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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected ',' or ']' while parsing a flow sequence at line 3 column 1

# Writing Simple



Writing Simple Haskell

What we're going to do

TODO - Requirements

We want to be able to:

  • Add a new todo item
  • Display all items
  • Mark an item as done

But first, let's greet the user.


-- Hello.hs
module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello user!"
$ runghc Hello.hs
Hello user!


module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello user!"
  • :: means "type of"
  • = means equality (the two sides are interchangeable).
  • The type of putStrLn is String -> IO ()
  • The type of main is IO ().


module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello user!"
  • The type IO a means This is a description of a subroutine which when run, may perform IO actions and in the end will return a value of type a
  • main is the name of the entry point of the program.
  • The Haskell runtime will look for main and will run it.

What is your name?

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
  name <- getLine
  let out = "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
  putStrLn out
$ runghc Hello.hs
"Hello! What is your name?"
"Nice to meet you, suppi!

What is your name?

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
  name <- getLine
  let out = "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
  putStrLn out
  • Haskell is indentation sensitive
  • Code which is part of some expression should be indented further in than the beginning of that expression

What is your name?

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
  name <- getLine
  let out = "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
  putStrLn out
  • do is a special syntax that lets us sequence IO actions
  • the type of getLine is IO String
  • IO String means This is a description of a subroutine which when run, may perform IO operations and in the end will return a value of type String
  • getLine produces a String by taking a line from the standard input

What is your name?

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
  name <- getLine
  let out = "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
  putStrLn out
  • The type of getLine is IO String
  • The type of name is String
  • <- is special syntax that can only appear in do notation.
  • <- means run the subroutine and bind the value it produces to the name on the left side of <-
  • let <name> = <expr> means that the <name> is interchangeable with <expr> for the rest of the do block
  • In do notation, let does not need the accompanying in

Common Error #1

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
  let out = "Nice to meet you, " ++ getLine ++ "!"
  putStrLn out
Hello.hs:6:37: error:
     Couldn't match expected type [Char]
                  with actual type IO String
     In the first argument of (++), namely getLine
      In the second argument of (++), namely getLine ++ "!"
      In the expression: "Nice to meet you, " ++ getLine ++ "!"
6 |   let out = "Nice to meet you, " ++ getLine ++ "!"
  |                                     ^^^^^^^

Common Error #1 - Using IO String in place of String

  • Note: String is defined as type String = [Char]
  • Haskell says it can't match the types String which was expected, with IO String which is the type of getLine
  • IO a and a are different types

Common Error #2

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
  name <- getLine
  putStrLn "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"

Common Error #2

Hello.hs:7:3: error:
     Couldn't match expected type [Char] with actual type IO ()
     In the first argument of (++), namely
        putStrLn "Nice to meet you, "
      In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        putStrLn "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
      In the expression:
        do putStrLn "Hello! What is your name?"
           name <- getLine
           putStrLn "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
7 |   putStrLn "Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!"
  |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Common Error #2 - Function application precedes operator application

  • Parenthesis are needed around the expression string
putStrLn ("Nice to meet you, " ++ name ++ "!")


We want to be able to:

  • Add a new todo item
  • Display all items
  • Mark an item as done

How should we

  • Model the data?
  • Store the items?


  • We can store the items in a linked list.
type Item = String
type Items = [Item]


  • We can save the items in a linked list.
type Item = String
type Items = [Item]
  • How can we refer to an item?


  • We can save the items in a linked list.
type Item = String
type Items = [Item]
  • How can we refer to an item?

By its index in the list


  • We can save the items in a linked list.
type Item = String
type Items = [Item]
  • How can we refer to an item?

By its index in the list

  • What will the operations we want to do look like?

TODO - Items as a linked list

  • Add a new todo item -> Add an item to the start of the list
  • Display all items -> Reverse and print with indices
  • Mark an item as done -> Remove an item by its reverse-index
  • How can we represent these actions?

