Releases: teletha/bee
Releases · teletha/bee
bee v0.11.0
- Remove @grab, use Require with lazy dependency resolution. (6eb2936)
- Remove Task#require(String...) (aae42b5)
Bug Fixes
- Add all dependencies as Javadoc classpath. (571cb34)
- Check duplication when dynamic class loading. (796a4cc)
- CI can cache dependency. (b67c01c)
- doc:site indicates invalid sample directory (71397b8)
- doc:site supports javadoc for JDK (eb9d40d)
- doc:site task supports sample and document (3d27c16)
- Don't execute IDE task when project initialization phase. (5e307c8)
- Format fail message. (c5edd98)
- Generate javadoc with project's dependency. (88f9dc9)
- Handles transitive dependencies more accurately. (85483fe)
- Hide private class. (181c632)
- Installer supports shell script. (c0f8fee)
- Jitpack requires the JVM for source version. (a41e1d8)
- Repository#require resolves the specified library. (eaa7b45)
- update javadng (4f8e10f)
- Update javadng. (aacdc3f)
- Update javadng. (77026e9)
- Update javadng. (a13bd23)
- Update javadng. (56c0e39)
- Update javadng. (407cba0)
- Update javadoc link. (f86589a)
bee v0.10.0
bee v0.9.0
- Add test report on CI. (81955ee)
- Jar task support minify of class files. (a79cb46)
- Support annotation processor on maven. (7053921)
- Update junit. (adb7924)
- Update maven resolver. (06442bf)
- Update psychopath. (25dac78)
Bug Fixes
- Compacting log. (7a895ac)
- Format test result output on console. (e39e628)
- Integrate CI and Git task. (4e6b32c)
- Jar task shows the detailed compress log. (fa9f77f)
- Reconfigure various components. (3fc6637)
- Remove enable-preview option. (98e9036)
- Test ignores the failed test. (ca5caa9)
- Test reporter is not thread-safe. (c5ac0b6)
- Test task can detect the existence of test class. (454f24c)
- Update CI process. (587f31c)
- Update maven resolver. (fc2df5b)
- Update maven-resolver. (3b48c40)
- Update version. (33a2f74)
bee v0.8.0
- Add check command on compile task. (dec2637)
- Add CI/CD task (for github). (148d146)
- Enable CI on github. (06354df)
- IDE task builds pom file synchronously. (7537381)
- Jar task supports Java16 on version modification. (d1ce3ea)
- Provide version control system model. (adea252)
- Terminates all tasks when a test fails. (e4910a9)
- The dependency Grab annotation like Groovy. (6280a12)
- Use release option on maven compiler plugin. (7ef2a0d)
- When executing any command, if the project definition has been (d820b49)
Bug Fixes
- Build environment restricts the upper bound of java version. (38cc547)
- CI/CD task support JitPack. (99ff1ce)
- Compile at java 11. (e0b6a8b)
- Dependency resolution fails when library is referred from compile (520b6f7)
- Disable logging of Junit. (e148573)
- Drop preview support. (b95f3b0)
- Inputs#ref trim its contents. (86e3415)
- Integrate Inputs and DebugHelper. (eabe63e)
- Jar file is ignored. (7aef28e)
- Licesen is class now and remove StandardLicense. (3d91a52)
- Make code compilable by javac. (5905a48)
- NotationTest fails on non-windows platform. (fd20177)
- Overridden commands in subclasses were not being recognized. (d820b49)
- POM uses the ranged dependency version. (92faf58)
- Public bee related projects should refer the version.txt. (2190d36)
- Remove PGP. (11c50ff)
- Remove Task#readResource, use text-block instead. (06354df)
- Remove unused class. (148d146)
- Simplify a failure message. (dc107c8)
- The bee related project' version is corrupted. (7537381)
- Update pom. (b99df4e)
- Use java15 on memoized task. (8402e86)
bee v0.7.0
- Compiler target version of test classes is configurable. (1735bc3)
- Enable release-please-action when you use github. (e392965)
- Enable release-please-action when you use github. (a75ff91)
- Inputs#ref retrieve the file's live contents. (9f23e93)
- Project#product accepts CharSequence. (4a61c3a)
Bug Fixes
- Enabel in offline mode. (979f13b)
- Exe task is broken. (f1d7c60)
- FindMain throws StackOverFlowError. (fbf65bb)
- Library can recognize classifier. (525d318)
- Load same package twice. (7dd09ce)
- Memoized task is defined duplicately at parallel task execution. (bd1a83a)
- Process is broken. (24fd067)
- Release-please-action should execution on main brunch. (bd1a83a)
- Task#readResource can't read resource in jar. (d99ed7c)
- Task#readResource fails by relative path. (bd1a83a)
- Test scope accepts compile scope. (77978bf)
- Use ASM directly instead of byte-buddy. (2a88f0b)