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Collection of bioinformatics workflows to analyze next-generation sequening data (Illumina Hiseq).

Installation procedure

Clone the repository from github

git clone [email protected]:sp00nman/bioinf_workflows.git
cd bioinf_workflows

Install module:

python install 

or with pip:

pip install .

--user command can be added to install command if installation to home directory is necessary (eg. no root permission).

Python dependencies will be installed:


Analysis workflow

Software requirements


[--debug DEBUG] 
[--stage STAGE]
[--project_name PROJECT_NAME]
[--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--sequences_dir SEQUENCES_DIR]
[--sample_file SAMPLE_FILE] [--genomes GENOMES]
[--genome_version GENOME_VERSION]
[--bowtie2 BOWTIE2] [--annotation ANNOTATION]
[--control_file CONTROL_FILE]
[--refseq_file REFSEQ_FILE] [--num_cpus NUM_CPUS]

Genetic screen workflow 0.0.1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug DEBUG         Debug level
  --stage STAGE         Limit job submission to a particular analysis stage.[a
  --project_name PROJECT_NAME
                        Name of project directory.
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Name of output directory.
  --sequences_dir SEQUENCES_DIR
                        Directory of sequence files.
  --sample_file SAMPLE_FILE
                        Input filename.
  --genomes GENOMES     Path to genome.
  --genome_version GENOME_VERSION
                        Genome version
  --bowtie2 BOWTIE2     Path to bowtie2 indices
  --annotation ANNOTATION
                        annotation file. Format (tab-separated: 
                        exon /path/to/annotation_1.txt 
                        intron /path/to/annotation_2.txt
  --control_file CONTROL_FILE
                        Control file with insertions for fisher-test.
  --refseq_file REFSEQ_FILE
                        Refseq file with start & end position of gene.
  --ins_annotation INS_ANNOTATION
                        GTF file for insertion annotation.
  --num_cpus NUM_CPUS   Number of cpus.



Process all analysis steps.


Convert unmapped bam files to fastq files with Picard (SamToFastq). Is not included if --stage == all.


Align data to reference genome hg19 Reference genome hg19 . Parameter --sensitive equals to -D 15 -R 2 -L 22 -i S,1,1.15


Filter for reads that

  1. don't have a reported alignment (SAM flag = 4 )
  2. have multiple alignments (XS:i)
  3. have a mapping quality MAPQ higher than 20

SAM format and SAM flags explained.


Sort samfile by coordinate with Picard


Mark & remove duplicates with Picard


Remove insertions 1 or 2 base pairs away. Insertions that are within close proximity could be a result of mapping errors due to sequencing errors and are therefore removed from the analysis.


Annotate insertions. For annotation the genome assembly hg19 (ucsc) combined with the ensembl annotation (build 70) is used. The canonical transcripts for each gene is used as reference gene model. The bed file with coordinates for exons and introns is formated using the following script

Annotate insertions within overlapping genes.


Gene (strand) insertions (chr[n]:position strand intronic/exonic group
GENE A (+) chr1:4,389,753 + intronic mutagenic
GENE B (-) chr1:4,389,753 + intronic silent

"Gene trap-based insertional mutagenesis operates by random insertion of a splice acceptor followed by a GFP marker and termination sequence into the genome, thus disrupting gene expression. The insertion site must be determined to identify the disrupted gene.....Of these, 321 clones contained gene-trap insertions in a coding exon, directly disrupting the respective open reading frame. Insertions in introns are predictive to be mutagenic if the gene-trap cassette is inserted in the sense orientation." T. Bürckstümmer et al., "a reversible gene trap collection empowers haploid genetics in human cells", Nature Methods, 2013.


Gene A (chr[n]:position) strand(*) intronic/exonic group
chr1:4,389,753 + intronic mutagenic
chr1:4,399,100 - intronic silent
chr1:4,443,563 + exonic mutagenic
chr1:4,431,342 - exonic mutagenic

(*) strand refers to how the insertions was mapped to the genome.


Number of mutagenic insertions for each gene is counted. Equivalent to a UNIX [uniq -c] command.


Each genetrap screen experiment represents an unreplicated data set and data analysis usually proceeds on a gene-by-gene by organizing the data in a 2x2 table (table 1). Probably the most natural test for significantely enriched inactivating insertions in a control vs experimental screen in unreplicated data is Fisher's exact test.

Table 1

Fisher-test experiment control total
insertions (in gene A) 11 76 87
no insertions ([all other genes]-[gene A]) 11,060 457,672 468,732
total 11,071 457,748 468,819

Table 1 is an example of such a two-by-two or contingency table. For the given example the p-value is the probability of observing a value 11 (11 insertions) or larger in gene A in the upper-left-hand cell in table 1, assuming that the null hypothesis is true and that the four marginal totals 87, 468732, 11071, 457748 are given. Given a hypergeometric distribution the probability for gene A in table 1 is 6.75e-06. With a type I error of 5% the null hypothesis is rejected. For each of the remaining 2528 genes a similar statistical test is performed. If for all of these 2528 genes the null hypothesis is actually true, 126 genes (2528*0.05) would turn up to be signi cant at a p-value below 0.05 just due to chance. These 126 genes are false positives and a procedure is required to control the number of false-positives.


