% kafka2influxdb(1) % Stéphane Martin % March 2017
kafka2influxdb – pull metrics stored in Kafka topics and push them to InfluxDB
| kafka2influxdb [--config=DIRECTORY] check-topics | kafka2influxdb [--config=DIRECTORY] check-config | kafka2influxdb [--config=DIRECTORY] ping-influxdb | kafka2influxdb [--config=DIRECTORY] start [start-options] | kafka2influxdb stop [pidfile=PIDFILE] | kafka2influxdb install [--prefix=PREFIX] | kafka2influxdb default-config | kafka2influxdb --help
| - connects to a Kafka cluster | - selects some topics | - pulls metrics from the topics | - parses the metrics as JSON or InfluxDB Line Protocol | - writes the metrics to InfluxDB as batches
check-topics : List the Kafka topics that will be selected for consuming
default-config : Print the default configuration
check-config : Check the configuration syntax
ping-influxdb : Check that InfluxDB is available
start : Start to push the metrics
stop : Stop kafka2influxdb
install : Copy the kafka2influxdb binary to the PATH, create a manual page an a service file
: The directory containing the configuration file kafka2influxdb.toml
--daemonize : Start kafka2influxdb in daemon mode
--syslog : Write log messages to syslog (messages will also be written to stdout)
--loglevel=LEVEL : Set logging level (info, debug, warn, error)
--logfile=LOGFILE : Write log messages to LOGFILE instead of stdout
--pidfile=PIDFILE : Write a PID file
prefix=PREFIX : Installation prefix
/etc/kafka2influxdb/kafka2influxdb.toml : Configuration file