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Based on the idea of teacher and student, model distillation uses big teacher model to teach small student model in the training stage, which is a common method of model compression. Compared to training the small model alone, model distillation is usually benficial for higher accuracy. If you are interested in the theory of model distillation, there are a survey in arxiv.
Based on PaddleSlim, PaddleSeg provides the module of model distillation. The key points of using model distillation are as follows:
- Chose the teacher and student models
- Train the teacher model
- Set the config files of model distillation
- Training of model distillation, namely train the student with the guidance of the teacher model
In this tutorial, we demonstrate a demo of model distillation, and then present the advanced usage of model distillation.
Please follow installation document to install the requirements of PaddleSeg.
常规的模型训练中,模型前向计算的输出和真实label计算得到常规loss,再进行梯度反向传播。 常见的模型蒸馏训练中,教师模型只有前向计算,学生模型有前向计算和反向传播,有多个loss指导学生模型进行训练:学生模型前向计算的输出和真实label计算得到常规loss;学生模型前向计算的输出和教师模型前向计算的输出计算得到蒸馏loss。 更多模型蒸馏的介绍,请参考Survey。
- 选定学生模型和教师模型;
- 训练教师模型;
- 蒸馏参数配置;
- 进行模型蒸馏的训练,得到训练好的学生模型。
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
git clone https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleSlim.git
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# checkout to special commit
git reset --hard 15ef0c7dcee5a622787b7445f21ad9d1dea0a933
# install
python setup.py install
In this demo, DeepLabV3P_ResNet50_vd is the teacher model and DeepLabV3P_ResNet18_vd is the student model. Besides, we use the optic disc segmentation dataset for simplicity.
The config file of the teacher model is PaddleSeg/configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet50_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_teacher.yml
Run the following instructions in the root directory of PaddleSeg to train the teacher model.
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # Set GPU for Linux
# set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # Seg GPU for Windows
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# 切换到特定commit id
git reset --hard 15ef0c7dcee5a622787b7445f21ad9d1dea0a933
# 安装
python setup.py install
示例中,我们使用视盘分割(optic disc segmentation)数据集,教师模型是以ResNet50_vd为Backbone的DeepLabV3P(简称DeepLabV3P_ResNet50_vd),学生模型是以ResNet18_vd为Backbone的DeepLabV3P(简称DeepLabV3P_ResNet18_vd)。
# Linux下,设置1张可用的卡
# windows下请执行以下命令
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python train.py \
--config configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet50_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_teacher.yml \
--do_eval \
--use_vdl \
--save_interval 250 \
--num_workers 3 \
--seed 0 \
--save_dir output/deeplabv3p_resnet50
<<<<<<< HEAD
After the traing, the mIoU of the teacher model is 91.54% and the trained weights are saved in output/deeplabv3p_resnet50/best_model/model.pdparams
In this step, we train the student model without the guidance of the teacher model.
The config file of the student model is PaddleSeg/configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet18_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_student.yml
Run the following instructions in the root directory of PaddleSeg to train the student model alone.
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # Set GPU for Linux
# set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # Seg GPU for Windows
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### 2.4 训练学生模型
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 python train.py
--config configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet18_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_student.yml
--save_interval 250
--num_workers 3
--seed 0
--save_dir output/deeplabv3p_resnet18
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
The mIoU of the student model is 83.93% and the trained weights are saved in `output/deeplabv3p_resnet18/best_model/model.pdparams`.
### 2.5 Set the Config File of Model Distillation
The training of model distillation needs the config files of the teacher and student models.
We open the teacher config file (`PaddleSeg/configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet50_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_teacher.yml`) and set the pretrained in the last line as the path of the teacher model's weights as follows.
>>>>>>> PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
### 2.5 蒸馏配置
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 model: type: DeepLabV3P backbone: type: ResNet50_vd output_stride: 8 multi_grid: [1, 2, 4] pretrained: Null num_classes: 2 backbone_indices: [0, 3] aspp_ratios: [1, 12, 24, 36] aspp_out_channels: 256 align_corners: False pretrained: output/deeplabv3p_resnet50/best_model/model.pdparams
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<<<<<<< HEAD
It is not necessary to modify the config file of the student model. Note that, the config file has normal loss and distillation loss.
