ATTENTION: 👷♀️ This project will be assimilated into the official paperless-ngx repo very soon.
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Installs and configures paperless-ngx EDMS on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
NOTE: This role is based on the role made by the devs of paperless-ngx itself paperless-ngx/ansible. Because the role seems to be stale and I wanted to dive deeper into ansible as well as paperless-ngx I devided to recreate the role.
No special system requirements. ansible_version_minimum: "4.0.0"
or newer is required.
Most configuration variables from paperless-ngx itself are available and accept their respective arguments.
configuration variable is lowercased and instead prefixed with paperless_ngx_conf_*
in defaults/main.yml
For a full listing including explanations and allowed values, see the current documentation.
The following sections are devided into:
- Role specific variables
- Original paperless-ngx configuration variables
Name | Default Value | Description |
paperless_ngx_backup_on_upgrade |
true | Whether to backup old installation files before upgrade. |
paperless_ngx_db_type |
sqlite | Available db types are sqlite and postgresql. If postrgresql is chosen then the other db_ vars must be configured too. |
paperless_ngx_dir_force_permission_exclude |
[] | Which directories should be skipped from permission check/setting. See docs. |
paperless_ngx_dir_installation |
/opt/paperless-ngx | The directory where paperless-ngx static installation files are written to. |
paperless_ngx_dir_runtime_data |
/var/lib/paperless-ngx | The directory where the runtime data will be stored. |
paperless_ngx_dir_virtualenv |
"{{ paperless_ngx_dir_installation }}/.venv" | The directory for the needed python venv. |
paperless_ngx_jbig2enc_enabled |
true | Whether to install and use jbig2enc for OCRmyPDF. |
paperless_ngx_jbig2enc_lossy |
false | Run jbig2enc in lossy mode or not. |
paperless_ngx_jbig2enc_tmp_dir |
/tmp/ | Directory for temporary jbig2enc files |
paperless_ngx_jbig2enc_version |
0.29 | Which version to install. |
paperless_ngx_redis_host |
localhost | Redis host |
paperless_ngx_redis_port |
6379 | Redis port |
paperless_ngx_system_group |
paperlessngx | The group to which the system user belongs. |
paperless_ngx_system_user |
paperlessngx | The user that will execute the services and own the data. |
paperless_ngx_system_user_additional_groups |
[] | Optionally add the system user to more groups. For example to read TLS certificates that can be read by the group ssl-cert . |
paperless_ngx_version |
latest | Sofware version to install. Use latest or any specific version in the format '1.10.0' . Only paperless_ngx_version_minimum: '1.10.0' and higher supported. |
`` |
All the upcoming vars correspond with the vars from paperless-ngx docs. To save reading space a few abbreviations are used in the tables down below:
- I - Implemented in this role? [Y/N]
- O - Variable is meant to be overridden? [Y/N] If No it should not be altered.
- H - Hint
- V - Version of paperless-ngx that introduced this var.
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_redis |
redis://{{ paperless_ngx_redis_host }}:{{ paperless_ngx_redis_port }} | Y | N | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_dbengine |
Y | N | Not used by the role | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_dbhost |
localhost | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_dbport |
5432 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_dbname |
paperlessngx | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_dbuser |
paperlessngx | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_dbpass |
"" | Y | Y | The db password. If not defined by the user, a random password will be generated -> see section below about passwords. | |
paperless_ngx_conf_dbsslmode |
prefer | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_db_timeout |
Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_consumption_dir |
"{{ paperless_ngx_dir_runtime_data }}/consumption" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_data_dir |
"{{ paperless_ngx_dir_runtime_data }}/data" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_trash_dir |
"{{ paperless_ngx_dir_runtime_data }}/trash" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_media_root |
"{{ paperless_ngx_dir_runtime_data }}/media" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_staticdir |
../static | Y | N | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_filename_format |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_filename_format_remove_none |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_logging_dir |
"{{ paperless_ngx_dir_runtime_data }}/log" | ||||
paperless_ngx_conf_nltk_dir |
/usr/share/nltk_data | Y | Y | 1.11 |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_logrotate_max_size |
1024 * 1024 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_logrotate_max_backups |
20 | Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_secret_key |
"" | Y | Y | If not defined by the user, a random password will be generated -> see section below about passwords. | |
paperless_ngx_conf_url |
http://localhost:8000 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_csrf_trusted_origins |
Y | Y | |||
paperless_ngx_conf_allowed_hosts |
"*" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_cors_allowed_hosts |
http://localhost:8000 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_force_script_name |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_static_url |
/static/ | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_auto_login_username |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_admin_user |
admin | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_admin_mail |
root@localhost | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_admin_password |
Y | Y | The superuser password. If not defined by the user, a random password will be generated -> see section below about passwords. | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_cookie_prefix |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_enable_http_remote_user |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_http_remote_user_header_name |
