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Whisper Push Notifications

Pedro Pombeiro edited this page Mar 14, 2018 · 57 revisions


It is crucial to understand what is Whisper Notification Service is designed for:

  • to augment Whisper/5 functionality, by allowing clients to subscribe to arbitrary node that has service enabled
  • once subscribed, client receives randomly generated symmetric key (SubscriptionKey), which is used to control subscription (say, querying for server id or generating chat keys).
  • using SubscriptionKey, new chat sessions can be initiated (yielding yet another SymKey - ChatKey). By sharing that key with others, you will have a common secret that can be used to trigger notifications.
  • everywhere possible, Whisper protocol itself was used. For example, discovery mechanism is nothing more but Whisper message exchanges between parties. The same goes for notification sending. The aim was to keep the Service as slim as possible.

High-Level Overview of the process


The crux here is how to allow DeviceB to trigger notifications on DeviceA, all this w/o knowing much of which wnode is used, or details of DeviceA. And Chat SymKey solves this issue elegantly (the beauty is that it works for both one-on-one and group chats, all you need to ensure is share a secret, namely Chat SymKey, so that newcomers can add their devices to subscribers list).

Important Notes:

  • Device A starts the protocol by sending encrypted message using Discovery Protocol PubKey (Status test cluster will have a single PubKey installed on all the nodes, allowing any of them to respond on discovery requests).
  • While discovery happens using asymmetric cryptography, once you obtain Subscription SymKey and Chat SymKey you rely on symmetric encryption.
  • It is important to understand that notification request messages go along the normal communication i.e.
    • on DeviceA you send encrypted message to DeviceB (so, only DeviceB can open envelope)
    • once done, you need to send a broadcast message encrypting it with Chat SymKey
    • some node over there, will be able to decrypt your broadcast (the only one that has Chat SymKey)
    • once decrypted, wnode will go over list of device IDs previously registered for this Chat, and send notifications requests to FCM using those IDs (only 1 request for one-on-one chats, n-1 requests for group of n chats - that's we do not notify ourselves)
  • So, messages are never exposed, and they are routed in parallel. Notifications are also encrypted (by Chat SymKey), so are not exposed to eavesdropper either. This means we are not compromising on darkness. The following info gets exposed though:
    • by registering device ID with a given chat session we expose it to wnode
    • we expose our PubKeys (wnodes need message to be signed, so that you PubKey can be filtered out, and notification by you towards yourself is avoided)
    • we may expose some critical information in body of notification message (highly not advised!).

Communication Protocol

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ The code below is outdated (it was written for Geth 1.5.9, and with Geth 1.6.0 Whisper API changed drastically). It is still advised to skim over the code and comments, to get better understanding of the idea. And at the end of this document, we include full-fledged test suite (to be run with Mocha).

Suppose, you started service node(s) using statusd --datadir wnode1 wnode --notify -nodekey ./wnodekey -.shh.firebaseauth ./firebaseuathkey, where wnodekey and firebaseauthkey files contain node's private key and FCM authorization key respectively. Now, your server is ready to receive requests encrypted with its PubKey, which for our cluster is 0x040edb0d71a3dbe928e154fcb696ffbda359b153a90efc2b46f0043ce9f5dbe55b77b9328fd841a1db5273758624afadd5b39638d4c35b36b3a96e1a586c1b4c2a.

On client side, we need to use protocol PubKey and pre-defined topic:

var protocolKey = '0x040edb0d71a3dbe928e154fcb696ffbda359b153a90efc2b46f0043ce9f5dbe55b77b9328fd841a1db5273758624afadd5b39638d4c35b36b3a96e1a586c1b4c2a';
var sendDiscoveryRequest = function (identity) {
    // notification server discovery request is a signed (sent from us),
    // encrypted with Notification Protocol Asymmetric (Public) Key
    var err ={
        from: identity,
        to: protocolKey,
        topics: [discoverServerTopic],
        ttl: 20
    if (err !== null) {
        console.log("message NOT sent")
    } else {
        console.log("message sent OK")

