Crosson David - [email protected]
##Remarks & caveats:
=> ssh persisted shell session operations must be executed within the same thread,
(this is jassh.jar default behavior as it transparently add the -Yrepl-sync)
do not span a persisted shell session across several threads => it may generates exception
So be careful when using REPL with default config, as each "evaluation" is done within a new thread !
Workaround : Start the interpreter (REPL) with the "-Yrepl-sync" option.
No problem with SBT as a scala console started from SBT will execute all its entries in the same thread !
No problem in scala scripts.
=> SCP operations can't retrieve special file such as /proc/cpuinfo, because their size are not known !
Workarounds : use SFTP OR use a command such as "cat /proc/cpuinfo".
(The last one is the "best workaround", will work in all cases)
=> Be aware of the fact that SFTP SSH Channel may be not available,
so prefer SCP to maximize scripts / code portability from one system to an other.
Looks like linux SSHD comes with SFTP by default, but not AIX.
--> Since 0.9.5-b3 , SSH transfert operations comes with an automatic fallback mechanism with priority to scp
So prefer using SSH transfert operations, over SSHFtp transferts operations.
MaxStartups = 10 (default) the maximum number of concurrent unauthenticated connections to the SSH daemon
MaxSessions = 10 (default) the maximum number of open sessions permitted per network connection
=> ?? With such MaxStartups configuration (at least with OpenSSH_6.9p1-hpn14v5, OpenSSL 1.0.1p 9 Jul 2015) :
?? MaxStartups 10:30:100
?? --> Random failures may occurs ?? more frequently ?? than with just "MaxStartups 10" ??
?? com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: session is down
?? at com.jcraft.jsch.Channel.sendChannelOpen(Channel.java:762)
?? com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Session.connect: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
?? at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:558)
=> AIX sshd & SSHExecChannel (no persistence) doesn't work well when virtual tty is used
(execWithPty must be keep to false, this is the default value)
strange behavior : when SFtp subchannel is enabled, the maximum number of ExecChannel in // decrease...
=> Take care of system limits for sshd (nofile & nproc)
Check /etc/security/limits.conf for linux systems
if nproc max process/threads limit has been reached for the user you want to connect with,
you'll get a failure
=> Password expiration may ask you for a new password, so you can be blocked waiting for a result that never comes.
=> Remember that some operations may require a TTY (or let's rather say a virtual TTY) or behave
differently with or without a TTY/VTTY (sudo, mysql, ...)
- fix integer overflow issue while sending big files / mlahia (https://github.com/mlahia)
- Add support for scala 2.13
- update library dependencies
- update sbt tools (plugins)
- update scala releases
- Software updates (scala, scalatest, commons-compress)
- SSHConnectionManager added
- Take care this is a first implementation
- moved to sbt 1.0 + SBT plugins updates
- sbt release integration
- moved to maven central
- scala 2.12 support
- AllOperations trait added : for generic operations that requires both executions and transferts
method added to recursively copy a remote directory to a local destinationrsend
method added to recursively copy a local directory to a remote destination
- SSHShell :
method addedcatData
is now scp based !- now inherits from SSHScp and is able to perform file transfert operations
- now comes with AllOperations trait instead of ShellOperations
- SSH :
- now comes with AllOperations trait instead of both ShellOperations and TransfertOperations
- ShellOperations :
method added
- jsch rekey operation disabled => it generates random "session is down" ssh error ! the same for ciphers...
- dependencies update :
- sbt assembly 0.14.1
- commons-compress 1.11
- sl4j-api 1.7.21
- scalatest 2.2.6
- scala 2.10.6 & 2.11.8
- jsch 0.1.54
- ShellOperations : sudoNoPasswordTest renamed to sudoSuMinusOnlyWithoutPasswordTest
- ShellOperations : sudo operations moved to SSHShell class
- SSHShell : catData method added
- SSHShell : sudoSuMinusOnlyWithPasswordTest method added
- SSHShell : sudoSuMinusWithCommandTest method added
- SSHShell : executeWithExpects quick'n dirty implementation
- SSHOptions :
- sshUserDir sshKeyFile parameters removed.
- replaced by identities parameter which is prefilled with found identifies in $HOME/.ssh/ such as id_rsa, id_dsa, id_ecdsa, identity, ...
