Status | resolved |
Severity | SEV-5 |
Started | Oct 25, 2021 03:39 am UTC |
Commander | Ryan MacLean MacLean |
Incident Overview | IR-1 |
You can generate a postmortem from any resolved incident with these fields pre-filled, along with incident metadata and timeline.
All clients impacted!.
This lasted for 15 minutes, beginning at 8:39 pm .
Ryan MacLean MacLean
Chat started by Ryan MacLean MacLean
https://chat.aka.msVideo call started
Customer impact updated by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Scope: All clients impacted!
Started at: 10/24/2021 8:39 pm
Ryan MacLean MacLean
Field updated by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Other Docs: Sharepoint
Task created by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Please try deploying the current branch to the app service @all
Task updated by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Please try deploying the current branch to the app service @all
Assignees: Ryan MacLean MacLean
Due date: 10/25/2021
Field updated by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Notified: Ryan MacLean MacLean
Fields updated by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Root Cause: Testing
Detection Method: Monitor
Ryan MacLean MacLean
Link to notebook for incident -
Incident set to resolved by Ryan MacLean MacLean
Customer impact updated
Ended at: 10/24/2021 8:54 pm
- Please try deploying the current branch to the app service @all
Created by: Ryan MacLean MacLean