Here is the list of topics (see the full sample file, where they are all used):

var discoverServerTopic = '0x268302f3'; // DISCOVER_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
var proposeServerTopic = '0x08e3d8c0'; // PROPOSE_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
var acceptServerTopic = '0x04f7dea6'; // ACCEPT_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
var ackClientSubscriptionTopic = '0x93dafe28'; // ACK_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_SUBSCRIPTION
var sendNotificationTopic = '0x69915296'; // SEND_NOTIFICATION
var newChatSessionTopic = '0x509579a2'; // NEW_CHAT_SESSION
var ackNewChatSessionTopic = '0xd012aae8'; // ACK_NEW_CHAT_SESSION
var newDeviceRegistrationTopic = '0x14621a51'; // NEW_DEVICE_REGISTRATION
var ackDeviceRegistrationTopic = '0x424358d6'; // ACK_DEVICE_REGISTRATION
var checkClientSessionTopic = '0x8745d931'; // CHECK_CLIENT_SESSION
var confirmClientSessionTopic  = '0xd3202c5f'; // CONFIRM_CLIENT_SESSION
var dropClientSessionTopic = '0x3a6656bb'; // DROP_CLIENT_SESSION

Finally, in order to test everything out, you'd better use two different clients not one. So, assume that we have two nodes (Device A and Device B) which have different underlying Status daemons:

var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8645')); // Device A
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8745')); // Device B

To support those two different apps, two Status nodes are started:

statusd --datadir app1 --http --httpport 8645 --shh
statusd --datadir app2 --http --httpport 8745 --shh

Workflow: Discovery, Subscription, Chat Management, Notification Triggering

1. Discovery request and Notification Server selection

Everything starts with Device A willing to register with some Notification Service Provider. To do so, it sends discovery request to some known cluster (as you need to specify PubKey used on wnode side):

var protocolKey = '0x040edb0d71a3dbe928e154fcb696ffbda359b153a90efc2b46f0043ce9f5dbe55b77b9328fd841a1db5273758624afadd5b39638d4c35b36b3a96e1a586c1b4c2a';
var discoverServerTopic = '0x268302f3'; // DISCOVER_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
var sendDiscoveryRequest = function (identity) {
    // notification server discovery request is a signed (sent from us),
    // encrypted with Notification Protocol Asymmetric (Public) Key
    var err ={
        from: identity,
        to: protocolKey,
        topics: [discoverServerTopic],
        ttl: 20
    if (err !== null) {
        console.log("message NOT sent")
    } else {
        console.log("message sent OK")
var identity = web3.shh.newIdentity();

Once that request is sent all capable wnodes respond back, so we need to watch for their responses, and select one provider (generally FIFO). To watch:

var proposeServerTopic = '0x08e3d8c0'; // PROPOSE_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
var watchProposeServerResponses = function (identity) {
    // some notification servers will be able to serve, so they will send encrypted (to you)
    // message, with a PROPOSE_NOTIFICATION_SERVER topic (for which we wait)
    var filter = web3.shh.filter({
        to: identity, // wait for anon. messages to ourselves
        topics: [proposeServerTopic]
    }); (error, result) {
        if (!error) {
            console.log("Server proposal received: ", result);
            // response will be in JSON, e.g. {"server": "0x81f34abd0df038e01a8f9c04bee7ce92925b7240e334dc8f2400dea7a2a6d829678be8b40e1d9b9988e25960552eafe2df7f928188e4143ba657a699519c438d"}
            // which will give you serverID
            var payload = JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(result.payload));

            // no need to watch for the filter any more

            // accept (in FIFO order) the server
            // we need to make sure that only a single server is selected,
            // as you will receive multiple proposals for different servers,
            // and may accept more that one of those proposals (which will
            // result in duplicate notifications)
            sendAcceptServerRequest(identity, payload.server);

Now, whenever we receive server proposal and willing to accept it, sendAcceptServerRequest() message needs to be broadcasted (so that server knows we have selected it):

var acceptServerTopic = '0x04f7dea6'; // ACCEPT_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
var sendAcceptServerRequest = function (identity, serverId) {
    // whenever we are ready to accept server, having a given serverId, we need
    // to notify it by sending signed (from us) and encrypted (using protocol key)
    // acceptance message.
    var err ={
        from: identity, // it is absolutely important to identify the client, or your acceptance will be dropped
        to: protocolKey,
        topics: [acceptServerTopic],
        payload: '{"server": "' + serverId + '"}',
        ttl: 20
    if (err !== null) {
        console.log("message NOT sent")
    } else {
        console.log("message sent OK")

