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Publisher gRPC Documentation

Table of Contents

Download Protocol Buffer File

To use the gRPC functions, download the protocol buffer file from the proto directory corresponding to the desired version.

Version 1

curl -O -L


Install Dependencies

If you're using Python, install the necessary dependencies from requirements.txt. For other languages, see Supported languages.


It's recommended to set up a virtual environment to isolate your project's dependencies.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Compile gRPC for Python

If you're using Python, compile the gRPC files with protoc to generate the necessary Python files. For other languages, see Supported languages.

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I protos/v1 --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. protos/v1/publisher.proto

Starting the Server

Quick Start (for Development Only):

GRPC_PORT=6000 \



Get Authorization URL

This method generates an OAuth2 authorization URL that the client can use to start the OAuth2 flow.


Supported Platforms

Platform Name Shortcode Service Type Protocol PKCE
Gmail g Email OAuth2 Optional
Twitter t Text OAuth2 Required


request GetOAuth2AuthorizationUrlRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
platform string The platform identifier for which the authorization URL is generated. (e.g., "gmail").

Optional fields:

Field Type Description
state string An opaque value used to maintain state between the request and the callback.
code_verifier string A cryptographic random string used in the PKCE flow.
autogenerate_code_verifier bool If true, a code verifier will be auto-generated if not provided.

Optional fields:

Field Type Description
redirect_url string The redirect URL for the OAuth2 application.


response GetOAuth2AuthorizationUrlResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
authorization_url string The generated authorization URL.
state string The state parameter sent in the request, if provided.
code_verifier string The code verifier used in the PKCE flow, if provided/generated.
message string A response message from the server.
scope string The scope of the authorization request, as a comma-separated string.
client_id string The client ID for the OAuth2 application.
redirect_url string The redirect URL for the OAuth2 application.


method GetOAuth2AuthorizationUrl


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/GetOAuth2AuthorizationUrl <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "platform": "gmail",
  "state": "",
  "code_verifier": "",
  "autogenerate_code_verifier": true

Sample response

  "authorization_url": "",
  "state": "xyz",
  "code_verifier": "abcdef",
  "client_id": "your_client_id",
  "scope": "openid,",
  "redirect_url": "",
  "message": "Successfully generated authorization url"

Exchange OAuth2 Code and Store Token in Vault

This method exchanges an OAuth2 authorization code for access and refresh tokens, and fetches the user's profile information, and securely stores the tokens in the vault.


Ensure you have generated your authorization URL before using this function. Use the following recommended parameters:

  • scope:
    • openid
  • access_type: offline
  • prompt: consent

A well-generated Gmail authorization URL will look something like this:

Ensure to replace your_application_client_id and your_application_redirect_uri with your actual client ID and redirect URI.

  • scope:
    • tweet.write
    • offline.access
  • code_challenge: generated code challenge
  • code_challenge_method: S256

A well-generated Gmail authorization URL will look something like this:

Ensure to replace your_application_client_id and your_application_redirect_uri with your actual client ID and redirect URI. Replace code_challenge with the generated code challenge, or utilize the autogenerate_code_verifier field in the publisher's Get Authorization URL function to assist in generating it.


  • You can use the publisher's Get Authorization URL function to help generate the URL for you, or utilize other tools that can construct the URL.
  • The URL parameters should be Base64URL encoded. You can easily encode your parameters using Base64URL Encoder.


request ExchangeOAuth2CodeAndStoreRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
long_lived_token string Long-lived token for authentication.
platform string Platform identifier for which the code is exchanged.
authorization_code string OAuth2 authorization code received from the provider.

