A collection of legacy scripts that have been supplanted by newer scripts or modules for PowerShell 6+, or have dependencies that are no longer available in PowerShell 6+.
- Add-SelectXmlDetails.ps1: Adds OuterXml, Value, XPath, and Namespace properties to Select-Xml output.
- Add-Utf8Signature.ps1: Adds the utf-8 signature (BOM) to a file.
- Add-Xml.ps1: Insert XML into an XML document relative to a node found by Select-Xml.
- Convert-ScheduledTasksToJobs.ps1: Converts Scheduled Tasks to Scheduled Jobs.
- ConvertFrom-Html.ps1: Parses an HTML table into objects.
- ConvertFrom-UserAgent.ps1: Parse an HTTP User-Agent string.
- Disable-Certificate.ps1: Sets the Archived property on a certificate.
- Enable-Certificate.ps1: Unsets the Archived property on a certificate.
- Export-Fake4TargetsGraph.ps1: Exports a graph of a Fake4 build script's targets.