- Website: https://sites.google.com/view/ukoswg19
- Application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUkvLx5WPTovNavwSPjZyvodqFXUNhHn8b0xUZmVHPJZdubA/closedform
- Location: Aston University, Birmingham, UK
- Date: 11 April 2019
Patricia Herterich (University of Birmingham) on behalf of The Turing Way Collaboration and University of Birmingham Library Services
Proposed (working) title:
The TuringWay - supporting reproducibility and Open Science from a librarian's perspective -
Brief outline of session:
Professional services in research institutions such as librarians provide various services and guidance to support Open Science. This session will introduce "The Turing Way" project, a 7 month project led by the Alan Turing Institute to bring together research software engineers and research data librarians in order to write a handbook to support students, their supervisors, funders and journal editors in ensuring that reproducible data science is “too easy not to do”. The talk will be starting point for a discussion how librarians in your institutions might already support Open Science and what you would want them to provide to make your Open Science Working Group more successful. -
Type (e.g., workshop, talk, discussion group)
Talk followed by discussion -
Preferred session duration
30 minutes (trying to keep talking short, otherwise we might need 1 h just to accommodate a proper discussion)
Submitted by Patricia Herterich on 28 February 2019