float be; OS=Supply ships; TC=Transport product. chemicals; TD=Other liquid bulk; TL=Transportation of liquefied gas; TO=Oil tanker; XD=Dredges; XR=Research and exploration; XT=Tugs / pushers; XX=Other ships and boats; UR=Fast Pass; G=General Cargo; T=Liquid Bulk Carriers (Tanks); S=Solid Bulk Carriers; OB=Other Merchant Vessels; UC=Cruise Ticket; OC=High Sea Fishing Vessels (Freezers);''' + enum: + - BD + - BO + - BS + - BY + - FC + - FO + - GA + - GC + - GD + - GE + - GN + - GO + - GP + - GR + - OO + - OS + - TC + - TD + - TL + - TO + - XD + - XR + - XT + - XX + - UR + - G + - T + - S + - OB + - UC + - OC + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + vesselName: + description: 'Name of the Vessel. [EMSWe: DE-003-07] [EDIFACT:TDT-8212] [IMO:IMO0142]' + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + vesselOwner: + description: Owner of the Vessel + type: string + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Text + type: Property + vesselSubType: + description: 'Enum:''0=Not available (default),1-19=Reserved for future use,20=Wing in ground (WIG), all ships of this type,21=Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category A,22=Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category B,23=Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category C,24=Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category D,25-29=Wing in ground (WIG), Reserved for future use,30=Fishing,31=Towing,32=Towing: length exceeds 200m or breadth exceeds 25m,33=Dredging or underwater ops,34=Diving ops,35=Military ops,36=Sailing,37=Pleasure Craft,38-39=Reserved,40=High speed craft (HSC), all ships of this type,41=High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category A,42=High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category B,43=High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category C,44=High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category D,45-48=High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use,49=High speed craft (HSC), No additional information,50=Pilot Vessel,51=Search and Rescue vessel,52=Tug,53=Port Tender,54=Anti-pollution equipment,55=Law Enforcement,56-57=Spare - Local Vessel,58=Medical Transport,59=Noncombatant ship according to RR Resolution No. 18,60=Passenger, all ships of this type,61=Passenger, Hazardous category A,62=Passenger, Hazardous category B,63=Passenger, Hazardous category C,64=Passenger, Hazardous category D,65-68=Passenger, Reserved for future use,69=Passenger, No additional information,70=Cargo, all ships of this type,71=Cargo, Hazardous category A,72=Cargo, Hazardous category B,73=Cargo, Hazardous category C,74=Cargo, Hazardous category D,75-78=Cargo, Reserved for future use,79=Cargo, No additional information,80=Tanker, all ships of this type,81=Tanker, Hazardous category A,82=Tanker, Hazardous category B,83=Tanker, Hazardous category C,84=Tanker, Hazardous category D,85-88=Tanker, Reserved for future use,89=Tanker, No additional information,90=Other Type, all ships of this type,91=Other Type, Hazardous category A,92=Other Type, Hazardous category B,93=Other Type, Hazardous category C,94=Other Type, Hazardous category D,95-98=Other Type, Reserved for future use,99=Other Type, no additional information''. Code for vessel Sub-Type' + enum: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + - 10 + - 11 + - 12 + - 13 + - 14 + - 15 + - 16 + - 17 + - 18 + - 19 + - 20 + - 21 + - 22 + - 23 + - 24 + - 25 + - 26 + - 27 + - 28 + - 29 + - 30 + - 31 + - 32 + - 33 + - 34 + - 35 + - 36 + - 37 + - 38 + - 39 + - 40 + - 41 + - 42 + - 43 + - 44 + - 45 + - 46 + - 47 + - 48 + - 49 + - 50 + - 51 + - 52 + - 53 + - 54 + - 55 + - 56 + - 57 + - 58 + - 59 + - 60 + - 61 + - 62 + - 63 + - 64 + - 65 + - 66 + - 67 + - 68 + - 69 + - 70 + - 71 + - 72 + - 73 + - 74 + - 75 + - 76 + - 77 + - 78 + - 79 + - 80 + - 81 + - 82 + - 83 + - 84 + - 85 + - 86 + - 87 + - 88 + - 89 + - 90 + - 91 + - 92 + - 93 + - 94 + - 95 + - 96 + - 97 + - 98 + - 99 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + vesselType: + description: 'Enum:''1=Reserved,2=Wing In Ground,3=Special Category,4=High-Speed Craft,5=Special Category,6=Passenger,7=Cargo,8=Tanker,9=Other''. Code for vessel type' + enum: + - 1 + - 2 + - 3 + - 4 + - 5 + - 6 + - 7 + - 8 + - 9 + type: number + x-ngsi: + model: https://schema.org/Number + type: Property + required: + - id + - type + type: object + x-derived-from: "" + x-disclaimer: 'Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the license conditions are met. Copyleft (c) 2024 Contributors to Smart Data Models Program' + x-license-url: https://github.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.MarineTransport/blob/master/MasterVessel/LICENSE.md + x-model-schema: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.MarineTransport/master/MasterVessel/schema.json + x-model-tags: ESHUV + x-version: 0.0.1 +``` +