To complete discovery protocol, we need to receive ACK message from the Notification Server we selected. Server's ACK message will also include SymKey, which we will use to communicate securely with server down the line:

var ackClientSubscriptionTopic = '0x93dafe28'; // ACK_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_SUBSCRIPTION
var watchServerAckResponses = function (identity) {
    // if server we accepted is ok, it will send encrypted (to you)
    // message, with a ACK_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_SUBSCRIPTION topic (for which we wait)
    // This message completes the subscription process. At this point you should
    // have topic and symkey necessary to manage your subscription.
    var filter = web3.shh.filter({
        to: identity, // wait for anon. messages to ourselves
        topics: [ackClientSubscriptionTopic]
    }); (error, result) {
        if (!error) {
            console.log("Server ACK received: ", result);
            // response will be in JSON, e.g. {"server": "0xdeadbeef", "key": "0xdeadbeef"}
            // which will give you serverID
            var payload = JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(result.payload));

            // no need to watch for the filter any more

            // this concludes discovery, and we can use obtained key to invoke chat sessions

2. Creating Chat session and registering device

So, at this point we have a client session key (payload.key passed into createChatSession() in previous code example), which we are ready to use it to create chat session.

Now, why do we have distinct client and chat keys? The reason is simple: client session key is cryptographic connection between client and Notification Service, it is to be known on host device only. However, in order to be able to trigger notification on each other, devices need to share some secret. That secret is chat session key. For a device it is enough to know chat session key, to be able to:

  • register itself as notifications receiver
  • trigger notifications on all the other registered devices
  • all this in secure/dark way

Here is how you create chat session key might look like (remember we are still using web3 object connected to Device A node):

var newChatSessionTopic = '0x509579a2'; // NEW_CHAT_SESSION
var ackNewChatSessionTopic = '0xd012aae8'; // ACK_NEW_CHAT_SESSION
var createChatSession = function (subscriptionKey) {
    var chatId = '0xdeadbeef';
    // subscriptionKey is key shared by server that allows us to communicate with server privately
    var keyname = 'SUBSCRIPTION_KEY'; // you might want to be tad more creative
    web3.shh.addSymKey(keyname, subscriptionKey);

    console.log("subscription key: ", subscriptionKey);

    // before sending new chat request, let's start waiting for response
    var filter = web3.shh.filter({
        to: identity,
        topics: [ackNewChatSessionTopic]
    }); (error, result) {
        if (!error) {
            console.log("Chat Creation ACK received: ", result);
            // response will be in JSON, e.g. {"server": "0xdeadbeef", "key": "0xdeadbeef"}
            // which will give you serverID
            var payload = JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(result.payload));

            // no need to watch for the filter any more

            // ok, at this point we have Chat Session SymKey, and we can:
            // 1. register our device with that chat
            // 2. share that key with others, so that they can register themselves
            // 3. use chat key to trigger notifications
            registerDevice(chatId, payload.key);
            shareChatKey(chatId, payload.key);

    var err ={
        from: identity,
        topics: [newChatSessionTopic],
        payload: '{"chat": "' + chatId + '"}', // globally unique chat ID
        ttl: 20,
        keyname: keyname // we use subscription key, so connection is NOT public
    if (err !== null) {
        console.log("message NOT sent")
    } else {
        console.log("message sent OK")

Now, we have Chat Session Key, which we can use to register our device id (to be used as target by FCM), and allow others to register themselves.

Let's see how registerDevice() might look like:

var newDeviceRegistrationTopic = '0x14621a51'; // NEW_DEVICE_REGISTRATION
var ackDeviceRegistrationTopic = '0x424358d6'; // ACK_DEVICE_REGISTRATION
var registerDevice = function (chatId, chatKey) {
    console.log('chat session key: ', chatKey)
    // this obtained from
    var deviceID = 'ca5pRJc6L8s:APA91bHpYFtpxvXx6uOayGmnNVnktA4PEEZdquCCt3fWR5ldLzSy1A37Tsbzk5Gavlmk1d_fvHRVnK7xPAhFFl-erF7O87DnIEstW6DEyhyiKZYA4dXFh6uy323f9A3uw5hEtT_kQVhT';

    // make sure that chat key is loaded
    var keyname = chatId + 'chatkey'; // there might be many chat keys
    web3.shh.addSymKey(keyname, chatKey);

    // before sending request, let's start waiting for response
    var filter = web3.shh.filter({
        to: identity,
        topics: [ackDeviceRegistrationTopic]
    }); (error, result) {
        if (!error) {
            console.log("Device Registration ACK received: ", result);
            // response will be in JSON, e.g. {"server": "0xdeadbeef"}
            var payload = JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(result.payload));

