First, again, some module setup stuff.
module Doc.Enum2
import Data.Vect.Quantifiers
import Doc.Enum1
import Language.Reflection.Syntax.Ops
import Language.Reflection.Util
%language ElabReflection
In this section, we try to automatically define Eq
for enumerations. This will be quite a bit more involved
than generating the data types themselves, so we will break
it down into several parts.
We skip the interface part for now and focus on implementing suitable toplevel functions instead. Again, we will first make use of our pretty printers to inspect the structure of the function we want to implement:
...> :exec putPretty `[eq : T -> T -> Bool; eq A A = True; eq B B = True; eq _ _ = False]
[ IClaim
{ name = "eq"
, type =
MkArg MW ExplicitArg Nothing (var "T")
.-> MkArg MW ExplicitArg Nothing (var "T")
.-> var "Bool"
, IDef
[ var "eq" .$ var "A" .$ var "A" .= var "True"
, var "eq" .$ var "B" .$ var "B" .= var "True"
, var "eq" .$ implicitTrue .$ implicitTrue .= var "False"
So, a top-level function consists of two parts:
The function's type (wrapped in IClaim
) and its implementation
(wrapped in IDef
). Again, we make use of some convenience
functions (and infix operators) provided by
eqDecl1 : String -> List String -> List Decl
eqDecl1 enumName cons =
let functionName := UN . Basic $ "impl1Eq" ++ enumName
function := var functionName
enum := arg $ varStr enumName
-- Default clause for non-matching constructors:
-- `function _ _ = False`
defClause := function .$ implicitTrue .$ implicitTrue .= `(False)
-- Pattern clause for a single constructor:
-- `function A A = True`
conClause := \c => function .$ varStr c .$ varStr c .= `(True)
in [ public' functionName $ enum .-> enum .-> `(Bool)
, def functionName $ map conClause cons ++ [defClause] ]
We make use of several new syntactic utilities from
. (.$)
is an infix operator for
function application (
is used to declare function types. Both are chosen
to look similar to the corresponding Idris keywords $
and ->
Underscores in pattern matches can be represented by implicitTrue
(see also the prettified output of quoted declarations above),
and public'
is a convenient shortcut for type declarations
of public toplevel functions. Finally, (.=)
is an infix
operator for defining pattern clauses.
mkEq1 : String -> List String -> Elab ()
mkEq1 n cons = declare $ eqDecl1 n cons
%runElab (mkEq1 "Gender" ["Female","Male","NonBinary"])
eqTest : impl1EqGender Female Female = True
eqTest = Refl
Great, everything seems to work as expected.
Unfortunately, it seems not to be possible to emulate the implementation of an interface directly. The following quote results in an error message from Idris (Can't reflect a pragma).
eqInterfaceDecl : List Decl
eqInterfaceDecl = `[ Eq Gender ]
From the implementation notes
we learn that interfaces are translated to records and
implementations to search hints, so we might try to create
such a record value manually. All interfaces in prelude
and base
have been given properly named constructors recently,
so creating an Eq
value manually is very easy.
For interfaces without an explicit constructor we can use
to inspect the type at hand:
eqInfo : TypeInfo
eqInfo = getInfo "Eq"
Pretty printing the above TypeInfo
yields the following:
Doc.Enum2> :exec putPretty eqInfo
{ name = "Prelude.EqOrd.Eq"
, arty = 1
, args = [MkArg MW ExplicitArg (Just "ty") (hole "_")]
, argNames = ["ty"]
, cons =
[ MkCon
{ name = "Prelude.EqOrd.MkEq"
, arty = 3
, args =
[ MkArg M0 ImplicitArg (Just "ty") type
, MkArg
(Just "==")
( MkArg MW ExplicitArg (Just "{arg:528}") (var "ty")
.-> MkArg MW ExplicitArg (Just "{arg:531}") (var "ty")
.-> var "Prelude.Basics.Bool")
, MkArg
(Just "/=")
( MkArg MW ExplicitArg (Just "{arg:538}") (var "ty")
.-> MkArg MW ExplicitArg (Just "{arg:541}") (var "ty")
.-> var "Prelude.Basics.Bool")
, typeArgs = [Regular (var "ty")]
The above output shows the general structure we are heading towards.
We need to define local implementations for
and (/=)
and then apply those implementations
to the constructor.
eqImpl : String -> List String -> List Decl
eqImpl enumName cons =
let -- names
mkEq := UN $ Basic "MkEq"
eqName := UN $ Basic "eq"
functionName := UN . Basic $ "implEq" ++ enumName
-- vars
eq := var eqName
function := var functionName
enum := arg $ varStr enumName
-- Catch all case: eq _ _ = False
defEq := eq .$ implicitTrue .$ implicitTrue .= `(False)
-- single pattern clause: `eq X X = True`
mkC := \x => eq .$ varStr x .$ varStr x .= `(True)
-- implementation of (/=)
neq := `(\a,b => not $ eq a b)
-- local where block:
-- ... = EqConstructor eq neq
-- where eq : Enum -> Enum -> Bool
-- eq A A = True
-- ...
