There are many more examples, that show different capabilities of Data Virtualization technology
Name | Features Demonstrated | Description | Prerequisites |
@ExcelTable |
Shows how to virtualize an excel spreadsheet |
None |
Google spreadsheet connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a Google spreadsheet |
None |
MongoDB connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a MongoDB instance |
None |
S3 connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a S3 instance |
None |
JSon connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a JSON instance |
None |
Infinispan connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a Infinispan instance |
None |
HDFS connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a HDFS instance |
None |
Cassandra connectivity |
Shows how to virtualize a Cassandra instance |
None |
Data Federation |
Shows how to expose multiple data sources for data federation |
None |
Redirection of Updates |
Shows how to use Teiid to automatically redirect updates to a different source, but still federate the updates. |
None |
Shows how to enable a REST interface on top of any Entity model defined using Teiid |
None |
Salesforce |
Shows how to virtualize a Salesforce instance |
None |
User Defined Function |
Shows how to use a Java function in Teiid |
None |
Virtual Database |
Shows how to use a Teiid DDL VDB to define the virtualization |
None |
@JsonTable |
Shows how to convert JSON data from a file or REST endpoint into Entity |
None |
Database and CSV based Table using @TextTable |
Shows how to convert CSV data into a Entity and combine with a Entity from relational database. |
None |
OData |
Shows how to enable a OData REST interface on top of any Entity model defined using Teiid |
None |