            // no need to watch for the filter any more

    var err ={
        from: identity,
        topics: [newDeviceRegistrationTopic],
        payload: '{"device": "' + deviceID + '"}',
        ttl: 20,
        keyname: keyname
    if (err !== null) {
        console.log("message NOT sent")
    } else {
        console.log("message sent OK")

3. Sharing Chat session key, and allowing notifications

So, on Device A side, we have Chat Session Key, and we registered the device with that session. Now, we need to send/share the SymKey:

var shareChatKey = function (chatId, chatKey) {
    console.log('chat session key: ', chatKey)
    // pre-defined test identity (it gets injected automatically by statusd)
    var deviceBIdentity = '0x04eedbaafd6adf4a9233a13e7b1c3c14461fffeba2e9054b8d456ce5f6ebeafadcbf3dce3716253fbc391277fa5a086b60b283daf61fb5b1f26895f456c2f31ae3';

    // it is up to you how you share secret among participants, here is sample
    var err ={
        from: identity,
        to: deviceBIdentity,
        topics: ["chatKeySharing"],
        payload: '{"chat": "' + chatId + '", "key": "' + chatKey + '"}',
        ttl: 20
    if (err !== null) {
        console.log("message NOT sent")
    } else {
        console.log("message sent OK")

You are free to use your own topic key, and format. What is important is the fact that Chat Session Key gets to the counter-party.

On Device B side, we need to wait for shared key, and then, once we get it, register Device B with the chat session.

var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8745'));

// pre-defined test identity (it gets injected automatically by statusd)
var identity = '0x04eedbaafd6adf4a9233a13e7b1c3c14461fffeba2e9054b8d456ce5f6ebeafadcbf3dce3716253fbc391277fa5a086b60b283daf61fb5b1f26895f456c2f31ae3';
if (!web3.shh.hasIdentity(identity)) {
    throw 'idenitity "' + identity + '" not found in whisper';

// for for key sharing, it is up to you how you implement it (which topic to use etc)
var filter = web3.shh.filter({
    to: identity, // wait for anon. messages to ourselves
    topics: ['chatKeySharing']
}); (error, result) {
    if (!error) {
        console.log("Chat key received: ", result);
        // response will be in JSON, e.g. {chat: "0xdeadbeef", key: "0x04e68e37433baf55ddc2fe9f7533e4e722bcdad4239c98df92f3522907ced72d"}
        var payload = JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(result.payload));

        // no need to watch for the filter any more

        // let's save incoming key
        var keyname = + '-chatkey';
        web3.shh.addSymKey(keyname, payload.key);

        // now register ourselves
        var deviceId = 'some-device-id'; // you obtain this from FCM
        registerDevice(web3, identity,, payload.key, deviceId);

        // finally, trigger the notifications on all registered device (except for yourself)
        // at this point it is really trivial, use the key + specific topic:
        var err ={
            from: identity,
            topics: [sendNotificationTopic],
            payload: '{' // see
            + '"notification": {'
            + '"title": " notification",'
            + '"body": "Hello this is test notification!",'
            + '"icon": "",'
            + '"click_action": ""'
            + '},'
            + '"to": "{{ ID }}"' // this get replaced by device id your've registered
            + '}',
            ttl: 20,
            keyname: keyname
        if (err !== null) {
            console.log("message NOT sent")
        } else {
            console.log("message sent OK")

We provide all the code for Device B in a single chunk. Basically, all that Device B does, is: wait for shared key, register device, trigger notification.

4. Checking subscription status and unsubscribing

var checkClientSessionTopic = '0x8745d931'; // CHECK_CLIENT_SESSION
var confirmClientSessionTopic  = '0xd3202c5f'; // CONFIRM_CLIENT_SESSION
var dropClientSessionTopic = '0x3a6656bb'; // DROP_CLIENT_SESSION
var removeClientSession = function () {
    var checkClientSession = function (callback) {
        // before sending request, let's start waiting for response
        var filter = web3.shh.filter({
            to: identity,
            topics: [confirmClientSessionTopic]
        }); (error, result) {
            if (!error) {
                // response will be in JSON, e.g. {"server": "0xdeadbeef", "key": "0xdeadbeef"}
                var payload = JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(result.payload));
                console.log("Client session confirmation received: ", result, payload);