>>>>>>> PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
常规loss是配置学生模型输出和真实label的损失计算,distill_loss是配置学生模型输出和教师模型输出的损失计算,types表示loss类型,coef是loss的比例系数。distill_loss types目前仅支持设置为KLLoss。
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 loss: types: - type: CrossEntropyLoss coef: [1]
distill_loss: types: - type: KLLoss coef: [3]
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### 2.6 Training of Model Distillation
With the config files of the teacher and student models, run the following instructions in the root directory of PaddleSeg to train the student model with the guidance of the teacher model.
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # Set GPU for Linux
# set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 # Seg GPU for Windows
>>>>>>> PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
### 2.6 蒸馏训练
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 python slim/distill/distill_train.py
--teather_config ./configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet50_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_teacher.yml
--student_config ./configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet18_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_student.yml
--save_interval 250
--num_workers 3
--seed 0
--save_dir output/deeplabv3p_resnet18_distill
<<<<<<< HEAD
<<<<<<< HEAD
The script of `slim/distill/distill_train.py` creates the teacher model, creates the student model, loads dataset to train the student model while the teacher model is fixed.
After the training, the mIoU of the student model is 85.79% and the trained weights are saved in `output/deeplabv3p_resnet18_distill/best_model`.
Compared the accuracy of these two student models, the model distillation imporves the mIoU by 1.86%.
## 3. Advanced Usage of Model Distillation
### 3.1 Single-Machine Multiple-GPUs Training
In order to accelerate the training of model distillation with single machine multiple GPUs, we export `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` and use `paddle.distributed.launch` to start the script as follows. Note that, PaddlePaddle does not support single machine multiple GPUs training on Windows.
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 # use four GPUs
>>>>>>> PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
## 3 高阶使用方法
### 3.1 多卡训练
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
python -m paddle.distributed.launch slim/distill/distill_train.py
--teather_config ./configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet50_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_teacher.yml
--student_config ./configs/quick_start/deeplabv3p_resnet18_os8_optic_disc_512x512_1k_student.yml
--save_interval 250
--num_workers 3
--seed 0
--save_dir output/deeplabv3p_resnet18_distill
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<<<<<<< HEAD
### 3.2 The Weights of Losses
In the config file of the student model, the `coef` means the weight of the according loss, such as the normal loss and distill_loss.
You can adjust the weights of different losses to imporve the accuracy.
### 3.3 Use Intermediate Tensors for Distillation
Model distillation only utilizes the output tensors of the teacher and student models in the above demo for simplicity.
In fact, we can also use intermediate tensors for model distillation.
* Chose the intermediate tensors in the teacher and student models
It requires the intermediate tensors in the teacher and student models have the same shape for now.
* Set the intermediate tensors for distillation
In Paddeseg, the `slim/distill/distill_config.py` file has a "prepare_distill_adaptor" function. We utilize the StudentAdaptor and TeatherAdaptor class to set the intermediate tensors for model distillation.
Generally speaking, PaddlePaddle has two types of api. The first type is layer api, of which the base class is "paddle.nn.Layer", such as "paddle.nn.Conv2D". The second type is function api, such as paddle.reshape.
If the intermediate tensor is the output of layer api, we set the `mapping_layers['name_index'] = 'layer_name'` outside the block of `if self.add_tensor`.
If the intermediate tensor is the output of function api, we set the `mapping_layers['name_index'] = 'tensor_name'.` inside the block of `if self.add_tensor`.
def prepare_distill_adaptor():
Prepare the distill adaptors for student and teacher model.
The adaptors set the intermediate feature tensors that used for distillation.
class StudentAdaptor(AdaptorBase):
def mapping_layers(self):
mapping_layers = {}
# the interior tensor is the output of layer api
# mapping_layers['hidden_0'] = 'layer_name'
if self.add_tensor:
# the interior tensor is the output of function api
# mapping_layers["hidden_0"] = self.model.logit_list
return mapping_layers
class TeatherAdaptor(AdaptorBase):
def mapping_layers(self):
mapping_layers = {}
# mapping_layers['hidden_0'] = 'layer_name'
if self.add_tensor:
# mapping_layers["hidden_0"] = self.model.logit_list
return mapping_layers
return StudentAdaptor, TeatherAdaptor
For example, The output tensors of the "nn.Conv2D" (layer api) and the "paddle.reshape" (function api) are unsed for distillation in the next model. Then, the corresponding StudentAdaptor is showed as follows.