TODO - Actions as functions

-- Returns a new list of Items with the new item in it
addItem :: Item -> Items -> Items

-- Returns a string representation of the items
displayItems :: Items -> String

-- Returns a new list of items or an error message if the index is out of bounds
removeItem :: Int -> Items -> Either String Items
  • We use Either to mark a possible failure

TODO - addItem

-- Returns a new list of Items with the new item in it
addItem :: Item -> Items -> Items
addItem item items = item : items

TODO - displayItems

-- Returns a string representation of the items
displayItems :: Items -> String
displayItems items =
    displayItem index item = show index ++ " - " ++ item
    reversedList = reverse items
    displayedItemsList = zipWith displayItem [1..] reversedList
    unlines displayedItemsList
  • Use hoogle to search for zipWith, reverse, and unlines to find more about them
  • Haskell only evaluates values when it needs to (for example, when they need to be evaluated in order to print something to the user).
  • It lets us write functions that work on infinite lists such as [1..] and only evaluate what it needs to evaluate.
  • You can read more about evaluation in Haskell in this guide

TODO - User Interaction

  • Let's skip removeItem for now and add user interaction
-- Takes a list of items
-- Interact with the user
-- Return an updated list of items
interactWithUser :: Items -> IO Items

TODO - User Interaction

  • Let's start by reading a line, treat it as an item, add it to the list, and display the new items
interactWithUser :: Items -> IO Items
interactWithUser items = do
  putStrLn "Enter an item to add to your todo list:"
  item <- getLine
  let newItems = addItem item items
  putStrLn "Item added.\n"
  putStrLn "The List of items is:"
  putStrLn (displayItems newItems)
  pure newItems
  • The last line of the do notation is the result of the computation
  • In this case, it needs to be a value of the type IO Items
  • But newItems has the type Items
  • So we use pure which has the type a -> IO a
  • pure creates a subroutine that produces an a without doing any IO

Back to main

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "TODO app"
  let initialList = []
  interactWithUser initialList
  putStrLn "Thanks for using this app."

We can now try and run this program.


$ runghc Todo.hs
TODO app
Enter an item to add to your todo list:
Make a better app
Item added.

The List of items is:
1 - Make a better app

Thanks for using this app.

Iteration and State

  • We want to let the user add more than one item to their todo list
  • We want to remember the changes to the list

To do this in Haskell, we use recursion.

Iteration and State

  • Instead of returning the todo list, we feed it back to interactWithUser
interactWithUser :: Items -> IO ()
interactWithUser items = do
  putStrLn "Enter an item to add to your todo list:"
  item <- getLine
  let newItems = addItem item items
  putStrLn "Item added.\n"
  putStrLn "The List of items is:"
  putStrLn (displayItems newItems)
  interactWithUser newItems

Iteration and State

TODO app
Enter an item to add to your todo list:
Item added.

The List of items is:
1 - Make

Enter an item to add to your todo list:
Item added.

The List of items is:
1 - Make
2 - This

Enter an item to add to your todo list:
Item added.

The List of items is:
1 - Make
2 - This
3 - Stop

Enter an item to add to your todo list:

Iteration and State

  • This program will run forever
  • We can stop it using Ctrl-C, but that's not very nice
  • Let's make it possible for the user to use different commands

User Commands - Representation

data Command
  = Quit
  | DisplayItems
  | AddItem String
  • We create a new ADT to model the possible user commands

User Commands - Parsing

  • And parse a user command to our data type
  • This may fail
parseCommand :: String -> Either String Command
parseCommand line = case words line of
  ["quit"] -> Right Quit
  ["items"] -> Right DisplayItems
  "add" : "-" : item -> Right (AddItem (unwords item))
  _ -> Left "Unknown command."