                // no need to watch for the filter any more


        // send enquiry to all servers, to learn whether we have a client session with any of them
        var err ={
            from: identity,
            to: protocolKey,
            topics: [checkClientSessionTopic],
            ttl: 20
        if (err !== null) {
            console.log("message NOT sent")
        } else {
            console.log("message sent OK")

    checkClientSession(function (payload) {
        console.log("time to cleanup: ", payload.server);
        console.log("session key: ", payload.key);

        setTimeout(function () {
            // notify server that you want to unsubscribe
            var err ={
                from: identity,
                to: protocolKey,
                topics: [dropClientSessionTopic],
                ttl: 20
            if (err !== null) {
                console.log("message NOT sent")
            } else {
                console.log("message sent OK")
        }, 5000); // let's all other concurrent tasks to wrap up

Complete Sample

We rely on Mocha.js test, to make sure that all aspects of notification sending is covered in reproducible and easy-to-follow manner.

In order to use the test you need:

  • to clone status-go repo and npm install there (so that Mocha.js and other node modules are installed)
  • to run make (to build the statusd daemon)
  • to start the following:
statusd --datadir app1 --http --httpport 8645 wnode # as Device A
statusd --datadir app2 --http --httpport 8745 wnode # as Device B
statusd --datadir wnode1 wnode --notify -nodekey ./wnodekey --injectaccounts=false -shh.firebaseauth ./firebaseauthkey

At this point, if you run npm test, you should see something like this: image

Here is full source-code of the test (the most up to date version of test is available as status-go/static/tests/whisper.js)

context('push notifications', function () {
    var discoveryPubKey = '0x040edb0d71a3dbe928e154fcb696ffbda359b153a90efc2b46f0043ce9f5dbe55b77b9328fd841a1db5273758624afadd5b39638d4c35b36b3a96e1a586c1b4c2a';
    var discoverServerTopic = '0x268302f3'; // DISCOVER_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
    var proposeServerTopic = '0x08e3d8c0'; // PROPOSE_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
    var acceptServerTopic = '0x04f7dea6'; // ACCEPT_NOTIFICATION_SERVER
    var ackClientSubscriptionTopic = '0x93dafe28'; // ACK_NOTIFICATION_SERVER_SUBSCRIPTION
    var sendNotificationTopic = '0x69915296'; // SEND_NOTIFICATION
    var newChatSessionTopic = '0x509579a2'; // NEW_CHAT_SESSION
    var ackNewChatSessionTopic = '0xd012aae8'; // ACK_NEW_CHAT_SESSION
    var newDeviceRegistrationTopic = '0x14621a51'; // NEW_DEVICE_REGISTRATION
    var ackDeviceRegistrationTopic = '0x424358d6'; // ACK_DEVICE_REGISTRATION
    var checkClientSessionTopic = '0x8745d931'; // CHECK_CLIENT_SESSION
    var confirmClientSessionTopic = '0xd3202c5f'; // CONFIRM_CLIENT_SESSION
    var dropClientSessionTopic = '0x3a6656bb'; // DROP_CLIENT_SESSION

    // ensures that message had payload (which is HEX-encoded JSON)
    var extractPayload = function (message) {
        return JSON.parse(web3.toAscii(message.payload));

    var identity1 = ''; // pub key of device 1
    var identity2 = ''; // pub key of device 2
    var chatKeySharingTopic = makeTopic(); // topic used by device1 to send chat key to device 2

    context('prepare devices', function () {
        it('create key pair to be used as main identity on device1', function () {
            var keyId = node1.shh.newKeyPair();
            assert.lengthOf(keyId, 64);

            identity1 = node1.shh.getPublicKey(keyId);
            assert.lengthOf(identity1, 132);


        it('create key pair to be used as main identity on device2', function () {
            var keyId = node2.shh.newKeyPair();
            assert.lengthOf(keyId, 64);

            identity2 = node2.shh.getPublicKey(keyId);
            assert.lengthOf(identity1, 132);


    context('run device1', function () {
        var serverId = ''; // accepted/selected server id
        var subscriptionKeyId = ''; // symkey provided by server, and used to configure client-server subscription
        var chatKeyId = ''; // symkey provided by server, and shared among clients so that they can trigger notifications
        var appChatId = ''; // chat id that identifies device1-device2 interaction session on RN app level

        it('start discovery by sending discovery request', function () {
            var message = {
                type: "asym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: discoveryPubKey,
                topic: discoverServerTopic,
                ttl: 20

        it('watch for server proposals', function (done) {
                type: "asym",
                sig: discoveryPubKey,
                key: identity1,
                topics: [proposeServerTopic]
            }), function (err, message) {
                if (err) return done(err);

