- Removed deprecated keyword ast (use astrule) in *.mc4
- Use the following emf coordinates (MB):
- group: org.eclipse.emf
- version: 2.15.0
- artifact: org.eclipse.emf.ecore | org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi | org.eclipse.emf.common
- The runtime environment may need the following dependency (group: org.eclipse.platform; artifacitId: org.eclipse.equinox.common; version: 3.10.0)
- Generated by the MontiCore version 5.0.1
- Uses JavaDSL 4.3.13, Cd4Analysis 1.3.16, se-commons 1.7.9
- Introduce deprecated annotation in grammars (#2215)
- Serialization of symobls
- Add reporter IncGenCheckReporter
- Configuration of the report path
- Specific resolving methods in generated scope classes
- Bugfixes
- Generated by the MontiCore version 5.0.0
- Uses JavaDSL 4.3.12, Cd4Analysis 1.3.13, se-commons 1.7.9
- Bugfixes
- New methods defineHookPointWithDefault in GlobalExtensionManagement (MB)
- new method cmpToken in MCParser (MB)
- every (non-)terminal defined in an interface must be present in the implementing production (including Name and Usage Name) (CoCo) (BS)
- to ensure that any terminal (with a specific name) has to be implemented, use an empty string, e.g. interface Expression = operator="";
- new methods are generated for the referenced symbol and definition and the definition is saved in an attribute (generated wenn you write sth. like "Name@Symbol") (NP)
- coco that gives a warning if you do not extend conservative (NP)
- coco that attributes with the same usage Name have to reference the same symbol (NP)
- SpannedScope and Symbol Methods in ASTNode set to deprecated (NP)
- Generated by the MontiCore version
- Uses JavaDSL 4.3.11, Cd4Analysis 1.3.13, se-commons 1.7.8
- Changed name building for list attributes in grammars (x:Name* -> getXList)
- Changed api for GlobalExtensionMangament and TemplateController (see reference manual)
- New api for AST nodes (constructor, getter and setter for lists and optional attributes, ...)
- Builder classes for AST nodes are external now. Signatures are similar to those in the corresponding AST node, except those methods which set or add something, these return the Builder itself (which allows method chaining)
- Changed default script to noemf for the generation of MontiCore. If you want to use emf you can generate monticore-grammar and Java-DSL with the profile "emf". This profile also creates the emf jars. You are also able to test the integration-tests with the profile “emf-it-tests”, which contains extra tests for the generation with emf.
- Parsed grammars are not stored as class diagram anymore. CD is only stored as report.
- Removed deprecated method filter(ResolvingInfo resolvingInfo, List symbols) use filter(ResolvingInfo, Collection) instead
- Removed deprecated method filter(ResolvingInfo resolvingInfo, String name, List symbols) use filter(ResolvingInfo, String, Map) instead
- Removed deprecated method create(Class symbolClass, SymbolKind symbolKind) use create(SymbolKind) instead
- Removed deprecated method getSymbols use getLocalSymbols instead
- Removed deprecated method resolve(SymbolPredicate predicate) use resolveMany(String, SymbolKind, Predicate) instead
- Removed deprecated method define use add instead
- Removed deprecated method resolve(ResolvingInfo resolvingInfo, String name, SymbolKind kind, AccessModifier modifier)
- Removed deprecated method checkIfContinueWithEnclosing use checkIfContinueWithEnclosingScope instead
- Removed deprecated method addResolver use addFilter(String, ResolvingFilter) instead
- Removed deprecated method addTopScopeResolver use addDefaultFilter instead
- Removed deprecated method addTopScopeResolvers use addDefaultFilters instead
- Removed deprecated method getTopScopeResolvingFilters use getDefaultFilters instead
- Removed deprecated constructer CommonResolvingFilter(Class symbolClass, SymbolKind targetKind) use CommonResolvingFilter(SymbolKind) instead
- Removed deprecated method continueWithScope and continueWithEnclosingScope
- Removed class FaildLoadingSymbol
- Removed deprecated method putInScopeAndLinkWithAst use addToScopeAndLinkWithNode instead
- Removed deprecated constructer CommonModelingLanguage(String, String, SymbolKind) use CommonModelingLanguage(String, String) instead
- Removed deprecated method addResolver use addResolvingFilter instead
- Removed deprecated method addResolver use addResolvingFilter instead
- Removed deprecated method getResolvers use getResolvingFilters instead
- Removed deprecated method loadAmbiguousModelAndCreateSymbolTable use loadModelsIntoScope instead
- Removed deprecated method loadAmbiguousModels use loadModels instead
- Removed deprecated method defineHookPoint(String) use glex.defineHookPoint instead
- Removed deprecated enum ParserExecution
- Removed deprecated method getParserTarget
- Removed deprecated method setParserTarget