>>>>>>> PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
### 3.2 调整loss的系数
### 3.3 使用内部Tensor计算蒸馏loss
有必要提前说明,Paddle的API有两类:第一类是Layer API(继承paddle.nn.Layer,比如paddle.nn.Conv2D);第二类是Function API(不继承paddle.nn.Layer,比如paddle.reshape)。分辨特定API类别的方法是,首先在Paddle官网搜该API,然后点击源码查看内部实现是类还是函数,分别是Layer API和Function API。
如果选定的内部Tensor是Layer API的输出,设置方法是`mapping_layers['name_index'] = 'layer_name'`。
如果选定的内部Tensor是Layer API的输出,设置方法是在`if self.add_tensor`内部修改`mapping_layers['name_index'] = 'tensor_name'.`。
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 class Model(nn.Layer): def init(self): super(Model, self).init() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2D(3, 3, 3, padding=1) <<<<<<< HEAD self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D(3, 3, 3, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2D(3, 3, 3, padding=1) ======= <<<<<<< HEAD ======= self.conv2 = nn.Conv2D(3, 3, 3, padding=1) self.conv3 = nn.Conv2D(3, 3, 3, padding=1) 9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 self.fc = nn.Linear(3072, 10)
def forward(self, x):
conv1_out = self.conv1(x)
<<<<<<< HEAD conv2_out = self.conv2(self.conv1_out) conv3_out = self.conv3(conv2_out) self.reshape_out = paddle.reshape(self.conv3_out, shape=[x.shape[0], -1])
<<<<<<< HEAD
self.reshape_out = paddle.reshape(conv1_out, shape=[x.shape[0], -1]) # note that self.reshape_out
conv2_out = self.conv2(self.conv1_out)
conv3_out = self.conv3(conv2_out)
self.reshape_out = paddle.reshape(self.conv3_out, shape=[x.shape[0], -1])
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 out = self.fc(self.reshape_out) return out
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class StudentAdaptor(AdaptorBase):
def mapping_layers(self):
mapping_layers = {}
mapping_layers['hidden_0'] = 'conv1' # The output of layer api
if self.add_tensor:
mapping_layers["hidden_1"] = self.model.reshape_out # The output of function api
return mapping_layers
- Set the config of Distillation
Follow the above example, we define the "prepare_distill_config" function in slim/distill/distill_config.py
to set the config of distillation.
In detail, the feature_type and s_feature_idx determine the tensor name in student model. The feature_type and t_feature_idx determine the tensor name in teacher model. The loss_function determine the type of distillation loss.
>>>>>>> PaddlePaddle-release/2.4
对于第二个卷积的输出Tensor,是Layer API的输出,直接定义`mapping_layers['hidden_0'] = 'conv2'`(conv2是Layer名字)。
reshape后的Tensor,是Function API的输出,首先需要在模型定义中将该Tensor定义为类变量,然后在`if self.add_tensor`中定义`mapping_layers["hidden_1"] = self.model.reshape_out`(self.model.reshape_out是tensor在模型中的名字)。
class StudentAdaptor(AdaptorBase): def mapping_layers(self): mapping_layers = {} mapping_layers['hidden_0'] = 'conv2' # The output of Layer API if self.add_tensor: mapping_layers["hidden_1"] = self.model.reshape_out # The output of Function API return mapping_layers
* config_1中feature_type表示使用内部tensor的类别
* s_feature_idx和t_feature_idx分别表示使用学生和教师模型的index
* loss_function表示两个内部Tensor蒸馏计算的Loss方式,目前只支持设置为SegChannelwiseLoss
* weight表示多个Loss加权求和时,该Loss的加权系数
* 可以定义多组内部Tensor进行蒸馏
9c8570af (add new models) PaddlePaddle-release/2.4 def prepare_distill_config(): """ Prepare the distill config. """ config_1 = { 'feature_type': 'hidden', 's_feature_idx': 0, 't_feature_idx': 0, 'loss_function': 'SegChannelwiseLoss', 'weight': 1.0 } config_2 = { 'feature_type': 'hidden', 's_feature_idx': 1, 't_feature_idx': 1, 'loss_function': 'SegChannelwiseLoss', 'weight': 1.0 } distill_config = [config_1, config_2]
return distill_config
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* Training for Distillation
Use the same method as above to run the `slim/distill/distill_train.py`.
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