                // process payload
                var payload = extractPayload(message);
                serverId = payload.server;


        it('client accepts server', function () {
            var message = {
                type: "asym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: discoveryPubKey,
                topic: acceptServerTopic,
                payload: '{"server": "' + serverId + '"}',
                ttl: 20

        it('watch for server ACK response and save provided subscription key', function (done) {
                type: "asym",
                key: identity1,
                topics: [ackClientSubscriptionTopic]
            }), function (err, message) {
                if (err) return done(err);

                // process payload
                var payload = extractPayload(message);

                // save subscription key
                subscriptionKeyId = node1.shh.addSymmetricKeyDirect(payload.key);
                assert.lengthOf(subscriptionKeyId, 64);


        it('create chat session', function () {
            appChatId = makeTopic(); // globally unique chat id
            var message = {
                type: "sym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: subscriptionKeyId,
                topic: newChatSessionTopic,
                payload: '{"chat": "' + appChatId + '"}',
                ttl: 20

        it('watch for server to respond with chat key', function (done) {
                type: "asym",
                key: identity1,
                topics: [ackNewChatSessionTopic]
            }), function (err, message) {
                if (err) return done(err);

                // process payload
                var payload = extractPayload(message);

                // save subscription key
                chatKeyId = node1.shh.addSymmetricKeyDirect(payload.key);
                assert.lengthOf(chatKeyId, 64);


        it('register device with a given chat', function (done) {
            // this obtained from
            var deviceId = 'ca5pRJc6L8s:APA91bHpYFtpxvXx6uOayGmnNVnktA4PEEZdquCCt3fWR5ldLzSy1A37Tsbzk5Gavlmk1d_fvHRVnK7xPAhFFl-erF7O87DnIEstW6DEyhyiKZYA4dXFh6uy323f9A3uw5hEtT_kQVhT';
            var message = {
                type: "sym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: chatKeyId,
                topic: newDeviceRegistrationTopic,
                payload: '{"device": "' + deviceId + '"}',
                ttl: 20

            // watch for server server ACK
                type: "asym",
                key: identity1,
                topics: [ackDeviceRegistrationTopic]
            }), function (err, message) {
                if (err) return done(err);

                // process payload
                var payload = extractPayload(message);


        it('share chat key, so that another device can send us notifications', function () {
            var chatKey = node1.shh.getSymmetricKey(chatKeyId);
            assert.lengthOf(chatKey, 66);
            var message = {
                type: "asym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: identity2,
                topic: chatKeySharingTopic,
                payload: '{"chat": "' + appChatId + '", "key": "' + chatKey + '"}',
                ttl: 20

    context('run device2', function () {
        var chatKeyId = '';

        it('watch for device1 to send us chat key', function (done) {
                type: "asym",
                key: identity2,
                topics: [chatKeySharingTopic]
            }), function (err, message) {
                if (err) return done(err);

                // process payload
                var payload = extractPayload(message);

                // persist chat key
                chatKeyId = node2.shh.addSymmetricKeyDirect(payload.key);
                assert.lengthOf(chatKeyId, 64);


        it('trigger notification (from device2, on device1)', function () {
            var message = {
                type: "sym",
                sig: identity2,
                key: chatKeyId,
                topic: sendNotificationTopic,
                payload: '{' // see
                + '"notification": {'
                + '"title": " notification",'
                + '"body": "Hello this is test notification!",'
                + '"icon": "",'
                + '"click_action": ""'
                + '},'
                + '"to": "{{ ID }}"' // this get replaced by device id your've registered
                + '}',
                ttl: 20

    context('misc methods and cleanup', function () {

        it('check client session', function (done) {
            // request status
            var message = {
                type: "asym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: discoveryPubKey,
                topic: checkClientSessionTopic,
                ttl: 20

            // process server's response
                type: "asym",
                key: identity1,
                topics: [confirmClientSessionTopic]
            }), function (err, message) {
                if (err) return done(err);

                // process payload
                var payload = extractPayload(message);


        it('remove client session', function () {
            var message = {
                type: "asym",
                sig: identity1,
                key: discoveryPubKey,
                topic: dropClientSessionTopic,
                ttl: 20

Provided you've updated deviceId (to point to your device), once you run the test, you should get sth like this:



  • the main limitation of this release is the fact that all the data is in-memory, i.e. no persistent store, and once node goes down subscriptions, chats, devices - all that info is gone. This issue will be addressed with high priority (and it is actually not hard to implement)
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