- SSHOptions.addIdentity can be used to add a new identity, new ones are added first
- SSHOptions(identities=SSHIdentity(...)::Nil) can be use to specify a particular identity
- Merged : Added cd, rm, and rmdir to sftp coming from : mgregson (https://github.com/mgregson)
- scala 2.11.7
- jsch 0.1.53
- ses.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", "publickey,keyboard-interactive,password") added as suggested by herbinator (https://github.com/herbinator)
- jsch 0.1.52
- scalalogging usage removed because of api incompatibilities between scala 2.10 and 2.11 !! and because no support for scala2.10 in scala-logging 3.x replaced by slf4j-api
- junit test dependency removed
- onejar subproject, sbt assembly release update (0.13)
- ShellOperations : mkcd added (mkdir && cd tied together)
- ShellOperations : mkdir now returns true if successfull
- ShellOperations : rmdir now returns true if successfull
- more tests for ShellOperations, increased coverage => with various related fixes
- Depend on scalalogging instead of scalalogging-slf4j : mgregson (https://github.com/mgregson)
- ShellOperations : echo added
- ShellOperations : alive added
- become tests ignored
- SSHShell : become enhancements (su - or sudo su - support)
- ShellOperations : sudoNoPasswordTest added
- ShellOperations : dirname added
- ShellOperations : basename added
- ShellOperations : lastModified fix because of millis
- ShellOperations : id added
- ShellOperations : touch added
- SSH through tunnel support added (ProxyHTTP, ProxySocks4, ProxySocks5)
- scala 2.11.6
- commons-compress 1.9
- scala-test 2.2.1
- sudoNoPasswordTest test enhancement for older sudo command releases (without -n option)
- small test fix on test shell command
- pull request merged : add Travis CI configuration file from zaneli authored on 29 Apr
- scala 2.11.2
- commons-compress 1.8.1
- ShellOperations : lastModified darwin implementation added + test case
- ShellOperations : disableHistory method added + test case
- ShellOperationsTest class added.
- small tests cleanup and improvements
- shell history can now be processed
- SSHReact class first implementation, it allows you to interact with a running command (for example send the password at the right moment, or enter values required by a read command)
- SSHReact test class added
- new shell commands :
- pidof : get pid of all processes matching the given command line regular expression
- disableHistory : to not impact current user shell commands history
- uptime : get the uptime of the server
- scala 2.11 support added
- scala-logging-slf4j 2.1.2
- scala-io 0.4.3
- scalatest 2.1.5
- jsch 0.1.51
- and various impact changes
- sbt-eclipse 2.4.0
- sbt-assembly 0.10.2
- scalatest 2.0
- scala 2.10.3
- commons-compress 1.7
- receiveNcompress was not using localbasename parameter with already compressed remote files.
- sbt-eclipse 2.3.0
- fix from "Shashank Jain" that extends the cipher list. none,aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr
- ciphers parameter added to SSHOptions in order to allow custom ciphers list
- DONE : add su support / with password prompt recognition... SSHShell.become method added, allow to become someoneelse. typical usage : from an ordinary user become the root user
- SomeHelp class added in tests, in order to share common stuff.
- various test classes enhancements
- SSHShell timeout on current command (send ^C to break current processing and give back the prompt)
- exit code accessible through a new method named executeWithStatus (thanks Alex Biehl for the suggestion)
- SSHAPI.scala file split finished, SSHAPI.scala file deleted
- imports cleaned up, source file copyright & license header added
- fix : ls on an empty directory was returning a collection containing an empty string
- fix : SSHFtp.receive was not flushing... receiveNcompress was broken with SSHFtp, now it is OK.
- fix : break on timeout may block. resultsQueue.poll with timeout instead of a forever resultsQueue.take
- new method in TransfertOperations : putFromStream(data: java.io.InputStream, howmany:Int, remoteDestination: String)
- jsch 0.1.50
- sbteclipse-plugin 2.2.0
- scala 2.10.2
- sbt assembly 0.9.0
- scala 2.10.1
- scalalogging 1.0.1
- sbt assembly 0.8.8
- sbt eclipse 2.1.2
- removing parenthesis to cd to allow executing "cd" to go back to home directory
- SSHExec timeout implemented BUT not yet clean
- SSHTimeoutException class added
- receiveNcompress method added to TransfertOperations (gz)
- new dependency : "org.apache.commons" % "commons-compress"
- SSHOptions - removing second parameter list, host comes back to the first and unik parameter list. (Two parameters list for SSHOptions was a bad idea)
- jsch session is now configured with tcp keep alive of 2s (setServerAliveInterval(2000))
- AIX sha1sum & md5sum fix.
