Returns a new map with the binding added to the given map.
: 'Key -> 'T -> Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'T>
Map.ofList [ (1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
|> Map.add(0) "zero"
|> Map.iter (fun key value -> printfn "key: %d value: %s" key value)
key: 0 value: zero
key: 1 value: one
key: 2 value: two
key: 3 value: three
Tests if an element is in the domain of the map.
: 'Key -> Map<'Key,'T> -> bool
let map1 = Map.ofList [ (1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
let findKeyAndPrint key map =
if (Map.containsKey key map) then
printfn "The specified map contains the key %d." key
printfn "The specified map does not contain the key %d." key
findKeyAndPrint 1 map1
findKeyAndPrint 0 map1
The specified map contains the key 1.
The specified map does not contain the key 0.
Returns true if the given predicate returns true for one of the bindings in the map.
: ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> bool
// Signature:
Map.exists : ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map -> bool (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.exists predicate table
Creates a new map containing only the bindings for which the given predicate returns true .
: ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'T>
printfn "Even numbers and their squares."
let map1 = Map.ofList [for i in 1 .. 10 -> (i, i*i)]
|> Map.filter (fun key _ -> key % 2 = 0)
|> Map.iter (fun key value -> printf "(%d, %d) " key value)
printfn ""
Even numbers and their squares.
(2, 4) (4, 16) (6, 36) (8, 64) (10, 100)
Looks up an element in the map.
: 'Key -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'T
Evaluates the function on each mapping in the collection. Returns the key for the first mapping where the function returns true .
: ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'Key
let findKeyFromValue findValue map =
printfn "With value %A, found key %A." findValue (Map.findKey (fun key value -> value = findValue) map)
let map1 = Map.ofList [ (1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
let map2 = Map.ofList [ for i in 1 .. 10 -> (i, i*i) ]
findKeyFromValue "one" map1
findKeyFromValue "two" map1
findKeyFromValue 9 map2
findKeyFromValue 25 map2
// The key is not in the map, so the following line throws an exception.
findKeyFromValue 0 map2
:? System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException as e -> printfn "%s" e.Message
With value "one", found key 1.
With value "two", found key 2.
With value 9, found key 3.
With value 25, found key 5.
Exception of type 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException' was thrown.
Folds over the bindings in the map
: ('State -> 'Key -> 'T -> 'State) -> 'State -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'State
let map1 = Map.ofList [ (1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
// Sum the keys.
let result1 = Map.fold (fun state key value -> state + key) 0 map1
printfn "Result: %d" result1
// Concatenate the values.
let result2 = Map.fold (fun state key value -> state + value + " ") "" map1
printfn "Result: %s" result2
Result: 6
Result: one two three
Folds over the bindings in the map.
: ('Key -> 'T -> 'State -> 'State) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'State -> 'State
let map1 = Map.ofList [ (1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
// Sum the keys.
let result1 = Map.foldBack (fun key value state -> state + key) map1 0
printfn "Result: %d" result1
// Concatenate the values.
let result2 = Map.foldBack (fun key value state -> state + value + " ") map1 ""
printfn "Result: %s" result2
Result: 6
Result: three two one
Returns true if the given predicate returns true for all of the bindings in the map.
: ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> bool
let map1 = Map.ofList [ (1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
let map2 = Map.ofList [ (-1, "negative one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three") ]
let allPositive = Map.forall (fun key value -> key > 0)
printfn "%b %b" (allPositive map1) (allPositive map2)
true false
Tests whether the map has any bindings.
: Map<'Key,'T> -> bool
// Signature:
Map.isEmpty : Map -> bool (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.isEmpty table
Applies the given function to each binding in the dictionary
: ('Key -> 'T -> unit) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> unit
// Signature:
Map.iter : ('Key -> 'T -> unit) -> Map -> unit (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.iter action table
Creates a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function to each of the elements of the collection. The key passed to the function indicates the key of element being transformed.
