After our analysis in part 2, we should now have
the ingredients to derive Generic
instances for parameterized
module Doc.Generic3
import Language.Reflection.Pretty
import Language.Reflection.Util
import Doc.Generic1
%language ElabReflection
Most of the utility functions are almost the same as
in module Doc.Generic1
. However, we must make sure we are only
going to bind explicit constructor arguments.
paramConNames : ParamCon n -> ConNames
paramConNames c =
let ns := toList $ freshNames "x" (count isExplicit c.args)
vars := map varStr ns
in (, ns, vars)
mkCode : (p : ParamTypeInfo) -> TTImp
mkCode p = listOf $ map (\c => listOf $ explicits c.args) p.cons
explicits : Vect n (ConArg p.numParams) -> List TTImp
explicits [] = []
explicits (CArg _ _ ExplicitArg t :: as) =
ttimp p.paramNames t :: explicits as
explicits (_ :: as) = explicits as
Note, that in order to convert the argument types back to TTImp
we need a vector of parameter names of the correct length. This is to make
sure we use the same parameter names throughout the generation of the
desired declarations.
The implementation of genericDecl
, however, requires an
additional step: In the definition of the function type,
we must include the type parameters as implicit arguments.
The utility function piAllImplicit
helps with this part.
genericDecl : (p : ParamTypeInfo) -> List Decl
genericDecl p =
let names := zipWithIndex (map paramConNames p.cons)
function := UN . Basic $ "implGeneric" ++ camelCase
-- Applies parameters to type constructor, i.e. `Either a b`
appType := p.applied
genType := `(Generic ~(appType) ~(mkCode p))
-- Prefixes function type with implicit arguments for
-- type parameters:
-- `{0 a : _} -> {0 b : _} -> Generic (Either a b) [[a],[b]]`
funType := piAll genType p.implicits
x := lambdaArg {a = Name} "x"
varX := var "x"
from := lam x $ iCase varX implicitFalse (map fromClause names)
to := lam x $ iCase varX implicitFalse (toClauses names)
in [ interfaceHint Public function funType
, def function [patClause (var function) (appAll "MkGeneric" [from,to])]
deriveGeneric : Name -> Elab ()
deriveGeneric name = do
p <- getParamInfo' name
declare $ genericDecl p
OK, let's give this a spin:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (List (Tree a))
%runElab (deriveGeneric "Tree")
Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where (==) = assert_total genEq
Ord a => Ord (Tree a) where compare = assert_total genCompare
treeTest1 : (Leaf "foo" == Leaf "foo") = True
treeTest1 = Refl
treeTest2 : (Branch [Leaf "bar"] == Branch [Leaf "bar"]) = True
treeTest2 = Refl
treeTest3 : (Branch [Leaf "bar"] == Branch [Leaf "foo"]) = False
treeTest3 = Refl
treeTest4 : (Leaf "bar" < Leaf "foo") = True
treeTest4 = Refl
treeTest5 : (Leaf "foo" > Leaf "foo") = False
treeTest5 = Refl
This was pretty straight forward. In the next post I'll
have a look at
automating the writing of Eq
and Ord