Thanks to William Yao and Cullin Poresky for their contributions!
Squeal 0.9 adds a new Prepared
type for prepared statements.
data Prepared m x y = Prepared
{ runPrepared :: x -> m y -- ^ execute a prepared statement
, deallocate :: m () -- ^ manually clean up a prepared statement
This allows to factor and generalize the functions executePrepared
and executePrepared_
. Squeal 0.9 adds new methods prepare
to the MonadPQ
:: MonadPQ pq
=> Statement db x y
-> pq (Prepared pq x (Result y))
:: MonadPQ pq
=> Statement db x ()
-> pq (Prepared pq x ())
They may then be run using runPrepared
and manually cleaned up
using deallocate
. The Prepared
type has a cornucopia of instances
allowing you to combine prepared statements in lots of ways. Instances
supports include Category
, Arrow
, Profunctor
and more.
A function preparedFor
abstracts the pattern of preparing a statement,
then doing something with it and finally deallocating. That something
can be thought of as an "optic", a generalization of lenses.
:: MonadPQ db pq
=> (Prepared pq a (Result b) -> Prepared pq s t)
-- ^ transform the input and output using an "optic"
-> Statement db a b -- ^ query or manipulation
-> s -> pq t
For instance, using the optic traverse'
recovers the function
and using the optic wander traverse_
recovers the
function executePrepared_
, which are used for running prepared statements
over Traversable
or Foldable
containers of parameters respectively.
With the generalized notion of a Prepared
object, you can prepare statments
and optionally combine them at the beginning of a database session and
have a Prepared
object to use with runPrepared
throughout the session.
This is a lower level primitive and closer to the model that PostgreSQL
actually provides than what Squeal previously allowed.
Squeal 0.9 adds a number of new features for row and enum types.
First, new type families DbRelations
and DbEnums
have been added,
which filter a SchemasType
down to all row or enum types.
A relation means a table, view or composite type;
other kinds of relations are not currently supported. Previously,
Squeal's support for row types only covered composite types but
Squeal 0.9 adds more support for tables and views. New TypeExpression
and typeenum
have been added. A new type family FindQualified
which looks through database schemas to find a row or enum type has been added.
Squeal will now look through all tables, views and composite types when
trying to find a user-defined relation to match your row type where previously
it had only looked for composites.
Next, new functions have been added to allow users to define manual encodings
for row and enum types. Previously, Squeal only had functions to allow users to
define manual decodings for row and enum types. For enum types,
you can now use enumParam
like so:
data Dir = North | South | East | West
instance IsPG Dir where
type PG Dir = 'PGenum '["north", "south", "east", "west"]
instance ToPG db Dir where
toPG = enumParam $ \case
North -> label @"north"
South -> label @"south"
East -> label @"east"
West -> label @"west"
For row types you can now use rowParam
together with new combinators
to cons and #.
to end the row like so:
data Quaternion = Quaternion
{ real :: Double
, imaginaryI :: Double
, imaginaryJ :: Double
, imaginaryK :: Double
instance IsPG Quaternion where
type PG Quaternion = 'PGcomposite '[
"re" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8,
"im" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8,
"jim" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8,
"kim" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]
instance ToPG db Quaternion where
toPG = rowParam $
real `as` #re
.# imaginaryI `as` #im
.# imaginaryJ `as` #jim
#. imaginaryK `as` #kim
There is also a function genericRowParams
, which can
be used with combinators like so:
data L = L {frst :: Int16, scnd :: Char}
deriving stock (GHC.Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
data R = R {thrd :: Bool, frth :: Bool}
deriving stock (GHC.Generic, Show)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
instance IsPG (L,R) where
type PG (L,R) = 'PGcomposite '[
"frst" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint2,
"scnd" ::: 'NotNull ('PGchar 1),
"thrd" ::: 'NotNull 'PGbool,
"frth" ::: 'NotNull 'PGbool]
instance ToPG db (L,R) where
toPG = rowParam $
contramap fst genericRowParams
contramap snd genericRowParams
All of this is made possible by generalizing the EncodeParams
type to polykinded:
newtype EncodeParams
(db :: SchemasType)
(tys :: [k])
(x :: Type)
Since it is polykinded, the tys
parameter can have either
the kind [NullType]
or the kind RowType
Squeal 0.9 adds support for GHC 9, which required fully saturating
a number of functions that involved RankNTypes
, a change
required by the "simplified subsumption" proposal.
A bug for Has
custom type errors, which made it expensive
in the case of a lookup failure because of use of the strict If
type family, has been fixed, thanks to Cullin.
Missing images and some small fixes were added for the Squeal "Core Concepts Handbook", thanks to William.
CI has been fixed to properly test across different versions of GHC.
The function notNull
which has a non-intuitive name has been
deprecated and a replacement function just_
has been added. The
terms null_
and just_
now intentionally connote Nothing
from Haskell's Maybe
The operators (.<@)
and (@>.)
as well as the functions arrAny
and arrAll
have been generalized to allow Null
arguments. Previously,
they had been improperly restricted to have NotNull
has been given MonadFix
, Alternative
and MonadPlus
Fix a bug in how the new Has
type mismatch errors
were implemented, which made it do the expensive pretty-printing
even in the non-error case, resulting in extreme memory usage
at compile time for non-trivial cases.
Improvements to type errors for Has
, HasParameter
and trying to aggregate without grouping.
Now tells you specifically that lookup failed, the kind of thing we were trying to look up and in what, and a pretty-printed (usually, alphabetized and names-only) version of what we were looking in.
exe/Example.hs:112:11-41: error:
• Could not find table, view, typedef, index, function, or procedure (SchemumType) named "sers"
in schema (SchemaType):
'["emails", "users"]
*Raw schema (SchemaType)*:
'[ '("users",
('["pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"]]
:=> '["id" ::: ('Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4),
"name" ::: ('NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext),
"vec" ::: ('NoDef :=> 'NotNull ('PGvararray ('Null 'PGint2)))])),
::: 'Table
('["pk_emails" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"],
"fk_user_id" ::: 'ForeignKey '["user_id"] "user" "users" '["id"]]
:=> '["id" ::: ('Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4),
"user_id" ::: ('NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4),
"email" ::: ('NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext)])]
• In the first argument of ‘(&)’, namely
‘table ((#user ! #sers) `as` #u)’
In the first argument of ‘from’, namely
‘(table ((#user ! #sers) `as` #u)
& innerJoin
(table ((#user ! #emails) `as` #e)) (#u ! #id .== #e ! #user_id))’
In the second argument of ‘select_’, namely
(table ((#user ! #sers) `as` #u)
& innerJoin
(table ((#user ! #emails) `as` #e)) (#u ! #id .== #e ! #user_id)))’
112 | ( from (table ((#user ! #sers) `as` #u)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
exe/Example.hs:(106,15)-(107,92): error:
• Could not find schema (SchemaType) named "use"
in database (SchemasType):
'["org", "public", "user"]
*Raw database (SchemasType)*:
'[ '("public", PublicSchema), "user" ::: UserSchema,
"org" ::: OrgSchema]
• In the expression:
(#use ! #emails)
(Default `as` #id
:* Set (param @1) `as` #user_id :* Set (param @2) `as` #email))
In an equation for ‘insertEmail’:
= insertInto_
(#use ! #emails)
(Default `as` #id
:* Set (param @1) `as` #user_id :* Set (param @2) `as` #email))
106 | insertEmail = insertInto_ (#use ! #emails)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...
