- Event-driven UI elements
- d3-brush
- Customizing d3-brush
- Introduction to Events -- MDN
- A simple example
- This example uses vanilla JavaScript with a
element - It implements the EventTarget interface
- Web Events -- MDN
- JavaScript Events are "fired" to notify code of "interesting changes" that may affect code execution.
- These may be associated with user interactions (using a mouse or resizing a window) or other things.
- The MDN reference (above) has an extensive list of Events
- Each event is represented by an object that implements the Event interface
- DEMO -- Use
element's "click" listener to trigger an action- Event Listeners
- In section "1. Hypertext Literal" change the
attribute fromhref="#"
- This change makes it easier to see what happens when you click on a link
- Every time you click a link in the list, you see the name change in the associated input element
- No big surprise here.
- You can trigger the "click" event programmatically
- DEMO -- programmatic UI events
- Again in section "1. Hypertext Literal", add a unique id to each
- Again in section "1. Hypertext Literal", add a unique id to each
- DEMO -- programmatic UI events
html `<ul>${names.map((name, i) => html`
<li>My name is ${name}! <a id=${"my" + i} href="#click" onclick=${() => click(name)}>Pick me.</a></li>
- Note that we create the unique id by adding the index
(second argument) of the anonymous function call - Then run the next line and watch the appropriate name appear in the input element
d3.select("#my0").node().dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("click"))
- This demo shows how to trigger a UI event programmatically
- that event causes the listener function to be invoked
- that listener function then changes the value of an input element
- Notice that if you change the event type from "click" to something else (say, "input"), then it stops working
- That's because the listening element (an
tag) is listening for a "click" event
- DEMO -- MDN documentation has a mousemove event demo in vanilla JavaScript
- mousemove Event -- MDN
- the canvas drawing example shows how to create multiple event listeners
- get the location of the mouse/touch event from the event object
- use the locations to draw on a canvas element
- There are other ways to trigger events with vanilla JavaScript, but D3 and Observablehq make things simpler
- "In Observable, a view is a user interface element that directly controls a value in the notebook.
- A view consists of two parts:
- The view, which is typically an interactive DOM element.
- The value, which is any JavaScript value.
- Reference: Introduction to Views -- observablehq
- This notebook has several examples
- A Brief Introduction to Viewov discusses the viewof keyword in Observable
- On the one hand, Observable Inputs make it super easy to create views with standard UI elements
- But views can be any kind of visual element
- See Introduction to views
- This notebook shows how to create views that trigger reevaluation of any cell that references the views value
- To trigger the re-evaluation of any cell that references a view’s value, the view must emit an input event.
- viewof stroke recreate the canvas drawing demo
- It's worth looking at this example in some detail
- viewof point uses a map as an interactive view
- the red dot confirms appropriate relocation of the mousedown or mousemove events
- the location coordinates of the mouse on the canvas are convered to [longitude, latitude]
- the geographic coordinates are made available as the value of the map
- the geographic coordinates are then reprojected back onto the map as a red circle
Modify a viewof demo in Introduction to Views
- EXERCISE: Change
viewof stroke
in Introduction to Views so that it reports the mouse position as its value - SOLUTION: Solution to Exercise 1
- d3-brush -- collection
- It's worth investigating some demo from this remarkable collection of notebooks
Turn a brush into a view
- EXERCISE: Turn Empty Brush Selection into a "view"
- SOLUTION: Solution to Exercise 2
Same as above, but without D3.
- EXERCISE: Repeat Exercise 1, but this time without using D3.
- SOLUTION: Solution to Exercise 3
- mutable values
- This notebook has a brief demo of mutable reporting on internal cell state with a button click
Report events with a mutable
- EXERCISE: Use mutable values to report event types and mouse location when clicking the button in the mutable values notebook.