paperless_ngx_conf_logout_redirect_url |
Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_language |
eng | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_mode |
skip | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_clean |
clean | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_deskew |
true | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_rotate_pages |
true | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_rotate_pages_threshold |
12 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_output_type |
pdfa | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_pages |
0 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_image_dpi |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_max_image_pixels |
Y | Y | |||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_user_args |
[optimize=1] | Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_tika_enabled |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_tika_endpoint |
http://localhost:9998 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_tika_gotenberg_endpoint |
http://localhost:3000 | Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_task_workers |
1 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_threads_per_worker |
paperless_ngx_conf_task_workers | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_worker_timeout |
1800 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_time_zone |
Europe/London | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_enable_nltk |
1 | Y | Y | 1.11 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_email_task_cron |
"*/10 * * * *" | Y | Y | 1.12 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_train_task_cron |
"5 */1 * * *" | Y | Y | 1.12 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_index_task_cron |
"0 0 * * *" | Y | Y | 1.12 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_sanity_task_cron |
"30 0 * * sun" | Y | Y | 1.12 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_enable_compression |
true | Y | Y | 1.13 |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_polling |
0 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_polling_retry_count |
5 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_polling_delay |
5 | Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_inotify_delay |
0.5 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_delete_duplicates |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_recursive |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_subdirs_as_tags |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_enable_barcodes |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_barcode_tiff_support |
false | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_barcode_string |
'PATCHT' | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_enable_asn_barcode |
false | Y | Y | 1.12 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_asn_barcode_prefix |
ASN | Y | Y | 1.12 | |
paperless_ngx_conf_convert_memory_limit |
0 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_convert_tmpdir |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_post_consume_script |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_filename_date_order |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_number_of_suggested_dates |
3 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_thumbnail_font_name |
/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ignore_dates |
"" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_date_order |
"DMY" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_consumer_ignore_patterns |
[".DS_STORE/", "._", ".stfolder/", ".stversions/", ".localized/*", "desktop.ini"] | Y | Y |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_convert_binary |
convert | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_gs_binary |
gs | Y | Y |
Note: These settings are called Docker specific in the paperless-ngx docs but in case of this role they are also applied for bare metal/lxc installations. Some of them would have been better placed under other sections (like webserver workers would have been better placed under hosting settings). But to keep aligned with the paperless-ngx docs they are written down here.
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_webserver_workers |
1 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_bind_addr |
"[::]" | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_port |
8000 | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_usermap_uid |
Y | Y | System users id | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_usermap_gid |
Y | Y | System users gid | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_ocr_languages |
[eng,deu,fra,ita,spa] | Y | Y | ||
paperless_ngx_conf_enable_flower |
false | Y | Y | Whether to start flower or not. See using flower for more information | 1.10 |
Name | Default Value | I | O | H | V |
paperless_ngx_conf_enable_update_check |
Y | Y | Will be removed in the future |
The role uses Ansible's password lookup:
- If a password is generated by the role, ansible stores it locally in pngx_instances/{{ incentory_hostname }}/ (relative to the working directory)
- if the file already exist, it reuse its content
- see the ansible password lookup documentation for more info
This role checks that you do not set one of the data dirs (like consumption etc.) as a subdirectory of the installation path. For making my life easier this role deletes the installation folder and creates a complete new one when upgrading. This is fresh and clean. Also this way you are kept from unwanted deletions of your data during upgrades.
There is a dependency on jmespath
. This is included as part of the community.general collection within ansible. Please follow this link for more information -
- hosts: all
- { role: stevenengland.paperless_ngx }
We encourage you to contribute to this role! Please check out the contributing guide for guidelines about how to proceed.