+ + + + + ## ペイロードの例 + #### MasterVessel NGSI-v2 キー値の例 + JSON-LD形式のMasterVesselのkey-valuesの例です。これはNGSI-v2と互換性があり、`options=keyValues`を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返す。 +
show/hide example + ```json + { + "id": "urn:mrn:eshuv:portcalls:mastervessel:id:1234", + "type": "MasterVessel", + "vesselName": "ELEANOR R.", + "imo": 9863637, + "mmsi": 210049000, + "callSign": "5BPC3", + "flagCode": "CY", + "vesselType": 1, + "vesselSubType": 2, + "vesselClass": "BO", + "gt": 12467, + "beam": 7, + "loa": 132.22, + "sleeve": 25.51, + "maxDraught": 5.61, + "dwt": 8.10, + "buildDate": "2023-06-01", + "toBow": 3, + "toStern": 20, + "toPort": 17, + "toStardboard": 4, + "photo": "https://acme.com/photos/9863637", + "owner": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:Acme-OWNER-NAME" + ], + "vesselOwner": "Acme OWNER NAME", + "manager": "Acme MANAGER NAME", + "financialOwner": "Acme FINANCIAL ", + "technicalManager": "Acme TECHNICAL MANAGER", + "dataProvider": "AIS", + "maxLoadVehicle": 120, + "maxPassenger": 0, + "maxVehicle": 16, + "minNumOfCrew": 12 +} +``` +
+ #### MasterVessel NGSI-v2 正規化例 + 以下は正規化されたJSON-LDフォーマットのMasterVesselの例です。これはNGSI-v2と互換性があり、オプションを使用しない場合、個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返します。 +
show/hide example + ```json + { + "id": "urn:mrn:eshuv:portcalls:mastervessel:id:1234", + "type": "MasterVessel", + "vesselName": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "ELEANOR R." + }, + "imo": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 9863637 + }, + "mmsi": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 210049000 + }, + "callSign": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "5BPC3" + }, + "flagCode": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "CY" + }, + "vesselType": { + "type": "Boolean", + "value": true + }, + "vesselSubType": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 2 + }, + "vesselClass": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "BO" + }, + "gt": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 12467 + }, + "beam": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 7 + }, + "loa": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 132.22 + }, + "sleeve": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 25.51 + }, + "maxDraught": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 5.61 + }, + "dwt": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 8.1 + }, + "buildDate": { + "type": "Date-Time", + "value": "2023-06-01" + }, + "toBow": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 3 + }, + "toStern": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 20 + }, + "toPort": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 17 + }, + "toStardboard": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 4 + }, + "photo": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "https://acme.com/photos/9863637" + }, + "owner": { + "type": "array", + "value": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:Acme-OWNER-NAME" + ] + }, + "vesselOwner": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "Acme OWNER NAME" + }, + "manager": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "Acme MANAGER NAME" + }, + "financialOwner": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "Acme FINANCIAL " + }, + "technicalManager": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "Acme TECHNICAL MANAGER" + }, + "dataProvider": { + "type": "Text", + "value": "AIS" + }, + "maxLoadVehicle": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 120 + }, + "maxPassenger": { + "type": "Boolean", + "value": false + }, + "maxVehicle": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 16 + }, + "minNumOfCrew": { + "type": "Number", + "value": 12 + } +} +``` +
+ #### MasterVessel NGSI-LD キー値の例 + JSON-LD形式のMasterVesselのkey-valuesの例です。これはNGSI-LDと互換性があり、`options=keyValues`を使用すると個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返す。 +