Now specifies the lookup that the type mismatch comes from with kind information. Does not pretty-print because the value of the key is important.
exe/Example.hs:111:4-12: error:
• Type mismatch when looking up column (NullType) named "vec"
in row (RowType):
'[ '("id", 'NotNull 'PGint4), "name" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext,
"vec" ::: 'NotNull ('PGvararray ('Null 'PGint2))]
Expected: 'NotNull 'PGtext
But found: 'NotNull ('PGvararray ('Null 'PGint2))
• In the first argument of ‘as’, namely ‘#u ! #vec’
In the first argument of ‘(:*)’, namely ‘#u ! #vec `as` #userName’
In the first argument of ‘select_’, namely
‘(#u ! #vec `as` #userName
:* #e ! #email `as` #userEmail :* #u ! #vec `as` #userVec)’
111 | (#u ! #vec `as` #userName :* #e ! #email `as` #userEmail :* #u ! #vec `as` #userVec)
| ^^^^^^^^^
Generally identical, except complains about being unable to satisfy Has
instead of exposing HasErr
exe/Example.hs:103:16-37: error:
• Ambiguous type variables ‘constraints0’,
‘constraint0’ arising from a use of ‘OnConstraint’
prevents the constraint ‘(Has
"pk_users" constraints0 constraint0)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘constraints0’,
‘constraint0’ should be.
These potential instances exist:
three instances involving out-of-scope types
(use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
• In the first argument of ‘OnConflict’, namely
‘(OnConstraint #pk_users)’
In the third argument of ‘insertInto’, namely
‘(OnConflict (OnConstraint #pk_users) DoNothing)’
In the expression:
(#user ! #users)
(Default `as` #id
:* Set (param @1) `as` #name :* Set (param @2) `as` #vec))
(OnConflict (OnConstraint #pk_users) DoNothing)
(Returning_ (#id `as` #fromOnly))
103 | (OnConflict (OnConstraint #pk_users) DoNothing) (Returning_ (#id `as` #fromOnly))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Now gives a special error about params being 1-indexed.
exe/Example.hs:118:18-25: error:
• Tried to get the param at index 0, but params are 1-indexed
• In the first argument of ‘Set’, namely ‘(param @0)’
In the first argument of ‘as’, namely ‘Set (param @0)’
In the first argument of ‘(:*)’, namely ‘Set (param @0) `as` #id’
118 | (Values_ (Set (param @0) `as` #id :* setUser))
| ^^^^^^^^
Now gives a special error, returning the entire parameter list as well. Does not pretty-print since order is important, and there's no separate keys and values.
exe/Example.hs:118:18-25: error:
• Index 4 is out of bounds in 1-indexed parameter list:
'[ 'NotNull 'PGint4, 'NotNull 'PGtext,
'NotNull ('PGvararray ('Null 'PGint2))]
• In the first argument of ‘Set’, namely ‘(param @4)’
In the first argument of ‘as’, namely ‘Set (param @4)’
In the first argument of ‘(:*)’, namely ‘Set (param @4) `as` #id’
118 | (Values_ (Set (param @4) `as` #id :* setUser))
| ^^^^^^^^
Now gives a custom error similar to the one added for Has
exe/Example.hs:118:18: error:
• Type mismatch when looking up param at index 2
in 1-indexed parameter list:
'[ 'NotNull 'PGint4, 'NotNull 'PGtext,
'NotNull ('PGvararray ('Null 'PGint2))]
Expected: 'NotNull 'PGtext
But found: 'NotNull 'PGint4
• In the first argument of ‘Set’, namely ‘(param @2)’
In the first argument of ‘as’, namely ‘Set (param @2)’
In the first argument of ‘(:*)’, namely ‘Set (param @2) `as` #id’
118 | (Values_ (Set (param @2) `as` #id :* setUser))
| ^^^^^^^^
Now gives a custom error with some guidance.
exe/Example.hs:118:4: error:
• Cannot use aggregate functions to construct an Ungrouped Expression. Add a 'groupBy' to your TableExpression. If you want to aggregate across the entire result set, use 'groupBy Nil'.
• In the first argument of ‘as’, namely ‘countStar’
In the first argument of ‘(:*)’, namely ‘countStar `as` #count’
In the first argument of ‘select_’, namely
‘(countStar `as` #count :* Nil)’
118 | (countStar `as` #count :* Nil)
| ^^^^^^^^^
Thanks to Adam Wespiser, Cullin Poresky, Scott Fleischman and William Yao for lots of contributions.
Scott Fleischman contributed materialization support to Squeal's WITH statements.
New packages squeal-postgresql-ltree
and squeal-postgresql-uuid-ossp
were created to offer functionality from those Postgres extensions.
Previously, Squeal transactions were "unsafe", allowing for arbitrary
. Now, Squeal provides a new type Transaction
that is a RankNType.
type Transaction db x = forall m.
( MonadPQ db m
, MonadResult m
, MonadCatch m
) => m x
A Transaction
only permits database operations and error handling,
no arbitrary IO
. The class MonadResult
is new but all of its
methods are old and used to be constrained as MonadIO
now as MonadResult
Additionally, a new function withSavepoint
was added, allowing
for a kind of nested transactions.
Various bugs were fixed. Most importantly, poor asynchronous exception handling was ameliorated.
Thanks to Samuel Schlesinger, Adam Wespiser, Cullin Poresky, Matthew Doty and Mark Wotton for tons of contributions. Version 0.7 of Squeal makes many changes.
Inter-schema Foreign Key Bug
Unfortunately, there was a bug in inter-schema foreign keys in previous
versions of Squeal. Essentially, it was erroneously assumed that
foreign keys always point to tables in the public schema. To remedy this
the ForeignKey
type has changed kind from
>>> :kind 'ForeignKey
'ForeignKey :: [Symbol]
-> Symbol -> [Symbol] -> TableConstraint
>>> :kind 'ForeignKey
'ForeignKey :: [Symbol]
-> Symbol -> Symbol -> [Symbol] -> TableConstraint
To upgrade your database schemas type, you will have to change, e.g.
'ForeignKey '["foo_id1", "foo_id2"] "foo" '["id1", "id2"]
'ForeignKey '["foo_id1", "foo_id2"] "public" "foo" '["id1", "id2"]
Locking Clauses
You can now add row level locking clauses to your select
Polymorphic Lateral Contexts
Previously, lateral contexts which are used for lateral joins
and subquery expressions had to have monomorphic lateral contexts,
which greatly reduced composability of queries involving lateral
joins. Squeal 0.7 fixes this limitation, making it possible to
have polymorphic lateral context! When looking up a column heretofore,
the relevant typeclasses would search through Join lat from
This is the "correct" ordering as far as the structure from
left to right in the query, making lat consistently ordered as
one goes through nested lateral joins or nested subquery expressions.
However, it doesn't really matter how the lookup orders the columns.
And if the lookup searches through Join from lat instead then thanks
to good old Haskell lazy list appending, if a query only references
columns in from then it will work no matter the lat.
With a small proviso; if you leave lat polymorphic,
then you must qualify all columns since there could be more than
one table even if from has only one table in it.
The DecodeRow
now has a MonadFail
New row decoder combinators have been added. The functions
and consRow
let you build row decoders up
from pieces.
