Releases: swifweb/web
Releases · swifweb/web
🪚 Improve `@media` rule syntax
public class App: WebApp {
@AppBuilder public override var body: AppBuilder.Content {
/// ...
class MainStyle: Stylesheet {
@Rules override var rules: Rules.Content {
MediaRule(.screen.maxWidth(800.px)) {
MediaRule(.screen.maxWidth(1200.px)) {
MediaRule(.screen.aspectRatio(4/3)) {
MediaRule(!.screen.aspectRatio(4/3)) {
which represents
@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
background-color: red;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
background-color: green;
@media only screen and (aspect-ratio: 4/3) {
background-color: purple;
@media not screen and (aspect-ratio: 4/3) {
background-color: black;
🪚 Implement simpler `@State` with `UnitValue`
Normal usage without @State
Div().height(100.px) // static value
Usage with @State
@State var height = 100.px // this way you even can change px to em on the fly
New option
@State var height: Double = 100 // this way you can change digit value only
🪚 Allow to put raw HTML string into `@DOM` block
@DOM override var body: DOM.Content {
<button>Hello world</button>
which represents
<button>Hello world</button>
Static localization
Classic localization is automatic and depends on user system language
How to use
Dynamic localization
If you want to change localized strings on the screen on-the-fly (without page reloading)
You could change current language by calling
Localization.current = .es
If you saved user's language somewhere in cookies or localstorage then you have to set it on app launch
Lifecycle.didFinishLaunching {
Localization.current = .es
How to use
Advanced example
H1( { "Curent language: \($0.rawValue)" })
H2(LString(.en("English string"), .es("Hilo Español")))
Button("change lang").onClick {
Localization.current = Localization.current.rawValue.contains("en") ? .es : .en
🪚 Implement `Img().load(url:)` by @tierracero
The following method allows to load an image async while showing a default image.
Once the image has loaded in the background it will replace existing img.src
So the code above will first show placeholder.jpg
image, then once cat.jpg
is ready to show it will replace placeholder.jpg
🚀 Implement StreamsAPI, FetchAPI, XMLHttpRequest, WebSocketAPI
import FetchAPI
Fetch("") {
switch $0 {
case .failure:
case .success(let response):
print("response.code: \(response.status)")
print("response.statusText: \(response.statusText)")
print("response.ok: \(response.ok)")
print("response.redirected: \(response.redirected)")
print("response.headers: \(response.headers.dictionary)")
struct Todo: Decodable {
let id, userId: Int
let title: String
let completed: Bool
response.json(as: Todo.self) {
switch $0 {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let todo):
print("decoded todo: \(todo)")
import XMLHttpRequest
.open(method: "GET", url: "")
.onAbort {
print("XHR onAbort")
}.onLoad {
print("XHR onLoad")
}.onError {
print("XHR onError")
}.onTimeout {
print("XHR onTimeout")
}.onProgress{ progress in
print("XHR onProgress")
}.onLoadEnd {
print("XHR onLoadEnd")
}.onLoadStart {
print("XHR onLoadStart")
}.onReadyStateChange { readyState in
print("XHR onReadyStateChange")
import WebSocket
let webSocket = WebSocket("wss://").onOpen {
print("ws connected")
}.onClose { (closeEvent: CloseEvent) in
print("ws disconnected code: \(closeEvent.code) reason: \(closeEvent.reason)")
}.onError {
print("ws error")
}.onMessage { message in
print("ws message: \(message)")
switch {
case .arrayBuffer(let arrayBuffer): break
case .blob(let blob): break
case .text(let text): break
case .unknown(let jsValue): break
Dispatch.asyncAfter(2) {
// send as simple string
webSocket.send("Hello from SwifWeb")
// send as Blob
webSocket.send(Blob("Hello from SwifWeb"))
🖥 Implement live preview for VSCode
look into vsce-livepreview repo