- allow subsequent assignment of time sections to private or work
- provide usage statistics over a week/month/..
- connect to scheduling tools like Outlook to get more information
- support more states (private, project1, project2, ...)
- statistics: compare yourself with your average data
- statistics: draw efficiency graph
- click and mark sections for summary and subsequent assignments
- allow correction of work day start
- get parent of window (e.g. 'file changed')
- command line tool for statistics, tests etc.
- ability to import/combine day-charts
- autosave
- highlight current app
- bold titles
- find a better name (suggestions?) (time, time machine, eta, invest)
- generate distributio n script for Linux
- generate distribution script for Windows
- support to Python 3 (needs ckwnd for python3)
- support regex rules for work/private
- preprocess title
- allow detailed per minute information when hovering over time bar
- support Windows
- start/end of working day is defined by usage rather than run time
- recognize end of day and start over
- save day-log and resume on restart
- display all times with h:mm
- add total, active, private ratio
- work/private/inactive states in time bar
- sort application table
- show time bar indicating active and inactive times
- show list with active applications
- show active time, start time
- retrieve process name
- read current window title
- read idle times with help from Gajim