- new commands :
- env
- osid (with new trait OS and objects AIX, Linux, Darwin, SunOS)
- rm
- rmdir
- mkdir
- arch
- kill
- new test cases
- "du" fix for AIX (not supporting -d or --max-depth option)
- "ps" fix for AIX
- SSHOptions new option : execWithPty = false (by default) tell if exec should use a virtual tty or not (Feature : ChannelExec use of virtual tty must be configurable, as without performance are quite better)
- onejar subproject contains now a simplified launcher with default scala options : -Yrepl-sync -usejavacp -nocompdaemon -savecompiled -deprecation
- scala >=2.10 is now mandatory
- ChannelExec now is using a virtual tty by default
- new commands :
- fsFreeSpace
- fileRights
- du
- minor updates for darwin (mac os x) support
- ps() command enhancements
- OS process modeling => LinuxProcess, AIXProcess, SunOSProcess, DarwinProcess
- LinuxProcessState, DarwinProcessState
- ps test case added
- logging support added (using scala-logging)
- scala 2.10.0 support added
- general transfert methods (available in SSH class) are now using automatic fallback, if SCP fails, then SFTP will be tryied.
- JSCH updated to 0.1.49
- now using sbt 0.12.1
- now using scalatest 2.0-M5
- now using sbteclipse 2.1.0
- now using sbt assembly 0.8.5
- add support for scala 2.10.0-RC2
- rexec.scala example script added
- Issue 1 Fixed: ssh keys reported by jendap SSHOptions new parameter : sshKeyFile: Option[String]=None, // if None, will look for default names. (sshUserDir is used)
- new helper methods : => ps : to get the list of running processes => cat file : to get the content of a file through the cat command. Useful when trying to get special linux file content
- remote2Local(host:String, hport:Int) without local port specified; the port is automatically chosen and returned
- get access to a remote SSH through current SSH session SSH.remote(options:SSHOptions):SSH SSH.remote(remotePort:Int, options:SSHOptions)
- SSHOptions API CHANGE, a second parameter list have been added, host parameter moved from first one to the second one GOAL : Allow simple creation of partial function with SSHOptions, to share ssh options between several connections...
- TransferOperations new methods : send(filename: String) receive(filename: String)
- ShellOpterations new methods : notExists(filename: String): Boolean
- CommonOperations trait added, inherited by both TransfertOperations & ShellOperations define the following method : localmd5sum(filename:String):Option[String]
- now using sbt-assembly 0.8.3
- fixes relatives to implicit conversions with SSHPassword
- fixes relatives to implicit conversion to SSHCommand and SSHBatch
- For SSHBatch : execute, executeAndTrim, executeAndTrimSplit renamed to : executeAll, executeAllAndTrim, executeAllAndTrimSplit
- Using Iterable instead of List
- external (package) usage tests completed (ExternalSSHAPITest.scala)
- small fix about how private key passphrase is taken into account (when pub-key auth is used)
- date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z' %z and %Z gives the same result on AIX, this result corresponds to linux %Z So modifying code to use %Z instead of %z. Now using GMT, "date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'" in order to everything work well in all cases.
- SSH.once(Option[SSHOptions]) fix linked to Option type result not at the right place
- New test source file : ExternalSSHAPITest.scala => Testing the API from an external package
- Fixed : minor problem with script when invoking jajmx.SSH... or fr.janalyse.sh.SSH... without imports...
- SSH tunneling fix, cleanup, and scaladocumented
- Intricated SSH tunneling test added (self intrication, to simplify test case)
- now using sbt-assembly 0.8.1
- now using scalatest 0.8
- SSHCommand, SSHBatch methods ! renamed
- new helper methods : test, exists, isFile, isDirectory, isExecutable
- findAfterDate & date helper fix !! Shell.date -> remote system time zone is now taken into account
- Test cases fixes : Forcing parallelism to 6 ! for test case "Simultaenous SSH operations"
- Code factorization : => ShellOperations trait added. Inherited by SSH and SSHShell. => TransferOperations trait added. Inherited by SSH and SSHFtp
- SCP supported, for no-persistent transferts sessions, SCP is now used by default (instead of SFTP) (e.g. : SSH class transfert operation is now using SCP by default).
