The assignment had 3 parts...
- Part 1: Finish lab02 from week 6 (EDA of pet adoptions)
- Lab2 is all about EDA and data wrangling with Plot and D3. We started in class.
- Part 2: Let me know about term project
- Part 3: Add a mini-project porfolio piece to your gh-pages site (assignment 5 = assignment 4 w/extended deadline)
EDA with pet adoption data
- To access the data, use
import {petAdoptions} from "7ffd902947c09896"
- Poor Dogs -- my notebook with solutions
- The answers are also below.
Q: How much data is there (e.g., # of rows, and why)?
A: 3 years of data for 50 states + DC (3 * 51 = 153 rows) and 31 named columns.
- How do you figure this out quickly?
- Inputs.table is a quick way to get some basic information.
- It shows all the fairly long headers
- There's a "state" column, so we infer that 153 is a multiple of 51 (50 states and DC)
- How many years?
new Set( => d.year))
- this gives us the unique "year"s, and indeed there are 3 years, which explains the 153 rows (3 * 51)
- How many columns?
- there are two ways to get list of column names with 31 elements (strings)
-- vanilla JavaScriptpetAdoptions.columns
-- this is created when Observable parses the file attachment- when we load a CSV with
, it parses using d3-dsv - the API reference d3-csv tells you about the
Q: Get the total number of canine adoptions by year (consider using
- Use -- API docs
grp =, d => d.year) // Group by year
Array.from(, d => d.year)) // Turn the InternMap into an Array
d3.groups(petAdoptions, d => d.year) // With d3.groups (plural) you get the Array (above) directly
- Compute the total dog adoptions by year (inspect
for the answer to this exercise)- we group by year with
, which produces an Array with one element for each year - we then compute computing the sum for each year with
- we group by year with
dogAdoptions = d3.groups(petAdoptions, d => d.year) // group by year
.map(g => ({year: g[0], adoptions: d3.sum(g[1], d => d.adoption_canine)}) ) // compute sum for each year
- With Plot: Group
- Plot’s group transforms let you derive summary values for each group.
- The
transform groups data by "x" (year in this case) - Since we want total adoptions by year, we use "sum" to get the total adoptions for each year
- This grouping can be used to produce a "y" channel, which we then plot using the "barY" mark
Plot.barY(petAdoptions, Plot.groupX({y: "sum"}, {x: "year", y: "adoption_canine"}))
.plot({marginLeft: 60})
- To add tooltips:
- First
import {addTooltips} from "@mkfreeman/plot-tooltip"
- Then
toolTip = d => d[0].year + "\n" + d3.format(",")(d3.sum(d, d => d.adoption_canine)) + " dogs adopted"
- And finally:
- First
Plot.barY(petAdoptions, Plot.groupX({y: "sum", title: toolTip}, {x: "year", y: "adoption_canine"}))
.plot({marginLeft: 60})
Q: Use the result from the previous step to print (with commas for thousands) the total number for all years.
A: d3.format() makes this pretty easy
md`Total dog adoptions (all years): ${d3.format(",")(d3.sum(dogAdoptions, d => d.adoptions))}
encoding is also part of Plot as you can see in the next chart- Define
toolTip = d => d[0].year + "\n" + d3.format(",")(d3.sum(d, d => d.adoption_canine)) + " dogs adopted"
- Then use the following
Plot.barY(petAdoptions, Plot.groupX({y: "sum", title: toolTip},
{x: "year", y: "adoption_canine", fill: "crimson"}))
.plot({marginLeft: 60})
Q: Create a grouped bar chart -- bar chart shows each year, grouped by state
A: The solution below uses all sorts of Plot options...
y: {tickFormat: "s"},
color: {scheme: "Category10", domain: [ Set( => d.year))]},
facet: {data: petAdoptions, x: "state", frame: true, label: "Dogs Killed"},
marginTop: 50,
marks: [
Plot.barY(petAdoptions, {
x: "year",
y: "shelter_euthanasia_canine",
title: "shelter_euthanasia_canine",
fill: "year",
sort: {fx: "y", reduce: "sum", limit: 6, reverse: true}
- Verification is always a good idea!
- You can verify the calculations in Plot with d3-array
- They use similar syntax
- for grouping
- The arguments are (data, ...keys)
- d3.rollup for grouped calculations
- The arguments are (data, reducer, ...keys)
-, d3.rollup, d3.index -- notebook
- Each of these valuable grouping tools is part of d3-array
- is part of d3.array
- the documentation provides a simple example of groups using one key, and nested groups with multiple keys
- with petAdoptions, the syntax is:, d -> d.state, d -> d.year)
- Use d3.groups to get an array, d => d.state, d => d.year, d => d.shelter_euthanasia_canine)
- d3.rollup is also part of d3.array
- like d3-group, except you can operate on the group with a "reducer" function
d3.rollup(petAdoptions, g => d3.sum(g, d => d.shelter_euthanasia_canine), d => d.state, d => d.year)
- Use d3.rollups to get an array
d3.rollups(petAdoptions, g => d3.sum(g, d => d.shelter_euthanasia_canine), d => d.state, d => d.year)
- You can convert a Map to an array to a Array.from() (vanilla JavaScript)
- d3.index (not using it here)
- Equivalent to group but returns a unique value per compound key
- Throws an error if the key is not unique.