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title: Explanation Ontology: A Model of Explanations for User-Centered AI - Protocol
Protocol | Associated Resources
Below, we present a protocol that can be used as a guide to reuse our explanation ontology in a sketched-out use case.- Gathering requirements
- Conduct a user study to gather the user's requirements of the system
- Identify and list user questions to be addressed
- Modeling
- Align user questions to explanation types
- Finalize explanations to be included in the system
- Identify components to be filled in for each explanation type
- Plan to populate slots for each explanation type desired
- Use the structure of sufficiency conditions to encode the desired set of explanations
- Example questions addressed by each explanation type can be browsed via our modeling page
- Components of each explanation type can be queried by competency question #2
- Sufficiency conditions can be browsed via the explanation types modeling page