Advantages of Waterfall include...
- Flexibility
- Early validation
- Clear objectives
- Compliance with bureaucratic processes
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3 & 4: Waterfall has little flexibility and validation happens at the end, but this provides clear objectives and makes it easy to comply with precise requirements known before the project starts.
The "Scrum Master"...
- Decides who to assign to each task
- Communicates with customers
- Helps the team work smoothly
- Evaluates each team member
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3: The role is only about facilitating teamwork, for instance by asking people if they are blocked, scheduling necessary meetings, and running standup meetings.
In agile development, the product backlog...
- Includes user stories
- Includes bugs
- Is empty when the project is done
- Is empty when the project starts
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1 & 2: The backlog includes both user stories and bugs, should contain at least some basic end-to-end user stories when the project starts, but may never be empty as customers suggest new stories that may never get done due to their low priority compared to other tasks.
Which of the following are useful code review comments?
- "I think the user story you implemented is pointless."
- "Maybe this should be in a separate class?"
- "I don't think this works if the list is empty."
- "Is this needed because we support old browsers?"
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2 & 3 & 4: Design comments, possible bugs, and clarification questions are all useful. So are positive comments, "This looks great!" helps with motivation if used sparingly. However, code reviews are not the time to discuss validation issues such as user stories.
Which of the following make code review easier?
- One commit per 100 lines of code
- One commit for the entire code under review
- Copying user stories into commit messages
- Commented-out code for possible alternatives
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None: Commits should reflect independent units of work, regardless of size, such as commits per refactoring and per bug fix. Copying information the reviewers already have into commit messages is not useful, and neither is including unnecessary code.