Previously, Squeal made it easy to decode enum types to Haskell
enum types (sum types with nullary constructors) so long as
the Haskell type exactly matches the enum type. However, because
of limitations in Haskell - constructors must be capitalized,
name conflicts are often disambiguated with extra letters, etc -
it's often the case that their constructors won't exactly match the
Postgres enum type's labels. The new function enumValue
to define typesafe custom enum decoders, similar to how rowValue
allows to define typesafe custom composite decoders.
>>> :{
data Dir = North | East | South | West
instance IsPG Dir where
type PG Dir = 'PGenum '["north", "south", "east", "west"]
instance FromPG Dir where
fromPG = enumValue $
label @"north" North :*
label @"south" South :*
label @"east" East :*
label @"west" West
New DDL statements have been added allowing to rename and reset the schema of different schemum objects. Also, new DDL statements have been added for adding comments to schemum objects.
Squeal now supports procedure definitions and calls.
cmdTuples and cmdStatus
The cmdTuples
and cmdStatus
functions from LibPQ
are now
PQ Monad Instances
the PQ
has been given instances for MonadCatch
, MonadMask
, MonadBase
, MonadBaseControl
, and
Referential Actions
A new type ReferentialAction
has been factored out of
s and OnUpdateClause
s. And Missing actions,
and SetDefault
are now included.
To upgrade, change from e.g. OnDeleteCascade
to OnDelete Cascade
Array functions
Squeal now offers typesafe indexing for fixed length arrays and matrices,
with new functions index1
and index2
. And new functions arrAny
and arrAll
have been added to enable comparisons to any or all elements
of a variable length array.
Tables being manipulated are now re-aliasable, and updates can reference
"from" clauses, actually called UsingClause
s in Squeal, similar to deletes.
Other changes
New tests and bugfixes have been added. More support for encoding and decoding
of different types has been added. Time values now use iso8601
for inlining. Also, the GitHub repo has moved from using Circle CI to using
GitHub Actions for continuous integration testing.
Version 0.6 makes a number of large changes and additions to Squeal. I want to thank folks who contributed issues and pull requests; ilyakooo0, tuomohopia, league, Raveline, Sciencei, mwotton, and more.
I particularly would like to thank my employer SimSpace and colleagues. We are actively using Squeal at SimSpace which has pushed its development.
My colleague Mark Wotton has also created a project squealgen to generate a Squeal schema directly from the database which is awesome.
Module hierarchy
Squeal had been growing some rather large modules, whereas I prefer
sub-thousand line modules. Accordingly, I split up the module
hierarchy further. This means there's 60 modules which looks a little
overwhelming, but I think it makes it easier to locate functionality.
It also makes working in a single module less overwhelming.
All relevant functionality is still being exported by Squeal.PostgreSQL
Statement Profunctors
Squeal's top level queries and manipulations left something to be desired.
Because Query_
and Manipulation_
were type families, they could be
a bit confusing to use. For instance,
>>> :{
selectUser :: Query_ DB UserId User
selectUser = select_
(#id `as` #userId :* #name `as` #userName)
(from (table #users) & where_ (#id .== param @1))
>>> :t selectUser
:: Query
'["public" ::: '["users" ::: 'Table ('[] :=> UsersColumns)]]
'[ 'NotNull 'PGint4]
'["userId" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4, "userName" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext]
So the UserId
and User
types are completely replaced by corresponding
Postgres types. This means that the query can be run, for instance,
with any parameter that is a generic singleton container of Int32
We've lost apparent type safety. You could accidentally run selectUser
with a WidgetId
parameter instead of a UserId
and it could typecheck.
That's because Query
is a pure SQL construct, with no knowledge for
how to encode or decode Haskell values.
Another annoyance of Query_
and Manipulation_
is that they must
be applied to Haskell types which exactly match their corresponding
Postgres types. So, in practice, you often end up with one-off
data type definitions just to have a type that exactly matches,
having the same field names, and the same ordering, etc. as the
returned row.
Both of these issues are solved with the new Statement
type. Let's
see its definition.
data Statement db x y where
:: (SOP.All (OidOfNull db) params, SOP.SListI row)
=> EncodeParams db params x
-> DecodeRow row y
-> Manipulation '[] db params row
-> Statement db x y
:: (SOP.All (OidOfNull db) params, SOP.SListI row)
=> EncodeParams db params x
-> DecodeRow row y
-> Query '[] '[] db params row
-> Statement db x y
You can see that a Statement
bundles either a Query
or a Manipulation
together with a way to EncodeParams
and a way to DecodeRow
. This
ties the statement to actual Haskell types. Going back to the example,
>>> :{
selectUser :: Statement DB UserId User
selectUser = query $ select_
(#id `as` #userId :* #name `as` #userName)
(from (table #users) & where_ (#id .== param @1))
Now we really do have the type safety of only being able to executeParams
with a UserId
parameter. Here we've used the smart
constructor query
which automatically uses the generic instances of
and User
to construct a way to EncodeParams
and a way to
. We can use the Query
constructor to do custom encodings
and decodings.
>>> :{
selectUser :: Statement DB UserId (UserId, Text)
selectUser = Query enc dec sql where
enc = contramap getUserId aParam
dec = do
uid <- #id
uname <- #name
return (uid, uname)
sql = select Star (from (table #users) & where_ (#id .== param @1))
and DecodeRow
both have convenient APIs. EncodeParams
is Contravariant
and can be composed with combinators. DecodeRow
is a Monad
and has IsLabel
instances. Since Statement
s bundle
both together, they form Profunctor
s, where you can lmap
parameters and rmap
over rows.
The Statement
is heavily influenced by
the Statement
from Nikita Volkov's excellent hasql
building on the use of postgresql-binary
for encoding and decoding.
Many Haskell types have corresponding Postgres types like Double
corresponds to float8
. Squeal makes this an open relationship with the
type family. Squeal 0.6 makes it easy to generate PG
of your
Haskell types, though you might have to turn on -XUndecidableInstances
by deriving an IsPG
In addition to having a corresponding Postgres type,
to fully embed your Haskell type you want instances of ToPG db
encode your type as an out-of-line parameter, FromPG
decode your type from a result value, and Inline
to inline
values of your type directly in SQL statements.
>>> :{
newtype CustomerId = CustomerId {getCustomerId :: Int32}
deriving newtype (IsPG, ToPG db, FromPG, Inline)
>>> :kind! PG CustomerId
PG CustomerId :: PGType
= 'PGint4
You can even embed your Haskell records and enum types using deriving via.
>>> :{
data Complex = Complex {real :: Double, imaginary :: Double}
deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving (IsPG, ToPG db, FromPG, Inline) via Composite Complex
>>> :kind! PG Complex
PG Complex :: PGType
= 'PGcomposite
'["real" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8,
"imaginary" ::: 'NotNull 'PGfloat8]
>>> printSQL (inline (Complex 0 1))
ROW((0.0 :: float8), (1.0 :: float8))
>>> :{
data Answer = Yes | No
deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (SOP.Generic, SOP.HasDatatypeInfo)
deriving (IsPG, ToPG db, FromPG, Inline) via Enumerated Answer
>>> :kind! PG Answer
PG Answer :: PGType
= 'PGenum '["Yes", "No"]
>>> printSQL (inline Yes)
You can also embed your types encoded as Json
or Jsonb
>>> :{
data Foo = Bar Int | Baz Char Text
deriving stock (GHC.Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
deriving (IsPG, ToPG db, FromPG, Inline) via Jsonb Foo
>>> :kind! PG Foo
PG Foo :: PGType
= 'PGjsonb
>>> printSQL (inline (Baz 'a' "aaa"))
('{"tag":"Baz","contents":["a","aaa"]}' :: jsonb)
One thing to notice about ToParam db
is that it has an
extra parameter db
that the other classes don't have. That's
because for some types, such as arrays and composites, you
need to know the OID of the element types in order to unambiguously
encode those types. And if the element types are user defined,
then they have to be looked up in the database. The extra parameter
lets us look through the schema for a matching type, and then
look up that type's OID.