Optional fields:

Field Type Description
code_verifier string A cryptographic random string used in the PKCE flow.
redirect_url string The redirect URL for the OAuth2 application.


response ExchangeOAuth2CodeAndStoreResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
success bool Indicates if the operation was successful.
message string A response message from the server.


method ExchangeOAuth2CodeAndStore


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/ExchangeOAuth2CodeAndStore <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "long_lived_token": "long_lived_token",
  "platform": "gmail",
  "authorization_code": "auth_code",
  "code_verifier": "abcdef"

Sample response

  "message": "Successfully fetched and stored tokens.",
  "success": true

Revoke And Delete OAuth2 Token

This method handles revoking and deleting an OAuth2 token from the vault.


request RevokeAndDeleteOAuth2TokenRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
long_lived_token string Long-lived token for authentication.
platform string Platform identifier for which the token should be revoked.
account_identifier string The identifier of the account associated with the token.


response RevokeAndDeleteOAuth2TokenResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
message string A response message from the server.
success bool Indicates if the operation was successful.


method RevokeAndDeleteOAuth2Token


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/RevokeAndDeleteOAuth2Token <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "long_lived_token": "long_lived_token",
  "platform": "gmail",
  "account_identifier": "[email protected]"

Sample response

  "message": "Successfully deleted token",
  "success": true

Phone Number-Based Authentication (PNBA)

Get PNBA Code

This method sends a one-time passcode (OTP) to the user's phone number for authentication.


request GetPNBACodeRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
phone_number string The phone number to which the OTP is sent.
platform string The platform identifier for which the authorization code is generated. (e.g., "telegram").


response GetPNBACodeResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
message string A response message from the server.
success bool Indicates if the operation was successful.


method GetPNBACode


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/GetPNBACode <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "phone_number": "+1234567890",
  "platform": "telegram"

Sample response

  "message": "Successfully sent authorization to your telegram app.",
  "success": true

Exchange PNBA Code and Store Token

This method exchanges the one-time passcode (OTP) for an access token and stores it securely in the vault.


request ExchangePNBACodeAndStoreRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
long_lived_token string Long-lived token for authentication.
platform string Platform identifier for which the OTP is exchanged.
phone_number string The phone number to which the OTP was sent.
authorization_code string PNBA authorization code received from the provider.

Optional fields:

Field Type Description
password string The password for two-step verification.


response ExchangePNBACodeAndStoreResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
message string A response message from the server.
two_step_verification_enabled bool Indicates if two step verification is enabled.
success bool Indicates if the operation was successful.


method ExchangePNBACodeAndStore


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/ExchangePNBACodeAndStore <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "authorization_code": "auth_code",
  "long_lived_token": "long_lived_token",
  "password": "",
  "phone_number": "+1234567890",
  "platform": "telegram"

Sample response

  "success": true,
  "two_step_verification_enabled": false,
  "message": "Successfully fetched and stored token"

Revoke And Delete PNBA Token

This method handles revoking and deleting an PNBA token from the vault.


request RevokeAndDeletePNBATokenRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
long_lived_token string Long-lived token for authentication.
platform string Platform identifier for which the token should be revoked.
account_identifier string The identifier of the account associated with the token.


response RevokeAndDeletePNBATokenResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
message string A response message from the server.
success bool Indicates if the operation was successful.


method RevokeAndDeletePNBAToken


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/RevokeAndDeletePNBAToken <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "long_lived_token": "long_lived_token",
  "platform": "telegram",
  "account_identifier": "+1234567890"

Sample response

  "message": "Successfully deleted token",
  "success": true

Publish Content

This method handles publishing a relaysms payload.


request PublishContentRequest


The table lists only the required fields for this step. Other fields will be ignored.

Field Type Description
content string The content payload to be published.
metadata map<string, string> Metadata about the content.


response PublishContentResponse


The table lists only the fields that are populated for this step. Other fields may be empty, omitted, or false.

Field Type Description
message string A response message from the server.
publisher_response string The encrypted response from the publisher, if any.
success bool Indicates if the operation was successful.


method PublishContent


The examples below use grpcurl.

Sample request

grpcurl -plaintext \
    -d @ \
    -proto protos/v1/publisher.proto \
localhost:6000 publisher.v1.Publisher/PublishContent <payload.json

Sample payload.json

  "content": "encoded_relay_sms_payload",
  "metadata": {
    "From": "+1234567890"

Sample response

  "message": "Successfully published Gmail message",
  "publisher_response": "encrypted_response_payload",
  "success": true