A Firebase-admin service for @atlas.js.
npm i @atlas.js/firebase
import { Atlas } from '@atlas.js/atlas'
import * as Firebase from '@atlas.js/firebase'
const atlas = new Atlas({
config: {
services: {
firebase: {
name: 'my-fb-dev',
// The path, relative to `root`, to the Firebase's credential JSON file
// you got from the Admin UI
credential: 'path/to/credential.json',
// Alternatively, this can be an object which goes directly to
// `Admin.credential.cert()`:
credential: {},
// Your Firebase database URL
databaseURL: 'my-fb-dev.firebaseio.com',
atlas.service('firebase', Firebase.Service)
await atlas.start()
// Your firebase app is now available here:
// ie.
const users = await atlas.services.firebase.database()
See the LICENSE file for information.