Previously Squeal migrations could be either pure, involving only
data definitions, or impure, allowing arbitrary IO
. But, they
had to be rewindable; that is, every migration step had to have
an inverse. Squeal 0.6 generalizes to allow both invertible and
one-way migrations. The core datatype for migrations, the free
category Path
has been moved to its own package free-categories
Squeal 0.6 enables filtering and ordering for aggregate arguments and filtering for window function arguments.
arrayAgg (All #col & orderBy [AscNullsFirst #col] & filterWhere (#col .< 100))
To upgrade existing code, if you have an aggregate with multiple arguments,
use Alls
instead of All
or Distincts
instead of Distinct
and if you have a window function, apply either Window
or Windows
to its argument(s). Additionally, convenient functions allNotNull
safely filter out NULL
Squeal 0.6 adds both Haskell and corresponding Postgres range types.
data Bound x
= Infinite -- ^ unbounded
| Closed x -- ^ inclusive
| Open x -- ^ exclusive
data Range x = Empty | NonEmpty (Bound x) (Bound x)
(<=..<=), (<..<), (<=..<), (<..<=) :: x -> x -> Range x
moreThan, atLeast, lessThan, atMost :: x -> Range x
singleton :: x -> Range x
whole :: Range x
Indexes and functions
Squeal 0.6 adds support for creating and dropping user defined indexes and functions to your schema, which can then be used in statements.
Lateral joins
Squeal 0.6 adds support for lateral joins, which may reference previous items.
Null handling
Some null handling functions were added such as monoNotNull
and unsafeNotNull
. Because Squeal is aggressively NULL
sometimes inference errors can occur. You can apply monoNotNull
to fix something to be not NULL
. You can apply unsafeNotNull
when you know that something can't be NULL
, for instance if you've
filtered NULL
out of a column.
Other changes
Lots of other things changed. Literal
and literal
are now called
and inline
. ColumnConstraint
is called Optionality
s are called NullTypes
Squeal 0.6 adds support for domain types. It more carefully types
definitions. The
type was refactored to remove Maybe
s and new pattern
synonyms were defined to easily match on a few common SQL errors.
and FixChar
types were added with smart constructors.
Many bugs were fixed. Also, many more tests were added and
a new benchmark suite. A lot more things were changed that I've
probably forgotten about.
Fixes a bug in pool API and implementation.
Version 0.5 makes a number of large changes and additions to Squeal. I want to thank folks who contributed issues and pull requests; Raveline, rimmington, ilyakooo0, chshersh, reygoch, and more.
Multi-schema support
Previous versions of Squeal only supported definitions in the "public" schema. Squeal 0.5 adds support for multiple schemas with the new kind
type SchemasType = [(Symbol,SchemaType)]
In order to upgrade your queries, manipulations and definitions from
Squeal 0.4, you will have to apply the Public
type family, which indicates
that your only schema is the "public" schema.
-- Squeal 0.4
setup :: Definition '[] Schema
-- Squeal 0.5
setup :: Definition (Public '[]) (Public Schema)
You can create non-public schemas using createSchema
and inversely
remove them using dropSchema
. There is also an idempotent
In order to handle aliases which may refer to non-public schemas, Squeal 0.5
introduces QualifiedAlias
es. A QualifiedAlias
can be referred to using
the (!)
operator from the IsQualified
typeclass; but if you want to refer
to an alias from the "public" schema, you can continue to use a single
overloaded label, no need to write #public ! #tab
, just write #tab
Top-level statements
As a consequence of multi-schema support, common table expressions that
a Query
or Manipulation
may refer to had to be broken into a new parameter.
Additionally, Query
gained another new parameter for its outer scope which
will be discussed in the next section.
To simplify type signatures that you have to write for top-level queries
and manipulations, Squeal 0.5 introduces the Query_
and Manipulation_
type families.
type family Query_
(schemas :: SchemasType)
(parameters :: Type)
(row :: Type) where
Query_ schemas params row =
Query '[] '[] schemas (TuplePG params) (RowPG row)
As you see, a top-level Query_
has no outer scope and no common
table expressions in scope, they are empty '[]
. Moreover,
its parameters and row parameters are now Type
s, which are
converted to corresponding Postgres types using the TuplePG
and RowPG
type families. This means you can write the type signatures
for your top-level statements using the Haskell types that you
intend to input and retrieve when running the statements. Similar
to Query_
, there is a Manipulation_
type, the only difference
being that a general Manipulation
doesn't have an outer scope,
only a scope for common table expressions.
Subquery expressions
Previous versions of Squeal offered subquery expression support
but there were issues. The common use case of using the IN
from SQL was overly complex. There was a proliferation of subquery
functions to handle different comparison operators, each with two versions
for comparing ALL
or ANY
of the query rows. And, most confoundedly,
there was no way to support the EXISTS
subquery because the "outer scope"
for a query was not available.
Squeal adds an outer scope to the Query
newtype Query
(outer :: FromType)
(commons :: FromType)
(schemas :: SchemasType)
(params :: [NullityType])
(row :: RowType)
= UnsafeQuery { renderQuery :: ByteString }
This enables a well-typed exists
:: Query (Join outer from) commons schemas params row
-> Condition outer commons grp schemas params from
The in_
and notIn
functions were simplified to handle the most
common use case of comparing to a list of values.
:: Expression outer commons grp schemas params from ty -- ^ expression
-> [Expression outer commons grp schemas params from ty]
-> Condition outer commons grp schemas params from
Finally, general subquery comparisons were abstracted to work with
any comparison operators, using the Operator
type which will be discussed in
the next section.
:: Expression outer commons grp schemas params from ty1
-> Operator ty1 ty2 ('Null 'PGbool)
-> Query (Join outer from) commons schemas params '[col ::: ty2]
-> Condition outer commons grp schemas params from
:: Expression outer commons grp schemas params from ty1
-> Operator ty1 ty2 ('Null 'PGbool)
-> Query (Join outer from) commons schemas params '[col ::: ty2]
-> Condition outer commons grp schemas params from
Expression RankNTypes
Squeal 0.5 introduces RankNType type synonyms for common expression patterns.
The simplest example is the Expr
type, a type for "closed" expressions
that cannot reference any aliases or parameters.
type Expr x
= forall outer commons grp schemas params from
. Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x
There is also a function type (-->)
, which is a subtype of the usual Haskell function
type (->)
type (-->) x y
= forall outer commons grp schemas params from
. Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
We saw in the subquery section that there is an Operator
type Operator x1 x2 y
= forall outer commons grp schemas params from
. Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x1
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from x2
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
There are also types FunctionN
and FunctionVar
for n-ary functions
and variadic functions.
type FunctionN xs y
= forall outer commons grp schemas params from
. NP (Expression outer commons grp schemas params from) xs
-> Expression outer commons grp schemas params from y
An n-ary function takes an NP
list of Expression
s as its argument.
