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Conferences & Journals

Pooyan Jamshidi edited this page Feb 16, 2024 · 10 revisions


Here is a list of conferences that we typically submit:

Software Engineering:

  1. ICSE (Late August)
  2. ESEC/FSE (Early March)
  3. ASE (Late April)
  4. SEAMS (Mid January)


  1. NSDI (Late May, Late Sept)
  2. SysML (Late Sept)
  3. ASPLOS (Late August)
  4. EuroSys (Early Oct)
  5. PODC (Mid February)
  6. OSDI (Late April)
  7. ATC (Early Jan)
  8. DSN (Late Nov)
  9. SoCC (Mid May)
  10. DEBS (Early Feb)
  11. ISCA (Early December)
  12. APSys (Workshop, Early June)
  13. APOCS (SIAM Symposium on Algorithmic Principles of Computer Systems)

Systems Journals:


  1. ICPE (Mid October)


  1. NeurIPS (Mid May)
  2. ICML (early February)
  3. ICLR (Late September)
  4. AAAI (Late August)


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