A set of standard Capistrano/Rake tasks to use with WordPress, Magento and MODx projects.
- Merge this into an existing project
- Create dev.rb, preprod.rb and prod.rb in config/deploy and adjust accordingly - see .SAMPLE.rb for reference
- Add relevant deploy keys to the keys directory (check out Github's notes on deployment keys)
Purpose | Prefix | Version Tag | Example |
Customer | c/ | c/lpp | |
Stock themes | t/ | t/openhouse/2.87 | t/openhouse |
Upstream | n/a | u/3.1.2 | upstream |
- Set up a proper remote environment (deploy keys, bash prompt, mysql setup)
- Deploy WordPress and Magento projects
- add tasks to download the deployed theme - needed for migrating old themes to this setup
- add support for loading a 'seed.sql' file
- add cron jobs for backing up uploads and db automatically + fetching?
- tool to fetch new plugins
- MODx support