Squeal 0.5 adds a helpful operator (*:)
, to help scrap your Nil
You can construct an NP
list now by using the operator (:*)
until your last element, using (*:)
there. For instance, the function
takes two arguments, atan2_ (pi *: 2)
Previously, Squeal provided a couple versions of SELECT
on whether you wanted to select all columns of a unique table
in the from clause, i.e. *
, all columns of a particular table
in the from clause, i.e. .*
, or a list of columns from the from clause.
Squeal 0.5 refactors this pattern into a Selection
GADT type, allowing
for abstraction and combinations that were not possible before.
data Selection outer commons grp schemas params from row where
:: HasUnique tab from row
=> Selection outer commons 'Ungrouped schemas params from row
:: Has tab from row
=> Alias tab
-> Selection outer commons 'Ungrouped schemas params from row
:: SListI row
=> NP (Aliased (Expression outer commons grp schemas params from)) row
-> Selection outer commons grp schemas params from row
:: SListI row
=> NP (Aliased (WindowFunction outer commons grp schemas params from)) row
-> WindowDefinition outer commons grp schemas params from
-> Selection outer commons grp schemas params from row
:: Selection outer commons grp schemas params from right
-> Selection outer commons grp schemas params from left
-> Selection outer commons grp schemas params from (Join left right)
In addition to the Star
, DotStar
and List
constructors, there is an
constructor combinator, which enables users to combine Selection
Additionally, there is an Over
constructor that is used to enable
window functions, described in the next section.
To upgrade from Squeal 0.4, you will replace selectStar
with select Star
replace selectDotStar #tab
with select (DotStar #tab)
. The List
selection is such a common use case that there is a function select_
automatically applies it, so to upgrade from Squeal 0.4, replace select
with select_
. There are also independent selectDistinct
and selectDistinct_
functions to filter out duplicate rows.
Query clauses
Previously, Squeal provided a couple versions of INSERT
on whether you wanted to insert VALUES
or a query.
Squeal 0.5 refactors this pattern into a QueryClause
-- Squeal 0.4
insertRow_ #tab (Set 2 `as` #col1 :* Default `as` #col2)
insertQuery_ #tab (selectStar (from (table #other_tab)))
-- Squeal 0.5
insertInto_ #tab (Values_ (Set 2 `as` #col1 :* Default `as` #col2))
insertInto_ #tab (Subquery (select Star (from (table #other_tab))))
Window functions and aggregation
Previous versions of Squeal provided no support for window functions.
Squeal 0.5 adds support for window functions. We saw Over
in the
previous section.
:: SListI row
=> NP (Aliased (WindowFunction outer commons grp schemas params from)) row
-> WindowDefinition outer commons grp schemas params from
-> Selection outer commons grp schemas params from row
combines window functions with window definitions. A WindowDefinition
is constructed using the partitionBy
function, optionally with an orderBy
clause. For example,
query :: Query_ (Public Schema) () (Row Int32 Int32)
query = select
(#col1 & Also (rank `as` #col2 `Over` (partitionBy #col1 & orderBy [#col2 & Asc])))
(from (table #tab))
Here the rank
function is a WindowFunction
rank :: WinFun0 ('NotNull 'PGint8)
rank = UnsafeWindowFunction "rank()"
is a RankNType, like Expr
was, used for no argument window functions.
Similarly, there are also WinFun1
and WinFunN
types for
window functions and n-ary window functions.
In order to use the same syntax for certain window functions and aggregate functions,
a new typeclass Aggregate
was introduced. So for instance, sum_
can be
either a Distinction
or a WindowFunction
, used either with
a groupBy
or with a partitionBy
in the appropriate way.
data Distinction (expr :: kind -> Type) (ty :: kind)
= All (expr ty)
| Distinct (expr ty)
Aggregate functions can be run over all rows or only over distinct rows, while window functions bear no such distinction.
Thanks to Squeal 0.5 introduces
a function defaultMain
to easily create a command line program to
run or rewind your migrations.
Previously, Squeal's migrations were impure, allowing in addition to
running Definition
s to run arbitrary IO
operations, such as inserting
data into the database or printing out status messages. In order to
provide compatibility with other migration systems, Squeal 0.5 introduces
pure migrations, that is migrations that are only Definition
data Migration p schemas0 schemas1 = Migration
{ name :: Text -- ^ The `name` of a `Migration`.
-- Each `name` in a `Migration` should be unique.
, up :: p schemas0 schemas1 -- ^ The `up` instruction of a `Migration`.
, down :: p schemas1 schemas0 -- ^ The `down` instruction of a `Migration`.
} deriving (GHC.Generic)
A pure migration is a Migration Definition
, a pair of inverse
s with a unique name. To recover impure migrations, Squeal 0.5
introduces the Terminally
newtype Terminally trans monad x0 x1 = Terminally
{ runTerminally :: trans x0 x1 monad () }
applies the indexed monad transformer and the monad it transforms
to the unit type ()
, thereby turning an indexed monad into a Category
. An
impure migration is a Migration (Terminally PQ IO)
. You can always cast
a pure migration into an impure migration with the functor, pureMigration
:: Migration Definition schemas0 schemas1
-> Migration (Terminally PQ IO) schemas0 schemas1
To run either pure or impure migrations, Squeal 0.5 introduces
a typeclass, Migratory
class Category p => Migratory p where
:: AlignedList (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ schemas0 schemas1 IO ()
:: AlignedList (Migration p) schemas0 schemas1
-> PQ schemas1 schemas0 IO ()
The signatures of migrateUp
and migrateDown
have been changed
to make them easier to compose with other PQ
You can now run transactions ephemerally
, guaranteed to roll back,
but return the result or throw the exception that the transaction
would have generated. This is useful for testing. You can also
computations, retrying the transaction if
a serialization failure occurs.
Squeal now supports money via a Money
Haskell Type
and a 'PGmoney
. Squeal 0.5 also adds support for creating domain types
with createDomain
Squeal 0.5 adds support for new functions; now
, makeDate
, makeTime
, makeTimestamp
, and makeTimestamptz
, a function interval_
constructing time intervals out multiples of TimeUnit
s, and a new
class, defining affine space operators for time types and their
Squeal allows you to include Haskell values in your statements using
out of line parameter
s, but often you want to include them inline,
as a SQL literal
. Squeal 0.5 enables this using the Literal
Set returning functions
Squeal 0.5 adds support for set returning functions such as unnest
with the RankNType
, which can be used as as a FromClause
Text search
Squeal 0.5 adds extensive support for text search types, functions and operators.
Much more
Lots more changes went into and under the hood of the new version.
The Expression
module was split into coherent submodules since it
had grown to immense proportions. New modules Alias
, PG
and List
were added to relieve some of the burden that the Schema
had been carrying. Rendering has been better unified with a new
typeclass. Type level list concatenation with the Additional
typeclass has been added. Manipulation
s update
and delete
were upgraded, so you can leave out fields you don't want to update and
clauses in deletes. Upserts which were previously broken
now work. The IO
typeclass hierarchy was changed from MonadBase
and MonadBaseControl
to MonadIO
and MonadUnliftIO
. A new
was added. SquealException
s were
refactored and a trySqueal
function added. Arrays were refactored.
And there was probably more I've forgotten.
Version 0.4 strengthens Squeal's type system, adds
support for multidimensional arrays, improves support
for container type, improves with
improves runtime exceptions, accomodates SQL's three-valued logic,
adds subquery expressions, and adds table and view type expressions.
