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Deriving Generic for Parameterized Data Types

After our analysis in part 2, we should now have the ingredients to derive Generic instances for parameterized types.

module Doc.Generic3

import Language.Reflection.Pretty
import Language.Reflection.Util
import Doc.Generic1

%language ElabReflection

Most of the utility functions are almost the same as in module Doc.Generic1. However, we must make sure we are only going to bind explicit constructor arguments.

paramConNames : ParamCon n -> ConNames
paramConNames c =
  let ns   := toList $ freshNames "x" (count isExplicit c.args)
      vars := map varStr ns
   in (, ns, vars)

mkCode : (p : ParamTypeInfo) -> TTImp
mkCode p = listOf $ map (\c => listOf $ explicits c.args) p.cons

    explicits : Vect n (ConArg p.numParams) -> List TTImp
    explicits [] = []
    explicits (CArg _ _ ExplicitArg t :: as) =
      ttimp p.paramNames t :: explicits as
    explicits (_ :: as) = explicits as

Note, that in order to convert the argument types back to TTImp, we need a vector of parameter names of the correct length. This is to make sure we use the same parameter names throughout the generation of the desired declarations.

The implementation of genericDecl, however, requires an additional step: In the definition of the function type, we must include the type parameters as implicit arguments. The utility function piAllImplicit helps with this part.

genericDecl : (p : ParamTypeInfo) -> List Decl
genericDecl p =
  let names    := zipWithIndex (map paramConNames p.cons)
      function := UN . Basic $ "implGeneric" ++ camelCase

      -- Applies parameters to type constructor, i.e. `Either a b`
      appType  := p.applied
      genType  := `(Generic ~(appType) ~(mkCode p))

      -- Prefixes function type with implicit arguments for
      -- type parameters:
      -- `{0 a : _} -> {0 b : _} -> Generic (Either a b) [[a],[b]]`
      funType  := piAll genType p.implicits

      x        := lambdaArg {a = Name} "x"
      varX     := var "x"
      from     := lam x $ iCase varX implicitFalse (map fromClause names)
      to       := lam x $ iCase varX implicitFalse (toClauses names)

   in [ interfaceHint Public function funType
      , def function [patClause (var function) (appAll "MkGeneric" [from,to])]

deriveGeneric : Name -> Elab ()
deriveGeneric name = do
  p <- getParamInfo' name
  declare $ genericDecl p

OK, let's give this a spin:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (List (Tree a))

%runElab (deriveGeneric "Tree")

Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where (==) = assert_total genEq

Ord a => Ord (Tree a) where compare = assert_total genCompare

treeTest1 : (Leaf "foo" == Leaf "foo") = True
treeTest1 = Refl

treeTest2 : (Branch [Leaf "bar"] == Branch [Leaf "bar"]) = True
treeTest2 = Refl

treeTest3 : (Branch [Leaf "bar"] == Branch [Leaf "foo"]) = False
treeTest3 = Refl

treeTest4 : (Leaf "bar" < Leaf "foo") = True
treeTest4 = Refl

treeTest5 : (Leaf "foo" > Leaf "foo") = False
treeTest5 = Refl

What's next

This was pretty straight forward. In the next post I'll have a look at automating the writing of Eq and Ord instances.