diff --git a/examples/live-audio/script.sh b/examples/live-audio/script.sh index 484ac3d0..242f1120 100644 --- a/examples/live-audio/script.sh +++ b/examples/live-audio/script.sh @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ docker run --detach --gpus=all --publish 8000:8000 --volume ~/.cache/huggingface # or you can run it on a CPU # docker run --detach --publish 8000:8000 --volume ~/.cache/huggingface:/root/.cache/huggingface --env WHISPER__MODEL=$WHISPER__MODEL fedirz/faster-whisper-server:latest-cpu -# `pv` is used to limit the rate at which the audio is streamed to the server. Audio is being streamed at a rate of 32kb/s(16000 sample rate * 16-bit sample / 8 bits per byte = 32000 bytes per second). This emulutes live audio input from a microphone: `ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -f alsa -i default -ac 1 -ar 16000 -f s16le` +# `pv` is used to limit the rate at which the audio is streamed to the server. Audio is being streamed at a rate of 32kb/s(16000 sample rate * 16-bit sample / 8 bits per byte = 32000 bytes per second). This emulutes live audio input from a microphone: `ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -f alsa -i default -ac 1 -ar 16000 -f s16le -` # shellcheck disable=SC2002 cat audio.pcm | pv -qL 32000 | websocat --no-close --binary 'ws://localhost:8000/v1/audio/transcriptions?language=en'