Squeal 0.4 renames some kinds to aid intuition:
type RowType = [(Symbol, NullityType)] -- previously RelationType
type FromType = [(Symbol, RowType)] -- previously RelationsType
Null safety for array and composite types is gained by having the base
type of an array be a NullityType
and the base type of a composite
a RowType
data PGType
= ..
| PGvararray NullityType
| PGfixarray Nat NullityType
| PGcomposite RowType
Squeal embeds Postgres types into Haskell using data kinds and type-in-type:
data PGType = PGbool | ..
data NullityType = Null PGType | NotNull PGType
type RowType = [(Symbol, NullityType)] -- previously RelationType
type FromType = [(Symbol, RowType)] -- previously RelationsType
In another sense, we can embed Haskell types into Postgres types by providing type families:
type family PG (hask :: Type) :: PGType
type family NullPG (hask :: Type) :: NullityType
type family TuplePG (hask :: Type) :: [NullityType]
type family RowPG (hask :: Type) :: RowType
Let's look at these one by one.
was introduced in Squeal 0.3. It was a closed type family that
associates some Haskell types to their obvious corresponding Postgres
types like PG Double = 'PGfloat8
. It only worked on base types,
no arrays or composites. Squeal 0.4 extends it to
such container types and makes it an open type family so that
users can make their own type instances.
had a different name before but it does the obvious
thing for Haskell with Maybe
type family NullPG hask where
NullPG (Maybe hask) = 'Null (PG hask)
NullPG hask = 'NotNull (PG hask)
uses generics to turn tuple types (including records)
into lists of NullityType
s in the logical way, e.g.
TuplePG (Bool, Day) = '[ 'PGbool, 'PGdate]
also uses generics to turn record types into a RowType
in the logical way, e.g.
>>> data Person = Person { name :: Text, age :: Int32 } deriving GHC.Generic
>>> instance SOP.Generic Person
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Person
>>> :kind! TuplePG Person
TuplePG Person :: [NullityType]
= '['NotNull 'PGtext, 'NotNull 'PGint4]
>>> :kind! RowPG Person
RowPG Person :: [(Symbol, NullityType)]
= '["name" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext, "age" ::: 'NotNull 'PGint4]
We've already seen a hint of why these types are useful in one construction
from Squeal 0.3. Creating composite types in Postgres directly from a Haskell
record type essentially uses RowPG
. Another important use is in simplifying
the type signatures for a Query
or Manipulation
. Very often, you will have
a tuple type corresponding to the parameters and a record type corresponding
to the returned columns of a Query
or Manipulation
. Instead of writing
boilerplate signature you can reuse these with the help of TuplePG
and RowPG
For instance:
>>> :{
query :: Query '["user" ::: 'View (RowPG Person)] (TuplePG (Only Int32)) (RowPG Person)
query = selectStar (from (view #user) & where_ (#age .> param @1))
In addition to being able to encode and decode basic Haskell types
like Int16
and Text
, Squeal 0.4 permits you to encode and decode Haskell types to
Postgres array types. The Vector
type corresponds to to variable length arrays.
And thanks to an idea from Mike Ledger,
homogeneous tuples correspond to fixed length arrays. We can even
create multi-dimensional fixed length arrays. Let's see an example.
>>> :{
data Row = Row
{ col1 :: Vector Int16
, col2 :: (Maybe Int16,Maybe Int16)
, col3 :: ((Int16,Int16),(Int16,Int16),(Int16,Int16))
} deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic)
>>> instance Generic Row
>>> instance HasDatatypeInfo Row
Define a simple round trip query.
>>> :{
roundTrip :: Query '[] (TuplePG Row) (RowPG Row)
roundTrip = values_ $
parameter @1 (int2 & vararray) `as` #col1 :*
parameter @2 (int2 & fixarray @2) `as` #col2 :*
parameter @3 (int2 & fixarray @2 & fixarray @3) `as` #col3
>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> let input = Row [1,2] (Just 1,Nothing) ((1,2),(3,4),(5,6))
>>> :{
void . withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $ do
result <- runQueryParams roundTrip input
Just output <- firstRow result
liftBase . print $ input == output
Squeal aims to provide a correspondence between Haskell types and Postgres types. In particular, Haskell ADTs with nullary constructors can correspond to Postgres enum types and Haskell record types can correspond to Postgres composite types. However, it's not always obvious that that's how a user will choose to store values of those types. So Squeal 0.4 introduces newtypes whose purpose is to specify how a user wants to store values of a type.
newtype Json hask = Json {getJson :: hask}
newtype Jsonb hask = Jsonb {getJsonb :: hask}
newtype Composite record = Composite {getComposite :: record}
newtype Enumerated enum = Enumerated {getEnumerated :: enum}
Let's see an example:
>>> data Schwarma = Beef | Lamb | Chicken deriving (Eq, Show, GHC.Generic)
>>> instance SOP.Generic Schwarma
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Schwarma
>>> data Person = Person {name :: Text, age :: Int32} deriving (Eq, Show, GHC.Generic)
>>> instance SOP.Generic Person
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Person
>>> instance Aeson.FromJSON Person
>>> instance Aeson.ToJSON Person
We can create the equivalent Postgres types directly from their Haskell types.
>>> :{
type Schema =
'[ "schwarma" ::: 'Typedef (PG (Enumerated Schwarma))
, "person" ::: 'Typedef (PG (Composite Person))
>>> :{
setup :: Definition '[] Schema
setup =
createTypeEnumFrom @Schwarma #schwarma >>>
createTypeCompositeFrom @Person #person
Let's demonstrate how to associate our Haskell types Schwarma
and Person
with enumerated, composite or json types in Postgres. First create a Haskell
type using the Enumerated
, Composite
and Json
newtypes as fields.
>>> :{
data Row = Row
{ schwarma :: Enumerated Schwarma
, person1 :: Composite Person
, person2 :: Json Person
} deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic)
>>> instance Generic Row
>>> instance HasDatatypeInfo Row
>>> :{
input = Row
(Enumerated Chicken)
(Composite (Person "Faisal" 24))
(Json (Person "Ahmad" 48))
Once again, define a round trip query.
>>> :{
roundTrip :: Query Schema (TuplePG Row) (RowPG Row)
roundTrip = values_ $
parameter @1 (typedef #schwarma) `as` #schwarma :*
parameter @2 (typedef #person) `as` #person1 :*
parameter @3 json `as` #person2
Finally, we can drop our type definitions.
>>> :{
teardown :: Definition Schema '[]
teardown = dropType #schwarma >>> dropType #person
Now let's run it.
>>> :{
session = do
result <- runQueryParams roundTrip input
Just output <- firstRow result
liftBase . print $ input == output
void . withConnection "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=exampledb" $
define setup
& pqThen session
& pqThen (define teardown)
Squeal 0.3 supported WITH statements but there's a couple problems with them.
Here's the type signature for with
in Squeal 0.3.