- SOLUTION: Solution to Exercise 4
Range slider -- history and current state
- Observable inputs -- the history
- Input: Range -- current state
- Good: Input elements based entirely on web standards
- Not so good: Built-in styling is browser-dependent
- Not so good: There is no easy way to adjust both the minimum & maximum values in a single input element
- Range slider -- min & max
- Good: Adjustable min & max of range in a single slider with optional styling
- Not so good: CSS styling mimics browser-dependent styles and behavior
- Not so good: Customizing CSS is a huge challenge
- Not so good: You need to do more work if you want to mimic browser-dependent styling of built-in input elements
- QUESTION: Could you customize Empty Brush Selection
and turn it into a 2-handle range slider?
- What sort of interactive functionality would you need? HINT: See Exercise 5 (below)
- How would you style it? How hard would it be? HINT: See Exercise 6 (below)
- :hover -- MDN
- The :hover CSS pseudo-class matches when the user interacts with an element with a pointing device,
- But a
event does not necessarily activate the element.
- The
element- In-line styles take precedence over external CSS style sheets
attributes override even in-line styles.
- Multiple style elements
- Multiple
elements are applied to the DOM in the order they are included in the document. - This example shows how conflicting styles are resolved (last one wins)
- Multiple
- Look at the styling and behavior or Input: Range
- Color changes during hover and selection.
- Need to distinguish the handle and the channel
- Styling hovered elements
- We can select hovered elements using the CSS ":hover" selector
- This allows us to identify hovered elements of the brush
- Note the order in which they're placed in the SVG.
- Thing is, we want to change the color of elements underneath that we're using to visualize the slider"
- So we do it with a little JavaScript
- d3-brush events -- github
- There are several types of "brush events"
- Listeners for these events are registered when you invoke
selection.call(brush, callback)
- brush(group) API reference describes what happens.
- IMPORTANT: the brush creates the SVG elements necessary for display and to receive input events for interaction.
- The SVG elements can be modified, removed, styled, etc.
- As you can see from Empty Brush Selection, "mousemove" add "mouseout" are being used to change the pointer style
How it works
- D3 api reference
- Lays out the D3 hierarchy and links to the detailed API reference docs
- Come here if you want to find out what's going on
- d3.create("svg")
- It's part of d3-selection
- d3.brushX
- brush(group)
- applies brush to the specified group
- brush.on(typenames, listener)
- sets the event listener(s) for the specified typename(s) and returns the brush.
- brush(group)
- d3-selection
- selection.append()
- selection.data()
- Binds the specified array of data with the selected elements
- Returns a new selection that represents the update selection
- selection.join()
- This is the essence of the D in D3 -- Data-Driven Documents
- Joining Data
- selection.join notebook
- selection.call()
- this keyword -- MDN
- this values in Observable
- What's "this"? -- it's used in the call to brushHandle()
- d3.arc -- it's used for the brush handle
- d3-brush API reference -- github
- The reference lays out the structure so you can "select" and modify it
- SVG layout of the brush
- There are several elements involved in event detection:
- Bubbling and capture of events
- Introduction to Events
- Q: Why do I care? A: Becuase event bubbling in the DOM means that some DOM elements won't know about events.
- And sometimes events can be prevented from bubbling all the way up to the DOM
- Event Bubble and Capture -- MDN
- Nice example showing what happens during capturing and bubbling phases of a click event.
- Also shows the hierarchy of nested div elements with hover-dependent fill
- User Manual -- collection of good stuff
Report mouse events and hover:
ed elements.
- EXERCISE: Adapt the Empty Brush Selection to report mouse events and ":hover"ed element with a mutable. Report event types and identify the specific element being hovered.
- SOLUTION: Solution to Exercise 5
Custom brush styling.
- EXERCISE: Adapt the Empty Brush Selection so that it looks like a 2-handle range slider.
- Hint: First remove the data and axes, then add the blue & gray slider channels.
- Note: This is worth doing in class -- debugging errors encountered in the solution could be informative.
- SOLUTION: Solution to Exercise 6