User Commands - Change iteraction

We change interactWithUser to accomodate for our new functionality

interactWithUser :: Items -> IO ()
interactWithUser items = do
  putStrLn "Commands: quit, items, add - <item to add>"
  line <- getLine
  case parseCommand line of
    Right DisplayItems -> do
      putStrLn "The List of items is:"
      putStrLn (displayItems items)
      interactWithUser items

    Right (AddItem item) -> do
      let newItems = addItem item items
      putStrLn "Item added."
      interactWithUser newItems

    Right Quit -> do
      putStrLn "Bye!"
      pure ()

    Left errMsg -> do
      putStrLn ("Error: " ++ errMsg)
      interactWithUser items

TODO - interact

TODO app
Commands: quit, items, add - <item to add>
add - Add a remove item command
Item added.
Commands: quit, items, add - <item to add>
add - Maybe also display the list of commands only once    
Item added.
Commands: quit, items, add - <item to add>
The List of items is:
1 - Add a remove item command
2 - Maybe also display the list of commands only once

Commands: quit, items, add - <item to add>
Thanks for using this app.

Let's add a help command

data Command
  | Help

parseCommand :: String -> Either String Command
parseCommand line = case words line of
  ["help"] -> Right Help
  _ -> Left "Unknown command."

interactWithUser :: Items -> IO ()
interactWithUser items = do
  line <- getLine
  case parseCommand line of
    Right Help -> do
      putStrLn "Commands: help, quit, items, add - <item to add>"
      interactWithUser items
  • The pattern _ serves as a "catch all" so we need to add the pattern for ["help"] before it.

TODO - removeItem

-- Returns a new list of items or an error message if the index is out of bounds
removeItem :: Int -> Items -> Either String Items
removeItem reverseIndex allItems =
    impl (length allItems - reverseIndex) allItems
    impl index items =
      case (index, items) of
        (0, item : rest) ->
          Right rest
        (n, []) ->
          Left "Index out of bounds."
        (n, item : rest) ->
          case impl (n - 1) rest of
            Right newItems ->
              Right (item : newItems)
            Left errMsg ->
              Left errMsg

TODO - add commands for marking an Item as done

data Command
  | Done Int

parseCommand :: String -> Either String Command
parseCommand line = case words line of
  ["done", idxStr] ->
    if all (\c -> elem c "0123456789") idxStr
      then Right (Done (read idxStr))
      else Left "Invalid index."
  _ -> Left "Unknown command."

interactWithUser :: Items -> IO ()
interactWithUser items = do
  line <- getLine
  case parseCommand line of
    Right Help -> do
      putStrLn "Commands: help, quit, items, add - <item to add>, done <item index>"
      interactWithUser items
    Right (Done index) -> do
      let result = removeItem index items
      case result of
        Left errMsg -> do
          putStrLn ("Error: " ++ errMsg)
          interactWithUser items
        Right newItems -> do
          putStrLn "Item done."
          interactWithUser newItems


TODO - Done

TODO app
Commands: help, quit, items, add - <item to add>, done <item index>
add - Greet user
Item added.
add - Model data and user interaction
Item added.
add - Implement data modification
Item added.
add - Implement state and iteration using recursion
Item added.
add - Parse user input
Item added.
add - Interact with the user
Item added.
The List of items is:
1 - Greet user
2 - Model data and user interaction
3 - Implement data modification
4 - Implement state and iteration using recursion
5 - Parse user input
6 - Interact with the user

done 1
Item done.
The List of items is:
1 - Model data and user interaction
2 - Implement data modification
3 - Implement state and iteration using recursion
4 - Parse user input
5 - Interact with the user

done 1
Item done.
done 1
Item done.
done 1
Item done.
The List of items is:
1 - Parse user input
2 - Interact with the user

done 1
Item done.
done 1
Item done.
The List of items is:

Thanks for using this app.

TODO - Done

The final app's source code can be viewed here.

This code is still a bit messy. Can we do better?


  • Haskell provides us with all kinds of features to simplify the code and reduce code duplication!

  • But this is a story for another time.

Curious? Want to learn more?