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48 lines (41 loc) · 2.1 KB

File metadata and controls

48 lines (41 loc) · 2.1 KB



Modify the scatterplot tour to use the Palmer Penguins

  • Solution
    • Only two cells needed to change.
  • First, read the data and make it conform to the data model for the visualization
    • The easiest way to do it is to add an index for each species.
    • You then need to return two dimensions in the data
    • You don't necessarily need to remove the "NA"s from the data
    data = {
      const url = ""
      const data = await d3.csv(url, d3.autoType);
      const species = Array.from(new Set( => d.species)));
      return => [d.bill_length_mm, d.bill_depth_mm, species.indexOf(d.species)]);
    • This will zoom to the species, but the initial "Overview" won't include any of the data.
      • That's because the original dataset was created with parameters that included the origin.
  • Second, set the intial zoom according to the data parameters (not the identity)
    • You can pull out the "overview" zoom and computed it from the data
    • The "transforms" cell changes to the following
    transforms = {
      const [x0, x1] = d3.extent(data, d => d[0]).map(x);
      const [y1, y0] = d3.extent(data, d => d[1]).map(y);
      const k = 0.9 * Math.min(width / (x1 - x0), height / (y1 - y0));
      const tx = (width - k * (x0 + x1)) / 2;
      const ty = (height - k * (y0 + y1)) / 2;
      const overview = ["Overview", d3.zoomIdentity.translate(tx, ty).scale(k)];
      return [overview].concat(d3.groups(data, d => d[2]).map(([key, data]) => {
        const [x0, x1] = d3.extent(data, d => d[0]).map(x);
        const [y1, y0] = d3.extent(data, d => d[1]).map(y);
        const k = 0.9 * Math.min(width / (x1 - x0), height / (y1 - y0));
        const tx = (width - k * (x0 + x1)) / 2;
        const ty = (height - k * (y0 + y1)) / 2;
        return [`Cluster ${key}`, d3.zoomIdentity.translate(tx, ty).scale(k)];