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1] Stackexchange answer

Quoted Brian Spiering :
Deep learning parser should be sequence-based (e.g., Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) or Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)). To apply Deep Learning, you'll need many thousands of examples with each section labeled. There is HR-XML (Human Resources - Extensible Markup Language) which are the industry standards for labels of resume sections.


2] BroutonLab software

Used stacked bidirectional GRU/LSTM recurrent layers

This approach was also compared with Convolutional layers, which are generally faster than recurrent layers, but recurrent layers have shown better accuracy.

We experimented with different vector embeddings including fastText and custom Word2vec. This helped us to significantly reduce the following:

  • Dependency on the amount of labeled data
  • Time needed model training

Topic modeling

  • Used several unsupervised approaches for text clusterization by topics.
  • Particularly, we used BigARTM to resolve this problem because it showed better performance and accuracy when compared to other libraries such as Gensim.

BroutonLab AI parser:

3] Overview of Stanford NER Tagger

4] Skills API

5] Codes to extract each fields

  • Quite simple & straight forward
Field Method
Skills Corpus/API with help of N-gram
Institution Find institution corpus to train NER model & train using Spacy

6] Accurate software demo

  • Return in JSON format with 7 main keys (headers)
Personal info My comments
Name Accurate becuz it's simple
Email, Phone Accurate becuz it's simple (Regex)
Home Address Segmented to designated fields. Detection of country & states & postcodes are accurate. Data enrichment is good (E.g. Convert Pulau Pinang to Penang)
URL Able to differentiate social media domain such as LinkedIn
Gender Gender prediction using picture provided
Educations My comments
Title Accurate. E.g. Master of Science(Msc)
Institution name Can detect non-English
course titles Accurate
Date start & ends Inaccurate why?
Other headers My comments
Working experiences Can't even process 'Research Fellow' or 'tutor'.
Skills Accurate
Languages Accurate
Tasks Less useful
Attachments Less useful

7] Detailed & layman's NER Process

  1. Collected 420 resumes
  2. Annotate manually using Doccano
  3. Split into 80(training), 20(testing)
  4. Develop model using Spacy
  • Becuz Spacy got higher speed & accuracy
  • Can refer to Spacy archi
  1. Train model
  • Use techniques like dropout & shuffle data after each iteration
  1. Evaluate model
  • Use mterics such as accuracy score, precision, recall, and F-score

8] Approaches to NER

CRF to model sequential data (ML)


  1. Can capture prev,current words but NOT forward word
  2. Need to do extra feature engineering

Deep Learning

  1. Evaluate performance using F1 Score (To get balance between precision & recall)
  2. Use Bi-LSTM (To take past & future info AKA 1 LSTM run LEFT to RIGHT, another 1 run RIGHT to LEFT)

Bi-Directional Architecture

  1. Bi-LSTM-CRF
  2. Bi-LSTM-CNN
  4. ELMo

9] Document Layout Analysis with Microsoft’s DiT

  • Input JPG to export layout
  • Able to detect header
  • Can look at the codes & terminologies used
  • *Can do more research on DLA

10] ML software for extracting information from scholarly documents

  • Can take it as reference as the concept is similar
  • Try install & upload resume

11] Tools to extract text from PDF

  • PDFplumber is outperforming Apache Tika. (Not concrete! Need more research)

12] Tool to visualize word embedding

  • Can upload annotated sentences here
  • Visualize how near is the sentence

13] Regex to remove empty lines in VS Code

  • The text output from TIKA contain line breaks

14] EntityRecognizer model

  • Very complete NER model training process

15] The pros & cons of label studio

  • The author explains reasons to use label studio and ways to deal with its contraint.

16] Training Custom NER (Show in & output)

  • how to train and get the custom-named entity from your training data using spacy and python

17] Product brand detection using NER

  • Approaches have been published in 2022 paper
  • GitHub link is provided
  • Use Bi-LSTM method (Layman's explanation in the paper)

18] Basics of CountVectorizer

  • Layman's explanation with super detailed demo

19] Guide To Text Classification using TextCNN

  • Explanation + Codes,to%20data%20of%20matrix%20form.

20] DL Small data

21] Word Embeddings in NLP | Word2Vec | GloVe | fastText

22] Vectorization Techniques in NLP

  • Covered the comparison between different vectorization techniques
  • GloVe vs Word2Vec vs FastText
  • And when to use each of it
  • GloVe has been found to outperform other models on word analogy, word similarity, and Named Entity Recognition tasks, so if the nature of the problem you’re trying to solve is similar to any of these, GloVe would be a smart choice.

23] Resume parser by National Instruments

24] Boostrs

What are some examples of data science techniques behind it and why is it hard?

  • Some of the NLP techniques we use include word embedding and sentence embedding modelssuch as BERT and USE (Universal Sentence Encoder) – which convert a piece of text into a numerical vector.
  • Following this, we use the associated algorithms to compute distances between vectors (cosine similarity, Euclidian distances...).
  • One of the various tasks we need to achieve is to calculate the ‘distance’ between two jobs. To do that, as mentioned, we use sentence embeddings, which is a way to represent any phrase as a vector of numbers which captures its semantic meaning (i.e., the sentence meaning in context).
  • From there, we can calculate the distance between two jobs by simply calculating the distance between their vector representations.
  • Another technique we use is artificial neural networks. The sentence embedding models we use rest on an advanced type of neural network architecture that has been developed to capture the meaning of texts and trained on all of Wikipedia’s articles to do so.
  • Neural networks offer several benefits:
    • They model well non-linear relations, which is highly adaptable to language processing.
    • They scale easily to accommodate training with very large amounts of data.
    • They mimic the architecture of the brain – which so far performs very well on language.
  • Other AI techniques we use include (non-exhaustive): feed forward neural networks, linear regression, multivariate algorithms, clustering techniques and topic modelling. READ Boostrs white paper here

25] Notebook for BERT NER project