show/hide example + ```json + { + "id": "urn:mrn:eshuv:portcalls:mastervessel:id:1234", + "type": "MasterVessel", + "vesselName": "ELEANOR R.", + "imo": 9863637, + "mmsi": 210049000, + "callSign": "5BPC3", + "flagCode": "CY", + "vesselType": 1, + "vesselSubType": 2, + "vesselClass": "BO", + "gt": 12467, + "beam": 7, + "loa": 132.22, + "sleeve": 25.51, + "maxDraught": 5.61, + "dwt": 8.10, + "buildDate": "2023-06-01", + "toBow": 3, + "toStern": 20, + "toPort": 17, + "toStardboard": 4, + "photo": "https://acme.com/photos/9863637", + "owner": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:Acme-OWNER-NAME" + ], + "vesselOwner": "Acme OWNER NAME", + "manager": "Acme MANAGER NAME", + "financialOwner": "Acme FINANCIAL ", + "technicalManager": "Acme TECHNICAL MANAGER", + "dataProvider": "AIS", + "maxLoadVehicle": 120, + "maxPassenger": 0, + "maxVehicle": 16, + "minNumOfCrew": 12, + "@context": [ + "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smart-data-models/dataModel.Ports/refs/heads/master/context.jsonld" + ] +} +``` +
+ #### マスターベッセル NGSI-LD 正規化例 + 正規化されたJSON-LDフォーマットのMasterVesselの例です。これはオプションを使用しない場合のNGSI-LDと互換性があり、個々のエンティティのコンテキストデータを返します。 +
show/hide example + ```json + { + "id": "urn:mrn:eshuv:portcalls:mastervessel:id:1234", + "type": "MasterVessel", + "vesselName": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "ELEANOR R." + }, + "imo": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 9863637 + }, + "mmsi": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 210049000 + }, + "callSign": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "5BPC3" + }, + "flagCode": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "CY" + }, + "vesselType": { + "type": "Property", + "value": true + }, + "vesselSubType": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 2 + }, + "vesselClass": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "BO" + }, + "gt": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 12467 + }, + "beam": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 7 + }, + "loa": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 132.22 + }, + "sleeve": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 25.51 + }, + "maxDraught": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 5.61 + }, + "dwt": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 8.1 + }, + "buildDate": { + "type": "Property", + "value": { + "@type": "date-time", + "value": "2023-06-01" + } + }, + "toBow": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 3 + }, + "toStern": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 20 + }, + "toPort": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 17 + }, + "toStardboard": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 4 + }, + "photo": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "https://acme.com/photos/9863637" + }, + "owner": { + "type": "Property", + "value": [ + "urn:ngsi-ld:Acme-OWNER-NAME" + ] + }, + "vesselOwner": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "Acme OWNER NAME" + }, + "manager": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "Acme MANAGER NAME" + }, + "financialOwner": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "Acme FINANCIAL " + }, + "technicalManager": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "Acme TECHNICAL MANAGER" + }, + "dataProvider": { + "type": "Property", + "value": "AIS" + }, + "maxLoadVehicle": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 120 + }, + "maxPassenger": { + "type": "Property", + "value": false + }, + "maxVehicle": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 16 + }, + "minNumOfCrew": { + "type": "Property", + "value": 12 + } +} +``` +
+ + 各フィールドの規格識別に合意することが保留されている。SO3166-1-国コードとその下位区分のコードに関する国際標準。- RFC 2141 - URN Syntax (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2141.txt) - RFC 8141 - Uniform Resource Names (URN) (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8141) - IALAs MRN Request (https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-formal/mrn) + ::= "urn" ":" "mrn" ":" ":" ":" ::= (alphanum) 0*32(alphanum / "-") (alphanum) ;組織ID (すなわち. ::= (alphanum) 0*32(alphanum / "-") (alphanum) ;組織固有の名前空間ID (ポートコールなど) ::= pchar *(pchar / "/") ;組織固有の名前空間文字列 (モジュール名やマイクロサービス名など). ::= その名前空間上の一意な識別子 (すなわち、エンティティ名の後にSQLデータベースの行IDが続く) +例:"urn:mrn:eshuv:portcalls:portcall:id:343" + + + マグニチュード単位の扱い方については、[FAQ 10](https://smartdatamodels.org/index.php/faqs/)を参照のこと。 + + +--- + [Smart Data Models](https://smartdatamodels.org) +++ [Contribution Manual](https://bit.ly/contribution_manual) +++ [About](https://bit.ly/Introduction_SDM)