- noneCipher switch added to SSHOptions for higher performance SCP transfert (true by default) (http://www.psc.edu/index.php/hpn-ssh)
- transfert (receive) tests added Reference time on a local system: 500Mb using 5 SCP command (100Mb/cmd) takes on the same system 8.7s (~62Mo/s by file) [info] - file transfert performances (with content loaded in memory) [info] + Bytes rate : 38,6Mb/s 500Mb in 12,9s for 5 files - byterates using SCP [info] + Bytes rate : 44,9Mb/s 500Mb in 11,1s for 5 files - byterates using SCP (with none cipher) [info] + Bytes rate : 38,5Mb/s 500Mb in 13,0s for 5 files - byterates using SFTP [info] + Bytes rate : 46,0Mb/s 500Mb in 10,9s for 5 files - byterates using SFTP (with none cipher) [info] + Bytes rate : 39,5Mb/s 500Mb in 12,7s for 5 files - byterates using SFTP (session reused [info] + Bytes rate : 46,7Mb/s 500Mb in 10,7s for 5 files - byterates using SFTP (session reused, with none cipher) [info] + Bytes rate : 29,5Mb/s 500Mb in 16,9s for 500 files - byterates using SCP [info] + Bytes rate : 32,1Mb/s 500Mb in 15,6s for 500 files - byterates using SCP (with none cipher) [info] + Bytes rate : 26,7Mb/s 500Mb in 18,7s for 500 files - byterates using SFTP [info] + Bytes rate : 29,5Mb/s 500Mb in 16,9s for 500 files - byterates using SFTP (with none cipher) [info] + Bytes rate : 37,7Mb/s 500Mb in 13,3s for 500 files - byterates using SFTP (session reused) [info] + Bytes rate : 43,7Mb/s 500Mb in 11,4s for 500 files - byterates using SFTP (session reused, with none cipher)
- Code cleanup & Scaladocumenting
- SSH compression now supported
- For easier SSH Tunneling, new methods are now available :
- def remote2Local(rport:Int, lhost:String, lport:Int)
- def local2Remote(lport:Int, rhost:String, rport:Int)
- now using sbt 0.11.3
- now using sbteclipse 2.1.0-RC1
- Set of new method to help with commons remote commands : fileSize, md5sum, sha1sum, uname, ls, pwd, cd(), hostname, date, findAfterDate () of course only for shell sessions
- JSCH updated to 0.1.48
- md5sum method added to SSHTools object
- manage well connect timeout (default = 30s) and general socket timeout (default = 5mn)
- SSHPassword toString method added (return the password)
- updated for scala 2.9.2 support
- scalatest 1.7.2
- no more support for scala 2.8.1 & 2.8.2
- JCSH updated to release 0.1.47
- SSHOptions now contains an extra field "name" which allow user to friendly identify a remote ssh system
- SSHOptions password type is now of SSHPassword type instead of String. Implicit conversions is provided from String, Option[String]
- SSHShell batch method renamed to execute
- added a package object jassh to define shortcuts to fr.janalyse.ssh.SSH class and object
- SSHOptions, host parameter is now in first position !
- fix big issue with SSHShell results separator process. => not seen using localhost tests => Must add remote tests !!
- Added new method to SSH : newShell & newSftp for user to manage themselves shell and sftp session
- Some internal changes to SSHExec class, in order to try to remove actor dependency. Mixing actors systems looks problematic
- SSHShell new implementation, no more actors used, better performances and behavior, ... (throughput : 504 cmd/s using persistency)
- SSHExec last result line is no longer lost
- SSHOptions : new parameter : "prompt" to enable custom shell or console command to be use. prompt provide to SSHShell the way to separate command results
- SSHOptions : connectionTimeout renamed into timeout
- Various cleanup and enhancements
- Tests : compare performances persistent SSHShell versus SSHExec commands throughputs
- SSH : Add an execute immediate method which rely on SSHExec, not SSHShell ! (throughput : 62cmd/s) execOnce & execOnceAndTrim
- SSHExec : Do not rely on DaemonActor/Actor anymore
- SSHShell : Removed init Thread.sleep => Better performances (throughput : 37 cmd/s instead 1cmd/s)
- SSH.connect becomes SSH.once
- Removing apply in SSH class as it may encourage bad usage, and close not called
- update jsch to 0.1.46
- update sbteclipse plugin to 2.0.0
- update sbtassembly plugin to 0.7.3
- background ssh execution API changes (run method)
- temporary hack to remove CPU overhead within run method