-- eq _ _ = False
impl := local [ private' eqName $ enum .-> enum .-> `(Bool)
, def eqName $ map mkC cons ++ [defEq]
] (var mkEq .$ eq .$ neq)
in [ interfaceHint Public functionName (var "Eq" .$ type enum)
, def functionName [ function .= impl ] ]
We will break this down in a moment. First, we check whether it actually works:
mkEqImpl : String -> List String -> Elab ()
mkEqImpl enumName cons = declare (eqImpl enumName cons)
%runElab (mkEqImpl "Gender" ["Female","Male","NonBinary"])
eqTest2 : (Male == NonBinary) = False
eqTest2 = Refl
eqTest3 : (Male /= NonBinary) = True
eqTest3 = Refl
In our implementation, we define a local function eq
in a where
block and pass it to Eq
s constructor,
together with its complement neq
, which was
defined cleanly via a quoted lambda.
Nothing stops us from implementing additional
interfaces. For completeness, we provide implementations
of Show
and Ord
ordImpl : String -> List String -> List Decl
ordImpl enumName cons =
let -- names
mkOrd := UN $ Basic "MkOrd"
compName := UN $ Basic "comp"
functionName := UN . Basic $ "implOrd" ++ enumName
-- vars
comp := var compName
function := var functionName
enum := arg $ varStr enumName
-- single pattern clauses: `comp X X = EQ`
-- `comp X _ = LT`
-- `comp _ X = GT`
mkC := \x => [ comp .$ varStr x .$ varStr x .= `(EQ)
, comp .$ varStr x .$ implicitTrue .= `(LT)
, comp .$ implicitTrue .$ varStr x .= `(GT)
-- implementations of (>),(>=),(<),(<=),min,max
lt := `(\a,b => comp a b == LT)
gt := `(\a,b => comp a b == GT)
leq := `(\a,b => comp a b /= GT)
geq := `(\a,b => comp a b /= LT)
max := `(\a,b => if comp a b == GT then a else b)
min := `(\a,b => if comp a b == LT then a else b)
impl :=
[ private' compName $ enum .-> enum .-> `(Ordering)
, def compName $ cons >>= mkC
] (var mkOrd .$ comp .$ lt .$ gt .$ leq .$ geq .$ max .$ min)
in [ interfaceHint Public functionName (var "Ord" .$ type enum)
, def functionName [ function .= impl ] ]
The only true hurdle when writing the code above was the realization
that the Eq
instance had to be passed explicitly as an argument
to the Ord
showImpl : String -> List String -> List Decl
showImpl enumName cons =
let -- names
mkShow := UN $ Basic "MkShow"
showName := UN $ Basic "show"
functionName := UN . Basic $ "implShow" ++ enumName
-- vars
show := var showName
function := var functionName
enum := arg $ varStr enumName
-- single pattern clause: `show X = "X"`
mkC := \x => show .$ varStr x .= primVal (Str x)
showPrec := `(\_,v => show v)
impl =
[ private' showName $ enum .-> `(String)
, def showName $ map mkC cons
] (var mkShow .$ show .$ showPrec)
in [ interfaceHint Public functionName (var "Show" .$ type enum)
, def functionName [ function .= impl ] ]
We can now define a macro for automatically creating enums plus corresponding interface implementations:
mkEnumTc : String -> List String -> Elab ()
mkEnumTc n cons =
declare $
enumDecl n cons
:: eqImpl n cons
++ ordImpl n cons
++ showImpl n cons
Let's use this to define Weekday
and run some tests.
%runElab (mkEnumTc "Weekday" [ "Monday"
, "Tuesday"
, "Wednesday"
, "Thursday"
, "Friday"
, "Saturday"
, "Sunday"])
weekdayTest1 : Monday == Monday = True
weekdayTest1 = Refl
weekdayTest2 : Sunday == Friday = False
weekdayTest2 = Refl
weekdayTest3 : Sunday > Friday = True
weekdayTest3 = Refl
weekdayTest4 : Monday >= Wednesday = False
weekdayTest4 = Refl
weekdayTest5 : show Thursday = "Thursday"
weekdayTest5 = Refl
Now that we got a first taste of automatic interface derivation, wouldn't it be nice, if we could not only do this for enums but for any feasible data type? In the next section we look into a generic representations for algebraic data types.