: ('Key -> 'T -> 'U) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'U>
let map1 = Map.ofList [ (1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three") ]
let map2 = map1 |> (fun key value -> value.ToUpper())
let map3 = map1 |> (fun key value -> value.ToLower())
printfn "%A" map1
printfn "%A" map2
printfn "%A" map3
map [(1, "One"); (2, "Two"); (3, "Three")]
map [(1, "ONE"); (2, "TWO"); (3, "THREE")]
map [(1, "one"); (2, "two"); (3, "three")]
Returns a new map made from the given bindings.
: ('Key * 'T) [] -> Map<'Key,'T>
// Signature:
Map.ofArray : ('Key * 'T) [] -> Map (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.ofArray elements
Returns a new map made from the given bindings.
: 'Key * 'T list -> Map<'Key,'T>
// Signature:
Map.ofList : 'Key * 'T list -> Map (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.ofList elements
Returns a new map made from the given bindings.
: seq<'Key * 'T> -> Map<'Key,'T>
// Signature:
Map.ofSeq : seq -> Map (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.ofSeq elements
Creates two new maps, one containing the bindings for which the given predicate returns true , and the other the remaining bindings.
: ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'T> * Map<'Key,'T>
let map1 = [ for i in 1..10 -> (i, i*i)] |> Map.ofList
let (mapEven, mapOdd) = Map.partition (fun key value -> key % 2 = 0) map1
printfn "Evens: %A" mapEven
printfn "Odds: %A" mapOdd
Evens: map [(2, 4); (4, 16); (6, 36); (8, 64); (10, 100)]
Odds: map [(1, 1); (3, 9); (5, 25); (7, 49); (9, 81)]
Searches the map looking for the first element where the given function returns a Some value
: ('Key -> 'T -> 'U option) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'U
let map1 = [ for i in 1 .. 100 -> (i, 100 - i) ] |> Map.ofList
let result = Map.pick (fun key value -> if key = value then Some(key) else None) map1
printfn "Result where key and value are the same: %d" result
Result where key and value are the same: 50
Removes an element from the domain of the map. No exception is raised if the element is not present.
: 'Key -> Map<'Key,'T> -> Map<'Key,'T>
// Signature:
Map.remove : 'Key -> Map -> Map (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.remove key table
Returns an array of all key/value pairs in the mapping. The array will be ordered by the keys of the map.
: Map<'Key,'T> -> ('Key * 'T) []
// Signature:
Map.toArray : Map -> ('Key * 'T) [] (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.toArray table
Returns a list of all key/value pairs in the mapping. The list will be ordered by the keys of the map.
: Map<'Key,'T> -> ('Key * 'T) list
// Signature:
Map.toList : Map -> ('Key * 'T) list (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.toList table
Views the collection as an enumerable sequence of pairs. The sequence will be ordered by the keys of the map.
: Map<'Key,'T> -> seq<'Key * 'T>
// Signature:
Map.toSeq : Map -> seq (requires comparison)
// Usage:
Map.toSeq table
Looks up an element in the map, returning a Some value if the element is in the domain of the map, or None if not.
: 'Key -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'T option
let map1 = [ for i in 1 .. 100 -> (i, i*i) ] |> Map.ofList
let result = Map.tryFind 50 map1
match result with
| Some x -> printfn "Found %d." x
| None -> printfn "Did not find the specified value."
Found 2500.
Returns the key of the first mapping in the collection that satisfies the given predicate, or returns None if no such element exists.
: ('Key -> 'T -> bool) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'Key option
let map1 = [ for i in 1 .. 100 -> (i, i*i) ] |> Map.ofList
let result = Map.tryFindKey (fun key value -> key = value) map1
match result with
| Some key -> printfn "Found element with key %d." key
| None -> printfn "Did not find any element that matches the condition."
Found element with key 1.
Searches the map looking for the first element where the given function returns a Some value.
: ('Key -> 'T -> 'U option) -> Map<'Key,'T> -> 'U option
let map1 = [ for i in 1 .. 100 -> (i, 100 - i) ] |> Map.ofList
let result = Map.tryPick (fun key value -> if key = value then Some(key) else None) map1
match result with
| Some x -> printfn "Result where key and value are the same: %d" x
| None -> printfn "No result satisifies the condition."
Result where key and value are the same: 50