:: SOP.SListI commons
=> NP (Aliased (Manipulation schema params)) (common ': commons)
-- ^ common table expressions
-> Manipulation (With (common ': commons) schema) params results
-> Manipulation schema params results
The first problem is that with
only works with Manipulations
It can work on Query
s by using queryStatement
but it still will
return a Manipulation
. We can fix this issue by making with
method of a type class with instances for both Query
and Manipulation
The second problem is that all the common table expressions refer the base schema, whereas in SQL, each subsequent CTE can refer to previous CTEs as well. But this can be fixed! First define a datatype:
data CommonTableExpression statement params schema0 schema1 where
:: Aliased (statement schema params) (alias ::: cte)
-> CommonTableExpression statement params schema (alias ::: 'View cte ': schema)
It's just a wrapper around an aliased statement, where the statement
could be either a Query
or Manipulation
, but it augments the schema
by adding a view to it. It almost looks like a morphism between schemas
but there is no way yet to compose them. Luckily, Squeal already has
a datatype for this, which is used for migrations, the AlignedList
type which is really the "free category". So we can then define a With
type class:
class With statement where
:: AlignedList (CommonTableExpression statement params) schema0 schema1
-> statement schema1 params row
-> statement schema0 params row
By giving Aliasable
instances to CTEs and aligned singleton lists of CTEs (i.e. scrap-your-nils), we get a nice syntax for WITH statements in Squeal.
Here's an example of using with
for a Query
and a Manipulation
>>> :{
query :: Query
'[ "t1" ::: 'View
'[ "c1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext
, "c2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext] ]
'[ "c1" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext
, "c2" ::: 'NotNull 'PGtext ]
query = with (
selectStar (from (view #t1)) `as` #t2 :>>
selectStar (from (view #t2)) `as` #t3
) (selectStar (from (view #t3)))
in printSQL query
WITH "t2" AS (SELECT * FROM "t1" AS "t1"), "t3" AS (SELECT * FROM "t2" AS "t2") SELECT * FROM "t3" AS "t3"
>>> type ProductsTable = '[] :=> '["product" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext, "date" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGdate]
>>> :{
manipulation :: Manipulation
'[ "products" ::: 'Table ProductsTable
, "products_deleted" ::: 'Table ProductsTable
] '[ 'NotNull 'PGdate] '[]
manipulation = with
(deleteFrom #products (#date .< param @1) ReturningStar `as` #deleted_rows)
(insertQuery_ #products_deleted (selectStar (from (view (#deleted_rows `as` #t)))))
in printSQL manipulation
WITH "deleted_rows" AS (DELETE FROM "products" WHERE ("date" < ($1 :: date)) RETURNING *) INSERT INTO "products_deleted" SELECT * FROM "deleted_rows" AS "t"
Three Valued Logic
In previous versions of Squeal, conditions followed classical two valued logic
of true
and false
-- Squeal 0.3
type Condition schema from grouping params =
Expression schema from grouping params ('NotNull 'PGbool)
I had thought that three valued logic, which is what SQL uses, was confusing.
However, multiple users reported being confused at being forced to do NULL
handling, particularly in their left joins. Since the original motivation
of being less confusing evaporated I decided to switch to three valued logic
of true
, false
and null_
-- Squeal 0.4
type Condition schema from grouping params =
Expression schema from grouping params ('Null 'PGbool)
Subquery Expressions
Squeal 0.4 adds support for subquery expressions such as IN
and op ANY/ALL
Row Types
Squeal 0.4 adds functions to define type expressions from tables and views
and a type expression for user defined types, typetable
, typeview
Runtime Exceptions
Squeal now has an exception type which gives details on the sort of error encountered and handler functions.
data SquealException
= PQException
{ sqlExecStatus :: LibPQ.ExecStatus
, sqlStateCode :: Maybe ByteString
-- ^
, sqlErrorMessage :: Maybe ByteString
| ResultException Text
| ParseException Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception SquealException
:: MonadBaseControl IO io
=> io a
-> (SquealException -> io a) -- ^ handler
-> io a
:: MonadBaseControl IO io
=> (SquealException -> io a) -- ^ handler
-> io a -> io a
Additional Changes
Squeal 0.4 adds field
and index
functions to get components of composite
and array expressions.
Squeal 0.4 adds a dependency on records-sop
to offload a lot of boilerplate
type family logic that was needed for RowPG
The above changes required major and minor changes to Squeal DSL functions. Please consult the documentation.
Version 0.3.2 features extensive support for JSON
functionality with
more than 50 new functions.
This work is entirely due to Mike Ledger
who has been making terrific contributions to Squeal. Thanks!
We also got some examples in the documentation for pools submitted by
Raveline. I'm so pleased to be
getting pull requests and issue submissions from you all!
Version 0.3.1 of Squeal enables the "Scrap your Nils" trick for
heterogeneous lists of Alias
es, Aliased
expressions, PGlabel
s and By
with the typeclasses IsLabel
, IsQualified
, IsPGlabel
and the new Aliasable
typeclass, to eliminate all need of using Nil
in a list.
There were a couple minor name changes, i.e. the function group
was renamed to groupBy
Please consult the documentation.
Version 0.3 of Squeal adds views as well as composite and enumerated types to Squeal.
To support these features, a new kind SchemumType
was added.
data SchemumType
= Table TableType
| View RelationType
| Typedef PGType
As a consequence, you will have to update your schema definitions like so:
-- Squeal 0.2
type Schema =
'[ "users" :::
'[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] ] :=>
'[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
, "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext
-- Squeal 0.3
type Schema =
'[ "users" ::: 'Table (
'[ "pk_users" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"] ] :=>
'[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
, "name" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGtext
You can now create, drop, and query views.
>>> :{
type ABC =
('[] :: TableConstraints) :=>
'[ "a" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4
, "b" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4
, "c" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGint4
type BC =
'[ "b" ::: 'Null 'PGint4
, "c" ::: 'Null 'PGint4
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC ] '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC, "bc" ::: 'View BC]
definition = createView #bc (select (#b :* #c :* Nil) (from (table #abc)))
in printSQL definition
CREATE VIEW "bc" AS SELECT "b" AS "b", "c" AS "c" FROM "abc" AS "abc";
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC, "bc" ::: 'View BC] '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC]
definition = dropView #bc
in printSQL definition
>>> :{
query :: Query '["abc" ::: 'Table ABC, "bc" ::: 'View BC] '[] BC
query = selectStar (from (view #bc))
in printSQL query
SELECT * FROM "bc" AS "bc"
Enumerated Types
PostgreSQL has a powerful type system. It even allows for user defined types. For instance, you can define enumerated types which are data types that comprise a static, ordered set of values. They are equivalent to Haskell algebraic data types whose constructors are nullary. An example of an enum type might be the days of the week, or a set of status values for a piece of data.
Enumerated types are created using the createTypeEnum
command, for example:
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '[] '["mood" ::: 'Typedef ('PGenum '["sad", "ok", "happy"])]
definition = createTypeEnum #mood (label @"sad" :* label @"ok" :* label @"happy" :* Nil)
>>> printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "mood" AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');
Enumerated types can also be generated from a Haskell algebraic data type with nullary constructors, for example:
>>> data Schwarma = Beef | Lamb | Chicken deriving GHC.Generic
>>> instance SOP.Generic Schwarma
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Schwarma
>>> :kind! EnumFrom Schwarma
EnumFrom Schwarma :: PGType
= 'PGenum '["Beef", "Lamb", "Chicken"]
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '[] '["schwarma" ::: 'Typedef (EnumFrom Schwarma)]
definition = createTypeEnumFrom @Schwarma #schwarma
>>> printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "schwarma" AS ENUM ('Beef', 'Lamb', 'Chicken');
You can express values of an enum type using label
, which is an overloaded method
of the IsPGlabel
>>> :{
expression :: Expression sch rels grp params ('NotNull (EnumFrom Schwarma))
expression = label @"Chicken"
in printSQL expression
Composite Types
In addition to enum types, you can define composite types. A composite type represents the structure of a row or record; it is essentially just a list of field names and their data types.
creates a composite type. The composite type is
specified by a list of attribute names and data types.
