Name | Uses |
at-rule | @keyframes, @media, @import etc |
boolean | true, false (not string literal) |
function | calc(), var(), attr(), linear-gradient() etc |
property | width, height, font-size, font-weight, padding, margin, margin-left etc. |
pseudo | :root, :nth-oftype, :after, :before, :not etc |
selector | custom class names, id names |
selector-native | (ul, li, nav, header, h1, h2, h3, span, img, pre, code, meta, title etc) |
unit | unit of measure, time, speed etc |
url | the value of an href or src tag |
variable | custom variables: --background-color: etc |
value | the value of a CSS property, provided it's not anything listed above |
comment | a CSS comment |
Source Code:
<pre class="ft-syntax-highlight" data-syntax="css" data-syntax-theme="bootstrap" data-showTooltips="true">
<span class="selector-native">pre</span> [<span class="selector">class</span>*="<span class="value">ft-syntax-highlight</span>"] {
<span class="property">color</span>: <span class="function">rgba</span>(<span class="unit">240</span>,<span class="unit">240</span>,<span class="unit">240</span>, <span class="unit">0.3</span>);
<span class="selector-native">pre</span>.<span class="selector">ft-syntax-highlight</span> <span class="selector-native">code</span> <span class="selector-native">span</span>.<span class="selector">newline</span><span class="pseudo">:nth-of-type</span>(<span class="unit">1n+11</span>)<span class="pseudo">:before</span> {
<span class="comment">/* this effects any line numbers starting at 10 */</span>
<span class="property">position</span>: <span class="value">relative</span>;
<span class="property">right</span>: <span class="unit">28px</span>;