Braintree client as a component for @atlas.js.
npm i @atlas.js/braintree
In addition to the Atlas.js Service, you can access all the objects and properties the standard braintree library exposes directly through this module, so you don't need to import the braintree library itself.
import * as braintree from '@atlas.js/braintree'
import { Atlas } from '@atlas.js/atlas'
const atlas = new Atlas({
config: {
services: {
payments: {
environment: braintree.Environment.Development,
publicKey: 'your-public-key',
privateKey: 'your-private-key',
merchantId: 'your-merchant-id',
atlas.service('payments', braintree.Service)
await atlas.start()
// The braintree service is now available here:
// Example use
amount: '5.00',
paymentMethodNonce: 'nonce-from-the-client',
See the LICENSE file for information.