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '[] '["complex" ::: 'Typedef ('PGcomposite '["real" ::: 'PGfloat8, "imaginary" ::: 'PGfloat8])]
definition = createTypeComposite #complex (float8 `As` #real :* float8 `As` #imaginary :* Nil)
>>> printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "complex" AS ("real" float8, "imaginary" float8);
Composite types are almost equivalent to Haskell record types.
However, because of the potential presence of NULL
all the record fields must be Maybe
s of basic types.
Composite types can be generated from a Haskell record type, for example:
>>> data Complex = Complex {real :: Maybe Double, imaginary :: Maybe Double} deriving GHC.Generic
>>> instance SOP.Generic Complex
>>> instance SOP.HasDatatypeInfo Complex
>>> :kind! CompositeFrom Complex
CompositeFrom Complex :: PGType
= 'PGcomposite '['("real", 'PGfloat8), '("imaginary", 'PGfloat8)]
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '[] '["complex" ::: 'Typedef (CompositeFrom Complex)]
definition = createTypeCompositeFrom @Complex #complex
in printSQL definition
CREATE TYPE "complex" AS ("real" float8, "imaginary" float8);
A row constructor is an expression that builds a row value (also called a composite value) using values for its member fields.
>>> :{
i :: Expression '[] '[] 'Ungrouped '[] ('NotNull (CompositeFrom Complex))
i = row (0 `As` #real :* 1 `As` #imaginary :* Nil)
>>> printSQL i
ROW(0, 1)
You can also use (&)
to apply a field label to a composite value.
>>> :{
expr :: Expression '[] '[] 'Ungrouped '[] ('Null 'PGfloat8)
expr = i & #imaginary
in printSQL expr
(ROW(0, 1)).imaginary
Both composite and enum types can be automatically encoded from and decoded to their equivalent Haskell types. And they can be dropped.
>>> :{
definition :: Definition '["mood" ::: 'Typedef ('PGenum '["sad", "ok", "happy"])] '[]
definition = dropType #mood
>>> printSQL definition
DROP TYPE "mood";
Additional Changes
Squeal 0.3 also introduces a typeclass HasAll
similar to Has
but for a list of aliases.
This makes it possible to clean up some unfortunately messy Squeal 0.2 definitions.
-- Squeal 0.2
>>> unique (Column #a :* Column #b :* Nil)
-- Squeal 0.3
>>> unique (#a :* #b :* Nil)
Squeal 0.3 also adds IsLabel
instances for Aliased
expressions and tables as well as
heterogeneous lists, allowing for some more economy of code.
-- Squeal 0.2 (or 0.3)
>>> select (#a `As` #a :* Nil) (from (table (#t `As` #t)))
-- Squeal 0.3
>>> select #a (from (table #t))
Squeal 0.3 also fixes a bug that prevented joined queries on self-referencing tables.
The above changes required major and minor changes to Squeal DSL functions. Please consult the documentation.
This minor update fixes an issue where alias identifiers could conflict with reserved words in PostgreSQL. To fix the issue, alias identifiers are now quoted. Thanks to Petter Rasmussen for the fix.
- Constraints - Type level table constraints like primary and foreign keys and column constraints like having
. - Migrations - Support for linear, invertible migrations tracked in an auxiliary table
- Arrays - Support for fixed- and variable-length arrays
- Aliases - Generalized
constraint - Pools - Support for pooled connections
- Transactions - Support for transaction control language
- Queries, Manipulations, Definitions - Small and large changes to Squeal's DSL
Well, a lot of things changed!
An important request was to bring constraints to the type level.
This means that more of the schema is statically known. In 0.1
column constraints - which boil down
to having DEFAULT
or not - were at the type level, but they were confusingly named.
0.1: 'Optional ('NotNull 'PGInt4)
0.2: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGInt4
0.1: 'Required ('NotNull 'PGInt4)
0.2: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGInt4
The :=>
type operator is intended to helpfully connote a constraint relation.
It's also used for table constraints which are new in 0.2
"emails" :::
'[ "pk_emails" ::: 'PrimaryKey '["id"]
, "fk_user_id" ::: 'ForeignKey '["user_id"] "public" "users" '["id"]
] :=>
'[ "id" ::: 'Def :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
, "user_id" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'NotNull 'PGint4
, "email" ::: 'NoDef :=> 'Null 'PGtext
Another change in the constraint system was the removal of column constraints from
query and manipulation results, as result columns don't support a notion of DEFAULT
This necessitates a distinction between TableType
s which have both column and table
constraints and RelationType
s which have neither.
Migrations are a hot topic and many people have requested this feature. Squeal 0.2
adds support for linear, invertible migrations. That is, a migration is a named,
invertible, schema-tracking computation:
data Migration io schema0 schema1 = Migration
{ name :: Text -- ^ The `name` of a `Migration`.
-- Each `name` in a `Migration` should be unique.
, up :: PQ schema0 schema1 io () -- ^ The `up` instruction of a `Migration`.
, down :: PQ schema1 schema0 io () -- ^ The `down` instruction of a `Migration`.
And, Migration
s can be put together in an "aligned" list:
data AlignedList p x0 x1 where
Done :: AlignedList p x x
(:>>) :: p x0 x1 -> AlignedList p x1 x2 -> AlignedList p x0 x2
These aligned lists are free categories and might look familiar from the reflections without remorse technique, which uses their cousins, aligned sequences.
In the context of migration, they allow one to chain new migrations as a
schema evolves over time. Migration
s' execution is tracked in an auxiliary
migrations table. Migration lists can then be run or rewinded.
:: MonadBaseControl IO io
=> AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -- ^ migrations to run
-> PQ
("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0)
("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1)
io ()
:: MonadBaseControl IO io
=> AlignedList (Migration io) schema0 schema1 -- ^ migrations to rewind
-> PQ
("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema1)
("schema_migrations" ::: MigrationsTable ': schema0)
io ()
In Squeal 0.1
, we had different typeclasses HasColumn
and HasTable
to indicate
that a table has a column or that a schema has a table. In Squeal 0.2
this has been
unified to a single typeclass,
class KnownSymbol alias =>
Has (alias :: Symbol) (fields :: [(Symbol,kind)]) (field :: kind)
| alias fields -> field where
Support for array types has been added to Squeal 0.2
the 'PGfixarray
and 'PGvararray
s. Array values can be
constructed using the array
function and can be encoded from and decoded to
Haskell Vector
Squeal 0.2
provides a monad transformer PoolPQ
that's an instance of MonadPQ
The resource-pool
library is leveraged to provide striped pools of Connection
should be a drop in replacement for running Manipulation
s and Query
s with
Squeal 0.2
supports a simple transaction control language. A computation in
can be called transactionally
with different levels of isolation.
Additionally, a schema changing computation, a data definition, can be run in a
transaction. Running a computation in a transaction means that all SQL statements
will be rolled back if an exception is encountered.
Queries, Manipulations and Definitions
The above changes required major and minor changes to Squeal DSL functions. Please consult the documentation.