Several procedure exists that attempt to assign an adjusted p-value to eacht test or similarly reduce the p-value threshold. These adjustment methods include the Bonferroni correction ("Bonferroni") in which the p-values are multiplied by the total number of comparisons (n). The procedure rejects all hypotheses where the adjusted-pvalue is below a prede ned alpha. Less conservative corrections were developed by Holm (1979) ("Holm"), Hochberg (1988) ("Hochberg"), Sidak (1967)("SidakSD") and ("SidakSD"). These procedure are designed to give strong control of the family-wise error rate (FWER). However, if n is very large, as is often the case in high-throughput screens including genetrap screens, these procedures can lead to quite conservative results (insisting on a 5% error rate). For large n, procedures that control the false discovery rate (FDR) like Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) ("BH"), and Benjamini & Yekutieli (2001) ("BY") are prefered. The FDR is a less stringent condition than the FWER, consequently these methods are more powerful. Multiple testing procedure were implemented in R using library multtest. The function calculates adjusted p-values for different multiple testing procedures and assigns to each gene a chromosomal start and end position in the genome. Gene names with chromosomal position of each gene is taken from a refseq annotation file.

It is pivotal to understand the concept of a false discovery in contrast to a false positive. A false positive occurs when a null hypothesis (no significant difference in number of insertions between control and case) is rejected when it is actually true. Therefore the false positive rate is the proportion of false positives out of all true null hypotheses that were incorrectly called significant. A false discovery is also a false positive but as the name implies this time we are concerned with the false positives among the set of comparisons that were called significant. When performing many statistical tests the false discovery rate is more informative than the false positive rate. If we are willing to accept a FDR of 5% this implies that among all test that were called significant, about 5% will be false positives.

As an example, let's have a look at the previous output which shows the top 11 genes after multiple testing correction odered by adjusted p-value ("BH"). There are 2528 genes in this experiment. For gene X, the p-value ("rawp") is 0.000153 whereas the adjusted p-value (also referred to as q-value) is 0.03856. The p-value of 0.000153 implies a 0.0153% chance of false positives. Having 2528 genes we expect between 1 and 2 false positives (25280.000153) on average. For this particular experiment, there are 11 genes with a p-value smaller than 0.000153 or less, consequently 1 or 2 out of these will be false positives. Now let's look at the q-value for BH which is a bit larger at 0.03856. This means, we would expect 3.856% of all genes with a q-value less than 0.03856 to be false positives. This is very informative, now we expect among all gene (11) with a q-value of less than 0.03856 (110.03856) 0,42416 false positives, less than one false positive. To put it in a nutshell, the false discovery rate gives a far better estimate of the level of false positives for a threshold value.


bubble plot

Traditionally, genetrap screens were plotted as gene names (alphabetical order) on the x-axis vs q-values on the y-axis. Using R library(ggplot2) genetrap screens can now be displayed with their chromosomal position of each gene on the x-axis and the corresponding -log10 transformed q-value on the log scale y-axis.

insertion plots

Insertion plots are generated with R (script kindly provided by Doris Chen) for each transcript separately. PNG images are saved to /img subdirectory.


The output file with the following extension ${SCREEN}.mutagenic.genome_browser.bed can be visualized with a genome browser.

NF1 insertions


Not implemented yet.

Output files generated at each --stage & explanation

stage file extension explanation
fastq FASTQ file
alignment aligned.sam SAM file
filter aligned.bam BAM file
filter filt_aligned.bam BAM file, filtered according to [filter]
duplicates sorted_filt_aligned.bam BAM file, filtered and sorted
duplicates reord_sorted_filt_aligned.bam BAM file, filtered, sorted and reordered
duplicates rmdupl_reord_sorted_filt_aligned.bam BAM file, after removal of duplicate reads
index rmdupl_reord_sorted_filt_aligned.bai index of BAM file, after removal of duplicate reads
insertions rmdupl_reord_sorted_filt_aligned.sam SAM file, after removal of duplicate reads
insertions rm2bp_insertions.sam SAM file, after removal of insertions 1 or 2 bp away (without header)
insertions header.txt header of BAM file
insertions header_rm2bp_insertions.sam SAM file, after removal of insertions 1 or 2 bp away (with header)
insertions header_rm2bp_insertions.bam BAM file, after removal of insertions 1 or 2 bp away (with header)
insertions header_rm2bp_insertions.bed BED file
insertions fix_header_rm2bp_insertions.bed BED file, added 1 bp to end position
count count_table.txt Plain text file with counts of insertions for each gene
fisher fisher_test.txt Plain text file with result table of fisher-test calculations
plot bubble_plot.pdf R generated bubble plot as pdf
browser browser_track.txt browser track files - can be uploaded to genome browser
statistics summary_statistics.txt not implemented yet