Community Council (CC) meeting held @ 10:00 UTC in grincoin#general channel on Keybase. Meeting lasted 32 min.
Notes are truncated, and conversations sorted based on topic and not always chronological. Quotes are edited for brevity and clarity, and not always exact.
- dtavarez
- cekickafa
- defistaker
- phyro
- scilio
- Anynomous
- Discussion about Coinswap Milestone 2 delayed to next meeting due to absence of scilio, timing mismatch.
Last meeting notes here:
Current meeting [agenda](grincc#62
cekickafa : Maybe we rearrange meeting time. Anyway there is 1 topic today.Lets wait a little
dtavarez : the PR seems to be WIP still.
cekickafa : 👋 @scilio
defistaker : 👋 Maybe @scilio thought that meeting was at 15:00 CET.
cekickafa : it writes there 10 UTC. And yesterday reminded here also. Maybe 10.00 UTC time is not suitable for meeting. We can reconsider it.
dtavarez : the original idea of having a meeting at 10 utc was for a change and to give others the opportunity to join in.
👍 cekickafa
anynomous : 👋
phyro : Regarding coinswap review, I thought I'd go through today, but things came in and will do that tomorrow.
👍 cekickafa, johndavies
scilio : sorry for my absence. I converted the time wrong. 10 utc is middle of the night for me, so I didn't see the notifications until now.
👍 cekickafa
dtavarez : the PR seems to be WIP still.
It's not WIP. I was just adding in more test coverage and comments while I waited for reviewers. I was hoping that would make it easier to review.
cekickafa : Next meeting ,2 weeks later 16 august. at 15.00 UTC time. Hope it matches you @scilio and you can join.
scilio : I can do that. Hopefully @phyro, @dtavarez and @yeastplume can finish reviewing by then
👍 cekickafa, johndavies
- Move discussion ''Coinswap Milestone 2 Review & Approval to being work on Milestone 3 '' to next meeting.
Meeting adjourned.